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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
9Spccialhls9 Break Ground or New Can Company f v ! I -' I . I - r- . Stock Market Notes Decline NKW YORK Ml - The ki market made III lerond decline o( the new year Wednesday with only moderate selling pre-wres devel oping Lokm amounted to 1 to around ,3 points in key areas while gains .extended to about a point. The Associited Press average of M storks was off M tents at $178 50. The Industrial component i was off 80 cents, rails were down $1 10, and utilities dipped a dime. Volume amounted to 1390.000 'shares as compared with 1390,000 'shares traded Tuesday. The list broadened a little lo 1.14 individual Issues of which 311 advanced and 610 declined. For the first time in many days, there I were more, new lows than new I highs II as against I lor 1955-58. City, state and Industry officials give a ill spade heave he Wednes day as they tura the first spadesful of dirt la ground breaking ceremonies at the site of the new . American Can Co. plant in - North Salem. The nailery of VicaVatloa specialists" are 4 left to right) E. C. Ordway, freight traffic manager for Southern Pacific; Grocer Elmer Berg, president of the Salem Chamber of Commerce; K C. Stolk, vice president in charge of West Coast operation! for Cance; Governor Paul I Patterson; Salem Mayor Robert r. White; and U S. Smith, division superintendent for SP. The ground-breaking party was transported, to the site in Smith's private railroad car, visible In background Walkway and platform kept dignitaries out of the mud created by Wednesday's heavy rainfall (Picture also m Page 1.) (Statesman Photo by John Ericksea.) . - Corn's Rally Lifts Market CHICAGO OP - Corn rallied dur ing the second half of the session on the Board of Trade Wednesday, helping to lend a firm ton to the rest of the grain list. Wheat and rye ran into early profit taking while soybeans were sold on reports of unprofitable processor conversion ratios. Wheat closed unchanged to i higher, corn 1H1H higher, oats 4- higher, rye H to 1 cent high er. soybeans 1 to m higher and lard 1 to 13 cents a hundred pounds higher. , The weekly Weather Bureau crop report was help lo wheat, again emphasizing the serious drought situation In . much of the winter wheat belt. SB A Refuses Eugene Office : '. EUGENE UP - The Federal Small Business Administration will not establish a special recon struction loan office, here because there has not been enough flood damage in the area. - That was announced Wednesday by Leon Barnes and Kenneth Cap linger, from the SBA's Seattle of fice. They notified Lane County commissioners, who had rented City, State Officials Present To Welcome Firm's Leaders By THOMAS G. WEIGHT JR. Staff Writer, The Statesman Conceived under a cloud and dedicated in the mud, American Can Co. Wednesday nonetheless offered a bright spot In Salem i basis, Stolk said, with peak4a-J ion manpower reqiurcmcnia u" ing as high as 140. Management staff members for the new plant will not be an nounced until later, Stolk said, Salem Market Quotations industrial picture in revealing but it was indicated that prob- 1 . i, Minnfwt 1 L!.. - 1 f A L- CI 1 eieai pians iur in new u,juv,viw iuir , euiy uuiacus itn uio sdiciu ; vUriinm A tainer plant here. operation would come from the : Smnii . c i.. . rs Pnrtlanrl nlant which will eon. POULTRY ouuuiy Ol wrsicill UICKUI1 cau- r . Colored Metta onarter and lined un mrrelarlal I"'' l""". WOOClDUrn to ine,""" lu-irc me main uuiuiww. quarters and lined up secretarial Californja border ig ,chcdu,ed producer of containers. Barnes said after a survey of PrMident R c Stolk announced Canco U keeping in mind the' county damage, "Very few prop- S, ' possibility of shifting part of iU erUes appear to be severely dam- breaking ceremonies at the North Sle" production to fiber con- BUTTIAPAT ' -: Premium - No. 1 BUTTER Wholesel . Ketall : GGS (Buying) (Ai ol lit yeeterdey) (Wholesale prim range Irem to 1 cent ovtr buymg price) tar AA . . Larte A . Medium AA ' 5 Chrysler Plans 34Mlorsepower Passenger Car Statesman, Salem, Or?., Thurs., Jan. 5, 'Zj (S :c. II) 5 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Cruitactana I Membra of ErltUh Parliament 11. A mechan leal man 11 Farewell 13. Compart tive purity 14. To man , again 15. Encounter 11 King of Baahan (Bib.) IT. Wapiti It. Long. legged bird II. Simpleton 24. Siberian gulf 23. Girl's name 29. Thraahee , 21. Pointed arch 21 Deatlny 21 Land measure S4. Obtain 21 Held fast 21 Newt . All correct 41 Mohamme ' dan prince) 41 Sharp 41 SheepUk 4, To wind around a pin (naut) 80. Aahowy Sow-er ILConteat (hyphen ted) 1 61 Inquired DOWJf 1 Stuff 1 Part 2. Skinful 4. lie auaul nated ' Lincoln I. Pig pea 1 Slow (mua.) T. Poem 8. White frost, t. Apportion, aa cards 10. Submerged 11 Sphere 11 Coddeat ef dawn 30. Wooden pin 21. Away 22. A wing UObtM 34. Swln 27. Hall! It. Permit jo. Orpo site of "no 21. Crampus 21 Diving bird 21 Capital (Jap.) 37. Pueblo Tt44ji'e ceremonial chamber 21 Subside 21. Liberate 0. Slant 41 Valuable fur 44. rngtlah prlnceea 43. A drink 47. Perched 41 Tuber . (So. Am,) $Lr7rZZ Pli;f::flli ir s r -Ml w iJiw I.,... i , .. BONO A V lit ALU J 1 Hail! IrMt rtt Nl rhnf A 1 Lr wtdiM'i.y nj e Frv dr Ml MS v'k es I 1 Mama j r; Yr r I I lrrtVM H!h. M i:; I low ... Ml e im Hih , . ie inr ' 1M Low HI ) i STOCK A V SB A ClT" t Vi I-Klft Bull Net chanse .. D Dl I Wxlneolajr .IMS IMS Prv day U14 lilt Wl( ato tss 11 e Month ae Jj .j Y-r a( 171 JI'S l'XS-VI Hih.7 IU4 Wi-M LowJiJ 1 11' S 1.M Hiti ire 1M Lew ICS n i 1 Util Al t an m ins mi i' III l rt Di hi i i' i a a r I 11 rt,i D 1 un it l I'M r j nr ii 4 Ml V f n'i if 4 in i' a u: i-s m ri 111 ICIt New York Stock Quotations Compiled by The Associated Frets Leghorn Hem Colored Trym Coiorrd Roasterf Old Rooftrn aged." But he added that business galem site men wno wisn to appiy ior loans can do so through the SBA office in Portland. " " I 11'. Sel awm H I C74aaraaa fin. 1 VDiiuones tlna May Badhaa UtevtMeat of UMTeffersoh St.. in a local hospital January 3rd, at ate ef 6 yrart. Survived by three daufhteri. Mrt. Wanda Kroeninf ol Salem, Wn. Lucille Carlton, Albu querque. N. M.. Mri. Cayle Carlton. Muikegon, Mich.; one eon. Donald Badham, Carden Grove, Calif.: 6qc brother, Ceorfe Alexander of Nash ua, Mont.; 17 grandchildren, five freat-frandchlldren. Member of Re organized Latter Day Saints Church. Cervices will be Thursday, January Ith, at 1:30 p.m. In Chapel of Howell-Edwards Funeral Home. The II- Spead" 'Officialise!. 1 t'hert'O. Behreni Late resident of MM Silvertbn Rd. In this city Wednesday, January- 4. Survived by wife, Mrs. Aline Ben fens of Salem; daughter. Mist Bev erly R. Befcrens of Portland and son, Darly Ben rent of Salem. Funeral an nouncements later by Clough-Barrlcs. Mortuary. Anita Bonner Announcement of services later by the W, T. Rigdon ChapeL Walter Sydney Hyde Late resident of ISM N. Sth St. In this city January 1 at the age of It years Husband of Ruth Hyde, Sa lem. Father of Mrs. Maxlne Webb, Salem. Brother of Oscar C. Hyde. Cascade Locks; Lawrence Hyde of Prtnevllle, Ore. Aho Mrs. Elmer Freeburg, Lot Angeles, Calif Prl . vate services will be held Saturday, January 7. at 1:30 p m. In the Rii don Chapel with interment at Bel crest Memorial Park, Rev. Paul N. Poling officiating. Contract for the million dollar structure which will house the new operation will probably be awarded later this week, said Stolk, with hopes for hiving the flant in limited production in ime for the 1956 pack, Capacity Cited Initial production plans call for a 160 million container rate for the first year, with the possi bility of calling on the rated out put capacity 01 240 million ii tne need demands, said Stolk. Some 75 persons will be em- storage. One Story Plant tamers for frozen foods if the area requirements develop. A largefortion of Ihe Portland ?roduction is already devoted to iber projects including a 2,000, 000 annual output of fresh milk containers. Because of the peculiarity of the container storav problem substantial part of IhV-new struc ture will be devoted to warehouse space. The highly mechanized production section will , house about 40 per cent of the One story building and the remainder of the 135,000 square feet for tlnt-'aawt eat i Kern ml rant nn ti lilt imam I yivj vu tii tiats j4 asia, via a luiiuui. ' ' I Portland Livestock PORTLAND OtWUSDAI-Cattle A one-story plant, it will be of timber structure and concrete block construction on the east side of the UH-acre site near fi..!8 wl McS St which .ffi.'5-Jii5Jf rcettt- teintMiaV varre but demand continued .iar-l-j .u.' . row; good and low choice steers Tuesday 16.50 - 19.50 with high ed to the site. Negotiations also are underway for running a rail road anur a inn 9 the east siH nf choice 1.105 lb to 20.50; few goodjthe building. - ' steers Wednesday 18.00, commer- Tinplate for the Salem pro cial to good steers 16.00-18.75 with duction will come from two steel few utility 12.00-14.00; good and low choice heifers Tuesday 15.00 18.50, few good heifers Wednesday 13.00 with high utility 13 00-13 50; canner and cutter cows largely plants in California, one at Pitta burg and the other Kaiser's Fort- tana output, says Stolk. City and state officials were on hand for the ground-breaking Portland Grain DETROIT, Mich IT-A 140-horte- power passenger car, with a M compression ratio will be part of the Chrysler division exhibit at the Chicago auto show Jan. 7-15. Chrysler calls the new car the "300B." It la a successor to the 1955 AAA stock car Champion 900. .40 1 It uses two four-barrel carbure tors with new high velocity air ' I cleaners. The "car has a broad, il'IZ '.xs low hood sweeping downward be . ; tween sharply defiaed fenders and projwung neaoiigms. iia ovcr-u r..rtit, u'riffht Admiral Corporation " Allied Chemical Allia Chalmers Aluminum Co. America American . Airlines American Motors American Tel. 1 Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Mach. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Crown Zellrrbach IMVa 67 U 334 t IN II H 70 144 160 71 40H Facific Tel Tel ' Penney IJ.C.I Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. ' Philco Radio Paget Sound P L Radio Corporation , Rayonler Incorp, Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. jj Sears Roebuck Co, 41 W S3 59 4 30 Vi Sinclair 0U Socony Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif PORTLAND on Coarse grains: 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. J, 38 lb white 50.00. Barley No. 2. 45 lb B. W. 46.50. Corn No. 2, E, Y. shipment 63.00. Wheat: No bids or offers. Car receipts: Wheat 144: barley 11; flour 20 corn 31; miflfeed 26. Portland Troduce 1.00-9.50, .shells. downward to 6,00 .rites with Gov, Paul L. Patterson, Ignatr. Knaup la this city Jan. 1. 195S. at the age of S4 years. Late resident nf IRS Oak St. Husband of Lena Knaup, Salem. Recitation of the rosary Wed., Jan. 4th at 7:30 p.m. In the W. T. Rigdon Chapel with funeral services Thursday. Jan. Ith at 10 a.m. In the St. Joseph Catholic Church. In terment at St Barbara Cemetery, Katherya C. Lynes Late resident of Jefferson, Ore, In an Albany . hospital Tuesday, January Ird. ai itie are of 7S years. Survived by siller, Mrs. Ethel A. Roland of Jeffercon, and seversl niece and nephews. Services Fridsy. January I at I p m. In the chapel of Howell-Edwarda Funersl Home. Rev. Robert Mcllvenns and Rev. L. E. 8wanson officiating. Interment, Jef ferson Cemetery. Herman fearsea At a local hospital Thumday. Jan uary 4th. Late resident of J210 Carle ton Wsy. Survived-by wife, Mrs. Fraaces D.u Pearson of Salem; sis ter. Mrs. Caroline Swenaon of Swe den: two brothers. Gunner P. Pear-" aon, Spokane, Wash ; Swan Pearson, also of Spokane. Services will be held in Virgil T. Oolden Chapel Saturday, January 7th, at 1:30 p m., Bev. Low ell W. Holte officiating. Mrs. Slddle Frances Peulngtoa Passed away at a local hospital. Late resident of 1434 Ferry St. Leavei daughter. Mrs. Ran Hall, Ft. Lewis, Wash.; brother, James A. Johnson, Wenatchee, Wash.; Joe. E. Johnson, Bridgeport' Okie. Services will be held Thurs.. Jan. I at 10:30 am. In the Cloufh-Barrtek Chapel, Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. Inter meat la Salem Pioneer Cemetery. Eaaraa Peteraea Late resident pt ISM . Ith at a lo cal hospital, Jan. 1st. Survived by listen, Mrt. Bestie Anderson, Silem, Mrt. Mary Re,' Vancouver. British Columbia, Mrt. Lena Alfstad, Teco ma, Wash.. Mrs. Annie Beldea, Bre merton, Wash.. Mrs. Julia Gillette, Hamar. N. Dakota; t brothers. Jeck Albertton. Napa. Calif., Andrew Al- bertson, Alberta, Canada. Funeral services will be held Thurs., Jan. I, at S a m. In the Virgil T. Golden Chapel. Interment will be at 8-11 Petal Cemetery, Woodburn, Ree. E. P. Goulder officiating. and below, utility cows 10.50-12.00, commercial grades to 12.50; utility and commercial bulls 13 00-14.00, light cutter bulls 11 00-12.00. Calves salable 35; good and choice vealers active, fully steady at 20.00 25.00. individual high choice 26.00; no good and choice heavy calves available early, cull calves and vealers downward to 7.00 and below. Hogs salable 300; market active, generally steady; sorted lots U. S. No. 1-2 butchers 180-235 lb 13.00 13.50, No. 3 grades large 12.00 12.25, few 305-565 lb sows 8.00-10.50. Sheep salable 500; market mod erately active, about steady; sev eral lots choice slaughter lambs 18.25-18.50, other good and choice lots 17.00-18.00, good and choice feeder lambs 15.00-16.00; few good and choice ewes 4.5O-6.00, cull and utility salable 2.00-4.00. Out of I 1,000-pound beef steer there are only 140 pounds of steak; 85 pounds of sirloin, round and - porterhouie $0 T-bone and club u pounds. NOTICE OF PLBIIC BRAR1NG AFFECTING THIS ARRA NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that i .public hearing will be held before the Common Council at the Citv Hall, Salem, Oreeon at 100 o'clock p.m., Monday, January I, 19M, In ihe matter of changing the tone of the following described premises from an R-l Residential to an R-l Residential Dlatrict. TRACT 1: Beginning at the North- -west eorner of Lot Six (II Block Five (S), Southwest Addition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon; thence south along the west line of said lot 100.11 feet more or lent to the Southweat corner of aaid Lot I: thence East along the South line of said Lot I, 73 0 leet to an Iron pipe: thence touth, parallel with the West line ef Lot Five (I) MO feet to 'an Iron pipe: thepre East 75 0 feet to an Iron pipe on the East Une of Lot I: thence North 123 0 feet along Eatt line of Lots I and I to an iron pipe at the Northeast corner of Lot 6: thence West ISO 0 feet along the North line of Lot to place of be- finning. RACT S- Lot one (11. Block Five (3), Southwest Addition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon. I See Vol. 1, Pege 31, Record of Tewn Plats for said County and State ) Thia property- It located on the touth aide of Miller Street between fir end Fairmont Streets Petition and drawing are en file In the City Recorder's office, City Hall, and may be inspected by any Interested per son. Any person deeliing to be hesrd for or against the proposed reclesst- ficatlon may appear at the hearing either In person or by attorney, and. also, written objections mav he filed with the City Recorder, Cjtv Hail. Salem. Oregon Dy owner of prop erty m the affected area. Dated at Salem, Oregon, January 4, 144. ALFRED MTJNDT, Jan. I. i, I Cite Recorder, Salem Mayor Robert F. White, Canco'i Stolk, Chamber President Elmer Berg, SP's division super intendent L. R. Smith, E. C. Ord way, freight 'traffic manager for Southern Pacific, and Elton Thompson, last year's Chamber chief, sharing spade honors. Special Train t They, with, several other city, state and Canco officials, travel ed to the site by special SP car, furnished for the occasion. Half a hundred persons were at the lite for the dedication despite the continued rains which turned the whole area into a mass of mud. ' - The rains threatened to set back, at least temporarily, the firm's plans for getting construc tion plans into gear, although work was underway on construc tion of a roadway to the building site Wednesday. Accompanying Stolk here Wed nesday were Alexander Black, division sales manager; E. G. Gross, Canco sales manager for Oregon; L. E. Davis, division manager of manufacture; - and Portland plant manager R. K. Frederick. REQUEST DENIED WASHINGTON - The Power Commission Wednesday announced denial, of a request that it set aside a Nov. 1 order approving revised plans filed by the Idaho Power Co., Boise, for two of its three pr posed developments In the Hells Canyon reach of the Snake River. Investment Trusts (Zllkt. Smtther ft Co.. Inc.) Affilitted Fund 51 Canadian Fund 17at Century Shares Trust..J4 M Chemlcel Fund . 15 Tj Delaware Fund . 10 M Diver. Invest. Fund . I3S Dividend Share . its Eatton at H. Bel. Fund .31 14 Gat Ind. .... .. 13 41 Group TciWco 4 jo Incorp. Inveaiort .11 0 Key. Cust Fundi: -I , B-4 K-l S-t 8-4 1 . ... Man. Bond Fund Mate. Invest. Trust Natl See. Series - Income Eerie Stock Series Pref. Stock 8. Natl. DIv. Series Tel -Elec.. Fund lilt -...11. M . II 71 1203 L 147 ..... I 70 J1U Value Line Inc. Fund. Wellington Fund I4fl I 71 I.U . 194 11 .30 PORTLAND Ufft Butterfat -Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality,' deliv ered in Portland 58 61 lb, first quality 55-58; second quality 50-53. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score. 57H; 92 score, 56Vi; B grade, 90 score, 554; C grade, "9 score, 53. I CheesjTowhplesalers---Oregon singles, 10; uregon a-io loaf, 41-44. Eggs To wholesalers Candled f.o.b. Portland, A large, 59-63 ; A medium, 57-6m ; A small, 51-53. Eggs To retailers Grade AA large, 63-87; A large. 61-65; AA medium,60-4; A mediums 59-63; A small, 54-55. Cartons, 1-1 cents additional. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f o b. Portland-Fryers. 2'4-4 lbs, 24; at farm, 23; roasters, 24, f.o.b. Portland; light hens 17-18; heavy hens, 15; old roosters, 11-14. Turkeys To producers, eviscer ated torn 33-344; fryer turkeys, live weights, 6-10 lbs, 34. Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 3-44 lbs, 23-26, 5-6 lbs, 18-21; old does, 10-14, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 58-61; cut up, 62-65. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 31.00-35.0tt; good. 29.00- 33.00; commercial, 26 00-31.00; util ity, 24.00-28.00; commercial cows, 23.0-26.0; Utility 22 00-25.00; canners and cutters, 18.00-22.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 40.00-45.00; rounds 40.00 45.00; ull loins, trimmed, 58.00 M.OO; forequarters, 27.00 31.01; chucks, 30.00-33.00; rihs 40.00-48 00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-1 lb, 34.00-37.00; shoulders, 16 lb down, 22.00-27.00; spareribs, 33 00-38 00; fresh hams. 10-14 lb, 40.00-43 00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 30.00-45 00; commercial 25.00-38 00. Lambs-Choice, 40-50 lb, 37.00 39.50; good, 35.00-38.00. Wool Nominal, clean basis, blood, 95-1.00 lb; S blood, 1.00-03 IbrH blood, 112-15; ; Tine, 1.18-23. Country-dressed Meats, f.e.b. .'rtlaad: Beef-Cows, utility, 20-22 lb; canners and cutters, 15-17. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 32-33; rough heavies, 20-25. Hogs-Best light blockers. 18-19; lean light sows, 15-17. Lambs Good springers, 33-36; yearlings, 24-26. Mutton Lightweight ewes and weathers, 10-12; rough heavies 7-9. i Fresh "reduce Potatoes Ore. Russets, No. 1-A, 3.25-3.75 ; 25-lb sk., 83-90; 10-lb mesh, 40-42; 10-lb paper 30-32; win dows, 33-35; 10-lb. pkb. bags, 35-40; No. 1, 50m.ql.10-I.2S; Idaho Rus sets. 100 lb No. 1, 3 50-3.75, some higher; bags 5-10-lb mesh, 141 2.75; Wash. Russets No. 1, lOOlb. 3.25-3.50; Calif. Reds, 50-lb No. 1-A J.40-2.50. Onions I d a h o Yellows, med., 2.25-50; Ige, J.7S-S.00: Or. Medford Yellows.- J.50-75; lge. 275-J.00; Calif. White jumbos, 4 25-50. Hay New crop, No. 2 green height is 58 8 inches. The interior is finished in natural leather. An overhanging safety pad above the instrument panel gives the interior a cockpit appearance. Controls, including pushbuttons for automatic trans mission are housed in the recess created by the lip of the safety pad. The car's speedometer Is cali brated to 150 miles an hour. The 340-horsepower output once again gives Chrysler the highest powered stock car now in production. Chicago Grain CHICAGO (AP)- Open Cloe WHEAT . Mar. 1114 IlJ-U'i Mav ...... IM-07H ' l.0'4.. juiy .... . J ' Sept I00'4 ton- CORN : Mr. - 1 May 1 3t'-s July l.S4s Sept. 1.3J'4 ' OATS Mar. . ISt, May - 15 July 1 . 43', Sept 4S"i RYE Mar. 1 14 May 1 S4",-J4 July 1 rfli4 sepi 111 Douglas Aircraft du Pont do Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio " General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns ManviTle Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper Libby. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Lowe's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific Gas Electric 83 ! Standard Oil N.J. 57 Studebaker Packard 47 Sunshim Mining 58 Swift - Company 28 H j Transamerica Corp. 85 H 1 Twentieth Century Fox 221. 0 " US 15 Vi 94 43 394 64 V4 38H 36 V 113 404 117 4 17 lV Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel . Warner Pictures Wetern Union Tel Wstinghouso Air Brake Woatinghouse Electric Woolworth Company" 134v4 91 25 21 H 34 223!4 .43 88 47 80 "77H $6 70H 36 S64 64 53 153 10 tt 47 40. 53 1794 - 38 694 6 39 H S6- 19 Vi 30 H 294 58H 47 Vi ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... rpo Late To Classify WAVTID-J sere lend wttht II mile of Salem, wita er withevt buildlnga.' Write aV 1U, State man-Journal. Slate netne. addreta, locauoa o land, tele setce. Me af enta. - BV OWNEn-Newry (Sererated t M room home ia Turner ee If. to4) at berealn. Terms eea be er ranted. Ph. t-Ttea Salem. WANTED to rent around for ttrew berrtee. Lloyd HoUin, ISM N. Caesy mercial. Salem. Ph. S-2M1. MOD. UNIX-UN. I Mm. keueeli Keiaer. uu aire heeler. Kieo yd, T V. antennae. Near knat. dtat, Ws tton and srheel PH. S-eM. EXCtPTlQNALLY nice 1 Mrr. eae saiem, asv r n. a- rm 1. MODEHN I bdrm. heuee. food leree Hon. I lie aetlt. are aweeinent. all heat, carafe. HO. Be el 14 : kL Ph. 3-40&4 Mere NICELY tura. I rm. apt, 1137 Ceurl 1 air Tl LIVABLE lor t Ind fir. Near Cape tol Shop. ctr. rn. ' a-NS3 eve. HOUSEWORK y the hour. enee. Ph. 4-4381. IMef HIGH CHOOL iirl vrtehee babjr t H tinf end tlfht liouaework. Live ta. South. Pa. t-ae ' IN T HI HOME Relas at home r)Ui aa tnroene. Women deajrinf to add addittnn! money to the family Income. Dt) telephone Surrey in your home. Flexible working hour. Permsnenl work, for details write to Mr. I C. De ma rest, Stateaaman-Jeunvai M 741. ' t AM Interested la heerina from, a lady who has h4 twlephoa srW lirliinc eeverlenre Thit ks for A local product. Call can be made from your own home. Write am 743. SUtesman-Jeumel Co TOR SAL Suma P'tma, oew i. w. Buckle. WO N. KKh. I-14.W. . L H BXEC. ransa. reed eosidTGeC Ph. 3-4477 after p m. r 300 Pertonal 310 Meetino Notica A BALZM LODGE. No. 4. APaiAlC yfrlt Wed.. Jaa 4, Stat4 CtmunuiU V ration, 7:31 rat. notici to CREorrons Notice is hereby given that the undersnned has been duly aooolnted by me circuit court of the Slate of 19 Va 1 v'r"nn ,or JnarHMi touniy, rrooaie. iwpinmrni, aa cxremor or uie u- SOY BRANS New Contract 1 30t'a-1 1S3,.i4 IX', 134?s i't-n IJi, H4 135-33', 1 344-a 131V in Jan. Mar. May July" Sept. 3 40 J 44-43'i HS-44', I 43' , -4 a -,4 OLD CONTRACTS Jan. ,37,t I41-41H 3 444-43 S4-4S' 1434-44 3 33'J 37 Onion Futures CHICAGO (AP) Onions: Jan'. reb. Mar. Nov. 1.J1 Open Hiflt Low Close 1 3 1 34 144 . 1 71 114 1 73 151 141 1 47 117 1.30 142 141 1 57 1.30 93. 46 4 73 Vi 494 Classified Index "Por Vour Coavenluic -JI3I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU Of" LAND MANAGEMENT. AREA 1. Portlnd. Orefon. Notice of Hearing for the continuation, modification or revocation of Secretarial Order Ne. 2301 relating to the establishment of the Columbia River Meater Unit and appurtenent marketing area and the petition relating thereto tiled by Clat sop County, Oregon. Notice It hereby given thit pursu ant to the authority vested In the Secretary of the Interior by the Act of August 24. 1137 (M Stat. 1741 public hearing I scheduled for 10.00 A.M. PST, January 30. 1654, at the Interior Auditorium, Interior Build ing. 10O1 N. E. Lloyd Boulevard, Portland. Oregon, to consider wheth er or not, the markeUnf area tttab- ninea Dy, secretarial Order No. X38S on November 29. 1B47, thould be con tinued, modified or revoked. The lo ration of thia marketing area boun dary it described as follows: All of the Columbia River, Meater Unit and In addition an area outalde thertot bounded by e tine commenc ing on the unit boundary at the 8W corner Section 34, T. I S . R. I W , thence, west 30 miles to the Pacific Ocean; thence, northerly along the roest line to the township line be tween T. 1 N., and T. 1 N.; thence, east it mile to the SW corner Sec tion It. T. S N.. R. I W.; thence, north 24 miles; thence, east 30 miles; thence, south IS miles to the SW corner Section 31. T. I N., Ull; thence, east t miles; thence, ecuth 4 miles; thence, eaat 13 mile to the NE corner Section 1, T. 1 N.. R. 1 E.; thence, touth I miles; thence, east 3 miles; thence, south miles to the SB comer Section II, T. I 8.. R. 4 t; thence, west I miles; thence, south I miles; thence, west miles to the NW corner Section I. T. 4 I , R. I E : thencr.' south II mile thence, wett II mllei to the unit boundary on the Willamette River. The hearing javlll be open to all Interested parties. Any written briefs. statements or documents which are to be presented tt the hearing must be submitted to Mr. James F. Doyle, Area Administrator. Bureau ef Land Management, P. O. Bex 3M1, Port land. Oregon, on or before January 13, I1H. At the conclusion ef the hearing, all minutes, briefs, itat menu or document, together with the recommendation of the hearing officer will be fnrwerded to the Dl rector. Bureau of Land Management, 300 PERSONAL 310 Meeting Notteea 311 Lott and Found 314 Transportation 311 Pertonal 311 Stamp and Coins 400 AORJCULTURB 401 Livestock for Sal 403 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbit 407 Pur Bearing Animals 4M Pet 409 Set Food ' 410 Seed and Plant 411 Fruit and Farm Produce ' 411 Fertlbrer 414 Farm Equipment 429 Auction Salea 430 MERCHANDISE 4S1 Machinery and Tool 413 Wanted Machinery, Tools 434 sewing Macninet 451 Household Goods for Sal 4M Wanted Household Good 457 Radio and Television 4M Building Material 458 Do It Yourself 440 Musical Instrumental 441 Sport Equipment 444 Bicycle 4M Trd Miscellaneous 441 For Rent, Miscellaneous 470 For Bale, Mlsrellaneoui 472 Wanted, MuwelUaaous 474 MiteelUneoua 474 Fuel tate of Robert G. Miller, deceased and that be ha duly auallfled such Executor. All persona having elatmi against the estate of said de cedent are notified to present th am duly verified to m at 330 Mar lon c eunty courthouse. Selem. Ore. fort." wiihia iia isi month from the oate 01 inn not ice. Deled at Salem, Oregon, thl 7th oay 01 iecemner. 1 -,. ALBERT R. MILLER. Executor of the Eatete of Robert O. Miller, deceased Kenneth E. Brown. Attorney at Law, 350 Marlon County Courthouse. Salem, Oregon. . D. I. Ifc tt, M . 312 Lott n4 ri4l LOST Dark brawn covert Children's pet. Ph. a-OOO. , ( LOST Derb brown covert clolB e coat Reward. Ph. Independence 73. eenoct, between 1 30 t-se. ft I p m. i GIVE AWAY small black dog. abu Jaar old. Lores people at tall. FT, tut a to 11 or after I I. LOST Black Scatty, vtdnity of wt Browning. Ph. 3-4JT. LOST: Cocker puppy. 4 ne. old. Golden blond, name Soldi, enUdl pet Reward. 1-4X7. 316 Personal Advertising Is SM BUSI1TE8B AND FINANCE 110 Money to Loan 111 Loans wanted 111 Investments 600 EMPLOYMENT 02 HelD Wanted 404 Help Wanted, Male an Help wanted, rem are SOI Picker Wanted 410 Sale Persons 412 Work Wtnted, Male 114 Work Wanted, Female 111 Bltuetlona Wanted 111 Employment Ageneta 417 Job Information - Ill Education 130 Day or Contract alfalfa, baled, f o b. truck. Port- YminWf ' 7 ' Dec II, 13, B, IMS, Jill. S, 195 nana, oaiea, 1.0.0. true, rorv-.j land and Seattle,, 39 00-41.00 ton. J 700 RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board 703 Wanted Rooms, Board ' 70S Apartmenta for. Rent 704 Duplexee , 707 House for Rent " 707-A Furnished 701 Farms, Tracts 705 Wsnted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Houses 712 Wsnted to Rent Apt. 714 Dusines itentai 711 Retort Rental 711 Convalescent Homes 7M Moving and Storage . 100 REAL ESTATE Ml Rutin Opportunltte Sfll ll mines Property 103 Suburban VA House for 11 SOT Apt., Court lor Sal SOS Lot for 81 Sit Farms. Acresge for Bala Sll Exchange Real Estate 111 Retort Property Sll Wanted Real btate US Insurance - 150 AUTOMOTIVE Ml New Car ! Ueed Care lor Bale ----- 153 Auto Part and Repair B44 Truck, Trailer for Sal 154 Wanted Cera. Truck S.M Motorcycles , Itatetati-Jourmal Nswspeper see n. ,nrca as. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES per line I time M .HO per line I timet . 1M lljn per line 1 month . 13 oo (tnrl Sun 1 (Mln. I Bnes) Wstklsyt eesundayi par tin I time 31 Sk Classified d wlO be run fa both papers te gl"e advertisers th ad vantages ef the tremendous pulling power of 11.400 combined circula tions. When an ad 1s ordered thro or tlx timet ind a Sunday ittu I In eluded (for example Friday, Satur day, Sunday) the lower Sunday rate apply because only th Statesman puDiisna Sundays. Clastlfltd ada will Mart ta the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In th evening Capita) Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesmsn only, The deadline for eleeaitted ad at 00 d m. th day before publica tion. Emergency ed and email tin d received after roo om. may be placed In the "Too Late to Classify" column for the following morning. .-..- Ads for Monday Barter must a In by I p.m. Saturday Th Statesman-Journal Newtpeper reserve the right to relect ques tionable sdvertlslnti It further re serves the right to piece til adver tising . under tn proper laeauie. uon. Th StatetTfiin-Journal Nswspsper ssumt ne financial .esponaiblllty for errors which may ippr In ad- vertisemlntt published In It column nd In ease where thl paper 1 l fault win reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typo traohicsl mists k occurs A -Blind AO n containing Steteemtn-Journal Ntwtpapers boa number for aa eddresa la for the orotection .of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by let tor The Ststeimtn-Journal Newt- pert tr pet tt liberty to dlvulg nformatloa as to the Identity of aa advertiser utine a "Blind'' s THIS NEWSPAPER . aTRIVES TO protect It reader tiaiaat irauo, deception or Inlurle Reader re cautioned te make NO PAY MENTS to get a position adver tised in the help wsnted columns. .All help wanted set re u n SPECIFY THE NATURE OF TH WORK Sales help wanted ad mutt tttt if the pay tt In the form of salsry commissions er guarantee. fide ALCOHOLICS Aeonymou. lei Commercial. 1-3101 or 4-747. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous greup I N Coea'l 3-4M7 NOT RESPONSIBLE for other bills then mine. Harold A. nderse. TOO MANY BILLS? : Don't let your kill get you la troue ble. It you're behind ta payment, we een help you. No eeeurtly e e-ignors needed. One place ba pay all bill. Pay only what yard can afford I (Bonded and Licensed lor your protection!) ' CREDIT CONSULTANTS , Dial Salem 1-1144 for Information 1 WILL NOT be responsible fed any debt ether Than my Roy E. Pulse. PSYCHIC PALM READING Special 11. I1H S. Cem'L Ph. 4-4ta fter p m, it i . ins. Auto Micellanoua mt Hnuee Trailer K4 Heavy Lquipmeat MO Aircraft WANTED Old coin. Send lilt te M 731. Statesman-Journal. , offer of employment h pay belong le the "Help nted eoiumna. Bona with Wani Ade ta ether column which re attire investment, In stocks, aam fklea. anuinment or cash bond - mould be thoroughly tnveetig.ted before ptTinf out any money, ai vertliet reaulrlnt a cash Invest meat for templet or merchandise ealee lids, ate, mutt to tpoeify ta their ad,. Kindly rtDort any en cent! on this . rule to the tUaasUlid adverUatai SkBAfW. MADAM HAZEL PSYCHIC RFADE74, TELLS v PAST. PRISINT. rUTURB, , ADVICE HELP ON ALL PROBLEMS. ' LOOK FOR AURMA MOTEU,' 3441 PORTLAND RD. fitgnai final 31 1 Stampt ana' Colws 400 Agriculture 402 Uvtttock Far Salt LOCKER BEEF Grain fed Hetefnrd steer. i or whole, aae te. rn. 1-4003.. , TO LET ON SHARES 1! Ewe. lamb in. February, ra. a-eow, pee lem. Scientific A Custom Horieihoelnf TEX BHrVELY Prione t-4J3 GUERNSEY cow to freshen Jan. Ik Joe Prln. M Boon no. . LOCKER BEEF, Eastern Oregon, tfe or whol lt ID. tuims iiukb. Trailer loaned tree Salem Meal Co . 1333 8 33th. Ph 1-4H4 , T5of ESSIONAL HOPSESHOtR Pk. 4-1041 Selem, t V4S34 Wecdeurm, 403 LlveitotV WantaeJ I rvreTrV" timer Claude' IdwardA. Rt a. oa she, m hih CATTLE BUYERS-E. L and I. Sor then 4397 SUte. 3-131 or S-43M CATTLM. herses, tt yeur lre fc McC.ncllt.h, kl I. Be 7. 3-1111 OVISTOCK buyr, A. F. Bnusyaa, , uw aUrmeey De, a. d-Sv,?.