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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
Z$-cc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tluirs,, Jan. 5, 06 ! oro3 Leads Golf Winnings Slammin Sam Posts Best Shot Average CHICAGO to-' Julius Boros u 1355'i top foil money winnor, a entirely expected, but Slammln' Sammy Snead was the years big surprise among the touring pros with the beit tourney average, U K strokes per round. , Tht 41-year-old Snead posted hl tinling average with 4,401 strokes ever S3 rounds to capture the Var don Trophy award for the fourth time, the Professional Golfers' Assn. of America announced Wed nesday. The PGA credited Boros with 1955 earnings of $63,121, the big gest chunk being his 150,000 purse in Tam OShanter's "world" meet, aVeres Rally Snead," who dropped out of the 25 money-winners in 1954, last year rallied for his greatest cash collecting since 1950, earning $23, 44 to finish seventh in tht stand ings. Sammy also won the Vardon Trophy in 1938, 1949 and 1950 when he fashioned a record 69.23 aver age which still stands. In 1950, Snead piled up winnings of $37,593, Runner-up to Boros in 1955 earn ing! was Dr. Cary Middlecoff. who won six tourneys and $39,567. Third was PGA champion Doug Ford with $33,503. Tremendous Improvement Souchak, like Snead, registered tremendous Improvement during the year, moving from beyond the last year. Ford, playing a record number of 121 PGA rounds, was second to Snead in the Vardon race with an average of 70.12. MiddleSoff was third with 70.16. Ford led the still young Ryder Cup point competition with 135 points, followed by Tommy Bolt with 128 M Thcyll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo r7. ... ... . jt . IVe EEW , VITj LIkE TO WEAR their Better mat their wa- H4LVE5-TH06B 4HD-CU4INS C4U. mifc AM'r r-., tup uf iiiiii iii l .'V resjuma UAL STROhJG ) ' r-hWl iWCC IHCK I TO T16ER-TW4T'S A DI6EST VtRSlON" OP iM4RRIED LIFE FOR YOU- .ii... ,ii -mm m -i. r r.,i i . , i . ..-'.f,,r . . lr - ji i m f 4V WFLTTDWriUT IS RlfYPCiVf X IfTWff TI6ER V PLAYING 6R1D6E TuMGUT- f 6UyS-THKy fj AtiD TOLD Ik TOLD HER I'D C4T OOT-J GOT TOCg U VMIN WILL BE ON THE WAR' 1 1 1 'ZZS rrs-Na V I r" V WHAT TlAhZ X GET V mmo-. ' V North Marion Wrestlers Win NORTH MARION (Special) -North Marion High wrestlers de- . . . . a r. i . . . i . imim L.asrann n in acnuoi vran- plers her Wednesday night, 50-10. There were 12 matches. Results: $7 pounds Jimmy Ez teU (NM) pinned Allii Chamber lain, Case.; 105 Don Franzan, Case., pinned Floyd Domminick (NM); 114 - David Spence (NM), Binned Larry Gillespie, Case. One hundred and twenty-two pounds Andy Dexter (NM) pin- red Charles Cboala, Case.; 128 Eldred Trout (NM) pinned Forrest Wheeler, Case; 135 Ivan Hop kins (NM), pinned Gordon Coburn, Case .,. One hundred and forty pounds Lyle Kliewer (NM), pinned Fred Radie. Case.: 147 Charles Fer- fuson (NM), pinned George Chris- tenson. Case.; 156 Melvin Schmidt (NM) pinned Charles Francis, Case.; 167 Ernest Coleman NM) pinned Bill Guest, Case.; 177 TO a V W I I'll 1 . - J I n7 unwen uxiui puuicu vari Lacey. case. Heavyweight das Charles Lenhardt (NM) pinned Jerry Lew is, Case. North Maripnjgejtt meetsXanby. t Canby Friday night. Canby is the state champion. Swedish Skier Disappointed ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Bit terly disappointed, Swedish-born skier 6ven Johansson virtually ad mitted defeat Wednesday In his rice to obtain U.S. citizenship be for the Friday deadline set by the VS. Olympic Committee. "Frankly I do not think there Is any hope," he said. The 81-year-old Johansson tried ut for the Olympic cross-country team at Spout Springs, Ore. A three man team was named at the end of the try outs here Sunday to represent the U. S. at the winter Olympic Games in Italy. A pos sible place on the squad was left pen for Johansson, with the main Olympic Committee to decide. More than' 200 men and women fa Wakefield, Neb., bowl each week. The town has a population of 1.100. Russian Women Skiers Score Win GRINDEWALD, Switzerland t Russian women skiers, led ly an "unknown," Rosa Erochina, swept the first six places in the Grindelwald International 10-kilo- Film Disputes Rose Bowl Act ' U. ..... " (Cont'd from page one) "Oh, oh, someone has thrown the kicking tee on the field," Tha Cnnrtnnt than Were assessed ik fiva-uBrd nenaltv Jor delflvineLthe biggest pre-Olympic trials.' r --- - n... r- u:-. ...I. 1 the same. Who threw the tee is tw ' nnt ihnwn. nor ii iu fUeht visible! in time of 40 minutes. 47 sec on the film but quarterback Earl Morrall is seen to run toward the MSU side of the field, bend down and pick up the tee. Then as Morrall, the holder, and Kaiser are engrossed in placing the tee. Referee Ross Dean starts his arm signal to resume play. But with even seconds showing on the clock in -dashes another sub, halfback Rudy Gaddinl, to halt action again. No penalty was called this time however, although it is possible some other official other than the referee had ac knowledged Gaddini's entrance off camera. Kaiser's kick, it should be ad ded, was Just as accurate on film as it was on the field. 0CC Race Set For 1st Tilts - 'Continued from preceding page) ae wb will be remembered for onds. Second was Lubov Kosyreva, 1954 world champion in this event. The United States and Britain were not among those competing in Wednesday's long distance race. They did not enter this event in the winter Olympics. ' BendtoMeetr Salem Squads (Continued from preceding page! the Hlll-River-Valley League's jambore at Colton. Other games: Valsetz at Eddy ville, DaUas at Marshfield (also Saturday night), Tillamook at Central Hi, Canby at David Doug las, Sandy at Oswego and Philo math at Toledo. Opening Northwest Conference games Friday and Saturday have Willamette at College of Idaho, Linfield at Whitman and Pacific up against Lewis It Dark. The Oregon Collegiate Conference opens Friday also, with Oregon Tech at Portland State and South ern Oregon at Eastern Oregon. The OCE Wolves will be at Seattle Bowl coaches concentrated on jell Friday - and - Saturdayaights -for lng their-iauaatQ.imooULy grik. games with strong Seattle Pacific ' The Pacific Coast Conference romp Is under way Friday and Saturday also, with Oregon State at Washington State, Stanford at Washington, 'Idaho at UCLA and Southern California at California. Saturday's USC-California game is to be televised in this area, starting at 2 p.m., the first of a series of Saturday afternoon Coast Conference clashes which are to be TV'd during the season. Hood Findt Payoff In U.S. Too Small SYDNEY, Australia (A Aus tralian Davis Cup ace Lew Hoad announced Wednesday he would not play la the United States na tional tennis championships this year. TV 1st hlnnjt wmntrarf iA he could not afford to play in America because it is too expen sive. "They do not give visiting pri vate players too much help finan dally fa America," he added. Ted Khiszewskl has hit 210 home runs during his career with the Cincinnati Redlegs. AnimalFilm Due at Parrish Parrish Junior High School stu dents will learn more about Ore gon's big game animals when Aus tin Hamer, education agent, Ore gon Game Commission, presents a program on the management of big game Tuesday at the school. The 20-minute cartoon-illustrated talk points out the economic and recreational values of Oregon's big game animals, their needs, prob lems and management. "Behind the Trophy," a sound, color movie, purchased by the Ore gon Game Commission, which takes the viewer behind the scenes and shows management activities afield, will follow Hamer"! talk.' Senior Bowl Squads Work MOBILE, Ala. WI Fob James, the Southeastern Conference's leading ground gainer, was re turned to the Smith's" offensive team Wednesday as both Senior ing, machines for Saturday's game, James, fast halfback on Au burn's Gator Bowl team, had been assigned to Coach Paul Brown's defensive unit Tuesday but Brown alternated him Wednesday with Don Mcllhenny, Southern Method ist, at one of the halfback slots. Brown, coach of the pro cham pion Cleveland Browns, and Bud dy Parker, Detroit Lion head man, spent the day at their most diffi cult task teaching some of the nation's top collegiate stars their plays. , The 50 players, 25 on each squad, come from schools with various, types of offenses. Both coaches use the "T" as a basic formation, with split T and other variations. Boxing Chiefs Set Showdown Meeting to Deeule Policy for New York NEW YORK I - The members of the Boxing Guild of New York, outlawed by the New York Slate Athletic Commission after Jan. IB, will meet Thursday night to de cide on their future course in New York's boxing war. Charlie Johnston, president of the International Boxing Guild, of which the New ork group is an affiliate, said Wednesday a state ment of policy probably would be released after - the meeting. The New York Guild has about 80 members, some of them not li censed by the state. Julius Hclfand. chairman of the commission, set a Jan. 16 deadline for all managers (o sever their relationships with the Guild or lose their New York licenses. The drastic action came Dec. 14 follow ing a 9-month inquiry into Guild affairs. m meter race Wednesday one of n's scoring ability also. He's Low. ell Koinah. ine etner vets are Joha Relnklng, Gary Burtoa Sod Jack Cochran, The Mouatles will be ton in particularly at home. . . Srhopfs Raiders, who did a good job daring December, have veterans Hal Titus, Lloyd Hotflne, Dale Bates. Chock Crandall, Bill Holllngsworth and Don Lewranre back aaln, and expect some no ticeable kelp from the likes of Dirk (Tiger) Smith. Ted Tenney and Linfield transfer Lyle Hart-sell. Bob Livingston's OCE Wolves, given a brief ray hope which tnraed eat to be a mirage' last week when 7-footer Phil Shadoln visited the campus and worked ut with the team, appear te be la for a rough seasea. Talent Is not la abundance at OCE, and the team Is small. Only M Bob Jaaes at center has any appreciable size. The Oregea Tech Owls, again skippered by Wally Palmberg,' have but two lettermea la John McCutcheoa . and Ritchie Perkins. But the Owls have the tallest player la the loop In l-l Charles Bogle, a junior college transfer frera California. Palmberg hopes that suck ether newcomers as John Fester, Lafe Harris, Bill Blgham and Bob Frost, all 6-S la height, will wm" through ade quately. The Wolves don't open confer ence play antll January 13-14 when they play Soothers Oregon at Monmouth. CAPITOL ALLEYS Major league results Wednesday: Jaysons 4 , University Bowl (0): Marion Hotel and Car Park 3.U Karrs l); Lana Avenue Service 2H), Scotty's Stores W; West Salem Mechinery 3, Jewel Box (1); Barclay's Broiler (2), Ger- linger Carrier i2i. High team series, Jaysons 2,024; high team game, Jaysons. 1,042: high individual series, Dick Phipps of Jaysons, 670; high individual game, Dick Phipps of Jaysons, 257. '.' Other high scores: Don Poulin 604, Mike XlcFarlane 612. Official Says Signal 'Blown' (Continued from preceding page) Is almost as many as were sold during the whole season when r the Jersey City Giant of the International League last played ' there ., - ' Johnny Lewis was recipient of some good news when he learned that Jpck Bishop, the 6-8 forward probably would be able to play dUt the season before reporting for military duty. And Don Hoy), the (Moot guard from Newbers; by wsy of the U cf Oregon, Vanport College (before it becime Portland Slate) and the Military, will be eligible after the sixth con. ference game ' 1955 Wat a Bad Year for the Varmintt r - Overlooked la tha year-end compilations for 1955, but available from our young son arc these amadnf figures: Hop, long Cassady, The Lone Ranger, Wild Bill Hickock and Jingles Frontier Marshall, Sky King, Davey Crockett, VTyatt Esrp, Cheyenne, SgL Preston of the Monntles, Buffalo Bill Jr., and Roy Rogers accounted for 76) sssortesl villains, varmints and Injuns during '55. Another 162 are still en the lose, hut you eat bet they'll either le shot, hung or thrown la the pokeys during 1956, along with hundreds of new crooks. Yo csa also bet that not a one ef those mentioned will suffer more thsa "a slight flesh wound" la the process, too. : v'..-:- It's just a good thing lor us that the shoot-'em-ups don't cccur at the same time the football and basketball games, and ether sports shows are TVd to us. We'd have to get another television set, and put it out in the garage . Olympic Site Plan Okehed SACRAMENTO, Calif, to - The California State Olympic Commis sion Wednesday approved a five million dollar plan to get Squaw Valley ready for the "I960 Olympic games. A report outlining the 4-year building job drew immediate fire from several property owners. They expressed fear the valley, rimmed by J. 000 foot Sierra peaks would be turned into a "Coney Island" and "tourist trap." The 5 member commission adopted a resolution urging Gov. Goodwin J. Knight to support addi tional financing from the atate. The 1955 Legislature appropriated one million dollars and it asked Knight to help present the plan at Cortina, Italy this month. Kansas City Signs 4 Pacts With Players KANSAS CITY to -The Kansas City Athletics Tuesday announced receipt of four signed player con tracts for the 19M season. Signed were Tom Saffell, out fielder; and lnfielders Vie Power, Hector Lopes and Alex George. Power was the A's hitting sensa tion last year with a .319 mark, second in the American League. CHICAGO to The case of the wrong officiating signal in the Rose Bowl game was given an explanation by Bill Reed, assist ant commissioner of the Big Ten, Wednesday. Reed said Ross Dean, Big Ten official who refereed the thriller won by Michigan State over UCLA, 17-14, admitted he "blew the sig nal" but reported there was no doubt whatsoever of the exact vio lation. The mixup occurred on a pass from the end zone by UCLA's Ron nie Knox late in the game. Intentional Grounding One official, whom Reed did not identify but presumably was Car lisle Dollings, head linesman, rig nailed an intentional grounding which Den immediately repeated. "However, at the same time, the other two officials gave a ver bal call of an ineligible receiver downfield." said Reed. "There never was ' any doubt in any of the officials' minds as to the pen alty. "It was not an Intentional grounding situation with the ball thrown into a danger area where Michigan State could have, inter cepted or UCLA completed the pass. Wrong Signal "This all should be cleared up with the admission that unfortun ately and inadvertently the signal for intentional grounding was giv en. ,, -...,..,,..( mi, n,,. Intentional grounding would have given Michigan State two points and a 16-14 lead on a safety. The ineligible receiver violation calls for a 15 yard penalty, but with the scrimmage line being UCLA's five, the ball automatical ly was set on the one. Under the Big Ten code, Dean is prevented from discussing any game decision publicly. UNIVERSITY BOWL State House No. 1 League re suits Wednesday; Highway , Con struction (4), Forestry Protection 0; Keep Oregon Green 4, Tax Commission 10); Division of Audits (4, Traffic Engineers No. 1 0: P.U.C. (3). Highway Materials (1); Highway Accounting J, State Police (1); Falrview Home 2, Secretary of State (2). High team series Division of Audits 2.763; high team game P.U. C. 986; high individual game Curt Ruecker of State Police 581: high individual game John Stricklin of Division of Audits 234. - Other high scores: Series: Mc- Adams 571, Ketcham 563, Strick lin 561, Weems 552. Games: Mc- Adams 211, Storm 210, Ruecker 209. 207. Corrigan 208. This week ended the first half of the season with Highway Ac counting taking the laurels. State Police in 2nd, and Forestry Pro tection and Highway Construction ending in a tie for 3rd. DIGESTS FIND TRU2 NORTH TO USE COMPASS 4 BIO OtPPBt , fOIHTINw STARS LITTLt TAM, IS polaam rm Ww ywru a.-ra.a YoU CAN LOCATt TJt WORTH FROM ANYWHERE IN HOftTHeXM HCMIPHBRI y POCLOWINa BIO WPPIA.1 fOtKTINa TAW TO TMS POLARIS OR NORTH STAR. THEN UNS. UR TMS. NORTH STAR WITH AmePHOMt ROCS OR straight TRIB, AMD ORIVI A ,r STAKI M UNI WITH TAR ANO POLB em trbb. 1 IN PAVUaHT, TURN COMPASS SO ITS NORTH POINTS PROM STAKE TO POLB (TRUE NORTH). COUNT DeaREBS BETWEEN TO NEEDLE'S MAANETC north TO FIND ITS DC VIATION. MSB THIS CORRECTION TO FOLLOW MAPS By COMPASS. Schae fer Inks Pact PHILADELPHIA I - Don Schaefer, Notre Dame's All-America fullback and a standout run-ning-quarttrbaJt.-.luelawtigncd to play for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League in 19S6, the Eagles announced. TV HIGHLIGHTS KPTV ThumUy'i Hl(hllhU (Channel 27): 12:0 noon NBC Matinee Thes. tr "Double Door," by Elizabeth McFadden. A mallclcui iplnster trlei to dominate, her inter and younfer brother. ... . ' 1:11 fbi Matinee Theater "Mother and Son," with Clara Kim ball Young. t:3 p m Ford Theater "Jour ney by Moonllfht," atarring touli Joiirdan with Joy Page and Steven Rich. A French naval officer invea tlgatinf an enemy base runi into hla ex-fiance now married to the autpected enemy afent. 1:M .m. Lux Radio Theater "Handa Acrou the Table" The story of two fortune hunten aearchinc for wealthy huihandf 11:11 pm. Nile owl ineaier "Battle of the Raili" a French film dearriblnt French underground op eration! during Nazi occupation. I KOIN-TV ThuMday'1 Highlights (Channel 1)1 1 M i i, Armchair Theater "It Happened In Pawn Shop": Ed die Bracken, Terry Moore. 1:M p.m. I Search for Adventure "The Big Swim": Two young Americans John Daggett and Bill Beer, clad in rubber ihlrta, awlm through the rapldi of the Grand Can yon. t:Jt p.m. Four Star Playhouse Ida.Lupino atara In "Dark Meeting." atory of I bowling alley operator who becomea dangeroutly Involved with love-iick young man she hires ai a pin boy, lt:3S p.m. Showtime On Six "Hearta of Humanity": Jean Hersh olt, Claudia Dell, and Jackie Searl. A widower brings up hla ton In New York's lower Eaat Side. KI.OR-TV Thursday's HlghUghti (Channel 12): t:N p m.-MICKIY MOt'SB CI VB 1) Jimmy Cricket "I'm Ne Fool n a Bicycle,'' cartoon In which Jlm Iny Cricket ffers aound 4vtee ta young cyclists. (2 Circus Bay Ted IleWayne and his arrobaUe team. (J Serial "What 1 Want ta Be." (4) Cartoonlef-tfae-Oay "Wlie UtUe Hen." " S:e pm. Life Is Worth Living inspirational talk by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. S:OS p.m. Star Tonight Special guest star Basil Rathbone will tell Oscar Wilde's . famous fable. 'The Selfish Giant." George Mathews will be featured as Wilde's perceptive giant THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS (milnr'l nnta; TtiV Rtatrimin putt Umra as provlflfd by ifAia and 1 V nrorrama ara rhan teir.,itt mtii ilniiiin this nrwfnaner rtnnut ke responsible for the accuracy herein.) KOAC, 5S0 k.c. ROAC (Thursday)t 10 M amThe News and Weathr: li:IS KapeAal-' Iv lor Women; IS.M Calling Mrs: Oregon; llrdo-Oregon School of the Air-Living in Oregon: "On to Ore t"H With the Sogers;", 11:11 The Concert Hall; I2:le-The News ind W.aiher: 12:11 p m. Noon Farm Hour; l:aMelody Lane; l:lfcrre. gon School of the Air Let's Sing. Amarlra l?Jl l.u d-.i,.w.i. .A.t -Especially lor Women The Home Garden Hour: "As the Shrub Is Pruned;" 2:1-Memory Book of Mu- ., ..i Vinson Bcnoni of tne Air Trailwava in StImm, f i i. . 7 .. . , t-v v uifuR mi J:M Oregon Reporter: J:IS Music ... mn.irrs; t:ee ureal Moments music; a: cnilOTen's Thaatar- s-la V ii' ,j . . . . . , --., " ui iu oi Atomic Energy; S:e-The News and Westh-IS-Tha Gilbert Hlghet Show; i:l-rHeadllnes In Chemistry: S:S-. Music From Interlochrn: 7:15 Eve n ns Farm Mnti, s-aa ik.i. . - m.w nunnciiKflff Festival; S:0-Mus!c That Endur..' S:4S-:ven!ng. Meditation Dr. War ren Hovland, OSC Denartment of Religion; l:0tSign Off. The 1955 U.S. peanut crop, 71 per cent above the short 19M crop with the yield per acre a record average of 1,075 pounds. Giannfl Qiucklci By ML KF.ANE " ' 1 c ' Stocks of corn In the United States amounted to more than a billion bushels as of Oct, 1, 1055. TELEVISION KPTV, IHF 27; KOIN-TV, VHF I; KLOR, VHF It BOU1 00:00 00:15 00:30 - 00:41 Today IToday IToday Today KOI Panorama pae. IPanorams Pae. IPanorama Pae.'lNews I JS KLORI Tett Pattern IPub). Interest iBobby Grayson KPTV Tenn. Ernie ITenn. Ernie IFeather Nest IFeather Nest KOINlvallant Lady ILove of Lift IScarch Tomorr.lGuldlng Light KLOR Llons-GB Pack I.lons-GB PacklLlons-GB ParklLlons-GB Pack. fAKPTVlDing Dong lv KOIN'Armch, Theater'Armch. TheaterlLove Story IDing Dong lErnle Kovacs ' IFrnle Kovaes ILove Story U KPTV! Home Home IHome . KOIN'rVoM. 0,. Lewis IRobt. Q. Lewis ILInklettef Homt tLlnkletter a Aijpjvl Matinee Tbeai Matinee Thea. IMatlnee Thea. IMatinee Thea. J2 SOIN!Vi,'tln Tlm fViaitfn' Time IBob Crosby Bob Crosby KPTViI,lt L" "od' Rmnrn'Quc,n D,v IQueen a Day HOIN Brighter Day (Secret Storm IVour Account lYour Account rKPTVWhafs Cooking: What's CooklngHowdy Doody Howdy Doody KOIN KOIN Kitchen KOIN Kitchen Strike It Rich Strike It Rich KLOR!Publ- Interest PubL Interest I Ron Myron SholRon Myron Sha, , "KPTVIywCA, Show WaUnee Thes.. IMatinee Thea. IMatinee Thea. ; KOIN'GaTry Moor IGarry Moora Arth. Godfrey lArth. Godfrey KLORjHwd. Backjtge.Hwd. Backstge ILady of Houiel Lady of House KPTViMatlnee Thea. IMatinee Thea. IBar 27 Corral IBar 27 Corral KOINArth. Godfrey iArth. Godfrey IMr. Moon ICartoon Shew KLOR'Ersn St Ollia U'n Daly NewslCowboy G-men'Cowboy G-men KPTV Western Thea. I Western Thea. ITelecoursa relecours KLOR'Red Dunning IRed Dunning IRed Dunning Red Dunning gOINjMickey Mouse IMIckey Mouse IMlckey Mouse IMickey Mouse "KPTVISea Jc Hear I See Hear IHopalonf Caas.Mopalong Cass. KOIN Weather. NewsEdwards News ISgt Preston Sgt. Preston KLORiW'8 6Ur th lWest'n Star Th lSporU Desk ' (News-Weather KPTVsherlock Holm Sherlock Holm Dinah Shore News Caravan' i KOIN'Johnhy Carson IJohnny Carson Adventure Adventure . KLOR Behind Badge IBehlnd Badge I Lone Ranger I Lone Ranger YMCA Adds "-' . '' i Hoop Coaclw Ray Myers has been appointed high school varsity basketball coach at the Salem YMCA, it was announced Wednesday by physical director Dale Dvkman. x. , , , , , . i u:ne p.m. Hometown rneeier MyersTS rrystCTrrn P KPTVI Bet Your Llfa !Bet Your Life Dragnet Dragnet KOINiRob. Cummlngs'Rob. CummingsCUmax I Climax KLOR I Bishop Sheen IBIshop Sheen Stop the Musle 'Stop the Musis KPTVI H"u 0 Ur lH,u ' st" l'ortl Theater IFord Theater KOlNlCUmlt ICllmax . 4 Star Plyhae. K SUr Plyhsa. KLOR!8'" Ton"n l8'" Tonight Puwn ratio -wiwnieuua - KPTVlLux Theater Lux TheaUr Lu Theater ILux Theater in 111 KOlNiConfldentlal (Confidential pive Away Showtime on SI Showtime m S (Duffy's TaverniDuffy's Tavern major at Willamette University and nas scheduled the first hoop turn out for Jan. 12 at 5:30 p.m. Any lad 17 years or younger is eligible, except members of current high school teams in Salem. Games are now being scheduled with other YM's and schools in the area with the YMCA district elimi nations and northwest area cham pionships slated for March. Myers played basketball for two seasons for Elmendorf Air Force Base and also is a star tennis player. He is a member of the WU tennis team and last year was one half of the doubles team which won the city championship. Johnson In a wild life film. KVAL TV, VHF 13 EUGENE: KVAL-TV, Channel 11 (Thursday): 1:M p m. Feathe Your Nest; 1:C Matinee Theater; l:J Four-Thirty Date; S:0 Big Round up: S:4 Newa Briefs, Sports, Head lines ri Weather; S:0e Annie Oak ley: S:l0 The Powerland Story;. :4S Pattl Page Sings; 1:e Western Marshal; J:l Amos n' Andy: Andy advertise; for a bride-to-be tn the classified columns in "Classified Ad;" 8:0 You Bet Your Lifel Groucho Marx's program; S:3 Dragnet; t:M Waterfront oresenta "White Ducks :! Ford TV Theater stars Louis Jourdan in "Journey by Moonlight;" lt-M Lux Video Theater presents "Handa Across the Table;" U:M Texas Rasalin . I rideTahli. TIDES FOR TAFT, ORtOON (Compiled by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Portland. Ore.) High Waters Low Waters January Time Hirht Time Hgltt i S S IS a m. SS 1.41 p.m. 1.1 S i p m. 4 I I og am. II It n am. II I 14 p.m. 4 4 I 13 pnv. SI 7 1 61 a m. I I 1:10 a m. I I . 0:S p m. 4.1 lis p.m. 0.1 This is tha Officisl Pensbr Remedy Stere For Marlon County. Yew will find these preparations of highest quality and fjuaren teed to bo exactly for what they ore sold and represent ed to be. Schaefer's Open Dally 7:30 A.M. 4 P.M. Druq Stcre US M Commorclal Sunday A.M.-4 PM. to I 1 a, "1 Oil! I "'" vie 1 1 KPTV i News-Paul Ii r.-Nlte Owl Thea.lNlte Owl Thea.lNlta Owl Thea. 11 KOINiShowtlma on Mhowiime on S . KLORjBomet'wn The lHomet'wa The. RADIO KILM lite KOCO lit KOAI 1431 BOM 111 ROW IN KSX UN PM: Megacycles-S01N 111.1; KSX .J; ROW 1N4 HOUR 00:00 KOAS News at Nook KOIN Amer. News KG W Heck Harper REX Keep Time 00:15 00:30 0:S 6 VI Farmcaat iBrk. Nook IKOIN Klock (Larro R'dup (Keep lime iVal Farmcast Brk. Nook IKOIN Klock IHeck Harper IKeep Time News Nook-News iKOIN Klock (Heck Harper IKeep Time RSLM Hemingway Break. Gang iBreak.Gang News KOCO Early Worm uariy worm - tariy worm '-any worm KG AK Brk. Nook - Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Wook-Newt KOIN KOIN Klock Headlines frank Goes lHarry Babbitt KUW News-Webb (Webb Spinning KGW Newsr'm Fisher Report KKX News IKeep Time iKccpTlme Bob Haaen Family Altar , Khl.M Cliff Ensle mico Frly Worm Early Worm n Brk. Nook tBrk. Nook KOIN Consumer N'ws Dave Vallle Haven of Rest iKarly Worm Brk. Nook Shelley Ser'nfl lHaven of Rest lEarly Worm Nook as News Shelley Sere, KGW Webb Spinning! Webb Spinning IWebb Spinning (Webb Spinning KEX Keep Time IKeep Time IKeep Time IKeep Tim K8LM News News (Pastor's Call (Bargain C'nt't KOCO Guest Star Nazarena iLadies'Lana MLadies Lane KOAE Spider Spider Splder ISplder News KOIN Wendy Warren Howard Miller (Helen Trent Mid. a.m. News KGW Webb Spinning: Webb Spinning IWebb Spinning Webb Spinning CIUD Brxisi. L.1UD mrKjsiiuo 1956 160 CATALINA " (Hard Top) Ponliac KKX BrkfstClub 1KSLM News KOCO UIMTuneSt KG AE Spider 0KOIN Road of Llfa KGW Weekday KF.X Coflee-K West Tello Test 14tf Tune St 'Spider Ma Perkins Weekday Bob Garred Wings of Song 1490 Tune St Spider Dr. Malona Weekday My True Story Wings of Song Queen or Day 1400 Tune St ,1490 Tuna St KG AS Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Spider KSLM Wings of Song KOCO 1490 Tune si. Brkfst, Club Wines of Song 1490 Tuna SU Spider Guiding Light Weekday IMy True Mrs. Burton Weekday . Girl Marries IKOIN KGW KEX , KSLM Top Trades I a,OCO World News 1 nR Noon News 2 KOIN Dun MacLeod KGW Fenner Newa KEX Art Baker Perry Mason North Drake iQueen for Day urn) Tuna si. Solder jAunt Mary Weekday To the Ladies fro the Ladle IWhisp'rlng Stt I Walt Disney Paul Harvey News ucal News Vall'y Farmcast Midday Musle Midday Music Midday Muale Lunchn Mnchn Lunchn Mnchn Lnchin. News Come Get It House Party IHouse Party P Frederick INewi-Tuna T'st Flbber eV Molly Blng Crosby Sam Hayes Farm Newa 1 KSLM Better Shoppri Willamette Mat IWillam. Mat. Willam't Mat. KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Magie Melody KGAK Lunchn Mnchn Lunchn Mnchn Lunrhn Mnchn Lunch'n News , KOIN Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Time ' KGW To Happlneaa Wldrter Brownl Pepper Young Woman In Use KKX News-Davis AI Davli Al Davis Al Davis KSLM Willam. Mat. KOCO Magic Melody 'iiaii Immre IKOIN Godfrey Time KGW KEX itsi M Story Time I KOCO Magic Melody KGAK Lounge LOIN Hum Asnion KGW 2 3; 4 Hotel for Pets INews-Coffea News-Davis A1 Davis IWlllamette Mat News IWillam. Mat Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Lounge Weekday Weekday Godfrey Tlma Chopper's N'wslMake Up Mini IMcPrlde-Peale IListrnlng 1 Al Davli ' lAl Davis Story Time Magic Melody Lounge Willamette Mat Tello Test Magic Melody Magie Melody ' Lounge ILounee-Newa Our Gal Sund'vl Take Thirty Take Thirty Mus. McAnultylMus: McAnultylMuf-McAn'lty IMus-McAn'lty KEX News-Davis 'AI Davis KSI.M Fulton Lewis KOCO Clarine Call's KGAK Lounge koin Art Kirkham. KGW Mus-McAn'lty iBob Blackburn Bob Blackburn iHnjrtingway Marine Call's Lounge Eddie Fisher Mus-McAn'lty iHrre's Answer Sam Hayes Clarine Call's ILnunge Newspaper Mus-McAn'lty KEX Bob Blackburrt Bob Blackburn IBob Blackburn iCIarlne Call's sign Off Newspaper 1 ' Mus-McAn'lty IBob Blackburn Equipped With -Y Tumsignals t i rr aassr aW' lUtl' s" ' .... mirror aL i "r V.flu. TwoTono W w Pilfer . 20SH.P.V4ln9lno ""fa la. J. eVall . W"0M lib a 0 awl .t afB' TAGGESELL PONTIAC tS60 N. Libirty, Solent-Open Fri. 'Til 9 p.m.-Ph. 2-4113 5j 6i , KSI.M Stand By Stand By KOCO Slow Drive Blow Drive KOIN Ed R. Murrow News KGW Mus-McAn'lty Local News KEX Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn KILM Gabriel Heater KOCO Candlelight I KOIN My Son Jeep, 'KGW I-Stsr-Extra KEX News ' INews-Greena Slow Drive Tom Harmon Jess Mason Bill Stern IHI11 Brundige Songs to Rem. (Frank Goes Klmer Petersen 'B, Garred lEddie Fisher (Dinner Concert Sam Hayet ICandlelight News Track 1490 Unwell Thomas lAmos 'n' Andy Amos 'n' Andy INews-Musie ' Lone Ranger Ranger-Law Club MulUni ClubMullins IClub Mulllna 7 KSLM Detective Detective Evening MeL livening Met, KOCO Track 149fl ffrack 1490 (Track 1400 (Track I4SO KOIN Godfrey Digest Godfrey Digest (LaSueur-Carg Jack Carsoa KGW ChetHuntlrv Fibber McGee News-Music IMusle KEX Moon Mulling IMoon Mulling Moon Mulling (Moon Milllnl xr at M ei.a.M ftrnDaiTi aiiuw a uiib KO :0 Track 1400 KOIN News-Ernla ROW World News ' HEX Moon Mulling 9 (Show Tunes IWhistlin Tunes IWhistlln .Tunas Track 1460 Track 1490 News' Tenft. Ernie Guest Stan (Blng. Crosby i aaans ramuyiuiiaersieeve utldersleeva Moon Mullins IMoon Mulllna IMoon MulUng I Sweet ft Swing Sweet A- Hwna IMusle D Want i Music U Want Musle l Want KSLM News - News KOCO Musle V Want lMusi( KOIN News Blues Serenade Treas. Show KGW Conversation Conversation Bandwagon KEX Moon Mulling IMoon Mullins (Rhythm Party 1KSLM Fulton Lewis , fcusic Heedllnea KOCO Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne kolN S Star Final Huht'g-Fiah'l IMusle flKCW Richfield Reptr Sports Finer HiU of Day WK Treas., Show Bandwagon Jimmy Fidler IEX News Dance Time Dance Time News iNocturne Good Evening I Hits ef Day IDance Time 1 KSLM Crime Fighters Crime Fighters Melodies " KOIN News-Muaia Music Music ROW News , Jess Mason (Slumber Time I KEX Dance Time Danca Time ' (Dsnce Time (Mek 'Music Guest Star Dsnce.Ttme