4-(Sec II) Stttfsmn, Salem, Ore., Sat., Dec. 31, 1955 KVAL TV, VHF 13 KOAC, 550 k,e. ftfjftfc TV MOMMY By THI MOSSIUS SATURDAY'S rfdltar'i ! Yke Staeeaaa a Itffce In gaea faith the nregranaa an time as arovMet ay raaie an TV etatlana, fcut aeranee afrtlanee fh Rrograaai ara ehanied without netl ration Ibta ataiaifl can net aa reanooaifcl far the accuracy herein.) TV HIGHLIGHTS , TV tetnrava Hlghlighti (Channel 17)1 ' II: la a.m. TUB lirTH ANNUA!. BIIR-OHAT (Alt STAN) GAMS FROM MONTGOMEBV, ALABAMA. 1:4a m THR JIST ANMAI. tt-tf SHRINE GAME FROM an rANCisro. ' . II :M a m. New ' Year"! F. fraM Time Square Bra (Mart an Lee tMertwether Interview, aeerrjrmakert at Uia Sheraton A it or Motel. HOITH-TV latnray- Blrhllghti (Channel l ,. II :M a.m. Gator Bowl foothill from Jackinnvllle, Florida Trie Cerful Auburn "Blalnamen" va. Vandarbill "Commorloroa." 1:M .m Armchair Theater The laat Barricade"! Frank Fox. Grata Cynt; -Tha Texan"; Buffalo Bill Jr.. Lurll Brown. I: a m Talent Srou'e "Chll. Iran's Chrtatmat Show." preeentrd by Arthur Godfrey. Featured, will be Iodic Curran. an 11-year-old hoy eo prano: Edward Auer, M-vear-old boy pianiat, and Pauline Hahn. 14-year-Id rrl ventrlloqulat. ' II :M p.m. Showtime on Six lf Thla Be Sin": Mvrna Lov. Rich jard Green, Peggy Cummlnga. KI OB-TV Satnrdar'l Hlfkllf hta (Channel 12): :a p. Supermen Cartoon Bllllon Dollar Umited" A cartoon Bawd on one of Amerlra'f moat fa annua comic atrip character!. l:l ajn Top Secret "t.ate Jour Pay" A brilliant arientlat on par with, perhapa. Eirutclri diei. An at eociate profeaenr hat tile lutpiriont raised, bv the arrange death. 1:1 p . Spotllte Theater "Navy TELEVISION ETTV. lHF 21: KOIN TV. HOUK M:M 0:15 KPTVT I I ICaitootl Time lAndy't Canf KOINl 10 iKPTVlrur irury KOINlTrxat Ranrert fTexaa Banner tPTV OINrGator Bowl 1 a aVrTVleiue-Gray FB IBIue-Grey FB Blua-Oray FB I Blue-pray FB EOINI Gator Bowl Cator Bowl Gator Bowl I Gator Bowl f KPTVIiiua-Gi-ay FB Blue-Cray FB Jlue-Gray FB Iaat-Wett FB , KOIN Gator Bowl Cator Bowl Armchair Tria.lArmchalr Thea. 2KFTVlEat.Waat FB Eat-Weit FB Eaal-Wett B lEatt-Weat FB KOINjArmchair Th.Armchaln TM.IArmchalr The.! Armchair Tha. V ELORiTert Pattern Teat Pattern Publ. Intereat Publ. Interett EFTVltaat-Waat FB lEaat-Wtat FB Eaat-Wet FB lEatt-Weat FB EOINI Armchair Tha. lArmchatr Tha. lArmchalr Tha. lArmchalr The. ' ELQg Bupanrum ITop Secret tgpotUU The. gpotliU Thea. i ETTVIzoa Parade )Zoa Parade IBuff. BUI tr. Mutt Bui Jr. EOLV' Armchair Th. I Armchair Tba. Mora Bhowtma Mom Showtma ELOBlgpotlltaThea. Bpotllta Thea. BpotllU Thea. Bpotllta Thea. 5TV'5F Klo ' ISky Kinf JWUt Bill Hck KOIN 8if Plctuaa pifPlctura (Variety Tun ELOR Hwd BacktUfeHwd BackataieWretHn (SPTV;Txa Xatalia Taxat lUaalln' ITexa Raatlla ITexat Batalln' EOIN K. Murray Sha K. Murray Sho IBeat th Clock Beat the Clock ELOBjorark Jubilee jOTark Jubitee Piark Jubilee IQrark Juhilee 7Kri V! Death Valley Death Valley IBiaT Surprla IBIfSurprle EOINI Godfrey Bcoutai Godfrey BcouttlSold ra Fort'a ISoid'ra . Forl'a ELOE Academy Thea.lAcademy Thea.lAcademy Thea.lAcademy Thea. v EPTVIperry Coma Sh Parry Com Sh, Perry Coma BhlPerry Coma Sho aVUIN BUf a Show ISUfa Show Uackle GleaaooUackla Gleaaon EJLOKlArademy Thea.lAcademy ThealAcademy Thea lAcademV Thea EFTVI Hlfhway PaM!Hlhway Patr'IIDurant Show Durante Show EOINIl for Money IS for Money lAlwayt Jan lAlwaya Jan ELORlLawrenc Walk I Lawrence f A EPTViGeorf Cobel iCeorie CobeJ .1 EOINlGuntmok ICuiiamoka . ELORj Auction Far (Auction Far 1 1 EFTVIchamp. Bowl's ICbamp. Bowl'f Champ. Bowl s New Yr. Eva. 11 EOINishowtun aa IShowtime on ELOR Cinema Shows ICInema Shows RADIO bsus nt toco isaa boas h soiw art bow m mux m mi Metacyelea BOIW 111; BIB SS.1: KCW lJ BOUE - M:M M:l - M:l M.M BBLM News Bui Tlmkpr toco KGA Salute ta Bat tSaluU to Sat SOIM Newa-atuatc IKOIN Klock SOW Muale for Sat iMonitor 6 BSX Newt-Kp Tun IKeep Tun 7( B SLM Hemlniway , IBreak Cans 'Early Worm ISaluta to Sat I Newt I Monitor IKeep Time tOCO Early Worm SG AS Salute to Sat (UN KOIN Klock EC.W Monitor , BtX Newt Bo at.ni n BOCO Pi IGal tu KOIN Si ESLM Bible Hour Evanielilt Hr. ) Proudly Hall Salute lo Sat. (Rbt Q. Lewis Monitor IKeep Tlme IFarm A Home roudly Ball Salute to Sat Story Master scar ssx 9 a si, soce KG AI BOIN SOW Monitor SEX Keep Tim a SLM l-H Show Ot O Muale 4-H Club B Salute to Sat ISaluta to Sat Newe-Story tiarden Gate SOW Monitor IMonitor BEX No School INo School SLM Newt IMutlc KOCO PrinceM Mely jlM Tun St IGAi camera Club Salute la Bat Otorl news - 'Mutie ICW McAnulty Mui.'McAnulty Mui. BEX Stan Tomor'w IStara Tomorr'w In sr B SLM Teen Tune T'mlTeen Tune T'm KOCO HW Tuna St MM) Tune St GAB Salute to Sat 'Salua to Bat 1SOIN 'Gator Bowl 'Cator Bowl BGW McAnultv Mui.lMcAnulty Mu BEX Met. Ooera I Met. Ooera IK SLM Scott'i Bike Newi KOCO World New ' ISat. Matinee BGAB Newt-Hlta ISat. HiU 2 KOIN "Gator Bowl I'Gator Bowl BGW Farm aV Home IFarm A Homo BEX Met. Ooera iMet. Ooera KSLM Record Co-Rd. I Record Co-R'd toco BGAB KOIN Saturday Mat. I Saturday Mat. Saturday Mat. Saturday Mat. Sat. Hita Eat. Hita 'Gator Bowl (Gator Bowl Monitor . Met Ooera -: a aTMKi BGW Monitor BIX Met Opera , BSLM Eatt-Weet FB lEaet-Weat FB Eaat-Weet FB lEaat-Weat FB Koro Saturday Mat t Saturday Mat. Sat. Matine Fat Matinee BGAB Sat Bite- - Rat. HIU" KOIN . Newt-CBS IN. OH ni Jan BGW McAnulty Mua. (McAnulty Mu. BEX Newi-Davts Ul Davit 3! KSLM Eaat-Watt FB Eaat-Wett FB Sat. Matinee I KOCO Saturday Mat IBOAB Sat Hit Sat. Hit! Way of Youth IOIN . Newt-Youth SOW BEX McAnulty Mui. 'McAnulty Mui. Kewa-Davla IAI Davit 40BI.KI u KOCO J BGAB IV KOIN. K BSLM Cueat Star iGueat Star Jrny Into Jazz Urny Int Jaaa Bat. Hita Sat. Hita Klrkhara Stew l tSeuer-Dni'r en. w anonnnr " iMneuior . BEX Newa-Blkbra jBob Blarkbura 51 BSLM Newi Twn. aV CountT.IMuaie Of O Cactua Jack k actut Jack OIN Ne-Weathor. GW .Mentor BEX Newk-Blkb'rn BSLM Hawll Calle IHawaU Calla lOC'O Dinner Mual Dinner MuiM IOIN Phlla. Orch. M.W Heck Harper Prula. Orch. Heck Harper REX Krara-Mullin 'Liu Muliina KSLM Wei a Serenade Wti a Seren'de uanoe i-ariy luance j-arty IOIN Newa-Ctv StylelCountry Stylo ICW Hack Harper IHeck Haroer BEX Treaa. Show (Treaa. Show BBLM Show Tunoa rhow Tune OCO Dene Party I Dance Party OIN Dancing Party IDaneinf Party GW Monitor Monitor BIX Moon Mutlln I Moon Mulllna nKSLM Newa (Muale koro Dane Party Bianco Parly iKoiat Daorlnf PaHy panclns Party ftr.W Monitor Monitor KIX Moon Mullln Moon Mullln Time-Danctn Panclnf Party IK SLM Fulton Lewli IMuaic "TNewi Platt'er Paradr Koro Dance Party tei.ce Pir'y (once Party Dance Party SOIN Danrms party IDanrlnl party Danrlng Party Dancln( Party f1tiW Monitor -I Monitor IMonitor IMonitor V S X Daneinf Partr llim-in Party (Dancing Party Danctn Party SM.M Daeica Party Danr Party Diane Party IDancaPariy " l ; J r li" a-any - z "'" rmn? 'ancina r any 1 ac-wr Neaea-Nlatraw 'Hraadway Boat 1 Sit Caacui FartplTJaaacuiB Party BROADCASTS Channel Chuckles By ML KEAN'E ' "Happy New Year;" Bound." atarrlnf Tom Neal. Wendy Walriron and Relt Toomey. Three buddiet in the U. S. Navy make up a cracker Jack fun crew aboard the IIS Maaaarhuaettr. One of tha buddiet. Joe. It a middleweight box ini contender. Joe takea on a flfht with pro for a winner-take-all puree. II :M va Cinema Bhoweaat "A Son It Bora." ttarnnf Ron Bandell and Muriel Steinbeck. A dramatic tale of a mother t love for her ton. WP ; KLOS. YRT It 0:31 :! I Kndy't Canf IPInky Lea 1 Pinky Lea ICapt. Mldnlffht Capt. Midnlfht rBlue-Gray ri I Blue-Cray FS (Blue-Cray FB Gator Bowl IDator Bowl IC.ator Bowl ' rwild Bill H ck (Variety Tim IWrettllnf Walk Lawrence Wclk 'Lawrence Walk , Hit Parade Runyon Th Hit Parade Theat IBunyoa Theat. lAurtlon Far Auction Fare (IShowUme aa SI Showtime en t w ICtncma Show ICInema Showt Mus. Tlmkpr. I Newt Salut 1a Sat Salute New KOIN Klock IKOIN Klock Monitor I Monitor ISki-Key Tlmel Keep Time Breakf. Can! I Newt Early Worm Ext. Sere. Salute to Sat Exten Sery. Goaa Newa Contum. htwt wthr-Monitor Monitor Keep Time IKeep Time Haven of Beat I Haven of Real Go to Town World Newa Salute to Sat. Rbt ). Lewis Monitor Keep Tim Salute Newt Rbt. Q. Lewis Monitor Keep Tian Patlor' Call Aunt Halite Salute to Sat IBanain C'a't't lAunt Hallie Salute News Gunamoke IGunemoke Monitor Monitor (Once 'on Time I Once 'a Tim Mutle IMutlc 14M Tuna St. Il4) Tune St Hollyw'd CaU'flSalute News Galen Drake uaien uraae McAnulty Mua. McAnulty Mut. Stare Tomorrow! Stars T'morrow Phonorama Tm Phonorama Tat 14M Tun St Salute to Sat 'Gator Bowl 14W Tune St Salute t-t Sat Gator Bowl McAnulty Mui McAnulty Mua. IMet. Ooera Met. Ooera (Record Co R d Record Co-R'd Sat Matinee Sat. fiMtmec (sal. Hita Isat. Hlla-Newt I'C.ator Bowl lCiatnr Boal IMonitor IMonitor Met. Opera 'Met Opera I IRecord Go-Rd Record Co-Rd Sat. Hilt INewt-Hilt Gator Bowl IMiLeod-Newi (Monitor IMet. Open Monitor Met. Opera ISat Hita tHlt at New RhoDoere KewtlSat. at Chaae IMcAnulty Mm.lMcAnulty Mm. Ul Davit AI Davla lEeet-Weet FB lEaat-Weet FB Bat. Matine ISat. Matinee tSat. Hita , Hita r Newi TrMi ChMf lTrut Show IMonitor Monitor I Boh Blackburn Bob Blackburn Muaic I Muale Jrny Into JaU Urny Into JazI Sat. Hita iSim Off Man Bite . . . IMan Bite , . , Monitor Monitor 4; Bob Blackburn I Bob Blackburn I Muale Dinner Muaic IDinner Mutie I N on Record Harmon SpU. I Goal New . Monitor IMonitor Monitor Bob BlackburnAa We Be II IWa.h Kort Wk. 5i K 61 'Weatern Sera. JWeatern Sere (New feat. N D Party e-mia. vrcn. rniia. urcn fir. Ola Opr Gr, Ole Opry IC'lub Mulllni IsKi-aaunina IWea'n Serenade1 Wea n Serenade uenc Party IDance Party Jimmy Wakely (Jimmy Wakely Monitor IMonitor Moon Mulllni (Moon Mulllnt 7 fWhlatUn Tuna IWhlatlln Tuna IDanca Part rnanca ari jDanrtnf Ptrty (Danclnc Party Monitor I Monitor Moon Mullln Mooa Mulllni Ifweet aV Sarin Sweet e Swing (Oanclnd Party D.ndn party IMonitor l Monitor iianoe ran? crwa uearo r-any inane Party ii lancinf rany iMnctna IMuale IMuale Party (Oaoeun Party IDanong fdrty Bl'GENEI RVAL-TV. Chanael II (Saturday)! 1:M pm. Saturday Ma tinea Theater with Koddy McDow ell In "Blaek Midnight," a itory of a bov't faith In and patient with a horae which haa been labeled a "killer; : Star of the Weatcrn Range: ? TBA: :4S Drew Pear ion: IN Lawrence We I k : I at flfilri Hour: :e People Are Funnv; :.T Hit Honor Homer Bell 1 preaentt "Aunt Catherine" a itnrv of the outcome of JO-veer-old lib; ! view; t ea The Newt and Weather; l:aCeor(e Cohel Show; l:M !S:IS Lifetime of Mental Health Your Hit Parade; It Requett I "durational Dramatic:" :4.V Brtde Playhouao Dean Jailer In "A Yank of Lammermoor: 1:15 Grand Opera In London." an Etilmh film theiTonnht: ft 4 J The Newa and Weth- atory of an American aerteant ro. mentlrellv Involved with tha dauf h- ter of a Britiah major. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS fKdltor't note: The Statetmaa pnh llhet la anod faith tha proarama and timet at pravlded ky rartla and TV ttaUana, but aeraiiae ofttlmet rfhe prnirama ara chanied without aetl flcatlnn thl aewapaper cannot he reapanilhle for the accuracy herein.) TV HIGHLIGHTS KPTV Sunday'! Hl(hllthta (Channel 2)); I l: pm In "Wide Wide 'VorW Dave Garraway preaenta "New Year't" vlalta to varimn parte of the United Stalet. 4:M a.m. Sunday Kiwelanilir "Happy New Year" proiram with firure tkatlnf. mulr,and comedy. : a.m. Coodvear Plavhouae Eddie Albert and June Lockhart co- atar In "Rite I'p and Walk." a atory of a polio victim a battle to recuD crate !: am Ilretta Vnum tkn John Erircon and Dorothv Malone' Irr "Ticket for May." drama of a ranch er who (net to buy a train ticket for hit wife, who It leavml him. when a murderer en (era their turn. and holda her hoetare. ROIN-TV Bundiy1! Hlshlifhta (Channel : 1 : B m. Yeara nf Ppltii 10M CBSt correspondent! around the world loin Edward R Murrow in New York for a entnnrehenalve re port and analvaia of the vein m. jor new! development! 71 O m. Jack Rennv PrApm . Jack play the "Old Year" and as he irave io welcome in the "New Y"-" he review! the eventa of the TELEVISION XOR VHF ; EFTV. HOL1 1 1 EFTVI MM M:1S 11 arOIN1. ' Lamp Unto Ft iLamp Vnlo lktavrTVipaith Today Faith Today lTBA I eat 1 EOIMtba ELOR! 1 ar, W"1 World WU1 Wor,d aTlJ Y'r CrU": 'MIY'r Cri,1,: LOKChrlttophera IChriitophera ErTVuide World IWIda World lOmnihua EOIN Omnibus ELOKl Belli Tn Hall Rellg T'n J ETTVlDr. Spock Dr. Spock lOmnlbua I Super Circus EOINI Omnlbua ELORfsuper Circus EFTV! People t Ch'co IPeople'a Ch'ca Color Spread IColor Spread EOINlArmch. Thea. lArmch. Thea, lArmch. Thea. Armch. Thea. ELORlEurope Crut. I Europe Cms. Fr. Mac's Alb. Imperial Thea. EPTVIcolor Spread IColor Spread IColor Spread tColor Spread EOINlLucyShow Lucy Show fCity Detective City Detective ELORllmperlal ' Thea Umperlal Thea llmperlal Thea.ltmperlal Thea. EPTVlDrew Pearaon (Red Barber Cartoo Party ICartoon Party E0IN You AreTher fVou Art Thero (Laaaie fLaaaia ELOSfOral Roberta lOral Roberta iDouf Pairb ki Douf Fairb'ka 7EFTVGreat Life IC re at Life EOIN! lack Benny Jack Benny ELORIU Atked for It!U Atked for EFTVICapt. Gallant KOIN Ed Sullivan ELOR r,mcm" Timt fi EFTVGoody'r PUyb'a Poody r Playh's Poody r Playhi poody r Playh'i EOINIG-E Th.tr IG-E Theatre EOINIChanr Llfet I Chance Llfet 10 EPTV Loretta Young jLorette Young Uuitlr Uuttic EOIN Advan tux lAdvcntur ELORj Mack Am. HrjMack Am. HEPTV ELOR Meat tha Pre IMect th Praia Paul Coronet Theit.lCoronet Theat I , RADIO BSLM IMS. BOCO lM BGAB MM. BOIN 87. Bw SM. EBB II PMl Megacycles KOIN Mi: BEX J: BOW IMS HOUR - M:M , M.li - M: M:4S BOIN :M i BSLM Dawn New Y'rIDawa New 7 BO BG BE uiN Newa-E. r. Bgiinewa-E. r. ugeii nurcn ot ait iCriureh of Air GW Radio Pulpit lHadie pulpit Eternal Light Elernal Light X Came CommlaalConi-ert Hall 8 gat, ni .rat s.w BOCO Mu BG AK Wa BOIN ln BSLM Cona v Baptiat Salem Acad. for Sun. IMut. Sr Sua. Mut. for Sun. Mua. for Sun. tile Club, Waffle Club nv. Learn 'lnv. Learn BGW Mui. for Sun. Mui. for Sun. Mui. for Sun. Mua. for Sun. BEX Dr. Barnhouae Dr. Barnhoua iLight At Life Light Jc Life KSLM Bibli CUat Blbl Claa Vole oTproph lVoic of Proph. KOCO Mua. for Bun. IMut. for Sun. lOrgin Loft (Organ Loft BOAR Roberta Orian .Roberta Oran Waffle Club Waffle Club KOIN Univ. Explorer Uewiah Faitn Yule CaroU INawi. CBS BGW tcandl. Hour IScandi. Hour ISrandi., Hour ISkandl. Hour BEX Quaker Hour 'Quaker Hour iChoien People Hom Demat'r BSLM Newt iChrlaUan Set KOCO Preabyteriaa IPreahyterlan KOAE Hit Revua IHit Revue KOIN St. Franc. Tlr. I Mutle KG W Mutie for Sun. i Muaic for Sun. EX Ralph Rogera I Ralph Roger 1 " 1 KO 1 KG KSLM Prayer Prayer iFlrtt Baptiat I Calvary Bapt ISymphonetto Church Scrv. ! Ralph Roger! ftad Canariea (World Newt ISun. Serenade I IMonitor Ralph Roger I Broadw. Cop Sun. Matinee I Sun. Serened Percy raith Monitor Revival Hour l rat Baptiat AR Calvary Bart KOIN Svmphonette KiW Church Serv. Kl-X KSLM Newa 1 KOCO World New! KUAK Newi 2 KOIN KG W Monitor aV K V Ul.l. Dnaea.H aar.ni nHg J vejri w KSLM Broadw. Cop Ot'O Bun. Matinee OAK Serenade OIN Percy Faith BGW Monitor KEX Revival Hour 9k afaK BSLM John Steel Uoho Steele I KOCO Sun. Matine Sun. MaUne KOtl Sun. Serenade iSun. Serenade IOIN Sun. Aft'noon Sun Aft noon Kf I KI KG W V Live-Red. Th.! Radio Theater KEX Hruphecy Prophecy 3Bt KC K41 BU M Crlm Flght ri ICrlme Flghl'ri (KO Sun. Matinee ISun, Matinee GAK Sun. Serenaoe Sun. Serenaae KOIN Philharmooir Philharmonic KG w Meet the prea Meet the Preaa Monitor KRX Billy Graham Billy Graham I A ft. Melod. KSLM Aft. Melod. OCO Sun. MeUno Sun. Mali K4IAK Sun. Serenaae Bun. Screnaoo IHN Newa-Betgen tdiar Bergen BOW BIX Monitor IMonitor Monitor Evening Cornea (Evening Comee Jom Navy BS1.M New 1U Never Knowl Lutheran Hour iLurheran Hour o'0 Bun. Matine Sun. Matinee OIN Hnllyw. Muale Hollyw. Mual ;w Monitor . Monitor BSX Town Meeting (Town Meeting BSI.M front Page Trront Page fSun. Valine Miaa Brooka Monitor Jimmy fuller OCO Bun. Mitine OIN Miaa Brooka GW Monitor BEX Drew pearaon BSI.M Memory Boom I Memory Boom BOIN BGW Cone Autry iGene Autry Speak Up Newa-Muale BIX BSI.N Mueie Muaic iMiicn Miller ' Muaie feat UO Bed. rr'm BOIN facU-Mlller GW Mual feet. BSX Mon. H'dline BSI.M Newa Editorially Pear in Valley iPeac In Vallev BOIN Juke Bx. JorylJuke. Bx. JurylJuke Bx. JurylJuk Bx. Jury BGW Muair reat Muaie feat. Meet Preea Meet Preat BEX KathKuhlman Kath KuhlmanLook ta Bkle Oueel Star ' BSI M Hr. of Declalon Hr of tWitiotv Global FrontieriBob Conaldin BOIN Sun Nile fin. Memortee St Francla Br.ifac Nation BGW Birh. Reporter 'Vet' Newi ' Cath Hour Oath. Hour BBX final IdiUon flneat Mual Bevtval Tim Bcvlval Tim ' ' BO FN ,ftr Nation IMual Mldnll BGW Newt Nightrip iCltv Council BEX Billy Graham Buly Crahaaa KOAC (Satoraay)t 1:M a . The Newt and Weather: 1:IS Eaperial- )v for Women American Medical Aaexxiation: "The Beet la Vat to Bo:" ie:i Story Time: II aa Mutie From IAterlochen: ll:?S Organ Muaic of the Crnturle.: It: The Newt and Weather; IJ:IJ p m. Noon Farm Hour: l:aa The Poet Slnrn; : Muair of the Matrri" 4:a On tha I'pheat; S:t -Children'! Theater -Xtnriea V Stuff: :M Over the - flick Fence: S:4J f rench Prest P ! er: tee Evolution of Jarr: :S The Newt and Weather: l:e-.Sin iOff. pat 11 month! In a humoroui and aentlmrntal "em :M pm Ed Rulllvan Show-Sul-llvxn prr.entj, "IMS St.irduit Pa rede" nf 10 youni headline acta. : p m General Electric Theater Joyce Van Der Veen co-ttan with I. (Ill Parvaa and Steven Geray l.i '"The Portrait of a Ballerln ." I:2 p ro. Fleet Run Thrate" "'Summer Storm": with Linda Dar nell at an edvrnturoua airen. HI OR. TV Siinday't Nlhlihti (Cbanarl l;: F.-.ther m MwHipeaki" em" e'lcd 'in J"st one lhin "filing's time when there werent 450 TV The New Year and chanee ' "T'-.e I the product. They are also, inter-' people in all of Hollywood. . . New eM'r '"kncM1' ndb'h '""t estcd '"' ardst,ck n0" the film aeries called "The Reporter" ttreniTn"" " ur ' j "cost per thousand," or the cost of is in the offing, to be narrated by :4i pm. imrjeriai Theater .reaching 1.000 pecple with an ad-; such well known newsmen as Quen Biack Mask" with Ceanre 7)ano a vi rtising me'saKe. Obviously, the ! tin Reynolds, .tohn Gunther, Paul "tn'.enc'ed "."drfo'S.turt" rfatCT lhe ; h e?w the Gallic and Bob Confine, of a ludie. The Black Mack, know-'cost per thousand. Also, obviously. ln the offender ta be Innocent hit wit and. when nec-aaery, bis flaahtnr tword lo diacover the real murderer. (Top Italian praduction with Infllah dialofuei. 7 lis" pm. Famout Film Featlval Part I of "Tha Bed Shoet." hated on a famout Hana Chnatlan Anderenn atory, tarrln Marlua Gorini ai the brilliant younl compoaer who falla In lovt with the beautiful prima bal lerina, played by red-haired Moira Shearer. 11 : p m. Coronet Theater "The Second Candle." itarrlni Whitfield Connor and Mable Pane. The heart warmmi atory of a woman whoae beloved husband diea and her atruf lle to retain the faith aha kul ai i reault of the traiedy. UHF t7: EOIN TV. VHF it M:45 ireraon l-an uoWhat't Ti Ft lWIld Bill HeklWDd Bill Peraon Can DoWhat's Trouble R'ck Thii la Llf fTriU It Life lLona Ranffer Ijon Banter Id. .Ki ia..ki t.i . lwld Wrld lwid WorW CrUit: 'MIY'r Crl,i,: ' I Big Picture Bis Picture IChriatophert I Chriitopher IDmnlKtaa lOmnlkm HalllStam Tomorr I Start Tomorr. Talecourae lArmch. Thea. I The Parlor I Talecourae lArmch. Then. Christian Set. Hoy Kosen Roy Rosen IWhata My LlnelWhafi My Una ItlFamou rilmt IFamoutFllm ICapt. Gallant lOld Time Mv.iOld T. Movies lEd Sullivan Ed Sullivan Ed Sullivan 'Famous Films Timoui Filmt IFamout Films lAlf. Hitchcock lAlf. Hitchcock IMack Am. Hr. IMack Am. Hr. I lit Run Theat I lit Bun Theat Hr. World Totnorw IWorkt Tomorw aV Ford Churtn of th Air - YTIDawn New Y'rIDawn New Y'r (Concert Hail IConcert Hall Back to Cod IBack io God (Waffle Cluo Waffle Club isalt Lake Tib. Salt Lake Tab. IFrank Br Ern'itlSongi of Devo. Manh. Met ISonai to Rem. Hit Revue ISongi Remera. World A'tatn World Affair Mutie fr.s Sun.l Muaic for Sun. Ralph Rogert .Ralph Rogera Firit MethodutiFirat Methodiat Firat Baptiat Flrat Baptiat Calvary Baot (Calvary Bapt CBS Feature CBS Feature Cliurrh Scry. Church Serv. Ralph Rogert i Ralph Rogera Newt Cjivalc. I Newa Cavalc. ISun. Matinee Sun. Matine Sun. Serenade ISeren. N'e (Bob Crtiaby New Mnnltur Monttor Ralph Rogert IRalph Roger TPubl. Pro. IPuibl. Prot. I Church Hep. Church Rep. Sun. Barenidi Seren. Newi Percy Failji 'Percy Fa ilk Monitor (Monitor Revival Hour Revival Rour I Aft. Melod. I Aft. Melod. Sun. Matinee Sun. Ma l in.. Sun. Serenade Sui. Serenade Philharmonic (Philharmonic Radio Theater Radio Theater Greateet Story Greater! Story ICIly Editor ICtty Editor I un. Matine Sun. Serenaoa Philharmonic Monitor Sun. Ma tenet Sun Serenade Philharmonic Her Id of Truth Herald of Truth (Mennonlte Hr. Mennonlta Hr, (Sun. Matine (Sun. Matine Senator Mora Stan Off Ediar Bergen Edgar Bergen iMonitor Ifllue Serened Sun. Matinee I Sun. Matine CBS Nroir n CBS Newaroom Shirley Thomatl Shirley Thnmaa Towa Meeting iTown Meettng JRinTlnTin iFIn Tin Tin (Sun. Matine fu Never Know t for Money for Money Monitor ; 'Monitor Many Thing (Here't to Vet .Drew Pearaon lEvening Sere. Gunamoke aunamoke S peak Da ' Amer rorum lAmer forum Overeeai Ai'gniTrivel Talk Seo. Boeolaa:y Newt IMedicine Ser. Mtu-k Millar Mitch Miller Mua. feat Mua. Fait. WO Bad. frtt Taith In Time f fMuale Mtdnil IMuale Mldntta City Counnl City Council Paul Canaan ' Paul Carina Sponsors Culture By EVE STARR STARR REPORT: It a an un- fortunate economic fact that the people who make the loudest demand (or cultural and educa tional TV programs are the people ! aowllaj hllxxard with the tem- ho don't have to pav for them. I ewratare sawa U Jl below and the They just want to nee them. ( '.nd ' wi"d "' naar. They a lot f these people dnn I see them I apeat quite a few days In a weather when thev are done. Thcv fust feel;" (healed, fortunafely) before very riiihleously, that such alwws oueht to he ' done. Then thev J"X bo back to ! 'a'1!. watching Milton Berle and t h e .rT l wood hired more than 4V) new wrestlers in the 3- 'V A I people during 19SS, not counting privacy of tlicir lift ! talent. When one network has to living rooms. 4-Af increase its ataff by that much In Adverti sing V? pf, I a sir.tjle year, there can no longer men, by and Jj ,? lie much argument that TV is king larKe. the inter- a"" a-- on wesi cofist. 1 can remember the belter the enteita:nment, the Hollywood's lalett rave is Mr greatrr the audience. j ret Marreau. the young F r e a r h Cultural show traditionally reach a camparatively small audience. Ed Murrow, for faitaac. did a magnificent Job with hit "See II Now" devoted ta education, hut no sponsor would touch It. CBS paid for It aut of Its awa pocket, NBC's "Assignment: India" was a noteworthy contributioa ta the ranks of the cultural educational shows, but arfaia there was aa sponsor. NBC paid tor It. And the same thlnf holds true with NBC's opera aeries. "Bring epera ta tele vision!" cry the purists. S NBC brims anera ta television, and ao- body wants ta foot .the bill. SO the artwork fools the bill. It Is shows such as these which may not only force the pay-as-you-see-TV issue out into theSopen but prove once and for all that people won't pay for such shows in great enough numbers to make them worthwhile. 1. for one, would be delighted to watch an "Assignment India" if NBC wants to give it to me; but I will be more honest than most and admit quite frankly that I wouldn't drop a coin in a slot for the privilege pi seeing it. It's a nice little problem TV is facing. Culture the way the pro fessional TV people look at it, can be a blamed nuisance. Everybody wants it and nobody will buy it. Quite frankly, I don t think j everybody wants it at all. I think : very few people really want it. i There is a touch of the snob in all of us, and it is this touch that is raising all tha ruckus. Everybody likes to talk about drinking cham pagne, but actually very few people really lika It. NBC. TICKLED TO DEATH a- er the rereptiaa of Its "Sleeping Beauty" ballet (chalk one ap far culture It reached 3.Bf,Mf people), has now scheduled the Laurence Olivier movie, "Richard III," for some time la March. It will raa a full three hoars, and la color. Let's hope It will be oa a nice raiay Sunday afteraaaa. KVAL TV, VHF 13 El'GFNE: KVAL-TV, Channel II (Sunday): It: noon Championehip Bowline; I'M p.m. Dave Garraway present! New Yeara Vislla to vanoui pari! nf the United Statei: :JO Shell Firit-Run Theater preaenta Broad way Limited" a publicity atunt end! in kidnaping charge; 4: Thil la the Life; 4:3 Sunday Spectacular Happy New Year program, with akaling, muaic and comedy: : Meet th Preaa In an Interview with Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeka; :! I Spy: 7:M It ! I Great Life; 7:3 Life with Ellra- beth: : Grand Ole Opry: S:a The Whiatler: S:Ja Four-Star Play. hnut with Chanel Boyer, Maureen O Sullivan and Dan Tobin in "The Gift;" 1: The Loretta Young Show nreaenta Dorothy Malone and John Erieann tn "A Ticket for May;" 11:3 Sunday Showtime present! rime and the Devil. WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR TV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3327 ror Service Caltt f t Daily, 141 1 lira Sawday Servile 'rata I p. an. TELEVISION SERVICE CO. Mi All-American Football! 1 :i America's top collegiate stars in A ml Shrl ChuMc for CrippUd CMUrmt 'ttiotpitmit brought to you bf , OHfrrVLEf. OOIOBlAT10;TMaT rOAMSAAD IOOK PVVMCrUTM a ttOOOB OB BOTO a CHSTVSLBH a IMPSBrJAb TODAY 1:45 P.M. CHANNEL 27 ' - - " " ' Shy From Programs WHEN "WIDE, WIDE WORLD' Included a live plckti from (he lap Mi. WaahlnfUa la New Hamp- '(hire latt week, fear rameramea fottad themaelvet straadea np there apeclally eifBlpprd snow ircctor rauiq nam us way up mere ta h"lnf them back. Film TV wai . Bever like this ! panlomimisl w h first appeared in , thla cauntry aa Ma Lirbmaa's Maurice Chevalier spectacular and Jt recently played a week at the j Blltmor hotel here In Las Angeles. tower lhamploa. a dancer aim self, calls it ane ef the greatest acts he's ever seen, and D I a a h 'Share has sinned him for her Jan. 17 "Chevy Shaw, her first hour lone appearance la a show of her awn. SHORT SHOTS: It still very much in the rumor stage, but the rumor persists that NBC would dearly love lo slot a Walter Win- chcll - controlled variety show opposite Ed Sullivan on Sunday niehls. Idea is that Winchell could lure even bigRer and better stars than can SullAan. . .No less a movie personage than David 0 Selznick has been approached to produce a TV film series. And the Selznick answer still isn t no. Economic note. When Lugene Sanders, as Babs Riley, got mar ried on the "Life of Riley show she rented her own wedding dress to the show for $30. (Copyrilht 1S.1S. .eral . reaturet corp.) U.S. 'Ready For Trouble' In Korea Area WASHINGTON ("-Secretary of the Army Brucker said Friday that if the Communists start anything; in Korea "we are ready." Interviewed on his return from a West Pacific inspection tour, Brucker said he found American forces manning the Armistice line between North and South Korea are at a "razor edge" of readiness and added: "If anybody thinks this is just an operation stalemate over there, they have got another think corn ins. If the Communists start any thing we are ready." Brucker described Okinawa as the American "nerve center of the Pacific now" and said this country intends to retain control of the is land for "many, many years." He said U. S. defense on Okin awa. which faces Communist China south of Japan, are "mobile and ready." Among these defenses he mentioned the Army's 280 MM cannon, which can fire atomic as well as conventional shells. - Brucker said American military power on tiainawa, wnicn was con trolled by tht Japanese before World War II, "must be continued on a strong level and strengthened as time goes on." He declined to go into details. Japanese Seaman Detained by Reds KAGOSHIMA, Japan 01 - Un armed Chinese Nationalist sol diers detained a Japanese) fishing boat which took refuge off Garan bi. Southern Formosa, Wednesday night, Kyodo News Service said. The captain and one crew mem ber were taken off the No. IS Hoko Maru for questioning, Kyodo said, quoting tha boat's radio report re ceived here. ' a .? STARRDLST: NBC In Kolly f i n 1 XaaV aaw ' "He got Up early end martini glasses!" DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS I. Gangs 5. People of Switzerland 11. Circuit 12. Sharp headed weapon 13. Girl's name i. Becom liable to 15. Proaecut Judicially 1. Monetary unit (Belg.) 18. Devoured i. A former president of Czecho plovakiaa 31. A dish. for soup 34. 8luggarla7 28. Farewell 30. A group of rooms 31. Frenca artist 33. Small piece of ground 34. Floury 3. Fuas 3. Cereal grain 40. Th sun 43. Kind of baer 45. Force 47. Sphere of action 48. Movable? barrier 48. Ovules of plants SO. Pitchers with lids 2. Ostrich-like bird 3. Dexterous 4. Wire . measure 5. Not f reah 6. Sp'.inters 7. Pal 8. Indian of Peru t. Rabbit's tail 10. Wither 17. A remnant It. Freshness 20. Thin, lika soup 31. Strip 22. Poem 23. Gain DOWN 1. Flap Pakistan Asks Settlement of Kashmir Issue KARACHI -. Pakistan's For eign Minister Hamidul Haq Chow dry has asked the United States and. Britain to take a firm stand on disputed Kashmir in view of recent statements by Soviet lead ers favoring India's position. The loreign omce saia ine luiure ot the state between India and Pak istan should be settled as pre scribed by the Security Council in a fair and free plebiscite . . .under the guidance of the U.N. Killer Yells Curses for Death Term MEDIA, Pa. Un-Struggling wild ly in the grasp of seven deputy sheriffs, handcuffed Francis X. Ballcm shouted cursrs Friday as he was sentenced to die in Pennsyl vania's electric chair for murder ing a man and dismembering the body. Ballem, kicked at the men who held him, as De Aware County Judge William R. Toal imposed the death penalty. Then he yelled at the jurist. "Damn your soul, you re more of a murderer than I am. "Rat. You are not going to get me without a fight." The 29-year-old convicted slaver. his face bearded and bis two hands shackled to a heavy leather belt around his waist, had to be drag ged to the bar of the court for the sentencing. Ballem was convicted last Jan. 27 of first degree murder for kill ing John Dopirak, 33-year-old Ches ter, Pa., dishwasher and former seaman. The Jury had fixed the penalty at death. nbdec Asks U.N.- ' Open Meetings With Prayers UNITED NATIONS, N Y. (AI - U.S. Delegate Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., has proposed every meeting of the U.N. Assembly open wi'h prayer by priest from any reli gion with adherents in the U.N. Officially, 12 delegates have re plied, some with enthusiasm and some rwrtcommital. Privately, del egates of varioua faiths said they felt the plan is impractical and unworkable because of the diver sity of religions In the U.N. The U.S. delegation made public Thursday night a letter written by Lodge on Dec. 21 to top represent atives of 73 other members. REDS ASK ADMISSION GENEVA i- The Red Cross of Red North Korea baa applied for membership in 'he league of Red Cross Societies and will be considered by the executive com- mitte Best year. South Korea is I a member. ote oil the olives out of the -1 25. Noth. tng 38. Creek letter 27. Place 29. Ridges of moun tains 32. Man's nick . foT TjQ A i a.1 alp qpc fcrf lAjaia-l mm EfflMS It M name; 35. Shelf 36. Exclamav tionof sorrow . XT. Ventura- ' 38. S-aluped anoUUng; Yeeterdejr'i Aaewea 40. Location 41. Acroaa 42. Minus 44. Finish 46. Not cooked 7" T i 77 - ; a T To - :fe:::: 21 21 2) 29 17 " """'r s n aa j Vy " Ml Wr ITT n-it Flood's Toll In California Raised to 52 SAN FRANCISCO UP - Bodies of a heroic father and son who were drowned while trying to save oth- ers wnen the Yuba City levea broke were recoverd Friday, rais- ingg the California flood toll to 52. I'ndersheriff Earl Blackburn. 5S, and his 24-year-old son, Robert, had driven a patrol car into tht danger area last Friday to warn residents of the break. Coroner Burwell Ullrey of Sutter County said their bodies were found 200 yards apart in an orchard. As 'flood water receded, Ells worth Bunker, president of tht American Red Cross declared, "We have passed the Immediatt emergency phase and are in the long term program of rebuilding and rehabilitation." Bunker assured Gov. Goodwin J. Knight that "Whatever it costs we are going to do it." Bunker talked to the governor after fly ing over Yuba City, South of Eureka the State Di vision of Highways said the big gest road repair Job In California history is underway on U.S. Hich- way 101. Over a 100-mile stretch between Laytonville and Scotia, the road had 16 different blocks. George T. McCoy, state highway engineer, said 125 pieces of equip ment were taking part in the "greatest concentration of men and equipment used in repairing any damaged section of state high way in our "history." The million acre flood In 43 Northern California counties did damage estimated at 150 million dollars. At one time 50.000 per sons were homeless. The Red Cross still is sheltering 4,563 and is feed ing 19,226. ' Red Cross figures also showed that in the California-Oregon areas 1.05. homes were destroyed and 18.A33 damaged. Appealing for flood relief funds were the jRed Cross and the Salva tion Arrrty. Archbishop John J. Mitfy asked all Catholic churches in the archdiocese of Sao Fran cisco to take special collections for flood relief at all masses Sun day. Chemical Firms Iloll to Record For Sales in '56 NEW YORK irV-The dynamic chemical industry rolled on to new sales records in 1955 and Invested another billion dollars in expand ing Its plants. Total sales for the . year are estimated by the Manufacturing Chemists' Assn., representing 90 Pr cent of the industry's produc tive capacity, at a whopping 23 billion dollars. That's an increase of 17.1 per cent over IBM sales ef 19' billions. t A Production also climbed to a new high, with plastics and man made fibers leading the wa. i . -