Negro Golfers Play on City Courses After Court Order (Picture in Wirephoto Section) ATLANTA.CflV-Flvt Negroes took their placet In line with the usual week-end crowd of white golfers at Atlanta's North Fulton golf course Saturday and began playing without incident Report Denies Insanity Claim By Graham DENVER tn Dist. ' Atty. Bert Keating said Saturday he has a medical report refuting a defense claim that John Gilbert Graham, 2.1. accused of the dynamite bomb ins of an airliner, was treated for a "mental condition" while in the U. S. Coast Guard. Graham is undergoing psychiat ric examination after pleading innocent and innocent by reason of insanity to charges of murder ing his mother, Mrs. Daisie Kin, 55. one of the 44 persons killed in the plane crash. Keating said the medical report he has shows "there was no evi dence he was ever insane" while in the Coast Guard. "Nothing was wrong with him," Keating said, "except he was a brat who re fused to conform and follow the orders cf his superiors." En'MH at 1 Graham enlisted in the Coast Guard when he was 16. He was discharged after being AWOL and after officials learned he was under the enlistment age. During arguments on motions in court this week, Graham's attorneys said he had been treated for a "mental condition" at a Marine hosnital on Ellis Island, N. Y. Keating told a reporter today he had chta'ncd a 2Vi page sum mary of Graham's medical report in the service. Keating said Gra ham was AWOL for a month during which time he hitchhiked across the country, committed petty thefts, frequented dance halls, regularly became drunk and associated with numerous women. Denies Treatment Defense counsel claimed Gra ham, when hospitalized, complain ed of recurring blackouts and was given electric shock treatments. Keating said his report showed this was not correct. Keatting said his report was obtained "through routine investi gation" but he refused to divulge its source. "I shall have copies of this report made and distributed among all the psychiatrists ap pointed by the court to examine Graham," Keating said. The psychiatrists are scheduled to report to the court Jan. I tn their observations of Graham. Japanese Firm Rushes Plans On A-Reactor TOKYO' I A Japanese firm said Sunday it is rushing plain for a 10,000 kilowatt atomic re actor. Hitachi. Works Ltd., a heavy industry company, said blueprints for the reactor, a natural uranium, h.avy water type, should be ready by March. It will take one or two years to build. Hitachi recently designed a 50 kilowatt water-boiler type reactor. ' Meanwhile, the government an nounced it will send Ichiro Ishi kawa, president of the Federation of Economic Organizations, to the United States to promote co operation on atomic energy pro jects. 1 He is expected to confer with American atom experts on details of the Japan-United States Atomic Energy agreement. Ishikawa also will discuss Japan's entry into the Inter national Atomic Energy Organiz ation which will be organized next year under United Nations auspices. Answers to Crossword Puzzle em nsffleMmiMMnayMs aOMORI ICR El E OTfjJSjllljRj EEfgFiF TfAlKTEl oiRQa i llit iSrlRlLEy e I CDd eiaTRitih Outnkoiel by IUI Feature IreCiseie DIVIDEND NOTICE Tha 38th semi annual dividend on the 5 cumulative preferred stock of State Finance Co. has been declared by the Board of Direc tors, payable to the stockholders of record December 31, 1933. t. H. Miller 1 Vice-President State 'pittance 167 So. High St. . Phone 3-315. They were the first to take ad anUfe of the Federal eourt order which Thursday opened all of the city's public golf courses to Negroes. In the first group to tee off were two plaintiffs in the law suit which led to the court order. It was filed after they had been turned away when they attempt ed to play on the city-owned Bobby Jones course in 1931. Alfred Holmes said they had been treated cordially at the course and that "the (white) golfers in front of us stopped, asked how we were doing and compared scores with ours." Flavins with Hnlmi hi brother, Oliver, and C. T. Bell, a real estate man. Accompanying them Was R. E. Thnmn Ir nn of the attorneys in the golf litiga tion, wno did not play but kept score. Nothing Said Echind them were T. D. Hawk ins, bank teller, and E. J. Pat terson, real estate man. They, re ported nothing had been said to them while they were. on the course. The Negroes appeared at North Fulton, one of the city's sportier public golf courses, in mid-morning and began playing without fanfare. . Assistant pro Hank Whitfield said they "just came out, paid their fees and teed ott." He said he watched them tee off and "they seemed to hit the ball real good." None of the other city courses reported any Negro players but one or two said callers, identify ing themselves as Negroes, had called to make reservations for Monday. But city parks manager George Simons said reservations are not made at city courses, ex cept for North Fulton on week ends, snd is not required there. Dr. H. M. Holmes, the 71-year-old leader of the four-year court fight that removed racial bar riers at the golf courses, and father of the two brothers who played Saturday, also had plan ned to play himself, but changed his mind. Steel Castings Output High NEW YORK to-The nation's steel industry poured a record total of about 116 million net tons of ingots and steel for castings in 1933 compared with the previous record of 111,600,000 tons in 1953, Max D. Howell, executive vice president of the American Iron and Steel Institute, reported in a yea rend statement Saturday. The 1955 total also compared with the 1954 output of 81,300,000 tons. "All indications point to con tinued high production, expansion and improvement in 1956," Howell said. He added that the steel Industry also paid its workers a record high payroll, stepped up expansion plans and established records in sales, shipments, safety and other fields. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... oo Late To Classify FOUND, men' glasses on 1440 Stat St. Owner cn have by paying (or thu ad. CALL 1-07M 1373 NEEF, 1 bdrms.. near schools Ac stores. SCO mo. Ph. 4-3530. STUDENT wanti work ovtr holi day! driving: private car or truck. Nave operator'! Si chauffeur'! li censes. Will work any noun. Ph. Woodburn 1-4519. WANTED: 3 H. P. searhead alectrlc motor. Oscar Lot, Ph. Sllverton 1-4&SI. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST Siamese, teal point, male rat. IX yn, old. Vicinity N. Church tt I Reward. ,3t N, Church. Ph. 1-4807. Speeding Case Linked to Fatal Car Accident r - MONTPE4.IER. Ohio ( - The automobile in which Adlai Steven son's son, John, was injured and two companions killed in Indiana last Wednesday figured in speed ing case in Ohio shortly before the accident, the Ohio Highway Patrol disclosed Saturday. Patrolman M. E. Lafferty said he had charged James Gilligan 20. of Nebraska City, Neb., with speeding on the Ohio turnpike at S:30 a.m. Wednesday. The youln was fined $10 and costs. The fatal accident took place a few hours later In Middlebury, Ind., when John Fell Stevenson's car was boxed in by trucks and collided head-on with one of them. Young Stevenson suffered a frac tured jaw and other injuries. h, iiiicu ill me narii wru wiiua'ii S. North, 19. of Lake Forest, 111., and William C. Boyden, 19, of Chi cago. Gilligan, who was driving the car when tie Ohio arrest wHs made, was in the back seat alone at the time of the Indiana accident, and suffered only bruises. Classified Advertising Etstesmsn-Jonrnsl Newspapers m n. caarea at PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES per Una 1 times. SO SO per line S times $1.30 lljn per line 1 month. 1)00 (Incl Sunt (Mia. I lines) 'Weekdays Snajs per line 1 time .IS .23 Classified ada win be run tn both papers to Siva advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling Snwer of 35,600 combined elrcula ons. i When an ad Is ordered three or six times snd a Sunday Issue is In cluded (for example Friday, Satur day, Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only the Statesman publisher Sundays. Classified ada will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal but ads will be accepted lor Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for classified ads Is 1:00 p.m. the day before publica tion. Emergency adi and (mall line ads received after 1:00 p.m. may be placed in the 'Too Late to Classify" column lor the following morning. Ada tor Monday papers must be In by 5 p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserve the light to reject ques tionable advertising; It further re serves the right to place all adver tising under the . proper classifica tion. ' . The Statesman-Journal Newspaper assume no financial .esponsibillty lor errors which may appear In ad vertisements published In its columns snd In esses where this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typo grsphicsl mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an sd containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address ia for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter. The Statesman-Journal News papers are not at liberty lo divulge Information as to the Identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER ST It I VIS TO protect Its readers against fraud, deception or injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAY MENTS to get a position adver tised In the help wanted columns. All help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE Of THE WORK. Sales help wanted, ads must state if the pay is tn the form of salary commissions or guarantee. Bona fide offers of employment with pay belong te the "Help Wanted" columns. Ads in other columns which re quire Investment In stocks, sam ples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly investigated before paying out any money. Ad vertises requiring a cash Invest, ment for samples or merchandise sales aids, etc, must so specify la their ads . . Kindly report any exception to this rule to the classified advertising manager. Gassified Index "For Your Conveniwiee" 300 PERSONAL 310 Meeting Notices 315 Lost snd Found 314 Transportation 316 Personal 315 Stamps and Coins im Ar.ntrtiLTURE 402 Livestock for Sale 403 Livestock wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbits 407 Fur Bearing Animals sna PrU 40 Sea Foods 410 Seede and Plants 411 Fruit and Farm Produce SIS fertlliver 414 Farm Equipment. ua Auction eaiee 450 MERCHANDISE 451 Machinery and Tools 453 Wanted Machinery, Tools 454 Sewing Machines 455 Household Goods for Sal 45 Wanted Household Goods 457 Rsdio and Television 456 Building Materials 45 Do It Yourself 4t0 Musical Instrument 41 Sports Equipment 44 Blcyciea 4M Trade Miscellaneous 461 For Rent, Miscellaneous 470 For Ssle, Miscellaneous 471 Wanted, Miscellaneous 474 Mtarcllaneou 476 Fuel SOS BUSINESS AND FINANCE 310 Money to Loan Sll Loans Wanted 31S Investments SOS EMPLOYMENT SOS Help Wanted 04 Help Wanted, Male SOS Help Wanted, Female ana Pickers Wsnted 16 Ssles Persons 11 Work Wsnted, Male 14 Work Wanted. Female IS Hltuatlona Wanted 16 Employmant Agencies II Job Information , IS Education ' 26 Day or Contract 706 RENTALS 70S Sleeping Rooms, Board 703 Wanted Rooms, Board 70S Apartments for Rant ' 705 Duplexes 7(17 House tor Rent 707-A Furnished 706 Fs rma. Tracts t 706 Wsnted to Rent 710 Wsnted to Rent House 711 Wsnted tn Rent Apt. 714 Business Rental 71 Resort Rentals 716 Convalescent Home 70 Moving and Storage SOS REAL ESTATE SOI Business Opportunities m Business Property 603 Suburban so Houses for Sale so7 Apt., Court for Sal o Lota tor Sal 616 Farm. Acreage for Sal Sll Exchange Real Estate SI Resort Property SIS Wanted Real Estat S3S Insurance SM AUTOMOTTVl S5I New Care 351 Used Cars for Sale S51 Auto Parts and Repair S54 Trucks. Trailers lor Sal 56 Wanted Cars, Truck 56 Motorcycles ens Auto MiacellsneOu Sl House Trailers SM Heavy Equipment SM Aircraft pal 4-6811 to Place Ad Salem Obituaries Ray Afci . At Cutbank. Mont Wednesday De cember Slat Survived ky parents. Mr. and Mrs. Francis 1. Manley of Cutbank. Mont. Sister, Mrs. Eva Strsnwall el Cutbank. Mont Senrlrea will be held In the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Tuesday. December 17th at 1:03 p.m. Interment In Bclcreat Me morial Park. Charlie Juel McCain Late resident el Cervaii, Ore., at the ate of U years. Dec. 13. An nouncements el services lata by Howell-Edwards Funeral Home. Edith McDerssetS Lata resident of 1277 N. Liberty St.. tn a local hospital Wednesdsy. Dec. list, al ass of 41 years. ur vived by one son. Steohsn L. Me Dermott U.SA F, Msncheiter. S. H i five sisters, Mrs. Alms Tanner. Sa lem; Mrs. Joy Morrison, Portland: Mrs. A fnet Free, Seattle, Wash.! Mrs. Florence Young, Mine, N. Da kota; Mrs. Clsrs Schroeder. Chicago, III.: lour brothers. Lvlc Miller. Sa lem; Henry Miller, Medrs'o. Calif: rl Miller el Haver, Mont: Hoy Miller. Froyd, Mont, Services will be held Tuesday, Dec. 27. at I'N p.m., In the chapel ol the Howrtl-Edwards funeral home, the Rev. T.' M. Geo hard officiating, followed by Inter-. ment in neicresi Memorial rare:. 300 Personal 312 Lost ond Found LOST Boy's Wadeworth wrist watch with expansion band, hear rarrian Jr. High School. Ph. 4-3413. LOST: Large male Siamese cat at , ISth At Market St. Reward. Ph. V 3-3263. WILL person who picked up grey embrella St rubbers from Owl Drug Store Lunch Counter plesae return to Towne Shop. Reward. LOST: Maroon, man'a bill fold. Keep money, return with papers. Box 723, Statesman-Journal. , 314 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. SS6 S. Commercial. 1-1106 or 1-9441. BILLS? Too many bills? Well consolidst them for you, no matter what you ewe or earn. No co-signers or se curity needed. Just ons eaay pay ment each month and w pay all your bills. CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem 1-SS44 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1 SOU N. Com ! 3-4537 audi fite n&iuts (Mr. nm 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Solo LOCKER BEEF, Eastern Oregon. ,, or whole 16c lb. Custom killing. Trsiler loaned free. Salem Meat Co.lUSaWSth. Ph. 3-4656. PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOER Ph. 4-803 Oalcm, or 1-4333 Woodbura. 403 Lirostock Wonted1 CATTLE BUYERS K. I and H. ftne then 4297 State, 1-1343 or 1-430. CATTLE, horses, at your arm. E. (5! McCandliah, Rt 2. Box 197. 3-619 LIVESTOCK buyer, A. f. Sommer, 1260 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-SOS7. LIVESTOCK buyer, Claude Edwarda. Rt 3, Bos S99E. Ph. 4-1111 404 Poultry ond RobEirs" DUCKS A GEESE FOR SALE Phone 4-3S64 HUNTERS We drea Urns as wild fowl buy rabblta. Wing's, a6S Stat. Ph. 4-3916. 408 Pots BOSTON Terrier stud service. AX.C. e 8m. type. Ph. 4-340 Salem. SIAMESE kitten lor aal. Rt. 6. Box 164. Ph. 1-123. A.K.C. Reg. German short-haired pupa, ia weeks oia. rn, independ ence 3-40J3. FOR SALE Purebred blsck Labrador puppies. Ready for deliv. 6 was. Males 123. Femsles fIS. Ynur choir In order of deposit. 1097 Coral Ave. Ph. 1-4097. BLACK curly haired puppies. 3. 333 so. 43th. CET your boy terrier puppies for Christmas. We have 3 very nice one to pick irom. bus a. Lancaster. Ph. 4-SSS3. rREE Black, part cocker puppy, 1 mo. old female, likes children. Mother cat to give away. Ph. 3-1493 FOR CHRISTMAS GIVE COCKER Spaniel puppies, honey Ji red color. Ph. 3-7S14. TOY TERRIER PUPPY Phone 1-131 COCKER At Srotty puppies for sale. kt. I, Box xzs, Monmoutn, ore. FOR SALE Welmeranar pups. A K C. reaaonablr. Lorin Wrolstad, Rt. 3, Box 379, Molalla, Ore. Ph. Needy 36FS3. DOGS boarded, Corkhaven Kennels. Lucile Lund. Rt. 1, Sllverton. 3-4767. A BARGAIN on 1 Cocker Spaniel pups. 4M N. Water. A.K.C. reg. Cockers (1 wks.l. Col lies, tiny Chihuahua. Ph. S-134S. TINY reg. Chihuahua pups. Birch wood Dr. isas REASONABLE For aale. Corker it Scolty puppies. sea ween aays, a.m. nil I p.m. Mr. snd Mrs. L. G. Johnston, Rt X, Box 22 A, Monmouth. PARAKEETS, esee. au.mll. 4 Car- ners Avian sun riuaaoo iibji PARAKEETS. Cage as Supplies. B Js M Aviary, ues Maywooa. -4z. Business for the best prolusions! swrlcrs, ADDINO MACHINES All make adding machines, eaU eulator As typewriters, cold, rent ed. repaired. Roon. 4M Court 1773. APPLIANCBS WF.STINGHOUSE Woodry Familiar C 474 So Comi Ph. 4-71 II BEPPINO " CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vator New maltreaaen. S-40M. BUILDING WRECKERS in. Randolph, SpringflaM, Or. Pm. Springfield 6-S551 ' BULLDOZING Bulldottng. elaarlng roads, ponda, D-4. Z-t dorryall. V. Huskey. Ph. S-114S CONTRACTORS General rontrartlng Sperialising la remoaenng rree estim rn -sP rRANB WORE 25-ton Lorain mole crane Salens Sand A Gravel C (-141 FLOOR COVtRINOS Morrla Walket Paint Co Floor-cov-ering DivisMm duality Inaulla tlona. Uaoleums, Asphalt 111, Rub ber Tile. Wall tile. Eta. ERIE ES TIMATES. Pk, -U7S.4 , 450 Merchandise 431 iatildint Motoriols Like Our Let us keep secure the blessings of Liberty For ourselves snd our posterity and hold , Fast to the faith la the power of free men. Let us keep secure, too, the spirit of Christmas That rests in the hearts of all good anea a ad Nations. MAY YOU HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR -YOUR BUILDING SUPPLY FRIENDS" i PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD v .' ICE All Stock Goes . Nails, per keg SS SS SO gal. ateel Septl Tanks 15. Quality Medicine Cabinet 7. U-l Elee. Wire 4 'is ft Rsnge Cable 19e ft. 100'a of Windows, choos 11 sa. 100-36x54 Windows S3 5 , In- 4 X S Plywood IM up. . .' In. Gr. A Birch 41 4 In. dr. A Mshogsny 35 , x 16 Grsd A Cedar S $116. Roll Blanket, loos InsuL Spec. Galvanlred Iron Roofing SIS. Overhead Garage H'dwar 111.73. New In. soil pip is ft. Galvanized Pipe, all sires ehsap. 4 In. black sewer pipe SOc-34 ft Hdw'd door-A SELL OUT. Kllrh. alnka, toilets, tubs, trays, trsys, heaters, basins, close out Weatherstripned windows complete with frame, close out Blag, paper SOS sq. ft $1 2J-S3 30. STRICTLY CASH - U-RAUL C G. LONG' SONS 1 ml. N. Keizer Ph. 4-3031 400 Agriculture 408 rots SIAMESE kitten, aealpolnt; house- broken as resaonablc. rn. si. TROPICAL FISH, used tsnka tt standi: everything goes, all or part 107 Electric Ave. 0 KITTENS Te give away. Phone 4-1376. HOLLYWOOD Aquarium, 193S Mc Coy. Tropical, goldfish, equipment BIRD Paraduw tor Mrs, esse. up oliaa SI LtvlngstonT t-)43 RARE Parakeets, fl , up. 3-S1J3, 656 Taybln ltd., w, Salem after :. PEDIGREE Roller Canaries. Rea sonable priced. Ph. 1-79. PARAKEETS Cage as Supplies. S63S S. Commercial, rh. 1-1. ft. 412 Fruit ond Form Produca WALNUTS. 2V LB. Phone 4-3061 FRESH carrot tt apple Juice. Pints it quarts. Free Del. Ph. 1-7190, PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c gal delivered. Clcary Dairy. 1-3033. HOLLY for decorating it wreaths. Ph. 4-10S7. 413 Fortiliaor ROTTED MANURE Rich, fine man ure by aark or yard. Delivered or at farm. Phillip Bros. Rt Bo 493, Ph. 430SL 414 Form Equrpmont S-FT. International tandem disk, SIS. Sears garden tractor Ar attachments, SIM; SOO-gal.. tank. 320: dry slab wood, SU M cord. Ph. 1-7751. TRADE 14 1-ton Chev. farm truck lor tractor or machinery. Dealer welcome. Ph. Salem 16F3. 450 Merchandise 451 Mochiwory ond Tools SHOPSMITH Wattachmentt, 131 Ph. 3-7042. HAVE several used welders AC DC Can 4-7544. USED arc tt acetylene welder. In quire 60S Illinois. 3-ase. 455 HsokotcJ Good's For Solo UNFINISHED chests new -rwr. sto.93; 4-drawer. as ts. Cash Carry, no ph. order Hogg Bra . Salem. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Store. 17 li. High. AUTO, dryer, altghtly srrstrhed. BUY THIS and receive a NKW BI CYCLE FREE. SI down, S3.M week. Firestone Stores. Liberty It Cen ter. Ph. 1-2491. LARGE Norge oil circulator, ISO. Ph. 1-7 US. TAKE ever payment en 1933 airway vacuum cleaner waiiacnmenia, used I mo. 1-SS47S. LINOLEUM RUGS txll S3 M VALLEY FURN. lit N. COM'L. 456 Wontod, Msohold Good 6 WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. Ph. 2-7471 ! i' 457 RoJio mni TV TV Clearance!! On enly. Kay Hal- oen i" vitr console TV, excel, rnnd., only S4. Allen's Radio It TV. IPS East Owent 17" ZENITH TV. all station. In good condition, tabl modal, SS. Ph. 1-431. Directory call est of theso popular experts. PAPERINQ AND PAINTINO ' EXTRA careful paper-hangingai painting. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 4-1354. Painting and paper-hanging, free jestimate Ph S-9M3 tlWQ Shipping. RENTAL SERVICE -Ws rent most snythlng. UNITED RENT ALL'S 151 STATE ST. Pa 1-1414 SAND GRAVEL Salem Sand Si Gravel Co. Reedy mix cncret. Crushed and round gravel, aand and top mil I40S N rront at. Phone s-24i WAXUNO SAND 4s GRAVEL CO. 1 423 MoGllchrlat Crushed quarry rock and grsvei All slue for reed, OfSVewiy and parking lota READY MIXED CONCRETE Garde aand. feull-donng shovel an draglng work Phone S-S24 "CRUSHED quarry reck. Pk I-S6S1 after ar.p-iR sknvicb MIKE a a pi I Service Tanka cleaned r D'rooler i I sawera dralna Phone 1-4MSS Hamel septie tanka cleaned, Una aervtc Guaranteed work. Phone 1-1404, S-6774 HOWARDS Roto . Roeter, dralna, aewe. asftat tank lee4. MU1. 450 Merchandise 431 luiMino Mete rials Forefathers " SPECIALS S3-gal. elee. water htr. It jrr. gusr. .. . 7t Elee. wire 12-4 roll . 4',e ft sink complete with rim.. 143 S Bathtub I ft. A grsoa . 3496 ,x', gal. p-f , It and le Floor Furnoce 33 4 In. blark sewer Dloe at 30e Ar 34c ft Light fixtures . Reduced Switch boxes , , lie ea. Garbage disposal unit .. t3 Door chimes , swinrH Lavatory eompltt ll3 Kit vent, fan ltJI Celger Counters for Rent Sea ui foe PavAllae. Thermadoe. Warkey. Electre-ray,' Meatmor eieciri n eaters. Apex Elee & Plumb. 1403 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-134 100.009 FEET New, fresh-milled old as aerend growth lumber. 1x4 to txll In t - to 14-foot length. Delivered price Salem, 330 per thousand minimum. Ph. Ted afulier 1-H9. 459 Do It Yourself U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair your awn car. Pbon 4-3241. was n. com L , 460 Mvsicol Inst raiments PIANO for rent Kimball, newly reg ulated. 35 00 per me. Ph. a-tias er 4-136. 363S Dallss Hwy. UPRIGHT piano tt bench, tUO. 1344 Court fn. 1-440. CONVERT YOUR PIANO Into aa organ. Let ua ahow you how. WUtaey Musi House, ltt Stat St 461 Sports Equipment GUN CABINET, custom made, me- nogany, noma i guna, five, rs, 1-531. Mt DEER rifle with scop. Pk. 1-7271 ssiv n, murcn. CASH paid tor used guns, modern ana antique, taacaaa aiare., lu Brosdws., 464 licycle GIRLS SS" Elgin Bicycle. New tire. aim noys amsu iracior. rn. 4-31)4. GIRL'S 24" bike for aal-Good- coad. 2S. Ph. i-ssas. 466 Trade, MiKelloneovs" WILL TRADE car for good brow Saddl. Fh, 4-1304 or 1-7214. Hi tw Kent, Misc.lleneous FOR RENT or leas. If, warehouse pace, cement floor, brick bldg, downtown. Inqulr H. L. Stiff Furn.. 3-9133. It MM Bell Is Howell Bound Project or, for rent, w operator. Ph. S-S737. 470 For Solo Miscollonoowt R C A. VICTOR 41 automatic, SO roc orda. Ph. 1-463. MOD. wrought Iron desks for tiny erholars. Csll 1-7271. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM suffer era report ssfe, fester, longer-lasting relief Vlth ARTHONUL highly praised. Wiles Drug Store, Court A High 81. Ph. -17t TYPEWRITERS adding machine cash register, duplicator, desks chslrs, files tt supplies. Roeas 454 Court St Ph. 1-6773. RUMMAGE SALE. 1SS6 Center St Open t daya week, also evenlnts. BATTERY CHARGER. Allen service ststlon csah register, coke machine, floor lack, chain hoist, spark plug cleaner. M ft. Wase. hot plate. I gal. oil can. Ph. 1-7173. 1610 N. Church. COMPLETE SET nf bathroom fix tures $;iS. Ph. 1-S771. BOLLINGER'S FOR LESS NAT'L ADV. BRAND NAMES 145 73 Dormcyer power mixer. Wit 121.9 toffee maker .. 319.93 Deep fryer , 124 98 Wsffle tt grill (lsrge) 319.30 Portable mixer 14 S3 13 30 1713 1193 17.54 2595 324.30 Electric fry r 2 9S Auto presto lie HS Electric clock - M 00 Portsble glaaa heater.. 37.90 r 19.93 13.43 3193 Rnnson shaver (trade).. 314 HS Wrench aet (guaranteed) 311.50 324.S3 t-in. iMrmayer arm kit et.e SAVE FOR CHRISTMAS A DOLLAR I .A Y-A WAY TILL CHRISTMAS TO PAT BOLLINGER'S, 343 N. COMI CEDAR posts, poles. Ph. 4-3061. gYiger counters' SELL-TRADE-RENT IIS W, Liberty. Rm. 303. Ph. t-6021 SUMP pump ilk new. Ph. 4-374 3223 Lswrenre. USED adding machlnea, cash, regis. Clary. I97t fairground Rd. t-37t PIT RUN GRAVEL PH. 24310 471 Wonted, MiKtlloitoows LOGS WANTED Top price paid 6 In. to SO-la. diameters In 4-ft or multiples of l-ft W slso buy tumpsg. Burkland Lumbar Com pany, Turner, Ore. Ph. Turner 1123. Evenings pbon Turner 1301 er Sa lem 1-7121 474 Miscellonoout DENTAL PLATE P IT AIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES: DR. HARRY RF.MLER, DENTIST. Arinlph Bldg. Stat It Com I Bta, SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Peeler Cerea S. li H. Green Stamp 3017 Broadway Ph. 1-1331 Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry, Stove Diesel ails. Ph. 1-4444. CAPITOL FUEL CO. Sawdust, blower or push out Choice slab and block mixed. Planer end, dry oak wood. 1430 Broadway Ph. 3-7711 WEST SALEM FUEL Sawdust, blower ee push euL Planar and Pond Lille SPECIAL Semi-Dry Block and Slab. 1323 Edgewaler Ph. 1-4031 . Wood For Sale Sllverton Knar! Esst of Little Puddlm River W. L SUMMERS Rt. 8, Box IM Ph. 2-3293 TO PLACL AD PH. 4-6811 Statesman, Salem, Ore., 450 Merchandise 474 Foal Tri-City Fuel OLD GROWTH CHUNK WOOD. SAH GREEN STAMPS. PH. S-74U 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon LOANS tst tt to sisot at Buy what you need. Ceneolidate your bill. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 111 S Church St Phone 1-2457 $1500.00 New you eaa barrow 1130 from tie. en rurniiure, ante, trailer bouses snd equipment We are happy, that a ft et 26 year w are ablele extend this additional service to you, - s 137 South Commercial Salem. Oregon mmm- $23 to $2500 PACIFIC FINANCE Pacific Industrial Loans IIS S. Liberty Phone 4-lSCl WE HAVE rash buyers for real es tate contracts and Ind mortgage. Ohmart At Calaba. Realtora 477 Court St Phone 1-41 IS COLONIAL Investment ci. Reel Property Loans Contract Pur chased. tt7 Court 4-2263. 600 Employment 602 Hols. Wanted LAB TECHNICIAN wanted, doctor' orrice, Newport or. Yeck. Ph. . APPLICATIONS ar now being take sor eiaieaman oiryci route, sev eral routes will be pen. Appli cant must be accompanied by their parent er have their writ tea permission. Apple at th Circu lation Department f th States man Journal 604 Help Wanted1, Mole Assistant Minsger Wanted Expanding company seeks young man ror marieo. poanion witn ax client opportunity for advance ment te executive responsibility. ' dsy week, group Ins. paid va cations, retirement income Plan; profit sharing, etc. Age 11-3. Bom college preferred but not necessary. Aula necessary with -mtleaan and tnsuranc reimburse ment Pacific Industtrial Loans US So. Liberty St, Salem ,06 Help WoBtoi, Femole YOUNO woman for housework and child car, live In, private room, bsth tt salary. Ph. 1-44. 610 Solos Persons Wontod FACTORY SALESMEN Sell Charles inciter nationally known cuahlon Shoes direct . . Complete line for entire family. Pull time or aide line. Pull Urn man earn up to $23.66 per day In commission. Big repeats. Sample and equipment furnished to producers. CHARLES CHSSTER SHOE CO., 496 Cheater Building, Brockton, ' Mssa. MAKE 19M a better year. Run your own business. Man wanted for pro fitable Rawlelgh business nesrby. Write Rawleigh'a, Dept. ORL-1U-134A. Oakland St, Calif. tURSl Co. Salaam an no experience. car necessary. t,su - WANTED Man now earning 171 to tioo weekly. Who desire earnings S133 per week within t mo. Puller Brush Co. Mr. Flory, Ph. S-t3S7. oil WosS. Wooto,, Mole FOR QUICK radia. TV It elee. appli ance repair, call BL Quick, string In aet tt aave. Ph. 4-4334. CEMENT work. W. W. (Bill) Shlp- msn. 40BB Purbin at. a-ajia, a-731. PAINTING CALL 3-3660 Interior or exterior. Estimate glad ly. Exceiienr reference. CAHPfcNTER work, any atnd day ee coi art s-iB4s or a-isoe. BULLDOZING done any Urns, t.M per hour. rn. s-osji. CARPENTRY, eld er new, misc. re pair. R. Raa, Ph. 3-4714. CABINET work, carpenter work tt remodeling, free estimates, work, anywhere. Ph. 1-701. Chaa. Exline.' CEMENT work, tl kind. Prompt service guar, n. Drake, pn. -33. LOU'S TREE aervire. Spraying, top ping, pruning, cabling, rn. 4-ioui. ,14 Work W.nteJ, Female WOMAN will work part time for room or Apt rent 34 Gaines at. LIGHT housework or child ear. Ph. 3-S73I. CHILD CARE In my home. Wast Ss- lem. Ph. -N. WANTED Baby altUnf by, adult Pk, a-, - - MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able, air, roe, as n. lain, j-jeu. 615 Situotiont Wontod FOR expert TV service call Allea'a Radio At TV. Ph, s-s7. RAY'S Tree Surgery. Topping, trim ming, pruning, treating, apraylng. Ph. 1-970. SMALL carpenter lone good work reasonable, rn. -HJ4. PAINTING, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Re price, free est terms, m. nelson s-es'sa, s-m.i. AINTING is napering. Free esti mates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5521 COMPLETE home building service. Roofing as idlog. Ph. 4-634. JpENINGS available.' A B C. Nursery. Infants - yra. 4-K.U, s-ao. GENERAL carpenter work. Chaa. McLsaa. rn. 3-393. 616 Employment Aejonciot CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY - Phone t-(M3S. 134 N. Winter Adjoining Presbyterian ehurcn. Pre perking la rear. Exclusive listings n all type of employ m 620 Doy ond Controct GENERAL EXCAVATION i yard Si Tsr snovei crane, pack noe, orsg sine, is-ian uoraia mo bile (ran. D4 and D1 eat with carry-ail and clearing bltd. Rental contract or unit price. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO. 140 N. Front St Ph. 1-1441 BULLDOZING A LEVELING Leland C Smith. Ph M382 BRICK and block work, guaranteed, Ph. 4-44.T. LAND CLEARING D-t. Hr, or eon- tract L C. Mitchell Ph. 3-S33T. UGHT crawler doier, dirt leveling grading, pnone s-iou. u nunn. DOZING A LEVELING PH. 20932 D. PaNTOVICH SUll-DlNGHour er sonUact Ph. VtU et SiU. . . -T A . ; Sun., Dec. 23, '53 (Sec. Il7 600 Employment 428 Day ond Contract BULLDOZING, Leveling Clearing, Roads Dean Robinson. ItSS Lee. PH. 3-6797 OR S-43M SCHARrr BROTHERS Installation and Repairing Sewers, Septie Tanka. Drain riekt Power Ditching dr Backfill Ph. l-Sset or 1-1072 WO Rentals 702 Sleeping Hoomt, loord REASONABLE (ttractlv warm rm, cioas in. stiv. enir. i-Ti, 4-7BS7. CLEAN warm rm. TV., cm tn Pred rtckson Hall 11S 8 Winter. 1-1722. CLEAN, quiet near SUte Bides, tap. Shop, dtst Kit priv 2-144. TV SLEEPING rm. Board optional rrtaadly bom. Man. S3 me. 17S2S. 703 Wonted Room, loord BUSINESSMAN would Ilk lar7e room wiin oain, pieniy eioaet space, and garage, with private family. Address P. O. Bo 46 , 70S Aportments For Rent CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED APTS. lit. Chemeketa St Ph. 3W FURM. 4-rm. flat. Adults, garagat ref. Call pm. 3-7541. " CLEAN furn. I-rm. apt. 6.H Ferry. FURN. l-"rm. apt Adults. l4t ST Cpttol. 1-000. I RMS. turn. uul. paid, women pre ferred. gar, available. 1333 State. CLOSE IN 1-rm. furn. apt., poTTtl Marion. 1-5320. . ' FURN. 1-bdrm. with priv.'ent At bath. Centrally located. Adulta. l-23l - CLEAN 1-rm. furnished apt, bu by door, 15 8. 12th. J-RM. turn. apt . U util pd. I9T H. Uberty. 3-7SSS. CLEAN 1-rns. furn, baamt. ""If. piiv. bath. 1111 N. 19th. a-T4L NICELY furnished apartsneata. UiTC Summer. Ph. 3-430. DOWNTOWN COURTEL t Barm, turn. At unfum. spts. 44 S Liberty. Ph. 4-a93. FURNISHEO a room SM nd Ml Utilities turn, lis S. 13th. MOD., clean, neatly fur, 1-bdrm. apt at Turner. Ph. 136 or 4-3467. 3-ROOM furnished baamt apt with private oatn. SJS tt. summer. 1 FURN. 1-bdrm.; t unfurn. 1-bdrm. Auto, laundry facll Near Capttnl Shop. Center. Nobl Ccurta. SIS N. 14th; FURN. 1 rm., prlv. bath ent $37.10, Adulta. lit N. Commercial , FURN. 3-RM. CT. APT. ELEC. HEAT. , 10 SO. 13TH ST. 333. 4-354. ATTRAC. bachelor s 1-bdrm. apart- ' ments, turn. A unfura. Pioneer ' Trust Ca. Ph. 3-311. LARGS S RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE IN. INQUIRE 77 8. COM'L, APT. . SPACIOUS 4-rm. Acacia Apt. 114t nouin iiB, -ious. LARGE 1 and 1 bedroom, redecwsteS modern, extra clean, lots Edge - water. " "" "' NEW spacious unfurnished 1-bdrm, range, refrtg. Suburban. Ph, 1-290. FOR RENT Neat 1 bedroom apt Walking dis tance to shopping and state build ings. 5 per mo. AL ISAAK s CO, REALTORS. Sat N. Church St, Pk. 4-3J11 er 3-7320, 706 PuploROS FURN. 1-bdrm, prlv. entrance Aj bath, wssher. light at water pd. i cniio aceepieu, . ac riuview, Pn. s-Tse. CLEAN I bdrna. aU aloe, duplex, ear. port, auto, washer r dryer, fee per me, 103 Ith St Ph. 3-311. 707 Houtos For Root MODERN cabin. 123 mo. 135 Myrtle. FURN, It unfurn. 1-bdrm. houses. gsrsge, north, baby okay. R pel. Ph. 4-1133. 1-BDRM. house, ft me. 1476 Che meketa tor Information, Call 1-M1 1-BDRM. ha. Attach, gar. Oil bent. raved ita. rn. 4-1004. 1-BDRM. HOUSE cloee In. adult. S40. call 4-73. CLEAN. parUy furn, 1-bdrm. heuae. all electric. Avail, Jan. 1st w. lem. Ph. 4-711 COUNTRY borne, mod. 1 bdrm, un furn. basement tat. Call 1-1031. SMALL, modern. 1-bdrm. house w? garden space, 31. Kaiser Diet rn, 1-7313 or 1-29M. HOUSEKEEPING cottage, weekly rates, 1471 Portland Rd. Ph. 1 I RM. cottage ParUy fura. $3 per mo. rn. i-wi. 1-BDRM. furn. cottage, utilities furn. oarage, asa. aouiu. rn, a-svea, aaoa Harel Ave. FURNISHED 4-room cotUge, close In. couple only, no pets. Electrically eq u 1 pped. 331 No. Commercial St SUB. N. t bdrm. .unfurn. bouse. stove at refrlg . wired dryer m washer. 104 N. Lancaster. Pk, 4-2943. COTTAGE, suiubie 1 person, aeon. modern, rlos In. rn. a-asit CLEAN unfurnv all eleclrle I bed room, west siem, sea, rn. a-rsei. NEARLY NEW, clean, modern. B bdrm.. 170. Eaet, l-enw. ajuii. NEAT 4-room house, well located, near capltol buildings, lit van as. Inqulr 1141 Oak. UNFURN. I bdrm. tto. Pk. 4-130. 3347 Reacon St GOOD 1-rm. cottage, adults, 33. Call 1-327. 7Q7.A- Furnished Houses -BDRM. houae. electric heat, fire place, garage. 341. Owner will show Mnndsy at 1031 Shady Lane. Pn. 1-320. i4ja nvrnsn 1-BEDRM., completely furn.. Include in waier ac iirmir ric. Ilnnary laundry tuba A farage. Sflo ee mo. no peia. rs, -. 710 Wontod to Rent. Howtoo WANTED to Vent! 3-hedroom hsniea near First Presbyterian 4 nurrn preferred. Children 11 and 16 yr. Ph. 1-9334. 1 OR 1-HDRM. home, oil forced air heat. Ph. 3-S32. 718 Conyolotcont Homes COTTAGE CONV A LESCENT HOME, 131 N. Cottage. J-IU.'V fid Movinej A Storooo Larmer Transfer, A Stortfe Complete moving service A Is stents for BEKINS HSIIon wise ssovere. Ph. 1-3131. LOW COST store re. H. L. SUff Fut nlture Co. 1-Slsa. HERTZ WORLD'S LARGEST Truck Rental Service Individuals iriove tt ii cost I Arroea the atreei or across me ewe. bub, flrma eliminate "Extra Trucks Day or night Rant th type tnirtj you need Lew rat includes fa. it insurance, rn. suna. IiwiiireyTtMr' s II)