y.ii ' r V-" - . . .'-'M. iy:.;'." j ; j ,U f , t v - . .a .vi 4 , . Jr.-. Miss" Claudia Talmage Is Married Seen and Heard . . . By JERTME ENGLISH On the directorate ... for the annual Junior Catholic Daughters of America Christ mas formal to be held December 28 are, left to right, Miss Rosalie Kerr, Miss Rosemary Rhofen, general chairman. Miss Martha Pappert, Miss Frances Finney and Miss Dottie Shep herd. The affair will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall." (Statesman Photo). Junior CDA Formal on Wednesday Highlight of the week for the Junior Catholic Daughters of Amer ica will be their annual Christmas formal. The affair will be held Wednesday night at the Knights of Columbus Hall with dancing from 9 to 12 o clock. "Winter Windmill" is theme of the dance, which win be featured in the decorations and program. A number of pre-dance parties will precede and among the hostesses will be Miss Judy Woodry, who will entertain a group of her teen age friends at the Bellevue Street home of ber parents, the Donald Woodrys. Miss Rosemary Rhoten is gen eral chairman for the dance with Miss Frances Finney, co-chairman Miss Joan Timm; docorationsr Miss Kay Ellott. refreshments ; Miss Martha Pappert, program; Miss Rosalie Kerr, publicity; and Miss Dottie Shepherd, clean-up, Patrons and patronesses for the dance Include Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pappert, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shep herd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slimak, Mr. and Mrs. George Corrigan, Mrs. Jack Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs, LaVerne Lechtenberg, Miss Kathy Corrigan, Miss Lorraine Meusey and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Riley, GALA AND FESTIVE . . . par ties highlighting the social calendar the Sunday before Christmas . . . in spite of the icy weather (the worst day this year) a majority of the guests were able to get to the parties. . . .'However, we know there would hav been dot ens more attending the Salem Gen eral Hospital Auxiliary's Christmas house tour if the weather man had been kinder ... and by coincidence all the homes were situated on high hills. ... . - AT HOME ... to a large group of their friends were Mr. and Mrs. George Schwartz ... a gala party with guests staying on and on . . . much buzzing conversation. . . . The buffet table, laden with trays of delicious hors d'oeuvres, ham and turkey, a popular gathering irot . . A ereeiL cloth on. the table and at the back a tiered ar rangement of bright, colored beads and Jewels, with a jeweled Christ mas tree on top, Oa Um maatel ... at one end a white tree. branch adorned with tiny Christmas bells ... arrange ments of candles, vigil lights and greens about the rooms. . . . Mrs. Schwart wearing a navy blue taf feta gown. . . . Assisting the hosts were their son-in-law and daugh ter, Osgood and Joanne Munger ... and their son, George Schwarz Jr., who is now with an architect's firm drthuid. v. -vTf m& Drlvtag . . .- the icy roads from Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Sig mund Schwarz, brother and sister-in-law of the host . . . and chatting with their two ions and spouses, Robert and Durand Schwarz, now living in Salem . . . Mr. and Mrs. Del Stoker down from Oswego . . . a charming couple to meet and former Salt Lake City residents ... and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Am buhl of Portland, among those as sisting the hosts. ... Amoii the funis . .'. The George Alexanders and daughter, Char lotte,, smart in black velvet . . . Young marrieds,. . . John and Kae Crockatt and Ron and Penny Jones -. . . The Harry Doitnans looking forward to a trip South after Christ mas and the Rose Bowl game The Glenn Paxsons being welcomed home from a trip to New Orleans. Spotted . . . Col. and Mrs. Logan C. . Berry and . her mother, Mrs. Walter Brownlow . . . Mrs. Berry stunning in a rose-pink satin gown with matching chapeau . . . Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele in a handsome pecan brown wool . . . Mrs. Rob ert Ebersole donning a chic white fur tat with her . grey costume suit . . . Mrs. John Griffith wear ing a good-looking brown crepe and satin gown . . . Amidst the crowd glimpsed Mrs. Merrill Ohl ing's pretty American Beauty vel vet chapeau. . . . OPEN BOUSE ... at the Ralph Atwoods a week ago when they were joined by the Sam Campbells as co-hosts ... A steady stream ornaments ... A similar table arranaged in the large recreation room ... a red cloth and extend ing the length of the table were sleighs filled with bright colored ornaments . . . napkins printed with the names of the four hosts. PARTY TIME . . Sunday eve ning when Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mor ris and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Walper joined forces for a holiday open house ... the beautiful, contemporary home of Ted and Jean atop Crestview Drive the set ting for the party . . . their guests braving the ice and driving up the hill. . . . The pretty, brunette hostesses greeting their guests in stunning gowns. . . . Jean Morris wearing a white satin sheath and wide jeweled belt at the hipline from which exteended satin panls. Virginia Walper's gown of moonlTneir committees include blue velvet with shirring on one side and matching earrings, A revolving . , . silver tree adorned with silver ornaments and flood lighted in one corner of the living room . . . here the striking decor in grey, black and white. The punch table covered with black and white tulle circular cloth .'. . silver and red beads extending over the punch bowl filled with red punch. . . . Guests gathering in the large family room large, brick fireplace wall and hearth ... instead of stockings, the two Morris boys each decorated a small tree, which are fastened to the brick wall. .... SO STRIKING . . . and beauti ful the Christmas wedding a week ago of Patsy Snider and Theodore James Brewer . . . The colonial sanctuary of the First Presbyterian Church the 'setting for the afteroooiUfluptials the decor all red and, white of guests driving down the lanekree, ,dorned with large, double to the Atwoods' lovely and spacious new Morningside home . .-. Three attractive, young girls greeting guests on arriving . . . Judy At wood, Pat Campbell, daughters of the hosts, and Sue Keech . . . The hostesses . . . Rosemary Atwood in a becoming black embroidered eyelet taffeta gown and Eleanora Campbell choosing a sophisticated black satin afternoon gown. . . . The large living room . . . with picture windows overlooking the Caseadei ... the fireplace mantel all decorated in pink ... the wrought iron stairway leading to the recreation room garlanded with greens. . , , On the brick wall fac ing the front door the letters "NOEL" made out of styrafome. GesU . , . gathering in the at tractive, keeping room . . . here matching wallpaper and curtains ... a raised hearth on the! fire place . , , the buffet table covered with a poinsettia cloth and in the center a large red candle was burning encircled with greens and alternate red and white candles down the center aisle, at the al tar and in the windows ... the pews marked witn greenery which had been flocked red and white . . . The gorgeous altar bouquets of large white chrysan themums and huge, red poinset- tias ... a large, holly wreath above the choir loft . . Here they come! ... the at tendants wearing green crystal lette waltz frocks with match ing shoes and headdresses . . . Nancy Snider, in red, her sister': honor maid . . . their exquisite crescent buoquets of holly, feath ered red carnations and red or naments centered with a white candle, which was lighted as the girls walked down the aisle . . . the little flower girl, Gay Lewis, also in red crystallette, and ring bearer, Johnny Hire, so serious while walking together . . . The newlyweds . . . greeting their guests at a reception in the church parlors ... a large con tingent of the college set over from Oregon State for the occas ion . . .the red and white decor repeated at the reception ... fir red .bows placed about the large room . . . and interspersed with bouquets of white chrysanthe mums . . . The bride's table cov ered with a white satin damask cloth ... red and white tapers flanking the tiered cake with pil lars between the two top tiers . . . on top a silver urn filled with red and white flowers . , , even red and white mints . . . the punch table covered with a red cloth ..." A shawrr ... of rice thrown at the couple as they departed on their honeymoon . . . Patsy toss ing her bouquet to bridesmaid Bar bara Benson . . . After the holi days the duo will be living in Cor vallls completing their studies at Oregon State. Secretary ef State nnd Mrs. Earl T. Newbry have as their Christ mas guests her mother; Mrs, B A. Johnston of Corvallis, and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of Tacoma. ! Estate Sale ; 40-Acre Farm; Locattcf East Nar Salem ; Malc Jqur Offtr to Pionttr Trust Co., or St Your Broker Phone 3-3136 Officers Will Be Installed On Friday Installation of officers for Ains worth Chapter. 176, OES will take place at the Scottish Rite Temple on Friday evening, December 90 at eight o'clock. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koken will be installed as worthy matron and worthy patron. Other officers to be installed included Mrs. Paul Rif fey, associate matron; V. Omer Huff, associate patron; Mrs. How ard Jenks, conductress; Mrs. Ira Goddard, associate conductress; Mrs. Frank R. Brown, secretary; Mrs. J. R. Calvert, treasurer; Mrs. J. A. Sholseth, chaplain; Mrs. V. Omer Huff, marshal!; Mrs. James N. Francis, organist; Mrs. John Vernon, Adah; Mrs. Claude Cum mings, Ruth; Mrs. R. L. Rolow, Esther; Mrs. Jarrfes L. Smith. Mar tha; Mrs. Luther Peterson, Electa; Mrs. Lawrence Lee, Warder and Mr. Ira Goddard. Sentinel. A reception will follow the in- Married at a Christmas Eve ceremony at the First Methodist Church were Miss Claudia Tal mage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Talmage, and Patrick Ma gee, son of Mrs. Rupert Magee. The Rev. Brooks Moore officiated at the 7 o'clock nuptials before members of the immediate family and a few friends. For her wedding the bride wore a white sheath afternoon gown of lace over satin. Her matching satin hat was adorned with seed pearls and she carried a white orchid. , " Mrs. Virginia Fulwider was the honor attendant and she wore a red lace . over ratin gown and carried a bouquet of poinsettias and white roses. Ronald Magee stood with his brother as best man. Mrs. Talmage chose a cham pagne brocade gown with black accessories for her daughter's nup tials. Mrs. Magee wore an ice blue gown with charcoal grey accessories The newlyweds greeted their guests at a reception at the Amer ican Legion Club. Mrs. Arthur Cordier. aunt of the bride, cut the cake. Pouring were Mrs. Robert Kirk and Miss Sandra HuU. Assisting were Mrs. Robert SveJ, kowsky. Miss Velma Gallap, Miss Charlotte Gerig and Mrs. Howard Beguli. The couple will make their home in Salem at 740 North Cottage Street. Holiday Ball Event of Tuesday Old-fashioned family fun will rule the evening at the YWCA Holiday Ball Tuesday night, when Salem parents enjoy the rare opportunity of sharing a party with their teen age youngsters. Tickets are now on sale at the YMCA, YWCA and Stevens', Danc ing will begin at 9 p.m. in the gymnasium. There will be no stag line, state YW committee mem bers, who urge teen-agers to come with dates or with their families. Bill DeSouza and his orchestra will play for dancing. Hundreds of cookies for the re freshment tables are being popped into ovens this week, in anticipa i. i ' . .... V 't V" . , J - IT J i v-. , k' . . " y " V LirtiiiwMwrv.ii'M' ifrifttW4aart-u,,l. )Vtiat -at! Mr. and Mrs. Theodore James Brewer (Patsy tu' Ellen Snider), whose holiday marriage took place at the First 1 Presbyterian Church on December 18. The bride is the daughter of Fred M. Snider and Mr. Brewer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brewer of Portland. The couple will live in Corvallis. (Jesten-Miller Studio). Music For Today Violinists, Violists Appear as Soloists on Radio's Programs By MAXINE BIREN Statesman Music Editor The Christmas veekend radio programs feature string soloists, Michel Piastro and Joseph Schuster will solo on the Symphonette's tion of an even larecr attendance ""lnl1 riasiro anu juscpn acnu.Mir win who on ine aympnonrue i ful ball. All YWCA groups have been working on decorations and other details of the party. A giant snowman will tower be hind the orchestra during the three- hour ball. Completing the holiday theme are a gaily-decorated Christ mas tree, twinkling silver stars on the celling, . and a wall-length Christmas greeting in large, glit tering letters. Statesman, Salem,' Ore.. Sun., Dec. 25, '55 (Sea II)-3 - Hostesses Arrange Holiday Teds and Coffee Parties J- The holiday season is festive with many parties this year with several' hestessea planning Christmas teas and coffees this week. Mrs. Chester Zumwalt and her daughters, Mrs. Keith Farnurn and Mrs. Donald E. Russell, will be hostesses for a holiday tea have been invited to call between 2 and o'clock. " Presiding at the tea urns will; be Mrs. Lauren Gale, Mrs. Rob ert Drager, Mrs. Charles Oaggett and Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker. As sisting will be Miss Patti Claggett and Miss Sue Zwicker. PI Phi Actives Feted The Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Past Presidents are entertaining with a holiday coffee Tuesday at the Kingwood Heights home of Mrs. James T. Brand. The affair is being arranged in com pliment to the active members home from college for the noli days and their mothers. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague will preside at the coffee urn. Trl Delta U Entertaia The Delta Delta Delta alumnae will be .hostesses for a Christ mas tea Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Sprague on East Rural Avenue between S and S o'clock. Bidden are the active members home from col lege, their mothers, and alumnae. Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. Carroll Roger Nel son and Mrs. Thomas Hill Jr. Pouring will be Mrs. Mark Astrup and Mrs. Harold O. Schneider. immediate past president and president of the alumnae group respectively. Assisting will be the committee arranging the af fair including Mrs. J. M. Morris. Mrs. George Huggins Jr., Mrs. Arthur Erkkson, Mrs. Astrup and Mrs. Sprague. Thursday Clan Tea The Thursday Club will be entertained at a Christmas tea on December 29 at the Mission Street residence of Mrs. Keith Powell. Assisting Mrs. Powell will be Mrs. Paul L. Patterson and Mrs. . Ernest C. Richards. Members have been invited to call at 3 o'clock. ' Coffee fer Kappa Actives, The Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae will entertain their active members in Salem and the Willamette Valley at a Christ mas coffee on Fridty. December 30 st the Candalaria Heights home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Mills. Guests have been in vited to call at 10:30 o'clock. Arranging the affair are Mrs. Roger M. Schncll and Mrs. Rob ert Elgin. KMMMMMKMMIItMMlKMMMMMM dub Calendar Tl'FSDAY t..t Or.fl. Club. Rovil Nfl-h. hort with Mr. Arch! Elliott, 1SS ferry St., 7:SO p.m. WRUNEIUAT Rovil Nctihbon Stwtns Club in- nual no-hont turkey dinner, VFW Hall. 12 .to p.m. Chadwlck Chanter. OES. public In stallation, Scottish Rita Temple, S p.m. Alnworth Chapter, OES, format Installation, Scottish Rita Temple, S p.m. Past Regents, Chemeketa Chapter, DAR. with Mrs. Millard A. Pekar. 1 p.m. no-host luncheon. Ohlings Hosts Today Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling will be hosts for a Christmas dinner today at their South High Street home for their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ton G. Moran and daughter. Shannon, of Vernonia, their other son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wells and daughter, Catherine Louise, Miss Amelia Zuhlsdorf of Albany, Mrs. Leona Johnson and, Miss Julia Johnson of Portland. stallation ceremonies with Mrs. W. C. Rambo as general chairman. The interested public is cordially invited to attend. Symphony this morning, and Lome Munroe and Harry Zaratzain, Velio and viola soloists on the Philadelphia Symphony's presenta tion of the Richard Strauss' Don Quixote, next Saturday evening. Programs for today include: 11 a.m. The Symphonette, Piastro, conductor and and Joseph Schuster, Mishel soloist, 'cellist Gloria from Mass in F.Battman Christmas Carols-... Trad. Jesus of Nazareth Gounod Jingle Bells Knight .Ave Maria ..Bach-Gounod Finale "from Symphony No. 2 in B flat major Schubert Gold and Silver Waltz..Lehar 230-4:00 on CBS New York Philharmonic-Symphony, George Szell, condutcor. Erica Morini, violin soloist. Symphony No. 4 in F minor ..Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D minor Tchaikovsky On Monday hear: 830 on ABC Voice of Fire stone. 9:00 on NBC The Telephone Hour, with the Bell Symphonic Orchestra directed by Donald Voorhees. Leon Fleisher, pianist, will be guest soloist. Le Carillon from "L Arlesienne Suite No. 1" ....Bizet Orchestra Moment Musical No. In F Minor ...Schubert Valse in F Major, Opus 34, No. 2 Chopin Leon Fleisher Valse from "Serenade for Strings" ...Tchaikovsky Orchestra Concerto in C Minor Jason Lee Circles Meet Wednesday Circjes of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of Jason Lee Memorial Methodist Church will meet Wednesday, Dec. 28 at 1:30 p.m. as follows: Cherokee Laura Austin) with Mrs. E. J. Williams, 1424 N. Win. ter. Choctaw (Anna Lee) with Mrs. Minnie VanSlyke, 947 Garnet. Seminole (Thoburn) with Mrs. Milton Blackman, 2233 Lansing Ave. Circles will complete their study of the book "Within Two Worlds" and make plans for their part at .1 t.! i 1: r. ti, J: . ine Dig inuian row now dinner 10 i be held at the January general ! meeting on Jan. 11. MM n v vfF. .::: 1 w' -y I I Mai Hie spirit of Christmas enter your home' in I ., all its shining glory,: and. spread its glow jj through many a day and month to come, May your heart he light tvith laughter and warm J tdfVi friendship and love. May you experience in fullest measure all the joys of the season , , .' and in fic year ahead enjoy good health, good cheer and good fortune. Finale Rachmaninoff Leon Fleisher and Orchestra Opera from the stage of the Metropolitan will be broadcast beginning at 11 a.m. next Satur day. 6:09 on CBS The Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Eugene Ormandy. Lome Munroe, cello, and Harry Zaratzian, viola, solo ists. Toccata for Orchestra.. Piston Don Quixote Strauss I I I I Let us further extend our sincere thanks for your patron-' age during the past year. X Be assured that every effort will be put forth to make 2 your shopping in our store during the New Year even jj more pleasant, t I awl J. J. Newberry Co. 241 M. LIBERTY m ce ml MM earth mm J . a Joy to tne world through a new spirit of Peace and Good Will .T.this was the message of the first Christmas, that spirit be rekindled in your heart today..,, and brighten your life ', with a deep and abiding happiness. liberty treet court afreet lift he YuletiJe Season brings with it so many happy things... glad hearted greetings, good fellowship, - -family reunions and a deep feeling of contentment. May all of these joys be yours this Christmas. ' 260 N. LIBERTY