800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate' 800 Real Estate 800 RealEsUte Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tue., Dec. 13, "55 (Sec! H)-ll 707 Houttt For Rant 806 Houses For Sal 806 Housts For Sol 806 HoHsam For SotV 8b Housts For Sol 806 Houses For Solo 850 Automotive 850 Automotive l-BDRM. house, close to bus, 41 TOO Rentals rn. , imi, CLEAN unfurn. l-bdrm, houae. $4j mo. 87 Blllor. Ph. 4-2231 woohdaye. CLIAN 1 bdrm. unfurn. houae. Car port, irom.a out. . , Clean I bdrm. unfurn. houM, rage. Prefer adulta. Ma pete. 4-11S. 1 BDRM. mod. hw. off Wallace ftri rollout Water At tirtra not furn. Cll morn. I-0.TI4. . l-BDRM. unfurn. house except elee trie rtnfi. 7M N. 14th. Ph. 1-440S eve. MODERN 2-bdrm., like now, lovely ioce. ninswwa neignie. set to ap pro. 11M Lowcn Avo. ph. I-THJ, i RM. cotUgo partly turn. $30 per mo. rn. a-ouss. I BDRM. house At I acres. Ph. 4-1896. J-RM. flat. 400 blk. N. Summer, range, resrigerator. cunt., linn h.w. heat, adults. S. B. M. Mason, HOUSE tor rent In W. Salem, close to SCHOOI, m. 4-7211. J-BDRM. houte. partly turn. Cloae in. rn. w or aiwa. TOR RENT or ule with $500 dn. Mod. j norm. nome. a. u Knspp P.. E, Ph. s-sats. i-BEDROOM home. 1790 Fairgrounds . no. iw mo, rn, e-oefa, , FOR RENT 1 bedroom cottage, water at garoage paw. 40. no pete. Ph. iws n. tottage. l-BDRM, furn. eottafe, utilltlet furn. Garage. $44. Adulta. Ph. 1-80M. X!l Hazel Ave. NEAT 4-room houae, well located near eapitol buildings. 1141 Oak SI Inquire 1148 Oak. UNFURN. i bdrm; ISO. Ph. 4-1369. 3347 Rearon St. GOOD S-rm, cottage, adulta, 131. Call 3-527. SMALL 1 bdrm. house, XsUer Diat. $30 mo. Ph. 14311. ousts SM. TURN, i rm. home, nice & clean. So. I.TS. Ph. 2-2233. NICE 2 bdrm. furn. home. Elec. heat. Near sen. bua & store. So. sub urhsn. Ph. 2-2233. SMALL 1 bdrm. furn. all elec. Adults, bus by door. 1023 3rd. St. W. Salem. CLEAN nicely furnished one bedroom duplex. T.V. antenna. Phone 4-4310 after six. 2-BDRM. house, carport A storage rm., near acnooi, on DUS line, $49. 812 Judson St. Ph. 1-0176. 1 BDRM., completely turn., south. ideal lor couple, pn. 2-9423. 1 BDRM. cottage, turn:, newly dec.; walking dist. from Stats Bldgs., sduus. inquire 17W Bute. 2 RM. FURN. house, utilities Included, $53. 4uio s racmc riwy. Ph. l-ssso FURN. 1 bdrm. $53 per mo. South Ph . 4-4875. 1 BDRM. furn. hse. easily heated full basement, gar., nice neighbor hood. $75. Ph. 3-4370. NEW 3 bedroom furnished home. At tached garage. Oil furnace. 3 blka. East of SUte Hospital. Write Box 703 statesman-Journal. NEAT 3 rm. Kirn, house. All elec' trie. Garase. Prefer adults. No pets. Ph. 4-5153. 710 Wonted o Eor Housos NICE 2 bdrm. Adults. No pets. Ph. 3-8743. TEACHER wants permanent rental, will sign lease. N.E. Dist Call after I or week ends, 4-77 Si 712 Wont to Ron AptsT WANTED: 1-bdrm. turn. apt. court. 1 child. South. PH. 4-1341. fiTT usiness Rontols rOR RENT: Gss station A restaur snt, living quarters. 4210 Portland Rd. 718 Convalescent Homos COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 252 N. Cottage, 1-7020. 780 Moving i Storogo Larmer Transfer A Storage Complete moving service. Also agents ror Bt'tmj Nation wide Movers. Ph. 3-3131. HERTZ WORLD'S LARGEST Truck Rental Service Individuals move st '4 cost I Across the street or srross the state flui firms ellmlnete "Extrs Trucks." Day Or night. Rent the type truck you need Low rate includes gas, oil, Insurance. Ph. 1-0062 LdwTcOST atorare. H. L Stiff Fur niture Co 3-1163- 800 Real Estate 801 Busincis Opportunities FOR SALE AND LEASE ,."m . auun ui noiciu retting 11 - tlonally advertised projects. Do ing gross business of 150,000 year. nequlres cash, capital or $8,000. Box 715, Statesman-Journal. 163 Suburb on 0.765 Acre 2-Bedroom home, 11 by 20 living room with fireplace, ei.ting space In kitchen, attached garage and a dandy workshop, Mschlne tools available. Good well, trees snd shrubs, fenced, snd on a paved atreet. Price 18,500. Will consider trade on duplex here or In some Vslley town nearby, or a home on smsll Int. E. J. ZWASCHKA, REALTOR PHONE 3-403J 1743 GRANT ST. 806 Houses for Solo ESTATE SALE. Resld at 1716 N, Capital. Offers are being accepted at Pioneer Trust Co LEAVING City. Nice older 2 bdrm. home. Close to bus, shopping 4 Bsker sch. Ph. 1-4474. By owner. I BDRM. home. 450 ' So. 16th. Near School, bus A store, $3,700. Business for the bet professional service , ADDINO MACHIN Ik. All makes sdding machinee, cai- culatora A typewrltera, sold, rent ed, repaired Roen, 454 Court. 16771 APPUANl'KS WESflNCHOlTSE Woodry Furniture Ce 474 So Com I Ph 4-2111 BIDDING CAPITOL Bedding Mettrese reno vstors New ma Ureases I-4D6S BUILDING WRECKERS Wa wreck housee building. Randolph, Springfield, Ore. Ph. Springfield 1-1552. BULLDOZING ponds. D-4. S-4) jarntaU. Huakay Ph 1-iiea COKTBACtORS iXECTRICAL Contractor - Binea 1821. Quality work at fair pricee Leo Johnson - Ph f-IM. Ceneral eontrectlng Speclellxlng In remodeling Free eetimPh CSAMI MIOBA "f " 15-ton Lorain moto crane Sand Orarci Co 2 461 Salem FLOOR COVCfUNOS Norrta Walker Paint Co Toor-cov-ertng Division Quality Installa tions linoleum, Aephert rile. Rub per Tile, WsllTlle. lls,flXIM alkATKaV Ph, 4VU7S, BETTER THAN NEWW Beceuse It'i complete with food lawn and shrub located tub urban South, nearly new and very attractive l-bedroom home with fireplace, birch kitchen and il furnace heat and utility room la tact every thing to make a nice home tor you at a LOW price of only I10.IM. Would fo GI Call Henry Torvend. jr III OHMART INCOME PLUS A HOME Tea, we can five you an income and i wo separate hnrnti lneat.ii ah trlct, bua and lUti building. A small down payment or a car In trade will move you into this profitable piece of property Aak tor Don ON SUNNYVTEW A l-bedroom home In tine condition, garoen aou eooui $ll.SO0.Call oul Loreni to see "ONLY Here Is sn excellent listing; If you n wiu mow you mis loveiy looking our clay this home has places, close to school and bus time. "TODAY'S The owner of neat I-bed room home trade down for close in property Si.jou. lsii ana hu me wnai you nave Aarienne sercomne. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR TRADE OR SALE CALL US OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Ive.: Henry Torvend 3-3831. Don Dough ton 4-1414, Louis Loreni 1-5590, Ralph Maddy 1-34M, Adrienne Sercombe 4-S02. KENT'S NEW HOME WISH YOUR FRIENDS A HAPPY home. L.R. with fireplace, Ige. DR., kit. has eating space, family rm. with extra U bath, 1 bdrms. dble. garage, 12.000.00 down will handle. Call Mr. Parsons, Eve. 2-3101. WANT HOME IN ST. VINCENT DIST. 3- bedrm. nome, witn 2-car garage, l'i bams, fireplace, sep. DR. City bus at door, 3 blks. to school. Price $12,500 00. Cell Mr. Keene, eve. 2-6074 CHOICE 2-BEDRM. HOME. You'll adore this l-yr.-old home. Attractive flr. filace wpaneled wall, forced air heat, Birch kit., colored bath fixtures, nsul. Close to school. See this, only $10.500 00. Call Edna Morgan, sve. 4- 8038 DAYLIGHT BASEMENT, new 3-bedrm. home, Birch kit . elect, dishwasher. I fireplaces, dble. garage, located Mr Kiggine, eve. 4-3484 ACT QUICK on this genuine bargain. ern nome, able, garage, cnicx srage. chicken fruit, priced at only e3.Z3u.uu. uooa C. V. KENT & 454 N. Church STATE FINANCE 167 S. High St. $6,500 Keller District. Close to ! School. Bus psst door. 72 x 1P0 lot. Attractive home with 2 bdrms. on ground floor, 2 more bdrms. up stslrs. Has El. glass heel. Girase. A good vslue and wonderful fam ily home. Call 0. V. Hume. Eves, phone 2-5204. P HOME & 1ricoTnT3rirrHnol $13.(50. AttenllonGi. This now mod trailer ct. 2-bdrm. home, 4 , ern j-bdrm. home on Candslsrls used as yrs. old. . uooa uiiuiy diok. oix permanent trailers psylng $71 per mn. Soace for 4 more. 110.500. Con sider home in trade. Call W. H Steveley, salesmsn, Eves, phone 4-S61I. , 7J00. Located East on large lot. This very ctesn late ouirt i-wrm. has large living room, dining room. On paved street. Close to schools. Csn move right In. Call Stanley Brown. Evea. phone 1-1441. FAMILY HOME TRADE- nr mi. 1 hdroom home about ytari old in a gooa rcsincifra rw . . j ...j a a stnoUi aentiai iria, pavva snwoi, w--Older roupl want 3 bdrm. bomt ena floor, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1: Desire to contact party wanting to own and run drive-in, much capital required of party. not too reliable 2: Have business property on North Lancaster 4RX240 wim a norm, home, fireplace, large garage Available after Jan. 1 on a rental option to buy bnsls. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. CAPITOL PH. 3-K1I MB OWNERI When 0 sell Clea Woodrv will psy top price for your furniture A appliances Ph 1-1110. BY BUILDER New l-bdm. plastered -home. Gar. irpie. i.n. neew F H A. loan. Ph. 4-4111. 4 BDRM. home, flrepla., wall to wall carpeting, liv. rm. A din. rm.. l'i hatha ham't.. auto, oil furn.. FHA a no. 114.000, close to shopping at arhool. , KNXPP. R. I. PH. 1-4214 NEW 4 BEDROOM Yet. 4 bedrooms, and all on one floor. Fireplace In living room. Extra tt bath,1 birch cabinets In a kitchen designed for modern living. Double, plsstered gsrage. All for only 111. IM or will take email home ln trade. Call 4-1671 day or eve. STITES REALTY 3433Center St. Ph. 4-1671 BY BUILDER Brand new 1 bdrm home, 1150 sq. ft. Cleee in South, H.500. Ph. 4-4107, . MOD 4 bdrm. home. dble. plumbing. near Shopping Center it Scha. 720 Stewart. Ph. 1-3W1. 1 BDRMS.. DR.. utility, large L.R Candalarla Dist. 2895 Mt. view Drive. Inquire 460 Lorlda St. BY OWNER: Triplex, close In Good income mska otiar or win uaae. Ph. 1-3734. Directory cU on of these popular expert! PAPCRINO AND PAINTING EXTRA careful paper-hanging k painting. Jerry Johnson, Ph. 4-4534. Painting and paoer-hangina free . estimate Ph I-II51I 1140 Shipping r'ental SERVICE " We rent most snythlng. , UNITED RENT ALL'S 1565 STATE ST. ' PH. J-1411 SAND GRAVFX Salem Sand as Gravel Co Ready mix concrete Crushed and round f ravel, sand and top aaU 140 N rent St Phone S-4 . WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO. 1121 McGilehrlsl Crushed quarry racks and sravel All si see lor reeds, driveways and psra-lng lets , . . , "read mixed Concrete nrMa aand. - bull-dottaa ana dracsmi work Phone. 1-124 CRUSHED quarry rock. Ph. S-W51 after " SEPTIC SFRVICB i MIKE'S SesH Senrlca Tsnks clesned D rooter HtlM aewers drslns Phone -4S Hsmel's septls tanks '1'sned Una servlca Ouarantaed work. Phone $-1404. 1-0774 HOWARD! Soto Rooter, drslns, aawat, aepUa tank cleaned. 1-4027, IN?, eWDl CALABA a 4-bedroom home for lust 14.900 . am in "in. -hMi. h, ai.. forced air oil heat the lot Is S8j i.suv aq. rt. oi floor apace price is lull this good suburban home. ONE- don't believe It, eall Ralph Maddy and e-oearoom nome witn party double plumbing, l-car ga all for $1,00. Call Ralph Maddy any CHOICE - with basement on South ISth would up to $3,000. or will sell outright lor Phone 3-4113, 1-4114. 2-4117 HEADQUARTERS NEW YEAR In this besutlful new of around 17.000 00 for this I yr. old South, beautiful view, 14,50.00. Call Approx I acres with 2-bedrm. mnd- house, new barn, gooa well, rsnuiy terms, tan ir. ieavena, eve. s-im CO.; REALTORS Phone 4-2293 CO. REALTORS Phone 1-3131 STORE Bldg. with living quarters piui 2 inaiviauai j-rm. i-utiagea on Hiwsy ME. These srs good stucco bldgs., each has full set of plumb ing. Acre. Price 17.500. $500 down. Bal. easv. Ynu can make money on this. Call W. H. Stevelry, salesman. Eves, phone 4-2"US. Hts. Nice living room, fireplace, Separate dining rm., plua breakfast nook in kitchen. Auto, oil furnace. GI loan available. Call Stanley Brown. Eves phone 1-1561. IS.ISO. Duplex well located North. Each apt. has 1 bedrooms. Base ment, wood furnace. 2-car fsrsge. Upstairs apt. needs redecorstlng. Owner will consider some trsde. Call O. V. Hume. Evea. phone 1-52116 ',, ACRE PLUS 1 nice brm. ranch atyle home. Large din. rm. Living rm. with nice fireplace and picture windows, good sise den, att. gsr. with cement floor. Wood shed snd chicken hse., nice lawn and gar den spot. Lot runs than to rear St. Owner leaving state, thus this pries 113.000. See BUI Fldler. Eva. Ph. 4-744. A GOOD OLDER HOME 1 bdrm. Priced at $6,750. In Sslem Heights Dist. 77x140 lot. Will trade for smaller, clear home. Sea Bill Fld ler. PRICE REDUCED 60 acres of excel lent soil. 50 In Improved past, ir rig. Good Grade A dairy buildings. An older 3 bdrm. home. Only 4 mi. from Salem. Reduced to $;7,500. Eee Herb. Barnes. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR A REA SONABLY PHICEU FAKM. MUST HAVE 1 HOUSES LET US HEAR FROM YOU NOW. DON'T WAIT. CALL GEO KRAUS, EVB, PH. Silverton 1-484. SILVERTON DISTRICT 4!4 er suburbsn - Modern a barm. - noma; also smaller hse. rented for $40 per mo. Lsrge gsr., shop, utility rm. with shower, snd ever head sleep ing rm. Large yard, lots of fruit and walnuts. A wonderful horns close to Cstholic school and ml. from public school. $12,000. I Herb. Barnes. TRADE TRADE LATE BUILT home on CANDALA- RIA HEIGHTS, haa 3 bdrms., If den. recrestlon rm., bsth and half all on one floor, 3 car garage, I fireplaces, vslue 121.000 Take good lot or moderate prlctd home in part exenange. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N, HIGH PH. 1-40 TRADE FOR INCOME PROPER i acre with very nice 3 yr. old plastered home. F. A. oil furnace, hdwd. firs, full price 110.300. Have $4,000 equity to trade, ror inmr. call Allan Fletcher. Eve. Ph. 1-3701. ORDER A NEW HOME TODAY ONLY $750 DN. Choose your own colors for a vary wen consiruciea i oarm. noma wiui DR.. utility rm,. F. A. oil fur. nace, built-in range and ovan. At tached gar. Sample lo show. Call ueo. ratrny, Eve. e-ism ATTENTION CARPENTERS! Unfinished 3 bdrm. home. South. City ww. Framed, with roof on and partitions in. Wired and eonsidsr able plumbing material, ahakes, flooring, ceiling and rrilsc. materiel Included. Only $3 50. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 131 No. High St . J-M1 Eve. 4-16. 2-841 or 2-17US VETERANS An easy way to own your oWn horns. juat -IIHB00 sown, Dsiance leu than $6 00 a month Include texts and Insurance. I left.. 1 bedroom homes. Ready to move into. Don't miss your chance. Full Price 195 00. Call OHMART & CALABA 477 Court SI. Phone 1-4111 BY OWNER Take car as d'pymt. Nice 1 BR. horns. plus garage apt., "i acre oi iana si City limits, plsce for row. bus line, 1mm. possession. 13.50. 14 down. 1-3541. S-MM1. RM. house, gar., lg let. Sl.teO, f 150 dn. 204 Shelton. 1-707. t f DewitWaiis I Rl CiUta-Loos 9 I 8ieN. Church 1 I Ph.j-C871 J YOUt HAPPY HOLIDAYS For your family In this lovely new 3-bedroom South Salem home. De signed tor today's Uvln at pries you can afford to pay. $3,000 down will handle; balance G. I. loan.-Ph. fred Brennaa I-33U or Eve. 4-7.131. PLENTY OF ROOM HERE Only 17, W0 for this 4-bedroam home within walking distsnoe downtown. Furniture Included. BsaemeaL Iteaa. terms. TRY YOUR terms on this pleasant North aiaiem noma, nrepiace: nssement; roomy lot: large garage. Sec this for I1Q.SM. A DOUBLE BARGAIN Ideal for retired couple. TWO sub. . .... . iwiii.. w,, t - J ,w lot. Excel lent- rentsl- location; few Steps from Hollywood Dist. Re duced to sell. Ph. Thelma Mank crU 1-3501 or Ive. 4-7321. CLUETT k KENY0N REALTORS 1S80 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-3351. Eve. Ph. 4-888 or 4-7321 FOR SALE by owner, 1500 down- New l-bdrm. house with attached garage. House Includes f Ireplsce, hardwood firs., auto, ell heat to very room. Urge kitchen with nook tt birch cupboards, hse. lo cated N. of Salem. 1 blk. outside of city limits, has city water lot sire 12x1321 See any time at I7 Wil shire Dr., or call 1-0033. RENT BEATERS Row much do you hsve.for a down payment? Any oner under turn will be considered. IKS a mo. Price SR.SOO. Absolutely no closing cost Three bedrms.. besm ceilings forced ir heat Harris A 12th Sts. two block South of Morningside Sell Ph. 4-6533. Also hsve G I. sppralsed house to be completed 1 month. 100 loan, no other costs. New S-hdrm. rsnch style, rough- sxwn eedsr exterior, old brick fire place, redwood besmed living room ceiling, 1.1x22 family room, bath. double garage, corner lot 11x115, lawn end shrubs. FHA appratssl 113,750. 341 Charles Ave, corner of Crestvlew. Daylight bsmt.. new 3-bdrm S fire places, playroom, wooded lot, 2400 sq. ft. livable srea. 114.710. FHA terms. M20 Hillside Ln. 33 D St. Near Serra High, l-bdrm. completely remodeled, double ga rage, lot 72x161, ready soon. Robert V Loreni, builder. Ph. 1-774. We take trades. WHY RENT Finish this 3-bedronm home A move in. A very low down payment to the right party. Full price $2,830.00. C. WrREEVE REALTOR 1S30 Mission St. Ph. 1-43(0 Eve. 2-09 or 3-W3 N. 18th EnRlewood Dist Large, modern ranch type. Large liv. rm., large party rm., I fireplaces, 3 master bedrms., att. garage, 15. 000. These are both exceptional buys. Close to Town 4 bedrms. Full basement, ell furnace, all h. w. firs, up A dn., I full tile baths. Nice oak tree setting, away from traffic. Just off shopping cen ter. 114,500. Art Madsen Realty 13S Stste St, 2-65M, 1-M12. 3-S40S $185 DOWN 25 MONTH 1 bdrms., living rm., dining. Ml., bath, gsrsge. Full price 1365. Hen dv man SDeclal. THE STAR REALTY - 5330 S. PAC. HY. PH. 2-2051 BUILT INS ALL OVER THE PLACE Sparkling NEW l-bedroom home with bullt-lns everywhere. 1x21 ft. util ity with plenty of deep frerr.e apace. Birch kitchen, sepsrste din ing room 10' x II. flp-plac-e and spacious l-car garage. Located In Jiood neighborhood East on 60 x lfil oL New listing today. $14,950. 'STRIKE ME DEAD IF THIS ISN'T A BEAUTY Lovely 3-yr.-old I BR. home. Sep arate 1x10 dining room, auto, oil heat, inside utility. Everything clean as s "Rlnso Washing." Beau tiful colors throughout. Selling for one reason 2 NEW children $9, 100. Ask for GRANT BOWDER. DELIGHTFUL J.'t ACRE EAST, 1654 DOWN Smaller l-bedroom home In lovely condition throughout. Auto. heat, apaclous kitchen with large dinette .. space, O versus garags with utility room large enough for deep freaie ana full of fruit cupboards Excel lent soil for home gardening, price M.2M. Down psyment $0. Ask lor IRA MANSFIELD. ' Salesmen: Eva.: GRANT POWDER. IRA MANrif:LO, 1-VVJSI CUFF BOWDER, 1-W54. All new restricted rssldentlsl sub division. Eventually over O0 homes. Psved streets, curbs, side, walks and water system completed. Ranch style houses with 1 cer ga rages, rustic exteriors, convention al and conif mporary interiors, tila Maths, bedrooms, famllv rooma, forced sir oil perimeter heat. Priced from $11. M0 to 114, Mfl. Excellent terms with t0 down and 10 years on the balance. Call us now for appointment. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL 1ST ATE . INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE 3-M11, VKS. a-470 or 1-734 CAN'T BE BEAT r " For price A quality, t bdrm., Ig. liv. ar am. romD. wirpi., kit , nook, bath, patio, on paved St. Only , 160. Mrs. Leavena, evea. 1-4711. Enelevvood District' 4 bdrm. home, liv., din, kit., bath, full bsm't . woll furnsce, close ta sch. $10,$00i terms. 1. C. Csrpan tor, eves. 1-444. t L. E. KLUMPP. RLTR. ; lOSS Portlsnd Rd. Ph, S-144J or 4-M $9500.00 Near atate hospital, l-bedroom house. Neat A clean. Hdw, llrs. Flraplaca. A real buy. Term, C. W. REEVE REALTOR 1SA0 Mission Rt Ph. 1-4M0 Eve. 1-osw or l-sa' -. jrOEHUTrMlNRON." REALTOR LET US solve your home needs. Ta Buy. 8e II or Rent Call - Ph. 4-1741 1111 Edgswater Ph 4-174 ri So Comml. BY BUILOER-Custom-bulit 1-hdrnv boms Bear So. Seism High. 1-107L 4iXUVV00OlRIAXrOR . . FAMILY ROOM 1190 Fairgrounds Road LINCOLN PARK 333 N. CHURCH ST. PHONE MANBRIN GARDENS Love! ny full basement home. Oil best. Well ill planned first Moor. Lovely fireplace. Garage. Fine yard. City oua. a very uvanis nome for only I1S.S0O. Call Mr. Crawford and make an appointment to tee this today, Ive. Ph. 4-tOltt, ,, SENSATIONAL FEATURES In this extremely attractive new brick home. Everlaating, trulv a lifetime home. Tile roof. Excellent construction, a bdrms. on one floor. l' baths, one tiled. I lovely fire places, one in dsndy party room. Hdwd. firs., F. A. oil heat, dbl, ga rage. Iniul. Near school and tranap. on boxui lot. Don't fall to see this. Full price 111.950, Walt Jones. Eves. Ph. 4-7431. Call MOTEL TRADE Ownerwniihi To"lrade this dandy moiei set-up lor nome in Portland. In excellent location. Well estab lished and shows a good Income. I furnished unite. Good possibilities for future business development This is well worth your investigs tlon for this dandy set up Is of fered at only $40,000. Call Mr. Woodcock and look Into this today. Ive. Ph. 2-7106. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-5020, 4-7132. 1-7106, 3-42HJ r , If No Answer. Dial 4-2241 REALTOR Prices Are At Was !),000, Now $tT.00. A fine colonial home with a real balcony, heavy wall to wall carpeting. 1 bedrooms, 1 dens, full basement. Close to scnoois,secluded yard.. Ask. lor Was 112.000. Now 111 ISO. Brand new. rated In South Salem close to grade school, there ere 3 bedrooms, l-car garage, inside utility room, 1.260 Was 111.300. Now 112.100. is 111.300. Now 12.IOfl. A good lsrge, l-bedroom family home, close to - South Salem High.-There's a 11x22 living room, luxl dimngroom, full Dasemem, nt Mini, iirepiaea, son. Wss 113.950, Now 114.500. Another dsndy colonial. This one has 4-bed rooms. l'i baths, full basement, S-car garage, dining room and breakfast pook. on neat, i-ocatea cioae in. ask lor Was $11,730, Now 110.750. This Is a a large living room ana full dining room. There are 2 generous bed rooms. Its baths, a full basement Ted Morrison. Was 114.500. Now $13,000. A truly beautiful ranch style home with lots of room, (i.wu sq. n i. ouiii witn ones. Located on lovely paved, 22 living room, entrance hall, full birch and ceramic tile, worth the Was 111. KM, Now 110,300. A awell buy home, this one with 1 Brarooim, wall to weli-ar pell ng Immacnla ning. Was 115.250, Now 114.500. A stunningly old. In South Salem. There are 1 large utility room and full bath Plus s l-car garage ana oeep, erle Tster. Walt Socokifskv IM.1I. Merle Teter 4-5234, gjMy H.CM .f.mJm I SSr aawaseawiatasaaasa BUILDING LOANS TO 23 YRS. MARKET VALUE APPRAISALS AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS OR CONTRACTORS 1 BDRMS McKINLEY DISTRICT Large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfaat nook, utility room, all on one floor, F. A. oil furnace, ga rage, no dinky rooma In this houne. Ideal for family, good neighbor hood, owner has snnthrr house, says sell this ona. For a real bargain call Dean Klarr. Price $6,850 00 140 A. FARM 70 acrea cultivated, 70 acres pa.lurc good well. 4-bedroom home, fireplace, 7 yr. old. attrchrri garage. Large barn, fair condition, machine shed, poultry house. This place Is priced lo sell st $li.00tl0. To see cell Fred Rom 15 ACRES STRAWBERRIES A PEARS Lovely 3-bedroom home with double plumbing Oeep well all Irrlgalad. nice barn A outbuilding!. $1.1X10 00 down will handle. For mora information call Chet Rawlins. mr.iii mn. T VlNrr.NT rftgT. T vrs. old. 4-bedroom home. Urge liv ing room, with fireplace, large dmlng room. I bedrooms down with full bath. I bedrooms up with bath. Wired for dryer, fries Just reduced 10 gio.suu.w. v.au nenry nuno 10 INCOME PROPERTY Walking dlntance to town, 10 units sll hirnlshed. Net Income per month $i0.00. Full price $2,0O0OO. For mora Informs lion call Pale Haybura RAWLINS REALTY -(ACROSS FROM STATESMAN-JOURNAL (0$ Chemeketa Street Olflee Phone 4-47 Evenings phone salesmsn: Chet Rawlins 1-4114, Dale Rsvburn I-S041, Fred Knee 4-7471, rieary nuna COMFORT Lovely Iwo bdrms. and den home, Inauleted walls and ceil ings. Storm windows. Oil forced sir heating, which has never ex- cerded (tiOOO per year. Liv. rm. with fireplace, overlooking vslley and mountains, din. rm., kitchen, tiled bath, full hsiement. To see this remarkable home CALL J. E. LAW. DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Finest of locstions on corner lot msln ar terial. Offered at the sacrlflcs price of $.1190 A real operation well lo cated. Satisfactory lease terms csn be arranged. For further details CALL C. L. ORABENHORST. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI-Here Is vsry nice TV and Appliance busi ness. Bern fin exclusive lines and GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY ST. Ph. 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays fall Salesmen ' ' H. K. Laymon S-1IM Mra. Richardson 4-4 Law l-Mll YOU CAN MOVE INTO ANY Of $.$S BUYS new ' 1-bedrm. home witn narawooo noora, ig. living rm.. sll Birch kitchen, tile bath, oil heat, carport, utility, asking $1,000 down, balance like rant. $AM. NEW 1-bedrm, home North, lovely lg, an mrcn xiicnen m util ity, Roman brick flreple., all heat piped ta all rooms, lg. garage, (Ox 14 lot $10 ah oul handle. ;: SEE OR CALL RAY DAVIS, EVE. PH. 4-5917 , Across from Meier & Fwmks Office Phone 2-6680 mm wfiB WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 4-3311 OR 3-7830 CHARM AND COMFORT In this very livable home. Large liv. rm. Lovely knotty pine family room. Lots of extra storage apace ana atuc r. A. oil heat. , Inaul. Hdwd. firs. Lovely lawn and ehrube. On large lot. Good Iocs tlon. Near school' and tramp. Full price only 113.100. Call Mr. Paul son. ive. Ph. a-4423. LOTS OF EVTRAS in inis.wveiy i-bdrm. home. Large liv. rm. Fireplace. Rsdlant hot ws- Mr neei extra Shower In uui. rm. Large wardrobe closets in bdrms Extra elee. heater In bath. Has soap traps la util , kitchen. St Beth. near scnooi ana trsnsp. utile, ga rege. St. asaesament has been naid Drapea included in the reasonable ' price of 110 990. Call Mr. Sword, Cvc. Ph. 2-atMS. LAKE FRONTAGE On . Ideal resort property. 4 csblns. I room eotta, a workshop. iop. Permit for M hosts. Prlvlle ced to sell food and sundries. In fsst growing srea Ugh furniture Included In the full price or eis.ouo. uooa terms, (.su gsr wooacoci. ive. rn. l-iios. Their Lowest Walt Socolofaky, but builder aava let's move it! Lo. .. ft I Ask for Marjorie Fanning. small party room. Ask for Ted Morn Merle leier. good looking English style home with with extra finiahed room. Ask for 1 nuge Dearooms insteaa oi a smsu shady atreet. this home has 14x dining room, utility room, lota of money I Asa for wall socolofaky. In South Salami Another English atyle mwmrni, aining room, eawausi neal. Is. JJ roug houtA X for Mar)ona Fan drenratrd 3-hcdroom home, 1 years hrdrooms. living room, big Kitchen. down. 4 bedroom, tewing room, t bath irncea lot, rou win uxe it. asc ror Msrjorle Fanning 4-4091, Ted Morrison 1-5044 see. , 4-itjo, ueen Marr a-tuwi. several other good TV lines. All equipment, trucks, snd fixtures In cluded. This Is an exrellent loca tion In a growing rlty. MRS. RICH ARDSON WILL HEfil.AD TO DIS CUSS THIS WITH YOU. FOR SALE OR LEASE Good office snd warehouse bldg. located north. A fine location for aome kind nl Implement business. Office Mx40. . Wsrehouse 44xM. Lot 1 x approx. 120 Parking space CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. CLOSE IN COLONIAL 4 large bed . roams, .central hallway with open stalrcaaa. Large modern kitchen. Good wall ta wall carpeting, full burnt., double garags, CALL H. K. ' LAYMON. THESE HOMES 1Y CHRISTMAS $t.00 IB the full price for this real good home with 1 bedrms.. full dry basement, all furnsce with heat piped to all rooms, t fireplace, central location, $1,000 dowa, no trades. ' $1100. SEVEN-Yr -old 1-bedrm. view home South, flreple., all best, sprinkling system In lawn, lOOaloO kit. Take good late mdl. auto, as full down payment. 433 N. High Street 32Um! Cars Fr SiU FOUR 1950 Buick Special 4 Door Sedans 2 With Dynaflow 2 With Standard Transmissions YOUR CHOICE ONLY $395 CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC UNION & COM'L ON LIBERTY BETWEEN CENTO AND KAJU0N CHRISWAS ffjj ?j VALHIVon... WEN JCVUX EVENING 800 Real Estate 806 House For SaU REIMANN'S HIGHLAND ST. VINCENT Very nice S bedroom home with lull deep basement, f. A. oil furnace. Very well landnraped yard. Will sell O. I. or T. M. A. Call Hlcka. Ive. Ph. l-a0. ., IN DISTRESS Owner transferred, must move. Very nice 1 bedroom home, 3 yrs. old. Large living room, dinette, hard wood floor. Htstalator fireplace, playroom, plenty alorage snare. Jutet street. Total price - gB.VM. F. H. A. spproved. Call Lucas, Ive. Fh. a-B.:M. ONLY $300 DOWN Very nice g bedroom home. Inside city. Plsstered. Hardwood floors. Oil furnace. Attractive fenced yard. Attached garass with atnrage. Im mediate pnaae.oion. Full prlre M30, Ynu will Ilka It. Call Johnson. Eve. Fh. 1 J.e. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Street Phana I-M03 80S Lots For Sola t0T iif fa a tit in Keiser Heights, Pr )30 Win trade on a -bed- room home, rail Ted swsschka, Realtor, Phone 1-403. WEST RIDGE 1 CHOICE LOTS F-h. l-M.1S. LARGE rssldentlsl building lot. Ma 147', No, Salem. Fh. -7Jl 1 10 Farms, Acroaga For Sola 90 ACRE BARGAIN T ml. from Salem. Beautiful valley and mt. view. IT A. berries and . fruit. This . opportunity will not last. $18,000 Term CAPITOL REALTY CO. Mill 4-711 4-4IS SCENIC 10 acres, mod. has. A barn Rt. 1, Boa 111, Vataa Springs. S mi. from Sslem. 812 iKcharifos Rool Iiroro INCOME properties. 1 high rental 111 .000 00. Will homes, total vslue $11 divide, will trade for apt. house.. court or Income, owner F, O. Boa 11, Warrenton. Ore, f BR NEW duplex"for acreage, North or Fast l-Slt. tit VrW.d, Kool Isaa GOOD real aetata listings wsnted. STATE FINANC CO. REALTORS. --1ST 8. Hlftt Bt P. M1S1. 850 Automotive 152 Ui.d Can Far Sala BODY.MAN SPECIAL '4 Lincoln Capri hard lop, body damaged. Sett, Can be seen at LkH firoadway or l-h. -17i, m- NASH Super Statesman 4 dr. sedan. Overdrive, excellent condi tion. Vary Clean. $44.1 Easy terms. McCalls Used Cars. I2ST Stste. i Ml PLYMOXTM "draedan.lTar above average. $210. Easy, terms. McCalls Uaad Cars. IT State St. fMSTUDEBAKER Charnplon'l dr" aedan. Vary low mileage. I awner. Overdrive, SM. McCalla Used Cars. 127 EtaU St. Koyi tuly eenee. Ft. AH. Vary " In excellent mechanical condition SMS. McCall' Vasd Cars. 117 State GOOD '41 STUDEBAKER Champiost Sedan W heater $0. Ph. 1-441. 11 FORD Coupe. R AH. noT'bed" eond. Also Bdmund'a Dual Intake Manifold for Chsv. WRocheetef Carb. $. Pi. S-417. 1M7 CHEV. ARRO flflS PH. t-mi Ml NO. 4TH MODEL A FORD ' 1 10 LESLIE TIN Scrap Iran wealed far baling. AAAA AUTO PH. 3 M00 BEPOSSESSED 'M Chrysler for aa& $ highest bidder. Call 4-U0. 152 Ul Cars F.r SU PH. 3-3175 FOR THE AT HEART WE OFFER THIS 1949 DeSoto Convertible to gladded the heart of your Mst girl. Thlf car la unbelievably clean, fin ished in light green, with tan top. wnie wan tires, and. heater. excellent radio. T Y If you arc ronvertlhia mlndtd be cause these shsrpiea are fsw and hard to get. SATISFACTION? . You Bet! LODERS 4M CENTER ST. PH. t-77 - "THE LOT WITH A LOT" EXTRA SPECIAL - 1950 OLDS DLX. "88" Clb, roup., onlt 14.11 actual ml lea, one owner, original tires, spare never been used, ae good as new. the best transportation buy in Ore gon. Only $. Dorn Bros: 121 BROADWAY PH. 1-KSS IMS CHEV., perfect shspe, new tires, ovsrhauled 1 weeks ago, MOO. Call Mr. Johiuon. 1-eeU days. 1-104 sves. , 154 FAIRLANE Town Sedan, Style- lone. 101 H P, mtr.. extras. $1 0 equity for M-tft. Cash av take goad Si or 'SI ear In trade. Phone S-444S alter p.m. ' 1 FOR SALE or trade 4 tea Dodgo milk van. Will trada gar lata model pickup. Ph. S-4M1. " VERY clean cars 1M1 Cbev. elK roe. 147 dl. Ford 4-OT.I dlx. Chev. 4-dr.i 1SS Ply. I-dr. No dn. payment Ins. tnrludsd it dealred. 1U Mabel. Ph. 4-444. MERCURY, Overdfriva, radlo,"l.'0O ml. on reconditioned motor, tiplog shape, price reasonable, ti W. , Browning Ave. MUST sell '47 Bulrk Super Sedan. $17$. In good road. rn. -is, vnr sea at 440 Center. BY OWNER '4 Chev. station wagon. good shape. $. ll Daog seaaa, . 1400. Ph. 1-110. ' 141 FORD Convertible. '47 Mercury motor. Dual pipe. Fair ruaaor. Fh. 4-171. " MM FORD Mainline S dr. K.AK Clean. eaan for auws eaie. aew at 171 N. Front St Ph. 4-U7A MUST aeU ' Dodae 4 dr. New motar. Make offer. I-U1. SELL OR TRADE IMS Chrysler S seden. Heater A on. uooa nee. tM. Ph, 4-10 after S P.m. 858 Motorcyclos ti CYCLE I SM actual aaiiea. waas hsve yts Se trsasj rn. a-cevi. oTTTT otisa Troilors TRAILER TOWING JAYRAWK TXAUja BAUS SMS FarUaad JU, . r.HW c! Amy