as AMI MAR 22 AMI 20 I-42-46-5S 588 f TAURUS I MAY 21 OMM . MAY 23 JUNC22 4-13-17 4873-87-89 CANcn JUNE 23 JULY 23 26-35-49-52 htV61-e4-81-83 uo JULY 7 -ji AUG 23 & 67-76-86-83 vwgo . AUG 24 $ SWT 22 0 ia m STAR GA'ZElrC Br CLAY K. POLLAN M Your DoHr AetMty Cti id M rw Accrding to ffe Store. ' To develop message for Tuesday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. 31 CouM 32 If 33 B BO-73-85 90" t No-' 2 Coo 3 The 4 Pick, 5 Trovel Up . 7 Tkt Ideal . A 10 TV 11 To 12 Loos 13 Be . . 14 Todoy 15 OH 16 Friendly 17 Ends 1 8 Conf octs 19 Time 20 To 21 Or . 22 You 23 Would 24 Pursuit 25 Moy 26 Work 27 Awhile 23 Of 29 CertoM 30 B Good 34 Appeal 35 Without 36 Fight 37 Ramonce . 38 Bock ' 39 Written 40 And 41 With 42 You 43 Agreement 44 Find 45 And 46 Hove 47 Todoy 49 Reman 49 Rush . 50 Out 51 Moke 52 You'll 53. Creative 54 Yourself 55 Fears 56 Balked 57 Go 58 Abolish 59 At 60 Loved 61 Get e2 Them 63 Endeavors 64 There 65 Stop 66 Place 67 Th. 63 Nor 69 Are 70 In 71 Useless 72 Fovored 73 In 74 One 75 Cheerful 76 a ; 77 Order ' 78 Argutnf 79 Every 80 Tuh 81 All 82 And 83 Right 84 Dei-norm ro 85 General 86 Happy 87 Shun 88 Day 89 Extremes 90 Public scotno OCT 24 NOV 22 Va U7-57-66 V SAtMTTAMUS NOV 0EC 2-25-44-54 A? B6-59-79 80 0K 23 - MM 20 V-Si AOUAMUS I 'AN 2, 38284(j Adverse fl I 199 Neutral , Ptsas i feb 20 vy 2-15-27-45Tl 65-71-78 Valley News Statesman News Service To Install Oregoa grand master of Masons, Ernest Bolliger, who will install new Keizer lodge Thursday night. , Keizer Lodge Installation I SetThursday Statesman News lenrlce KEIZER Ernest Bolliger, Port land, grand master of Masons In Oregon will confer in Salem Thurs day afternoon- with other grand grand, lodge - officers prior to in stalling a new lodge at Keizer Thursday night. Bolliger will nfeet with Ralph T. Moore, deputy grand . master. Grants Pass; Clarence Copp, sen ior grand warden. La Grande, and Walter Lansing, junior grand war den. Salem. The Keizer lodge installation, first to be instituted this year in the state, : will .take place at the Keizer Grange Hall. The lodge, which has 42 members, ' will be under dispensation until June when it is expected to receive its char ter at the grand lodge session in Portland. AH master Masons are invited to the Thursday night meeting at 8 pjn. i Sister of Pra turn Woman Dies Statesman News Service PRAtUM Mrs. Paul Silke re ceived word recently from, rela tives in Ohio of the unexpected death of her ' sister. Mrs. Emil Petrik. She died of a stroke while visiting at the home of her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sable during the Thanksgiving holiday. ! In September Mrs. Petrik was among relatives who flew here for the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and . Mrs. Paul Silke. Another sister who survives is Mrs. Caro line Cernik of RL 6, Salem.- , Legion Auxiliary Unit Asks Hospital Gifts . Statesman Newt Service " WOODBURN - Members ! of the American Legion auxiliary are ask ed to bring articles suitable for the gift shop at the hospital" when" they convene Wednesday for the sewing session.The meeting will begin at I p.m. at the Legion kitchen. Mrs. Charles Rider and Mrs.i Albert Rheinholdt will be hostesses. Mount Angel Woman Dies Statesman Newt Service : MT. ANGEL Mrs. Hortense Roeygens, 75, of Mt. Angel,; died Monday noon at the Silverton hos pital following a week's illness. She was born Oct. 28. 1830. in Belgium and was married there April 7, 1914, to Louis Roeygens. They came, to America soon after and to ML Angel from Banks about 12 years ago. Roeygens died about year ago in Mt. AngeL Survivors include a sister; Mrs. Emily VandeBrusha of Salem; an aunt. Mrs. Alice O i e r i c k x of Banks; cousins, Mrs. William Bean of ML Angel, Dr. Frank Dierickx of Oregon City, Raymond Dierickx of Banks and Arthur Dierickx of Portland. She was a member of Saint Ann's Society of the ML Angel Church. Recitation .of the rosary will take place Tuesday for mem bers of Saint Anne's Society at Unger's funeral Home at 2 p.m., and for the public at the church at 8 p.m. Requiem mass will take place at . 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the church with interment at Calvary Cemetery. Wilbur Howell Services Set i Statesmaa News Service DALLAS Services for Wilbur G. Howell, 42. former Falls City resi dent, will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. from Coleman Funeral Home in St. Helens with Rev. Milton Marcy officiating. Graveside services will be. at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Falls City I OOF Cemetery. j .... Howell was born Feb. 3. 1913, in Lincoln County, and died at St. Helens Nov. 25. He had lived in St. Helens for tjie past 10 years and was a past governor of the St. Helens Moose Lodge. Surviving are- the widow, Thel ma: one daughter, Mrs. Gail Bra dy, St. Helens; a son, Gordon How ell, St. Helens: two sisters, , Mrs. Roy Harrington, SL Helens, and Miss Choval Howell, Portland, and brothers. Revelle, Springfield, and Robert, Portland. , r Extension Unit Meets This Week At Lincoln Hall . . ' i Statesman News Service , The Lincoln Extension Unit will meet at the Community Center building on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 1 and 2. . i ' Thursdays meeting" from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The making of "Aluminum Trays" will -be the project . Mrs J Bilfl" I Towery and Mrs. John Cox will be the project leaders. Those attending are asked to -bring pliers. Friday's meeting will j start at 10: 30.. The Aluminum trays will be finished and there will be a short business meeting. At noon there win be a Christ mas Pot Luck luncheon.i Mrs. Eva Travis of Falls City will demonstrate Candle Making for the Hobdays" in the afternoon. Child care will be provided at both meetings." : : TO FILM MERGER SESSIONS NEW tORK (rP) The AFL Glass Bottle Blowers 'Association ha hired a dozen cameramen to film merger sessions of the AFL and CIO 'councils' next month. A 30-minute film -report" will .be prepared and made available to other onions throughout the nation. ARAB ENGINEERS MEET BAGHDAD JP). The eight Arab League countries have sent 500 men here as delegates to the sixth Arab engineering congress. 1 " - ' "'" ' ' "E3I KM a O Kl KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM KM 83f KM . M-.rrrrA ira fHMW K' VBWf-P ,IV HIS MT 1 v i r. i si ,dP w m . -j w , m o i ( v w '! fjStatesma,,, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, Nov. 29 "55 (Sec t) reclamation, water , storage,, in dustrialization and housing proj ects, and Iraqi oil development Although some areas have rice surpluses, some of the rice-eating peoples , may . go hungry because price and political struggles pre ' vent their getting it, says the Na tional Geographic Society. IBS SSS ' ax cm CH$ U Your. Choice of, Sundown or Black Knight Crown. 4-oz. Colony n. Brand Pkg. aan'oa-BBiiaa m Daaoannanp LaUUlSU Bd; Jar KM CM K9 CM KM 3M 9M 2 Urgs ZJr loaf M6)l KM KM tSM KM S3 C3 KH KM OK3 KM C3 IS3 S3 CSt S3 S3 S3 S3 3'E3 S3 S3 ES S3 KZM K& r .TTfwv" rioMiiohiix. Reaver KM S3 KM CM S3 S3 S3 S3 KM KSM KM S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 SSI S3 o (In. Castlt Crest o. 2Ji Yellow Cling Reg. 32c ea. C311 m Bake the Finest Cakes, Everytime DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIKES o Yellow 33c o Burnt Sugar 39c o Angel Food "55c .Tomalo Juice Su"'D,7c.. 26c firape Delighi T"Grd2,t,u 25c Cheese Food v"2" Jlk.plt. 59c Orange Juice ""TU.,,. 19c Best Brand Beer 89c Nob Hill Coffee 88c..-U5 Airway Coffee iit 86c 'ffi 1.71 Edwards Coffee 93c 1.85 Kitchen Craft A 95c .Caramel Cake Mix "BSW 33c Tuna Fish s"Tr""-a a. 21c Mince Meaf En,"e" BrSl.tM. 52c MARGARINE C0LDBR00K i A smooth and easy spreading margarine. SUNNYBANK A pure and . naturally better margarine 1-lb. Pkg. l-lb.)c Pkg. Zafci SNOWDRIFT Smooth batter mixed in no tima World Famous. ROYAL SATIN Pure All-Vegetable 3-lb. Shortening. Save - - MORE aLSafeway. : "11 ' - . I " i . can u dJ : 100 Pure . ..Ground Fresh Daily Curtsy Frail Cake tt.'Ei 79c Gillelfe Blue Blades Frail Cake Ring """" J Ib. Pkg. of 40 ring - 1.4? Zee Facial Tissue 4-rolipack 3,3c Mixed lluls """"'V.v; 49c Sillr Tissue ... ; 3 , 23c WTO 111 for 47C 7-os. bottle Brazil lluls T"u" "mpkt 49c lisferine Antiseptic Safin Mix .'-", llb.,kt. 31e Vildrool Cream Oil Tonic IS 59c Choc. Cherries Roxb 59c Cigarettes Popuhr 1-73 Benedictine Village Home Chapel Receives Blessing BUtesmaa News Serrtre MT. ANGEL " "This day " I must abide in thy house", was the text Father Cyril i Lebold, OSB used for his short address preceding the blessing of the new chapel .f the Benedictine Village home Sunday afternoon. The text was taken from the lath chapter of SL Luke. Betrinnine with the 1Hrat;n,. of Mass in the tiny chapel Mon- aay morning, the Blessed Sacra ment, will be - reserved . in v. tabernacle at all timp msvir.. it available to the people of the home. -i,' ' . After the talk. Father CyriL assisted by Father Edward Spear, blessed first, the chapel itself, then the tabernacle. The services were opened with a hymn by. St. Mary's' choir and closed after the blessing with the singing of the Te Deum by all presenu . Most of. the. directors and their wives, including Mr. . and Mrs. Ed. Unger, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bren den, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baum gartner were present i Also at- rA'm& were the Rev. Mnther mwamo " Gemma. OSB, and her assistant,! Sister M. Annella, and a group of Sisters from the Benedictine convent in ML AngeL Others included a small crowd of townspeople, Sister Antoi nette, manager of the home, and her assistants and the inmates. The little chapel built onto the northwest end of the Benedictine Village bome was completed only last week. The home for the aged and infirm was opened less than a year ago. ; Rev Dominic Braxmeyer of ML Angel Abbey is the chaplain and' offers mass at the home ev ery morning. - Safeway's grdund beef is ground from 100 pure fresh lean beef chunks. Sold to you under the same guaran tee as Safeway meats. A comparison of Safeway's Ground Beef with ordinary ground, in your own kitchen test, will, prove the greater value of the meat you buy at Safeway. . i. t. j a. It- . s. ettMt Mealleel ' Meal Cab eCMKDMM eaWloh its Heak Saves IbDQ Enjoy a Guaranteed Steak "U.S.D.A. CHOICE" Aged for Flavor BEEF mm STEM Sliced Bacon ib. 45c Standard Layer Pack Frozen Pies Manor House Beef, Chicken 8-oz. or Turkey v Pkg. 29c Fish Slides Captain's . Choice Fresh - 10-ot. Frozen Pkg. 39c Just the tenderest cuts only of closely trimmed. C a well-aged beef. Try 'em either chicken fried, or Swiss style., Delicious! lb. TAD CIDIAIU CTClIf Boneless IVr JIKLVIII JILMIA Beef SIRLOIN TIP STEAK SSf'S BEEF T-BOJIE STEAK VtfS, I'tw vneir nrr (tciv B.iii llkll IVKA.VVI jiutn i - -- . TFimFDinitl CTtAlf Trimmed to lllllssWIII JlkMI RCCC finC mi If Tender CntlTCn CTClir Boneless JiLMn Flavorful Cats Boneless Beef Cats Perfection : ender -1 . Flavorful . neless- ':- Beef Properly Aged , B. $1.19 ib. 95c .$1.09 . $1.65 .$1.7? ib. 98c $1.29 Smart Shoppers, Shop SAFEWAY for OREGON Nbv & iS Top Quality Best Value Youll like Oregon Russets because thev cook to perfection every time . . either baked, boiled, ' hash browned, or fried. They're friendly to your looa ouagei, wo. . You'll Love Their Hearty, Delicious Flavor U.S. No. 1 Premium Selected 6 lo 16-ozs. U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 . U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 ; Helled lleited Helled Premium" Gems VGems Gems Selected 4 to 16 oxs. 4 f 16-en. Small to larga f to 16-azs. lOr 25 50 lOlsr $po $p At their Peak of Season Goodness uraperruii From Sunny Florida 69c Oranaes 6. 9c Firm and Crisp Garden Fresh California Navals . . . Sweet, Meaty Carrots I 2 '29c Oranaes 17c Fresh Wrapped in a Cello Bag Golden Beauties ... Firm, Meaty Sprouts 29c Bananas 1 19c I Brussels TOMATO JUICE 28c libby Brand 46-oz. can ANACIN For Headache. 100 Aft-. Refief Tablet! VUC KLEENEX Facial (Tissues x of l)A; 4oo$ AVC AllLANI . r 4 - 1 890, French 6-oi. m C Dressing Bottft jfC HAIR OIL i Lucky Tiger Rose 4-oz. Bottle 19c Prices in this adyer-; tisement are In effect : thr o u g h Wednesday, November 30, at Safe! way In Salem.- We re-; serve the right to limit. r