The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 21, 1955, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' ,; : n:
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lp5th Year
2 Valley
t Pair From Stayton, Aumsville;
Three Others Injured in Crash
ALBANY Two teen-age girls from Aumsville and Stayton
Were fatally injured early Sunday morning when a ear struck the
rear of a truck at Tangent, six miles south of here on 99EL. Three
ether, young persons from the Stayton-Sublimity area were injured,
two seriously. n, - - f
State police listed those fatally injured as Patricia Ann Roberts,
The Ford Foundation is the rich
est institution of its kind In the
world. With all its wealth one
would think it would be utterly
free from financial worries. That
isn't true, and it will be adding
to its worries when it sells; as
planned, IS per cent of its holdings
- of Ford Mqtor Co. stock. The pro
ceeds will be between four . and
five hundred milHon half a billion
dollars. Then the Foundation will
have to reinvest this huge sum.
A writer for the financial page of
the New : York Times calls this
"a : herculean task," an "almost
unbelievable amount of new money
- to Je invested in corporate securi
ties by one institution.
He offers comparisons with other
big-scale finance. Carnegie Corp
oration, be reports, had only about
a fifth a mudt in IU portfolio Df
102 common stocks- as of Dee. 31,
1951; The .Ford Foundation sum
for reinvestment 'wHl be more than
half the assets of the huge Mass
achusetts Investors Trust as of
lhat date; and this Trust, one of
the biggest in' America, has
stretched its investments over a
term of 30 years. ;
The sale and purchase by the
public of this' Ford Motor, Co.
stock will . U If -
(Continued on editorial page, 4)
Portland Air
Traffic Uses
Salem Airport
McXary Field was the terminal;
for Portland-bound air passengers
tor the second successive night and
also was receiving passengers des
tined for Seattle Sunday as. fog
closed fields to the north." .
The Salem airport was still clear
for operations early today al
though state police and sheriffs
deputies reported fog patches in
the area and McXary Field
weathermen forecast considerable
' fogginess later in the morning.
Light rain is expected to start
late this evening and continue
throueh most of Tuesday, weather
men said Rafmv temwrafnroc are
to continue with a high today in Stayton; and Miss Minden's par
the high 40s and a low tonight in ents are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
the low 40s. . ; - i I Minden Sublimity.
The Willamette i River at Salem : : : 1
was expected to crest at about 15 , DESEGREGATION DIRECTED
feet early today, weathermen said.
Flood stage is 20 I feet. The San
tiam at Jefferson crested Saturday.
Adlai May File in
Oregon Primary
PORTLAND IB . Adlai Steven
son may file in Oregon for the
Democratic presidential nomina
tion, State Democratic Chairman
Howard Morgan said Sunday.
Morgan, who Had just returned
from the Democratic National
Committee meeting in Chicago,
said that Stevenson backers had
not yet completed their plans but
that Oregon was "under active
. consideration."
The Weather
; Max. aiin. Ireei.
J 31 M
41 33 .01 .
2 33 .17.
44 41 .77-
4t 40 .00-
4 40 ; .00
-t 53 M
67 56 .00
41 11 iw
Wed ford
North Bend
Soscbarg - ,
' Ssn Francisco
Los Antelc
N-w York 37 "on
. WiCsmette River 13.S"feet.
rOKECAST (from U. S. m
bureau. McNary iield. Snlem):
. Con&iderabl cloudineM and earlv
mornlnf log: light rains bertnntnf
late , thia evening and continuing
throufh moet of Tuesday. Hih Uxlav
4S to 48: low tonifht 40-42.
Temperature at Ul today
was .
fine lUrt of Weather Yai, lt 1
Vhia Tax , . It Ytu 4ral
jsji - ; - sj - aos
' ' ' ' V" ; ' : " FCUND3P I65f - " ' ' ." , ' ' , j ' "
1 17, Aumsville, and Gay Lesley,
19, Stayton. Both reportedly died
in an ambulance, en route to an
Albany, hospital. ,
Seriously injured were Larry 1
Freres, 19, and William Weddle,
19, both of Stayton. Less seri
ously hurt was Doris Minden, 18,
Sublimity. All were taken to
Albany General Hospital follow
ing the 2:30 a.m. accident and
young Freres later was removed
to St Vincent's Hospital at Fact
Una. Home From Dance .
The party of five was reported
en route north from Eugene,
where they had attended a home
coming dance at the University
of Oregon. Police said that just
prior to the crash a minor acci
dent had partially blocked the
highway at Tangent The truck
was forced to stop and then was
struck , in the rear by the death
car, which was almost totally de
molished. Driver of the truck,
who was not identified, had left
his vehicle to assist drivers in
the other mishap, according to
officers., . .
Three In Front
Officers reported that three of
the young people apparently were
riding in the front seat of the
ear and the two others were in
the hack seat. Young Weddle ,-was
believed to be driving the car,
police said. ' . . -
Miss Roberts, born April 14,
193S, at Aumsville, was the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam J.- Roberts. She was in her
senior year at St Boniface High
School, Sublimity.
Doctor's Receptionist
Miss Lesley's survivors include
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Lesley, and a brother, Noel, all
of Stayton. Born in 1936 at Stay
ton,' Miss Lesley had been em
ployed for the past year as a re
ceptionist in a Stayton physician's
office. She was a 1954 graduate
of Stayton High School
Other survivors of the Roberts
girl include four sisters, Mrs.
Beverly Dunham, Stayton, and
Geraldine, Mary Lou and. Joan
Marie, all of Aumsville; a broth
er, Billy, Aumsville; and grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omer E.
Roberts, Aumsville, and a num
ber of aunts and uncles.
Rites Set
Recitation of the Rosary for
Miss Roberts will be held at 7:30
p.m. Monday at St Boniface
Catholic Church, in Sublimity un
der direction of the Weddle Mor
tuary of Stayton. Further services
and arrangements for Miss Les
ley will be announced later.' -'
Young Weddle is son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Weddle, Stay-
ton; parents qf the Freres youth
are Mr. and Mrs. Ted G. Freres.
dore R. McKeldin Sunday night di -
rected that the Maryland National
Guard be desegregated.
Presbyterians Set New
Building Plan in Twlotion
(Picture in Sec. 1 Page 3.)
A $300,000 congregational goal
was set Sunday as First Presbyter
ian Church set its new church cam
paign in full motion t an impres
sive dinner meeting of 720. church
Architectural planning and fund
raising now will, be Started by the
church which recently jsold , its
present church building at "Winter
and Chemeketa Streets to the state
for more than $300,000. The new
church will be located in the block
diagonally across the intersection.
. The Capitol Mall will be extended
eventually into the -block on which
the Presbyterian church now
At the big congregational din
ner Sunday at South Salem High,
School, the building prog'ram.was
explained by several church lead-
VhDe the hundreds of adults din-;
ed in the two large cafeteria rooms
of the new nigh scnooi, more man
100 ' children of we congregation
were fed and entertained at the
church. ' '
Fund campaign leaders will meet
Wednesday-to 'Complete the. as.
Thst Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 21, 1955
Ike Aide
Hagerty Replies
To Criticism of
White House spokesman said Sun
day that Adlai E. Stevenson
"probably had to say something
for $100 a plate" when he criti
cized administration - handling of
U. S. foreign policy Saturday night.
That was Press Secretary James
C. Hagerty's comment when re
porters' asked him what he thought
about Stevenson's speech at a $100-a-plate
Democratic rally in Chi
cago. Stevenson is an announced
candidate for the Democratic
presidential nomination next year.
Plans I'nkaowa , -
Hagerty followed up this com
ment on Stevenson's speech with
an assertion that he doesn't know
whether President Eisenhower will
seek a second term. This was in
response to a 'question about the
Presidents plans.
As Hagerty met with newsmen,
the President rode around his
snowcovered farm in a midget
type automobile i and made final
plans for a review of foreign and
military developments with the
National Security Council Monday
and with his cabinet Tuesday,
(Story also Sec. 1, Page 4.)
Dionne Quint
Seriously 111
MONTREAL tfl The Montreal
Gazette said Sunday it has learned
that Marie Dionne. 21-year-old
quintuplet who is in a hospital
here, is seriously ill with perni
cious anemia.
This is a disease in which the
number of red blood cells is sharp
ly reduced. Among its symptoms
are loss of appetite and a marked
! pallor.- . ,
Marie was first reported m a
hospital Saturday. At that time her
father. OliVa Dionne, said in North
Bay, Ont, he had been informed
her health was run down and that
she was suffering from loss of ap
petite' and loneliness.
The girl's family said she left
the convent of the Servants of the
Blessed Sacrament in Quebec City,
where she has been studying for
rplicrinn orders, and traveled here
with a nurse. It was the second I
time in 16 months that Marie had
left the Roman Catholic cloister.
It was. reported Saturday that
Marie would be kept under ob
servation for a month. '
Wreck Kills 10
In Nebraska
persons were, killed Sunday eve
ning when two cars collided head
on, one of them catching fire, the
State, Safety Patrol said.
The mishap occurred about 10
miles west of Waterbury, a town
of about 140, in Northeast Nebraska.-
The patrol said six of the dead
were riding in a car bearing llu
nois license plates, while the other
four were in a car with Dixon
'County, Neb; plates.
tsignment.of solicitation teams, re-
' - t -: a tL..a
ported General Chairman .Arthur
B. Bates.' The campaigners have
scheduled dinner meetings for Dec.
5, 7, S and 12. 1
Charles A. Sprague, chairman of
the building council, said the type
of architecture and detailed plan
ning will be decided . after rec
ommendations are received from
the architects for study. He said
even after preliminary plans a
scale model will be prepared for
inspection by the 1700-member
congregation. - - -
Dr. Paul N. Poling, pastor, said
the nearness of the site to the
center of state government gives
this church a "magnificent op
portunity to exemplify the glory of
God'? to the many-who visit the
Capilol and state buildings as well
as to the congregation
Other speakers included Mrs.
Arthur Bone, president of the Wo-
men's Association; Robert L. Elf-
strom, representing special giving;
Nancy Weeks . and - Allan- Stevens
Jr., representing the church youth.
The architects for 'the project
will be from the Portland firm of
SUnCbo,-oHes, alaguire .Church.
Robbery Try Ends in Gunman's Death
RICKREALL Business eontlnned
.i ine nanan wauaee.canyie cunningnam, 35, ForUand, sprawled on the noer a memento f
a robbery attempt a short while before. Soaae of the patrons in background were among those
herded into a. restroom . and "shaken down" by Cunningham and accomplice Robert Scott Ken
nen, H, Salem.-Restroom door at rear Is spot where Officer, John Mekkers was wounded and
deputized Herschel Greenwade, Dallas, fatally, wounded Cnnainghaia. (Pictures and Story also
: in Sec 2, Page 5) : ; t ' ' . - " .-. ... ..-
... it
' V r - . .( . r
L v- K-'l -.LlVfl -- v
K.--.WaV-Uv , '"t Ntr Z,'
RICKREALL Uerschel Greenwade, Z4, Dallas, who fatally wounded oandit Wallace Carlyle Cun
ningham Sunday evening as climax to a robbery attempt at a Rickreall tavern, tells his story to
State Police LL Farley Mogan. Greenwade, who operates a service station near the tavern, had
been deputized by. Officer John Mekkers, who suffered non-serious' wounds at, the hands of Cun-
. ningham. . - 1 ' ? : .
British Train
Wreck Kills 9
MILTON; England p-'A ' dt
railment sent a packed excursion
train tumbling over a 20-foot em
bankment Sunday, killing nine pas
sengers and injuring 99.
The. engine, tender and four of
th nP coaches piled up in a
twisted, steaming wreck. Resc ers
feared more bodies might lie in;and Cambridge
th smashed front coach which
landed under the locomotive at the
bottom of the bank.'
Emergency calls brought dozens
of ambulances and army trucks
speeding into this sleepy Berkshire
village. 64 miles west of London,
f ' : 1 '
" .-- --.
Saaday evening at the Kickreall
Church Packed
For Graham Talk
OXFORD,' England tfl; Billy
Graham preached Sunday night to
a church congregation so packed
they - couldn't kneel to pray. His
aides : said ' famed British t miler
Roger "Bannister was among those
who answered the evangelist's ap
peal for "decisions for Christ."
About 1,000 .persons crowded into
sr iMontt'i Anoiiran rhin-rh tn
hear Graham wind up a 10-dav
campaign concentrated on Oxford
BOSTON. tV A Liber ian freight
er reported herself listing and tak
ing water. Sunday in raging seas
about 73 miles off Gloucester arid
a Coast Guard spokesman said the
atn!'JooU:grim.!i;3 ,"
No. 239
1 . "
v: r - ' , . i
baraecae nd tavern as the body
Riot Touched
Off in Church
' V v
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina 'JFh
Spaniards of opposing political, be
liefs rioted Inside the Santo ' Do
miago Roman Catholic - Church
Sunday. ; '
The riot 'was touched off by a
stoud of blue-shirt ed SDaniard Fa-
langists kfter mass had been said.
As the mass was concluded, a
blue-shiried Spaniard leaped to his
feet in front of a statue of Gen.
Manuel Belgrano. Argentino hero,
shouting -."Long live Franco.'- r
Spanish republicans - in the
church immediately replied "Long
live tho Spanish republic and free
dom.' " ' '
Man Slays Thug
" Staff Writer, The Statesman
RICKREALL A.35.yearKld bandit vas kiUed
and a state police officer wounded here Sunday eve
ning in a tense gun battle that followed the armed '
robbery of, the Rickreall barbecue and taVern. A,
major role was played' by a young Dallas man who
triggered the shot which downed the desperado.
A . second robber, . from Sa-1
lem, was disarmed 'prior to the
flurry of bullets. j : ?
' Fatally wounded, said officers,
was Wallace Carlyle Cunningham,
listed as a Portland resident. Of
ficer John Mekkers was taken to
Salem General Hospital after be
ing wounded in the left arm and
shoulder by. the pistol-brandishing
Cunningham. Attendants said
Mekkers' condition was "good:
Accomplice Disarmed 1
: The accomplice disarmed by
Mekkers before he was wounded
was listed by' police as Robert
Scott Kennen. 31, Salem. Kennen
was taken to the Polk County jail
at Dallas.
Cunningham was fatally wound
ed by Herschel Greenwade, 24,
who had been deputized and giv
en a carbine by Officer Mekkers
only moments before. Greenwade
is operator of a service station di
rectly across from the tavern.
The two robbers were carry
ing more than $100 in loot, taken
from a cash register and from
some half a dozen patrons when
their plans for flight were
smashed. , i ' i; - '
Officer Drove Up
. Greenwade said he wss work
ing at his service station with a
friend, Don Bowen, when Officer
Mekkers, alerted by radio, drove
up to the tavern and motioned
to I them. He then deputized
Greenwade and gave him the gun.
Another chief factor Vin the
episode was a phone . call made
to police by Mrs. Herry Wilson,
wife of the tavern's owner, who
possibly risked her life in doing
so. She made the call after slip
ping from a restroom in which the
bandits bad herded : some , eight
employes and patrons to "shake
them down. - ; . -.
Ordered Beers
Accounts of witnesses indicated
the two men came into the tavern
about 5:30 p.m. and ordered beers.
Kennen imemdiately went to the
restroom to "size up the situation"
and ' upon his return the two
pulled snub-nosed pistols.
Some half dozen patrons were
ordered into the restroom and bill
folds and purses taken. Barmaid
Charlene James, Dallas, said she
was then forced by Cunningham
to j remove the contents of a till
behind the bar approximately
$100 which he pocketed.
The pair then left the premises
with a warning to everyone to
remain in the restroom. When
patrons began trouping out of the
restroom, the robbers quickly re
turned and Cunningham reportedly
threatened to "kill somebody."
Overheard Remark
The two then again started for
the door but patrons overheard
the remark, "The car's gone."
and back again to the restroom
came the bandits. It was at this
point that Officer Mekkers cameJ
into the place trailed by Green
wade. . . r
, Patrons said the officer stuck
his head in the restroom door,
asked. "What's going on?." then
disarmed Kennen. Apparently
Mekkers did not see Cunningham
until the man whirled about and
fired twice.
Saw Officer Starrer r .-
. Greenwade said he was. Just
outside a corridor of the restroom
when he saw Mekkers staggering
out clutching his right arm with
Cunningham close behind , him.
Greenwade, shaken by his exper
ience which may have saved the
life of a police officer, related
that he fired at the gun-brandishing
Cunningham from a distance of
some 10 feet. The .30 calibre bul
let hit the bandit in the lower right
chest and -knocked him against a
wan but his gun was still in hand
and he made an effort to shoot
Greenwade. But he couldn't, close
his finger on the trigger. ,
Fired Again V-
Greenwade said he ; then fol
lowed the wounded officer out
side and then spotted Cunning:
ham staggering along the bar ob
viously still trying to get off a
shot The young Dallas man fired
again through a window of the
tavern. He missed but no fur
ther shooting was necessary as
the holdup man crumpled be
tween bar stools and sprawled
on the barroom floor; ,
i "I knew I had to shoot him or
he'd kill me," said Greenwade,
who has gained considerable ex
perience-with guns as a member
of the Dallas . National Guard
Tank Company.
Today's Statesman
Sec. Pag
-.II..10, 11
Classified .
Editorials .
Homo Panorama
Obituaries ..
Radio, TV
Star Caxer
Valley . 11.11.
L.' 4
II.; 10
....,.;h . 4
Wirophot Paga IL S
RICKREALL la custody after
a Saaday eveaiag robbery at
tempt at the, Rlckreall barbecat
and . tavern was Robert Scott
Keaaea, 31, Salem, eae ef tw
bandits state pollet said were -lafalved
la the erlme.
Gf ashes; Teh
Die, One Hurt
TOKYO Un A giant Globe
master -cargo plane of , the VS.
Air Force crashed Sunday on
takeeff from typhoon - shattered
Iwo Jima in the western Pacific,
killing 10 of the 11 persons aboard.
An Air Force spokesman said
the huge C124 of the 574th Troop
Carrier Wing crashed on the island
as it took off on the return flight
to its home base, Tachikawa Air
Force Base near Tokyo, after a ;
cargo-carrying mission,
The lone survivor was being air
lifted to . a hospital near Tokyo,
the spokesman said. ', ,
Names of the 9 crewmen and 2
passengers were withheld pending
notification of next of kin. .
A board of officers was sent
from Japan to investigate. .
' Iwo Jima, famed World War II
battle site, is 700 miles southeast
of Tokyo. Installations at the stra
tegic VS. base there were 99 per
cent demolished by a typhoon only
a month ago. - .
The Air Force . said the four-
engine, double-decked Globemaster
crashed as it took off from Iwo
Jima's small central air base at
5 p.m. Sunday (Saturday midnight
pst). . ;. .
Baghdad Pact
Nations Meet
BAGHDAD, Iraq 11 The pre
miers of four of Russia's southern
neighbors and British Foreign Sec
retary Harold Macmillan assem
bled in this ancient city Sunday
for the inaugural council meeting
of the five-nation Baghdad Pact. ..
The British-supported pact links
Turkey, Iraq. , Iran and Pakistan
in a mutual security system along
the Soviet Union's southern border
from the Black Sea to the Himal
ayas. It connects with NATO to, the'
west, through ', Turkey, and with
SEATO, to the east, through Pak
istan, in a non-Communist security
system virtually circling the. world.
It was announced Saturday night
khat the United States, which al
ready is backing some of the mem
bers with military aid, would send
observers to the council meetings
which start Monday. - -
Japan Premier, .
Cabinet Resign ;
; TOKYO ) Prime Minister Ic-
biro Hatoyama andVhis Cabinet re- :
signed Monday, s4 expected, to .
make way for av Cabinet chosen
from the newly merged Liberal "
Democratic Party; .,
Hatoyama is certain to be named
to head the new Cabinet in a Diet
(Parliament) session Tuesday. ,
Pro-American Foreign Minister -
Mamoru Shigemitsu is expected to
keep bis post in the new Cabinet. ;
Thief Hauls Off 280
Pounds of Pennies :
CHICAGO VP It must have
been a husky thief who . hauled -off
$3,350 worth of pennies fr?m
the office of a vending machine ,
company.; ' v , ,
John . Difiore, the owner, said
the pennies weighed 280 pounds. ,
to -Handle - casualties, i." -
- - V