The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1955, Page 40, Image 40

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HI fa? '
aasji-sjji jsiay I' -r W " afi a ossj i
4-(Sec. 4) Statesman,. Salem,' Ore., Fri, Nov. 18, 55
$64,000 Shoiv
'Screened? Out
(Editor! Note: la it Just tht
neaey that has made "The 14,
M Qaesttoa" a TV sensation.
!et m, tars, the producer:
"We're puttJaf ea a hew.'
Here's a beaind-tae-sceaes look
, into the fuactloalag of a pro
gram based paradox which
- Itself west begging before strik
ing a boaaasa.) .. j
Br relmXn 'morct
. NEW YORK - The main
'. xreeners" for' the television
jow, "$4,000 Question," are two
tractive young women who dive
" to a sea of letters every day,
.oking for human pearls.
.Right now, they are looking for
me very specific pearls, such
5 - i
A waiter who knows about art
A college professor with an en
clopeadic knowledge of newspa
t comics. i
A bartender, or perhaps a tug
Sit carrain, wbo can expert on
eakespeare or the classics.
A pretty, personable, young girl
v ran mrt on oracticallv anv-1
m can expert on practically any-
mg. . )
aeyre Real
"No doubt all those people are
t there somewhere," said Roselle
irnhard, gesturing toward the
' -'erflowing boxes j of unopened
-'ail. '(.-'"
"All you have to do is find
:em, 'added her colleague, Eve
lyn Levin. j ,
With some staff assistance. Miss
- Levin and Miss Barnhard try to
" get through some 15,000 letters a
week (producers estimate) that
the show draws. Most of these are
from people who want a crack at
the prizes. j j'
And most of them can be dis
missed, virtually at a glance. The
, "screeners" are looking for par
ticular qualifications.
For' example, they are looking
f for the paradox, the switch, the
person with a field of special
knowledge far 'removed from his
regular work, thus, the clergyman
- whose hobby is Jazz music, the
marine captain who experts on
food and wine, the policeman who
" knows Shakespeare, and so on.
Model Interested ! .
L. More recently, ;. the producers'
' interest was attracted by a letter
- irora a Florida model who'wants
- -to answer questions on hold your
hat Egyptology!
; "You could have a history pro
. lessor answering questions on his
tory," said Mert Koplin, associate
producer of the show, "or a pro
fessional art critic on painting.
"But get, say. a waiter or a
tugboat captain experung m inese
fields, and you've really got some
thing." : i
Even more important Miss Le
vin and Miss Barnhard are eter
nally searching fori that indefin
able quality called "charm." They
are anxious to be charmed. When
they find a person! who. dazzles
them with glamor and attractive-
ness, tney go nome wun a sense
of accomplishment i -
loag EXEHte y--"
. t-But.tiui- isn t-as . asjr "as - it
sounds, Both women"j64
with a long experience in. radio
and television. Miss . Barnhard
was a writer, researcher and pro
grammer on "Strike It Rich."
Miss Levin wrote scripts and han
dled interview programs on a New
Haven station for five years be
fore she came to New York.
So, even in a letter, they quickly
spot the professional quiz contest
ant the show-off. the ham. But a
letter does, not always reflect the
writer's personality at its best.
- If the letter interests them, they
put in a telephone call.
It begins with a note of caution
. . .the call means only that more
Information is needed. . Jt doesn't
mean anything has been decid
ed with respect to the candidate.
Then the screeners begin asking
questions. j-
"Frankly." Miss Levin said.
.what a person says is less im-
po riant to us than the way he or
she says it. We are looking for
people who are warm and articu
late .people who come over in an
interesting manner."
System Told
For Predicting
i; - - C
Grade Range
SEATTLE tf) I A system for
predicting accurately what grades
students are likely to get in a wide
range of subjects was reported at
the University . of Washington
Wednesday. .
It was described as 90 per cent
accurate in predictions for a fresh
man class of 2.233 students, covering-a
field of 33 subjects.
Dr. Paul Horst, director of the
Division of Counseling and Test
ing Services and supervisor of the
project said the basic technique
could be adapted to predicting ap
titudes in business, industry and
the military services.
-.. The university j announcement
"said the system goes far beyond
the range of the standard type of
aptitude tests.
; The report said the program has
- covered more than 10,000 students
over a-25-year period. After many
years of preliminary Te search, the
program was stepped uo in recent
years by a $78,000 federal grant
and the advances! in high speed
t electronic computing equipment
"The system of predicting' aca-
. demic penonnance is cased on
high school grades in certain stud
ies, supplemented by a battery of
special tests. Dr. Horst explained.
"By the use of scientifically rie-
'veloped mathematical formulas,
these results are converted into
grade predictions for a student in
each of the 33 different college sub
ject areas." j
The formulas were .worked out
: through analysis of the class that
entered the university in 1949. The
four-year - performance of each
member of the class was traced in
alem ; :
Mrs. Minnie X. Cooper
Late resident Rt 5, Box 470. Salem,
November 17 at residence. ' Survived
by daughter. Mrs. W. B. (Irma)
Minler of Salem. Sob. Cecil T. Coop
er of Salem. Five grandchildren. S
great-grandchildren. Several niece
and nephews. Announcement of ser
vices later by Virgil T. Golden & Co.
ksfos A. Cravea
- At residence. 840 Union. November
17 at the act of SX Announcement
of services later by Howell-Edwards
Funeral Horn.
" "
Joseph L.' McCellum -
November 17th at a, local hospital
at the tge of 71 years. Survived by
son, "Everett McCollum of Sweet
Home. Ore.; daughter, Mrs. Wayne
Smith at Sweet Home; brother, Ever
ett E. McCollura of ' Adams, Ore.:
sister, Mrs. Mary Cordrsy of Okor
che, Okla.: S grandchildren; a great
grandchildren. Announcements of
services later by- Howell-Edwards
Funeral Home.
Clarence Webster MeGee
At the residence, Route J. Box 345.
Salem. November 1J. st the age of
6 years. Survived by his wife, Mrs.
Helen McGee of Salem; son. Donald
of the Travis Air Force Base of Cal
ifornia; .daughter, Mrs. Pearl Muller,
Burbank, California; i grandchildren.
He was a member of the. LabUh
n tKl imnhW lnf God Church.
Services will be Friday. November
1f " Chpel of the HoweU-
Edwards Funeral
uome, wiin uie
Rev. Clarence Frankie officiating.
Interment in the Lone Fir Cemetery
in Portland.
Mrs. Angelina McGill
Portland Mrs. Angeline McGill. 90,
late resident of 3726 East Burnside
St, died Nov. 16 at a Portland nurs
ing home. Survived by a stepson.
Wayne McGill. and three step-grandchildren.
Funeral services 1130 a.m.
Friday at the Colonial Mortuary,
Sandy Blvd. and 14th St., Portland.
Private committal in Portland Me
morial Crematorium.
Richard Earl Neal
At the resident of 937 Oak St, Sa
lem. Nov. 16 at the age of 3 months.
Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Neal and 1 sister Linda; Grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vols, Sa
lem: Mr. and Mrs. William Meithof.
Salem. Funeral services win be held
Saturday, November 19. 130 p.m..
Chapel of the Howell-Edwards Fu
neral Home. Rev. Harold Mclntyre
officiating. Interment. Belcrest Me
morial Park.
. Phillip Weeks
At a local hospital. Ritualistic Ma
sonic services will be conducted by
Pacific Lodge No. 50 A.F. SzA. M.
Service will be Saturday. Nov. 19th
at 10 a.m. at Clough-Barrick Chapel
Interment. City View Cemetery.
British Judge
Upholds Rights
VSJL a xiiiiiciic;
says a jail term deprives one of
iik.. "K nn hi. riffht.
VU a UUVI MW VHk MW .. aasH
as a citizen.
That -pronouncement was made
Wednesday when Richard D'Arcy
was awarded 190 pounds ($532) in
a damage suit against the British
Prison Commission.
D'Arcy,. a 52-year-old confidence
man, sued in connection with in
juries he suffered in a fight with
three other prisoners in Parkhurst
jail, tie cnargea uie commission
I was negligent.
K-JtJstjce -Srrgajrick JBarry asso
ordered the commission- to pajr7
pounds ($2,100) court ecosts.
Classified Index
"For Your Convenience"
310 Meeting Notices
313 Lost and found
314 Transportation
31 Personal
315 Stamps and Coins
401 Livestock, for Sale
403 Livestock Wanted
404 Poultry and Rabbis'
407 Fur Bearing Aninu
408 Pets
40 Sea Foods
410 Seeds and Plants
412 Fruit and Farm Produce
413 Fertilizer '
414 Farm Equipment
42S Auction Sales
431 Machinery and Tools
452 Wanted Machinery, Tools
454 Sewing Machines
455 Household Goods for Sale
456 Wanted Household Goods
457 Radio and Television
458 Building Materials
459 Do It Yourself
460 Musical Instruments
462 Sports Equipment
44 Bicycles
466 Trade Miscellaneous'
48 For Rent, Miscellaneous
470 For Sale, Miscellaneous
473 Wanted. Miscellaneous
474 Miscellaneous
478 Fuel
510 Money to Loan
512 Loans Wanted
51$ Investments
602 Help Wanted
604 Help Wanted. Male '
606 Help Wanted. Femato
60S Pickers Wanted
610 Sales Persons
Sit Work Wanted. Male
614 Work Wanted. Female
615 Situations Wanted
616 Employment Agencies
617 Job Information
618 Education
620 Day or Contract
702 Sleeping; Rooms. Board
703 Wanted. Rooms. Board
705 Apartments for Rent
706 Duplexes
707 House for Rent 1
707-A Furnished
708 Farms, Tracts
709 Wanted to Rent
Tie Wanted to Rent Houses
712 Wanted to Rent Apts. -
714 Business Rentals
716 Resort Rental; -718
Convalescent Homes
780 Moving and Storage '
- - .
801 Business Opportunities
802 Business Property
803 Suburban
006 Houses for Sale
07 Apts.. Courts for Sale
ICS Lots for Sale ,
M0 Farms, Acreage for Sale
IS 'Cxchange Real Estate
110 Resort Property
Sir Wonted Real Estate
825 Insurance '
S50 AUTOMOTIVE ' " " '
851 New Cars
652 Used Cars for Sale
853 Auto Parts and Reoalr
854 Trucks, Trailers for Sale
856 Wanted Cars. Trucks
858 Motorcycles
BIT) Auto Miscellaneous
8? Pouse Trailers
8?4 Heavr Equipment
880 Aircraft
CALL 4 6811
Device Tests -Physiological
CORVALLIS A machine that
measures a person's response to
sound, light and other stimuli down
to 1710,000th of a second has been
w a.vawvMa vi m ov.vtiu uoa awu asm.
developed at Oregon State College," Thompson, and the widow.
in studies on nervous response.'
physiological age." and effects of
such things as loss of sleep and
emnHnff on noxMnn Kmi
smoking on reaction time.
Dr. t. L. Anderson, professor of
hygiene and health education
worked out plans for the device
officially called a neuromuscular
Be Is running tests on several
thousand school children, college
students and groups of adults in
an effort to establish standards of
response and muscular perform
ance for different age levels. -
"Physiological age" may or may
not be the same as calendar age.
Dr. Anderson explained. Some in
dividuals at SO react like others
at 65. The chornometer will help
point up these differences and aid
in understanding them. '
A variety of measurements are
planned oa factors that influence
response such as fatigue, smok
ing, loss of sleep, and physical
. Various tests on response to light
and sound will be made. Sight 're
sponses are slower than sound,
Anderson said, because the nerve
impulse must travel farther and
over more nerve junctions. The
vision center is near the back of
the brain while the sound center
is near the ear itself.
The person being tested is seat
ed' before a board having various
buttons, levers and handlesthat
are operated with his hands and
feet At the sight of the different
lights or the sound of bells or buz
zers, he is expected to carry out
certain motions. Time measure
ments are recorded on an electron
ic timer in fractions of a second.
The machine was built by two
OSC school of engineering staff
members, Lloyd M. Frazier and
Robert M. Merritt Merritt has
since joined the staff of University
of Alaska.
Army Chief
Stresses Need
For Strength
xt vrtotr t co., f
the Armv Brucker said Thursday
tt c '
r. ..r "rr'l
iny clndiUonsu
unoer any conaiuons musi oe so..... Wain Rrr 10r vmKn
Zf ?lT?.e aSSresslon;and I believe that we shall meet
the Army', civilian chid Mid be
. ... .u- ,:.. Ket
recognized that this nation a best ;
defense against an all-out airborne
rr'L"1 kaSt Tqual and
The sfta(egi6ar command of
, . r v,k,.
ance," he said.., . ..
." Brucker maintained, however,
that a momie, tiexioie, powenui i q. . -t. l i?
army is the only answer" to the'Oiate UeiTlO Llliei
present requirement for the United
SUtes to be equally prepared to
deal with either a general war or
military pressure on the fringes of
the Free World.
Statesman-journal Newspapers
288 N. Church St.
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Classified ads win be run in both,
papers to give advertisers the ad
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tions. j '
When an ad Is ordered three or
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cluded I for example Friday, Satur
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apply because only tne statesman
publishes Sundays. ; '
Classified ads win start in the
morning Oregon Statesman, conclude
in the evening Capital Journal but
ads will be accepted for Sunday
Statesman only.
The deadline for classified ads is
1:00 p.m. the day before publica
t "mcrgency ads and small line
ads received after 1:00 p.m. may
i. placed in the "Too Late to
Classify" column for the following
morning. ,
Ads for Monday : papers must be'
in by 5 p.m. Saturday.
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reserve the right . to reject ques
tionable advertising; it further re
serves the right to place all adver
tising under the proper classifica
tion. ,
The Statesman-Journal Newspapers
assume no financial responsibility
for errcrs which may appear in ad
vertisements published in its -columns
and in cases where this paper is at
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advertisement in which the , typo
graphical mistake occurs.
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Statesman-Journal Newspapers box
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their ads.
Kindly report any exception to this
rule to the classified advertising
NntPii OrpornTi
Mason Dies
69, magazine distributor and long
active in Oregon Masonic circles,
died Thursday.
Survivors include his son, Fred
N. Bay Jr., a partner in his maga
zine business; a daughter, Mrs.
lYf aina-vri sTViisntxr
rlcriUn VAJUll IV
I. ' , V
Men Named to
O&C Posts
PORTLAND (J) t- The Assn. of
Oregon and California Land Grant'
Counties now has all 18 of the
eligible Western Oregon ' counties
in membership' -
Multnomah rejoined the associa
tion at -its annual meeting here.
Multnomah had withdrawn last
summer in protest of the employ
ment of former Sen. Guy Cordon
as Washington counsel. -
According to Frank Sever, asso
ciation attorney, Multnomah did
not object when the association
adopted a budget containing an
item for Cordons fees.
Re-elected . secretary treasurer
was Roy, Rice. Marion County.
County Judge Carl C. Hill, Rose
burg, was re-elected president and
Ralph Peterson of Lane County
was elected to the nswly created
post of vice president
A niVTy.v y
to toe executive com-
Rex Hartley of Marion County
Mystery Yank
Said in Russ
Slave Camp
mystery American in a Russian
slave labor camp had a picture of
himself smuggled into the free
World Thursday and appealed, for
help. . .
An Austrian returning from
Russia's notorious Vorkuta prison
camp said the American was
"Henry Malinauskas from Massa
chusetts.". But the Austrian said
he was neither sure of the spelling
of the American's name or of his
home state.
The Austrian "gave the Asso
ciated Press a picture of Malinaus
kas. a dark - haired young man
whom the Austrian said had been
arrested in Lithuania. On the back
P?? i011 Was me$-
sage in blue. ink:
"To Walter. I believe that you'll r.-
ture as he was leaving Vorkuta
j t M rf
, 8
case the SovieU should find the
,w v; -
ff.!r.r,.;iH TJ"..
tne message actually was meant
for Malinauskas' Srtfir andf sis-
ter, whom he believed, rnight . be
the "Salubiene" in the text
! r r j TW7at
SatlSIieCl Willi
' . . .
;ilauOnal ACllOIl
CHICAGO Monroe Sweet
land. Oregon's Democratic Na
tional committeeman, expressed
satisfaction Thursday with the
national committee's adoption of
a compromise set of rules.
; He said the action "puts a firm
floor" under many questions re
garding party loyalty which previ
ously had been up in the air.
Too Late To Classify
1 FURN. court apt 150. 1 unfura. ex
cept range & refrig. $50. 1 bdrm.
unit with tile bath. Ph. 4-6875. eves.
3-BDRM. modern home with base
ment. $70. 2-bdrm. modern home,
$50. Ph. 4-6875.
CEILINGS tc Walls can be damaged
dv water oacKing up under shin
gles caused by freezing St thawing
snows, at eaves where gutter joins,
St in valleys. Have us remove that
snow now. Cascade Roof Co., Ph.
3-4823. 710 Cross.
GARAGE for rent 1474 Court St.
Ph. 3-8492 eves.
1-BDRM. house unfurn. Elec. he-it.
HI. ifO. 2-W13.
8 HOGS to butcher. 00 lbs. ea. Barn
ey White. 053 Hazel Green Rd.
PR. man's roller skates, size 91s Ph.
2-0032 after 5 o'clock.
FOR SALE: Oil heater, 5-rm. size.
$20. Ph. 4-1541.
IMPORTED Ski Boots, worn twice.
ueaium size. $15. Ph. 2-4770.
FOR SALE: 5-rm. house to be
wrecked or moved immediately.
See at 609 Locuust, make bid at 650
Locust Ph. 3-5695.
FOR SALE. 1937 Ply. 4-Dr., 4 almost
new tires, oattery, paint, uphols
tery, brakes, motor & body very
good, all glass in. license till Npv.
1953, $75. 818 Holman Ave, Dallas.
Ph. Ma. 3-2640, Dallas. 4
SELL 1951 Ford "Country Squire Sta.
W.ann X1-... ...K
less tires. $925 includes insurance
6c financing. Tague. 3rd house West
Brush College Grocery, out Wal
lace Rd. 1
3-BDRM. house for rent. Call st 1327
3rd to see it except Sun.
300 Personal
312 Lost and ' Found
LOST Vicinity of Pioneer Dr. Gold
en Cocker SpanieL Name "Sandy."
Children's pet Ph. 3-9709.
LOST: Child's glasses between Cen
ter & C. St on N. 16th. Please
phone 3-0009.
LOST: Black & white pari Water
Snanlel with black ears. Answers to
"Sporie - CMldren'a pet Pfc, 4-4344.
or 3-CS4S. ) ..
LOST Blue leather wallet Please
return papers wAltwny address.
Reward. Albany. Ph. W. 88988.
LOST Big long-nose Collie. Black,
white, tan. Male. $10 reward. Ph.
LOST Chihuahua. Vista Hta. $10 Re
ward. Please phone 36476.
P00 Agriculture
425 Auction4 Sales
Scotty's Auction House
At 4840 Center
On Sat, Now 19; 10
Free Drawing
5 pc. Walnut bedroom set, Matching box springs L matt, Daveno
awing rocker. Rolls wy bed; & matt (Twin), Drop head
sewing machine, National 42 gal hot water tank, Norge Apt
range, Westinghouse elec range1, white enameled trash burner,
2 Wood circulators, 1952 Westinghouse fullsize range, 1952
Crosley 6 ft refrigerator, 1950 Whirlpool E. Washer, Kenmore
E. washer, M.W. Elec. washer, 5 Drawer chest, 3 Pc. Chrome
set (Red), 7 Pc Chrome set (Qrey, 6 Yr. baby crib.A matt
Ulloor lamps. Table lamps. Step fcnd & Coffee tables, new tools,
comforters. Pillows, Cookware Elec. fryerr, Elec. mixers,
Blankets, Irons, toys, Used beds, Springs, Matt, Davenports,
c- Dining ,et, wine Daveno, occ. chair. Lino rugs.
Sst nite 1 Hr. Auction of Furn., Misc. New items, Food & Etc.
for Local Church. - f ;
: Livestock Saturday at 2 n.m. V
"C T - . fuueis, aucsj. geese. & turkevs
shrubs,. potatoes, apples, onions. . iurys,
'Make Sat your Auction Sale Day at Scotty's
Free parking, hot food, & heated building. Everybody welcome.
PH. 4
300 Personal
312 Lost end Found
LOST On street bus. dark blue urn-
oreua. rn s-saai.
LOST German short-haired pointer.
Large, brown A white. Ph. 2-3456.
LOST, green parakeet bare spot on
ngni leg. Kewam. Ph. 2-2040.
316 Personal
DO YOUR Christmas shopping In the
warmth and quiet of your homo.
Call 3-911S for Avon Service.
I WILL NOT be responsible for any
debts contracted by anyone other
than myself. Donald 7. Ringland.
Garlic French bread; S" fruit pie,
60c; individual fruit pies. 10c; chick
en, beef tamsle it turkey pies,
II. 23 a doz. Large bread 2 for 45c.
Ph. 3-7372.
Worried! In doubt Mme. Kaye
wiU help you. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
3125 S. ComX Ph. 4-8953
m l IM as I
FOR FACTS about the Catholic
Church write P. O. Box 343, In
dianapolis.. Indiana. . Information
sent under plain cover. Ho per
sonal follow-up.
ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No.
I 2088 N. Com!
ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 986
Commercial. 2-2108 or 3-9442.
NEED HELP to control your weight?
WEY-RITE. scientifically proven,
medically approved. Inexpensive.
Ph. 3-5781 If no ans. call 3-8873.
Ask no questions, helps solve an
uoon lor.AJurma sooiei.
3645 Portland Rd.
400 Agriculture
402 Livestock For Solo
W1ANIR PIGS. Rt 1, Box 304,
Aumsvllle. Phone 2-8ft Salem.
GENTLE old Guernsey cow. Fresh
en Nov. 19th. Edgar Gruenfelder.
Rt 1 Box 479. 3-2713.
TOP PRICES paid for canner ewes
Also eed tat St feeder lambs
Phone Salem 4-7374.
LOCKER BEEF, Eastern Oregon. i
or whole. 19c. Custom killing.
Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat
Co.. 1323 S. 23th. Ph. 3-4858.
Ph. 4-9063 Salem, or t-4338 Wood burn.
46i Livestock Wonted
LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Edwards.
Rt 3. Box 899E. Ph. 4-1113.
WANTED to buy 175 head feeder
lambs. Phone Salem 4-7374.
LIVESTOCK buyer. A. T. Sommer,
fri Hrmony Dr. Pn. 4-8Q6V.
ry Alderman. 4-8430, 4-7218
horses, at your farm. E. C
McCandlish. Rt I Box 297. 3-4189
then 4297 State. 2-1343 or 2-4380.
404 Poultry ond Rabbits"
2 DOZ. New Hampshire pullets for
sale. Just laying. Russell Turns. In
dependence. Ore. Ph. 3-34W1.
Of poultry. We buy rabbits.
Wing's. 3983 State. Ph. 4-3918
408 Pets
SELL. German Police pups, 2 mo.
old. $15 ea. Silverton 3-4700.
COCKER pups, purebred, parti
color & black. Ph. 2-8345.
COLLIE pups, $5. Mother reg. Robert
Copley. 2663 Chemawa.
REG. Labrador female. 2s yra. $50.
Also reg. Labrador pups, males. $30.
female. $25. 4768 Clark Ave. after
6. Keizer.
PEDIGREE Roller Caranaries. Rea
sonable priced. Ph. 2-7896.
BABY rare Parakeets, 650 Taybin
Rd . W. Salem. 2-8133. -
PARAKEETS Cages At Supplies.
382S S. Commercial. Ph. 2-2753.
BIRD Paradise tor olros. cages sup
plies 3180 Uvingstnn 2-1842
PARAKEETS Cages -St SuppUes.
B St M Aviary, 3363 Maywood
HOLLYWOOD Aquarium. 195S Mc
Coy Tropical, goldfish, equipment
PARAKEETS caees supplies 4 Cor
. ner Aviary 4110 Hudarn S-SAS1
410 Seeds and Plants
SPECIAL - nice bushy Arborvitae
hedge pUnts. 4 ft. $1.93. 3 ft. S1.7S.
Middlegrove Nursery, 4920 Silver
ton Rd.
TOP QUALITY planta for less
Middle Grove
lursery. 4920 Silver.
ton Rd.
HOLLY trees, green, variegated.
weeping, etc Weekends. 2107 N.
412 Fruit and Farm Produce
FOR SALE: Baled Hay. Snrire St Fall
oats, bring sacks. J. D. Hrtw-1T.
Ph. 2-7M3 Salem. Rt 1. Box 278
WALNUTS Large, good quality
Franquettes. commercially dried.
35c lb. 1399 N. 18th. Ph. 3-5929 after
4; wk. days, weekends all day.
APPLES All kinds of varieties. Will
deliv. Ph. 4-1315.
WALNUTS for sale, good quality, 30c
id. rn. e-ivoa.
'400 Agriculture
.425 Auction Soles
St., Salem : ;
A.M., &,7 P.M.
Grand Prize : -
J'' pigs, sheep,
- 6433.
412 Fruit end Form Produce
rjONT seU too low. we are paying
1 Tnn n . ... . t . -
vk f. i wur jirw jocauon. lor
Walnut filK.4. jt. .....
ton Nut Co. on Highway in Dundee
'"'"'tiij llwa 4 Ul CO-OP. MC
Mlnnville. i
PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c gal
i delivered. Cleary Dairy. 3-3035
rjPairy Co-op. Assn.
riELIVER to the Mayflower Salem
plant. 2133 rairgrounds Road, be
tween 3:30 a.m. and f :00 p.m..' daily
except Saturday and Sunday.
TOR SALE Pears & apples. -H. J.
itemuss. m. -ll2S. 4340 Cherry.
413 Fertiliser
ROTTED MANURE. Rich, fine man-
ure oy sacs or yard. Delivered or
at farm, Phillip's Bros. Rt Boa
493. Ph. 43081. - i
Rotted manure. No weeds. Ph. 2-0331.
450 Merchandise
451 Machinery and Tools
wui kpanery coarger Generous
discount Cah 3-9753. 'V
HAVK several used welders AC
454 Sewing Machines
If You Gan't Afford A
New Singer Electric Sewing
Machine for Christmas Give
Her One of These Excellent
' Reconditioned
i --.-
F-R-E-I sewing course with
purchase of each . sewing ma
130 N. COM'L. PH. 3-3513
CABINET sewing machines. Hoover,
iEureka & Electrolux cleaners. Ph.
2-8838. ,
455 Hsehold Goods For Sale
7-PC. MAPLE dining set dropleaf
table. $49.95. -
I Woodrv's Thrifty Furn.
513 S. Commercial St Phone 4-3319
NEW bedroom sett. $58.88.
Woodry 1605 N. Summer..
SAVE $50 delivers household of fur
niture and appliances, bal. easy
terms; Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Sum
mer. For the best professional services,
AD makes adding machines, cal
culators St typewriters, sold, rent
ed repaired Roen. 456 Court 36773
Woodry Furniture Cf
474 So Coml Ph. 4-3111
CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno
vators . New mattresses. 3-4089
Bulldozing, clearing roads, ponds.
D-4. D-S carrvsil
- Huskey Pb
ELECTRICAL Contractor Sine
1922. Quality work st fair prices.
Leo Johnson Ph. 3-0196.
General rontrartlna Speciatirine in
remodeling Free estim Pn 4-3498
t.Vtnn lxrain morn crane
Sand At Gravel Co 2-2461 '
rums covraiNGS
N orris Walker Paint Co Floor-covering
Division Quality Installa
tions Linoleums Asphalt tile Rub
ber Tile. Wall Tile Ete. FREE ES
TIMATES. Ph. 4-2279.
Secures Loan Of
Z Naval Medals
Through Want ADs
JWANT the'looa of, aittI--'C
X TuMddjr, Yaaqtse Patrol S "
medd, and Nlearaoua rh 1
i i C- P.' O: Dasiel Webb
was ' delegated by bis '
Commanding Officer to
' secure loaa of two Naval
medals, to wear at cere-
; moay, the C. O.'s owa
medals being is a safety
deposit bos in a distant
'' city. Chief Webb quickly
Solved the ' problem by j
' placing a Classified Ad
In the Saa Diego Union
and Tribune. '
Want Ads Make
Hard Jobs Easy
450 Merchandise
455 HsehoM Goods For Sale
Hew Universal range, sale
price ihh.50.
S automatic washers, your
choice 139.50
"Wringer washers $4.95 to
18.85. AU good condition.
Refrigerators, all
cond. from $39.50
In A-l
Oil circulator,
$24 50
sale price
Wood Sc electric range, only
$39.95, good condition.
33 electric ranges to choose
from. Sale prices start at
42 gal. electric water heater,
Collins sale price $42.50
Good G. E. for circulating
your heat.
Almost new Tappan gas
range deluxe, only 569.50
Motorola TV 17" console, all
' channel tuning. Mahogany
cabinet $149.93.
195S 21" Admiral TV console.
21 only, $189.95
5 ami)
4-6371 '
DBLE. element hot water heater $45.
Glen woociry, iocs summer.
YOUNG wash, machine, pump, new
rouers. wnite enamel. $49 jo. uien
Wdodry, 1609 N. Summer.
FLOOR SAMPLE box spring and in-
nersprtng mattress only - $39.50.
Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer.
rRI.-SAT. New 9x12 linoleum, $4.95,
Glen Woodry 1803 N. Summer.
8-PC. dining set beautiful Walnut
finish. 655 Union St. I-osy,
HUNDREDS of Items of used furni
ture, bedding and appliances. Come
toi and browse around. -
! Woodry's Thrifty Furn.-
SIS $. Commercial St Phone 4-3319
HOTPOINT elec. range. 2 maple twin
size bedsteads. Ph. 4-1547 or 837
South St
A-l ! ' ELECTROLUX airway filter
. queen wattach, reduced to $49.50,
Glen Wdodry, 1803 N. Summer,
MODERN bumper end sofas. $119.50.
Glen Woodry, 160S N. Summer.
NEW cocktail tables. $9.88.
Wbodry, 1605 N. Summer.
SMALL oil stoves, tables, occasional
chairs. Salem Housing Authority,
1200 S. 16th. Ph. 3-4521.
9x13: BEIGE wool rug St pad, good
cond. ' $35. 9-B630.
FOR SALE 1950 Norge washer with
pump, good cond, $30. 1110 S.
22nd St
BUNK BED set w mattresses. $24.50.
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer.
A-l : BEND IX Gyro-Automatic wash
er 'reduced from $139.50. Now $99.50.
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer.
IMMACULATE 8-pc. dining set
$79.50. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Sum
. mer. . .
USED Hot Point pushbutton elec
ranee, timer oven, drawers.
4-8873 after 9 p.m.
$ LAMP tables, Daveno, 2 large
chairs. 3985 Pacific Hwy. Ph.4-5697.
$50.00 DOWN will buy 5 rooms of
furniture, complete wun appli
ances. Easy terms on balance. Open
Friday till 9 p.m.
i I Woodrv's Thrifty Furn.
313 S. Commercial St Phone 4-3319
NEW 9x12 leaf pattern rugs. $28.88.
Glen Woodry. lo summer.
NICE antique love seat $39.50. Glen
Weodry, loos w. summer.
NEW kitchen chairs $2.95. bar stools
$3.09 card tables $6.93. Glen Wood-
ryj 1605 N. Summer.
call! one of these popular experts.
Painting and paoer-hinglng Free
estimates Ph $-9513 1160 Shipping
Salem Sand Gravel Co Ready
mix concrete Crushed and round
grsveL sand and top soil 1405 N
Front St Phone s-Z40i
I 1823 McCUchrlst
Crushed ouarry racks and travel
AS sizes for reads, driveways and
parking lota
Garden sand, bull-dozing shovel
and dragging work Phone 3-9249
MIRE'S Sep tie Service Tanks
cleaned D rooter cleans sewers.
drains Pnnne S-M6S
Bamel's septic tanks cleaned, tine
service Guaranteed work Phone
3-7404 2-0774
HOWARD'?. Roto Rooter drains.
Sewer sept tanks cleaned 3-5327
BIG BUYS DAILY in Classified
Hotne. car.- furniture, business,
anything; Read 'em and profit
Saw txESO. CUF.
$S I fsrst tMsW ! taca Kaw fwsisi Ostsssv
4Wdj JssjWefessasnJ Ps)VBj4s aa,sjTW fJW asjaaisat
tmmk. Iw Wt. RW It. Wmm 4?. fa.
450 3Ierchandise
455 Hsehold Goods For Sol
New Daveno & chair sets, "
regular $229.95, sale price
New armless davenos, sale
price $62.50 t r
New reclining chairs, reg. '
$129.95, sale price $79.99
each. v
Used davenport & chair sets. .
$14.95; colors, blue & brown
J3 coil springs,1 $5.00 each.
33 tt 46 beds. $193 each.
33 cotton mattress. $5.9
each. ' "L
Occasional chairs, sale price
starts at $2 JO each. " . -
Light Mahogany buffet, very
good. $39.
New 7-pc. chrome tetsV large
table, foam rubber seats.
Reg. $119.93, now $89.95
Eectric trivets, sale price
$1.88 ea.
New table model TV set Sal
price $159.95 ,
' i
New console TV set, sale
price $199 J0
BEAUTTFUL sleigh sofa only $109.SO.
uien wooary,- loos a. summer.
UNF. 7-drawer office . desks. $23.
Glen Woodry ,1605 N. Summer.
LEFT New large Victorian sofa,
reg. $369.50. - now $250.00. Gle
Woodry. 1603 N. Summer.
CLOSEOUT bed ends wrails, $9.50.
uien wooory, 1605 n. summer.
KITCHEN cabinets, up to 36 mo. on
approved credit. Willamette Cab
inets 6c -Woodworking. Ph. 2-699L
3495 6. 12th.
NEW 9'xl2' Linoleum Rugs, choice
01 coiors ana patterns.
Woodry's Thrifty Furn.
313 S. Commercial St ' Phone 4-3319
NEW DAVENOS $49.50. Glen Wood
ry, 1603 N. Summer.
SM. WOOD cook stoves only $19.50.
uien woodry. 1603 a. summer.
UNFINISHED chests new 6-drswer.
siu.m; 4-arawer, $8.95. cash &
Carry, no ph orders Hogg Bri .
UNFINISHED furniture. H. L Stiff
Furniture Store, 175 N. High.
PLATE GLASS mirrors only $2.89.
uien woodry, lsos N. summer -
BOOTH TYPE chrome dinette. $49.50.
Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer.
LINOLEUM Rug 9x12 $3.95. Valley .
Furniture Co. 219 N. ComX
CLOSEOUT new nite stands, $12.95.
Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer.
SAVE $100, beautiful 4-pc. pink bed
room set 1 only. Glen woodry,
1605 N. Summer.
6 YR, OLD SIZE baby crib and matt
Deluxe model. $13. Ph. 4-1405.
ROLL-AWAY bed St mattress, used
very little. $23. Phg. 2-0943 eve.
only, j
WESTINGHOUSE S cubic ft Like
new. Must sell Immediately. Ph.
2-6563 eves.
Unfinished Chests
GAS heaters, stoves, cheap.
Woodry 1605 N. Summer..
NICE daveno, club chair. $59.50.
Glen Woodry. 1603 N. Summer.
USED Baby Bassinet and Play Pen.
Woodry's Thrifty Furn.
515 S. Commercial St Phone 4-3319
RECONDITIONED and guaranteed
refrigerators an) ranges, apt or
full size, terms, and trades. Open
Friday till 9 pjn. - .
Woodry's Thrifty Furn.
513 S. Commercial St Phone 4-3319
456 Wonted, Hsehold GoodT
Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472
Ml kodio and YV
NEEDS sm. tube. TV console. $29.30.
Glen Woodry, 1603 N, Summer.
458 Building Moteriols
The material of 1000 uses! A truly-'
grind selection of 4x8 sheets and
odd sizes, priced to suit YOUR
Remodeling? NOTHING DOWN. 36
MONTHS TO PAY II (Good time to
work inside.)
Open all day Saturday at
an fertlaaal 4. fav
. . - tin mmmrnt