The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 07, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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    2r-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., Nov. 7, '55
Weird De
:ath Story
Questioned by Son
(Picture on wirephoto page)
SAN ANTONIO. Tex. tfi - Mrs.
Eunny Canal es Worden's story of
hypnosis, swindling and murder
ous intent on the part of the hus
band; she admits killing was de
scribed by the dead ' man's son
f-V I a a
ftunaay as - ianiasc.
Worden, 43-year-old San Antonio
ral estate man, was shot to death
on lonely Padre Island-Oct 22. .
High College
Official Denies
Morals Count
KEW YORK W A high-ranking
official of the University of Cali
fornia pleaded innocent Sunday to
-morals and assault charges involv
ing a New York City detective.
The man, Clark George Kuebler,
47, is provost of the university's
campus at Santa Barbara.. Calif.,
and said he came here Saturday
to interview prospective English
Kuebler called his arrest "a
gross mistake."
Felony Court Magistrate Hilda
G. Schwartz adjourned the case
until Thursday, paroling the college
officer in the custody of his attor
ney. Harry Sokel.
, Kuebler told police he had been
president of Ripon College, Ripon.
Wis., for 12 years prior to going
to Santa Barbara eight months j
ago. A bachelor, he lives with
Det. Eugene Kelly, a 28-year-old
member of the police vice squad,
arrested Kuebler early Sunday and
charged Kuebler made an immoral
"proposition to him after inviting
him to his hotel room. - '
When he disclosed he was a po
lice officer, Kelly said, Kuebler of
fered him $30 to forget the inci
dent, and then tried to pummel
him. .
Kelly said the man had spoken
to him' on the street and after
some casual conversation invited
him to the hotel.
Police said Kuebler had no pre
vious arrest record.
Mrs. Worden. a wealthy divorcee
until she. married Worden Sept. 3,
claims Worden forced her at gun
point to dig a grave with the in
tention of forcing her to kill her
daughter, Maria . Teresa, 5, and
herself and then burying the tvjn.
'Canflietiag Versions'
Warden's son. Tech. SgL Robert
Worden of Lackland Air Force
Base here, said Mrs. Worden. had
given conflicting versions of' the
shooting and no one had "taken
pains to trip her up.
"In one. version she tore a gun
from my father's belt and shot
! him," said the 24-year-old service
man. "Later, she says he handed
over the gun and ordered her. to
shoot her little girl. Which version
is correct?"
At Kingsville, County Atty.
Royce C. Johnston denied that
Mrs. Worden ever changed her
story about the actual slaying.
His father, he said, was "a
friendly easy-going type who never
went in for violence that I know
of." ,
Received Call
Young Worden,. the real estate
man's son by one of three? pre
vious marriages, said the woman
telephoned him the day. after the
"She. said my father had left
her in a huff and gone off in a
laxi," he related. "She said she
had no idea where he went and
asked me if I knew. I told her I
couldn't imagine where he went."
Nina. Husband
Back From
' LOS ANGELES (Ji - Nina (Hon
eybear) Brien. daughter of Chief
Justice Earl Warren, returned
Sunday with her doctor husband
from a . brief Las Vegas, Nev.,
honeymoon and prepared to set up
housekeeping in Beverly Hills.
The former Miss Warren, 22, and
Dr. Stuart Brien, 33.. a Beverly
Hills obstetrician, ,'were married
Tuesday in Las Vegas after a sur
prise plane flight from Los An
geles, v -
The new Mrs. Brien, smiling
happily as she stepped from the
plane, was clutching, a tiny play j
honeybear. "The hotel gave it to
me," she explained. Dr. Brien said
their honeymoon had to be brief.
because, "I have to get back to
Senator Denies
Farm Hearings '
Political Charge
HUtCHINSON. Kas. UFi Chair
man Ellender (D-La) Sunday
called "asinine" charges of the Re
publican National Committee that
his Democratically-controlled Sea
ate Agriculture Committee is play
ing politics in holding- nationwide
hearings on farm problems.
The chairman said that the hear
ings' were ordered by "almost a
Army Orders
Chemical War
Sunday ordered a reorganization
of its Chemical Corps to seek out
new germ and gas weapons and
means of defending against them.
secretary or uie Army mucker
unanimous vote of our committee put the changes in motion, broad
ening the corps mission to develop
agents of biological, radiological
and chemical warfare "to the full
est extent the human mind can
He called for a reorganization
along lines of a report setting forth
the main objectives as emphasis
research and "uninhibited
Man Arrested;
Car Recovered
Statesman News Service
DALLAS, Ore. A Woodland,
Wash., man was taken to Polk
County jail and a 1953 Ford
ranch wagon described in police'
bulletins as -fire engine red" was
sent on its way home by Salem
District state police here Sunday.
Earl Wesley. Davis was held for
bail set at $1,000 on a Marion
County District Court larceny
warrant Complainant was Leo
Jacobson of Woodburn, who said
the car was taken two weeks ago
while he and Davis were living
in a trailer on Silverton Road
near Middle ' Grove Elementary
SchooL ; .
I TV Actress
Drops Count
Against Star
Jarmyn said Sunday that she 1-as
changed her mind and will not
seek a battery complaint against
actress Susan Hayward as the re
sult of clothes brush bopping' inci
dent in the bedroom of actor Don
(Red Ryder) Barry.
"I want to drop the whole
thing," Miss Jarmyn told an Ex
aminer reporter. The 23-year-old
television actress said she will vis
it the city attorney's office Mon
day and advise him of her desire
to drop any plans for prosecution
in the case.
Miss Jarmyn said she does not
wish to hurt innocent parties, ap
parently referring to Miss Hay
ward's twin sons and the custody
litigation between Miss Hayward,
34, and her ex-husband, actor Jess
The ruckus occurred at Barry's
home last Thursday morning.
Death Claims
Salem at 94
Mrs. Elizabeth Denny, 94, died
Sunday evening in her home at
4696 Portland Rd. She had lived
on the property ever since mov
ing to Salem 72 years ago al
though moving from the original
house about a year ago.
Mrs. Denny and her husband,
Jacob Denny, came to Salem
shortly after their marriage May
1, 18S3, in Montrose, Mo. Mr.
Denny died in 1939. The old
house near Hayesville School was
on the property .when they
bought it It was removed about
a year ago for construction of
the Portland-Salem Expressway.
Mrs. Denny Was a member of
the Evangelical and Reformed
Church in Salem.
She leaves four daughters, Miss
Ida and Miss Pauline Denny, Mrs.
Anna Andrew and Mrs. Martha
Armstrong, all of Salem, four
grandchildren and eight great
grandchildren. A daughter, Mrs.
Elizabeth McMillan, died in
March in Corvallis.
Arrangements fwill be an
nounced later by 'the W. T. Rig-
don Co.
Washington State
Patrol Chief Dies
OLYMPIA . ( Washington
State Patrol Chief James A. Pryde,
47. died here Sunday following an
illness Jwhich had kept him hos
pitalized much of the year.
"Pryde had been ill since March,
when he was stricken with virus
pneumonia. Complications followed
and he was admitted to St. P.eter's
Hospital June 14 and reentered it
Oct. 31.
Car Strikes Pole,
Salem Girl Hurt'
A utility pole was broken and
a 1941 Chevrolet declared by po
lice an almost total wreck in a
collision in heavy fog about 10
p.m. Sunday at McGilchrist -and
S. 22nd streets.'
Miss Arlene Ellis, 4330 Durbin
Ave., a South Salem High School
student was treated at Salem
General Hospital for a gashed
lip but released to her home.
A break-in at Schema! Grocery
Store on the Silverton-Mt. Angel
Highway was reported Sunday
afternoon to the Marion County
sheriffs office. An undetermined
quantity of cigarettes, "candy and
gasoline was said to be missing.
more than four months ago.'
He said this was before the
"present ruckus started over de
clining farm prices." t
Escaped Con
Wasylenchuk, 42, one of four con
victs who shot their way out cf
Oakalla prison Friday, was recap
tured by Royal Canadian Mounted
Police in .suburban Burnaby Sun
day. !
Wasylenchuk offered no resist
ance as two RCMP officers and an
Oakalla . prison official arrested
him on a street.
The capture followed a "shpot-to-kill"
order in the search for two
escapees who had remained at
large after the prison break Friday
Wasylenchuk was spotted stand
ing on a sidewalk', with his back
to the street, by, Roland Uncles,
supervisor of the young offender's
unit at Oakalla, who was on bis
way to work.
Two RCMP officers, summoned
by Uncles from a nearby detach
ment station, arrested the unarmed
escapee without a struggle. Police
said he was "cold and haggard"
when picked up.
The convicted bank robber's cap
ture spurred the search for Robert
Lewis, 24, the only one of four
escaped prisoners still at large.
A man believed to be Lewis
eluded pursuers Sunday after be
ing tracked to a wooded area in
suburban Burnaby.
Sen. Neuberger
To Fight D'Ewart
PORTLAND Sen. Neuberger
(D-Ore) Saturday told the Portland
Sierra Club that he would take
part in a ''vigorous ; and victori
ous" fight against Senate confir
mation of Wesley D'Ewart as as
sistant secretary of the Interior
D'Ewart, who is from Montana,
was nominated for the post re
cently by Secretary of the Interior
McKay. . '
. 'Neuberger opposes a public
grazing lands bill which D'Ewart
introduced while a member of Con
gress. - : -i
speculation" on how to convert new
ideas into methods of subduing an
enemy without destroying proper
ty which the victor might want
to save.
The report was prepared by a
special committee of civilian sci
entists, chemical exoerts and edu
cators headed by Otto N. Miller,
a vice president of Standard Oil
Co. of California.
Adopted for early implementa
tion, the report said the Chemical
Corps' research efforts should
concentrate on weapons of "maxi
mum potential, irrespective of par
ticular concepts of warfare.
PORTLAND UH The 60th an
nual convention of the Oregon
Wool Growers Assn. will' be held
here Thursday through Saturday.
Cars Tangle
Near Aurora
Statesman Newi Servlea
AURORA Two cars were ex
tensively damaged in a three-car
rear-end collision .about 7 p.m.
Sunday at Wilsonville Junction,
about three miles south of Aurora
on Highway WE.
Drivers were listed by state
police as Arthur Young,' Craw
fordsville; William James Miller
and John Curtis Welborn, both of
Woman Killed
While Hunting
Mount- Vernon woman was shot
and killed Sunday while deer hunt
ing near Lake Cavanaugh in Skag
it County. n ; ; -,
She was Mrs Doris Clay, 31.
Skagit County authorities raid
the bullet was fired by another
hunter who they said probably left
the scene without realizing he had
struck anyone, i
Mrs. Clay was shot in the mouth
and died almost instantly.
She was on a hunting trip with
her husband, Marvin Clay, 30, and
his brother, Richard Clay. The
uncle of the men also was along,
authorities said.
Witnesses said two shots were
Sunday was the opening of the
doe season and more than 23
hunters were camped at the lake.
Plan to Take Politics From
School Program Considered
WASHINGTON 11 Eisenhower!
administration officils are discus
sing with Democratic leaders a
possible compromise that might
remove the controversial school
construction issue from politics in
the election year Congress.
Secretary of Education, Health
and Welfare Folsom has taken an
active part with Chairman Hill CD-
Ala) and Sen. H. Alexander Smith
(R-NJ), senior Republican on the
Senate ' Labor Committee, in ef
forts to draft a bill that could com
mand majority support from both
parties. .
Although he declined to give any
details. Smith said in an interview
he believes "satisfactory progress
is being made" toward producing
a measure he and Hill could join ;
In introducing.
No final decisions have been
made, but it was understood such
a measure may incorporate Presi
dent Eisenhower's school bond sup
port plan on a permissive basis,
for states which desire federal
purchase of obligations of -t school
districts having marginal credit.
On the other hand, it also appar
ently would provide for matching
grants to states as direct federal
aid for construction of elementary
and secondary schools, but not the
full 500 million dollars a year for
three years as previously proposed
by Hill.
The Eisenhower plan for federal
aid in underwriting up to six billion
! ! 1 " .
a..vw UVWVU WUUf -
over a tnree-year period has been
attacked by some Democrats as
"bankers benefit proposal.
I -1 1 1 V?U
Entry of Pringle School and
loss of $2.50 was reported Sun
day morning to the Marion
County Sheriffs Office by Wally
Turnidge, principal. Apparently
a key had been used in the door,
deputies said.
50c Phone 4-4713 20c
Now Showing Opea S:45
' Ginger Rogers Van Heflin
j GeneTierney George Raft
I Ann Blyth Edmund Pnrdom
David Niven George Sanders
Both Features in Cinemascope
and Starring Hollywood's Best
I I I 1 t-A i f
lT-IBUB n , 1
in Warner Bros.' 1 I
chaflwpnf drama ct I
today's juvenile viofencel I
OnemaSgop ,
Now all three
M" series have
Meet Schedules
Neuberger, Coon
berger (D-Ore and Rep. Coon
R-Ore) political opponents in
many Pacific Northwest power is-'
sues will be principal speakers at
the Oregon Reclamation Congress
meeting here Friday and Satur
day.' . . -
One of the highlights of the ses
sion will be a panel discussion on
low cost maintenance of irrigation
Be sure to tee the
"High Fever
Salem Memorial
Big Laugh Variety Show
Thursday, Not. 10th
Horihlaiem High Aud.
AH Setts Reserved S3, S2
Tickets at Stevens & Soa
. RCA Victor and Other Labels
Regular 4.98 .
Regular 3.98 .
Regular 2.98 .
Sale Price 1.49
Sale Price 2.49
Sale Price 1.99
Sale Price 1.49
. Sale Price 79c
Use Our Lay-a-Way Plan
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