:4-(Scc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, Nov. 5, 1955 Ex-Labor Racketeer Dies in Truck Blast f lecture on Wirephoto Page. "PHOENIX. Ariz. Wix Willie V Bioff. 55, former Hollywood labor racketeer who once admitted ex torting more than a million dol- Viction indicated the old Capone mob had moved in on him and Browne. ' Indicted on the basis of the testi mony in New York were: jlars trom movie studios, died -Fri-I Capone lieutenant Frank (The jgday in a gangster-type explosion ' Enforcer) Nitti, who killed hinv yjit his Plioenix home. jself the day the indictments were -.M The blast went off Friday morn-'returned; Charles (Cherry Nose) King a Sioif sterped on the start- Gioe and Frank Maritote, both lcpr r,f h:s pichp tn-ck. He had just slain in 1954; John Roselli, once M!i iir.ee to h wile. Laurie, wed to actress June Lang; Louis with hrni he had lived quietly 'Little New York) Campagna; -.fcers" un'.;er zn assumed name lor Paul de Lucia; Phil d' Andrea; i'c-"er,3l years. , Ralph Pierce, all members of the if "I cn't krow whether this was Capone gang; and Louis Kaufman, ,k prc'cssrenrl gangster job or not." an IATSE business agent. Raid Lt. Rslnh E Jmundson. chref ' In granting commutation of sen- Tim: inve tisatorrof the sher- tence to Bioff and Browne, a fed- iffs cf.ice. "But it certainly was eral judge commented that without an e'lec'ive one." 'their testimony "there might not A "' vTr? ' - 'have been convictions. PcU'r Fridav niht were check- ' ir.2 F'cffs bse'esreund while T 71 af theresult cf laboratory j lail IvSPiiriPP texts Edmson said they expect-! " USLCtUCU J .1 J si-It U - I I explosive had been used. The blast threw Bioffs mutilated -body 25 feet and scattered wrtck ' age over a radius of several hund red feet. It left only the twisted frame, the motor and the wheels of the truck. - The door of the garage was blown off. the roof shattered and windows 4n the B:off home and several neighboring houses were broken. Jagged chunks of metal tore hcles in the wall of a home 100 feet away. The blast rattled windows a mile away. "We're working on the theory that it was a bomb," said Edmund-son. "Elements of Gang r Ttcins . Trade Kidneys9 Driiik to Health Indicted on Murder Count 1 CORVALLIS. Ore. A grand jury indicted Martin D. Reyes, 23, Seattle, on charges of first degree murder and assault with a danger ous weapon here Thursday. Reyes is accused of murder in the fatal shooting of James Ap pellate. 39. Corvallis posseman who was one of those seeking to recapture Reyes after he and a companion escaped from the Lane County jail at Eugene, Oct. 24. Rpvps wat rantnrpH 9 rlav 1atr Lt. Martin -Pintz of the sheriffs at Monmouth, a few hours after of ace said the explosion has ele- Appelgate died of- bullet wounds, UJeuia ui uia uiu au5io waio. 1 jn a hospital. Bioff had been special i rep-. Appelgate was shot as he tried resentative of George Brown !.j to capture Reyes after the escaped president of the International AI-t prisoner had disarmed Corvallis iiance 01 ineamcau ana siage Policeman William C. Bottemiller. tmpioyes, Deiore wona war 11. Bioff and Browne were convicted In November, 1941, on charges of extorting $550,000 from several mo tion picture studios. Bioff later test ified before a grand jury in- New York that -he had received more j r ,v - , '' .. , . 'w Vv 1 Yvt- V.: L -V I t 11 -.V JL, , v- a -1 if - ; v. S AORTHBORO, Mass. Ronald (left) and Richard Herrick, 24-year-old identical twins, drink to their health la milk Friday over ten months after a kidney-transplant operation that made medical his tory. Last December, Richard was near death with diseased kidneys when Boston surgeons trans planted a well kidney from Ronald. Both twins are in good health on a single kidney each. (AP Wirephoto.) 4 North Santiam Road Project Wins Approval Grains Show Dull Session. CHICAGO W Grain droned along through a dull session to a mixed close on the Board of Trade He was indicted on the assault charge for taking the police re-! v;, volver from Bottemiller , 0nly 'definite pattern was set by He is to be arraigned Tuesday anA r morning before Judge Fred Mc-j finishprt with mi ' lossp. mi. New York Stock Markets By THt, ASSOCIATED PRESS J Henry. Reyees and Clifford "Sonny" than a million dollars from , film shadd were arrested in Grants duplicated the action of the past several Fridays. Wheat closed H lower to high- producers as front man for an un-, P, nn , raP ,h.ft rharoo anH vvneat cwsea lower to n gn der-world syndicate. !weTe taken to fafl Corn l.Vr Bioff was sentenced to 10 years iReves had a hidden irun With itierV,ye T""1." y signer. ana ratrnne to o. eoin were re- they forced their way to freedom. V.,....' cpw wr pro- and commandeered a car. viaing iesumony to ine teaerai gov-1 ernment that led to conviction of o i other members ,of the gang. ! 1 3ttOH T" In commuting the sentence, a reneral Court save Bioir Dermis- cj J o sion to change his name He lived j SeilUS StOCKS nere unoer me name or wiiiiam Nelson. Canon Moved in .Bioffs testimony after his con- Rally Salem -Obituaries and lard 15 to 45 cents a hundred pounds higher. Despite the ragged appearance of Friday s market, all grains ad vanced for the week. Colorado Spot Coldest in U. S. Bichard G. Serertn At - Offtien. Utah. November- 1st. Late resident of 4145 N.. Hiver Rd.. Salem. Survived by wife, Cecelia V. Severin. Salem: dauf hters, Mrs. George Manolis. Salem: Mrs. Donald Steinke. Salem: Miss Astrld Severin, Osden, Utah: Mrs. Jean C. Anderson. Los Altos. Calif.; son. Cap. Richard T C C .1. T TTt.W- . frandchi'drf n Services will be held j gsred by news of the President's In the Virjil T. Golden Chapel Sat- illness. ; urday, Nov. sin. at i:jo p.m. inter- Bounding Up NEW YORK UP A strong ral ly led by high-priced issues Fri day sent the stock market bound ing ahead. It was the second straight for ward drive for the market follow ing three days of indecisive drift. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced SI. 70. Thurs day it was up $2.20. The average now stands at $172.70. "i Based on that yardsUck. the j is on a mountain plateau 65 miles FRASER. Colo, (ff There was an icy crust on the edges of one of President Eisenhower's favor ite fishing streams Thursday. The mercury dropped to 12 degrees below zero, making Fraser the nation's coldest spot The President fished at a swift I International Harvester mountain stream on a ranch near International Paper Fraser only two days before suf-1 Johns Manville fering his heart attack Sept, 24. The little timber and cattle town Admiral Corporation; Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers Aluminum Co. America American Airlines American Motors American Tel & Tel. j American Tobacco ' Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Mach. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire I Homestake Mining Co. stock market now has regained more than half of the tremendous loss suffered in the reaction trig- ment Belcreit Memoi-isl Park. Rit- ualistic services by Ainsworth Lodfre No. 201. AF & AM. Rev. M. A. Getz endaner officiating. Late resident JKSO Williams Ave.. jTovember ?. Survived by wife. Mrs. Edna Blanche Osborne, Salem: three daughters. Mrs. Marion Matlock, Friday as Thursday, the market was inspired by the great $ains made in high-priced issues, many of them in the split candidate class. Standard Oil fNJ) was up 7 '4 Thursday and 6 i Friday to close at 'lift ae tho Hau'p cuuuut Canyonville: -Mrs. Marjorie Doidge. l "t; s XX t "11. Pm rnd Mrs. Mildred Flynn. Port-; "-"TC " ,ouu snares. 171 land: on. Max Osborne. Sam: sis- I tr. -Mrs. Nellie Grave?. Modfsto.J Cif.: brother. Eci Osborn?'. Ore fm City. Ore.: riTht trandchildrrn. Mrs. Don Wriebt. T)alt-s. Or!.; Mrs. Laurence Shtro Jr.. Y'mhi'L; Ore.: Mrs. Kren Bohanan.j Salem. Ore.; Phillio Doid?e, Perryd'e. Ore.: Den nis ?.'ax. Gale Elaine; Lynne Marie. David Allen. Osborne, all of Silem; six (Treat-Brand children also survive. Services wiU be held in the Clough B?rrick Chaoel Saturdiy. Nov. 5, at "1:30 p.m. Interment City View Cem etery. Rev. Wayne Greene officiat ing. j W'.:nr p. Lfwn - northwest of Denver. Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 BUTTER Wholesale Retail .58 M Kaiser Aluminum Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Lowe's Incorporated long Bell A Montgomery Ward New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. 21 Penney (J.C.) Co. 95 107 Pennsylvania R.R. 25 4 65 Pepsi Cola Co. ' 21 1 75 Philco Radio 32 V 23 Y Puget Sound P&L 35 U 9 Radio Corporation 44 179 Rayonier Incorp. 34 77 H Republic Steel 48 68 hi Reynolds Metals 50 1 124 i Richfield Oil 74 Vx 150 Safeway Stores Inc. 48 i 64 Scott Paper Co. 66 43 Vi Sears Roebuck & Co. 105 ' 25 4 Sinclair Oil 57 40 va Socony-Vacuum Oil 57 4 31 Southern Pacific 57 H 53 Standard Oil Calif 86 20 Standard OU N.J. 146 95 Tii Studebaker Packard 11 53 I Sunshine Mining 9 ' 43 i Swift ic Company 47 52 ' Transamerica Corp. 43 26 7 I Twentieth Century Fox 26 :m 78 Vt Union Oil Company 51 'i 226 Union Pacific 159 4 83 s4 United Airlines 36 4 12 ' United Aircraft 59 48 ' United Corporation 6 M 85 H United SUte Plywood 37 139 Unitd States Steel 55 T 38 H Warner Pictures 20 60 Va Western Union Tel 21 i 36 Westinghouse Air Brake 27 36 4 Westinghouse Electric 58 112 k Woolworth Company 49 84 ',- ?j j Portland Produce PORTLAND W The State Highway Commission Friday ap proved award of contracts for 13 highway construction projects to taling $1,586,598. This raised the total awards at the commission's two-day, session here to $4,757,376. Among awards approved Friday was a bid by Durban Bros., Eu gene, for grading 9.2 miles of the Sublimity Gun Club-Stout Creek section of the North Santiam High way in Marion County. The Dur ban bid was $211,888. Largest Contract Largest contract awarded Friday went to the Fred H. Slate Co. and E. C. Hall Co., both Portland, for grading and paving 1.36 miles of the Coquille-Rink Creek section of the Coos Bay-Roseburg Highway, Their joint low bid was $306,278, In other action Friday the com mission: ; Granted the request from a group of Oakland, Ore., officials that a new access road to the town by provided from U.S. High way 99. Took no action on a request by Jackson County officials for com pletion and improvement of Lake of the Woods Road. i i Informed Baker officials that they will be furnished all possible information on the proposed free way which would bypass the town. Highly Unlikely Told a group of Harney County officials that it was highly un likely that the state would take over as a state highway the Frenchglen-Fields-Denio Road. Notified Clatsop County officials that the commission will assist in trying to find a way to finance a proposed Columbia River bridge at Astoria. State Highway engineer R. H. Baldock reported, however, that if the state should devote federal aid money to the bridge project, it would require every cent of funds from that source for two years. Coast Winds Drop; Nine Ships Leave ASTORIA. Ore. Winds, which reached speeds of 60 miles an hour at the mouth of the Co lumbia River, abated Friday and nine ships departed for sea. Eight ships which had been wait ing calmer weather to enter the harbor, also crossed the bar with out mishap. 400 Agriculture 403 Pets CUTE all-black part Siamese kittena to give away. 2 mot, old. Ph. 4-459a. BABY rare Parakeets. CSO Taybta ho., w. Salem. 2-aiu. PUREBRED Collie, fret to qualified nome. rn. 2-2910. BOXER pups weeks old. AKC reg istered, ears irimmea. permanent shots. Diamond K. Kennels. 2357 Park Lane, 2-385. 3 MALE kittens to give away. lufer nursery. . lzut St. NOTICE Or RESIGNATION OT EXECUTOR - DONALD D. KUENZI hereby gives notice of his intention to resign as Executor of the estate of Anna Eliz abeth Kuenzi. deceased, effective upon approval by the Circuit Court of the SUte of Oregon for the County of Marion. Donald D. Kuenzi Executor of the Estate of Anna Elizabeth Kuenzi. deceased, DeArmond and Sherman Attorneys for Executor 687 Court St.. Salem. Oregon Oct 22,29, No v. 5, 12, 1955 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Small female, light brown & dark, short tail, vicinity of Dog Pound. Reward. 4-3391. LOST: I white pig 10 wka. old. 3810 Cherry Ave. Ph. 3-7152. LOST Yellow tiger-striped - cat in vicinity of Manbrin Gardens. Ph 3-7504 after 5. Reward. LOST: Black lady's purse, money. bank books, valuable papers. Ph 4-5866. LOST Gold Elgin wrist watch. WU1 identify. Keepsake. Fleas return. Reward. Ph. 2-9470. LOST Black Cocker named "Tuffy Old. no small teeth in front Hayes- ,,11. M. r,amsw nut FOUND Lady's diamond ring. Iden ifv nav 4nr art. Ph. 3-76A4. Investment Trusts (Zilka. Smtther & Co.. Inc.) Bid Affiliated Tund 5.78 Canadian Fund 17.58 Century Shares Trust J5.48 Chemical Fund .15.55 Delaware Fund ...11.09 Diver. Invest. Fund 9.47 Divfdend Shares 2.61 Easton & H. Bal. Fund 21.19 Gas Ind - 12 88 5 Group Tobacco 4.20 ! Incorp. Investors 17.72 ; Kev. Cust. Funds: . I B-3 13 57 B-4 . 1128 K-l 19 S3 ' S-2 ..ll.f S-4 8 94 Man. Bond Fund 8.31 Mass. Invest. Trust ..31.88 NatL Sec. Series Income Series 6 32 Stock Series 8.30 Pref. Stock Scries 8.37 f Natl. Div. Series 4.99 tel.-Elec. Fund ..10.68 Value Line Inc. Fund .. 6.09 Wellington Fund .28.72 51 20 i 34 93 i 44 Ts 68 :o 49 135 Asked 6.28 19.02 27.55 16.81 12.20 10.38 2 85 22.68 14 08 ' 4.62 19 16 21.35 12.31 n 42 12.76 9.76 9 11 34 46 691 9 07 10.24 5.45 11.64 6.66 29.12 316 Personal' OPAL KING, psychic reader. Salem Hotel. Wed. thru Friday. KRAUT cabbage, cauliflower for freezing, apples galore and your favorite squash. FARMER JONTS MARKET 3559 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-7363 WALK A LOT? Wear Ch. Chester Spec. Built air cushion shoes. They save your feet AU types. Ph. 4-5Z73. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 966 Commercial 2-2108 or 4-8600. NEED HELP to control your weight? WEY-RITE, scientifically proven. medically approved; Inexpensive Ph. 3-5782. If no ana. call 3-8873. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1 2088 N. Com l 3-4537.- MADAME BAY Gifted Reader & Advisor I advise wisely on all affairs of life If vou are worried or have fears, come now. Will point out the path to success and happiness. 3990 so, Commercial. Hours 9 to S. Sun 9 to 12. Be sure to get the right number. FEMALE Airdale puppy. Mrs. W. E. dames.' B14 tast 4th st, Newburg, Ore. Ph. Newberg 833.- FOR SALE Siamese kittens. 768 N. -oiiage. rn. 4isia after a. PARAKEETS Cages & Supplies. nw commercial. Ph. 2-2755. FOR. SALE Two very pretty German anon nair pups, from purebred stock. Phone Molalla 3232. Spot Tavern, Molalla. Ore. Box 207 PARAKEET Repeat-sale. Your choice S1.98. Nor mals at rares. Healthy bonded birds. Bird Paradise. 3180 Livings ton. 2-1842. 410 Seeds ana Plants TOP QUALITY plants for less at Middle urovt rum-aery. 4920 Silver ton Rd. QUALITY SHRUBS - for the home owner or the hobbies. Reb's Hard ware & Garden. 4090 Portland Rd. 50 LARGE daffodU bulbs 81.95. Reb'a naraware oc uaraen, 4090 Portland Rd. HOLLY trees. weeping, etc. Com'L green, variegated, Weekends, 2107 N. 412 Fruit end Farm Produca GUARANTEED fresh farm eggs: oraae aa jumbo 70c. Grade A A extra large 67c. Grade AA large 63c. Grade AA med. 49c. Grade AA small 39c. 5590 Portland Rd. WALNUTS-APPLES. H. J. Robert son. 2610 Blossom Dr. 2-4224. U-PICK Franquette Walnuts, 2740 Fisher Rd. Ph. 3-9097. 10c. FILBERTS PACKING SAT. & SUN. D. P. MacCARTHY & SON 9 miles out on South River Rd. DELICIOUS Apples. U-pick. 81 box. 3725 Wilton, off Fisher Rd. DON'T sell too low. we are paying top prices at our new location, for Walnuts, Filberts & meats. Comp ton Nut Co. on Highway in Dundee Formerly Dayton Nut Co-op, Mc-Minnville. FRANQUETTE walnuts. 25c. Jacob Wei gum, 340 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 2-3972. U-PICK Franquette walnuts. Phone 4-4321. PEARS & apples for sale. Win de liver. Paul Schaad. Ph. 4-1315. 1 APPLES: Spitz. G. Delicious Winter Banana. Ph. 2-5S84. APPLES: Cleaning up prices, Mrs. Cernik. Ph. 4-2461. APPLES Spitz. Delicious, N. Spy. Worm-free. 81 to $130 bu: 2-7153. MADAME KAYE-NEW READER PALM. CARD. PSYCHIC READINGS Advice on love, marriage, business tc all affairs of life. . OPEN 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 3125 S. COM'L. PH. 4-8953 In this city, October 3 at the age ef 75 years: Survived by wife. Ele tha Lewis; three sons. Glenn O. Lewis and Marvin C Lewis, both of Silem: a steDson. Merle E. Pruett. Medfcrd: brothers. Pern Lewis Fres no. Calif, and Guy Lewis. Drain; sisters. Mrs. Minnie Hughes . Mrs. Ethel Moce and Mrs. Gladvs Sey more, all of Centralis. Wash.; Mrs. Led a Iverson, Salem: Mrs. Nona Hooker. Dallas; - and Mrs. Ruth Brady. Reedsport; and five grand children. Services wiU be held Sat ' urday. Nov. 5 at 3 p.m. in the W. T. Rigdon Co. Rev. Wayne Greene of ficiating. Ritualistic services will be held by B.P.O. Elks No. 336. Inter ment Rest Lawn Memory Gardens. rectors Thursday proposed a three- for-one split arid raised the divi dend payment to $1.50 from $1.25. Chrysler, up 2 points -Thursday, backed down at 95J Friday. It was the day's third most active is s te on 48,200 shares. After the close directors declared a dividend of 75 cents and an extra of $1 mak ing 1955 payments $4 as compared with $4.50 last year. The directors made no mention of a split. ine industrial component of The Associated Press average was up $3.20, railroads were ahead $1.10, and utilities were up 10 cents. There were 1.165 individual is sues traded of which 670 advanced and 270 declined with 28 new highs and 13 new lows for the year scored. Volume amounted to 2,430.000 shares as against 2.260,000 shares Thursday. Earle A. Boyle. . Late resident of 1390 N. Winter. At a local hospital Nov. 3. Survived by wife. Mary H. -Boyle. Salem. Ore.: daughters. Mrs. Kathryne Johnson. Portland: Mrs. Virgina Bradford. Canby. Ore.; Mrs. Marian Lorraine, Salem: sons. Earle A. Boyle Jr.. Bend. Ore.: Edwaro R. Boyle of Roseburg: brother. Fred G. Boyle. Yreka. Calif.; 12 grandchildren. Services will be held SaturdayIov. 5, at 10:30 a.m.. in the Clough-dSarrick Chapel. Inter- . ment BelcrestI Memorial Park. Rev. Ernest P. GouGder officiating. --.-! VB Rev. Dr. Barry Francis Pemberton Lste resident of 2055 Virginia Street at tne resiaence. Nov. 4. Sur .66 .71 .51 EGGS (Buying) (As of late yesterdav) (Wholesale prices range from 6 to 1 cents over buying price) Large AA Laree A Medium AA Medium A Small POULTRY Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Portland Livestock PORTLAND Or-(USDA)-CatUe for week, salable 4065; market ra ther slow on increased supply; steady to 50 lower: good fed steers 48 1 and heifers and dairy type cows off most; spots 1.00 off late on Colored Fryers colored Roasters Old Roosters .21 .18 .21 .26 .11 COLLISION FATAL PORTLAND Of) A collision between an automobile and a bus fatally injured Mrs. Noreena Rob ertson. 78. Portland. Thursday. BEFORE THE SHERIFF OF MARION COUNTY. OREGON HAROLD A. ANDERSON dba HAROLD'S ROCKET SERVICE. ) Claimant ) vs. - ) BETTTE ANNE FESSLER. ) Debtor ) NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice it hereby given that the per sonal property hereinafter described will be sold in the manner provided -rived by wife. Mary. Salem: dauah. ri.'"' iU. 7' " i. Wash.. Mrs. Helen Price. VeUetz. Te.. Miss Margaret Pemberton. Chi cago. Ill : sons. Dr. Paul A. Pem berton. Salt Lake City. Utah. Dr. Phillip Pemberton. Pine Bluff. Ark.. Frank Pemberton, Seattle, Wash., John A. Pembetton. Tampa, Florida. H Earl Pemberton. Santa Monica, Calif.: step-daughters. Mrs. Lela Henderson. Albany. Calif., Mrs. Lea Nora Moore, Sunnyvale, Calif.; .step son. Myron Pogue. Salem. Announce ment of service later by Clough-Bar-rick Co. Portland Grain . PORTLAND Uf) Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. 2, 33 lb white 49.50. Barley No, 2, 45 lb 46.50-47.00. Corn No. J, E. Y. shipment 5900 - Wheat tbid) to arrive market, basis No 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.12: Soft White ex-. eluding Rex) 2.12; White Club 2.12. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.13. "-Car receipts: Wheat 15; barley S; flour 4; corn 20; oats 2; mill. feed t. age in the above entitled matter at tni North Commercial Street. Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at 10:00 o'clock on the 21st day of November, 1S55. This notice is given in compliance ith ORS. 87.515 and the property to be sold, the name of the owner and la ful possessor and the amount due on the lien are aa follows: 1946 Bulck automobile. License No. 2-661-376. Illinois. Motor No. 4.379.103, Serial No. 2,003.524. Owner or reputed owner: Bettie Anne Fessler. Maywood, Illinois. Amount due on lien $35.00 Terms of sale: CASH Costa of sal to include taking pos session, holding and selling the property. This notice la being published one a week for two consecutive weeks aa provided by law. Date of first publication November . 1955, Date of second publication Novem ber 12. 1955. DATED this 4th day of November, 13CO. DENVER YOUNG. Sheriff of Marion County. Oregon - By A. I. Maistrom. Deputy. RHOTEN. RHOTEN Ac SPEERSTRA. Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Claimant. i N.S.U. BEFORE THE SHERIFF OF MARION COUNTY, OREGON HAROLD A. ANDERSON dba ) HAROLD'S ROCKET SERVIE. ) Clamant ) vs. ) AVERY C. BOWEN. JR.. ) Debtor ) NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the per sonal property hereinafter described will be sold lit the manner provided by law for the sale of personal prop erty upon the foreclosure of a lien depending- upon possession for stor age in the above entitled matter at 225 North Commercial Street. Salem, Marion County. Oregon, at 10 o'clock on the 21st day of November, 1953. This notice is given in compliance with ORS. 87.515 and the property to be sold, the name of the owner and lawful possessor and the amount j due on tne lien are as follows: 1949 Kaiser 4-Door Sedan. License No. 5 C 7247. Motor No. 132-517. Owner or reputed owner: Avery C. Bowen, Jr- Route No. 1. Jefferson, Oregon. Amount due on lien $119.00 Terms of sale: CASH. Costs of sale to include taking pos session, holding and selling the prop erty. This notice Is being published once a week for two consecutive weeks as provided by law. Date of first publication November 5. 1955. Date of second publication Novem ber 12. 1955. DATED this 4th day of November. 1955. DENVER YOUNG. Sheriff of Marion County. Oregon Bv A. I. Maistrom. Deputy. RHOTEN. RHOTEN & SPEERSTRA. Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Claimant. NJ.IZ. cows; good and low choice fed steers 19.00-22.50. few head 23.00 and load average choice 1020 lb 23.50; good and low choice heif ers 17.00-20.00; commercial. heifers I 15.00-17.00; utility dairy type steers and heifers mostly 10.00-12.00; can ner and cutter cows late 6.00-7.50; few to 8.00 and over early; utility cows 9.00 11.00, commercial to 12.50 with young cows to 13.00; bulls above 1300 lbs 12.00-13.50, few 14.00; light cutters down to 10.50; medium and good stock steers 14.00 17.00; several lots stock cows 7.75-9.50. Calves, for week, salable 500; market uneven vealers strong, in stances 1.00 higher; calves weak to 50 lower; good and choice vealers late 18.00-20.00, odd head 21.00 and 22.00; good and choice above 350 lb calves 15.50-17.00, stock calves to 17.50, few 18.00; cull to commer cial calves and vealers unevenly 7.00-15.00. Hogs, for week, salable 1500; market closed strong to 50 higher, spots 75 up at mid-week; U. S. No. 1 and 2 butchers 180-235 lbs 15.50-16.00, few Wednesday 16.25; No. 3 lots down to 15.00; sows 300 500 lbs 12.50-14.00. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 28th day of October. 1955. was appointed Execu trix of the estate of ZUpha m. Kelly, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to nresent the same, duly verified as re quired by law. and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Execu trix at 887 Court Street Salem. Ore gon, within six (8) months from the date of the first Dublication of this notice, said first publication being made the 29th day of October. 1955. SHIRLEY COONS. Executrix of the Last WiU and Testament and Estate of ZUpha M. Kelly, de ceased. DeArmond and Sherman 887 Court Street Salem. Oregon Attnraeva for Executrix. 0 .29 ,N .5,12,19. Stocks and Bonds Complied by The Associated Press Nov. 4 STOCK AVERAGE I 30 IS lndust. Raits Net change ... A3.2 Al.l Friday X45.4 127.7 Prev. day 242.2 128.8 week ago 238.6 125.5 Month aco ..2.18 3 123 Year ago 190.8 102.7 l53 High J57.4 139.1 1955 Low 203.1 114.9 1954 High 211.9 123.0 in Low 143.9 77.8 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Rails lndust Net chang Unch Unch rnaay m 9 15 60 UtiL Stks. A.l A1.7 72.3 172.7 72.2 171.0 ,71.5 168.9 71.7 168.9 Prev. day 97.9 ween ago . 97.8 Month ago 97.l Year ago Kl 1955 High 99 8 1955 Low at 1954 High 100.0 100.4 LOW 94.2 97.4 981 98.1 98.0 97.9 100.1 99.8 97.8 64 5 75.7 67.2 68.3 55.4 10 Util A 1 97.4 97.3 97.1 97.2 100.0 1001 96.2 100.9 96.6 138.8 181.5 148.8 155.: 108.0 10 Egn A.l 85.8 85.7 85.8 85.9 84.9 8S.5 84.0 85.1 80.6 Onion Futures Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. Sales Open High Low Close .242 2.08 2.09 1.98 1.98 484 2 30 2.30 123 2 23 117 2.40 2.40 2.33 2.3 M 2.50 2 JO 2.43 2.43 1 PORTLAND un Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland 57-61 lb; lirst quality 54-33; second quality 49-53. Butter" Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cutfes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 57; 92 score, 564; B grade, 90 score, 55; C grade, 89 score, 53. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 38Vi-41 lb; Oregon 5-lbj loaf, 41-44. ! Eggs To wholesalers Candled f.o.b. Portland, A large, 51-54Vi; A medium, . 45-46Vi; A small, 34-36V4. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 59-60; A large. 53-56; AA mediums, 47-49; A mediums. 47-48; A small, 36-38. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryers. 2-4 lbs, 22; at farm. 21; light hens, 18; heavy hens, 20-21; old roosters, 11- 14. Turkeys To producers for A grade young hens, f.o.b. farm N.Y. dressed, 35-37; A toms.J 28-29; A grade hens, eviscerated, -39V4-41H; toms, 31-32V4. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, 3V4-4V4 lbs. 25-26, 5-6 lbs, 20-21; old does. 10-14,. few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 58-61; cut up, 62-65. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs. 38.00-41.00; good, 33.50- 36.00; commercial, 29.00-34.00; util ity, 25.00-29.00; commercial cows, canners and cutters 1700-20.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 48.00-52.00; rounds, 44.00 48.00; full loins, trimmed. 6Sf.OO- 73.00; forequarters. 29.00 - 32 00; chucks, 30.00 - 32.00; ribs, 47J.OO- 5Z.0O. . Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-10 lb 43.50-46.00; shoulders, 16 lb down. 27.00-30.00; spareribs 39.00-44.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lb, 42.00-45.00 Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 30.00-40.00; commercial 27.00-35.00. Lambs Choice-prime sprng. 40- 50 lbs, 3800-41.00; good. 35.00-39.00. T 1 T t 1 1 wool iNominai, ciean Dasis, blood. V-Vx LB; blood, 1.10-12 lb; V blood, 1.25; fine, 1.45. Country-dressed Meats, f.o.b Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 19-22 lb; canners and cutters, 16-17. Veal Top quality, lightweight. 26-29; rough heavies, 17-25. Hogs Best light blockers, 21-22; lean light sows, 17-19. Lambs Good springers, 33-35; yearlings, 25-27. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 10-11: rough heavies, 7-9. Fresh Produce Potatoes Ore. Russets. No. 1A. 2.50-75; 25 lb sack, 75-85; - Idaho Russets, bales 5-10 lb paper, 2 25- 40. Onions Wash. Yellows, med and Ige. 1.60-75; Idaho Yellows. 2.00-25 Hay New crop, No. z green alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. truck. Port land and Seattle, 35.00-36.00 ton. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . Top Late to .Classify GOOD 52 Stude Champ. 2 dr. $695.50 Ph. 4-5615 eve. BY OWNER. '55 Rambler 4 dr. sta tion wagn. R&H. hydramatic ww. $2,050. $210 wiU handle. Ph. Sil vjerton 3-4671.. J MUST SELL r51 Studebaker V-8. See 395 N. 14th. Apt. 1 upstairs. MME. HAZEL BORN-PSYCHIC . Ask no questions, helps solve problems all U-PICK Apples 1 var. $1 bu. Sat At . Sun. only. Also picked. 2-5293. APPLES, 6 varieties, no worms. Cedl ' Boyd, 'j mi. East of Clearlak School. Ph. 2-8123. : FOR SALE- Burbank potatoes. H mile W. Sc 1 mile S. of Central Howell school. Ph. 4-1305. Look for Alirma Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. PASTEURIZED whole milk, 75c gal delivered. Cleary Dairy. 2-3035. 413 Fertilizer TRY our healthful fruit pies. Crust made with vegetable oil 4c whole grain flour. Elmer's Whole Grain Bakery. 2362 Front: 400 Agriculture ! FERTILIZER Rotted manure. No weeds. Ph.2-0331. 402 Livestock For Sale 425 Auction Sales 4-YR.-OLD BURRO, gentle & broke, with colt 3 wks.-old, $90. 4190 Mc Cain. Ph. 2-2673. 80 NICE weaner pigs. $8.50 choice. Joe Porter, Rt. 4, Box 198. Salem. 4-4380. 2 miles So. of 12th St. Junction. On Sunnyside Rd. . PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOER Ph. 4-9063 Salem, or 1-4338 Woodburn. TOP PRICES paid for canner ewes. Also need fat & feeder - lambs. Phone Salem 4-7374 10-WK.-OLD L feeder 2-7350. pigs, $10. Ph. '41 CHEV. sedan $85. 1895 Birchwood Dr. FOR SALE 2 & 49100 acres in Swegle disv Liveable z norm, house, gargae. $5,000 with $250 down. Ph. 4-4328. BY OWNER furn. 4 Close in. Ph. 3-3986. 2 BDRM. Carport Sc Util. Take food late model car or cssn ior equity. Full price $4,200. Ph. 4-1082. IX3CKER BEEF. Eastern Oregon. ,i or whole. 19c. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co.. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. 403 Livestock Wanted bdrm. house. WANTED to buy 175 head feeder lambs Phone Salem 4-7374. LIVESTOCK ouyer 1260 Harmony Or 1 BEDROOM furn. home south. $80. Ph. 2-6758 call evenings. BDRM. 4-1369. $50. 3247 Beacon. Ph. CATTLE BUYERS E. 1 and H. Sne- then. 4297 State. 2-1343 or NEWLY redec. 1 Bdrm; stove fc water furn. Garage. Inq. 935 Mill. Ph. 4-4009. CATTLE, norses at your. frm fc C McCandlish Rt. X. Bx. Z97 3-6183 UNFURN. 2 bdrm. duplex $70. Fire place, stove, refng. & garage. Available Nov. 15. 1175 Saginawa. Ph. 2-4800. 404 Poultry and Rabbits bdrm. neat & clean, available Nov. 15th. Washington dist. 4-3253. MOD. 2 bdrm. Stove Be rcf. only. Near Cap. Shop. Center. Noble Courts. 816 N. 14th. after 12. HOMER Meat type Pigeons or White Kings. Blue or r-eart, ouinti row. Giants. Rabbits. Mrs. W., E. James, Giants Rabbits. Mrs. w. t. james, 814 East 4th St.. Newberg, Oregon. r"n. new Deri ooa. Furn. apts. close in. $30 to $50. Auto oil heat Priv. bath. Ph 3-6470. 1 RM. & kitchenette furn. gar. available. $30. lady preferred. 1599 SUte. Ph. 3-7759 after 6. WANTED fry cook. Union Shop. Pavey's Coffee Shop. Woodburn, Ore. JOHN DAY. Oregon legal steno grapher. Wilson & Olsen. Attor neys, John Day. Oregon, have per manent position available. Good pay and hours. No shorthand. Apply by letter. MEN and Women intersted in sales work full . or part time basis Cash & bonus. Ph. 4-5223 9 to 4 p.m. 3-7956 from 6 to 9 p.m. Sat. WOMEN desiring in or out of town Telephone survey work. pn. 4-3Z23. to 4 p.m. 3-7sse ac d to w p.m Saturday. ; RETIRING. Quitting used oil floor furnace and oil neater biso ropes for stock painting. 1073 7th. Ph. 3-4450. MOTOROLA Buick radio, fjke new rn. j-viJi. 18 GA. Winchester pump. BrooKS si. $25. 2643 ABC auto-washer 1952 for $65. Ph. 3-5913. CHROME & formica kitchen table & 4 chairs. Almost new, $45. Ph. 4-2863. ELEC. motor, Va horse. 3450 R.P.M. $17.50. Ph. 2-6272. 3 HSPWR. garden tractor with attach. $125. Ph. 4-2686. APPLES. $1.00 per box. green Ph. 2-5071. 1808 Ever- APPLES. Spitz. Delicious & Johna than. Sun. only. Bring Contain. 1630 Wallace Rd. PUPPIES $2.00 1895 Birchwood Dr. 'COCKTAL Breeders. Guarantee these to be healthy, Excellent breeders. 820 Marshall Ave. Med ford. Ore., Ph. 2-2511. EXTRA good registered red poll cow freshen soon. 1895 Birchwood ur WOULD like passenger to Spokane Nov. :10th. Returning Nov. 14th. Ph. 2-5168. LOST: Downtown area, lady's wrist" watcn.' Reward. 1840 N. cottage. LOST blue parakeet vicinity of S. Liberty Ac Charles. $10 Reward. 140 Charles. Ph. 4-2495, ( A F Summer Ph 4-9067 LIVESTOCK BUYER Emery Alderman. 4-6430. 4-7218 LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Edwards. Rt 3. Box 899S Ph 4-1113 YR.-OLD N.H. hens. $1.25 each for 5 or more. Ph. 2-4398. 4630 Lancaster, OVEN READY HENS FOR YOUR FREEZER. 4-2470. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rabbits. Wing s, 3385 Mate. rn. -jib 408 Pets f HOLLYWOOD Aquarium. 1958 Mc Coy. Tropical, goldfish, equipment PARAKEETS, cagea. supplies 4 Cor ners Aviary 4110 Hudson 3-9 BIRD Paradise tor birds, cages, sup- Dliea 3180 Livingston 2-1843 PEDIGREED Roller Canaries, rea sonably priced. Ph. 2-7898. PARAKEETS Cages and supplies. B&M Aviary. 3365 Maywood. 4-5425, ROTTED MANURE. Rich, fine man ure by sack or yard. Delivered or at farm. Phillip's Bros. Rt S Box 493. Ph. 43081. AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE. 4840 CENTER ST SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools MONEY MAKER-Only 1050 hrs. oil D 2 Cat., with drum & angle dozer; $4,500. Ross Miles, evening 2-3151. 2285 Lansing. ' 180-AMP. elec. arc welder, reason ably priced. Call 3-9755 evens. HAVE several used welders AC DC. Call 4-7544. USED PARTS, TIRES, ETC for less - I TRADER MIKE 3200 Silverton Rd. PH.. 3-399, 4S4 Sewing Mochine SEWING MACHINE Repossessed Singer portable, balance $32.50. $9 per mo. Ph. 4-7102. 455 Hsehold Goods For Saf MOUSEBEURG spot shoot 20 power scope. Westinghouse range & May tag washer. Ph. 4-5016. USED spool bed. full siae. Hogg Bros., 248 SUte St. $14.95. USED daveno bed. good condition,' . $39. Hogg Bros, 248 SUte St. USED 5-pc. dinette set natural fin- J ish. only $29. Hogg Bros.. 248 SUte St UNFINISHED chests new -drawer, $10 95: 4-drawer, $895. Cash at - Carry, no ph. orders HoM Bros. Salem. USED davenport and chair only $39. Hogg Bros... 248 SUte St. . ROUND OAK tables 12.95. 5 piec dropleaf dinette set 15.00. 515 So. Commercial St. Phone 4-3319. I Woodry's Thrifty Furn. 2 i WOOD FURN , 1 WPIPES. 1 COMPLETE OIL UNIT W CONTROLS. 1230 HOWARD OR 2-5489. LINOLEUM Rug 9x12 $3.95. Valley Furniture Co, 219 N. ComX Business Directory For the best professional services, call one of these popular experts. ADDING MACHINES All makes adding machines, cal culators St typewriters, sold, rent ed, repaired Roen. 458 Court 36773. APPLIANCES i WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co '474 So Coml Ph. 4-2111 BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators New mattresses. 3-4069. BULLDOZING Bulldozing, clearing roads, ponds. D-4. D-4 carryall V.. Huskey. Ph. 2-3146 CONTRACTORS ELECTRICAL Contractor Since 1923. Ouality work, at fair prices. Leo Johnson Ph. 2-0196. General contracting Specializing In remodeling Free csran. r-n -jaa CRANE WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sand & Gravel Co 2-2481. Salem FLOOR COVERINGS Norrla Walker Paint Co. Floor-cov- erine Division Quality installa tions Linoleums. Asphalt rile. Rub ber Tile. Wall Tile. Etc IHEX ES TIMATES. Ph. 4-22781 PAPERING AND PAINTING Paintlnf and paper-hanging. Free estimates Ph 3-9513 1160 Shipping. SAND GRAVEL Salem Sand it Gravel Co. Ready mix concrete Crushed and round gravel sand and top soil 1405 N. Front St. Phone 2-2481. WALLING SAND & GRAVEL CO, 1623 McGilchrist Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All sizes for roads, driveways and parking lota i BEADY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shovel and dragging work. Phone 3-9249, SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Sep tie Service. Tanks cleaned Drooter eleans sewers. drains Phone 3-9488 Hamel'a sepUe Unks cleaned, Un service Guaranteed work. Phone 13-7404. 2-0774 HOWARD'S Roto - Rooter, drains, sewer septic Unka cleaned S-53T7. BIG BUYS DAILY in Classified! Home, car, furniture, . business, .; anjihini. Read 'em tod profit .-staaaVaaaMJBtvahaffw.