4 Sec. 4)Statttman, Sa!m, -Reds Assured J Of U.S. Peace llntentions JJ WASHINGTON W President Eisenhower told Russia during last f, July's summit conference that "un der no circumstances is the United I States ever going to be a party to aggressive war against any na- tion." ' The text of the President's as ' su'rance to the Soviets disclosed by the State Department Thursday in making public' the American rec ' ords of the top level Big Four meeting. Eisenhower, addressing his words to Soviet Premier Nikolai "'Bulganin, sought to assure him of America's peaceful intentions with these words: . J "We believe in negotiation and friendly conference, and the only way that we wfll ever go to war is when we are attacked. . . in such a way that war would be the only alternative and then it would have to be an alternative so desperate that only war could eventuate.'. The President noted that in the United States "It is impossible for the government, the executive gov ernment. to declare war. It can be , done only by the Congress of the United States by free debate and votes." -? : i - . The State Department made pub 1 lie his words in an 88-page booklet J issued late Thursday, one week before the beginning of the Big Four foreign ministers meeting which will seek to translate the friendlier Geneva spirit into speci- fic East-West agreement. . Independence : Youths Win PI Awards PORTLAND (SpeciaU An In ; dependence area family captured '. two top awards Wednesday in 4-H Club livestock judging at the Paci fic International Livestock Exposi tion. A 93-pound Southdown lamb en tered by David Riddell, Indepen dence, won the 4-H grand cham- pion rosette and brought $3.75 a 'pound from a Portland restaurant Another member of the family, Irwin Riddell had his lamb given ' the top Future Farmers of Amer ica award. The same buyer paid T1 a pound for this one and then -Worsted both prize animals to the " Shrine Hospital for Cf ippled Chil dren. ,j V ' - His grand champion earned Da vid Riddell second place among ; highest scoring .sheep club mem bers. -" A hog entered by Mike Harms, ; Canby, was named FFA champion, while JerryiLinn, Molalla, had his hog judged as 4-H reserve cham pion. I LIGHT WARNS SEAMEN .. NEW "YORK ' (AP) Yachts men and owners of small motor- boats have a new gadget to keep them put-putting safely over the bounding main. If the engine starts to heat up or oil pressure .drops, a red light flashes and a buzzer sounds off. Salem Obituaries Kino C. Barker Late resident of 118 Cunningham Lane. At Dallas Oct. 18th. Survived by wife, Mrs. Edith M. Barker. Sa lem: daughters. Mrs. Betty Johnson. Vale. Ore.; Mrs. Elsie Eads. Dallas. Ore.; Mrs. Sylvia Kinsey. Dallas. Ore.; Mrs. Alice Addison, Salem, Ore.; Mrs. Alma Youmans, Florence. Ore.: Mrs. Esther Isaacson. Silverton. Ore.: Miss Elenor Barker and Miss Helen Bark er, both of Salem; sons. Kino G. Barker, Jr Dallas. Ore.: warren i. Barker. Salem. Ore.i Elwyn. Mar ion. Clarence, Glenn, Richard. Ken neth and Stanley Baker, all of Salem. Ore.: sister, Mrs. Nina INorris, and brother, L. D. Barker, both of Port land. Ore.; 21 grandchildren. Ser vices will be held in the Clough Barrick Chapel Friday. October 21st. at 1 :30 p.m. . Interment Rest Lawn Memorial Gardens. Rev. Marion Webber officiating. Otto Berren At a local hospital October 18. Survived bv three nieces. Willie May Vance of Minnesota-, Mrs. Frances Fowler, Salem. Ore.: Mrs. Clara , Cook, Muscatine. Iowa: nephew Wil liam Harred. Monmouth, Ore- Ser vices will be held Friday October 21 at 10:30 A.M. in the -chapel of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home. Rev. Joe Wilson officiating followed by interment in City View Cemetery. Laura E. Kelley - Of Lee Apartments. At Independ ence., October 17th. Survived by . sister. Ida Jaffrays. Los Angeles, Calif. Several nieces and nephews also survive. She was a member I the 1st Church of Christ Science. Services will be held Friday.- Oct. 21st." at 1:30 p.m. at the Holman Hankins Sc Rilance Funeral Home in Oregon City. Oregon, t Interment Lincoln Memorial. Portland, Oregon. Arthur Frederick Taste f At the resident of 540 Hrubeti Rd. Wednesday October 19 at the age of f2 years. Survied oy wiie Anna Tasto of Salem. 1 son Orome T. Tssto of Burbank Calif. 2 grand children. J brothers. Hilbert O. Tasto and Everett Tasto both Of San Fran c'sco Calif. Announcement of ser vices later by the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home. - j . mnk I. Schameier Late resident of Rt. 1. Turner. Ore:, October 18th. Survived by wife. Mrs. Katherine Schampier, Turner. Daugh ter, Mrs. -Kathertne Hale, Salem; ; -andson. Frank Hale. Salem. Ser vices will be held Saturday. Oct. Vnd. at 1:30 p.m.- in the Clough Farrick Chapel, Rev. Lloyd Uecker officiating. t Winston L. Ganstaa Ws serving with the U S. Army. Survived by mother. Mrs. J. O. Sim mons. Portland. Ore.: sister. Mrs. Or val Goodrich. Roseburg. Ore.: broth er. Raymond Gunston, LaGrand, Ore.: James Gunston. Salem. Ore. Services will be held in the How ell-Edwards Funeral Home Saturday. October 22 at 10:30 i.mj Rev. Ern est P. Goulder officiating. Bill arl WUo Late resident of 251 S. Cottage St.. Salem. At a local hnspitil October 2fl Survived bv wife,: Mrs. Mary Wilson, S?lem- Services will be held MonDav. October 14 at 1:30 pjn. in th Howell-Edwards Funeral Home, Rev B. J. Holland officiating. Inter ment in City View Cemetery. 1 Ata1ocaUiospital. October 11 Late resident of Portland. mother. Mrs. Florena Hill Port land. Private service were field in the Virgil T. Golden Chpel. Thurs day. October 20, at 1:30 pjn. Bev. G. W. Bruca officiating- Oregon, Friday, Oct. 21, 1955 Deposed Peron to Write Memoirs ASUNCION, Paraguay tf) Juan D. Peron. deposed president-dictator of Argentina, definitely plans to write or at least start writing his memoirs, says a doctor who has been treating him for a mild attack of grippe. The doctor said Peron, interned on a farm near Villarica, Para guay, has been In a state of high nervous tension possibly caused by "past hectic events." Death Claims Resident of Independence Statesman News lervice INDEPENDENCE Lucretia McNeal Dickinson, 84, who lived in the Independence area for al most 50 years, died Wednesday evening at a Salem nursing home after a long illness. Born Oct 17, 1871 near DeSoto, Wise., Mrs. - Dickinson moved with her parents to the territory of South Dakota at an early age. She was married to Isaac W. Dickinson in 1888 and the family came to Oregon in 1895. They lived on a farm near Lebanon and also on a farm in the Albany area before moving ot Independ ence in 1899. The husband pre ceded her in death. Mrs. Dickinson moved to Idan- ha about eight years ago to live with a daughter, Mrs. Gordon Skidmore. The deceased wm a member of the Calvary Presby terian Church of Independence. Surviving in addition, to the daughter is a sister. Miss Jennie Hayden, Clinton, Iowa. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Oct 22, at 11 a.m. at the Smith-Krueger Mortuarv at Independence. Rev. Daniel B. Wessler will officiate, with In terment at Hill Top Cemetery. Hunters Down Phone Lines DETROIT. Mich. (A The phea sant hunting season opened in Mi chigan Thursday and communica tions suffered. , Telephone service between Sagi naw and Bad Axe in Michigan's Thumb area along Lake Huron was knocked out by hunters taking pot shots at overhead cables. And at East Lansing. Michigan State University's television sta tion WKAR-TV, went on the air minus sound. Repairmen found a charge of buckshot in the audio cable ne2r the transmitter. Merger Asked Of 2 Argentine Political Units BUENOS AIRES. Argentina Un The federal Christian Democratic Union proposed Thursday a mer ger with- the Christian Democratic party to present a strong election front. There was no immediate reaction from the Christian Demo crats. : ' --1 The two factions are among sev eral Catholic political groups form ed last, summer. The Christian Democratic forces are expected to play a major role in the political maneovers preceding the next elec tionswhen they come. Provisional President Eduardo Lonardi has said elections will be called as soon as all elements of the electoral process are ready. Classified Advertising Utesmao-aeoraal Newspaper 288 No Chorea II ' PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. 1 Haesl Wetkflavs inndays pei line I time J5 .25 per line 3 times AO JO ret line. times II 30 $1.20 ir line I nsontb 85 00 Unci Sun.) Classified aas will be run in bc.h pi pei r to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power- of 35.8C combined circula tions When aa ad Is oraered three ot six timee and a Sunday issue is in cluded (for example: Friday. Satur day. Sunday i the lower Sunday rates apply because niy the Statesman publishes Siu-dayv . - Classified a Is win start in the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only The deadline tor classified ads la LOO p m. the day before publica tion Emergency ads and small line ads received after 1-00 p.m. may be placed in the ' "Too Late To Classify' column for the following morninf. Ads for Monday paper must be la by 3 pjn Saturday The Statesman-Journal Newspaper reserve the right to reject ques tionable advertising It further re serves the right to place all adver tising under the proper classifica tion, , The Stattsman-Journal Newspaper! jssume : ao -financial responsibility (or errors which may appear tn ad vertisements published tn it columns and U case where tnis paper to at fault wilt reprint that part of an advertisement m which the typo graphical mi-.take occur A "Blind' Adan ad containing a ftattb.ian-Journal Newspapers bos number for aa adores is for the protection ot the advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter rha Statesman-Journal News paper are not at liberty to divulge Information as to h dttt of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES TO protect tta reader against fraud, deception or injuries. Reader are cautioned to make NO PAY MZNTS to get a poiUon adver tised tn the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must mention the article or serv ice to be sold and state if the nav is in the form ot salary com missions or both Bona fide offers of employment with pay belong to the 'Help Wanted columns Ads in other columns which re quire investment in stocks sam ples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly investigated before paying out any money Ad vertisers reauirine a cash invest ment for samples or merchandise sales aids. etc. muen so specuy u their ads. Kindly report any exception to this rule to the classified, advertising manager. - - Legion PostT Seeks Ban on Russ Visitors PHOENIX, Ariz. (jP A local American Legion Post Thursday publicly called for cancellation of a scheduled stopoff here by seven Russian newspapermen now making a tour across the country. In a letter published in the Phoenix Gazette, the commander of Luke Greenway Post No. 1 of Phoenix, Victor H. Kramer said that at the Oct 18 meeting the trip was "vigorously and vehe mently" denounced in a unani mous vote. The Russian journalists are now in New York and are due here Nov. 6-10. They will tour the Gazette and the Arizona Republic here. "We earnestly insist that our public officials and civic organi zations immediately take definite and positive steps to prevent such a serious and grave mistake and that the visit to our community be cancelled. "We will call upon our cour ageous western people to join with us in taking every lawful means to stop these people from coming into Arizona," Kramer wrote. Henry H. Miller, adjutant of the post, also signed the letter. Miller said that about 73 Le gionnaires were at the meeting which voted to, oppose the trip. He said he believes there is much popular support for the organiza tion's view. The letter referred to the trip as "the plan by certain organiza tions and individuals to entertain representatives of the Soviet con trolled press and show them our state, valley (the Salt River Val ley where Phoenix is located) and city and its vital installa tions ..." It said the Legion was opposed "for the reason that such' ill advised exhibition is dangerous to the safety and security of our people and our property.' Rorick Heads . Teacher Unit . The Salem Classroom Teachers Association named new foarlera Thursday at a meeting held at Parrish Junior rfigh School. Elected new president of the or ganization was Jay Rorick, North Salem Hi;h School, while Richard Hooves, Salem Heights School, was named to the vice presidency. Ro rick succeeds Dale Merrill, who recently left the school system. ana noages mis trie position left open by the recent resignation of Stewart Leek. Too Late to Classify $200 CASH or trade for older car. "53 Ford Custom Line 4-Dr. Sdn. RAH. New wj.w. nylon tires. Balance USS0O.-Flu-Independanca.291. '48 Olds, good condition. RAH. 8300. Ph. 3-8771. '49 Mercury Coupe. 3515 Winola Ave. Ph. 2-0871 after 4 p.m. NICE 1-bdrm. home with 75 x 100 ft. lot. Dble. gar., shrubs & flow ers. 1 blk. from bus line. Price $1. 975. Sm. dn. payment will handle. Furniture can be bought. Inquire 2580 N. 5th. Ph. 4-1781. UNFURN. 2-bdrm. house at Clear Lake. $30 mo. Inquire 1240 Center. NEWLY decorated 4-bdrm. country home. Ph. 2-0294. 3-RM. furn. apt. Near new Shopping Center, 722 N. Church. , FILBERT pickers wanted. Large nutg. The Glory Hill Farm. Ph. 2-2988. AT COST Close out on new St used Geiser Counters. Also have new & used Mineralights or trade for table saw or deep freeze. Ph. 2-8221 eve. Rt. 4. Box 708, FOR SALE, like new dresses, suits, formats & coats, sizes 10-13. Ph. 4-3677. DUO THERM oil heater. Used months. Ph. 2-2329. SPECTACULAR BUY Friday & Saturday -Only Complete Living Rm. Group 10 pieces, $88.88 total price. Includes new modern daverto, 2 bleach end tables, 1 bleach cocktail table, 2 modern table lamps, modern floor lamp. 2 sofa pillows, modern smok er. Terms. Trades. Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer. WOODEN double bed wspgs. & matt. uood cond. Cheap. 39S Jems. TINY Toy Fox terriers for sale. ph. Z-J303. 4U5 n. ITtn. PARTY taking power grip pliers from gar. is known. Return at once. 1-2 RIDERS to East Coast to help drive, share expenses. Leaving about 25th or 28th. Clarence Ever ett. 2-1460. 3425 Dallas Rd. BASKET WEAVE FENCING 1 8 Fir, 4' high wpostS, $35 per 100' 1 8 or half by 8 Ceder. (48 per 100' Campbell Lumber Co. 8045 S. E. 82nd. Portland 88, Ore. Prospect 4-7188. 300 Personal 312 Lost ond Found LOST: Light blue female parakeet, north Salem area. 3-4116. LOST Ladies Hamilton white gold Wrist watch in downtown Salem. Reward. Ph. Corvallis 3-7927. . LOST Black purse, valuable keys, papers, checkbook and -money. Re turn for liberal reward. 855- N. Cottage. i 316 Personal TRY our healthful fruit pies. Crust made with vegetable oil 8c whole Sain flour. Elmer's Whole Grin ikery, 2362 Front PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS A complete, sparkling se lection. Statesman Publishing Co., 280 N. Church St. Phone 4-6811. NEED HELP to control your weight? WEY-RITX. scientifically proven. medically approved, inexpensive. Ph. 3-5782. U no arts, call 3-8873. AL'S BAKERY 1040 MARKET Chicken & Turkey Pies. 82.25 a dor. Italian Pizza ' 39c ea. Hot TamaUe pies $2.25 a doz. Large bread 2 for 4 sc. rn. 3-7372. MADAME BAY Gifted Reader & Advisor I advise wisely on all affair of .life, If you are worried or have fears, come now. Will point out the oath to success and happiness. 3950 So. Commercial. Hours 9 to 8. Sun. 9 to 12. CAULIFLOWER for freezing, canning ; tomatoes, sweet corn. King - Red Delicious and Grimes Golden ap ples and lots of - pumpkins for jack-o'-lanterns. FARMER JONES MARKET 3559 PORTLAND RD. PH. 4-7363 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. L 2088 N. Com'L 3-4537. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. SM 1. Commercial. 2-2108 or 4-8600, 300 Personal ! 316 Personal WALK A LOT? Wear Ch. Chester Spec. Built air cushion shoes. 'They save your feet. AU types. Ph. 4-5273. MME. HAZEL; Born Psychic- , Ask no questions tells dates, - facta. helps solve au prooiems. Allan a Motel. 3645 Portland Rd. FOR FACTS about the Catholic Church, write P. O. Box 6343, In dianapolis, Indiana. ? Inf ormaUon sent under plain cover. Ne per sonal follow-up. S 318 Stomps ond Coins WANTED Old American coins, sil ver, copper St (old. No permit re- ?uired to sell gold. Top prices paid, h. 253, or 388 "C St.. Independ- 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sola 89 NICE Weaner pigs.; 110. Choice joe porter, m. . box ihb. a mi. So. 12th St Junction. Sunnyside Rd. 4-4380. ANNUAL FALL SALE Oregon Aberdeen Angus Assoc. . BRAH'S AUCTION YARD Registered Aberdeen - Angus bulls, cows, heifers.; y Commercial females. . Corvallia, Oregon TUESDAY, OCT.; 25, 1955 SHOW 9:30 a.m. SALE 1:30 p.m. Loren Hicks, Chairman,' Rt 1 Turner, uregon. rn. vt. BANQUET. BENTON HOTEL, .MONDAY EVE. LOCKER BEEF. ' Eastern Oregon, la or whole, 19c. Custom Killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co.. 1325 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOER Ph. 4-9063 Salem, or V4338 Woodburn. IXif PRICES paid for canner" cwel Also need fat Sc feeder lambs. Phone Salem 4-7374. 403 Livestock Wanted CATTUC BUYERS E. I. and H. Sne- then. 4297 Stat. 2-1343 or 2-43S0 LIVESTOCK buyer, Claude Edwards. Kl 3. BOX BS. TO. 4-1113 CATTLE, nones, at rout farm. . C McCandliah. Rt 2, Bx. 297. 3-6189. WANTED to buy 175 bead feeder iamb. Phona Salem 4-7374. 1UVKSTUCX ouyer A. f . Summer 120 Harmony Dr Ph. 4-8067 LIVESTOCK BUYER Emery Alderman. 4-8430, 4-7211 4U foulrry ond Robbits OVEN-READY hens. Ph 4-2478. 408 Pttt CUTE Siamese ' kittens from show stock. 7.50. Reg. stud service. 1385 N. 4th. Ph. 4-7830. 3 MO. OLD Siamese kittens for sale. Ph. 2-8205. PUREBRED- collie puppies $25. up, riuffy terries. 815. Ph. 2-1248. SIAMESE kits. 3 mo. BP. Champ. Imp. blood papers. Call or write. Senders, 813 Walnut, Albany (-3275 after 5. week-ends. ' 4 CUTE male puppies for sale. 82.50 1145 N. 15th. OBEDIANCE CLASS SUrting Saturday Oct.' 22nd. a ( 1:30, Registering limited. : Diamond K. Kennels, 2557 Park Lane. 2-8385. REG. male German short-haired pointer, 8 mos. 875. Ph. 3-4398. REGISTERED 3 mo. old Boxer pups. mi. rn. silverton 3-8894. : . REGISTERED Chihuahua stud serv ice. Ph. 37731. HOLLYWOOD Aquarium. 1958 Mc Coy. Tropical, goldfish, equipment. PARAKEETS, cages, supplies 4 Cor ners Aviary 4110 Hudson S-S897 BIRD Paradise tor biros, cages, sup oliee 3180 Livingston 2-1842 DIAMOND (kl Kennels, Boxer pups. I weeks mid. Ear trimmed, perman ent shots. Reasonable. 2557 Park Lane. Ph. 2-8385. PEDIGREED Roller Canaries, rea sonably priced. Ph. 2-7896. PARAKEETS Cages and supplies BJtM Aviary, 3365 Maywood. 4-5425. REG. SKIPS! Schippereke puppies, finest blood lines. Inter. Ch pns. both aire & dame, will board till holidays. Ph. 3-9161 days. Sun. At eves 2-1143. PARAKEETS & supplies. Ph. 2-2755. The Garden Gate, 3825 S. Com 1. 410 Seeds and Plants TOP QUALITY plants for less at Middle Grove Nursery. 4920 Silver ton Rd. SPECIAL nice bushy Arborvitae hedge plants. 4 ft. $1.95. 3 ft. 81.73. Middlegrove Nursery, 4920 Silver ton Rd. LARGE King Alfred daffodil bulbs. 49c a doz. Middlegrove .Nursery. 4920 Silverton Rd. SELLING out all shrubs. 30 in. pyra- midalis arborvitae for hedging 80c. Medlterranea heather 10 to 12 in. 65c 3 ft. cypress $1. Similar bar gains on all shrubs. Turn north off Silverton Road by : Middle Grove School. 3850 Middle Grove Dr. 4-8341. TULIPS Large Holland import bulbs 69c doz. Valley Farm Store. MUMS, named varieties. 50c a clump. 3173 Evergreen. IF IT'S SHRUBS, hedging, or orna mental trees you want, we nave them at a price you'll want. 3910 Brooks Ave. Phone 3-6027. S. E. Kelzer Dist off Cherry Ave. SPECIAL $1.50 value. 75c. Small leaf Evergreen Amoena Azaleas. Waring's Nursery. 1025 Oak Hill Ave. Turn west from S. 12th, ! mi. S. Morningside Sch. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce GRAPES four kinds. 5'ic lb. Bring boxes. J. R. Melvln, Rt 4 Box 878. Ph. 4-2380. ' BEETS, carrots. U-pick tomatoes, $1 a bushel. Corn $1 a sack. 1 mile on Dallas Highway. Ph. 24042. CONCORD grapes, - U-pick, your boxes. 4c lb. 3845 Portland Rd. SPITZ. Sc N. Spy Apples, $1.25 box. "CazzeU'sY Route ... Box 130. .Ph. 2-8267. i FOR the freshest and largest assort ment of vegetable and fruits in town try ., ? Farmer Jones Market 3539 Portland Rd. ; Ph. 4-7383 FOR SALE farm fresh eggs. Ph. 3-5401. t , . FOR SALE Good mixed alfalfa, clo ver St grass hay, $30 ton. 2120 Riv er Bend Rd. APPLES, Grapes. Walnuts. H. J. Rob ertson. Ph. 2-4224. ; PEARS Sc apolcs for sale. Will de liver. Paul Schaad. Ph. 4-1315. APPLES, Rollln Beaver. Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 4-7772. 1 FARM FRESH EGGS Cornish Cross Fryers, Stewing 8c Baking Chickens at FARMER JONES MARKET OPEN 8 A.M CLOSE 8 P.M. 3559 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-7363 WALNUTS U-pick, 12c lb. John Bushman. 4-432L Want Ad Secures o- it . i . j oponsor neeaea i By Emigre Family Eager to emigrate to Australia witk kit1 wife and two children, Keaaeta Crooks, of England, tried naocceeafelly for 3 jeara to find a a poo or. Thea he placed C las if ied . Ada' in Aastraliaa paper, qnicktr bad the neces sary1 guarantor I Vant Ads Solve Problems Fast II k KM tmtK f Met ho Ouit- M malt wy m MMfL TtmA tm 124, N It. M 41, Fk GEE! 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Soles DISPERSION SALE OF 60 Head Of Registered Hereford At: Schricker Sc Inda Livestock Auction miles. South of Sutherlin, Oregon, on Old Highway 99. -2 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22ND . Start at 11:30 a.m. i You will find! such breeding as. Proud no. eacai uuie, suiiingraa. Anxiety, jjomino, aDoui polled Here ford. 27 head of cows Sc heifers Z to 8 Year old. 12 head yearlings. Mixed heifers St bulls, 20 head of bull & heifer calves, sired bv PROUD ADVANCE the 15th. and a few calves & yearlings by B.C.R. Lovely Plato. Cow are bred back to Proud Advance the 15th. The bull that graded 1st at Oregon-California Bull dispersal sale at Medford in 1953. also will be sold. The Bull F.H. Royal Donald, the greatest 2nd at same sale will also be offered for sale AU Cattle are tested Sc ready to go. Regular sale starts after registered cattle are sold. - Phone Sutherlin 2146 or Oakland 2854. ; SCHRICKER k INDA, MANAGERS i V. H. SCHRICKER & O.VTRIPP, Scotty's-Auction-House AND FURNITUF 4840 CENTER ON SAT., OCT. 22, NICE HOME FURNISHINGS SELLING AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER. INCLUDING: 1952 - 8 Ft Cold Spot Refrigerator, Maytag; washer, 5 P. foam green Crome set, 1 9x12 - Wool Rugs, 1 - 12x12 Rug, 1 9x12 Oriental; Rug, Large Plate mirror, Davino & Swing Rocker, 5 P. Walnut bedroom "bet - A Mr. & Mrs. late model set., 39 in. Twin: Rollaway bed & matt. Poster twin bed, spring & Matt, Blonde Maple desk, 2 - sets box springsj & Matts, 2 - oil Circulators, 2 wood circulators, 1952 Majestic T.V, 17 in. set. Baby; basket complete, Kenmore Elec. Wasfleii, A.B.C. Automatic washer, 1 set dishes spring pattern hand painted, 1 set Fostoria Glass ware, Power tools, sander, Tap Si : die set. Socket set, 2-Vi - in. Elec. Drills, Shallow well '-water pump, Many Misev farm-- items, -Building Jack,- Stock feed, hog ration, Close outs. 1 Truck -load shrubs, .: , ; , ; I LIVESTOCK $ELL 2 P.M. - , ' , Sat day sale, by head or lb. Cow's both Beef & Dairy. Young feeders:, veals, baby calves, hogs, weaner pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, hens & fryers. Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Rabbits, make Sat. your big sale day at SCQTTY'S. We have large crowds, many good Cash buyers. We get you the top Market for your livestock. ' i ' i ' . Experienced Auctioneers, sell your; stock & Merchandise & we know their value, therefore assuring1 you a fair price; So come bring your ftiends to our Community Auction House. Bring some thing to sell. , AUCTIONEER COL ERNEST E. SCOTT PHONE 4-6433 412 Fruit ond Form Produce SPRAYED Show. Baldwin Sc Spitzen berg apples. U-pick. 25c Sc 50c. 412 Hrubetz Rd. U-PICK cucumbers $1 a box. Ph. 2-7167. Henry White. LATE Golden Cross Sweet CornT$L50 per 100 ears. R. A. Fiedler, 4447 Satter Dr. Ph. 4-3540. GRAPES U-pick, 5c lb. Picked. 6c. 2 mi. on Wallace Rd. Turn rieht i mi. on River Bend Rd. Box 3215. A. E. Pelker. rl Dairy Co-op. Assn DELIVER to the Mayflower Salem plant, 213$ Fairgrounds Road, be tween 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., daily except Saturday and Sunday. Business For the be$t professional services, ADDING MACHINES All makes adding machines, cal culators Si typewriters, sold, rent ed, repaired. Roen, 456 Court 36773. APPLIANCES " WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co 474 So COmX Ph. 4-2111 BEDDING ! CAPITOL; Bedding. Mattress reno vator. New mattresses. 3-4069. BULLDOZING Bulldozing, clearing roads, ponds. D-4, D-8 carry aa V. Huskey. Ph. S-3148 I CONTRACTORS ELECTRICAL Contractor Since 1922. Quality work at fair prices. Leo Johnson Ph. 2-0196. . General contracting Specializing in remodeling, free estim. Ph 4-3498 CRANE WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sand cV Gravel Co 2-2461 FLOOR COVERINGS Salem Norris Walker Paint Co Floor-covering Division Quality Installa tions. Linoleums, Asphalt rile. Rub ber Tile, Wall Tile. Etc. FREE ES TIMATES. Ph. 4-2279. . . PAPERING AND PAINTING Painting and paoer-hanging. free Mttnutea.: Ph. J-A51X 1160 Snipping. mm ai,. u.,, -i", ,..aaai- i Pi i I j S UKIi mil " ' ' " ' " mMrm.f 400 Asriruiture 425 Auction Sates Advance, Spidel, W.H.R. Worthmore, 30NS, AUCTIONEERS RINGMAN tE CO. ' STREET, SALEM 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. 1952 Norge Elec. Range, 1950 " . 41 2 Fruft and Farm Produce APPLES 8 varieties from $1.00 up. j No worms. Cecil Boyd. Rt 2. Box : 296 Ph. 26123. i mi. E. of Clear- Lake Store. APPLES. U-pick. $1.00 bu. Mrs. Cer ; nik. Rt. 6. Box 831 Fruitland. PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c gal. : delivered. Cleary Dairy, 2-3035. 413 Fertilizer ROTTEN MANURE. Rich, fine man ; ure by sack or yard. Delivered or at farm. Phillip's Bros. Rt 5 Box 493. Ph. 43081. FERTILIZER Rotted manure. No weeds. Phone ; 2-0331. , 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery ond Tools USED Welder Suitable for farm or shop use. Call 4-7544 or see 790 ; Stewart. ROTO-TILLER. trailer. skill-saw. I powered posthole auger. Priced to : sell. See at 2095 N. Com'l or call : 4-5261. 8" TABLE SAW. 12" bandsaw, 4" ; planer. Phone 2-8838. Directory call one of these popular experts. PAVING Salem Black-Top Paving Co, Drive ways. Parking Lots and Street. " FREE ESTIMATES. . Ph. 4-4904 Ph 4-8378 Eve. SAND GRAVEL Salem Sand Si Gravel Co. Ready mix concrete. Crushed and round gravel, sand and top soil 1403 N. f ront st. mono 2-2461. WALLING SAND & GRAVEL CO. 1625 McGilchrist Crushed quarry rock and gravel. All sizes for road, driveways and parking lot. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doting, shovel and dragging work Phone 3-9349. SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Sep tie Service Tank cleaned O rooter r leans sewers. drain Phone 3-9468 Bamel s eeptle tank cleaned, tine, service ouaranwva worn rnone 3-7404. 1-0774. HOWARD'S Roto Rooter, drains. ewer septic tank cleaned 3-5327, TAILORS MEN'S Al Lenzer Custom, tailoring for ladies Sc men s cut over double breasted to single. $12. Also altera- lies ceate. s-mob. 450 Merchandise 431 Machinry ni Tools t well nnrt trwe Do. you want a good pump line? See us lur oesi oiscouni on national, well known make. Bollinger, 343 N. ComT. Salem 432 Wonted, Mochnry, Tools WANTED to buy hop press. Bill The. men, 7 fopiar St., Yakima, Wash. 45S Hsohold Goods For Sal DRYER, elec. 175. Ph. 4-4183. NEW roto vanity stools, 85.88. Glen wooary, leos n. Summer. ANTIQUE Packard Parlor Organ aupero tone, e yr. tnn with Mattr. 110.00. Ph. 3-9751. - SAVE 60 closeout on nearly new jvacuum cleaners, uieo Woodry, 18CS N. Summer. OVAL mahogany coffee Uble exc. cona. io: Ph. 4-2031. NEW, davenoa lg. selection 154.88. iUien woodry. 1605 N. Summer. OLDER model Westinghouse range in worKing oroer, cheap. 4-4938. DBLE. portable laundry tubs. $10.50. oien wooary, isoo n. summer. FOR SALE large 8 pc. Walnut dining set. van oe seen 3740 Market. Ph. S-8227. WOOD circulators only 819.50. Glen wooary. 1603 N. Summer. ELEC. clothes dryer like new. $89.50. iji rt. wapuoi. rn. 3-7067. DINETTE set, china cab., bedsprings. man. imi p. 2. 4-4137 eve. 8-PC. solid walnut dining room set very nice. Ph. 2-9971. SAVE NOW on new bedroom sets. lowest prices, lowest terms. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED daveno bad, good condition. fj. ogg oros., 248 state St. LARGEST selection in town ot used aavenporis, cnairs, navenoa. Woodry's Thrifty Used Furniture 818 S. Commercial St. Ph.4-3319 ' CHR0ME-A-RAMA 50! new. chrome and wrought Iron uincne seis, usi amvea, lowest Jirices. Easiest terms. Glen Woodry, 605 N. Summer. USED Biltwell Frieze davenport only fj4.w. nogg iros.. Ia sute 5U USED 5-pc. kitchen dinette, $11.88. uien woodry, 1608 N. Summer. OFFICE DESK $29.95 Woodry s Thrifty Used Furniture 515 S. Commercial St Ph.4-3319 I ionly, 1955 Arvin T.V. set. 21-tn. nuie moaei. nrana new. save dollars on this one. Only $169.95. i Used Merchandise Mart 170 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4-8371 t GOOD, used davenport. 1889 Court n ana en p.m. NEW maple finish Mr. & Mrs.. $29.75. yen wooary, ibw n. summer. RECONDITIONED and guaranteed re rngerators ana ranges, apt. or full size. Terms, open rt. till p.m. Woodry s Thrifty Used Furniture 515 S. Commercial St. Ph.4-3319 USED davenport. $13.00. Hogg Bros, aiata at, 1 jonly. 1955 Arvin 2l-in. console T.V. set. Brand new. Special price fimi.ya. i Used Merchandise Mart S70 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4-8371 UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff -t urniture Store, 175 N. High. USED daveno and rocker, like new, I8S8.0Q. Hogg Bros., 248 State St NEW Pineapple poster beds. $2730. IGlen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED late model Kenmore electric Sewing machine with attachments, Jimed oak cabinet $89.95. Terms. sopen Fit till 9 p.m. Woodry 's Thrifty Used Furniture 815 S. Commercial St Ph.4-3319 New Philco tank type vacuum clean ier with all attachments. Reg. $99.50, spectai Used Merchandise Mart i70S. Liberty St - Ph. 4-6371 Linoleum Rugs - $3.93 Valley Furniture Co., 219 N. Coral COMPLETE H6memakers Outfit. $50 DOWN.- oien wooary s. 1805 w. gummcr USED daveno, tapestry upn., $24.00. nogg Bros.. 248 state St. USED vanity suite, -walnut Includes vanity, vanity oencn, oea, s-araw-er chest. $49.93. JWoodry's Thrifty Used Furniture 1 t515 S. Commercial St Ph.4-3319 USED davenport and chair, only f38.oo. Hogg Bros, 248 State Sf. 1,000 BARGAINS I New Sc used furniture. Glen Woodry, ioua rt. summer. UNFINISHED chests, new 6-drawer, $10.35; 4-drawer, $8.93. Cash & Carry, no ph. order. Hogg Bros.. Salem. USED Simmon Hide-a-beds. $119.50. TVoodry' Thrifty Used Furniture 515 S. Commercial St Ph.4-3319 USED small size daveno bed, $79.00. iMOgg Bros., 248 State St. - $50 DOWN will buy 8 rooms of fur niture complete witn range, refrig erator and washer. Easy -terms on baL Open Frl. till 9 p..m Woodry's Thrifty Used Furniture 515 S. Commercial St Ph.4-3319 LARGE selection refrigerators $49.50 up. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. New Cosco youth chair. Reg. $11 ppeciai W9.93. t Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4-6371 PAINT, oil base, now $1.79 gal. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED uph. couch now $19.00. Hogg Bros. 248 state St. Davenport & chair, floral pattern. xnts week, only $14.95. Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty St Ph. 4-6371 5 1 - Used Furniture. I Terms ... Yes. Valley Furniture Co.. 219 N. ComT. BIRCH veneer 5 drawer chest, $14 6c $13 eacn. izzs n. Lancaster, GIBSONrefrig.. good condition. $70. Ph. 2-4613 after 4:30. SAVE New unf. hi-chairs. $6.95. Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer. 2-piece bedroom set, $49.50. usea Aiercnanaise Mart 270 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4-6371 6-YR. CRIB & matt, like new, $29. Ph. 2-6306. BOX SPRINGS wlgs, only $8.88. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Stewart-Warner console radio. This week only $14.95. i Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty St Ph. 4-8371 f USED Duo-Therm oil heater with fan. $79. Hogg Bros.. 248 State St NEW Simmons studio couches, $69. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. Large platform rocker, grey freize. S.29.95. f i i Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty St Ph.-4-6371 USED 3-pc. Wal. bedroom suite, $129.00. Hogg Bros., 34 state si. CLOSEOUT lge. plate glass mirror. Clen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Attention antique lover We have . few item of antiques and welcome you to come in ana jook arouna. I Used Merchandise Mart . 270 S. Liberty St Ph. 4-6371 FRI.-SAT. Special: New 9x12 lino leum. $4.9$. Clen Woodry, 1603 N, Summer. USED oil heater with fan,. $39.00. Hogg Bros., 248 state at. For one item or a complete house vfull. select from our huge stock ot new Sc used furniture & appliances. Use the easiest terms In town. Free delivery. 1 Used Merchandise Mart 270 S. Liberty St Ph.4-6371 USED blonde 5-pc. bedroom suite, $139.00. Hogg Bros., 24 state St. NEW S-yr. cribs only 81188. New iyr. mattresses $8-88. Glen Woodry, leos N. summer. NEW BOX and inner spring m tires I $38.00 CLEN WOODRY. 1801 K. SUUMX 450 Merchandise 55 Htehold Goods For SoU Daily 9-9 West's largest 3. 4. a, (-room home outfit specialists A MKN FURNITURE CO. Bargain-Jammed CASH & CARRY SALE!! EASY TERMS!' IF YOU WANT 'EM ... even during this Great Salet FREE DELIVERY! If you can't take It with you. well gladly deliver your purchass any where in Oregon. , FRI. SAT. M0N. i FINAL 3 DAYS! -. 25, 50, 65 to 75 OFF IF YOU ACT AT 0NCEI ! AU Merchandise Brand Newt Free I Another MKN EXTRA I PEACE Or MIND" CREDIT PROTECTION GUARANTEZI NO MONEY DOWN Reg. $319. Save $161 4 t $1.95 WEEK PAYS FOR ITt 3 ROOM OUTFITS r Reg. $375, now $249 O Reg. $409, now $299 ' O Reg. $.490, now $287 O Reg. $620, now $399 $444 4 ROOM OUTFITS. Reg. $595, now $444 O Reg. $695, now $499 Reg. $895, now $599 5 & 6 ROOMS Reg. $993. $699 5-6 ROOM . - O Reg. $1099, now $799 O Reg. $1399, now $899 O Reg. $1875, now $1287 NOW! YOU GET BOTH New 'S3 Zenith refrig. or electrle . range YOUR CHOICE $149 with any croup. MKN' Furniture Co. ' 1425 . , EDGEWATER Salmi Ph- 2-5456 11 $199 raw I