SSec.2-Srateman, Salem, 1955 Crops Challenging 1948 Record WASHINGTON Wl ' This year's crops are challenging' the record harvest of 1948, the Agriculture De partment reported Tuesday. . Good growing weather late in the season and favorable harvesting conditions, the department said, are responsible for the improve ment ; In its October production report, the department said crop ton : nages now bid fair to be 1 per cent larger than expected a month : ago, and close to the record out I put of 1948. In that year the vol ; ume reached 106 per cent of the 1947-49 base average. . Continued favorable harvesting i conditions this month and next could well make this year's crop volume the highest in history. Coupled with livestock, dairy and poultry products, agriculture's output this year will be by far the largest of record. The total volume is now indicated at nearly 112 per cent of the 1947-49 average, compared with the previous record of 108 1er cent set last year. The average acre yield of crop land also set a new record of 116 per cent of the 1947-49 base. The previous record was 108 per cent of the base, set in 1948. Interior Unit Accused of . 'Bad Faith' WASHINGTON Rep. Chud off (D Pa) Tuesday accused the Interior Department of ' bad faith" and "fraud' in the withholding of a legal opinion on a proposal to sell federal electric power in the Southeast. ., Chudoff made the accusation during a hearing into the adminis tration's public power policies be fore a House government ' opera tions subcommittee. Chudoff is chairman of the group, which has held three months of bearings in a sort of preview of the potential public-vs-private power1 issue for 1956 political campaigns. The congressman took Interior Department officials to -task for withholding, as he put it. ail attor ney general's opinion during ne gotiations : for sale in' power in Georgia from Clark Hill Dam. . Assistant Secretary of Interior Fred Aandahl disclosed during cross-examination that his depart ment had requested and received an opinion on tne jegauiy ot a "tricontr act' proposal. Under the proposal, private utilities would buy power and transmit it to rural electric cooperatives- and other public agencies entitled by law to preferred service. Patterson to Get Italian Award : PORTLAND UPi The Star of Solidarity award from the govern ment of Italy will be presented to Oregon Gov. Paul Patterson here Wednesday by Baron Quaranta de San Severinojfalian consul for the Pacific Northwest. The award will be made at a Columbus Pay banquet sponsored by the Portland Italian community. Dr.TXLajB.N.D DRS. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 40? Court St j Office epea Ssrarday only It a ml to 1 f .at; lUlin. Consultation blood pressure ana orine tests are tit! E? 'hrt Practiced since I17. Write fei attractive girt Ne bhgatioa. fa. JVW . Or.G.ChaaJJ. 30,000 SHARES Pacific Power & Light Company , ' .1;-- , 4.52 Serial Preferred Stock (Cumulative, $109 par value) - ! - 1 i' Price $102.00 per share - , plus accumulated dividends Redemption: The Preferred Stock will be redeemable in whole or in part at any time en thirty days' notice at $106.50 per share to and including October 1, 1960; $105.50 per share to and including October 1, 1965; $104.50 per share to and including October 1, 1970; and $103.50 per share thereafter, plus, in each case, accumulated and unpaid dividends. This is an "income" security. Copies of the prospectus may be obtained from:, ZILKA, SMITHER & COMPANY . INVESTMENT SECURITIES . . . - 203 Oregon Building Salem, Oregon . Phone 3-4106 Other offices la: Portland Eugene -' Medford - Hood River - Coos Bav . Vancouver, Wn. TO: ZIUA, SMITHEI 4 C0MPAKY, 203 0KE60N IUILDWG, SALEM, OREGON Please send me a copy , " el the prospectus re- ' Nome latiag te'the Address J. ..... Z. . .V. . Serial Preferred Stock ; i f Pacific Fewer It City State ......... Light Cosopaay. . . . Ore., Wed., October 12 1955 Meat Thief Handed Fine LONDON Ifi 'Mrs. May Hamp ton, 43-year-old housewife, admit ted in court that she stole a slice of veal from a serve-yourself store but was indignant over her arrest "The public should be protected from this kind of shop," Mrs. Hampton declared Monday. "You can go .in and take anything you want, and no one is any tne wiser. "The most extraordinary plea I have ever heard from a common thjef.". commented Magistrate H. L Wightwich, fining her 5 pounds. Snlem Obituaries AacrnU Allpart 1 In this city Oct 11th. Late resident of 430 S. Capitol, at the age of 73 years. Mother of Carl O. Allport. Anouncement of crevices later by W, T. Rigdon Co. Alferd N. Aidtnoa Late resident of 339 N. 19th street. Salem, in this city. October I. 1955. at the age. of 77 years. Sur vived by four sisters. Mrs. T. M. Torgerson. Fergus Falls. Minn.; 'Mrs. O. J. Shei. Salem. Ore.; Miss Alma Lj Anderson. Salem: Mrs. Emily Howard, Salem.- Christian Science services will be held Wed., Oct. 12. at 1:30 p.m. in Chapel of W. T. Rigdon Co. Interment Belcrest Memorial Park. Lester L. Guthrie - ' Late resident of 165 W. Wilson St.. Salem. Oct. 9. Survived by wife, Charlotte Guthrie, Salem; daughters. Mrs. Evelyn Lytle. Salem: Mrs. lea nore Wakefield. Ladysmith. Wis.; Mrs. Lorriane Altieri. San Mateo. Calif.; sons. Harold Guthrie, Bakersiield, Calif.: Allen Guthrie. Burlingame. Calif.: sisters, Mrs. Flossie Daniels and Mrs. Minnie Lepley. both of Sa lem: Mrs. Letha Kanska. Cleveland, Ohio: brothers, Herman Guthrie. Gillman. Wis.; Leslie Guthrie and Floyd Guthrie, both of Indianapolis. Ind.; eight grandchildren. Services wiU be held in the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Wednesday. Oct. 12. at Z p.m. Interment Belcrest Memorial Park, Rev. John Cauble officiating. Georgia Maale Kandall r In this city at the age of 55 years. Late resident of 1005 N. Summer St Survived by husband. Edgar H. Ran dall. Salem. Daughter. Mrs. Richard Herring, Salem. Brothers, Grant Al kire. Salem and Frank Chase, of Al bany. Grandchild. Edgar Herring. Salem. Services will be held Thurs day. October 13 at 2 p.m. in the W. T. Rigdon Chapel. Interment Bel crest Memorial Park. Bev. Wayne Greene officiating. George Winchell At the residence. 235 S. 23rd street, Salem, Oct 10. Survived by widow, Mrs. Martha C. Winchell. Salem; daughter, Mrs. Grant Montgomery, Salem: son. George P. Winchell. Portland: two brothers. Harvey and Edward Winchell. both of Freeland. Mich.: two grandchildren, Ronald and Angela Winchell, both of Port land. Ore. Services will be held in the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Wednes day. Oct 12. at 16:30 a.m. 1 Every prisoner who has escaped from the Concord, Mass.. Reform atory since it was built in 1878 has been recaptured. mm No surgery needed ! Reduce swelling of painful piles at home! in nnrrnit'S TESTS. SEW STAINLESS FORMULA WITH AMAZING ANESTHETIC ACTION STOFS FAIN IN5TANTLYI pound has been developed to treat piles' torture at home. It's stainless Pazo and It does far more to re lieve pile suffering! Doctor's tests prove it. (Results guaranteed or money refunded by the maker.) In these clinical studies, Pazo brought internal and external re lief without surgery 1 Instant relief for patient after patient! Many who suffered with piles for years now enjoy real comioru no other preparation offers such proof ot prompt reuei : nouung else offers you the same thrilling benefits as ONLT PILE Dead Eugene Woman's Body May Be Found RIVERSIDE. Calif. LB Sher iffs investigators Tuesday began a study to determine whether tne body of a woman found beside a lonely road Sept IS could be that of Mrs Cecil Alford, 57, missing from her home in Eugene, Ore. Sgt. Robert Presley said Sheriff Fred Reaksecker of Clackamas County, Ore., forwarded informa tion furnished by Mrs. Alford's daughter, Mrs. Earl Shook, Mil waukee, Ore. She said her mother had gone on a trip to California about the time the unidentified body was found 17. miles south of Palm Springs. Riverside County. Presley , said there are some similarities in fingerprint classifi cations and in dentures of Mrs. Alford and the dead woman but not sufficient evidence yet to even make a tentative identification. He said it will require further study of fingerprint comparisons and, particularly, more detailed comparison of the dentures to make any determination. It may be necessary to have Mrs. Alford's dentist come here or take the dead woman's dentures to him, Presley said. Both women had full upper and partial lower plates. - , Crash Sinks Spanish Boat VIGO, Spain UH The 250-ton Spanish freighter Conde de Bar bate sank Tuesday after a col lision with the French liner Col- ombie. Two crewmen drowned and three others were missing. The accident occurred in heavy fog about five miles off this port. The 16.000-ton Colombie, enroute to the Caribbean with 592 passen gers, ran down the little freighter when it stopped to wait for the fog to lift. Shostakovich Seeks Exchange of Artists MOSCOW Lfs Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich said Monday he would like to see a greater ex change of Soviet and American artists. "We'd be lad to welcome Ameri can artists here," he said. Shostakovich's views were car ried by the magazine, "News," in a cross section poll on what the Russians think about Soviet-American relations. (HEMORRHOIDS) AM) OfHU MCTAl MOatKK tKATtO WITHOUT MOSaiTAt OFtftATKM MAO STOMACH AM0 COLON coMvtMCNT caecxT ss loocLrr v. m c Hi REYNOLDS CLINIC Naturopathic and" CS.roprsbc Physician OutssM.H.t. nu CSNTit ima wonderful new stainless pazoi This remarkable formula com bines 6 medically-proved ingre dients, Including Triolrte, not con tained in any other leading pile preparation. This amazing sub stance has a remarkable anes thetic action that stops pain and itching instantly! Yes, you get in stant pain Telief... while the medication goes to wort reducing swelling, and promoting healing! Get sensational new stainless Pazo. Wont stain clothes. Mod STAINLESS ern suppositories or oint ment are now both avail able at your druggist. kEMEDT 2 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS I. Covered with stonet C. Grates 11. Weird 12. Nebraskr city 13. External seed coverings 14. English estate 15. Woody -perennial 18. Sun god ' 17. Greek letter 18. Man's nickname 19. Terminal . part of arm 21. Greek letter 22. Cut off, as the tops 23. Greek coin 27. Beginning 29. Island off Greece 30. Egyptian goddess 31. Plaything 32. Music note 33. Tack away 35. Board of ordnance (abbr.l . 36. Resort 39. Ahead 40. Man's nickname (poss.) 42. Freight 44. Found on tropical islands 45. An airy, prankish spirit ( Shake. speare) 46. Sphere of action 47. River duCkS ,48. Untidy DOWX Location Areas of -ground, as for battle fields Bay window River in Africa Affirmative of Rome Wine cup Rational Unit of illumination Girl's name Knock Tonic, Flat, bottomed boat with flaring sides 7. 8. 9. 10. 16. 19. 20. 7j" '5 7Z 27 2a SO 3 37 3d 42 TT Movie Stars Acquire Land KLAMATH FALLS W Three movie stars have joined in buying part of a huge ranch in Northern California, the ranch owners aid Tuesday. "Warren and Roy Farnam. who operate a 13,160-acre grain and cattle ranch seven miles west of Macdoel, Calif., said they sold, a substantial part fil it to Kirk Douglas, Doris Day. Gordon Mc Rae and a Texas oilman, George Darneille. The price was not disclosed. CHURCH TALKS SLATED LONDON LB The archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fish- Most lower hauling costs value tomorrow. Come feispr : fflfrrr. ,i$r-H j n,nriifirjf j txv Js j ii j vvf: Most Modem PomL..V8or6 Shortest stroke V8's in any leading truck! (Standard in the new L.pJF. models, available in all others, except Forward Control, as ran extra-cost option.) Most advanced sizes! L i AMOiTjO DDtM 21. Hawti. Ian food 22. Minus " 24. Exist . - 25. Large., foot- stools ' 26. Hawai ian wreath . 28: Chinese river 29. Bovine animal Sir A V large weight 34. 1m- ple ' ments 35. Discloses IPIEPl M 4 TtlUrdajr't Aaiwt 36. Begone! 37. Peel 38. Melody 40. Painful I spot 41. Kill . .JeIlylike , i material ii. A rotatinf i piece ! Mech.l V Vs. 'A Va A 19 20 23 24 25 2 X77 VA ZZ1 1 'A Y A 39 I AA AT A& tO-12, er, said Tuesday the Church of England and the Russian Orthodox Church will hold talks in- Moscow next summer aimed at closer re lations. J I ROBBER STAMPS NOTARY 4 fjoRPORATE SEALS made to rinlor in our shop HEEDHAM'S ofTket.'up"es 465 STATE ST PHONE 2 2485 ! O New Chevrolet TasfoFmw New concealed New panoramic windshield 1 You get the most mocern features in today's most modern trucks I They're the most modern money savers on the road loaded with Jar-lahead features that mean today and higher trade-in , T:3 higher on in and look 'em " h ! ' - " ...... ':!- i- . - Anything less STIOKIL0 The stroke the bore modem L L-L - Tear after Tear DOUGLAS Official of Pension Union Tells of Reds SEATTLE U1 A former state legislator who helped found the Washington Pension Union said Tuesday the Communists started moving into the 'Organization's of ficial circles in 1938. The j testimony was given by James: T. Sullivan before a hear ing of the Subversive Activities Control Board being conducted by Harry,1 P. Cain to see if the union is Communist dominated. - Sullivan was a state representa tive ia 1937 and a senator in the 1939 and 1941 sessions. He was president of the Pension Union from its beginning in 1937 until he walked out of its anual con vention in 1940. "When we formed that organiza-J tion .rt was needed as bad as it is needed today," Sullivan said. Too many members of the Legis lature, listened to lobbyists. If a group hasn't got people down there to talk to them, they don't have a chance. After the Communists look over the leadership of the Pension Union, the Legislature has never given the old people of this state a break . because of the leaders that went down there." ! Ex NOW BUYING FILBERTS AND WALNUTS (later) Top price paid on each delivery at SALEM NAVIGATION CO. at Corner. Tradt and South Cotyagt St. I Want all my old customers and as many now ones as possible to contact me at once as prices are very attractive. 1 K. R JONES Phone 2-3153 Buyer for Rosenberg Bros, and Co. High Income Sales Opening PLUS 25 ANNUAL BONUS,' Men with Mitt ability earn fl(,M to S1S.I0S and more annually selUnf Tne Tho. D. Murphy Co. line ( good wiU advertisinr. We are a pioneer organization of S7 years. We are recognized with AAA1 rating; and a national reputation for production and performance. ' j Our exclusive copyrighted line Is endorsed y Industrialists, financial institutions, the general business and professional field. Our line Includes indoor billboards, art and specialised calendars, maps, greetings, gift leather, wood and mechanical pencils, baU points, timely specialties for up-to-date, modern sales promotion. Our territories are definite. Yonr accounts are protected. High commissions are paid upon acceptance of orders. Onr 19JJ sales hit aU time high. New C7th line is really terrific. Samples will be available mid November, j Act promptly. OutUne experience. Give, three references. Write Merrill A. Olson, Sales Direrior THE THOS. D. MURPHY. CO.. RED OAK. IOWA Truck Features o Safety Step I New High - over, is an old-fashioned truck! BOIISJS ! I I is shorter than in Chevrolet's truck VS'il L - I I McKAY CHEVROLET CO ManUneartlis $50,000 in Thermos Jug CORSICANa Tex. A 24-year-old Negro! Tuesday told two Corsicana Sun j reporters that he found nearly $30,000 in an old thermos jug while digging under a Dallas, Tex., house. Jackson Davis said that while working for . a Dallas plumbing firm in January of this year he started digging along a sewer un der the house.( He said his shovel struck some thing, he dug it up and found it to be an old thermos jug, stuffed with money, j j ; Davis told reporters that Dallas officers came; to his house here about three weeks ago and counted $45,170 in the jug. He said they took him and; the money back to Dallas and that he spent eight days in the county jail at Dallas before being; released. Davis said he did not remember where the house was located or the name of the man who owned the house, j j Dallas police would not comment on the case, other than to confirm that Davis was returned here and then released. Reporters quoted Davis as saying he thought he had spent about , $1,000 of the money. Trucks Level ventilation! Most Modern Styling New Chevrolet trucks are the only Work-Styled trucks! Two different styling treatments are1 offcred-one for light- and "medium-duty models,' another for heavy-duty. 3. W3r America t Best Selling Track Stock Market Goses Lower ' NEW f YORK IP, The stock market was racked by a series cL rallies and reactions Tuesday and managed to close only moderately rower. The performance represented a slowdown in the headlong fall that has been going on for more than two weeks since President Eisen hower suffered his heart attack. At the finish, gains and. losses spread over- a range of around S points either way. The Associated Press average f 60 stocks was off 90 cents at $163.40. It dropped $4.60 Monday. Two weeks ago in its first major break the average fell $11.40, sec ond largest decline it' ever has made. ; The three components of the average all were down Tuesday . industrials $1.60, rails 60 cents, and utilities 30 cents. Volume came to 3,590,000 shares as compared with 3,100,000 shares . traded Monday. ; . . LOW M CALOUB KICK M IXEI6T Made by the Balers of N Master Bread" IS ' WITHOUT X SXOKTININtOtl APDtD FATS ' I jIPV ''yy. . 1 AT 1 510 N. Commercial Street Phone 3-3175