The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1955, Page 13, Image 13

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(EdJUr'a ate: Tae SUtesaua paV
Bsaes ia geee filt tee ynniai an
tiaiee u previdea ay radio aae TV
stations, bet aeeaase efttiaes the
prstrams are ctu( wtthent aetl-
Heatten tBii aewsaaper eaaat be !
iwpwiain far tae accaracy hertln.)
Channel Gi tickles
KFTV Monday's HlgallrhU
CnuiaI 21):
, 111 I .ifc-HOME ... At Cleve
land. Ohio. Arl-ne rrarcis and Hugh
Downs witch t?te werld'i largest ere
boat being unlosd-d at the Cleve
land and Pittsburgh docks.
JB. MaUnee Theater Slim
fjmmerviUe and Ed Brendel rUr ia
I'm From Arkans'? "
:M a.m. Medic "A Room. A
Eoy and Mr. Bodine" deals with the
tovchin story of a wealthy but neg
lected six-year-old boy and modern
medicines tight againat asthma and
hv f-ver.
l!:1t Nite Owl Theater
Merle 0 heron and Joreoh Cotten itar
in "LytJia." A beautiful ladya old
flames greet her at a dinner party.
KOIX-TV Meaday 'a Highlights
(Channel (): I
An address by Secretary af State
John Faster Dalles, sneaking ta the
annual American Legion Convention.
'-3' P ra. Armchair Theater
The Honeymoon" with Gertrude
Michael. Damian OTlynn and Merv
Irt Williams.
7:a pa. Studio One Eddie
Bracken and Hope Emerson have the
atarring roles in "A Likelv story."
an original: comedy by Frank. Gilroy.
An amusing tale about a down-and-out
vaudeville hoofer.
: pjn. Burns and Allen Ronny
.Burns. 30-year-old son of George
Burns and Gracie Allen, makes his
television debut as a regular cast
member, playing himself.
p.m. Confidential File The
effect of horror comic books on
youngsters pulls no punches in ex
posing the publishers of these de
grading publications.
11:0 J p.m. Showtime On Six '
"Face in the Fog" with Lloyd Hughes
and June Collyer.
"klor-TV Monday Highlights
(Channel 12):
presents: SrM Mickey Mease News
Reel; 3:15 Fna With Mnsie: "Passy
Cat Polka" and "Old MaeDoaaM;"
. a:3 Serial, -Wait I Want ta Be;"
rr - i
"... Then, when I was four
yean old . .
5:4 Mickey Mouse Theater "Build
ing a Building."
:6 p.m. TV Readers' Digest
"Mr. Pak Takes Over" Exciting and
true dramatization of a Korean com
bat incident in which the lives of
many American soldiers hung in bal
Program: Mesze Soprano Mildred
! Miller sin:s arias from Carmen ("Ha
j aanera" and "Gypsy Song"), and
j "Alice Bine Gown'" aad "I'll Take
i omuiee."
:3e p.m. Medical Horizons "Use
of the Artificial Kidney" to be tele
cast from the Georgetown Univer
sity Hospital in Washington, D. C.
Newborn porcupines have
quills that'ean be raised into of
fensive position within an hour
after birth .
S KPTV (Today IToday
, ROLN Valiant Lady Love of Life
t KPTV IColor Bars
IToday jTodiy
I Search Tomorr.Guidinf Light
KOIN jSec'y Dulles
Color- Bgrs
Sec'y Dulles
Rainbow Rev. Rainbow Rev.
Wtlc Travelers' Welc. Travelers
KPTT !Ding Dong IDing Dong- Beauty Search iBeauty Search
KOIN IFun to Reduce Robt. Q. Lewis! Linkletter H'se.lLinkletter Hse.
l KFTV Home Home " IHome - Home
, ROM IBig Payoff Big Payoff Bob Crosby IBob Crosby
U RPTV Tenn. Ernie ITenn. Ernie Weather Nest Feather Nest
KOIN Brighter Day Secret Storm On Your Aect'On Your Acc't
IMatinea Thea. IMatinee Thea. Matinee Thea. Matinee Thea.
TComcdy Klas. gComedy Klas. Armchair The. Armchair The.
Matinee Thea. IMatinee Thea. What's Cook in What's Cooking
KOIN Kitchen KOIN Kitchen iStrike It Rich Strike It Rich
Stopped Show (Telecomics IRon Myron Sho Ron Myron Sho.
ITed Mack Mat. tTed Mack Mat. !Pays to Marry IPavs to Marry
iGary Moore IGary Moore lArthurGodfrey lArthurGodfrey
Mr. Mrs North Mr. Mm. NorthjLady of House lLadv of House
iBar 27 Corral Bar 27 Corral
Mr Moon 'Cartoon Time
J. Former
name of
t. Painful,
11. Wide-awake
12. One who
fails to win
13. Girl's name
14. A depression'
In the chin
15. Old
of length
16. To sponge
17. Pig; pen
18. Simplest
known form
of animal
21- One who
employs the
services of
a lawyer
23. Java tree :
27. Pointed
28. A small ,
29. Compass
30. Thrasher
31. Shallows
33. Wine cup ;
36. Breete
37. In what
40. A plant
of the pea
42. Biblical
43. Variety
of willow
44. Small finch
45. Division of
44. Field where
frown .
1. Eastern
university -
2. Jewish
3. Harangues
4. Arid
' 5. Old ' -Testament
. labor.
0. Ascend
i- a gypsy
8. Vipers
9. Dissolve
10. Commit
tions 14. A song for
two people
16. A tie
It. Encoun
ters 20. Of
11. Cry. at
a crow
32. False.
24. Piece .
25. Hail!
26. Varying;
28. Equipment
30. To cook
in water
32. Filaments
33. Below
jfT t U TIT i
aatardar aaswet
34. Flat-topped
33. Source
of indigo
28. Roman poet
39. Vinoua
41. Solf mound
42. Marahy
44. Spain
; (abbr.)
t a. 5 7 & 9 i
Ti 21 a4 ajg a
33 35 yV. 3 77 Zl 3
Inside TV .
Baseball On Color
TV W the Birds
Way of World
Art Godfrey
First Love
!Art Godfrey
Wi'n Star The.lWs'n Star The.
Pinky Lee Pinky Lee iHowdyDoody Howdy Doody
iBed Dunning (Bed Dunning iRed Dunning Red Dunning
tlickey Mousa Mickey Mouse IMickey Mouse IMickey Mouse
. aK .aaay
KPTV ISee Hear INewap. of Air IGridiron CU.
KOIN iNwi He Soorts'Kdwards-News (Robin Hood Hobin Hood
KLORrrerry ic Pir'ta Terry & Pir'U Man Ab't Twn.News-Weather
T KPTV 'Badge 714 IBadge 714 fTony Martin INews
KOIN IStudio One --Studio One IStudio One Studio One
KLOR Little Margie jLittlc Margie fTopper (Topper
KPTV Caesar's Hour Caesar's Hour (Caesar's Hour Caesar's Hour
KOIN 'Burns St Allen Burnt & Allen Bci. Fict Thea. ISci. rict Thea.
KLOR ITV Read. D'gst'TV Read. D'gst; Firestone Hr. IFirettone Hr.
KPTV iThe Medic
KOIN I Love Lucy
KLOR The Falcon
(The Medic Robt Montg'm.tRobt. Montam.
B Love Lucy IDec'mb'r BridelD'c'mber Bride
The Falcon IMediel Horiz. IMedic'l Hortz.
1 KPTV iRobt Montg 'm IRobt Montg'm.IDinner Barta Dinner at Barts
KOIN ILife of Riley ILifeofRilev Confidential Confidential
RLOR IKllery Queen Tilery Queen Wrestling IWrestling
It KPTV (Twa-PauL Frd.lNite Owl Thea.lNite Owl Thea INite Owl Thea.
IODI (Showtime on 6 Showtime on 6 1 i
FM: Megacycles KOIN HL1; KEX S2J: KGW IN J
00:15 .
KSLM Val F arm cast ;Val Farmcast Val FarmcasY
K6AI ign On (Br kfait Nook IBr'kfast Nook
ROM i Amer. News Koin Klock 'Koin Klock
KGW ; Ivan Jones Ivan Jones Jones-Harper
KEX ! Kews-Kp. Time Keep Time Keep Time
iKc.n Klock
.Early Worm
Breakfast Nil
' 1 KlOK
MeCall News
iBr'kf ast Gang
(Early Worm
iBrTtfast Nook
;Hlirf Kews
Webb Spinn'g
iKeeo fime
Br'kiast Gang
Early Worm
BrTtfaJt Nook
Goss News
McCall News
f. o Tirre
News St Weather
fjfrly Worm
Bkfst Nook
R?hbitt Show
Fisher Reoort
Bob Haren
Cliff Engle Family .ltar Bible lntituU Bible Institute
Early Worm Tarly Worm Early Worm t-..rid News
Bkfst Nook IBkfst Nook IBkfst Nook Nook-News
"-um News '-i - Nrw Slelfev Sere Shelley Sere.
Webb Spinning Webb Spina'ng Webb Soinnina Webb Sninning
Keeo Time Keen Time Keep Time Keep Time
Here's to Vets
Backfence Mat
Wendy Warren
Webb Spinning
Breakfast Ciun
INewa IPastor's Call
Meditations Ladies Lane
Backfence Mat 'Backfence Mat
Howard Miller IHelen Trent
Wen Spinning Webb Spinn'ng
Rreakfa! Cluo i nm
Bargain C'n't'r
Ladies Lane
fMatinee-Newa '
'Gal Sunday
'Webb Spin'ng
-rejKfnst i Iur
News iTello Test IMusic IMusic
U90 rune St 1490 Tune St 1499 Tune St 190 Tune St.
Backfence Mat iBacufenre Mat Backfence Mat Matinee-News
Road of Life Ma Perkins T)r. Malone Guiding Light
Webb Spin'ng JWebb Spin'ng IWebb Spin'ng IWebb Spin'ng
Coff -K West Bob Garred t irur mi vt i rut-
RSLM Wings of Song iMyst. Tr. Chest! Ven rrv Oiwrp a D
KOCO 1490 rune St 14SU Tune St 1490 Tunt St 1490 Tune St
KGAF Dinner Winner Dinner Winner iBackfenre Mat Mattnee-News
KOIN Mrs. Burton . IPerry Mason Nora Drake !Aunt Mary
K6W Music McBride-Peale r.. i n axm i.. Miltee
KEX Vfcnisuer St. iirl Marries Companion (Paul Harvey
KILM Too Trades Newa Sc'ts BlJte Sho Vai Karnt
KOCO World News Midday Musle Midday Mus. IMidday Music
KGAI Noon New; Lunch Murcnin Town Crier Lunch Munch
KOIN "nclend we fnw Ri V 'ou Pr -'niie Prt
KGW Fenner News Pauline Fred. Claude Raines IMcGee-Molly
KEX Art Baker Al&Bing Nam H-.e Farm New
KSLM H-tir Sna--)Di Will'm'tte Mat
KOCO Magic Melody .Magic Melody
KGAI Lunch Munch. -Lunch. Munch.
KOIN Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey
KGW Happiness . Stella Dallas
KEX News-Mulllns Moon Mullins
Willamette Mat Willamette Mat
Magic Melody Magic Melody
I unrh .Munchi.n Munch -News
A-w.,T n- "' rthnr f:.f..T
Wldder Brown Pepper Young
Moon Mullin Moon Miillm
KSLM Wul'm'tte Mat WiU'm'tte Mat
KOCO Malr Melodv Maeif Melodv
KGAI Loter Lounge . Loter Lounge
KOIN a-ti tio" AtHiir Uodtr
KGW Woman in Hse.Tfews
KtX New Mullinr - on MuDim -
News iWill m'tte Mat
MfKMP Melodr Ma-"r Melnrt
' or fytunee t)ter Lnunee
Back5tage Wife'Make ITd Mind
Lone Ranger Lone Ranger
'-n 'in" 1oin Mtiiii'
Story Time
Mafic Meioy
Loter Lounge
Ruth Ashtnn
Hotel Pets
Story Time
Macir Melo
lter tiun"
Sparklin Mus
IMcAnulty Mua
Moim Mullins
Willamette Mat.
Maef" Meio"
footer Lounge
(Take Thtrt .
McAnnlty Mus
Bob Blackburn
irelo rest
Magie Melody
Loter Lounge
Tk Tirt-
McAnulty Mua.
Bob Blackburn ruiion liewis Hemina-wa "t ""-"
KOCO Marie Melody Marie Melody Marie Melody Marte Melody
KGAI Loter Lotinee nee ("" loter Lounee
KOIN KirVham News Novelette News of Air News of Air
-KG w McAnulty Mus McAnulty Mus McAnulty Mus McAnulty Mua.
iicrtnuiiy mus iicniiii.T mum
Kews-Blackb'n Bob Blaekbum'Bnh Blarkh m Bni m-., i..rW
Stand By
'"-v U' ve
Bob St Ray
t H Mirrow
McAnulty Mus
(Stand By .
r-. e
Bob Sr Ray
News-Weather '
.CK-al News
Po Blarkhiirn
Slow Drive
(Loter Lpuns
Sot R"un'uo
Je Maon
Bill Stern
(Bill Brundate
Memorable Mua
Loter Lounee
Elmer Peterson
(Son (.'ar'-c
'jo Heatter
Tin Sundown
Eerris Reel
Star Thea.
Track 1490
ralent Scouts
J-dw. Morgan
Report Rdup
Track 1490
A1 Davis
News '
Track 14o
Phone Hr.
Pvi Hi-FI
Eulton LewuT""
MuP v ,
Star Final
Ne,,a R
Till Sundown
Lowell Thomas
Alex. Dreier
iClub Mullins
iMus. Mem Tra.
Wurlitzer Ser.
Till Sundown
'Amos "n Andy
Dinner Mus.
Ulub Muiiin
ISm Have
Wurb'tzer Ser.
Till Sundown
Amos "n Andv
Dinner Musie
Jliii. Mullins
Secret Tiles
rrrack 1490 7
ITalent Scoute"
Catholic Hr.
rrrack 14M
London Music
Al Davis
ITrack 1490
(Jack Carson
(London Musie
A Davis
Report Rdup
Track U90
Tenn Rr"e
3 Man's ram.
Al Davia
tMusic ,
Trgrk 14
Mv Son Jeep
Phone H'.
Davis Hi-El
Broadwav Con
Mime 0 Want
"VW X-VCga 51 . a.
Sooru nnal Tunt vwe
fDanr. Time Daace time
Broadwav Coo
Sparkl'g Music
TJewea Time
Whistlin Tunes IWhlstlln Tunes
Track 190 Track 1490
Johnny Dollar IKing Crosby
Henry Taylor Peoole
iBarlow Concert Barlow Concertl
"jSweet Sc Swing" iSweet Sc Swing
Track U'M ' ,
rreas.J5how irreas. Show .
!Bndwagon Bandwaeon
(Rhythm Party IJimmy Fidler
"jMusic INews
Music V Want "uic I' Want
Chamb. Forum Chamb Forum
X urn ciwc
Dane Time
Midnita Melodi Midntte Meladi
INorturne , .'Npt.u.,, .
15oarkl'g Musid ISoarkl'g Music
Slumber Tim. Xhrutophers
TJt" T n." TOM
PORT: I had occasion over the
past weekend to see three color
model 19 - inch
color set I gen
erally watch
color shows at
one network
it u d i o or an
other, seeing
them o n spec
ially rigged and
tuned monitor
sets around which a bevy of en
gineers hover like so many cluck
ing mother hens. This time, how
ever, the tuning was in the hands
of. us amateurs and I'm still not
sure whether we needed the en
gineers or not.
The fourth game of the World
Series was colorcast direct from
Brooklyn by NBC. The eelar ranged
from passable ta, If I may say sa,
lousy. The green grass seemed ta
overpower all the other colors. The
brawn dirt af the base paths alter
nated betweei fiery red and deep,1
black and white. You just can't
get interested in a baseball game
in which yellow-faced players are
swimming around in a sea of green.
Morse Asks
State Aid in
Car Shortage
D-Ore! declared Sunday that if
railroads can not solve the freight
car shortage problem Congress,
along with federal and state agen
cies, should do the job.
"The American railroads should
realize that as public utilities they
should strive to meet the peak de
mands father than the minimum
requirerrients of rail freight ship
pers,, Morse said in a statement.
He accused the railroads of
Vheel-dragging" in the face of
extremely favorable net railway
operating income for the past five
years, j !
- Morsej said he had received
many letters and telegrams from
Oregon Complaining about the. lack
of freight cars to handle shipments
of lumber and lumber products.
." There are," he said, "several
aspects !of 1 the Oregon box car
shortage that deserve intensive
study and quick remedial action
by the Interstate Commerce Com
mission, j In my opinion there is
strong evidence of discrimination
against Oregon lumbermen and
favoritism pt California shippers,
in the distribution of box cars."
f f "In addition, Morse said, he lias
asked that the Senate Interstate
j Commerce Committee launch a
long range study of the problem
lof ; obtaining adequate rail trans-
iPortationj ;
S i VThe time aooears oDDortune."
he said, i'for a reappraisal of the
whole rail freight transportation
system. The American railroads
should realize that as public util
ities thej should strive to meet
the peak jdemands rather than the
minimumi requirements of rail
freight shippers.
"From j the long range point of
view suclf voluntary action of the
railroads icould solve the box car
problem. jBut if the. railroads can
' tint crilfJani t Via, ekAtfna vanK
lem themselves, Congress, in co
operation j with federal and state
agencies, ;should roll up its sleeves
and do the job. I shall help in
every way possible."
Actress Dies
Hitchcock Presents" made its bow
recently, and Hitchcock himself
emerges as the star of the show.
Tftia ha anrutpa f as amIu
. 4 Vu u " ' Aadersea
tit a at than harr:nniitif air! e maIKap
minute at ine ena, out nis ary wit Sji. Abatements pending
( during thos two minutes is better K'gdon's mortuary.-
! than the 23ninutes worth .of rou-MM. Berth! tmeiu Dim
h i
Statesman, Salam, Or'.f Men., October 10, 1 955 (Sec. 2-5
Older Generation
'Shocks Students9
By GEORGE W. CORNELL 1 Wattina Hnrnshv. an Ancnicta C.i
NEW1. YORK t Grown-ups student at Fisk University, NiJk
often fret that today's kids are
just shocking.
But the grown-ups might be set
back on their heels to hear what
some of the youngsters are saying
about the modern adult society.
"Avarice is given the name of
.industry .
ville. who says "materialism is the
distinguishing characteristic of our
age. ,
Man 'Evolutionary'
'.'In its present, most popular
form . . . God is merely . a uni
fication of ideal values ... imagi
native in origin. Man is a product
, ot ; evolutionary process
Marriage is regarded as an ex-! he has no soul . . . or fixed orin-
perimental novelty and a .false ciples. Morals are purely social.
; sophistication deems Christian
pre-marital sex morality as pru
dery i .
'Man s semi-secret pride in the
ine only moral end is &a
abundant life shared by all. There
is no abiding truth . . . the rr a
in the street . . lives in the cul
experience of dissipation is given ture which this philosophy breeds
V'-aj . r,- v" y
MniT-mr aa., " 5
! si; j; srj
-A' ' fc.' j
I .. s
i ...
j 1' ii a mi 1 , ii
unadmitted approval . .
These! are -shades of contempo
rary America as sketched by
j Michael; J. Brennan, a University
of Chicago student, one of several
i MAll-- I J i:u 1 1
wutje j anu iiign scnuoi youuis
whose essays on the current scene
won awards this year.
Or take the words of Harriet
HOLLYWOOD This picture ef
Alice Joyce, 65, ene of the
movies' first' glamour queens,
who died here Sunday after 'a
long illness with a heart ail-
mnf waa taWn in 1039 vhm
she attended a movie premiere. jf,. "M5..1" 69-year-old prison
(AP Wirephoto.)
Com Attempt
Pen Break at
Walla Walla
WALLA WALLA. Wash, m -Two
accused ringleaders of the
July 5-6 state prison riots tried
unsuccessfully to saw their way
out of the penitentiary early Sun
day, j
They i were 22-year-old Charles
Lambert i of Spokane' and Cecil
Warden Lawrence Delmore Jr.,
said they sawed their way out of
Silent Screen
Beauty Dies
At 65 Years
! HOLLYWOOD Mr) Alice Joyce,
63, one of the movies' first glamour-queens,
died Sunday after
illness with a heart ailment
building with 3-inch pieces of hack
saw blades. The warden said the
blades probably were smuggled
into the prison sometime Saturday.
King broke out first. He made
it into the prison yard, where he
assaulted! a prison guard, El wood
it a. i I asm m.j a s
! earners; men ne nea mio ine
early-morning darkness. '
Lambert was seen outside his
cell by another guard, quickly ap
prehended and put into an undam-
- ii
Then Fuards streamed nutsirfo
searched (the grounds, and finally ! Iiss Evenson's essay was judged
In this setting, what happens if
you are se?iously religious?
Here is the answer of a young
Charlottesville, Va., student, Nich
olas Wesson Craw, just out of SU
Paul's School, Concord. N.H.:-
"I definitely do "hot think that
a boy can be a Christian and be
popular at the same time. The boy
who tries to lead a Christian life
is treated as an inferior, different
and strange because of our soci
ety's taboo apainst individualists." ,
Offers Sola '.ion
But Maud Evenson. of St. John
-ghe Baptist High School, Mend-
ham, N.J.. offered an individual
ist's own solution to this problem.
Of those who stick to their beliefs,
she wrote:
"Why worry whether one will b
popular, accepted by that falst
idol, 'the crowd.' to which so many
sacrifice their lives? :
"Can 'popularity matter when
one can walk out over the hUls
in the dusk of a warm spring day
and stand with soft, moist, newly
awakened earth underfoot and the
wind pulling at one's clothes and
drawing its slender fingers through
one's hair." -
Soaring notes, these, from the
song of youth. They come from
winning essays in two church, con
tests. Brennan took first prize in the
annual contest of the National:
Newman Club Federation, an or
ganization of Catholic c a m p n i
clubs. Father Robert J. Spahn, of.
Cedar Falls, Iowa,' head o f the
contest committee, said . Miss
Hornsby took second, and Edwin
H. Klehr, o.' Iowa State College.
I A reigning beauty 'of the silent , huddled in a flower ; Craw iand Lis
ii era. Miss Joyce was hospitalized bed th
a year ago with a senous liver (um- "ng,gave up wimoui a sirug- j
tine drama that comes in between.
The opener was billed as a story of
suspense. But there wasn't any.
Suspense, that is.
Maa'a wife is beaten aa by aa
aakaawa man fa a gray salt. Waile
driving ia ear with husbaad, wife
spots man. Husband sUps ear, kills
man. Wife spots aaetber man. Hus
band realises wife la Insane aad
that be has killed Innocent man.
End af sUry. It was well enaagh
done, with excellent perfermaaces
by Ralph Meeker and Vera Miles
Mrs. Bertha Emelia Dills, late resi
dent of Safem. Rt. 5. Box 1S2. Sur
vived by husband. Lewis L. Dills of
Salem. Sister, Mrs. Mary Mathews.
Portland. Ore. Brothers. Grant Led
erer. Brooks. Ore.: Virell Loom in.
Brooks, Ore. Services will be held
Monday, October 10, at 1:30 pjn.. at
the Clouch-Barrick Chapel. Rev.
Lloyd P. Anderson offJctatinf . Inter
ment in the Pioneer Cemetery, Ger
vals, Oregon. ;
iaae Shirley Green
Late resident of Scio. Oregon: In
this city Oet : Sth ace of 35
years. Survived by f?VMnd. Albert
Green. ScioJ 3 sons, Brur. John, and
purple. We all took a band at twist-1 (rr4 Hitcheack. Hitebeacb. haw
"E ever, wound things up with a beau
t didn't da a bit af good Ba.eb.U. ufu, to . ,. fek rem,rk.
A week ago Saturday night there
was "Heidi," Max Liebman's first
color spectacular of the season. or. Here
and l was looking forward, if that's gjT- than man the potted palm,
the word, to an evening of more Si'ARRDUST: The Motion Pic-
.I.,, ,J. , ... . . . " . . i Phillip Grejjn. aU ef Seio: 3 daugh-
(aad there a a girl ta Waleb), bat ten. Ml:Harhr Victoria and ni.
certainly something more than aa'anne Green, all of Scio: Parents.
. -! a. a k . m rj
O. Henr-twlst la eineeted frem AL mr . nenry oi ripe
stone. Minni: t brothers. Rav Erick
son, Lynn Erirkson. Melvin Erickson.
all of Omaha. Minn.; Harry Erickson.
Sioux Falls S. D : Ralph Erickson.
"Crime, you see, doesn't pay. ltjLo, AngeM.' Calif.; 3 sisters. Mrs.
doesn't even pay on television, i Hazel Donaldson. Tauton. Minn.;
whr vnn niVT t. h,,. , ' Mr- Donn Coburn. Minneaoolis,
where yon HAVE ta bave a spoa- ,Minn.. Mr-i rui. rritt Holland.
is eurs. "Gentlemen, Minn. She ! was a member of the
uutneran CBurcn., services will be
held Monda October 10 at 3 p.m. in
'he Howell-Edwards Funeral Home.
i She formerly was married to
actor Tom Moore, one of the silent
screen's famous Moore brothers,
and director Clarence Brown, the
man who helmed many of Garbos
pictures. , 1
iMiss Joyce was born in Kansas
City, Mo., Oct. 1. 1890, and made
her first screen appearance in the
oldtime hit, "The Lion And The
Mouse." , . .
i Later, her performance in "Stel
la Dallas," went down in screen
history as one of the great 'ear jkane for 'armed robbery,
lnuucmg periormanccs oi nu time
ele. He also was nlared in an tin. ' ,c,"e Goal
damaged ! cell. Writing on the subject
'Can you
be a Christian today and still be
popular?" Miss King said popu
larity was a fickle goal of "adapt
ing yourself to suit the majority
and the popular majority crucified
Christ Himself.
In our times, she said, "a popu
lar novel is likely to be sordid
and evil, a popular song ...
Inane and meaningless, just so a
popular person may be dishonest
and cowardly.
Other hits included "Beau
Geste," "Green Goddess,
"pancing Mothers."
She first broke into pictures with
Pope Elevates
sne nrsi Drone into pictures wiin i
the old Kalen Co and I became . ClergyiTieil
star with Vitagraph. She weath-i tJ
ered the talking picture revolution T7' ' f
and was still working before IhelJFrOIH VreffOll
cameras in the early thirties. j c
Survivors include a daughter.! BAKER M Pone Pius XII
dial twiddling. The surprise border- ture Academy fought against it, Rv. LaVei' wrHoTt.VfficulinrTn- MX7rfrTX wife of Mai1 v BA , vJf T P,5? Xn
ed on shock. The color was magni- but the tefeast of the Oscfr nomil ter,nent -!lmorU1 P'rk- Nfchoia, de oto - U S ifr attache 1 Rn'rnn6
ficent. There is no other word for nations will be held on a Saturday Lester L. o 1" y' 8,r ptUchcj "r SSSu'SS, 2 ,h!
u. ine uesn tones, usuany me most nisht the one nieht calculated to i Late resident of is w. Wilson St..
difficult shade to tune properly, upset the exhibitors. The date is Sa!em Survived by wife, charlotte
nr(. TV, ,.It1u . n , .u- u:w: ' Guthrie. Saltn: daughters. Mrs. Eve-
j reo. io. icxpianauon; me exniui- yn Lytle. Salem; Mrs. Eleanore
Delmore said that the strap iron
bars in the old cells the prison
building iias constructed in 1886
were of soft metal and easy to
saw. I :
Guard Weathers was taken to
the prison Infirmary to check for;
possible cracked ribs. His hurts
were called bruises.
Lambert recently was given an
additional sentence for a fatal as-
antf mm! aiulk.. II.
6riginally wa, sentenced from Spol Sfi
f- v j via nuai laic 0LUIUUC ilWai U
Chrbt might be today. An excerpt:
"When Jesus came to Birming
ham, they simply passed him by.
They would not hurt a hair of Him,
they only let Him die. For men
had grown more tender, and would
not give Him pain. They only-
passed along the street, and left
Him in the rain." . -Materialism
In the Newman Club contest, cn
the theme of "Victory our
faith; materialism the enemy.
Brennan wrote that people today
rank of domestic prelate with the;ar? infected by "an exhorbitant
title of Right Reverend Monsignor. faith in man and what man can
clear, true and unobstrusive. There
was no running off at the edges,
no blues dribbling into the reds,
yellows turning into bilious greens.
The obvious conclusion, of
course, is that color TV needs con
trolled lighting and careful plan
ning. Controlled lighting out-of-
doors is impossible. The sunlight
is constantly changing, and ball
parks are given to casting deep
shadows. In a studio, on the other
hand, lighting conditions not only
remain -constant but are set up
perfectly in the tirst place. The dif
ference was almost unbelievable.
When "Heidi" was over, the set
was turned off and carefully left
alone. Not a knob was touched.
Sunday morning it was turned on
again for the fifth game of the
series, with every control knob ex
actly where it was during the
"Heidi" colorcast. The result prov
ed the point Ebbetts Field is no
TV studio and the color engineers
have a long way to go before out
door colorcasts will be worth the
trouble. By the fifth inning we'd
all had it and switched back to
They are the Rev. Timothy P.
achieve for himself."
EL'GENE: KVAL-TV. Channel 13
(Monday): 3:45 a.m. Matinee Thea
ter (Reckless Buckerool: 4:0 Guest
Book; 4:3a Bif Roundup: :
Pinky Lee: S:34 What One Person
Can Do: J:45 The News: S:5a Sporti
Headlines: 5:5i Weather Report:
C:ae Uranium Prospecting; S:1S The
Little Rascals: S:3S Break the Bank;
7:ea Rin-Tin-Tin . "Rusty Plays
Cupid." with Lee Aaker and James
Brown: "-3t Surprise Theater: S:M
Grand Ole Oory; 1:3a Badfe 714;
: Where Were You : 9:3a Rob
ert Montgomery Presents "Along
Came Jones. a western, starring
Charlton Heston; 18:3a The Hunter.
KOAC 550 k.c
KOAC (Monday): !: a re. The
News and Weather: It :1S Especially
for Women Home Extension Visits:
Town and Country Church:" lire
The Concert Hall; U:H The Newa
and Weather: 1Z:1I p.m. Noon Farm
Hour: l: Melody Lane: 1: IS Ore
gon School of the Air Land ef
Make-Belle ve: 'Hats for Horses:" 1:M
Let's Explore Art: 1:45 Look to the
Skies; z:ee Especially for women
Let's Get Acquainted: "We've Crossed
the Sea;" J :3a Memory Book of Mu
sic: 2:45 Oregon School of the Air
Great Moments in Oregon History:
"Drake Sees the Northwest Passage;"
Je Oregon Reporter; J:15 Musie
of the Matters: 4:ta Join the Navy:
4:1J On the Upbeat: 4:45 Newa
Commentary: 5:ae Children's Thea
ter :J Man's Right to Knowledge:
(: The News and Weathrr: S:IS
Wandering Ballad Singer: i:M riy.
ing Time: CMS Here 'a tn Veterans:
1 Across the De?k: 1:15 Evening
Farm Hour: S:C Music from Inter-
lochen: 8:3e Magic of Viaton: 8:45
The Newa and Weather:: : Musie
That Endures; t:45 Evening Medita
tions Rev. Robert Strippel. OSC
Round table; SU OIL
tors are the 'theater owners, and j Wakefield. jLadyimith. wis.: Mrs. t,
Ct,,rAv mV' U th. hi l.fe.on. i MWTiane Araen san Mateo, taut.:
""""; '"t e." j sons. Ha-old
to-the-moves nht. But who's going
to go to the movies on the' night of
an Oscar nominations telecast?
Precisely.) . . . Prediction: Mickey
Calif.: Allen
Bakersfield. j
Stllllllltt, K ilk 'Cesey. pastor of the Sacred Heart1 ""' te"?ion' car ,one,!
qicXUUiniX AVm ;c thil.'Ch . Klamath rallsiness. distrust -these are the con-
T l 1 TTr nd the Rev. Michael J. McMahon, ! ens-of materialism. be
IdallO Womail 'Pa50'" ';. Peter s Church, The Jher than turn back to
-V44" TT iDalles t God we ha'e 0USht to immerse
T " '! . . . ' ourselves more deeply in material
i-cTna I KiTmmM The announcement was made by , vr-i;-.'
Mouse Club. Walt Disney's new '5:,1,wJt; :u, ?Se. Veil ithe Most Rev. Francis P. Leipsig. i v
hour-long, five-a-week strip for the ind.: eight grandchildren. Arrange-1 i bishop of the Baker diocese. The mver and n.vir u-ni 'i.f"t.
kids .will be a 75 per cent success I Vir T. Co.denJ WALlaCE. Idaho If) A 53- b'shop said he had received word fiU The llpS J of rnan V&
The other 2o per cent is made up of j . J j year-old woman tavern owner was of the elevations in a letter from amj securitv "
"The Mouseketeers," 24 talented ; steyen Michan Haddea 'beaten and stabbed to death early the Most I Rev. Amleto Giovanni. Our world hp wirl "muct have
kids who strike us as being both infant son of Aral Hadden. 1220 Sunday morning and polTce have CicognaniJ archbishop of Laodicea lmnr tul If
oirns avenue.! ai a lorai nospnai . , . . . -ii: j . .t- . . . .luvi.f, uiau is c i-
Calif.: sisters. ' Mrs. Flossie Daniels
and Mrs. Minnie Lepley. both of Sa
lem: Mrs. Lctha Kanska. Cleveland, !
Ohio: brothjera. Herman Guthrie.
GiUman. Wiji.;; Leslie Guthrie and
and obnoxious.
directed by Jeffrey Hayden, Eva
Marie Saint's husband . . . Cedric
Hardwicke, Fay Bainter, Madge
Evans and John Barrymore, Jr.,
have been signed for forthcoming
"NBC . Matinee Theater" episodes
. . . Advance word has it that Lor
ett Young will go back to work
Nov. 4, with her first picture to
be seen six weeks later . . . The
still building $10,000,000 Disney
land Hotel adjacent to Disneyland
Park now has its first 100 rooms
completed, 550 to go. Disney of
course, isnt building it . he'd
have it finished two days after it
was started.
('Copyright 195S.
General Features Corp. )
,:i'. i nirns avenue.! ai a mrai nospnai , , . . . j
wltrt rws., i .... ii h a i arrested a susDect. and
Police officers said robbery was United States
vaahmgton. Graveside ,1 ..-.. r i.;ii; t it.,
services will! be held at Belcref t ; ,"""vc ",c
f,cvuv-'uu3 ,",u "Aiua, w.u. 0ctober 7 .geill months. Also sur
none Of the warmth and Charm Of vlved by a brother. Kevin Hadden
the Old "Our Gang" bunch. of Olympic. Washington. Graveside
The next Milton Bene show. with;Park cemetery Tuesday. October ii. i Lola Ponzetta. ODerator of The
Ann Sothern on Oct. 18, will beat 10:30 ami. by direction of the stein: a Wallace tavern.
nowcu-Luwaiui cunciai nume. . . a .
rtiresitu as lie was iucuiy iufc
apostonc aeiegaie io me. forded bv nious statement, rA
ivagua fee'ings of religious tolera
tion . . ."
Klehr says the "scientific meth-
- i
End to Attlee
Rule forecast
to convert some small change into
currency was James. Boyd, 21, re
cently released from the Idaho
State Penitentiary where he was
serving a term for car theft.
Prosecuting Attorney- Eugene
McCann said Boyd, formerly of
Pomeroy, Wash., had made a
MARGATE, England Brit-1 written statement coniessmg tne
ain's Laborites assembled for their I KUlin ana w,u De cnargea v-un
annual conference Sunday night "rst degree murder Monday,
forecasting that placid Clement ?o1m reconstructed the killing
AtfJee soon will give up leadership ; w J
of their socialistic party.
- i -- mi - rvjciu says uie scien
iftll fill tfi rillllfl od" has replaced "philosophic
v r' " ' rrfh nn,i hfmnw cr-
'Winged SuV
The 72-year-old former Prime j a"d was preparing to leave
v iiru one was oti ulk uii wic ncau
T0KY0'j(fl-Tbe English lan
guage Japan News said Sunday
Japan is planning to revive pro
duction of j a secret World War H
weapon a winged submarine it
was unable to put to use before
the end "of hostilities..
The submarine, called the "Sea
I rirapnn" has larcre hnriTAntal fine
Mr. Ponzetta had closed the protruding: like aircraft wings.
Minister and
opposition in
Israel Claims
Border Attack
present leader of the
Parliament undoubt
edly is nearing the end of a long
spell as one
resting. Friends said
JERUSALEM. Israeli Sector Ul "f"".!0 m iood health and
An Israeli spokesman charged , '
that Syrian outposts fired on an
Israeli patrol boat on the Sea of j
Galilee Sunday. He said there were ' I II fft I
no casualties. i" 777
The spokesman also accused
"Egyptian saboteurs" of cutting
the telephone line to the Kziot set
tlement in the El Auja-Nizana de
militarized zone on the Israeli
Egyptian border.
with, a wrench. The attacker then
went into the kitchen and returned
it. 2 a e a . i. a t
of the dominant fig- wun" Kni e. -'.in'
ures in British politics. But just ? J -when
he wiU ibow out is anybody's kl,.1f d: th,e woman.
bxja: ! Mrs. Ponzetta s husband, James,
summer AtUee suf-; ai5Vura. wiie s oouy ansr
blood clot and spent
During the
fered a brain
a long time
Pcdestrian'i Death
Ends Safety Record
Due to Smog
tive z juror was excused Friday
because the Los Angeles smog
was so bad. i
'.'My eyes aj-e smarting so badly
from the smog that I can not
function as al juror," George D.
Stayboldt, 32, told Municipal Judgi
Byron J. Walters.
That is not legal grounds for
he called the tavern when she did
not; return home, then investigated
when :he received no answer.
Boyd was picked up for question
ing; shortly before the body rvas
discovered when he attempted to
get! currency for some small
change. While Wallace policeman
George Raydell was questioning
Boyd,; Boyd threw the money bag
belonging to Mrs. Ponzetta out the
car window. Boyd had (54.47 on
his! person when he was arrested,
but; police have not determined
how much money was taken in
the robbery.
The residents and general public
will be afforded a hearing on Mon
day. October 17. 19S3. at 10:30 a m..
In t,he County Courtroom of the Mar-1
inn ! Cnantvr'niirthnnM Cil.m rw !
ioniCoantv'Courthouse. Salem. Ore.
Williams, et al.. reauestinr the
change-in name of the road which
VANCOUVER, Wash, un - A
pedestrian was fatally injured
when struck by a car here on the i being excused." said the judge
eve of the city's 365th day without ! But His Honor! looked at the prose- County Road No. mj iwut
e fa til ffii aAe)i)anr i Mirf fan1 tki rAn.. i?yi Hoed on the South and Counti
Oscar McCoy. 83. of Vancouver expectantly, and they arose and
died in a hospital Sunday, shortly agreed to excuse StaybolL
He left the Courtroom, still dab
bing at his eyes with a handker-
It's designer, Goro Sato, says it
is similar in some respects to the
U.S. Navy's submarine "Albacore".
called "the fastest in the world,"
the news j said.
The news said the "Sea Dragon"
is "very fast." carries a crew of
nine, and j has a torpedo system 1
nine times! more powerful than the;
conventional type. J
truth." and because science can
not prove God's existence,- "His
existence is denied" even though
science can't prove that, either.
Klehr adds that God, to have
real meaning, must not be "re
pulsive to the intellect," but must
be a possibility within the grasp
of man's mind and that this
possibility can be shown.
"From the concept of finite be
ing, we find that a single finite
being cannot be absolute. Nor can
the sum total of finite beings b
absolute, because a series of rela
tive beings cannot form a non
relative whole. Consequently there
is a necessity of a non-finite, in
finite being . . . this . . we
call God"
Annual Statement of e the
Olympic Insurance Company. . Los ,
Angeles. California, published in this '
newspaper on July 5, 1954 incorrect- ;
ly showed the amount of ."Federal
Income Taxes Incurred" to be S80.- i
700. The correct amount of this item
arter he was struck by a car
driven by a Portland man. The
driver was taken into custody.
North, a distance of approximately
five-tenths ot one mile, in Marlon
County; Orejon. to tht name of
Dr.TJ LanuN.D. Or.O CbaaJI.D
Upstairs. 40? Court St.
Office epea ltsi eniy la a.aa
ta 1 bjb.; a to 1 a aa CeasaluUoa.
ekxad artssara aad artna teits are
free ef charge Practice si ere
l17. Write tet attractive gift. Ne
v il
Far Sen-ice Calls
' 9-9 Daily
1410 S. 12th
5 "
W Salem's
Specialists rHONE4J752