12 (S. 1-Stattsman, Salem, Ore., Sunday, Oct. 9, 1955 XJ. S. Officials Convinced Earth Can 'Legally9 Fly Over Russia i . ' By"ELTON Q. fXy WASHINGTON If) - The United States probably won't worry about any. international complications with Russia if the American space satellite goes zooming high, in the sky above red territory. OffciaLs here are inclining to the pninion that the 200-mile plus al titude at which the first scientific research satellite is supposed to fly-Js well beyond the limit pver which any nation can claim sov ereignty. Russia haJ been touchy on sovereignty claims concerning the passage of foreign aircraft above Communist soiL At the moment, the Defense De partment, which has been assigned the job of overseeing creation and launching of the little satellite, hasn't decided where it will travel No Orbit Chosen - A spokesman said Saturday that Governor Seeks Truce In Indiana Strike Crisis By ARTHUR EVERETT J of Wednesday's riot at the plant . NEW CASTLE. Ind. Wi This t described what it was like inside little militia-held city marked time and outside as bullets flew. They uneasily Saturday while , Gov. George N. Craig prepared to seek a truce . in the bitter, riot-punctuated Perfect Circle foundry strike. Peace talks are set for 5 p.m. E.S.T. Sunday. related ; their experiences calmly enough.: But their wofds reflected the angry emotions which have wracked this town of 18,000 in the gentle hills of i eastern " Indiana. One victim was an outside union Business has shunned sharolv . official, the other a nonstriking since the national guard took ver.woman foundry worker. New Castle last Thursday. Merch- Marca Agaia ants are 'complaining. Meanwhile, two gunshot victims -. n Warned Of Expulsion By Paraguay 'ASUNCION, Paraguay OP Para- The three-story red-brick Per fect Circle plant is scheduled to reopen Monday morning. Striking CIO United Auto Workers, have warned that thousands of their fellow unionists throughout the state are angry enough to again march on the foundry if it returns to production of piston rings. ' The mid-week demonstration by 5,000 UAW CIO members against 103 nonstrikers left , eight persons wounded by gunfire. "No orbit has been selected, as yet" He ; added that "When it finally is selected, the department win be guided by the scientific re quirements as established through assocition with the . international geophysical year people and the advice of the State Department" ' But elsewhere in the govern ment, some thought apparently al ready is being given to the prob lem. . ' ; . "Air Space" Question Involved is the old question of "Air Space" above a nation. Air space is like the historic matter of national sovereignty over adja cent water.. By custom, convention and understanding, territorial wa ters have been -considered to ex tend three miles from the coast of a nation, althought in recent years Russia and her communist allies ha . contended national control reaches out to 12 miles. The three mile limit originally was based oft the range of cannons. , But the advent of international and transocean commercial and (-military aviation compelled the creation of another code to ex tend sovereignty vertically. Met at Chicago . In 1944, representatives of 6 countries not including Russia met at Chicago, forming the "In ternational Civil Aviation Organi zation." One of the articles they adopted said that "the contracting states recognize that every state has complete and exclusive sove reignty over the air space above its territory." , But. like the old three-mile limit provision, the convention pat- miarrtsmpn nntrnlinp thp ritv - the guay announced Saturday it would inAW rr0 officials said thev hard- expel Juan D. Peron, Argentina's jy expected any pitched battle be fallen dictator, if he violated the fore is withdrawn. There i:.: t 1..: t 1 . . . i " . Militia Remaia However, with 600 national; teraed its agreement to then-exist conditions of his political asylum A reply to Argentina's protest against statements attributed to Peron after his arrival here to live in exile indicated Paraguayan au thorities would intern the one-time strongman if asked by -the Buenos Aires government. . The immediate cause of the new Argentine provisional gov ernment's anger was a reported remark to a reporter last Sunday that be still considers himself Argentina's- constitutional pesident. Argentina then demanded Peron be ousted from. this country and, made to get off the continent en-j tirely. Paraguayan Foreign Minister Bipolito Sanchez Quell said the1 ouster request "deals with a ques tion to be decided within the judg ment of the country granting asy lum" and Peron could be expelled if the refugee failed to abide by was no indication when the militia might be dismissed. . . . ' . Gov. Craig interrupted a Baha ma fishing trip and Florida vaca tion to head home. He is due to hold truce talks with both sides at Indianapolis. 50 miles away. His telephoned orders : from Florida sent the guard in here early Thurs day a few hours after the riot. Since then outward calm has pre vailed. I Oregon GOP Plans Meeting In Portland EUGENE (fll The Republican State Central Committee met here measures taken by the" Paraguay-! Saturday to discuss "plans for a an government." j Western States Republican Confer- In his note to the acting Argen- ence in Portland Nov. 3-6. tine charge d'affaires here, Juan; National Committeeman Jess Angel Pena Gaona, Sanchez Quell ' Card said Vice-President Richard promised there would not be a repetition of Peron's political le marks. 1 ' - fFordjga" Office circles in Buenos Aires expressed satisfaction with the Paraguayan reply. They said the official text had not arrived -Saturday nights but the contents became known through press re ports.) t Montaiian New President for Indian Council SANTA FE, N. M. UP) Steven C. DeMers'of Butte, Mont Fri day was elected preudent of the 18-state Governor's Interstate In 'dian Council succeeding A. Hary ey Wright of Salem, Ore. The council, at its closing ses sion of the annual meeting, se lected .Sheridan, Wyo. for the ninth annual convention in 1956. Other officers elected are: vice . president, Howard Jones, Living ston, Tex.; secretary. Nixon is a tentative speaker for the meeting Labor Secretary James Mitchell and Governor Pat terson also will speak at the meet ing. : State Chairman Wendell Wyatt of Astoria told the 75 party work ers at the meeting they should not speculate about whether President Eisenhower will run for a second term until the President recovers from his illness. Wyatt described Senator Morse (D-Ore as the President's "bitter est personal enemy," and said the Republicans must retire the sena tor in the 1956 election. Wyatt said the Republican Party will "lect another Republican president Text year, either President Eisenhower or another GOP candidate running on what Wyatt called the Presi dent's program of "peace and prosperity." , The luncheon speaker was Rep. Harris Ellsworth. ing air vehicles aircraft with an operating ceiling of. 25,000 to 30, 000 feet. It didn't look forward to the time of space-roaming sat ellites, using altitudes measured in hundreds of miles. Experts Set to Work , . When President Eisenhower an nounced last July the plans for the United States to send up a small scientific, research satellite ve hicle as part of the international geophysical year (1957-1958). pro gram, international legal experts in government began a study. They are reported to have about concluded that 200 miles is beyond the scope of international law, a sort of no man's land" way up in the sky. Lawyers like to take apart and assay individual words, nice the words "air space." So there is the question: . T maro in whirh thr ! Tin "air" and air space, as mentioned I by the Chicago convention? J Scientists believe that at 200 miles - there is, for all practical sceintmc purposes, no . air, no atmosphere like that on the earth or in the area of space extending up for a comparatively few thou sand feet. So,, Ipso Factor, as the lawyers say, if there is no "air" there can be no "air space." - Caa Travel Over U.S. Any final, formal decision that American satellites can't come within the scope of existing inter national conventions or under standing would work both ways. of course. Soviet satellites, such as those Russia also has announc ed she plans, would be free, to travel above the United States and its territories intheir orbits. the legal pat But here again,; tern seems tq shape only to con ditions of the! present or compar atively immediate ' future. The satellites the United -States and? Russia are considering now for use in the international geo physical years are purely scien tific tesearch vehicles, for study ing such things as high altitude cosmic . radiation, gravitational pull, astronomy. The United States says it will share its gleanings about these matters ' with other nations. I T "What about this talk by some military scientists, including those of the late Nazi regime, that satel lites can become military weap ons, capable of tossing down nu clear explosion on an enemy? ' If that time comes, another re vision in political-military think ing will be in order. nnnr? (HEMORRHOIDS) ' Af OTHB NCTAl MOOM Tkatso vitwout koswm. on hatiow JkLSO STOMACH AND CtXOM . COKVtMCNT CKMT REE SOCHOJT V. CJ PHONE 3-Mtf f. KTNOLOt Tht REYNOLDS CLINIC Naturopathic tni Chireprctie Physician OU! 10OM KIM .. !' CSMTII (Tttal 2 Apple Growers Call for Pickers HOOD RIVER W Hood River Valley apple growers sent out an other call Saturday for pickers as the harvest ripened closer to the peak, expected next week. Outside help now includes 150 Mexican Nationals, and another 100 "are en route here. The Hood River Traffic Assn.'s labor com mittee . received permission to bring in 500 Mexican laborers, but the committee feels other pickors will be needed to meet the emer gency. , i i lllii m - im;m n SONOTONE OF SALEM VI. T. D4ce Associates 200-A Livesley Bldg., Solem , Phone 3-9585 J i r; 11 . ., , -. ; -r- : j r : : j : : : : : : : : T" " r " SziLES I-:!l Reg. 1.98 to 3.50 Regular 5.95 man's 19.95 "Americana Nylon Panties j Nylon P.J.s Bedspreads Both lacy and tailored styles. I rl'-J ' No ironing; needed ... won- D CJ : Heirloom ... woven to use II O T) - White and pink. Sizes 6 to . I derful for the traveling man "lV either side. Antique or II 10. or student. A.B.C.D. snow white- W Lingerie, second floor j I Men's wear, fist , Bedding, second floor L. r - - i 2.79 Princess pattern j i 24.95 Jawel washabU International Cannon Towels Automatic Blanket Sterling Flatware Bath size. The 1.29 hand TI 7 Q ' Guaranteed 1 year. Light "Tj T Enchantress flatware, r?g- A (COn size, 79c . . . the 49c wash I ? weight . . . luxunous col- (TK JvJ ularly 3.41 to 8.86, special , J U cloth 39c. Lovely colors. bm'ding ' " U V now at 2.05 to 5.32. ji- V Off Towels, second floor I Bedding, second floor Silver, first floor - - " - ,"''" aaaaaai a a aaaa mm mmm aaaaaaaai a. aa. aa aaa. mmmmmmmmmmmm I BB i . . m . i-m II ... I j I : I I Save en Handy I i mm m niconnonim i sHJin cperdtt ss cm , Prescription Pharmacy i Salem 4-3336 Open Until 11 P J. Sundays and Holidays 12 A.M.to2P M. ' ! f PJkL toSPJM. : 130S.Uberty Duplicate Prescriptions On File in Ail Stores Daily j Deliveries 24 hr. ... PRESCRIPTION SERVICE . AFTER U P.M. CALL SALEM 3-9123 Downtown Stora -Salem 3-9123 310 Court - Medical Center Stora Salem 3-3157 2440GraarSt. II 59c to 75c Sample Handker chiefs 49c Dainty and gifty Swiss sheers in large selec tion of patterns. Handkerchiefs, first Reg. 2.50 Man's Silk Ties 1.29 Special purchase all pure silk ties in all new Fall colors. Men's wear, first Reg. 2.50 Boys' Jeans 1.39 Western cut blue jean cloth, 10 oz. Sanforiz ed. Heavy zipper. Sizes 4 to 12. Boys' wear, first Special purchase Cambridge Glass .: 5.95 Single candle stick with bobache and 8 cut glass prisms. Fine China, first floor; Rag. 59c Man's i ; Handkerchief for Linen cords rolled hems, future gift. 99 c with hand . Buy for Handkerchiefs, first Rag. 3.50 Man's Samp 1. Foulards, new woven e Ties 95! art i crepes. fabrics of finer qualities. Men's wear, first Rag. 7.95 Acrilon Bed Pillows 4.49 Extra size odor freef non-allergic ... sculp tured nylon cover. The plumpest Bedding, second floor 19.98 bad daveno Coyers 9.98 Save on floral and PYo- vincial patterns . . . vat' dyed colors,, quality fabrics. Draperies, lower level Ash-Trays 88c ' - ! Famous "Sta-Put" . . . safe and j convenient. Stays put jmywhere. Stationery, first floor Rag. 7.95 Man's Dacron P.J.s 488 Smart, luxurious . . . no ironing needed. New patterns. A.B.C.- D. ! Men's wear, first Reg.! 10.95 "Emerald" - 7.95 I Morgan Jones' famous hobnail pattern in white and colon. Twins or fulls, j Bedding, second -floor New unbreakable Dinnerware 9d (is pes.) "Candescent" pattern break-resistant Melmac . . '. translucent as fine china. j i i Fine China, first floor Rag. 1.29 gay Crayonettes 88c Amusing for the chil dren on rainy days. Plastic apron too. Stationery, first floor Reg. 1.49 Men's Nylon Shorts 88c 3 fj 2.50 Boxer style N. . need no ironing. Attractive patterns. Stock up. Men's wear, first Imported Reg. 4.70 China J Set 2.98 5-pc. place setting . . . "Argyle" grey-blue -green combination . . . at a terrific saving. China, first floor ' Reg. 10.98 or mora Broadlooms 795 sqJ yd. Wiltons, friezes. Ax minsters and tweeds in the assortment '. . . buy on long terms. I fiogs, lower level Cards 29c A splendid assortment of Christmas cards in cellophane wrap. Stationery, first Rag. 4.95 Man's ; Pullovers 2.95 Lambswool and orlon blend . . . sleeveless . style. Washable. S.M.L. sizes. Men's wear, first Reg. 16.98 lined Draperies 9.98 pr. Modern design on gold overlay fabric Full width . . . completely lined. Draperies, lower level Famous Foley Food Mill 1 2.39 Combination potato ri cer, vegetable masher and food strainer. Hea vy steeL Housewares, lower level Rag. 25c Ladiaa Handkerchiefs for 75c Big 15 inch prints for making pretty aprons. Takes four. Handkerchiefs, first 4.95 to 7.95 Man's Sport Shirts 3.79 2 fer 7 25 Rayons, gabardines,' lin-weaves, others. Cali fornia styled. ; Men's wearj first Rag.-2.29 white. Dacron Panels 1.69 each " Sun resistant . . . won't mildew 7 . . need no ironing.. 42 z 81 inch size. j , Draperies, lower level Square Copper Cookware . 8.00 Not just copper bot tom, but copper from rim to rim. Wraps your food in beat. . Housewares, lower level 12:30 end 4:30 P.M.