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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1955)
JN(Hl-4WSJna,-rRT-t6!)if 7,1955 yr' ' " sr-r . t ... !AdpL cations for Jobs With State Decline - -.VTliere has been little decrease lit the number of applicants for tJte jobs due to the opening of schools and colleges. Charles Terry, state civil service director, Reports. -! He said Thursday this was in, reverse of the situation in many previous years. .i In many past years, Terry said, t substantial number of state workers resigned from their posi tons to resume their studies. Most needed by the state at fhe present time are competent stenographers and nurses accord ing to Terry. He said .there also had been a number of vacancies fat correctional, officers at the . itate penitentiary and for tech jucsl jobs in the stste commis sion and the state highway de partment . , r ' , ';i Virtually all resignations jre eently have involved state em rloyes holding key positions. Terry averred. He said most of these employes resigned to ac- eept jobs in other stetes where " the salary schedule is higher than in Oregon. - Otice-Elegant Bishop Home Coining Down "4 jftlZ V. ! Public Records f - r ivV v i -i-i .- ,17(1 f . " ; - ' ' 'A. V, j-... i. - " ' I I . - 1 S ; j The C. P. Bishop residence, once one of the finest homes in Salem is under the wreckers', hammers this week to - pave the way eventually for a new First Presbyterian ; Church. The residence, on .Court Street between Cottage and Winter, was built by Charles P. - and Fanny Kay. Bishop, valley pioneers. Both are now deceased. It vas pre sented to Willamette University MUNICIPAL COURT Claude Harry Hupp, Gervais, fined $5 on charge of driving a truck with a loose and leaking1 load. - - James Edgar Fricse of 1335 N. 23rd St, Robert Eugene Reitz of 2838 Evergreen Ave. and MSrvin Henry Benz of 1122 N. 15th fined $25 each on charges of illegal possession of intoxicating liquor. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS I Gordon Roy Dahl, 19, Aumsville Jtoute 1, box 295, mill worker, and Loretta Laverne Wright, 16, Aums ville Route" 1, box 14 IX, student. i Wesley John Kvarsten, 31, 155 W. Lincoln St., city planner, and Roseda Clara Adkins. 25, 4845 Hazel Green Rd., case worker. I- Gary Alex Norjrington, 21, Al bany, . U.S. Navy, and Margaret Janice Laurie, 23, Albany, stenog rapher, l t ' - ' ; Henry Fredrick' Baldwin Jr., 33, ?45 W. Browning Ave., carpenter, and Helen Margie Tibbets, 27, 20 N. Commercial St., bookkeeper. Norman E. Zunck, 26, Toledo, Kgger. and Zelma I. ( Campbell. 31, 1396 Waller St., at home. .Carlton Iver Gianella, 19, Aurora Soute l, Air Force, and Lorraine Catherine Richter, 20, Newberg, Telephone operator. i 1-Wayne David Youman, 20, 1635 Jt 20th St., laborer, and Carol Maryloa Evans, 18, 3155 D SL, at PROBATE COURT Estate of William M. HaU. de ceased: Estate decreed closed and executrix released. Estate of Pamela Pickins, guard ianship: Ofder authorizes-compromise of accident - claim against Iva Mae Foulks and Norman M. Harper. i '"- '. , Estate of Frank A. Kamerer, deceased: Estate decreed closed and executor released. Estate of . Frank K. Shafer, guardianship: Order authorizes compromise of dispute claim against Arnold WestphaL CIRCUIT COURT Pearl Perry vs. William T. Per ry: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment, seeks custody of five minor child ren and $30 a month support money for each. Married at Van couver, Wash., Feb. 18, 1943. Ola Lee Thompson vs. Kenneth Thompson: Decree of divorce awards custody of two minor child ren to plaintiff with $50 month support money for one child. -Howard Edward Taylor vs. June Edna Taylor: : Complaint for di vorce "charges desertion, seeks custody of two minor children. Married at Amboy Wash.,; June 8, 1944. . '-'M- : jMarlys Huneger vs. Joseph Hune geri Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment, seeks $250 a month support money and S250 for birth of unborn child. . Herman Montgomery vs. South ern Pacific Company and E. C Love: Defendants move for order striking portions of plaintiff's com plaint involving accident at Court and 12th streets, Salem. Roger King Agan, by Albert A. Agan vs. Nap J. Rocque and Ger ald ;Krupicka: Defendants' demur ' rer; states plaintiffs complaint does not state facts sufficient- to Constitute a suit r DISTRICT COURT Dewey Darwin Combs. Aums ville, charged with dumping gar bage on a county road, cited to appear Oct 7, 1955. Residential landmark between downtown and the- Capitol is this C P. Bishop bouse, an elegant home of Salem's yesterday which now Is being torn down. The Court Street property has been acquired by First Presbyterian Church. . i I r Ancient Sdlem Landmark Under Wreckers1 Hammers Church Group tes Incorpora Employm Area Loses ent Preference The Portland - Vancouver area has been reclassified so that it no longer is entitled to special con sideration in awarding defense con tracts, the U. S. labor department advised the! state unemployment compensation commission Thurs- aay. j . . . Because of a high level of unem ployment, the area has been classi fied in group D for the past year. This classification gave the area a preference in awarding contracts for defense. , ; But reduced unemployment in the region has resulted in reclassifying it in group C. I Tbe-area includes Clark county. Wash.; and Multnomah, Washing ton and Clackamas counties in Ore gon. y.' ! j The area now, has 248,800 non farm workers, compared with 229, 900 last winter, and 242,400 a year ago, i j :- Average weekly earnings in the four counties rose to $33.66 in August, a gain of $6.67 above a year ago. j- ' ' ' As a result of being placed in group D, a Portland firm got a big ship conversion contract that will give jobs to 1,000 workers. Official organization of a north west conference of Pilgrim Holi ness Churches was indicated Thurs day with the filing of articles of incorporation by members includ ing two Salem men. District superintendent for the Pacific Northwest District Confer ence of the church was listed as William S. Deal, 2385 Carlton Way, and the district treasurer was listed as V. G. Story. 2740 Cherry Ave. Motel Files Name Cli an ire years ago by a son, Hoy Bishop, and his family. The Roy Bishops had acquired it from the Bishop estate and gave it to Willamette, along with considerable, money, to be used as the . university presi dent's home. The money was for upkeep. , Student Housing ' ' , Of recent years, Willamette has used it fori student housing, but this fall, new construction at Wil lamette replaced its facilities. Since it was not deemed feasible to remodel it for other purposes, it : was sold some months ago to the Presbyterian Church. The money derived, therefrom was used to purchase the former L. Elfstrom home on Fairmont Hill for a president's home, as permit ted " under terms of the original gift to the university. Raxing Starts The First Presbyterian Church has announced it would' build in the block in which the razing now is underway but the exact loca Uon of the new church has not been determined. Another of Charles P. and Fan ny Kay Bishops' sons. Clarence M. Bishop, and four grandsons do nated to Willamette the new health center, one of three build ings dedicated in ceremonies at the university last weekend. The Bishops have long been identified ith the Oregon woolen industry. MOSSADEGH FILES PLEA TEHRAN, Iran Ml,' Imprisoned ex-dictator Mohammed Mossadegh has written a letter demanding that the supreme court let his three lawyers, visit him at Ghasser prison.; Kis three-year sentence in solitary is up in August-1956, but he appealed uast Dec. 21 and his case is thus still before the court. Investigators Form Firm A private investigations firm was added !to the Salem business list Thursday with the filing of an assumed name for Private Inves tigators by E. J. Perry, listing a Salem address of PO box 1616. The firm! intends to conduct a bureau of investigation in Oregon, Nevada and California, according to the document filed, with the Marin County clerk's office. KellogParK: Industrial' Use Possible Possible . release of - Kellogg Park, Milwaukie, for ' industrial development providing interested agencies offer some other' site suitable ' lor a permanent army reserve i training center, was in dicated 1 by Col. N. A: Matthias, Corps of Army Engineers, Seattle, in a letter to U. S. Rep. Walter Norblad, received ; Thursday. - Or as an alternative, Matthias said, the army might release all but five acres of the tract re quired for construction of the re serve training center. ' Norblad was advised by Mat thias that pending construction of an armory there is a military re quirement for some 3.5 acres and buildings consisting of a commun ity building, , garage and fire house, j ' ' ; . Matthias said the General Serv ices Administration has been ad vised as to the extent of army re quirements ' and it would appear that the remaining lands in the project could be released by that agency insofar as T army neces sities may dictate He said it also had been sug gested to local . agencies that it might be possible for the army to ue sorne other site in the vic inity 'providing the interested agencies arrange to make a suit able site available.: V ; '', E. A. Sclileclit Rites Friday SUtetma News Bervte . DALLAS Services for Edward August Schlecht, 54, Pendleton, will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Bollman Chapel in Dallas. Inter ment will be at Dallas Cemetery. Schlecht, who died Monday at Pendleton, had lived in that area for five years. ; He was born Aug. 18, 1901, in Cumming County, Nebraska. Survivors include three broth ers, Fred of Dallas, Irvin of Inde pendence and Herbert of Klam ath Falls. Garbage Dumping Charged to Man Dumping some 200 pounds of garbage along a county road a mile north of Aumsville was charged Thursday to Dewey D. Combs, Aumsville, Marion Coun ty Sheriffs deputies reported. Combs, is slated to appear in Marion County District Court to day on the charge. Deputies said Combs admitted dumping the garbage and agreed to clean up the mess. ! : ? R; E. Donahue Of Woodburn Dies at Home "' Statesman Ktwi If rvie ' WOODBURN Services for Robert E. Donahue. 84, who died at home Wednesday, are to ba 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Rmgo Cornwell Chapel in Woodburn. Burial will be in Butteville Cemetery. ? , ' A retired carpenter, Mr. Dona hue moved to Woodburn about a year and a half ago. He was born in Iowa, Sept IS, 1871. He and Emma L. Styers were married July 28, "1891, in Beaver City, Neb. He leaves his wife in Wood burn; brothers John and Clin ton, Cheyenne, Wyo.; sister Mrs. Winifred Johnson, San Diego, Calif. granddaughter Mrs. Beryl Wagner, Vancouver, Wsn-J "d two great-grandsons. ? His ; only sofi died in 1941. ! The Rev. S. E. Harris of Wood-, burn will conduct the funeral. -. REALTORS TO MEET Reports on a convention last week in Spokane will be given at noon Friday in the Marion Hotel, as Salem Board of Real tors resumes weekly meetings. - LADIES CASUAL JACKETS Sfyltd like a Famous Nama Jacket SeJIing at $17.95 - large Selection . . . Beautiful Colors All 100' $ ; Wool Fabric OPEN All DAY SATURDAY KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 S. 12th St. Across From Willamette Campus 1 tmmuwt Harwich Aspirin cods yov (( at ft Dm prk mA Kont pay tot pom rM. , ' Tr rnmy bach V yew hmv vr kovght wy aspirin, at any tima, at any arica, Atat brought yow foilr, mor ccpU, m lengar-latNna rataf. MM) u Name of a South Salem motel was officially changed to Blue Heaven Thursday with the filing of an assumed business name with the Marion County clerk's office. Incorporators for the motel, formerly the Western Ranch Motel at 3590 S. Commercial St., were listed as Ralph Luna and Jessie Luna. Complaint Heard On Road Damage Extra use of a section of county road 433 in the Donald vicinity dur ing construction of the Salem-Port-land Expressway was blamed Thursday for road damage. Complaint of the damage was heard by Marion County Court which referred it to the county engineering department for inves- ligation. . Schatftr's ' RECTAL OINTMENT Soothes, Lubricates, Astringent Contains 1 Chaulmoogra Oil, Witch Haztl, Kaolin Relieves Pain Shrinks Hemorrhoids SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:30 a. m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. 135 N. Commercial Yellowstone National Park, the nation's . oldest, was created in 1872. The newest is Everglades National Park, created in 1947. mm l I'M- ENJOY LIFE Eat what you want, when' you want H. SCHAEFER'S Antacid Tablets; . For ; Prompt Relief 60c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily, 7:30 A. M. to i 8 p. m. Sundays. 9 a. m. to 3p. m. 135 N. Commercial "i - I ' - . : ' ' - p ; - f ; 7 " " Hi V-" . - xr h t m - , . v-x 1; iaiillllll I I - ' . i y - . v - . t .a J ) ''. ' v.. Jl - -' $ tHUt I Ii. .-.C-'4f- , , - nimnii i -Mnaii.iiiMiiaa- -ma-Miii -MaMaaMiaMa a aaiiilii i 11 till Ii i kuifi nt i ijili T if1' in .1 i muf' i I t f f - Tr , i rf , ''nYl' Bom of success bom for successl New '56 Dodge is your reward for the-greatest sales gain in Dodgehi story. Nw 56". DODGE SPECIAL OFFER V Give Your Garden a Lift Next Spring . 9 Plant KING ALFRED DAFFODILS with a Ground Work of CLUE GRAPE HYACINTHS One dozen of each for only a 2S W hove large selection of Tulips,. Daffodils, Hyacinths, Crocus, Anemones OKO 415 1. High "Wnere Gardens Arc a Business, Not a Sideline" Phone 4-5678 Born of Success to Challenge the Future! f 3 t4 Here is a Dodge so dramatically beau tiful, so daring in design, that other cars seem ordinary by comparison. Here are revolutionary advances that introduce a new era of push-button driving. Gone is the shift lever! You now "tune in" the range of Power Flite automatic driving on the Dodge Magic Touch push-button control! ! New V-8 and 6 engines, with surging break-away power, up to 230-h.p., set a new standard of thrilling performance. The look of success! The Jed of success! The power of success! These are your rewards for the great Dodge advance a dividend of extra value made possible by the greatest sales gain in the industry! . This daring newl'56 Dodge goes on display today. Come see its dramatic new Jet-Fin styling, and discover the thrill of push-button driving! THE MAGIC TOUCH OF TOMORROW NEWS FLASHI New '56 Dodge shatters every American stock car record on Bonneville Salt Flats I MOTORS O 525 Cliemeketa Street