The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 04, 1955, Page 8, Image 8

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Statesman's HOME
Women . . . Music . . . Fa
S-Sec Ir-Statesman, Salem, Or., Tues., October 4, 1955
New Patrons;
For Follies
Are Named
Additional patrons for the High
" Fever Follies, to be presented
r by the Salem Memorial Hospital
- Auxiliary on November 10, have
: been announced by the patrons
committee chairmen, Mrs. Sam
,ucl R. Haley and Mrs. John S.
f Tbe list is as follows: Justice
and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze, Judge
and Mrs. Joseph Felton, -Messrs.
and Mesdames Urlin S. Page,
r Douglas " Thompson, Vera W.
t Miller, Kenneth S. Muller, Frank
Shafer, Charles H. Strickfaden,
- Henry V. Comptoo, Stanley
Grove, Kenneth Perry, Raymond
C. Busick, Sidney L, Stevens, A.
Terrenee King, Maynard C Shif-
er, Willard N. Thompson, Paul
R. Hendricks, Floyd I. Bressler,
Wallace H. Bonesteele, Owen Mil
ler, G. Herbert Smith, James D.
Mount, Sidney Hoffman, Robert
T. Boals, Emery Hobbs.
Otto J. Wilson, Don E. Wood
frd, Donald Freel, Robert H.
Baldock, Duane 3. Janicek,
George C. Weller, Homer L.
. Goulet, Charles H. Huggins, Har
old M. Olinger, Glenn W. Stev
es, F.-D. McCormack, Leslie E.
Davis, Frank BuTlingham, Lewis
D. Clark, Lawrence A. Ballmer,
Bruce F. Pickett, G. F. Cham
bers, Richard Grabenhorst, James
L. Payne, Kenneth Sherman,
Robert Cannon, Sidney C. Stene
rodden, Woodson Bennett, Don
,. aid E. Woodry, Edgar T.. Pierce.
I Dr. Mary B. Purvine, Mrs. C.
iWl Jorgensen, Mrs. T. A. Lives
. ley, Miss Alice Crary Brown and
Dr. J. Alan King." - -
- - .
New Officers
Are Installed
i HUBBARD Mrs. Ella Stauf
fer was installed as president of
- the Ladies' Aid of the Hubbard
Community. Church Wednesday
, during the business session at
Fellowship House. Other officers
installed were Mrs. Winnie Mul
loy, vice . president; Mrs. Flossie
3?iliingt6n, (secretary and. Mrs.
George Leffler as treasurer pro
tein for i Mrs. John Morrison.
Committees for the year include
!Mrs. Leffler, woman's gift; Mrs.
llulloy. fancy work; Mrs. Morri
son, pillow cases; Mrs. Billington,
aprons; Mrs. Hannah Hunt, cards;
,lrs. Rose, membership; Mrs. V.
iWoIfenberge, publicity; and Mrs.
Murphy, stainless tableware pro
ject " .
Annual Rush
Party Held
t "Roaring Twenties"' was. the
theme of the autumn rush party
given by Eta Chapter, Beta Sigma
Phi Friday night at the home of
Mrs. Leslie Davis on Lane Place.
Members and guests wore gowns
of the 'flapper" era and entertain
ment followed the same theme. '
! Guests attending were Mesdames
James Roland. Phil Brown. Wil
liam Lowry, Leonard Zielke, Wil
liam Kramer, L. E. Watson, Alvin
Finn, William Hicks, M. E. Cle
mens, Harold Dalke, John Jacobs,
Robert Moore, Misses . Dorothy
Tonning, Betty Jean Bergner, aha
Hannah Endresen. ' ' t .
Chapter Plansl
Fall Rush Party
l. The Beta Sigma Chapter of the
Epsilon Sigma Alpha held the first
education meeting of the season
: at the home of Mrs. Mildred Jack
son. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Mil
! dred Hakanson and Mrs. Billie Ful-
ton. A : demonstration of textile
'painting was given by "Mrs. Susan
i Lawrence, art instructor of Fair
view Home.' '
j Reports were given by the girls
I who attended , " the state council
meeting in Portland last weekend,
j Plans were made for the first rush
j ing party to be held October. 7.
Auxiliary Plans
Fall Events;
Marion Auxiliary to Post 661 Vet
erans of Foreign Wars held their
regvlar meeting with president
Mrs. Paul Tharalson presiding.
Mrs. Leroy Simpson reported on
the ' Department meeting held in
Salem when plans for the coming
year were announced by the vari
ous department chairman. The
Buddy Poppies which are made by
veterans in the VA hospitals
throughout the United States are
going to be made for Oregon at
the Camp White Domicilary this
Sewing meetings will be held in
the homes of the members during
the year. Mrs. Maude Olson was
appointed general chairman and
Mrs. Amelia " Bolton co-chairman
for All Veterans' Day, November
11 at which time an open house is
being held at Veterans' Hall.
Mrs. Mel Clemens was appointed
to head the magazine drive and
Mrs. Al Aeschlimann, co-chairman.
New Pastor ana
Wife. Honored
MILL - CITY A large crowd
attended the covered, dish dinner
ar Fellowship Hall ,to welcome
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Roach to
the Presbyterian pastorate. ...
The address of welcome was
given by Donald 1 Sheythe, and
Shields ReMine was master of
eeremo'nies. j -!
A trio from the church choir,
composed of Rosamond ReMine,
Deanie Kelly, and Edna Ross, ac
companied by i Mrs. Donald
Sheythe, sang. !
A cornet group from the school
band, directed by Earle Loucks,
played." Boys taking part 'were
Alfred Thomas, Carl Kelly, Don
nie Podrabsky, . Paul Loucks,
Bobby Hill, Donald Hutchinson,
and Dennis Jenkins. A flute
quartet, composed - of ' Shirley
Veness, Rozillah Yankus, Charles
Epperson, 'and Suzy Carlson,
played. A skit was presented by
sixth graders under the direction
of Miss Alice Smith.
Reception Given
For Lynn Browns
JEFFERSON Between 80 and
100 friends and relatives attended
the reception honoring Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Brown, Sunday after
noon at the home of his mother,
Mrs. David Wied, and Mr. Weid.
The Browns were married Septem
ber 2 at Talbot Community church.
Cutting the cake was Mrs. .Wil
liam Knight "and . serving ..Were
Mrs. Willard Wilson of Portland
and Mrs. John Finlay. Pouring,
were Mrs. John Brown of Salem,
Mrs. Gilbert Belknap, and , Mrs.
Eugene Finlay and Mrs.' Lee
Cameron. - Assisting were Ardis
Brown. Mrs. Lawrence Finlay and
Mrs. Ernest Freeman. ;
Mr. Brown is an en?ineman for
the US Coast Guard, enlisting two.
years ago. They are making their
home at Cape Disappointment,
where, he is stationed. Mrs. Brown
is . the former Yvonne Parsons,
daughter of Mrs. Betty VonHenkle
of Ocean Lake.
To Attend Tempfe '.
Mrs. Ralph Willcox will repre
sent Centralia - Temple, Pythian
Sisters at the Grand Temple meet
ing in Medford opening October 9.
Others from here planning to, at
tend are Vernon Decatur,; grand
master-at-arms, Mrs. Decatur and
Miss Betty Jean Bergner,'. grand
protector. Final plans for tbe grand
session will be made at the rheet
jing of Centralia Temple ;Wednes
; day night at the Beaver Hall at
a p.m. The Knights will serve re
freshments following the meeting
;Miss Joanne
, , . . .... ., , ... -. ... , .....
Grim Tells
Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. Grim of
Sunnyside are announcing - the
engagement of their daughter,
Joanne, to Donald E. Heenan, son
of Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Heenan
of Salem, i ; , .
; IVu Grim H a graduate, of 'Sa
lem High School and is employed
with the State Treasury Depart
ment. ! .' ' , ' : .
Mr. Heenan 'is a graduate of
Sacred Heart Academy and , is
stationed with the Air Force in
Alaska. No date. has been set for
the wedding. ' z : .
' V . ' . - ,' . ' .
Golden Wedding
For Crowleys
SHERIDAN Mr. and' Mrs.
Ivan - Crowley, who live' near
Sheridan, celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary M a recep
tion at the Ballston community
halL Aboir) 200 guests attended
and the , couple renewed their
wedding vows. '
. Assisting at the reception were
Mrs. Louise Fowler, and Mrs.
Joyce Slemp, Portland; Miss Bar
bara Panek, Amity; Mrs. Mattie
Ackerman, San Diego, Calif.;
Mrs. Nellie Tummell and Mrs.
Elsie .Moscerella, Santa' Clara,
Calif.; Mrs. . Ada Dresselhous,
Dayton; Mrs. S. Robbins,' Amity;
Mrs. Inol Christensen, San Jose,
Calif.; Miss Beverly Panek, Sa
lem; and Connie, Geny and Ei
leen Schutz, all of McMinnville.
Bethel 43, Job's Daughters Mo-J
thers Club will meet for a 12
o'clock luncheon on Thursday at
the Masonic Temple. A business
session will follow. The hostess
committee includes " Mrs. Milton
Thomas, ,Mrs. Kenneth Morris.
Mrs. Robert Keudell, Mrs. Hardie
Phillips and Mrs. Melvin Johnson.
100 TABLETS 4ft
Tht Best Place to Shop
Aftor All
O rich, reworriing lubricant
" for dry skin
A iminum luhrieant containing three
tich Oil groups hfd to grre you lubrication benefifs
beyond compare. Or flowing fexfurt
that quickly tiqyifits to help your
! iJcin to a swoofh look of btavty
$St IJ-50. 1AM ffHMphi Hit' .
CLrIcic iLcJwk
10 Mil'
rr;p ;
' J, L.-
) - IT'
f 'V .
I it 'if' 1
. .V -
in.' A.J1
, Mr. and Mrt. Michael Thomas Sherlock (Sharon Byers)
who'were married in September' at ihe home of the bride's
parents,; Mr. and Mrs. James A. Byers. The bridegroom is
the son of Mr.' and Mrs. Raymond Amell; of Milton-Free-water.
(McEwan Studio). '
Mr. and Mrs. John Heppner are
leaving for Washington, Iowa, to
visit her brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Salladay
and other relatives. Enroute home
they will visit another sister, Mrs
H. Cuttrigbtj and family in Call
DAR Chapter.
Holds First
Meeting '.
The Rev. Addison Talbot, of the
National Council of Churches, who
is employed atrChemawa Indian
School, was the speaker at the
Saturday meeting of the Chemek
eta Chapter, DAR at the YWCA.
He told of the attempts to inte
grate the Indian . into the white
man's cultureand of the difficul
ties involved. Chemawa is the old
est boarding school for Indians
off the reservation' in the country,
having been established over 70
years ago. This . year there are
487 Navajo ; Indian students and
141 Northwest Indians in attend
ance. .: - 1
' Mrs. Charles Terry, formerly of
Montgomery, Alabama, now living
in Salem; was a guest. ;'
Memorial services for Mrs.
Claudia Best, a charter member
of Chemeketa Chapter were con
ducted by Ola Clark, the only
remaining . active. ; charter - mem
ber, with music by Mrs. Herbert
Ostlind.j , ..--"-
Chairman for the tea was Miss
Mildred Christenson. Assisting
were Mrs. A. L. Wallace, Mrs.
W. A. Parish. Mrs. John Carkin,
Mrs. George Cecil Bird, Miss Neli
K. McCue, Miss Vada Hill, and
Mrs. George Turner. Mrs. John
Carkin and Mrs. Homer Goulet
presided at the tea urns and Mrs.
W. A. Parish "and Mrs. L. C. Mc
Leod cut the ices.
Holiday Greens
Show Planned -
Preliminary plans for the Christ
mas greens show were outlined
Thursday afternoon when the La-
bish Meadows garden club mem
bers met at the home of Mrs. M.
O. Nichols in Salem.
This year the show will be held
in the auditorium of the new Hazel
Green schoolhouse on December
10 and II, under, the general chair
manship of Mrs, Alvin Van Cleave.
The October 13 meeting of thei
club will be held at the home . 6fJ
. , J f n v., !!
Mrs. xiwara anara on rsiossom
Drive, when committees will be
announced and further details ar
ranged. 1
JEFFERSON Miss Edith Libby
was hostess Saturday afternoon at
a party at her country home i
Parrish Gap. Guests included Mrs
C. J. Thurston and Mary and Mrs.
Francis Sprague and Steve, of
Scio: Mrs. Lelia Rigdon and Mrs.
Charles Prine and 'three children,
of Salem; Mrs. Charles Smith and
Kay, Mrs. Donald Lea and Jacque
and Jeffy, Mrs. Dallis Harris,
Tommy and Ricky and Miss Libby.
iers! Stmt their iy wiitli i
i" ir v stt fi t rN
I i I fS. I II I ! I i A 1
n rf n
k AA
Roman Meal Cereal
Whole Grain Protein
and Vitamins!
is - ? j
si; At
Roman meal Cereal is packed with the tree-;..
' climbing, ball-playing energy that growing
children need. Just watch their fresh-scrubbed
faces light up when 'you set a steaming bowl of :
nourishing Roman Meal Cereal in front of them!
The'taste is a treat, and the exclusive blend of
Wheat, Rye and Brarf helps them to be healthier,
stronger and happier. " -
With all this enjoyment and nutrition, isn't it
a pleasant surprise that Roman Meal Cereal
costs only ' Ifi per big serving? That penny a day
isorth millions in energy and health for your
children. Serve your family Roman Meal Cereal
. tomorrow You'll .all be glad you did I V ' ;
Rimin MmI Muffins are a Fe nothr tempting break-
delicious addition to any fast treat, try serving Roma
meal so easy to make, too! Meal Pancakes. Tliey're easy
Directions on every package to fix, and so good everyone
' i i
wants seconds.-
t ! : ; . .
JBF'w-.,myi!Wimt). !
i nnlv 5 Minutes , 1
Cooks m on.'y ,
...Big Serving
costs OnlraPenn
grfiCT " Zm-... mmum
- v
I 1 ft S ill JH" I
VC1 rSrJl mm
Hubbard Qub to Meet
HUBBARD The first faH meet
ing of the Hubbard Woman's club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
A. J. Smith. ' Wednesday. October
5.' 2 p.m: Speaker for the program
will be Rex Putnam, Salem, stata
superintendent of schools. Officers
of the club include Mrs. R. C
Mains, president. Mrs. E. T. Rose,
vice president, Mrs. Leon Graham,
secretaryand Mrs. Wayne Bridge,
JEFFERSON Members af tha
Three Links club enjoyed a cov
ered dish dinner Tuesday in th
I OOF hall. During the business
meeting, they planned their sixth
annual turkey dinner for Novem
ber 12 at the hall from S to 9 p.m.
If your child catches more than one cold a winter-
from suffering
that . '
thaw ivonu on CHEST
She needs Vicks VapoRub
the proved medication that i
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- When you rub It on, Vapo
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VapoRub's medicated vapors
bring relief with every breath.
Soothing vapor medication
travels deep into your .child's
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Warming relief comes, lasts
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So when colds strike, de
pend on
Vnkt unT Vopetve ar ta. Trad AtorU.
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