2-Sec Statesman, Saloni, Typh Main oon TOKYO to Tvohoon Louise i . , au m Maw ut 0.mjt the year s wildest storm, drove churned toward typhoon ..weary .proposal for the John Day Dam en saaisht at teeming Southern Jap- Kyushu, the ' southernmost of Jap- u,e Columbia River, Sen. Neuber an Tnursday with winds of IX an's four main islands. ger (rxjre) asserted Wednesday Jn'!e an hour and lashing rain. J Louise was moving north at nine oigt in the third of 10 i public ine migniy norm swucnea w.mues an now. .-. northern course, missing the jjudge Rules Child Theft (Charge False ! PnnTtjvn m - A indie Y'2jnev dismis-ed as "uniusti- k-T a father's charge that an rotive atency here was guilty i f "child theft- 1 ! Circuit Judge Virgil H. Langtry icid he could not "place any crsdence" in the testimony of i C-rlwartryingS' ot to ?S3 . C I j ,i ii , . 'Humble had made the accusation u,c 8 inst the Cathol'c Services for.w,ds f1" "JJ"-.: , . . Children organization. He had f-xi the ch-rren with that a Ty when he was living here L' m-i ' In his court attempt to regain ShS , bVwM I hi Thad told the agency be did not want the cYidren placed for adepUon. but tW it.. .nr ,hn,,itiv - .v wTu. a ! I- UBiuuuin in,.!,,- " - Z I.., v" "ir ' ' ZZT ' tons legal. He complained little ... a. if htm .The agemr asserted it had made. repeated efforts )o find Humble. .The jude raH he found discreo-' arses ' in Humble's story, and fed that the chiMren told h'm ' rjv'did not want to go back to their father. - , - . ' '' Blaze Routs oyes of Salem Firm ; An overheated loom motor caused apparently minor damage Wednesday night at the Asten Hi'l manufacturing firm in West S-lem, firemen reported. Heavy smoke forced some two dozen ! ertoloves out of the building for , a time. Cotton yarn strung to the loom reportedly was damaged in the 10:15 p.m. fire. - A firm spokes man said it would take at least three days to re-string creels feeding the loom and get it back In operation. . The yarn is used in manufae- j .i4- r - fjrms. ' : birds' Kaitar 1 Systems Out? 'James Hoffman. 630 E. Ewald Ave., was - mystified- Wednesday when he found two dead pheasants in his front yard. The birds had no apparent injuries. ' Curious about cause of death, Hoffman phoned state police and game officer was sent to the spot After investigation the officer said the pheasants apparently hit Hoff man's house in full flight and broke iheir necks. Roseburg Bypass To Open Saturday ' ROSEBURG I The $4 Pacific Highway bypass around Koseburg will open officially Sat urday. . Instead of motorists going .through Roseburg. they may pass the city on a 9 "4 -mile-long free way The route saves about a half-mile of travel and is expected to save. at least IS minutes in driving time. FIRE DAMAGES CAR ! Fire caused an estimated $73 damage Wednesday night to a 1934 Olds sedan owned by Hugh Luby, 133 Culver Lane, firemen reported. The 8:25 p.m. blaze, believed start ed by a cigarette, reportedly dam aged both front and rear seats. The vehicle was parked in the 100 block of S. Winter Street at the time. TO FREE PRISONERS V " : VIENNA. Austria Roman ia's Communist Parliament has decreed that all "foreign political prisoners and Romanian war crim inals sentenced to terms below 10 years" will be freed, radio Bucha rest" said Tuesday. NOVYl Opan 6:45 - )0b) ClMMetttffjfj mmiia muml -M, . nmnru.imire v Al PLUS Rirard. M.ntalbaa Anne Bancroft Emp Oro., Thursday, Sept. 29, 195 J Threatens Japanese Isle 'huge U. S. base on Okinawa, and Japanese weather observers saia . Louise proDawy wouia siam who j Kyushu about a. m. Friday, and then roar into the Japan Sea. Storm and flood warnings have (been posted. " Much I of a recora rice crop on the island has yet to be harvested, Kyushu, about twice the size of New Jersey, has been racked by,,, ..,),! th n nm most exactly a year aro a mighty fleyastatea grain - neavy P13"" f10 tsi. n?n i?!,"" . t'u. ' I !tion. tor wrmmg PPuk". Jsha aLo has some heavy industry. The atomombed tr Nagasaki is on lU southern Okinawa.' where 30.000 U.S. servicemen, includi OOO family members are stationed, escaped aLS, " battiefM wh-re the U. S. Air Force and Coast Guard maintain tiny omts. was not so forrtmate. I Lorn, then churning up m mile and hour wind,, flattened the base Sunday. The 0-mn garrison, which crouched to tun- nels dug by wartime Japanese de- fenders, escaped without serious inhirv I ? , j . ,. Meanwhfle, a second storm gath- mfUl . . t. i Jl weaker bureau said it had not. yet reached typhoon status but wa" b'in2 UP- ' t J ine lypn00" warning center at Guam Mld th Sit? weaker K-. connalssance Squadron had tocat- ed the second storm, with winds of 70 miles art hour. 230 miles nortnwest oi uuam. i The warning center said the storm was moving northwest at 10 miles aa hour and would be 450 miles northwest of Guam at 9 a. m., Friday. ' The Air Force does not classify a storm a typhoon until its winds reach 75 miles an hour. If the storm builds up to that figure, it will be named "typhoon Marge." TV J( JJamaCTCS - room oi a Salem House Fire caused considerable dam age Wedaesday -night to a bed room at the residence of E. F. Underwood, 1339 Plaza, firemen said. t : The . flames, confiied to . the bedroom, 1 reportedly 'destroyed a mattress and beddiig, charred one wall and burned 'a hole in a floor. A relative of the family, said to be occupying the room at the time, escaped uninjured. Friemen said a defective cord on an electric heater was a pos sible cause of the blaze. The alarm was turned in about 10:50 pjn. Burglar Raid Nets Nothing It was wasted effort for burglars early Wednesday morning- when they broke into the Copeland lum ber yard, 349 S. 12th St City policei reported nothing apparently aws taken. Detectives said entry was believ ed made by climbing on the roof of a shed and going through, a second-floor window of the firm. A sliding door was opened to gain access to the main office. Report edly overlooked in the burglary was a small amount of cnanee in a ! C0UI office I T-i V f Ml : J Gates Open C:45 Shew At 7 NOW PLAYING! JANE POWELL HOWARD KEEL , "SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS" " ' . In Cinemascope " And Technicolor Also EIROY HIRSCH "UNCHAINED -' EXCLUSIVE! FIGHT PICTURES! SEE IT IIOV Oil FILM! row (SEHSQ!0 SUM mm ffloa aurnrwa m Mm CMaWnaV COSTBf -Alse- JAXU1 I '.VjIT STTTfAXT f' -eaamajceai ' HCMMCOIOS f CO-HIT V.1Z3 MPrrt kcuy Solons Toss Verbal During. Debate PmDLETON Ul Private -Hit It fata 'aM HaahinH ha foif nApeKin1 debates scheduled with Rep. Coon (Re) on the proposal. . i My flatly that the private 'aunties authored a bill and gave it to Rep. Coon to Introduce, and I challenge the congressman to deny it," said Neub'erger before a crowd of 1.000 here. Coon, who introduced the bin in , hi, rebutuL m wouM allow local interests to put up 173 million doIlar for tt "SlO-millioiwlollar federal iittu receiving in return mt dam-, power for a 50-year M jMst one privately ned Oregon utinty has an- nounced willingness to do so. Tha Him flhtr "flashMi nn nrnbahle nower rates from the ' dam. which would be built between Oregon ana wasmngton on me i 'middle stretch of the .Columbia. , They also argueq over we ouis preference clause. Coon said power could be sold: mm nr nw.tt hour. Neuberger asserted it would be! SPOKANE Coburn Graben- much higher U private otUiUes hont. Salem realtor, Wednesday per. ,f was elected president of the Neuberger. who advocates fed-'Oregon Association of Real Es-i -ril Mnstructlon and oneration of Uta Boards, and Al Isaak. ehalr- Uh t.m .m rmn'i hin 1 . "-V , wouia oisregara tne preierence clause that gives public agencies first claim oh power from federal dams In this region, coon said the preference clause favori gtate of Washington . because of the many public utfllties : He said it gives Washington , 78 per cent to Oregon's 24 per cent 0f federal oower in this region, ; eOTiainini that most Oregon resi- dents are served by private utilitiea The debaters move to La Grande Thursday night, PVIan Arrested After Wyeck A Salem man was arrested on! a drunk charge Wednesday night! after his car was involved in an accident at Marion and Cottage streets, city police reported. Officers said Mrcus Theodore Madsen Jr., 130 S. High St, was booked on a ' charge of being drunk on a public street after a vehicle struck the rear of an other car. The other driver was listed by officers as Eimunt E. Koehler, Salem Route 9, Box 18. Madsen was lodged in the city Jail and $23 bail set ' : Ex-Doctor Buck Pleads Guilty-to Abortion Deaths PORTLAND ( George H. Buck, 68, of Portland, pleaded guilty Wednesday in Circuit Court to three charges of manslaughter by abortion. Buck, formerly a licensed doctor. changed his plea from innocent tol guilty after the opening of his trial. His license had been revoked by the State Board of Medical Examiners in connection with earlier activities. He was charged in this instance with performing: an illegal operation on a 38-year-! old woman. - " i Judge Paul R. Harris sentenced ; Buck to three years in the county . jail one year on each of the charges. NEW REGIME RECOGNIZED . MANILA UH The Philippine a Wednesday recognised ; the new Argentine government of provi sional president Eduardo LonardL 50e Phone 44713 20c New ShowingOpen 1:45 "flAMCB HI THE RAVr Donald O'Connor, Martha Hver it Francis, the Talking Mole Co-Hit i ! in Technicolor with Dana Andrews, Piper Laorie NOW PLAYING- -ADDED Vista Vision Visits Tht Sun Trails" A Colorful, Romantle Short Subject Shewn in Ail the Gtories of VISTA VISION! Also "Stamped City" 1 A Cinemascope Short - la Technicolor! Elected if I I ! cent of Oregon Association ( Real Estate Boards h Cobnrn GrabenhorsL The Salem real- tor was chosen at the regional conference of realtors Bpo-( kane Wednesday. Realtor T ' . . J 11 CW I I CMUCHL . it I If Vfotp I Mif Vfl OUllC UI11L - , man hf th .Caiam Ttnard nf nL ...... The election was held at a meeUng of the Oregon Associa- tion the oast vear. Aa nreaident. he succeeds Ralph Walstrom,' Portland. Vice president for the lour-state region, muonai asso- elation of Real EsUte Boards, is Lee V. Ohmart, Salem. State associations meet in con- necUon. with the regional meet- inf every twee years, in tne next turn virt thm tta rwfm. tions will meet in their own geo-f tranhical areas. Site for the lfls Oregon realtors' meeting will be chosen by the board in January. It wis held in Klamath Falls last year. Salem was last host in 1937. . . g?t AT I UttlCeT SOUS . O TJ law MX jinaways .The sharp memory of a city police officer resulted Wednes day night in apprehension of two Walla Walla, Wash, runaways. The officer spotted a car li cense which looked familiar and halted the vehicle. In it were the two boy runaways, ages 14 and 13, who reportedly had bor rowed the car from a Walla Walla friend about a week ago. Information from Willi Wall authorities had put city police on the alert for the car. The two boys were held for juvenile authorities of the Washington city. NEW! NEW! NEW! A HIGH-FIDELITY TABLE-MODEL RADIO UNIT ... by "TillFUWIW Beautifully Finished Cabinet and Chassis by European Master Craftsmen O 3 Speakers O Built-in Antennas O 17 Circuits O Rot.tlnf AM O FM-AM- O Fhene Input O Short and Long Wavo O Recorder Input and O Noisa Suppressor Output O Separata loss and O Flywheel Driva , Treble O French Walnut Finish NOTE: In This Unit, Radio Worthy of Classifying oi "Hi-Fi" EXCLUSIVE Another SEE and Cecil "Hi-Fi Phona 4-3289 Federal Road Plan Includes Salem WASHINGTON UF The Bureau cf win! MWui eone&uiy nku announced general locations of route vi. the national syeni of interstate highways into, . through anu arounu itu cities or uroan areas in the nation. line new routes to'be built with federal aid to the states, supple ment tne original 37,uu mile uuer state networ designated in 1947 to connect ine nauon s principal cities and industrial areas.. -. Approval ot tne new : general routes' location completes desig nation oi tne 0,ixmue national system authorized by Congress in toe i eoerai Aia Highway Act of itie Bureau of Roads, in an- nouncing the route locations, era- piiasjxeu Lie nave uiu iar been uetermined in a general way only. r'euerai assistance lor Improve- ment of the national system of interstate highways wilt amount to 173 million dollars in the cur rent fiscal year, ana 175 millions in the next fiscal year, beginning next July 1. i Additionally, a federal' funds amounting to another 175 million dollars are available in each of these fiscal years for the urban portions of the primary federal aid system and 31a millions In f W the enure primary nt Prt " th prmia system. Additional routes designated in tat0- through and around these urban areas. tJw Idaho- Pocatello. MonUna Butt and Great r"J M - ff p . . Oregon - Eugene. Portland and Salem. Washington - Seattle and Van- couyer fiD -. VjUF VyiOUp A lnc Sftri tj- rr -- - ftwrax mc Rni PrAninntc i U JL 1 CiIXIUiS Plans for area precinct work were mapped out Wednesday night at a meeting of the Marion County Republican Central Committee ex ecutive group. The county has .been divided In to 17 areas and each area will have in it about seven to 10 pre cincts. Area chairmen named so far are Mrs. W. F. Leary and Mrs. Wini fred Pettyjohn. Seward P. Reese and A. A. Whitman, Mrs. Kenneth Sherman, Mrs. Larry Osterman, Mrs. George W. Dewey Jr., Lewis Judson, Mrs. Denver Young and Mrs. Stanley Watson, all in the Salem area; David Reid, MiQ City; j Harry Humphreys and H. J. Rowe, 1 Stayton;-Leonard Fisher, ML "An gel; Henry Ahrens, Turner, Win-j ton Hunt. Woodburn; Ralph Yerg-j en and Mrs. Dorothy Lester, Au rora, and Olaf Paulson. Silverton. 1 Work in the areas will begin in . mediately, the committee report- ed, and a school of instruction will j be held soon after Jan. 1 for pre cinct workers. - After 3 Years of Searching We Found, to HEAR at Fames Co. 442 North Church , (Across from Meier i, Frank's) iter, Grandson of, ' J Solon to Wed t - ' ;; (Pictures on Wirephoto Page) PADUCAH, Ky., tfJ-Sen. Alben W. Barkley D-Ky) and Mrs; Bark ley, Wednesday announced the en gagement of the Senator's step daughter to his grandson. The date of the wedding of Miss Jane Hadley and Pfc. Thomas H. Truitt was not disclosed. ' Miss Hadley, 20, is the daughter ' of Mrs. Barkley and the late Mr.! Hadley, a railroad attorney who ! died in Missouri in 1945. j Truitt, also 20, is stationed with i the U. S. Army in Germany. He is j the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max j O'Rell Truitt of Washington, D.C. Mrs. Truitt is Barkley 's -"older , daughter. Before her father's mar-i riage in 1949 to Mrs. Carleton S. ! naaiey Mrs. Truitt served as Barkley's official hostess in Wash ington when he was vice president Miss Hadley's mother expressed f great joy over the betrothal of her daughter to her husband's grand son. - "It really makes it a family af fair, doesn't it," she said. Mrs. Barkley said her daughter is now in Washington. State Highway Tl T" JACKSONVILLE, Ore. (AV Francis Frank) -ToaVeUe, 85, Jackson County Judge in 1913-19 and a member of the State High way Commission in 1935-39, died afhis home Wednesday nijrht, One of the state's first advocates of good for autobues. i. ... i uUdi first unit of the Pacific Highway in Oregon be tween Medford and Ashland. As county Judge he promoted a movement for a half-million-dollar bond issue to build the unit and otepdaugl yito grade the highway over the ISiskiou Mountains. A native of Kansas, he came West at the turn of the century. TouVelle State Park on the banks of the Rogue River north of Med ford is named for him. No costf pipes or registers to install or clean f I &b VPAnrmDiiUTOMATic ! ! Jy OIL I1EATERS Hi l.i . " ii' .ir c Stylet Is not $ tpm foiftrtiit mitt htti up tis tliimy mien Vi ctffim hnki yon h I'm In Skiltf h not i mini htfm fhnl lth txponsko InsHllitiont- SIEGLER Is a revolutionary method of WARM FLOOR HEATING in every room! JUST LIKE A FURNACE . . . BUT WITHOUT COSTLY, DIRT COLLECT ING PIPES AND REGISTERS! At The Theaters Today ELSINOKB "LOVK IS A MANY SPLEN DORED THING" with William Holden and Jennifer Jone. "LITE IN THE BALANCE" with Ricardo Montalbaa and Anna Bancroft - CAPITOL To catch a rarer" with Gary Grant and Graca Kelly. , . ! ' CBAND ' "THE MAN FROM LARAMIE" with Jimei Stewart and Arthur Kennedy. "PETE KELLY'S BLUES" with Jack Webb. NORTH SALEM DRIVE-IX "SEVEN BRIDES TOR SEVEN BROTHERS" with Jant Powtil and Howard KeeL - "UNCHAINED." . HOLLYWOOD "FRANCIS IN "THE NAVY" with Donald O'Connor and Martha Hrer. "SMOKE SIGNAL" with Dana i Andrews and Piper Laurtc. Six Youths' Arrested on Liquor Count A 14-year-old girl was placed in Marion County juvenile detention quarters Wednesday and five other teen-agers appeared in . Marion County District Court on charges of illegal possession of liquor. All six were arrested by state police about midnight Tuesday in a car on the outskirts of Salem. James Clifford Seagrove, 19, 2063 McCory St.; William Hugh Mitchell, 18. '955 Union St; Car-: lene Ann Shaffer, 19. 640 Union! St.; Richard William Ammel. 18.! Albany; and Betty Jean White, IS. Turner; all pleaded guilty to charges before District Judge E. O. Stadter Jr. Judge Stadter . suspended im position of sentence and the five were released. : The 14-year-old girl was given a preliminary hear ing in juvenile court. t SEVEN PLEAD GUILTY NEW YORK im Seven per sons pleaded guilty Wednesday in a case testing's government's; right to rule citizens off the streets) during a practice air raid. An ; eighth defendant was freed. ! V m n tn mm. HOWARD J. SiVlALLEY OIL CO. SALEM'S COMPLETE Oil HEATINO SERY1CI 1405 Broadway ChiclteiiCnnn Yields$6fid0 In Quarters ANCHORAGE. Alaska WU-Alas-ka Railroad special agents did some digging in the cellar of a chicken coop four miles south of here Tuesday. , ' They found something besides chicken feed. too. They found $5,000 in quarters. .-Later, they identified the cur rency as a shipment which disap peared from a Seward Anchorage railroad train Sept. 4. Thomas J. Estabrook, 43, Anchorage, veteran Alaska Line railroad conductor, is charged with the theft The agenfs said they believed the cash pouches were tossed off the train as it neared Anchorage. Some registered letters' are still missing. The people on whose land the chicken coop is located knew nothing of the theft and the cash was buried .without their know ledge, a spokesman said. The currency and the -letters were being shipped from the Fed eral Reserve Bank in Seattle to the National Bank of Alaska here, WHEAT "MEET SET UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. ( Secretary General Dag Hamars kjold said Tuesday a U. N.-spon-sored world wheat conference will meet in Geneva Oct 2S to con sider renewal or replacement of the present international wheat agreement . Cottonvoods One Nile Only Sat., Oct. 1 Formerly Bank Thompson's Band Leader Admission 1.50, tax lacL o 1 Phone 3-5606 - ... i --7...tjLt l rTrnaiiTMt'il I HI. s v II Csi- 111:1 4