The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 22, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    Cutty ;eo-Dueffo
Marion County Judge Rex Hart
ley and Commissioner Roy Rice
were in SL Helens Wednesday to
attend a district meeting of the
Association of Oregon Counties.
Rummage Friday. 193 N. ComT.
t.M a.m. (adv.)
Fred V. Fowler, 27, 175 E. Wash
ington St, Wednesday was ordered
held far arraignment on a bad
check charge in Marion County
District Court. Fowler will appear
in Staytoa Justice Court which is
sued the warrant. ,
Good used clothing for. sale" at
Y.W.OA. Budget Shop. 141 S. Win
ter. Open Mon. k FrL 10 to 5. (adv)
Condition of Elaine Stolten
berg, Salem woman injured in a
highway accident Sunday near
Mehama, continued "satisfactory"
at Smtiim Memorial Hospital
Wednesday night She received
a severe back injury when the
pickup truck, in which she was
riding, veered from the highway
and struck a power pole, Marion
County sheriffs deputies reported.
Guest Night
Designated by
Dinner Club
When , Dr., Will Durant. his
torian and lecturer, speaks in
i Salem March 19 it will be in
one of the city's school audi
toriums in order to accommodate
a larger crowd than usual for
Knife and Fork Club speakers.
The club usually holds dinner
, meetings at the Marion HoteL
The board, however, decided this
week to make Durant's appear
ance here annual guest night
with members ' allowed to invite
guests to a non-dinner meeting.
Club directors named Guy
Vaade Bogart to the board to
will a vacancy created when Carl
Greider left for a year of study
in Massachusetts.
Labor Hearing
Set in Portland
Rnhrt L. Johnson. 27. Salem.
was fined $15 Wednesday in Marion
County District Court on a charge
of drawing a check with insuffi
Hent fundi Johnson nleaded guil
ty. Judge E. 0. Stadter Jr. sus
pended a 15-day j ail sentence, it
involved a $15 jcbeck passed at a
local tavern recently.
Shop Wynkoop-Blair Printing Serv
ice for finest Wedding Announce
ments in town. 490 Ferry, (adv)
ahead from-your grocer fresh
double wrapped , Master Bread.
. taav.j
Louis E. Starr. Portland attor
ney, ho been aooointed a circuit
Judge pro tern in Marion County
iv the State Suoreme Court Starr
will serve for, 18 days, beginning
Oct 5.
Rummage sale, .children, - .adult
clothing, shoes. Sept., 22, 23, 24.
3825 So. Commercial. (adv)
ahead from your grocer fresh
double wrapped Master. Bread.
Regular meeting of the Salem
Civil Service Commission, schea
uled for Wednesday, was postpon
ed to 10 a.m. Monday because two
members of the three-man , com
mission were nuable to attend.
See outstanding wall papers with
matching fabric and glamorizing
Treasure Tone paints at Clarke's,
220 N. Com'L (adv A
Dental elates, repaired while you
wait at Painless Parker, Dentist
125 N. Liberty. Salem. , (adv.)
.The Willameatte-Whitworth foot
ball game, followed by a chili feed
and dancing, is on tap for the. Co-
Rec club Saturday night. The meet
ing, usually held on Friday, was
moved to Saturday for the game
fhose attending are to meet at the
YWCA at 7:15 p.m.
Through with it? Sell it through
classified ads! Anything at all dial
4-ttii. (adv
Englewood Church annual Rum
mage sale, Sept 22, 8:30 a.m. over
Greenbaums. . (adv.
Appeal Notice
Filed by Salem
Auto Company
A Salem auto firm, Loder Bro
thers Company, filed notice of ap
peal to the supreme court Tues
day on a Marion county urcuu
Court decision which, denied an in
junction against a labor union.
The company naa sougm we in
junction on what it alleges were
illegal" picketing practices of the
International Association of Mach
inists. Local 150. its officers ana
the Salem Trades and Labor Coun
cil and its officers. It was denied
by Circuit Judge Val D. Sloper in
The firm is one oi several Miem
auto agencies which have been in
volved in a dispute wita tne union.
A Bureau of Labor hearing on
proposed revisions of an order per
taining to women and minors em
ployed in personal service work
has been set' for Sept 2L at 10
a.m. in the Portland office.
The hearing will primarily per
tain to wages and hours employers
establish for women and minors.
Jobs as office machine operators
in government agencies in Idaho,
Montana. Oregon and Washington
are now open. Application for ex
amination can be made by contact'
big the llth United States Civil
Service Region. 302 Federal Office
Building. Seattle. Wash. The posi
tions pay ranges from $2,690 to
$4,525 a year.
Damage Suit
Filed Against
Gty, Officer
The City of Salem and Kenneth
Seipp. city juvenile officer, were
sued for $25,000 Tuesday in Marion
County Circuit Court. :
The suit was filed by Ruth Dia
mond, who alleges a city vehicle
struck her car while she was going
south on Front street March 4 this
year. The city car, she charges,
was backing out of a parking spot
on the west side of the street and
struck the right side of her vehicle.
She charges the defendants with
neelteence on several points in-
eludins failure to yield rigni oi
She asks $25,000 general damages
for alleeed injuries to her back
caused by the collision and $1,506.
includine reimbursement lor loss
of wages, in special damages.
Red Hat Day
Made Official
Red Hat Day. designed to em
phasize the need for caution in the
forests. Wednesday was officially
proclaimed by Mayor Robert White
:or Friday, Sept 23. ,
The proclamation cited the in
creased activity of hunters and the
attendant increased fire hazard
and "distress" to landowners, and
pointed to the "need for more care
with fire and firearms, respect for
the rights and property of others."
It concluded by urging "ail citi
zens',' on Red Hat Day "to wear
a red hat or a red hat button to
signify their compliance with the
worthwhile objectives of the Red
Hat Day pledge."
Thad, McCarty, noted civie lead
er from the San Francisco area
who will be the kickof f
sneaker for Salem's United
Fond drive.
New Highway
Chief Named
Emory E. Johnston,' district
maintenance superintendent at
Redmond since 1941, is being pro
moted to maintenance office en
gineer in Salem, R. H. Baldock,
State Highway Engineer announc
ed Wednesday.
Johnston graduated in civil en
gineering from Oregon State Col
lege in 1926, and went to work for
the highway department the same
year. He served as transitman,
draftsman, and resident engineer
prior to moving to district main
tenance superintendent He is
registered professional engineer,
Johnston replaces L. R. Chand
ler., who has transferred to, the
position of assistant division en
gineer at Roseburg.
Suit Results
From Injury
Reinholdt and Lewis Lumber
Comoanv. Salem, was sued for
$2,594 Wednesday by a mother who
alleges her son was injured while
riding a company crane at 5M S.
2lst St. ' j
The suit, filed in circuit court,
states the boy, Steven Taylor, was
crushed between the seat in which
an employe was sitting and the
boom of the crane. The employe,
identified only as "Bob," permitted
Noted Gvic
Leader Named
UF Speaker
Thad MeCarty, businessman
and widely-known civie leader in
the San. Francisco Bay area, was
announced- Wednesday- as the
speaker for the U n i t e d Fund
-kickoff meet at
the Salem Arm
ory, Tuesday
noon, Oct 4.
MeCarty, presi
dent of a seat
cover and pos-
ture device company bearing his
name, is director of the East Bay
Federation of Community Chests
and the United Fund. His home
is in Piedmont Calif., near Oak
land. He is a graduate of the
university oi Alabama and has a
wife and two children.
Known as a vigorous and in
formed speaker. MeCarty has
been active in church and busi
ness -organizations for years and
has taken an important part in
agencies and fund raising in the
San Francisco Bay Area.
At Piedmont Community
Church he has been president of
the board of trustees and chair
man of two . successful building
fund drives. He has also been.
president of the Oakland Council
of Churches and a committeeman
for the National Conference of
Christians and Jews.
He was president of the San
Francisco-Oakland Rubber Insti
tute and served on the rubber
conservation committee during
World War II, and is still an area
warden for Civil Defense.
He is on the advisory board
for Salvation Army, on the board
of directors for Children's ; Hos
pital of the East Bay, and has
been both board member and
president of the Travelers' Aid
Society of Alameda County. - He
belongs to Rotary Club and the
Chamber of Commerce; is
member 'of the Alameda County
Civil Service Commission, and
was- chairman of the histories
committee for Oakland's Centen
A board member of Commu
nity Chest, East Bay Federation
of Community Chests, and of
United Fund, MeCarty has been
co-chairman of the advance gifts
department, chairman of the
speakers' bureau, campaign' chair
man and president
him to ride, the complaint charges
The firm is charged with neglig
ence on several counts.
The youngster's mother, Barbara
Taylor, asks $2,500 general dam
ages and $94 special damages for
alleged injuries: I
Stutsman, Siltm, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1955-Sec. 1)-5
Alva A. Newton 78, retired,
Corallis, and Mary C Eldredge,
70, housewife, 1170 N. 25th St,
Salem. ,
Walter R. Gjersvold, 23, Air
Force, Compton, Calif., and
Phyllis Jean Brateng, 21, office
worker, Grafton. N. D.
Willie J. Cooksey vs. Metcar
Sue Cooksey: Divorce decree
Minnie Judd vs. Delbert Judd;
Divorce decree granted.
John Parker Denisoa vs. Lillie
Frances Denison: Divorce decree
granted. 1
Edith H. Van Lydegraf vs. Sid
ney W. Van Lydegraf: Divorce
decree granted.
State vs. Howard Keyes and
Ray Heimeyer: Defendants plead
ed guilty to charge of serving
and giving ' alcoholic liquor to
minor; imposition of sentence set
for Oct 5.
Steven Taylor, a minor, by his
guardian ad latum. Barbara Tay.
lor, vs. Reinholdt It Lewis Lum
ber Company: Plaintiff seeks
judgment of $2,500 general dam
ages and $94 special damages for
alleged personal injuries receiv
ed, while riding on a crane:
charges negligence. -
Norma P. Tweedie vs. Keith
L. Tweedie: Case dismissed.
Loder Brothers Company vs
Lodge 1506, International Asso
ciation of Machinists, et aL: No
tice of appeal to State Supreme
Court filed. - , i
Ruth Diamond vs. City of Sa
lem and Kenneth Seipp: Plaintiff
seeks judgment of $23,500 gen
eral damages and $1,506 Special
damages for alleged injuries re
ceived in traffic accident
Sallie G. Tandy estate: Final
account hearing set for Oct! 28,
9:15 a.m.
Josephine S. Morse estate:
Final account hearing set 'for
Oct 28, 9:15 a.m.
J. W. Imbler estate: Ordered
Emily M. Hobson estate: j Or
dered closed. !
Carl Henry Ekstrand estate:
Final account approved. - j
Eugene Fred Gilbert estate:
Ordered closed. !
James Otis Boatwright estate:
Final account approved.
Robert L. Johnson, 27, 1195H
N. 17th St., pleaded guilty to
drawing check with insufficient
funds; 15-day jail sentence sus
pended on condition restitution
is made; fined $15. i
Fred V. Fowler, 27, 375 "E.
Washington St, ordered held for
Court Rules Aluminum Firm
Owes! Personal Pronertv Tax
Reynolds Aluminum Co. has to
pay personal property taxes on
machinery and equipment at its
Troutdale plant for the 1930-51 fis
cal year, the Oregon ' Supreme
Court ruled Wednesday.
Tne company, which sued Mult
nomah county to escape the tax
for that year, contended it should
not have been placed on the as
sessment roll until after Jan. 1,
Fescue Vote
Count Awaits
Ballot Boxes
Counting; votes in the fescue
commodity i referendum now in
progress under direction of the
State Agricultural Department
will not get under way until all
ballot boxes reach the depart
ment here; officials said Wednesday.
Balloting started in 15 counties
Wednesday and wilt continue
through Friday. J .F. Short, di
rector of agriculture; said it prob
ably would be Monday or Tues
day before all ballot boxes are
received. 5
j Voting is in progress in sev
eral counties including Baker,
Benton, Clatsop, Jefferson, Klam
ath, Lane," Multnomah, Umatilla.
Washington and YatnhilL
; In Clackamas, Marion and Linn
counties voting is at the county
agent's office and at certain
hours in some outlying districts.
i RIFE To Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Rife, Independence, a
daughter, J Wednesday, Sept - 21,
at Salem Memorial Hospital. -
i FAULK To Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Faulk, 3920 State St, a son.
Sept 21, at Salem General Hos
pital, f -
I HAMILTON To ,Mr and Mrs.
Fred B. Hamilton, 585 S. Elma
Ave., a son, Sept 21, at Salem
General Hospital
: WALRATH To Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Walrath, 711 Oregon St, a
daughter," Sept 21, at Salem
General Hospital.
arraignment on charge of obtain
ing money by false pretenses
until Sept 26 for Stayton Justice
Court. Bail $300.
1950, because it didn't complete
acquisition of the property until
after that date. .
But the Supreme Court agree
ing with Multnomah County . As
sessor Wilye W. Smith, pointed out
that in December, 1949, the com
pany accepted a letter of intent
from the federal government cov
ering purchase of the plant.
This letter, the Supreme Court
ruled, placed the company in pos
session of the property, and thus
made it taxable for the following
fiscal year. ' ,
' Had . the company's argument
been accepted, the tax wouldn't
have been levied until the 1951-53
fiscal year.
The opinion, by Justice Walter
L. Tooze, upheld Circuit Judge
Lowell Mundorff of Portland.
Upholding another Multnomah
county decision, the Supreme Court
ordered the officers of the Eastern
and Western Lumber Co. to pay
$782,493 to stockholders of the com
pany. ,
The stockholders claimed they
were induced to sell their stock
below its actual value by reason
of fradulent misrepresentations.
The company now is defunct ,
The decision was by Justict
George Rossman. It upheld Circuit
Judge Alfred P. Dobson ot Port
land. . ,
School V
' Sophomore class elections, held
Wednesday during home room
period, showed definite controversy
among sophomore voters as to the
choice of their student leaders. V .
A revote between Colleen Nelson1'
and Larry Payne today will decide
who is to hold the office of sopho- -
more class president Other stud
ents running for' president Were
Dennis Beller, Jim Davenport and
Linda Ramage. '
Claudia Fry and Sally Riewald
received the majority of votes lot
the office of vice-president A re
vote between the two girls will
name the vice-president " Z
Barbara Falleur, ' Dan Moore,
Barbara French and Imogen
Thomas were the other candidates
for the office of vice-president.
Sophomore class secretary is
Barbara Henken who won .in lav
close race oyer Nancy Mischke.
New sergeant-at-arms is Jim
Heltxel who edged out John Brora
in the elections.
tike ' MM CHANGE
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