The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 11, 1955, Page 22, Image 22

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    Statesman, Satem, Or)., Smity, Up. W, If SJ
F. L. Clubs Will
Salem F. L. Club No. 14 of
-the, Rebekah Lodge will be host
ess to the 48th State F. L Clubs
of Oregon Convention in Salem
en Saturday, September 17. It it
anticipated that 230 will be in at
tendance. Fifty-two clubs throughout the
state have received invitationa
and a banquet will be held at the
Marion Hotel on Saturday eve
sign at 6:30 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. a
program will be given in the
I00F Temple, followed by a bust
lies smeeting at 8 p.m.
Judge Rex Hartley, If arion
County judge, will give the wel addreaa.
A loving eup will be presented
to the most outstanding F. L.
Club of the state by Mrs. Carol
Young and the alumni group of
Vernon No. 1, Portland. Mrs.
Young founded the first F. ; L.
Club in the atate of Oregon.' The
contest will be judged on the
basis of initiation, publicity, and
community service.
Salem Woman President
The F. L. Clubs are only lo
cated in the state of Oregon and
are open to any lady Rebekah
member In good standing be
tween the age of 18 and 30 years
of ape. The primary objective of
the clubs is to further the under
standing "among the younger
-members of the Rebekah Lodge
in the principles of lodce work..
State officers are Mrs. Law
rence McClure. president, Salem;
Mrs. Bene Eilertsen; vice-presi
dent. Clatskanie: and Mrs. .Vade
Kirby. secretary-treasurer, Klam
ath Falls.
Gub Calendar
. ' t S f ,.
. V ' ; .
' vr "- :
Miss Rowe
Tells Troth
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Row are
announcing the betrothal of their
daughter, Marlene, to Marvin Laz
arus, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
: Lazarus of Vancouver. B.C. No
1 date has been set for the wedding,
Miss Rowe graduated in June
iiuiii nuiaiuvu iiun w
now employed at the Doctors Clin
ic. Her fiance attended Regina
College in Regina, Saskatchewan,
Canada. He U engaged in the
jewelry business In Vancouver, B.
Members of Rt Cecelia's Guild
of St. Paul's Episcopal Church
will meet Tuesday night in the
fireplace room at 8 p.m. Co-host
esses are Mrs. William J. Ben
der, Mrs. Donald E. Wickman
and Miss Betty Byrd.
Mrs. Dibblo to bo
Mrs. Lura Dibble, national rep
resentative of the Christian Busi
ness and Professional Women's or
ganization, will be the featured
speaker at their monthly dinner
meeting to be held on Tuesday,
September 13 at 6: IS p.m. at the
Marion Hotel.
' Mrs. Dibble has been in evan
gelfat for many years in the East
and just recently became affiliated
with the Christian Business and
Professional Women. Special mu
sic for the dinner win be provided
by the Teacher's Trio, Eleanor
Burtonr Jackie Davis and Verna
A special feature of the meeting
will be given by Miss Page of the
Patricia Lee School of Charm and
Model Agency, who will speak on
! helpful hints to beauty.
! All women are invited and ,re-
United Church Women to Hold Institute
Salem United Church Women
are announcing the date of the
annual Mission Study Institute
held each year to assist women
in many of the local churches to
prepare for jhe studies on World
Mission's used by more than 23
The 'institute will be held 'on
Wednesday, September 28 at the
First fresbiterlan Church from
9:30 aim. to 3 p.m. Mrs. J. P.
Smart land Mrs. William Reagan,
co-chairmen! of Christian World
Missions of UCW with committee
members, Mrs. Robert Shepard
and Mrs. A. A. Taylor, are ar
ranging an
of interest
outstanding program
o all church women
servatlons should be called in to
Mrs. C. G. Abbott by Sunday, Sep
tember 11.
concerned with presenting the
study books In their churches
during the coming months.
All types of visual aid mater
lals for both youth and adult stu
dies as well aa text books ana
supplementary publications are
to be on displsy and techniques
for their use will be demonstrat
Among those taking part In the
presentation of the study booka
will be airs. Harold Kosebraugn,
Mrs. Forrest Lemm, Mrs. W. S.
Ankney and Mn. James. Randall.
Study themes for 1B55-8 are The
Christian Mission in a Revolu
tionary World and Indian Ameri
cans with text books entitled
-This Revolutionary Faith" by
Floyd Shacklook and "Within
Two Worlds" by David M. Cory.
Lions Auxiliary to (Dpon Fall Season
Salem Lions Auxiliary members
will launch their fan activities
Thursday night at; a meeting at
the home of Mrs. Percy 'Thorn,
2590 Sunrise Ave.,: at I o'clock.
Thir will be a get-acquainted party
for new and old members. A des
sert supper will be served by the
hostess committee, i
Mrs. Norman Young is serving
as president .of the auxiliary for
the ensuing year. Mrs. Estill Brunk
is heading the committee for the
evening, assisted by Mrs. George
Brown, Mrs. John Marr, Mrs. Ev
erett. Wilcox, Mrs. Thomas Stacer
and Mrs. Gerald Christofferson.
St. Mark's Lntheraa Guild will
meet Wednesday evening at tha i
church at S p.m. Mrs. Horace Me
Gee is arranging the program.
MAIL ORDERS INVITED: Indudt 2N-Addd Post Office charts collected ee C0.0.'s
: Monday
Salem Chib. Republican Women'i
Federation-of Oregon, Senator Hotel,
a D m.
- Salem Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
meet at hospital, 10 a.m.
Past Oracle Club with Mr. W. G.
Walker. 1045 N. Summer St," noon
' t
' Tuesday
Tri -County Dental Auxiliary with
Mrs. Johan Wold. 7770 Englewood
Ave 8 p.m.
Christian Business and Professional
Women, dinner meetlnf. Marion Ho
tel. 6:15 p m.
Salem Busmet and Professional
Women's Club. YWCA. 7 M pjm.
; Business Women of Ainrworth
chapter. OES. noon luncheon, 1100
Chemeketa St.
Laurel Guild. Knight Memorial
Church with Mr. W. C. Drakeley,
1475 N. 16th St.. s p.m.
Cherry Court Order of the Amar
anth. Scottish Rite Temple. S p.m.
. Court Capital City, CD A. at KC
Hall, S p.m.
Hetrigeration Service TEngineert
Society Auxiliary with Mrs. Ivan
Roys. 1130 Albert Drive. 8 p.m.
Salem lions Auxiliary with Mrs.
Percy Thorn, zsso sunns avi., p.m.
Christian Women's Fellowship,
First Christian Church. 11 a.m.
Mrs. Lawrence McClure, president of the F. L. Clubs
of Oregon, who will preside at the state convention to be
held In Salem on September 17. Mrs. McClure Is e member
of the Salem F. L Club of the Rebekah Lodge. (Kehnell -
Ellis Studio). . . M I
Chairmen for
BPW Week
The Salem Business and Profes
sional Women's Club will have its
first recreation meeting of the sea
son Tuesday night, September 13
at 7:30 p.m. at the YWCA.
Recreation co-chairmen, Mrs.
Daesy Chance and Mrs. Dorothy
Walker, are in charge of the eve
ning's program, A brief aeven
o'clock board meeting will be held
before the party, (.
Junior past president Eleonor
Roberta has announced the com
mittee chairmen for Business Wo
men's Week activities. They in
clude Mrs. Mona Yoder, who will
be in charge of the president's
breakfast, the opening event of the
week: Mrs. Daesy Chance, go-to-
church; Mrs. Ceca Hobbs, public
relations dinner; Miss Josephine
Evans. Chamber of Commerce
luncheon; Mrs. John Versteeg. who
Jason Loo WSCS
Slates Mooting
i ! ' I
The Woman's Society f Chris
tian Service of Jason Lee Meth
odist church will meet W'ednes
day, September 14, at 11: a.m. In
the Kirby Room of the: church
for the business meeting. Mrs.
Walter Nystrom will lead the 1
o'clock program with Mrs. Iva
Wirth having the devotions.
Seven members of the Jason
Lee WSCS attended the! district
education seminar in Amity and
Mrs. R. E. Wingard led a study
on "Indian Americans."
The Susannah Wesleyaa Ser
vice Guild of the First Metho
dist Chdrch will be entertained
Monday night at the home of
Mrs. J. W. Taylor. 862 !N. 16th
St. at 8 p.m. Co-hostesses are
Mrs. Robert Biskie and Miss Lu
cille Butts. :
will be in charge of the1 window-
of-the-week, and Miss Betty Elof
son. who will assist In the week's
activities. ! . I
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