10 (See. 2)-Statmn, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Sept. 1, .1 9S. Migrant r r Program in Area to 'Starting Roll : By CONRAD PRANGE t Staff Writer, The Statesman . I Such everyday facets of mod ern living as nimmase sales, baby Showers, picnics, health lectures and celebrations were participat ed in this summer by thousands f migrant crop harvesting fam ilies in Oregon. L ., Work, among i the migrants, sponsored by the Oregon Council of Churches in' coopf-ration with local churches and civic groups, is "beginning to- roll,", it was in- flicated at a state meeting in Sa le m Wednesday.,' , Six Areas - " :"" - - "This summer 30 paid and full time volunteers worked in six migrant areas," said "Miss Betty Whitaker. state director of " the field program of the Orepon Mi grant Ministry. She ii a repre sentative of the1 National Cofincil of Churches. - ' "Although this represents an Increase of about 30 per cent in personnel, she i said, "we need more workers. There are about a half-dozen - migrant-gathering areas1 in the state we haven't even touched. We figure we reach about one-tenth of the total mi- grant population in uregon. we tvant to reach more." : Longer Program' ' - Aim of the Oreeon Council of ' Churches is for an eventual vear- , found. prtfgrair for migrant fanv lies based on local community ' articinat;on. This vould include work in educational, spiritual, Vocational, social and health fields. - ! ; The Council also is setting up plans to study basic problems of migrant families, such a; employ ment, health, sanitation and edu cation with a view to initiating Heeded legislation, she sai.'. ''. A big problem of irig ant crop Wnrkpr is acceDtai'c , bv com munities in which they are work-, , ing. Already, i Miss Whiteker said, Migraut MinMry workers have helped here - Big Fiesta At Nyssa the local residents .. were guests recently of Mexican American crop workers at a. big fiesta. There the work among migrants is pushed by the local Chamber of commerce. It was "Also at Nyssa where 15 exp ectant mothers -were the object of a mass' "baby shower? -complete with nearly 70 women quests and . boxes of gifts, f t A highlight of the harvest sea- ' son for the past three years in the Hillsboro area has been a picnic participated in by coni- " munity and migrant families, Mobile Program The migrant program in the Salem-Independence-w tayton area, if sponsored by the Salem Council of Churches," is unique, Miss Whitaker said, because it is a mobile one. A number of camps are visited daily by mobile ;nita of Migrant Ministry workers In other sections of Oregon thej Mi grant programs are established in semi-permanent locations. I ' The program is now being! car ried out in these areas: Hillsboro, Eola Village - near Mf Minnville, Milton-Free 'ater, Salem, i Nyssa. A fall program will soon' in the Klajnath Basin for the potato harvesters At Wednesday's meeting group of Migrant Ministry work ers told of various experiences in dealing with migrant pro:fems. House Payment There was the hard-working, five-children harvester family at Hillsboro bent on saving at, least $100 from this summer's earnings of a in order to start purcliai two-room house in Portland A 13-year-old- partially girl, working in a Stayton deaf bean yara, was enrolled in the ; State School for the Deaf in Salem through efforts oL the, Migrant u;n: i !; Health Kits At Nyssa health kits containing among other things, tooth bashes ana loom paste, was given children of Mexican families several days, reported the! grant Ministry ; worker in area, parents couldn't drari jtheir youngsters from the bathhouses where they" wera spending all day b ushing their teeth! s over and over. At independence a nine-year-old Spanish-speaking ; boy Spent iwo hours a day for several heeks with a Migrant Ministry Ttrker taking English reading and (writ ing lessons. And, report ; the worker, judging from tne pmer ent styles of handwriting ajpjpear ing on the boy's homewofk pa pers, his entire family benefited by the lessons. IMAGINE! BUYS A GENERAL ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER Compare With Other S.L ... SAA00 uryers lor iuu or More - ! .... f T ..&.....!. i'i::v.'.!"lr.? wo m i y ii u J V u ::::r::::"-; s us n r t r- J.-nl ...-....ry.--'-""vry;r;!rr:::v"""::---::;. " w Wrwmmmm mm c-' a ism :::l::::::;:.;::::::s' ft" . j; JT.-.J- A 'f mm I Serve Yourself and Save! Here's a brand new idea in shoe merchandising. ' Every shoe style in our store will be displayed on racks. YOU make your own se- . FREE GIFTS AND PRIZES! FOR THE KIDS - Balloons, Comic Boohs ' and Lollipops! lections . . . WE do the fitting . . . Saves us time and saves you money. 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