Sttt$man, Salem, Ore., Monday, July If, 1955 Sec 7h7 COO Real Estate R00 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 806 House for Sol 806 Houses for Solo 806 Houses for Sole 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive . 850 Automotive 850 Automotive s ON'S DELIGHTFUL HOME Tor the discriminating taste. For thofre of you who like the best in environment yet desire excluded privacy, this home otters both. 2 spacious bedrms.. large closets, tiled b-jth. Comfortsble living rm. with unusually attractive firepl. Sep. dining rm. Colorful kitchen Sc cheerful breakfast nook. Dble. gar. Call Edith Anderson, home ph. 4-5233. SHADY YARD With b?rbecue, fruit, berries, far den. Plus a very neat home on half acre. Car. shop, chicken hse., well Sc city water. Paved street, idewalk, edge of city North; A real buv at $8,750. Call Clyde Foulk, borne ph. Z-382S. ST. VINCENT fhis economically heated three-bdn. home with good rooms well ar ranged for family living, is priced njnt. laeaily located for St. vi cent School and Pprish. Get set' fed before the fall term starts. Sawdust furnace, full bamt Deep lot, $9.8jO. Call Chet Nelson, home mtu ph. 2-1350. NELSON & NELSON ' REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial Office Ph. 2-3669 fisaBfiasiisv 3 Bedroom Saleni Heights TERMS II x 18 living room, kitchen-utility combined loads ox ouill-ins. tiara wood floors. I A. . ail furnace - Large lot. One block to school and bus. Asking S10.5OO. Make us an of fer on down payment. Ask for Kicks. Eve. pa. 3-6405. Everything You Want! $1400 DOWN 3 BEDROOMS Separate dining room. Breakfast nook in birch kitchen. Attractive lire. place. 3 bedrooms. Tiled bath. In- loe utility room. AiisLnm irdi;c Floored attic for storage. Paved streets. Sidewalks. City water. Neai new school, south. Full price slz CP0. May trade for small place Call Johnson. Eve. ph. 3-38j8. ""' DRIVE BY One bedroom, living and dining room, nice large lot 77 x 220. Room for S more small houses or duplex. Full price $5,125. 1373 6th St., west Salem. Ask lor Lucas. Eve. ph. 3-0388. $15,500 BASEMENT WILL TRADE An the hard work and landscaping done here. 4 yrs. old. Beautiful sard. Greenhouse. Fenced yard. fireplaces. Separate dining room 3 bedrooms, larce birch kitchen. T. A. furnace. Paved streets. Side walks. City water. 4 blocks, to new school. Excellent location south Will sell or consider small home in trade. Call as today. Ph. 3-9203. , or South High St Ph. 3-9203 Opportunity Knocks Are ycu listenin'?) QUALTJIED BUYER may name his own terms on this roomy 3-bdrm. TAIRMOUNT BILL home. Bsmt. dble. garage. Beautiful lot All - this for $10,950. IT ISN'T EASY to find such well .mi cu iui j-uui lit- itvriiitr x awu CHOICE i of an acre ideally lo cated east ior ONLY $7950.. Terms available. S750 DOWN Move in How. Neat 2- bdrm. home close in tiX. Your Children and their pets win like the roomy lot Be the first to see this for $5500. - , -f Cluett & Kenyon . Realtors 19S0 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 1-3551. Eve. Ph. Thelma 4-8989 or Nila 2-8337 YOUR DREAM May come true if you and yours have what it takes. Income plus mighty fine living on this well kept six acres. New 4-bdrm. home, 2i baths, full bsmt, fireplace patio. -Oversized 2-car garage, good size chicken coop, spacious lawn, lots of flowers and small fruit, : Owner leaving state. See today or by appointment . QLAP TH0NSTAD ' REALTOR 41 N. Capitol St Ph. 3-7903 , BUILDERS ' ATTENTION l-Bedroom home, and 4 lots In good location, city water, close to school and bus. All for only $10,000.00. For further details call ior Mrs. ieav ens. Eve. 3-4733. L. E. KLUMPP, Realtor - 5055 Portland Rd. - Ph. 2-7642 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Kew 3-bedroom home (1039). Priced tinder $10.00 house St Jot fn. 2-0971. 4-8G01. KINGW00D HEIGHTS First time offered. Owner trans fered. anxious to sell his NEW 3 bdrm. family room Sc dining room, - 2 fireplaces, dishwasher, double baths, radiant baseboard heat pa tio, new lawn, large double garage. $19,500. Terms. Call Joe Hutchison, Eve. 24789. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 1131 Edgewater. Ph. 4-5743 MK. OWNER! When U sell. Glen Woodre will pay top price for your furniture at aoonancM en s-ih KINGWOOD height. 3 bdrm. with 1200 sq. ft TM.A. appraisal, $13, 00. Will accept reasonable offer, 1780 5tarute Dr. Fh. 3-6285. OPEN HOUSE 131 J Siiverton Rd. Hrs. 1-5. 3-bdfm home, large lot trees, garden space, fireplace, dining rm.. nook, lull price $15,800. sale or trade. JOE NOONCHJESTER, RL. EST. taw rf. cottage 4-3661 day or eve, 27 it's a three-bed home you are looking for, full .basement with sawdust heat and located just ngnx. xnen see 07 w. ixn. BY OWNER, transferred. $12,500. Candalaria S bdrm. ranch strle. Full size din. rm.. twin sinks in bath. 3-4407. 297$ Doughton. Wonderful place to raise family. , 2 bdrm. home north. Nice yard, flowers, fruit berries, garden spot close to schools, shoppina. bus. SA95S. Consider, trade. Ph. 2-4713 after 5. BY OWNER, large home with lovely East view. 3 bdrms.. 2 baths, din. rm.. 2 fireplaces, party room In basement, dble. . garage, lots of storage, lge. lot Top of the hill 2820 S. 12th St after 1 p.m. NZW 3 bdrm. home, oil furnace, tile bath, fireplace, bus line. $504 dn. s a mo. See at 790 Vista. Call 2-8148. TOUR U0t IYVM000 'REALTOR LOTS OF ROOM FOR THE GROWING FAMILY I bedroom and den. spacious living room and dining room 1 I kitchen, covered patio. All this i " "t nd x 30 Playroom too. with V 14, -ty-jf fireplace and extra plumbing. : J i . .'jnfl J - rinu in trhnnli Here's a t Ml HEAL BUY for Henry Torvend to see this spac ious home. LEC OHMARI LETS TRADE!!!!!! ' We have a 2-year-old ranch type home with an exceptional view In South Salem has over 1550 sq. ft. of living area S bedrooms extra family room and fireplace yet pncea ai trade. Call Don . Doughton. STTPFR LOCATION Here we have the very much wanted type ious living room with wall to wan carpeting kuiuuiiu uu extra room next to .outside patio under huge weeping .willowfenced yard sprinkler system entire place in perfect condition Call Louis Lorenz we know you will like this borne 1 ... .6 --- START OUT RinHT'feUY A BRAND NEW "VIEW" HOME . -i j. tk. mniMin hMtnwnu and double olumbing fire- it. r it.. ... - - r place oil heat 2-car garase oavea dy It s a ucmju puy xor u.wu. t77fi CONVENIENT WELL for smaller family or to. buy for rental floored (can be finisneai como. living rwm nu and att. garage insulated and weather stripped. Drive by 4.148 Park Ave but do Sot disturb day sleeper Make appointment with Adrienne Sercombe. . f OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS . a-,-, r. . c Phone 1-4115. 2-4118. 2-0681 Eve: Henry Torvend 3-3632; Don Doughton 4-1414; Louis Lorenz 3-SS90; Ralph Maddy 2-34BH; AQrienne aercomae , - , ORI ass" 318 N. CHURCH ST. LET US HELP YOU CLOSE IK SOUTH. Older type home. 4 to sell. Can be made into rental, laeai ior lamuy. uw m kuwul bar gain price. 4,750. 4 27 ACRES. Close in south. Seeded grain plete horizon of cascade tunge wun located in the supposedly -bauxite- Schreder. SOUTH SALEM HIGH SCHOOL. Duplex lloor, large living room, witn nrepiace. uining room, mcncu wnu "uo, red oak hardwoob floors, forced air oil heat. Large cedar closets. Base ment apt. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, must see to appreciate. Price 119,200. Ask for Mrs. Wootten. WILL TRADE. Our 2-bedroom home, atdctly modern: for 4-bedroom home located in St. Vincent District. For particulars, ask for Don McFarlane. Cute as a Bug's Ear! And not much bigger But Oh! how cozy this little house beneath the big oaks, on beautiful John St 0' so,, ft living apace. Lot 50 x 150, with nice fruit trees and evergreens. Dandy ga rage, nice patio. Taxes only M7.50. Many possibilities for people with imagination. Owners have outgrown their charming home. Their loss, your opportunity. Price f8,5O0. j OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. Evenings: McFarlane 4-8818. Lemm 3-7198. Wootten 3-80M, iirose 4-ihV, ED LUKINBEAL mJAU j REALTOR COUPLE SPECIALS 1 HAS 3 bedrms, full cement foun dation, r a raff, oriced at 6.500. 2 HAS 2 bedrms.. Ig. dining rm.. full ' rmt foundation tc carase. $7,500. EACH is in excellent condition, clean as a hound's tooth, nave nice yarns with lots of flowers, fruit St shade trees, these are joining properties. may tx purcnasea separately or s one unit tor su.auy. ux;a.u close to Catholic & Higtuaaa Schools. Eve. call Ed 4-2805. LET'S TRADE THIS family needs more room, their small home consisting ot one Dea rm.. fireolc hardwood floors, ga ra. nice lot with le. shade tree & lots of flowers is all clear. They want more room. Value $5,250. Trade to $10,000. Eve. call RAY DAVIS, 4-5917. 433 N. HIGH STREET BUILDING LOANS 5 TO 25 YEARS - - - " 1 7 - AVAILABLE TO HOME; OWNERS OR CONTRACTORS THIS IS IT Just listed. This home -. ? H,iv, tatitivni firn ap. 12 x breakfast nook. T. A. oil furnace.' Nice landscaped lot This place is in perfect condition about 4 years old. Has 1880 sq. ft floor space. Full price sl4.iou.uu. uu xienry auuu u ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL 2-bedroom place, beautiful yard ana pncea ai see call cnei nawuns, TRADE. OWNER RETIRING Win take 3-bedroom home to $13,000.00 In trade for this well locatea garage vxmi, -eludes electric acetylene welder, hoist spark plug cleaner, battery charger, bench grinder, cash register. Lot 75 x 300 a very neat 2-bedroom home on lot. Plenty of garden space, 6 year trees. Full price $17,- 000.00. To see call Dale Rayburn. RAWLINS REALTY (ACROSS FROM STATESMAN JOURNAL) 60S Chemeketa Street Office Phone 4-6875 Evenings phone salesmen: Chet Fred Rw nenry ituna Mr. and is. Midwest FOLKS, we'd love to show you one ertiea in Oregon. TOP QUALITY as much or as little gardening as one acre 1 all beautifully landscaped. F.H.A. terms. For appointment to see. Ph. 2-355L . CLUETT & KENYON, REALTORS 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. ' Eve. Ph. Thelma Mankertx 4-8989 SACRIFICE" Owner leaving town. Attractive mod ern 2-bdrm. nome. jnsiae eixy. near school 4c bus. Unfinished attic for 2 nice bdrms possibility ot bath up. Large lot Fenced in back yard. $8,400. 3345 Duncan Ave. HORSE CENTS tavs orr Use yours and look at this 2-narm. . nome i twtver umu new). After you see this one then look at the other neat 2-bdrm. ed in the Leslie Dist. St splendid condition throughout. Best of all you can have both of these home for $12,900. Terms. $2900 down. COLBATH LAND CO. 515 Court St Dial 4-4494 , Eve. Ph. 4-8193. 1-373$ or 2-314 --.- WEST SALEM s At 1307 6th St Nice. J-bdrm. home. If interested call 3-8898. WiU Uke late model truck or; pick-up ior part payment. : PRICE REDUCED for quick ale. nice 5-bdrm. home sua Maaison. Model Homes and Lots Before yott buy. See Del Johnson & compare the inability & aWf. .email down payment FHA Sz GJ. fnianctng. Open daily, drive out Libert- ltd. to Cunntnrham Laae, ili the first house oa the right $14,900. Call . 1 SCOT CALABA oniy au.iau. in, w - home WITH BASEMINT spac - - - - - - - j -. .,, t.i sueei ana wim-viu miu FLAMMED HUM1S 2 bedrooms. down with upstair SOU DtVtlOPMENT Wl W- REALTORS' PHONES 4-7722 AND 4-7 W BUY AND SELL bedrooms, double plumbing. Priced crop. Excellent hill top view. Com its many mow pu. i is area. Price iS.900. Ask for Ed , Home. 2 large bedrooms on main scnirotr -ios RICHMOND DISTRICT THREE Bedrm, all on one floor, plus burnt, witn gooo oil pi pea iur. Large dining rm., separate nook, located on quiet shady S. 23rd Street good value at $9,500. Eve. caU FLOYD McNALL, 3-7764. BUSINESS ZONE $8,000. Bargain in well kept older Home, tiooa painx instuc oc out, u nice big Apt up with full private bath & separate ent This is a honey of a buy. fully fur., for $9. 000. Call ELOYD McNALL. Eve. 3-7764. DUPLEX STDE bv side, each unit with 2 bed rms. Sc full bath, 2-car ga. Sc cen tral utility, good buy at $11,000. Call RAY DAVIS, Zve. 4-SS17. PHONE 2-6680 MARKET VALUE APPRAISALS has 3 large bedrooms, living room, 15 14 uiiiiiiie tuviii. wik mimich full basement hardwood floors, fire- muj ,wv.w. Rawlins 3-6236: "Dale Riyburn 2-2045; -ittui wn xvaiir -uw, ofthe "most perfect" auburban. prop. Cape Cod home with your choice fl your heart desires from one lot to 100 G. 3-BEDRp0M HOME' Garages or Carport and Fireplace From $8400 to $9900 Payments aa low a. $60. Includes in terest texts and insurance. ' We handle all details for you F. H. A. or G. L Famous ' L0CKW00D HOMES ' , (Broker) 3727 So. Com"! Ph. 2-0971 or 4-8501 HIGHWAY 99 SOUTH 287 ft frontage, workshop 0x24. I- oarm. nome, fireplace, sawdust heat garage, only $8,000. Terms. Call Harry Evans. Eve. Ph. S-4928. JOE HUTCHISON. JUtALTOR 2718 So. ComX Ph. 4-7874 852 Used Cora For Sole If ' esssse . ,v,1taj. ' JUL jujtliiubm-ititltoM-r V- "VH nfftr l-rif -fi-- 1 1 i w M e "asssssLV S SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE .". CONTINUES THRU SATURDAY i JULY 23RD ! OUR LOSS -YOUR GAIN J- GALL 2-2468 100 Real Estate 806 Houses for Sol NO HEADACHES HERE A home planned to please a woman. It has all the extras so expensive keep, attractive to iook ax.; bvine room with fireplace; labor SESaiidfa w00- a: m r Ant. CAtt4Vi T3rir Cfl . ,l?t monin uciuuiui macs, urance. ! COLBATH LAND f CO. S15 Court St Dial 4-4494 Eve. ph.: 2-3738. 4-8193 or 2-8314 VACANT i Must sell J-bdrm. home, cute, clean & ready to move into, close to bus. Don't wait, this is going to be sold. Call Claude .Henderson,, ive. fa. 4-7347. BY OWNER New 3-bdrm. home Sc l'a baths. 2 blocks to school. .Jine out. wixn view. Ph. 3-9045. TWO TUttee than lo on Investment unit apt. house, furnished. Excel, oond. Close in. beautiful lawn St shrubs. All units rentet $205 in come per mo. small single bdrm. cottage, partly turn., gar. att. Lovely -lawn. All nrivate. '.. block to store & bus. Tor further Information on both these bargains call 3-353. ESTATE SALE: Small res. 565 N. 17th Salem. Make offers at f loneer Trust Co. Ph. 33136. 08 Lots For Sole CHOICE lot in Candalaria Addition. 100 x 175 feet among trees. S3.500.ou. J. B. Young, Realtor, Ph. 2-6680. IN TURNER, a 2-rm. cabin with city water, electricity, garoaee service and 13 level lota eacn su oy iai , all for $3500 or lots at $250 each. Write Box 422. Statesman-Journal. t CHOICE lots. E. Front oa Broad way. 3-4367. 2 LOTS approx. 168 ft frontage and 11a et riMn at liieu Annur war. Cement garage house Sc chicken! hniie some trees all 81250. 'i I down. Phone Anderson 4-338L Eve. I 4-2714. 810 Forms, Acreage For Sole j 9.70 ACRES Bungalow style home with basement. 2 bedrooms and anotner uniimsnea. TTvreiient iinrfne water with pressure system. Good so oy jo barn with 6 stanchions. ' mi. to school. 10 minutes from downtown. Asking $12,500. Will consider trade . on home in town up to s n.aou. 10 ACRES ! No buildines. 6 miles east of town. Good soil, will trade tor sman home in town or 35 ft trailer house. E. J. Z REALTOR 1745 Grant Street Phone 3-4035 YOU CAN'T BEAT IT 10 acres Irrigated Willamette SUty - Clay Loam. Approx. 4 A. morn less Everereen Blacks. 1 A. Boy- sens." 1 A. New Strawberry plant ing. Six-room house. Buy now and get this year a crop. price $15,000 Phone owner 2-3238 or 3-933S 2 VERY NICE ACRES Close in 2-bedroom home. barn, out' bldgs, well. Price only $7,950. : GOOD i ACRE. S HOUSES Price only $3,250. $500 Down 10 ACRE WITH BLDGS., $5,250 May consider trade equal value. CALL OSCAR SEDERS TROM, with ' JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 405 N. High. Ph. 4-3482. Eve. 2-5219 172 A. cultivated. Wonderful build ing spot on good Rd. All fenced sheep tight Full price $9,500. See me. Ivan B. Sutton, Rltr.. for terms. Fairfax 7-2253. Jefferson. 20 ACRES, farm land, amall house. NW of Molalla. Ph. 4-1485 Salem I after 5.30 p.m. - 812 Exchanges Reol Estate "ah alone" Masrta gone and left me. Bought a stationary nome. iot $1,700 in me. But you're not luch i a fool as he. Make a better deal. come on out and see. '53 Deluxe Terra Cruiser, 35 ft long, for stock machinery, home or what nave you. 2890 Blossom Dr. Ph. 4-4538, 2-3546. WANTED House trailer in ex change for equity S bdrm. bouse. Ph. 3-7337. 1 WILL TRADE $1900 equity in f urn. up and down duplex. Close in. a or pest car offered, ftu 2.7002. 816 Resort Property I OCEAN -Hew lots butldoied. water & electricity. Plu 46213. ! 818 Wonted, Reol Ettotc tKTTWCa aritt lnw rinwn vtavment. We have the buyers. Al Watta. Realtor. 4-6081 or 9-7ZU. j UltUIUt SNAPPY BARGAINS waschka 852 Used Cars for Sole US IF YOU STAN BAKER MOTORS UNION & 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole 322 JN. ilUrCn OU vuulv" Phone 4-3311 ST. VINCENT'S DIST. Close to St. Vincents Sc Highland schools. Nice 2-bdrm. home. Large living room. insuL Sc w-stripped. Good insulated fruit room. Work benco. Lawn, shrubs, fruit. New shake exterior. Att. garage. Priced at $10,500. owner will sea furnisn ed. includ. new appliances, for a very low amount extra. CaU Mr. Crawford, Eve. Ph. 4-5020. ONLY $7950 For this attractive 4-year-old 2- bdrm. home. Larue living room, oil heat hdwd. firs. Storm door?. Auto, washer goes also. owner will trade for a 2 or 3-bdrm. sub urban home. What have you? CaU Mr. Gnmmett on this today. Eve. Ph. 2-7679. HOWELL PRAIRIE 34 acres, almost Fine Willamette silt. Wonderful berry land, pavta road. 8 miles irom downtown Sa lem 3-bdrm. home with fireplace Dble. earage. Excel, well, raced to sell at $17,500. Call Mr. Craw- lord today. ve. fn, 4-9UZU. MECHANICS DELIGHT Take a look at this excel, oppor tunity- This service station nas been established 30 years in Rock' away, Ore. Income to $600 per mo., plus a rental of s.79 per mo. on store. All eauipment is includ ed at the low, low price oi only $18,500. Owner will take home or Income property near Salem in trade. What have you? Call Mr, Woodcock. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-5020. 4-7832. 4-7679, 2-8048 II No Answer, Dial 4-2248 State Finance 167 S, HIGH ST. $4,750 WITH $750 Down. Close to Me Kinley School. Pleasant, well light ed living room, 2 large bedrooms. Garage, workshop. A good buy. Call O. V. Hume, Eves. 2-5206. $5.500 NEAT 2-bedroom home on bus. Close in. Terms, w. xi. aieve Jey. Eves. 4-2618. ; S9.800 EXTRA Clean. Modern. 5 years old. 2 Bri. nome. notiywooa Dist. Has dining room, auto, oil furnace. On - paved St., close to shopping Dist Priced very low for quick sale. 'Call Stanley Brown, Eves. 2-5561. $11.000 THIS attractive late built 2 I to , 1 - . fflJI AAA -ttK. nome on large iui iw a 4w Keizer District. Beautiful yard. Lots of fruit Close to Schools. 1200 sa. ft. of floor area. Owner leav. ing state. Good terms. Call Stanley Brown, eves. 2-5561. I JUST like new, 2 BR. Ranch Type. fireplace, dining rm., kitchen with ! KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Good 2- bdrm. home, full basmt., nice trees, liv. rm. with fireplace and a view. Large patio area. Separate shower stall and home is two lev el. Moderate terms. CALL D. L. BLAISDELL , HERE IT IS FOR QUICK SALE $7,950. uood z-Ddrm. nome conven iently located. Liv. rm. with fire place, din. rm. with built-in buf fet kitchen and nook. Lge. lot Basement auto. -heat CALL 3. S. LAW GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays call Salesmen 3. E. Law 3-5113, D. L. Blaisdcll 4-8074. Roy S. Ferris 2-8010 H. K. Laymon 2-5193 DDiVri VX7W P1CV TTTtJMC CLOSE ln auburn.. .east 3 bedroom,. inside utility. Plastered garage. Paved street. $9,950. Little down. 4-3381; 2.5508. LOTS ' 96x159, $1,150. West Salem view, 80 xiso, make offer, candy river lot, $2,300, make offer. View south, really nice. $3,150. 4 BEDROOMS $6,750 LIVING room. Dining room. Kitchen with eating area. Basement. Ga rage. Nice tot. $500 or less down. Call nowl 2-5508; 4-3381 RAMSEY REAL ESTATE 427 FERRY (CALL US FOR LOTS) OFFICE: 44381 . Eve. T. T. Anderson 4-2714 Eve. Jim Ramsey 4-1698 Eve. Fred Donner. 2-8619 BRANCH OFFICE: 3135 SOUTH COMMERCIAL (VISTA AREA) PH. 2-5508 x,vc. . g ran viasjc 852 Used Cora for Sole CAN'T COME IN HIGH 800 Real Estate 806 Houses for Sole We Specialize in Trades or 3-7820 NEED CAR ROOM? Then see this one. Has att. garage plus a double garage in the back. Verv nice home on a 75x243-ft lot. Lawn, garden and some fruit. Has separate dining room plus a bkfst nook in the kitchen- Offered to you at the low price of only $8,750. Call Mr. Sword now. Eve. Ph. 2-8048. PERSONALITY PLUS You wili really like this well located new modern nome. 2 Dorms, pius a family room. Large living room. Beautiful fireplace. FA. oil heat Dble. garage, 1220 sq. ft. -of won derful living area. Near school Sc transp. Excel, construction. Pric ed at only $12,500. Call Walt Jones for more details. Eve. Fh. 4-7832. HOME AND INCOME oWn vour own home Plus 2 good rentals of S50 per mo. eacn. rieniats leased by the year. 2W oy zsu n. lot Tne construction is very good. Living quarters are superb. Rentals could be increased. Call Mr. Grim' mett Eve, Ph. 2-7679. GOOD INCOME On this Investment lee eream bus iness. Excellent traffic location Well established. Has many good possibilities. The equipment is in the finest shape, has had the best care. - The equipment is included in the reasonable price of $13,000. Call Mr. Woodcock to find out more about it Co, Realtor. PHONE 3-3151 nook. Inside utility rm., plumb, for washer Sc dryer. Large plastered gar. Montag FA heat. Picture win dows, planters inside and out. Large lot. Close to everything in the city, N. E.. $12,000. Shown by appointment Call Mr. Smith, Eves. 3-7007. "Attention Berry Growers!" 52 A. Hazel Green Dist. Good mod. home. Full basement. FA heat. Plenty of water. Over 5 tons, first picking on first crop berries this year on part of same farm. Terms. $30,000. Call C. D. Smith, Eves. 3-7007. $7,250 'WITH $500 down. 4-year-old attractive 2-bedroom home. Oil floor furnace. Attached garage. Lot 70 x 140. Located South. View. Can give immediate possession. Call O V. Hume. Eves. 2-5206. $10,500 5-bedrooms. modern. Full basement, fireplace, furnace. Close in. Terms. W. H. Steveley, Eves. 4-2618. VIEW OVER SALEM Attractive S bdrm. home with den and fireplace in basmt. Spacious yard, nicely landscaped. Available for immedi ate possession. Price $13,000. Will consider trade for smaller home CALL H. K. LAYMON OWNER HAS LEFT and must sell this splendid 3-bdrm. home south, Open living type with corner fire place, tile bath with dble. lavatory Beautiful senwood kitchen, excel lent floor plan. FHA cost to build $12,500. Our price $12,300. CALL ROY S. FERRIS 4 BEDROOMS $3,000 THIS home on quiet street near state buildings is worth the money, Some furniture goes. $1,000 down. Phone 4-3381; 2-5508. BEAUTIFUL SETTING ALL rooms larce in this 3-bedroom home. 2 sunrooms. Fireplace. Oil F. A. furnace. Patio. $11,750. $1,500 down. 2-5308; 4-3381. SMALL BUSINESS ONE or 2 persona can operate it. Sells soft ice cream, popcorn, can dy. etc., $3,000. 'Small down par ment. 4-3381- 2-5308. Ave. wacs. auuaxa 852 Used Cora for Sole 2-2468 853 Auto Portt & Repairs New Low Prices Allstate Rebuilt Engine GUARANTEED 4 WAYS (1) factory Rebuilding (not o hauling) , (2) New parts used (not rebuilt) (3) Guaranteed trade In on your old eneine. reaardless of condition (4) Only 10 down for engine Sc in- atallation Year -37-49 .35-42 .46-50 -42-48 .46-48 -41-47 -41-47 -41-47 .41-46 .42-49 Exch. CHEVROLET 144.95 PLYMOUTH DODGE j 147.501 150.50 163 50 191.50 225.50 231 JO 233.50 211.50 202.50 237.50 FORD CHRYSLEH OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC BUICK STUDEBAKER WILLYS KAISER 47-50 Factory order, other makes and years also available 1 SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. 550 N. Capitol 3-9191 854 Trucki, Trailert For Sole '49 CHEV. 4 ton pickup. Extra clean and low mileage for the model, all new tires including extra set mud tires. See at rear, trailer in trailer 1 court. 5085 N. 99 Hiway. 1949 CHEV. 2-ton truck. 8.25 tires. 13 ft flatbed with hoist S. City limits of Hubbard. Ph. Hubbard, 2-5101 days, 4-601 eves. '46 CHEV. t.-ton pickup with cano py. $375. 4450 Siiverton Rd. after 5. 856 Wonted, Con Trucks nuoixti nmin - n iroiir'i? vriMv. iu 119 run iilmui Bill Earl and Smithy K. SMITH MOTORS S45 Union Ph. 8-3040 WILL pay cash for pickups & trucks 4 ton to 2 tons or your equity. STAR MOTOR CO. , 607 N Coml Ph. $-8303 858 Motorcycles MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE Full coverage. Phone 2-1423 48 H-H 61. top condition, $195. Phone 4-7327. 47 HARLEY Davidson 45 for sale or trade. $175. Ph. 2-3391. CUSHMAN motor scooter. Good cond. 85. Ph. 4-2991. eve. 1947 ROYAL Enfield $125. 4151 Mac- leay Road. 862 House Trailers GOOD ' used comb, comp & utility trailer. $100. 3960 Mahrt Ave. pen. Four Corners. TRAILER space. $10 a month. ! Jo I pets. 1740 Oxford, fn. a-wtaa. THE BESI IN TRAILER HOMES 18 to 45-ft With Terms TRAILER ACCESSORIES PirK.lfP Jfe DELIVERY JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2640 Portland Road VACATION size trailer houses for sale or rent. See Earl Malm, 4030 Siiverton Rd. Ph. 4-7127. WE BUY WE SELL Consign your to ua for resale, we traae. we nnance. LANA LANE TRAILER PLAZA 1940 Lana Ave. Ph. 2-9160 1953. 27 FT. ROAD Master, $2,250. Ph, 4-9027. 8U0 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale BIG CUT From $8,200 to $6,600. New 3-bdrm. home east near school, just out of city on paved st Adjoining lot available. Owner must sell. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 1860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4590 or 3-9536 GARDENER'S DELI villi pane led den with lots of ouut-ins lirepiace, raaiant no w.itrt nci, 9 it. r,,it ..rden wise.. Call Del. Shields. Res. 3-9045. trimmttcAT $?AV 2710 So. Com-1. Ph. 4-7874 UNFINISHED 3-bdrm.. finished outside partitions in lot 75x222. Full price szyuo. $40 pee mo. r W REEVE. REALTOR 1860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4590 or 3-9536 1 WTTH "RARF.MENT - " - a-Dorm. nome on dhuuiui uwicu 1 street Auto, forced, air neat, neat CM) CII0!GE Sc clean fenced mck yard, umyixcux nuuouu x as.c- $6300. Term. C. W. KEEVE, Kr.AH UK lKfl Miuiinn St. Ph. 3-4590 or 3-9536 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! An 3-Bdrm. Buyers ranch atyle hornet on the maritet, two with dble. plumbing. 2 less) than avetage. than 8 vrs. old. two new. none over ' $15,500. One in Candalaria, one Kener. one suburban East and one close in South. Shown by appoint- ment only. Call Tom Fagan at 4-4494 and evenings and Sundays 4-8193 Colbath Land Co. 2 BDRMS.. hardwood floors through. out. lot 70x170. inaulated. weath- erstripped. t years old. attached garage. $8950. 13a Kenwood Ave.. four Corners. 852 Used Con for Sole TODAY'S DEST USED CAR BUYS! ' 1951 FORD FORDOR V-8 Radio, Heaer, & Fordo jii uiiut, jooo ruooer, gocd motor, rood deiL good pUce to buy car. $645. Make offer, 1E51 CHRYSLER NEWPORT If you w:nt good de pendable transportation with solid comfort dur ing aporchin;; or rfrizs lirig weather come la and steal this . one, 11293. 1952 OLDS SUPER 88 2-DR. Radio, heater, hydra, 1 tore b!-e. Come in with your White Steamer and breeze away for cool trouble free jeax " of driving. 11499. 1953 CHEV, BEL-AIRE.4-DR. Heat il you need it . Music for the Kir!s. and a real buy ior the old man. $1395. OPEN EVES. TILL 9 P.M. Loder Bros. Co. 456 Center Ph. 1-7973 McCALL'S 1 1950 Plymouth 2-door -395 i49 dtudebaker Landcrulser , i941 Chevrolet 4 -door. Sharo ..$195 1940 Plymouth Coupe, Good $ 95 1S50 Stude. Champion, 2-door .$595 1946 Ford 2-door $ns 1940 Buick 2-door, Good $150 1950 Stude Com. Reeal, deluxe 2-door, automatic transmission $69$ McCALL'S 1297 State Fh. 3-8108 1949 OLDS "98 club sedan. Rocket V-8 motor, hydramatic. R. Sc H. Needs motor work. Leaving town, will sacrifice for only $395 cash. Ph. 2-0838. 51 CHEV. DLX. 4 dr. R&H. New "53 fac. mtr dir. aig.. WS washers. 565 N. Cottage. 4-5611 53 MERCURY Monterery 4 dr. mer- comatic. tu-tone paint R&H. tint ed glass sun visor good condition must sacrifice. $1650. Ph. 2-1215 or 4-7505. r '55 OLDS "88" 2-door sedan. 4.000 miles, hydramatic. radio, heater, etc. Must sell. Make offer. Phone 4-7156 between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. CALL 4-6811 FOR QUICK RESULTS '52 BUICK Roadmaster hard-top coupe. Black with red leather In- tenor. 28,000 actual miles. Power steering, windows Sc seat Dyns flow. New ww tube less tires. This car is in showroom condition. WiU guarantee for 10.000 miles (uncon ditioned). $1695. Ph. 2-3969. Private party. No trades. 47 FORD convert, w. w. tires. RJrfL Sell or trade. Ph. 2-6971 after a p.m. 1954 BUICK Century .hardtop sport coupe, rower steering, oyn. ec H. 12350. 3-8557. 47 BUICK Sdn. Exc.-cond. R it H. Quick sale 1300. 3J64Z. CLEAN. 41. Buick sdnt Good coad. 878 S. Com 1. '52 FORD 4 dr. sdn. will trade. 2088 Berry St Ph. 3-8110. GOOD 1947 Dodge, for student or extra car, szis. rn. -aozs. StU. or xraae, ehuiijt in Qiji "88. Ph. 4-3031. '47 PONTIAC 4-door. R&H, alight body damage, $95. Ph. 2-2125. szia Skyline Rd. NEW LOCATION AUTO SALES 404 N. CHURCH Corner Center & Church" ACROSS FROM MEIER & FRANK No Money Down on Approved Credit Whole Sale Specials 1953 FORD RANCH WAGON Heater, directional signals. new tires, tinted glass, low mileage. REAL SHARP. $1495 1952 FORD TUDOR Radio. Heater, mooth V-i V-8 engine, good tires. Very dean. $895 Thirty Cars To Choose From ' Open I A. M, to t P. M. 404 N. Church St. Phone' 2-680S SAFELY 1951 Lincoln Cosmo. Sedan ......$1295 T?H Mere-o-matic. verv fine cond. We sold new & serviced. 195V MerCUrV fcCin. ftldUD . . , . , R&H, O Drive, this is a premium IQI Buick SDeCial Club Coupe. .S1045 r&h, dyna- excellent finish. j MOKI Marminr PlVl 1 xux iuv.i Cn S1(J95 f r-' " ' " - t RH, ODrive. ThU ear ii immae- 1 iiiat in out. low mi lease. ln-- Vnnn l,nw Q4 . (tRAK I One owner, R&H. I 1951 Chrysler NtW V.L-. Crln tOOrt R&H. auto, trans mucn peiier in Every car listed above la a "Safe Buy used car and carries our j I I Guarantee. The car makes food or w do" i I 19$ X. CoaX Ph. 3-9QU RON'S