1' t a f Glad to Be Rid of Jt Truman Jests About Presidential Job CMCAGO (UP) Former Presi dent Truman, in town for the Shriners convention, enjoyed one of his favorite pastimes Wednes day quipping with reporters. ' Sun-tanned and jocular at 71, be paid a surprise visit to the office of Mayor Richard J. . Daley and was swamped with questions. One reporter asked him if be in tended to run again for" public office. The ex-president guffawed and replied: i'-Hell. no." Asked whether he missed the White House, Mr. Truman joshed: "Hell, no. I'm glad to be rid of it." , :- Serious Note The dapper Democrat, decked out in a white summer suit and white pananja hat. joked about his tenure in the White House, but added seriously: "No man can fill that job. You just have to do the best you can." Mr. Truman said . a president "must be able to laugh at himself. - "A fellow ' who doesn't have a sense of humor just can't be in the White House," he said. Mr, Truman said he got a great deal of fun from reading news paper cartoons pro and con while president. About 600 cartoons drawn during his stay in the White House will be housed in the Tru man Memorial Library in Inde pendence, Mo., he said. Prominent Place He said the famous 1948 head line (from, the Chicago Tribune) KOT1CE Or TVTEVTTeV TO IM PROVE HOLIDAY DRIVE FROM HANSEN AVENUE TO CANDA LAR1A HEIGHTS NO. 2 NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon deems it necessary and - expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve HOLIDAY DRIVE, from -the south line of Hansen Avenue, to the South line of Candalaria Heights No. 2, in the City of Salem. Oregon, bv bring ing said portion of said street to the established grade, providing drain ge. constructing cement concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a 2'i inch asDhaltic concrete- pavement 30 feet wide, at the expense of the abuttin and ad jacent property, except the street and alley Intersections, which ex pense will be assumed by the City of Salem. aU in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council June 27. 1955, which are row on file in the offict of the city recorder and which bythis refer ence thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be examined by any interested party. Any interested property owner may ascertain their approximate share of the cost of making the improve ment at the office of the city engi neer. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the street im provement department Owners of property liable for the cost of malting such improvement may file written remonstrance against the same with the city re corder at- any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice. , By Order of the Common Council June 27. 1955. , ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder r Jly. 1, a, 15 SCHAEFER'S Healinjg Salve Wirh' vitamins A-D-f for dia per rash, uts, burns and ir ritated skin. Just tha thing for baby makes him or her happy. At SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Optn Daily, 7:30 A. M. to 8 P M. Sunday, 9 A. M. -4 P. M. . 135 N. Commercial We are pleased to " s . - . - announce that we are R1CKREALL, OREGON . which proclaimed Thomas E. Dew ey was elected president also will be in the coDection 'in a . promi nent place." Mr. Truman had a busy day, addressing several gatherings of Shriners, including the 58,000 who turned out at Soldier Field Wednes day night for the spectacular Shnnerama show, which in cluded music, fireworks, vaudeville and circus acts. Talking at the imperial poten tate's banquet, Mr. Truman, him self a Shriner, said world peace depends on the United Nations, the President of the united States and the American people. Support U.N. He called on the Shriners to sup port the U.N., which he said they could rely on to "prevent the use of atomic weapons. "If you make up your minds to turn your back on peace." he said, "you may have complete destruc tion. - Speaking without a prepared text, Mr. Truman said one of the most important points to remem ber is that the president as the "civilian head of the military forces is the best guarantee we have for peace in the world." The ex-president said Americans are the "only hope" of the free world. New Sugar to House WASHINGTON W Two new compromise proposals, both involv ing large-scale U. S. purchases of domestic sugar, were - placed Thursday before the House Agri culture Committee. The committee is expected to act on .them after further hearings Friday and may have a bill ready to report out early next week. . It is speeding to prepare a com promise bill, which will be accept able to domestic and foreign pro ducers, and can be passed before Congress adjourns about Aug. 1. The two proposals advanced Thursday: v 1 Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson suggested that the government this year buy 100.000 tons of U. S. surplus sugar. This would give immediate relief to cane sugar areas, which face se vere acreage cuts unless some leg islation is passed at this session. 2 Committee Chairman Harold Cooley (D-NO who said he would seek to have the new bill give the Agriculture Department the right to make non-recourse loans, or pur chase outright, all U. S. sugar now surplus, or which might become surplus. Under the non-recourse loan plan the government could advance up ! to 90 per cent of the cost of sugar. 'Then, if the price fell below the 90 per cent level, it could take over the sugar, but could not collect the difference. ' CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE AND HERB CO. NEW LOCATION SO. 12TH AND LESLIE 1195 LESLIE OFFICE HOURS lues, and Sat. Only 9 a.m. 5 p.m. HONE 2-1830 S. B. FONG. HERBIST -AX READY To Receive at our at Derry, Oregon Just North of the Derry Warehouse pacific grains, inc. Second Man Admits Part in Fatal Beating THE DALLES () A second transient has signed a statement admitting participation in the fatal beating of Robert Easley, 48. of Klamath Falls in a boxcar Sun day. ".--. Sheriff R. L. Gillmouthe said Ed ward Thomas Wright confessed Thursday his part in the beat ing. Wright and Doss Matchen, who signed a similar confession Wednesday, are being held on charges of being drunk and dis orderly. Both will appear before the Grand Jury Monday. Three other men have been cleared but are being held as ma terial witnesses, Gfllmouta said. BANKRUPTCY SOUGHT PORTLAND (UP) Merton Har ry Shook, owner of the OK Market on Merriman road in Medford, Wednesday reported assets of $28,542 and debts of $59,301. He filed a bankruptcy petition in Fed eral Court here. Salem Obituaries Mrs. Bessie A ilea Late resident of 70 N. Winter street, July 14. Survived by hus band. Guy M. Allen of Salem; daughter, JUrs. Glennis Buehning, Eugene, Ore.: 2 sons, Francis G. Al len. Salem; C. W. O. Hiram M. Allen, Selfridge Airforce Base. Michigan; sisters. Mrs. A. S. McKay of Sturgis. S. Dak., and Mrs. Fred Tyree of Bremerton. Wash. Four urandchil dren. Services Saturday. July 16. at 10 a.m. in the Clough-Barrick Chap el, Dr Paul Newton Poling offic iating. Interment Best Lawn Mem ory Gardens. Joha H. Carsoa At a local hospital July 13th. Late resident of 785 South Commercial. Survived bv wife, Mrs. Myrtle A. Carson of Salem; i daughters. Miss Ann Carson of Salem. Mrs. James Shaw of Medford. Ore.; sisters, Mrs. Hugh t. Mdjmmon oi oaiem. mn. Walter A. Barsch of Salem; 2 broth Allxn C. rjTwn nf Salem. Wal lace P. Carson of Salem. Services will be new rnaay. July i- p.m. at St. Paul Episcopal church, under the direction of Virgil T. Golden Co. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. The Rev. Geo. H. Swift offi ciating.. Delwyn Balet Williams In this city July 13. Late resident of 625 N. Thompson. Survived by wife Nan L. Williams ox iem. Brother of R. C. Williams of Scio, Oregon; Mrs. Avis A. Hoffman, Yach ats. Oregon. Services will be held Friday, July is. at 3 pjn. in ine Chapel of W. T. Rigdon with con cluding services at the City View Cemetery, Rev. Wayna Greea offic iating. Mrs. W. W. Cory Late resident of Springfield. Ore. Formerly of 36S South 17th St.. Sa lem, on Julv 14. Survived by daugh ter, Mrs. F. R. Vance. Springfield, Oregon, and J. K. Simonton, Snoho mish, Washington. Services Saturday, July 16, at 1:30 p.m. in the Clough Barrick Chapel. Private interment at City View Cemetery. In lieu of flow ers friends may contribute to the Heart Fund. Mary Elizabeth Springer Lata resident of 687 Churchdale at the age of 45 years. Survived by mother, Mrs. Mary K. Springer, Sa lem, and brother. Harold Springer of Spokane, and sister, Mrs. Margaret Cotton of Chemawa, Ore. Announce ment of services later by HowelL Edwards Funeral Home. Ethel Eleanor Weeks . In this city at the age of 73. Late resident of 135S Chemeketa St. Moth er of Mrs. A. W. Beardsley, Kim berly. Oregon, and Mr. Wayne L. Weeks; sister Mrs. W. L. Patterson of Forest Grove; 5 grandchildren. Serv ices will be held Friday. July 15th at 1 :30 p.m. in the W. T. Rigdon Chapel, Rev. Wayne Greene officiating. In terment at Belcrest Memorial Park. Arthur Brook At residence, 1510 Norway, July 13 at the age of 59. Sister of Mrs. Laura Ditmars of Gervais; Miss Mary Ellen and Miss Elsie Brook, Mrs. W. Priestlev. all of England; brother, Harry Brook of Washougal. Washing ton. Funeral services will be held Saturday, July 16, at 130 p.m. In the Chapel of W. T. Rigdon Co. Con cluding services at the Belcrest Me morial Park, Rev. Wayne Greene officiating. PHONE DALLAS MAYFAIR 3-3738 Classified Advertising I tatesmaa-J carnal Kcwspapera tM Na. Caarea at. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Via. t Maes) Weekdays Moaoay per line. 1 tune .35 M per Una. S times M M per line. times $1.30 $1.20 par lis. 1 month $5 00 (lncl. Sua.) Classified aoa win be rua la both pa pel j to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 35,600 combined circula tions. When aa ad la ordered threa or six times and a Sunday issue is in cluded (for example: Friday. Satur. day. Sunday! tba lower Sunday rates apply because only tha Statesman publishes Sundays. Classified a 3s win start te the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude la tha evening Capital Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for classified ads is 1M p.m. the day before publica tion. Emergency ads and small Una ads received after 140 p.m. may be placed in tha Too Lata Te Classify" column for tba following morning. - r Ada for Monday papers must be in by pn Saturday The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserve tha right to reject ques tionable advertising ft a further re serves the right to plaoa an adver tising under tba proper classifica tion. Tha Stateamaa-Journal Newspapers sssume no financial responsibility for errors which may appear in ad vertisements puDnined in its columns and in casaa where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement te which tha typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad aa ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers bos number for an address is for the protection of tha advertisers and must therefore be answered by lct ter. The Statesman-Journal News papers are not at liberty to dlvulga Information as to th Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES TO protect its readers against fraud, deception or injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAY MENTS to get a position adver tised in the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must mention the article or serv ice to be sold and state if the pay is in the form of salary, com missions or both. Bona fide offers of employment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted" columns. Ads In other columns which re quire investment in stocks, sam ples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated before paying out any money. Ad vertisers requiring a cash invest ment for samples or merchandise sales aids, etc, much ao specify in their ads. Kindly report any exception to this rule to the classified advertising manager. AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify 47 HARLEY Davidson 45 for sale or trade. $75. Ph. 2-3391. 47 PONT1AC Convert, New top. Good paint $245. 27438. PANORAMIC view lot West Salem, restricted, reasonable. Trade ac cepted. 4-8325. $400 DOWN Two bedrooms, comb, living and dining rooms. Art ga rage. Near St Vincents. Full price $7900. $400 down, balance like rent CENTER ST. REALTY 1748 Center Ph. 4-6631. Eve. 2-7812 BY OWNER. Except, buy. Neat attr. 2 bdrm. home, inside util. att ga. rage, ample storage, excell. condt Really special at $8750. Ph. 28085 or 28048. 2 BDRMS. Pleasant neighborhood. Fenced in back yard. Bus at cor ner. Near S. Salem High. & Bush Schools. $65 mo. 1660 S. Capitol. FOR RENT very desirable 3 bdrm. South. Washer Sc dryer. Fenced back yard. August 1st 27022. TEACHER women, experience in of fice, store, berry - field checking wants summer work. Ph. 3-5853 Sat or Monday. CABINET making wanted immedi ately. Ph. 2-7491. U-PICK N. W. Strawberries. 10c lb. 2720 Blossom Dr. 1st road on left past Hayesville school. Ph. 28102. Paul Zielinski. FOR SALE A few trees of Royal Anne Sc Bing or Lambert cherries 3c per lb. You take all at 2345 .Rex St 300 Personal 312 Lost and Pound LOST! At Junction Newberg River Highway. Small white terrier dog with brown on ears. Very timid. Found call Gervais 2193. write G. Rush. Gervais, Ore. (Reward) LOST: White parakeet with pale blue cnest, in i;anaaiana. rn. LOST: Scrap book with clipping moving Tues eve. valuable to el derly lady. Reward. 4-1759 or 4.1881. FOUND: Fawn colored pup about 4 mos. old. fi. 2-eoei. LOST: Tire Ac wheel between Cen ter Sc S. Lancaster. Ph. 4-1842. PERSON finding white sandal in car Sat nite. Nick's. 3-6308. 314 Tronsportotion" DRIVING 50 Mercury to 8. Dakota Sc Des Moines. Ia. July 23rd. Room for 1 or 2, share expenses, refer, exchanged. Contact Morrey at 2.5014. 12 to S p.m. LEAVING for Bakersfield, then to N Mexico, July 18. Share expenses, my car. 3-8473 Silverton. 316 Personal I WILL not be responsible for any other debts than my own. Wil liam T. Peerenboom. FOR FACTS about the Catholic Church, write P. O. Box 6343. In dianapolis. Indiana. Information sent under plain coven Wo per tonal follow-up. MADAME ZORA PALM. CARDS & PSYCHIC ADV. Tells past, present & future Advice oa all matters SPECIAL $5.00 complete reading 11.00 witn tnis aa. for a limited time only. Be wise. 1935 S. 12th St.. i blk. south of Hoyt St Ph. 4-8821. AL'S BAKERY 1040 Market Chicken tc Turkey pies $2.25 a doe. Stone around whole wheat bread large, 2 for 45c. Glazed dough nuts, 49c. Large Angel food cake 69c. Ph. 3-7372. PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c per gallon, delivered. Cleary Dairy, 2-3033. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. I. 2088 N. Com! 3-4537. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous 3154 N Commercial 2-2108 or 4-8600 MM I Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sol FOR SALE. 3 reg. horned Hereford ouus. long yriinr. & short two rr olds, priced right Also 2 reg. polled ouus. f none baiem, 4-7374. FOR SALE. $ hi. reg. red Dolled cows, Sc hfrs., all to freshen in 60 days. Phone Grande Ronde. 2188. PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOEH Ph. 4-9063 Salem, or 2-1338 Wood burn TO PLACE AD 400 Agriculture 402' Livestock For Sal FOR SALE: 3 year eld Jersey Guernsey cow. Appr. 4 gallons per day. Breed back June I. Call J-2189 after 5:00 p.m. REGISTERED Guernsey Heifer, freshen July 28. 4 yrs. old. Aug. 12. Frances McNerney. Rt 4. Box 197 (2 miles South 12th St. junction on Sunnyside Rd.) ' REG. Hampshire boars, 13 wks. old. Dam-4H Blue Ribbon. Sired by Pac. Int. Res. Champion Black burns. Rt 2. Box 203 B, Clear Lake Rd. Ph. 2-8226. FOR SALE, 1 male Thoroughbred. 3 yrs. old. Leo Klokstad. Turner. LOCKER BLF Eastern Oregon , or whole. 26c Custom killing Trailer loaned tree Salem Meat Co- 1325 S 25th. Ph. 3-4-oS. 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE BUYERS E. 1. and H. Sna then 429T State S-1345 or S-4380. LIVESTOCK BUYER Emery Alderman. 4-430. 4-7211 LIVESTOCK buyer, Claude Edwards. Re X Box 899E. Ph. 4-1113. CATTLE, horse, at your farm. E. C McCandlish. Rt 1 Bx. 297. 4-1081. LIVESTOCK buyer. A. t. Sommer 1260 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-8067... - 404 Poultry end Rabbits FOR SALE Heavy meat-type hens. 6-7 lbs. live wt $100 alive. 51.75 dressed & drawn. Ph. 2106. Turner. CUSTOM DRESSING of poultry We buy rabbits. Wing's 3985 State. 4-391. 408 Pets REG. German short hair pupa, 550 or trade. Ph. 3-4394. Quality Parakeets If you have seen the rest, now see the best Will meet any local ad vertised prices this week. Hundreds of birds, all ages, all colors. Nor mals & fancies. Bird Paradise, 3180 Livingston. BEAGLE male 8 months old. $20. 360 Oxford St Ph. 4-3470. 5 FINE Cocker puppies. 2349 Myr tle. Ph. 4.5487. WEIMARANER puppies. 9 weeks old. 18.15 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 3-6260 or 2-6629. GIVE away 2 fluffy grey kittens, 1 full Persian. 2-9990. SIAMESE kittens $5. 6 mo. male Pekinese puppy, 825. Ph. 3-7443. REG. Siamese kittens. Removal sale, going east 4-3852. - PHEASANT HUNTERS Ready now, a choice litter of regis tered English Pointer pups. Will make top shooting dogs or field trial runners. C H 2575. Erwin Mit lehner, 5605 S. W. Taylora Ferry Road. Portland. Ore. TOY Fox Terriers, black It white, tan St white. Ph. 2-1248. BIRD Paradise for birds, caees, sup plies. 3180 Livingston. 2-1842- PARAKEETS, cages, supplies. 4 Cor ners Aviary. 4110 Hudson. 2-5697. 410 Seeds and Plants EVERGREENS, trees, roses. We de. sign and plant at no extra cost Middle Grove Nursery, szo silver ton Rd. Ph. 4-432. FUCHSIAS, lovely blooming plants. 15c to 50c Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks. STEINER'S Nursery: Bedding plants. late cabbage, cauliflower, snrubs, geraniums, fuchsias, begonias, gar den supplies, raspberries, cherries, cut firs. 3160 Mkt St FUCHSIAS sale. Hanging baskets & am. plants. Gloxinias, will del. to hosp. Lge. Begonias 4S1. Potted Begonias SI. Free Fuchsia. Copley Gardens. Bottom Chemawa Over pass. LOWERY'S GREENHOUSE Salvia. Dwf. med., tall 40c doz.. Pe tunias (2nd crop) 30c doz. Flower, lng baskets begonias, fuchsias Sc ivy geraniums, 12.50 to S4.00. 2595 Che mawa Rd.. 3 mi East of Keizer Schl. CLEARANCE SALE Geraniums 4 for SI. Pelargoniuns S for SI. Lge. baskets of Fuchsias & Begonias $2 to S3. Budded or blooming Begonias at 35c Kilber's, 715 Salem Heights Ave. FORTIFIED Peet moss only 95c sack. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 4-4624. ail 2 fruit and harm Produce U-PICK Britemore and N.W. straw berries Sc. 4 -miles S. of Dickson by new bridge. Ph. 2-0276 MORE NT CY pie cherries. You pick. 8c. lb. Ph. 2-4919. U-PICK strawberries. Northwest and Marshall's. Very heavy picking. Sc lb. A. P. Nys. 1 mi. East of Brooks. Ph. 2-2942. U-PIK STRAWBERRIES 10c PER LB. FINAL WEEK Seamster's Field, 5690 Center GOOD MARSHALL BERRIES BRING CONTAINERS RED Raspberries, $1.80 a flat. Ph. 4-3968 evenings. U-PICK Marshall berries 8c lb. W. L. Peterson. Rt 6, Box 132. Salem. Ph. 2-2998. RASPBERRIES Mrs. Brantner. 2855 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 2-1386. eve, REALLY rood U-Pick N. W. straw berries, out N. Kiver Jut to sunset Ave. John Hancock. U-PICK Willamette rasp, exc pick ing, $1 commercial crate. Bring containers. 3745 Brooks Ave. Fh. 4-3833. RASPBERRIES U-pick. 10c lb. 3 mL t. 01 Lancaster on rratum ltd. TAKING ORDERS for red raspber ries, beamster s. 4-7ZZ7. RED RASPBERRIES, taking orders. Ph. 2-6284 eve. Out Salem-Sllverton Highway. FOR SALE. HAY. Delivered by grow. er. ftu Madras Z7S0 or Z786. U-PICK MarshaUs & North West Good berries, clean field. Joe Lucas. 1 milt West on Orchard Heights Koao. U-PICK. Marshall Strawberries 10c PER LB. BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS R. L. STRAWBERRY FARM LOCATED AT WEATHERS DUST CO. WINDSOR ISLAND ROAD. 3 MILES WEST AND NORTH OF KEIZER. (TURN WEST AT KEIZER SCHOOL) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK From 6:00 in the morning until dark. RASPBERRIES for sale. Ph. 4-1197 U-PICK cherries. 3c lb. Ph. 2.7178." BEETS . for canning and freezing. cau noon or eve. 4-9 133. U.PTPK trawhrri let Ufa snails. 10c lb. Bring containers. rn. 4-7ZB9. jonn itomano. Nio AUDurn ita. PHVAT- Ann hi nUkul b 1K or u-picx 4,ic jo. 1 mi. srraigm ei ivcuer ocnooi, oisoa. TV T. Majors. . PIE cherries U-pick. 7e, Call 2-6278. U-PICK strawberries and brina con tainers in Corvallis. 10c lb. (060 Ratcliff Dr. RED CURRANTS $2 00 a crate. Crol- san Creek. Box 600. Ph. 2-2353. U-PICK strawberries R- A. Fiedler, 4447 Satter Dr, 4-3540 eve. FINE Kentish Pie Cherries, raspber riea. U-pick. Pit. 2-2U4. , 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales SPECIAL SHEEP SALE .AT mm MONDAY JULY 18TH, 12:30 NOON Open Consignments, hundreds of ewes, lambs, bucks, etc., both grade & reg. Phone us at Salem, 4-7374. . GILLASPIES NEW AUCTION . BY AIRPORT. SALEM 1615 S. 25th scours Auction House and Furniture Co. THE HOUSE OF BARGAINS YES SIR Je WE HAVE 'EM AT 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM EVERYDAY & THIS SAT., JULY 16 - ' 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. A big furniture auction, consisting of High grade household furniture, both new ft used, selling at your bid price. 1952 Kelvinator 9 ft refrigerator. 1955 Collins 52 gal. water heater. 1955 Fowler Elec. dryer. 1955 Preway 30 in. E. range. 5 elec. washers: Thor, A.B.C. & Bendix. 1955 Charcoal daveno k chair. 1955 tan daveno (davp. style). 1952 -Motorola TV & 30 it antenna, also stand. Belmont comb, radio & record player. Cab. style. Sea mist bedroom set Hollywood 1955 model. 2 -1955 S. rockers in latest styles & colors. Cocktail tables. 2 chests drawers, lamp tables, end tables, floor it table lamps. 9x12 rug & pad, 8x10 rug, 9x12 oriental rug, (Persian style). Lots of used furniture just about anything & everything you are looking for. You are sure to find it at Scotty's. 3 metal rubber tired wheelbarrows. Black plumbing soil pipe. Plumbing connections, L misc. Several lengths it in. pipe. Several lengths good steel. 5 H. Briggs & Stratton motors, & compressor, with 60 ft 'hose for painting outfit Will run 2 paint guns at 80 P. Green lawn swing and swinging lawn chair, garden hose, sprinklers, misc. tools, hand saws, squares, L all misc. tools, lawn mowers. N LIVESTOCK SELL 2 P.M. Baby calves, veals, cows, feeders, pigs, sheep, chickens, and rabbits. ANNOUNCEMENT Starting Thurs., July 21 at 12:30 At every week, we are conducting a dealers automobile auction. It's Scotty's Auc. House, 4840 Center St, Salem. Everybody welcome to this fast growing friendly public auction. AUCTIONEER COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT PHONE 4-6433 , CONSIGN your sheep at Gillaspie new auction by Airport In Salem, by noon -Monday, July 18. Fat lambs, marked out from feeder for you. also ewes & bucks, both reg. &: graded, we need 1.000 hd. more. Phone Salem 4-7374. Gillasples Livestock Auction Salem. LIVESTOCK MACHINERY and FURNITURE AUCTION TODAY GILLASPIE S LIVESTOCK AND FURNITURE SALE 1613 S. 25TH AIRPORT RD. PH. 4-7374 MACHINERY & MISC. 10 A.M. LIVESTOCK 12:30 NOON FURNITURE 7:30 P.M. Col. E. L. Gillaspie Col. V. D. Leek AUCTIONEERS 412 Fruit and Farm Produce U-PICK Mamuis. 8c Lauron Stea ler. 2390 Blossom Dr. Ph. 4-3935. OPENING new clean patch N. W. strawberries. U-pirk. Lots of large beautiful berries. 2 mi. E. of Keiz er School. ',' mi. to 5750 Quinaby Rd. Watch for Leonard Hays sign. Ph. 2-2380. NECTAR-berries. taking orders now. Salem-Dallas Hl-way. Ph. 2-3943. U-PICK pie cherries, l'i mi. from oriage. r. t. casue, iu waxiace Rd. Ph. 2-1226. SALEM public market open Sat 8:45 a.m. Fresh eggs, vegeiames. plants, cut flowers, berries. 1240 E. Rural Ave. FREE for cutting Sc removing. VoL unteer Hay on about 10 acres or Vick Heights sub-division. Call 3-6268 or 2-6313 evenings. U-PICK red raspberries. $1 a crate. Bring containers. 1 mt s. ox Lib erty Sign. - rl Dairy Co-op. Assn. 414 Form Equipment WHEEL garden tractor, with plow. disc, narrow, ana cultivator, may be seen at 22S So. 19th. Phone 4-4714. ..U Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tooli FOR SALE, D7 caterpillar blade. good condition. 4.uuu. -ouia use late model truck in trade. Phone Salem 4-7374. New Garden Tools Sc Equipment at Wholesale Prices Re. Spec. 100 feet hose $7.95 $5.93 Rakes - 2 95 1.89 Hoe J 1.49 Shovel . $ 95 1.95 Lawn Edger . ,, ., 5.95 3.95 Turf Edger 198 1.25 Lawn Cart . 12.95 8 95 Wheelbarrow ..14.88 8. $5 TOP CASH price for used merchan dise. Check with us first. USED MDSE. MART Ph. 4-63rl J70 S. Liberty 1 454 Sewing Machines NEW SINGER CABINET ELECT. Round Bobbin Forward and Reverse Dial Tension & Hinged Pressure Foot Complete Sewing Course $14.95 .DOWN f FULL PRICE $149.95 SEWING CENTER UO N. Com'l Ph. 2-3212 h SINGER 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sales COMPLETE irrigation system to be sold at AUCTION at GILLASPIES NEW AUCTION on Friday. July 15. 10:30 a.m. 340 ft of 2" Aluminum pipe. 3 H.P. single phase motor, Couplus sprinklers, etc Phone Sa lem 4-7374. 60 HEAD of reg. Columbia aheep at Gillaspies Auction by Airport In Salem for Monday's Special Sheep Sale. . 450 Merchandise 455 Hschold GoodV For Salt USED Auto, washers Sc dryers: West inghouse, Maytag, Bendix, -Thor, Easy Spinners. Guaranteed, reason ably priced. $39.95 St up. Yeater Appliance Co. 37S ChemekeU , SAVE $140 -; New 7 Piece Bedroom Set Warehouse Furniture Co. "Low overhead prices" 610 N. Capitol FRIGID AIRE 30-in. elec. rge. 2 yrs. old. like new. Pd. $250. will take $150. 40 gat mission heavy duty auto, gas water heater. 2 yrs. old, like new. $50. Good Sears deluxe wrintrer washer, 3 yrs. old. cost $169.95 will take $50. Maple table Sc 4 chairs, $25. Bendix auto, wash er, bolt down. $25. Fh. eve. 2-7090. SINGLE BED coil springs, new mat tress, iteas. z-i4Zg alter 3 p.m. ALL LUM. bathinett "Handy Hot portable washing machine. 2-9922. NEW 30" Kenmore range $145. Ph. 3-6468 after 5. USED 4-PIECE walnut bdrm. set $50, Ph. 2-5201. CHILL chest 4 yrs. old. 13 cu. ft $250. Ph. 3-6620. 48 FRIGID AIRE, S cu. ft, $75. Ph. z-vaui. USED davenport twin box spring ana mattress, floor lamps, coffee table, library table, bed springs. 338 Oak St. ANTIQUE china cabinet secretary $49.50. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. LINOLEUM RUGS 11 OS Valley Furniture Co., 211 N. Com! "LO-HEET" stainless steel 3-ply Waterless Cookware. Sales & Serv ice. Wiite 353, Statesman-Journal. HOUSE full of furniture lncl. stain less steel thermador oven 8c strve unit . Rotary lawn mower, auto. washer, cas range. X wheel trailer with bed. Used bed St chest. 33505 Chemawa Rd. BEAUTIFUL Walnut antiaue bdrm. set Marble top dresser Sc chest rn. or 4-szaa. THOR mangle, exc. cond.. $30. Birds Eye maple dressing table, bevel mirror $10. Cedar chest $20. Ph. 3-3080. 505 Rose. . j . FURNITURE BARGAINS Terms 1605 N. Summer Trades Reg. $24.00 TV occasional - chaira I16.M Reg. $34.56 Swing rockers $18.88 Reg. $39.50 Plastic swing rockers .S19.88 Reg. $79.50 Davenos S48.88 Reg. $129.50 adj. lounge chairs $68.88 Reg. 1109.50 Simmons Studio couches $78.88 Reg. $149.50 Biltwell Daveno sets $118 88 Reg. $159.50 Biltwell Sectionals 128.88 Reg. $159.50 Biltwell Daveno sets , . $128.88 Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer . APT. ranges, all are reconditioned. zo to select from. S39.00. Terms. Open till on Fri. Woodry's Thriftv Used Furniture. 515 So. Commercial St Phone 4-3319. USED pianos Your choice 179 B. L Stiff Furniture 175 N Hieh USED desk and chair, $18.50. Hogg Bros. 248 State St NEW maple Hollywood beds. $9.50. Glen Woodry, 160S N. Summer. USED basins $5. sinks S3 50. laun dry trays $7.50. leg bathtubs $20. wringer type washers 114. 95, Jud son's 279 N. Com'l. AB Apt size range, only $38.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED - rockers, wood arms. $8.50. Hogg Bros. 248 State St WOOD rockers, your choice. $3.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 9 x12' Shag Rugs Washed Ac Dried Also tinted If desired. Fast, eco nomical z-nr. service. LAUNDERETTE 1255 Ferry St Ph. 2-4555 FOR THOSE used appliances Shop 1905 n. summer, oien wooer. 450 Merchandise 455 Hiahotd Good For Sol. USED refrigerators: Westinghou-a, rngiaaire, neivinaior, tio foint, Norge & Cold Spot Guaranteed, reasonably priced. $49.30 & up. Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemeketa USED dresser maple only $29. Hogg cros. z4s atate st LARGE older style desk. $17.50. Glen woodry. 1805 N. Summer. DINING sets, blonde, walnnt or ma nogany. Woodry's Thrifty Used Furniture : SIS So. Commercial St Phone 4-331t USED 9 pc. Wat Bdrm. suite. $89. uogg cro. Z4s state st NEW $ pc. chrome dinettes. $39.50. GleW Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. UNFINISHED furniture H t Suit Furniture Store. 175 N High USED pc chrome set, $44. Hogg Bros.248StfteSt FOR SALE Thor Mangle. familysizak $25. 640 E. Ewald Ave. REG. $229.50 bedroom sets. Now io.au. oien wooary, leos n. sum mer. LIMED oak bookcase head board. $2930. Hogg Bros. 248 State St $50.00 DOWN delivers completa household of furniture Sc appli ances. Easy terms. Save at 1605 N. Summer. Glen Woodry. "51 CROSLEY automatic refrig. and Crasley auto, range. Double oven. Davenport and chair, two barrel back fireside chairs, coffee table, one French provincial drum table, two floor lamps. Ph. 3-6062 or 4-7844. USED Wal. chest drawer $22.50. Hogg Bros. 248 State St CHEST.O-DRAWERS vour choice. $5.95. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Sum mer. USED desks, several to choose from $14.95 up. Woodry's Thriftv Used Furniture 515 So. Commercial St Phone 4-3319 BEAUTIFUL blonde TV with lovely planted base. A-l condition. $109.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED Hoover vacuum cleaner, $19.50. Hogg Bros. 248 State St USED elec ranges: Westinghouse. Hot Point Frigidairc Norge, Ken more Sc AB. Guaranteed, reason ably priced, $19.95 St up. Also used water heaters. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa REFRIGERATORS Reconditioned, some repainted 50 to select from. Don't buy a used refrirerator un til you see our selection. $39.00. Open till 9 on Fri. Terms and -Trades. Woodry's Thrifty Used Furniture. 515 So. Commercial ftt Phone 4-3319'. A TREMENDOUS new 7 pc. chroma dinette, 1 host chair. 2 leaves. Only $119.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Sum mer. USED davenport only $34. Hogf Bros. 248 Stale St . $50.00 DOWN will buy a 5-roora house of furniture including aopli ances. Terms on balance. Open till 9 on Fri. Woodry's Thrifty Used Furniture. 515 So. Commercial St. Phone 4-3319. NEW BEDROOM SETS SAVE - $79.95 - SAVE 1605 N. Summer, Glen Woodry USED daveno bed, $29. Hogg Bros. 248 State St FOR SALE good used Kelvinator re frigerator. $60. 3-9614. 456 Wanted, Htehold Goods WE NEED USED FURNITURE CALL 2-7472 WANTED Wood circulator, good cond.. $15-$20. Ph. 2-2104. TOP CASH price for used merchan dise. Check with us first ELFSTROM'S USED MDSE. MART Ph. 4-6371. 170 S. Liberty ! 1 " ( 457 Radio and TV PHTLCO radio.phonograph comblna- - lion, console mooel. swi.93. wooa ry's Thrifty Used Furniture. SIS So. Commercial St Phone 4-331$. 458 Building Material! SPECIALS Elee. wire 12.1 a roll : 3'i ft 21 X 32 sink complete with rim. 43 95 tsatntuD tv. A graae S49 00 Va x gaL pipe O 12c Sc 16e Elec. wire 14.2. a roll 3c ft 42 gal. elec water hrt $59.50 4 in. black sewer pipe 30c Sc 34c ft. Light fixtures ; 20 off Switch boxes 25c ea. Garbage disposal unit $65 Door chimes redured Lavatory complete . Kit vent fan $19 95 ..$17.25 Apex Elec & Plumb. 3405 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1868 20.000 ft used 4x8x" 3c sq. ft 'a" used plywood ... 8. 8. 10c sq. ft New reject hardbrd. 4x8x!s $1.75 sht' Lower 54" kitchen cabinets $6.50 ea. Upper 62" shelf assemblies $4.50 ea. Medicine cabinets . 12.50 ea. 1 hot water radiation system com pi. with radiator, pipe, oil burner, 4c all controls. $300. 2x8 tongue & groove $55 per M. 2x12. 3x12. 3x14 .. $45 per M. 2x3 wall studs .. . .. lc ea. 4" black drainage pipe 30c ft $$SAVE$$ RITTER & CO. . Rt. 2. Box 367 Ph. 4.8311 4 miles N. of Salem. V2 mile N. of Totem Pole on 9E. Open All Day Saturday Kails, many sizes, keg . 16" unpainted shakes . J9 25 .$8 50 Steel garage doors, completa Cheap -uo gai. steel sep lanxs . ao 300 gal steel sep tanks S44 50 4 black sewer pipe 30c It 34c ft 42 gal elec. water heaters S59 50 5 ft steel tubs, completa $63.50 20 x 18 wash basihs with trim $19 50 Quality toilets with seats . $29 50 21 x 32 dble. sink w. rim. etc. $43 95 Galv. pipe ,,- 12c. I6c lU- 29c. l'i 36c, plastic pipe cheap. We specialize ia low prices on com p. rooting, cedar shingles, end galvan ized iron roofinc " birch plywood, grade A i" ten. 44c. ma hog.. Long plywood for boats Kraft paper, 500 sq. ft Water proof wallboard. 4x8 . New 4x8 plasterboard Galv'nized gutter St all fittings, Cheap weather strip windows $14 20 uo Crystal slide windows $16 50 jo Electric wire 12 - a roll at 4e Fencing & steel fence posts Cheap Barb wire 80 rods $5 93 St $7 45 Exterior white paint faL $2 40 New white asbestos siding . $10 50 PlaiHc drainboard covering. 30c sq. ft C. G. LONG & SONS 1 Mile N. of Keizer. 4-5051 PLYWOOD piano boxes $1 while they last Tall man Piano Store. 395 & 12th St REDUCED $10 PER DAT UNTIL SOLD I STANLEY LOCK M0RTISER STARTING PRICE JUNE 28 - $185 July 15, $55 LUMBER YARD Front k Court St Ph. 3 9111 WC CIVX S&H GRIZN STAMPS BUILDING?; 4e f f nn $250 Chrao II 40 KE TH BROWN LS-M