MOMMT By THE MOSSIERS 1LONDIE By CHIC YOUNO .ijjlllil.' HEX EVERYBODY-COME. Tu. u. ulA (USTEN TO THIS POEM I WROTE i . 7 HA-HA J Xry I I jife i it "It's the biggest game of the season, and their catcher came down' with chicken pox!" MR.D!THERS THINKS HES BRIGHT, HIS STOMACHS HEAVY BUT HIS 8RAIN IS LIGHTS hfOU MAY BE THE OFFICE .. --1 HIS STOMACHS HEAVY CLOWN, BUT TRY AN y I fj V BUT HIS 8RAIN LAUGH WHEN YOU , IJl 1 IS LIGHT-' SIT OOWNVl . V h i Is? irM Lodge Opposes Giving Seat . In United Nations to Red China DICK TRACY By CHESTER GOULD BONG TVE MOtmi&RY ORGANIST,! WAS WATCHING PEOPLE PASS THE CASKET. A WOMAN RESEMBLING THE NEWSPAPEJ? SKETCH DPOPPED CASKET. w ocvi c crcm cvrn v rv 1 TUAT.SO I ODNTTWINK TOO MUCH ABOUT IT TILL I M THIS PtCTUPE. AN OBJECT IN THE DO NOJ RECALL I 1 THEXWOF y HAVE TVC THERJNERAL, DECEASEDS ANO WHOSE I NAME FUNERAL A RIGHT IT WAS?( UEPE. 9 r YES BV SOMBDME T MORE IMPERSONATING 3CrCEN. MISS VAN GREGORY g-? THE PHILANTHROPIST, ffc " nErtETm By FHANCIS W. CARPENTER SAN FRANCISCO (l U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and two veteran U.N. dele gates Sunday opposed giving Red China a seat in the U.N. On the - eve of a mammoth birthday party celebrating the 10th anniversary of the U.N., Lodge, Carlos P. Romulc, of the Philip pines, nd Charles A. Malik. Le banon, agreed that Peiping is not "peaceloving" as required in the U N. Charter signed here June 26, 1945. Most Remain Strong Lodge said in a television pro gram, NBC's "Meet the Press." that Americans must remain strong and alert even though the Com munists are following a new line of sweetness and light. With meetings of the Big Four chiefs of government coming up this summer. Lodge warned against "wishful thinking" by Americans. He said they must work from positions of strength. President Eisenhower, mean while, took off from Washington in his private plane Columbine III for San Francisco and the U.N. celebration. Earlier Sunday Romulo and Ma lik said on a radio program, CBS "The Leading Question" they did not believe Red China met the requirements of the U.N. Charter. Rcmulo voiced continued support of the Nationalist Chinese. Lodge said he favored universal membership in the U.N. as long as the applicant lived up to the U.N. standard of being a "peace loving nation." Referring to Red China, he said a "government which has been of ficially condemned as an aggressor is not peace-loving. He said lat er he believed the Ked cninese would release 11 American fliers still held in Chinese jails as spies. Statesman, Salem,-Or., Monday, Jun 20, 1953 (Sec 2)-i MONDAY'S BROADCASTS (Editor's Bote: Tht Statesman o fishes is good faith the prorrams and times as provided by .radio aad TV stations, out because - rttnes the programs are changed without noti fication this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein.) KOAC 550 k.c. TV HIGHLIGHTS Channel Quickies By BIL KEANF KPTV Monday's Highlights (Channel 2J):. 7:0 a.m. HOME visits Portland. Oregon, showing interesting views of various parts of the city. Rebroad cast at 10:00 a.m. 12: noon "Million Dollar Baby." with Arlene Judge, Jimmy Faye and Ray Walker Matinee Theater. S:M p.m. "A Time to Be Alive." concerns a young boy with homo phobia, on The Medic. 1:M p.m. "Call of the Klondike." with Kirby Grant, Ann Gwynne and Chenook. KOIN-TV Monday's Highlights (Channel ): 2: p.m. President Eisenhower will address the 10th Anniversary KOAC (Monday): !: a.m. The lv for Women: 11:43 Summer Storv Meeting of me united Nations corn- Time: li:o The Concert Hall: 12:M " memoranng me signing oi me u. . The News and Weather: 12:15 p.m Noon Farm Hour: 1:M Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15 Doorway to the Fu-H"" Jones. James Anderson and Bev- KVAL TV, VHF 13 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ly DARRELL McClURE YES.MAXH-AN'1 VERY GOOD AT IT. CMM BARL SAYS I GET ONE DOLLAR A DAY WORK IN AS HESS 'BOY. THAT FKS6ERS UP TO VEN DOLLARS EVERY WEEK! VI II 3uT- HE SAYS r OWE TWO POLLAK9 A VPCt rUK nj KEEP AN' HALF-F&RE FOR ZERO- THA.T5 THREE WHOLE DOLLARS LESS THE DOLLAR I 2C"r DA in w I FLVtht TUO DOLLARS DAY I OWE J IT FlGERS OUT TVE I SAME WAY, EVERY TIME". IF I -KEEP OM workim; some day I LL OWE HIM A WHOLE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1 fDONT FREll UfWtAJJSE THE POOR OL'DELTaN I I YOUR HEAD l.JJd BELLE AJMTGOTA HUNDREP M I 'BOOT TrW, J liia DOLLARS' WORW OF Tl ME tl v. CHILD- J" GOLLY. V. LEFT IN HER SHAKY OLD 1 EUGENE: KVAL-TV, Channel 13 (Monday): 2:0v-2:3i p.m. Address of President Eisenhower to the opening of the United Nations Anniversary meeting in SAi Francisco: 4:6 Pinky Lee; 4:3 Howdv Doodv: S:M Big Roundup; 5:3ft Superman: :0t Emerald Empire Baseball: (:1S News - Sports - Weather: :3 Rin-Tin-Tin: J Wd Surprise Theater; 7:3t Grand Old Opry; !: Medic: 1:3 Badge 714; 9:M Where Were You?; 9:3ft Robert Montgomery; M :3ft Fa mous Playhouse. ture: 1:4S Tropic Trade Winds; 2: MacDonald Anthology; 2:15 4-H Summer School Assembly t Coli seum: 3:ftft Oregon Reporter: 3:1S Music of the Masters; 4:ft Join the Navy; 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:45 News. Comment, and Weather; 5:ft0 Children's Theater; 5:3ft Jerry of the Circus: 5:45 Look to the Skies; : The News and Weather: i:15 Din ner Music: :3ft Flying Time; :45 Frontier Fighters: 1 : Across the Desk; 1:15 Evening Farm Hour- Market Reviews and Weatnen Tide of World Affairs: S :3ft Story Behind a Sonc S:45 The News and Weather: : Music That Endures: 9:55 News and Weather; M:tft Sign Off. - Charter in June, 1945. 4:M p.m. "Hired Girl.' with Shir- erly Washburn Armchair Theater. 7 :0ft pm. Gracie pretends amnesia and George almost goes crazy try ing to find out her reasons for the self-induced attack. Burns and Allen. U:ftft p.m "The Incredible World of Horace Ford," a fantasy by Reg inald Rose concerning a toy manu facturer with many problems who sought escape into the world of his childhood. Studio One. starring Art Carney and Jane Seymour. 1145 p.m. "Hard Rock Harrigan." with Irene Hervey. George O'Brien and Frank Bice Showtime On Six. KLOR-TV Monday's Highlights tinannei iz: SERVICE GUARANTEED ON ALL MAKES 395 iirmrnir nCIUCH 3 N High W Salem's Specialists PHONE 4-5752 WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR TV PHONE ANYTIME "Cranney to a good worker once yon get him away from the tele vision set." Together," Miss Warenskjold and chorus; "Barcarolle," Miss Warens kjold and Margaret Broderson; "Tannbauser Mare h," ' orchestra; Italian Street Song," Miss Warens kjold and orchestra. S:ftft p.m. TV Readers' Digest pre sents "Mr. Pak Takes Over." Pak Chanff. an internreter in Korea. 7:3ft p.m. VOICE OF FIRESTONE, earns the respect and admiration of with orchestra and chorus under the direction of Howard Barlow. Dorothy Warenskjold, lyric soprano, gnest star. Program: "June Is Bustln' Out All Over," ;. chorus and orchestra; "Romance,' Miss Warenskjold; "Ros enkavalier Waltz," orchestra; "Alone officers and men when he perform an amazing linguistic feat that made regimental history. 9:0 p.m. "Secret Beyond the Door." starring Joan Bennett and Michael Redgrave Academy Award Theater. . TELEVISION 4-3327 For Service Calls 9-9 Daily & Sunday A R TELEVISION Jm SERVICE CO. t 1410 S. 12th KPTV, UHF 27; KOIN TV, VHF S HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 7 KPTV Home Home Home Home KPTV KOIN Color Bars (Color Bars IRainbow Rev. (Rainbow Rev. iNews-Weather Arth. Godfrey lArth. Godfrey 9 KPTV Ding Dong Ding Dong Way of World ISheila Graham KOIN lArth. Godfrey lArth. Godfrey IWelc. TravelersiWelc. Travelers BUZ SAWYER By ROY CRANE ISU'TITWOHOERFUL, WlISS:iL HAVE YOU TO WSELF FOR.TEM X WHERE'S WnOLC DAYS;.' VTHICWER? mt ftT DNNERTntf HOflCE A IWHISYIITTLE MAN EAT1H6 CRACKKS VO AND MIX, WHO KEEPS 10OKM6 EI WIND HIM UMEASILY. , MICKEY MOUSE Z-3J 5 AN AWFUU N v WE'D SSTTEZ GO OUT ANO RESCUE thai lai r-i 0 EASY, giRV . UKAVg. , XXJZ THE CAT ALONE J . a55 (.' "111 ' By WAIT DISNEY V - ."iriuWMffn T'tP j juPrrEKLT NEW LOW PRICE! ON THE FINEST INCH $ CONSOLE TV It KPTV Home KOIN iSpotlight , Rev. I Home IValiant Lady Home Home ILinkletter H'se.lLinkletter Hse. 11 KPTV ITenn Ernie KOIN !Big Payoff ITenn. Ernie Big Payoff I Feather Nest Bob Crosby IFeather Nert IBob Crosby 12 KPTV 'Matinee Thea. Matinee Thea. tMatinee Thea. I Matinee Thea. KOIN IBrighter Day ILove of Life On Your AcctiOn Your Acc't X KPTVIMatinee Thea. IMatinee Thea. IWhat'i Cooking Whafs Cooking KOIN iGarry Moore IGarry Moore I Inner Flame IRoad of Life ! KPTVlTed Mack Mat.lTed Mack Mat.Greatest Gift (Miss Marlowe KOIN I Pres. EisenhwrPres. Eisenhwr Strike It Rich IStrike It Rich KXOR Pres. EisenhwrPres. Eisenhwr Telecomica ALL CHANNEL VHF Only S299.95 Complcf R.CA. L!n Starting at $149.95 Service Til 9 p.m.-Ph. 3-9201 Opea Friday Nrght TU 9 MARR RADIO & TV 2140 S. Commercial St. KPTV (Secret Storm IFirst Love ISweeney W'ld IMod. Romances KOIN IKOIN Kitchen IKOIN Kitchen ISearch Tomor. (Guiding Light KLOR IKukla. Fran it I John Daly Nws'Lady of House ILady of House 4 KPTV Pinky Lee Pinky Lee IHowdy Doody jHowdy Doody ' KOIN lArmchair Thea.lArmchair Thea.iMr. Moon ICartoon Time KLOR The Rugeles The Buggies Ron Myron Sho'Ron Myron Sha. 5 KPTV sBar 27 Corral Bar 27 Corral Wild Bill Hick IWild BilfHick'k KOIN IRed Dunning iBed Dunning lEdwards News IPerry Como Sho KLOR Western Star I Western Star I Western Star jWestcrn Star KPTV ISee Hear INewsp. of Air ITony Martin INews Caravan KOIN iNews & Sports Linkl'r & Kids IRin Tin Rin Rin Tin Tin KLOR Purple Sage INews-Weather Mr. Mrs. NorthjMr. Mrs. North 1 KPTV iCaptured Captured Badge 714 IBadge 714 KOIN IBurns tc Allen'Burns & AllenlScience FictionlScience Fiction KLOR iBeulah Beulah Voice of Firest.lVoic of Firest. S KPTV iThe Medic The Medic IS id Caesar Sid Caesar KOIN I Love Lucy ll Love Lucy lEthel & AlbertXthel tc Alberb KLOR nV Read. D'fstTV Read. DgstlName' Same (Name Same ft KPTV Sid Caesar JSid Caesar JRobL Montg'm.rRobt. Montg'm. KOIN lUfe of Riley JUfe of Riley Studio 57 (studio 57 KLOR Academy Thea.lAcademy, Thea.lAcademy Thea.lAcademy Thea. KPTVlRobt Montg'm.RobL Montg'm.jNite Owl Thea.Nite Owl Thea. KOIN IStudio One IStudio One (Studio One IStudio One KLOR Academy Thea.lAcademy Thea.lFinal Edition IHollyw. Wrestlg II KPTV INewa-Owl Thr iNite Owl Thea.lNlt Owl Thea.lNite Owl Thea, KOIN IShowtime on ft Showtime on 6 ' , RADIO RIP K1RBT sy ALEX RAYMOND SOMETHll IMSW V f ( IF M3UVE GOT liUt VXS"- 5UM. TALK FST .COMINS I etTT OOM'NW : vw 4L V I f 1 wi I Jed WTT IT'S ThE COTTASe OM THE I WWY SHOULD I BH-IEVZ Uia TWO MILES SOUTU OF TOWN. 6NAK AHO MINK AZB 80TH THERE. V3UT 100 DOUBLE- i atoesso me BtZc.A n snake po the same TO ME. PE2SONAUX I HOPE NOU KNOCK EACH OTHER Or Ft P-vr )I BELIEVE WM, A LET'S GO 6ET f iTTt- f i . i ii J I m vM !i I ( I I lb im , CARNO. RATTAN. FREEZER SPECIAL Reg. $399.95 l (3195 Only. teHSS) New 13 Cu. Ft. Kelvinator CHEST TYPE FREEZER MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1955 ONLY 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Limited Quantity So Hurry King TV & Appliance Co. 1410 Broadway Ph. 4-8082 Cer- GASOLINE ALLEY By KING T&ood mcjrnirvjAl keep buey in ' Mp. Oottop. r I The .hooe. ) dotff ef you mostly. Mrs. St very often. A-iwaitet. my, X Oh, well, iJ Y Itold Odloc not . toWwever chicken CorWy wa to. Jthe,fl- &UT fa U mnd i joug'waup len'irvg tired wouldn't lten. He's II acver I 7 garden ct .a, vvt y W just wanted you lg to know now 1 M; V felt about it. BARNEY GOOGLE By FRED LASSVYEll JEDGE-MV PUST WITNESS CALEB HAWKINS SflS TH CATFISH ARE BlTltf LIKE SKEETERS IN DRIBBLE CREEK, SO HE CANT TCSTERFV TOOAV W COURTS V RECESSED m v r , m V h i I m- l ' a M J I , ' ' itc SHERIFF TAIT R 60 ARREST THAT SHIPLESS SK0NK AN' FUNG HIM IN TH' JAILHOUSE S riJL L'ARN HIM A THING OR TWO A80UT HIS CMC RESPONSlBIUTUDe It - r iNN'-iitfc';B-I ' i ; (1(0 f V& CnVAWIC Receives a Merchandise CY CM WML tificate. Values np to $150.00 in trade. KSLM 13M KOCO MM KGAE UM KOIN t7t KGW Ct KEZ US FM: Mecacycles KOIN 1011: KEX 92.3; KGW IN J HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 KSLM KOCO I KGAE ' KOIN KGW KEX Val Farmcast Sign On Sun On World News Ivan Jones Val Farmcast Weather Br k fast Nook iKoin (Clock U. L. Wills News-W. Living West'n Living Val Farmcast Early Worm iBr'kfast Nook IKoin Klock I Ivan Jones Keep Time News Earlv Worm Nook-News Koin Klock Farm Tim IKeep , KSLM Hemingway IBr'kfast Gang Br'kf ast Gang News & Weather 'KOCO Early Worm (Early Worm Early Worm lEarly Worm KGAE Breakfast NTc IBr'kfast Nook Br'kfast Nook 500-mile Race KOIN Koin Klock (Headline News Babbitt Show Irfahbitt Show KGW Newi-Webb Wake Up w. W.I.Xewsroom IFisher Report KEX News-Leonard Keep Time Keep Time IBob Hs7en 8 KSLM Cliff Engle IFamily Altar .Bible Institute iBible Institute KOCO Early Worm Early Worm Early Worm World News KGAE Bkfst. Nook (Bkfst. Nook IBkfst. Nook Nook-News KOIN ronsum Newa Vaile News Shelley Sere Shelley Sere. KGW Weljb Spinninf Webb Spinn'ngWebb Spinning Webb Spinninc KEX Keep Time IKeep Time 'Keep Garden Garden Guide 9 KSLM Dr. Sword Capitol Com'nt IPastor's Call Bareain Co inter KOCO Here's to Vets (Meditations (Ladies Lane (Ladies Lane KGAE Backfence MatJBackfence Mat.lBackfence Mat.Matinee-Newa KOIN Road of Life 'Ma Perkins Dr Malone Guiding Light KGW Webb Spinning!Web Spinning Strike It Rich Strike It Rich KEX Breakfast Club Breaklast Cluo Breakfast Club Breakfast Club KSLM News ITello Test Wings of Song Wings of Song KOCO 1490 Tun St 11490 Tune St. 1490 Tune St. '1490 Tune St .- KGAE Backfence Mat.lBackfence MatJBackfence Mat. (Matinee-Newt OKOIN Mrs. Burton IPerry Mason INorah Drake IBrighter Day KGW Phrase Pavs IMcBr.-Peale I Webb Spinning Webb Spinning KEX Coff.-K. West Art Baker My True Story My True Story 1KSLM KOCO KGAE IKOIN KGW KEX 1 1 KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN KGW KEX Fla Calling ' Fla Calling (Queen a Dav Queen a Day 1490 Tune St '1490 Tune St. U490 Tune St. (World Newa Dinner Winner .Dinner Winner (Backfence Mat.Matinee-Newa Wendy Warren Rosemary Helen Trent I Gal Sunday Webb Spinning Webb Spinning To the Ladits To the La die Whisper Sts. Girl Marries (Companion Bing Crosby Top Trades iNews, " Sets Bike Shot Val Farmcast Major League Mafw League Major League tMajor League Noon News Lunch Muncrun Town Crier Lunch. Munch Micleof News 'Come Get It IHouse Party House Part-v Rasco News (Stella Dallas (Widow Brown IWoman in Hs. Paul Harvey News-Leonard Sam Hayes Farm Newt KSLM Better Shonper Will'm'tte Mat IWill'm. MatineeiWillam. Mat KOCO Major League "Maior League 'Major League (Major Leagu KGAI Lunch Munch. ILunch. Munch. ILunch Muncrun Munch.-Newi KOIN Pres. EisenhwrPres. Eisenhwr Arthur God Arthur Godfrey KGW Plain Bill Lorenzo Jones Lone Ranger Ranger-Advnt KEX Kay West Kav West Moon Mullins I Moon Mullins JKOCO KGAE Mi KOIN KGW KEX Will'm'tte Mat Will'm'tte Mat Will'm'tte Mat (Will'm'tte Mat Magic Melodv IMaRic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Loter Lounge ILoter Lounge ILoter Lounge lLoter Lounge Arthur tiodlrev Arthur Godtrey Hilltop House 'Make Up Mind rotfee Break Second Chance Worn. Secret Bennett News-Mullins 'Moon Mullins Moon Mullins "Moon Mullins KOCO J KGAB W KOIN KGW KEX Will'm'tte Mat Will'm'tte Mat. 'Will'm'tte Mat Tello Test Magic Melodv Magic Melodj Magic Melody Magie Melody Loter Lounge ILoter Lounge ILoter Lounge Loter Lounge Ruth Ashton (Aunt Mary iTake Thirty Take Thirty Pepper Young (Happiness IBackstage Wif INew & Old Moon Mullins Moon Mullins Moon Mullins Moon Mullm 4 5 6 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Hemingway iHere's Answer Sam Hayes Magie Melody Magic Melody (Magic Melody (Magic Melody Loter Lounge Loter Lounee Loter Lounge Loter Loung Kirkham News (Sparkling Mus Art K'rkham Art Kirknam New nd Old fw nd Old New and Old INew and Old Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn!Bob Blackb'rn IBob Blackburn Sgt. Preston Sgt Preston News (Bill Brundage low Dnve tiow Onve ISlow Drive (Memorable Mus. Bob it Ray IBob tt Ray ILoter Lounge Loter Lounge Ed R Murrow INews ISpt Roundup Grew News New & Old (Local Newa Jess Mason B-Star Extra News-Blackbn Bob Blackburn Wm. Winter Bob Garred Gab Heatter Candlelight Till Sundown Perry Como Fibber McGee News-McGwn i News I Dinner ConcertlSam Hayes ICandlellght !Wurlit2er Ser. Wurlitzer Ser. ITill Sundown (Till Sundown (Till Sundown (Lowell Thomas (Amos "n Andy (Amos "n Andy IGildersleev (Stardust IStar Dust IBill Stern Club Mullins Club Mullins I'm talKincg to everyone about the amazing pep in my Nash, using entirely new grade Mobilgas Owners of pre-1955 Nash and many ether cars get smoothest, knock-free mileage by using new grade Mobil gas which sells in the price range of regular. Look for this sign. rKSLM ' KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Secret Files Track 1490 Mr Keen World News Edw. Morgan (Secret Files ICatbolic Hr. iMusic Frrack 1490 ITrack 1490 Track 1490 Keen-Edwards Talent scouts, riaieni scouts Mans Famuylrlenry Taylor tea pi i concert andercook Strange Saga Show Time (5 how Time . Dugout Dope (Baseball Track 1490 Track 1490 Track 1490 Track 1490 Sports-Ernie fTenn rni (Tenn. Ernie IBing Crosby Phone Hour rPhone Hour i Stardust (Stardust Hi-Fi Time Hi-Fi Time Bartow Concert Barlow Concert Baseball (Baseball (Baseball (Baseball Track 1490 Track 1490 Track 1490 Night New Music Box (Music Box Dance Orch. Dance Orch. Bandwagon Bandwagon Bandwseon Bandwscon Then and NowlThen and NowiPres. EisenhwrPres. Eisenhwrl Baseball Baseball I Baseball INew Music O Want IMusic U Want (Music U Want iMusie O Want Star Final -Chamber For. Cham. Forum iChm. Forum Richfield Rep. Sports Final Bit of Day (Hits .of Day News-McGw'n (Dance Time IDance Time 'Dance Time 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 9 KSLM KOCO JMHN KGW KEX TkTlm I KOCO ' KOIN KEX 1KSLM KOCO nrv . I 1KGW KEX Dane Broadway Cop Broadway Cop Nocturne fNocturne Desert In Or. Mus. M'dnt Newa Pes Mason IMidnite Meiodi iMidnite Melodl (Nocturne (Nocturne IMusic MidntghtlMusir Midnight (Slumber Time iForw'd Mardt lDnce Tlma TUm