The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1955, Page 8, Image 8

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    !$. 1 V-Sf atesman, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, June VJ 955
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BRIDE OF 1955 . Last-minute fashion and traditional
charm are combined in this new wedding gown of Italian
lace over taffeta and net, with cotillion sweep train. High
style note is the long-torso bodice with scalloped edge. The
bridesmaid's dress 'is leaf green silk bombazine, -suitable
for' later wear. The bride's bouquet is an unusual arrange
ment of deep pink camellias and small sweetheart roses
wired on a peach twig: The bridesmaid carries a bouquet
f white gardenias' and white stock.
Q Statesman's HOME
Hmorama . . . .Vjsic . . . Fashions . . . Features
MeaV$ Climax
Miss Jody Ricketts Reveals .
Engagement to Mr. Toole ;-'
Taking the romantic spotlizbt this morning is Miss Jody
Ricketts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . Ellsworth G. Ricketts, whose
engagement to J. Gerald Toole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G.
Toole of Klamath Falls, is being announced. No date has been set
for the wedding. .
' Miss Ricketts is a junior at Oregon State College and a member
of Pi Beta Phi. She is the States-
' "
A 10UNT) . ..." of parties are
being arranged this week in com
jliment to Mrs. Rudolf Baar of
Forest Hills, New York,, who is
I here visiting at the .home of her
V sister-in-law, Mrs. James H. Nicn
tolson. . . . This afternoon Mrs.
Ralph H. Cooley will preside at
a 1 o'clock luncheon at her North
. Summer Street home for the
' pleasure of Mrs. Baar. . . . Cov-
-.. . . . . . - . .
er win dc -piacea ior ute guest oi
honor, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Rob
ert Fisher of Portland. Mrs." Wil
liam L. Phillips, Mrs. Don E.
Phillips, Mrs. James H. Nicholson
Jr, Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mrs. John.
P. Maulding, Mrs, Richard
Cooley and the hostess. ....
' A lucfeeoa . . . will honor Mrs.
Baar Thursday when Mrs.
JasMt H. Nicholsoa entertains at
( Lipman's Cherry Room, v I
the group win he Mrs. Baar, Mrs.
Robert Fisher and Mrs. Charles
Langhton ef Portland, Mrs. Ralph
XL Cooley, Mrs. William L. Phil
lips, Mrs. Don E. Phillips, Mrs.
George L. Arbuckle, Mrs. James
B. Nicholson Jr. and the hostess.
. . . Saturday night Mrs. Nkhol-
members el the family at her
North Summer Street home in
compliment t her sister-in-law
nnd Monday the Jnnlor James
Nicholsons were dinner hosts for
Mrs. Baar at their E Street
home. . . .
Dinner hosts . . . Sunday were
V Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips,
who entertained at their Fair-
mount Hill home in honor of Mrs.
Baar ... other members of the
family present. were Mr. and Mrs.
Don E. Phillips, Diane and Don,1
Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Laughton
and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher
of Portland, and Mrs. : James H.
Nicholson. ...-!.-
Calendared ... far Friday night
Is the Tnxedo Club's sport dance
at the Senator Hotel ... the social
hoar will he at S o'clock with
V dancing following to the music
of Harry Wesely and his orches
tra. .. . This is the club's last
I dance of the season . . . the direc
tors include Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gra
benhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Geiser. ...
.Club hostesses . . ..Mrs. F. W.
Poorman entertained her club at
d'nnetf and bridge Tuesday night
, m aa.a Awahu m i
home. ... Mrs. Frank S. Healy
was an additional guest . . . Mrs.
Carl G. Collins presided at luncheon-Tuesday
afternoon at. her
Market Street home for the pleas
ure of her club. . . . Mrs. Harold
R. Schick Jr. was hostess to her
dub at bridge and luncheon on
. Tuesday at her Duplex .Drive
home. ... '
' Vlsitars ... helag welcomed In
the capital are Mr. and Mrs. Step
hen Foacbek, aad children, Bar
bara. Birpaen aaa aid, wbo re-
eeatly returned U the states from
Sootb America ... they baTe been
rlag m Bkbm Aires the - past
year, where. Mr. Faachek has bees
with the American Foreign Insur-
r. nace Agency ... they made the
return (rip by plane, stopping la
lima, Pern a few days, and at the
Island at Cnracao near Venezuela,
where they Yislted langtfme friends
. ,,, CI 11 . 1
- Salem last Thnrsday they hare
been gnests at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. Charles W. Mills . . .
they are naw at the Gables Motel.
where they will remain antQ mov
ing to Boise, Idaho, .where Mr;
Fonchek will epea his awa real
estate, mortgage aad insurance of
fices . . . 1 I .
Leaving ' J . . next Monday by
train for Dayton, Ohio will be Mrs.
Max Denton and children, Pamela
and John, who will visit for the
ensuing month at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Krout.
A weekend . . . m Walla Walla
for Dr. and Mrs. Chester F. Lather
aad daughter, Marilyn . . . there
they will bo Joined by Mrs. Lath
er's mother, Mrs. J. A. Teomaas
of Spokane ... they were there to
attend the gradnatloa of the Lath
ers son, , Robert, from Whitman
College Saaday afternoon . . . Mr,
Lather will be In Salem for the
sammer aad la the fall will eater
the Uaiversity of Oregoa Medical
School . L . He Is a member of
Beta Theta PI fraternity aad at a
p re-commencement dinner at the
hoase Saaday he was awarded the
fraternity's inspiration trophy gtr-l
en to the senior, who has coatri
bated most to his house ... I
Expected ... in the capital to
day is Jim Knapp, son of the
Gardner Knapps, who has just com
pleted his freshman year at Carn
egie Tech at Pittsburgn, Fa. . . .
he drove cross-country ... Leav
ing today to return to Oregon for
the summer are Jim Bowers, son
of the Floyd Bowers, wbo has. been
attending, .Massachusetts Institute
of .Technology, and Herbert Trip
lelt, son of the G. A, Tripletts. who
has been at Yale the past year . . .
the' two are driving West and ex
pect to arrive "the first of next
week . . i '
It's a boy '. . for Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kappler of Dallas ... the
lad was bora Tuesday at the Salem
Memorial: Hospital ... he tipped
the scales , at eight poaads. two
ounces and has been named Rex
Richard .:. . His grandparents are
Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Kappler of
Fort Austin, Michigan ... -
A number . . . of Salem theater
goers will be in Portland this week
to attend the stage show, "Tea
house of the August Moon" ... at
tending the opening Tuesday night
were Dr.i and Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith and Dr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Gregg . . , Justice and Mrs. James
T. Brand, Mr.-and Mrs. Ralph
Wirth. Dr.i and Mrs. Charles Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. Horace McGee, !
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 0. Berg, Dr.j
and Mrs.; Russel E. Pratt, and Dr.
and Mrs. Maynard Sniffer will be
among those attending the stage
play tonight . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hoi
ks W. Huntington have tickets for
Thursday night's performance ...
There will .he a special sewing
meeting of Capital Unit , Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary Thursday
morning at 11 a.m. at the home of
Mrs. Lue Lucas, 2240 S. 12th St. A
no-host luncheon will be served at
noon. r "
man s campus correspondent for
the Oreeon State column.
( Mr. Toole in a prariuat nt Clr-
gon State and a member of Lamb,
da Chi Alpha.. He will receive his
degree this month from the Univer
sity of Oregon Medical School. He
is a member of Phi Beta Pi, me
dical fraternity"
The betrothal news was first told
at aV'cookk shine" at the Pi Beta
Phi house Monday night. A May
theme, featuring the sorority col
ors, wine . and silver blue, was
used in the decorations. Pastel
nosegays caught to the end of
streamers marked each place and
silver blue hearts with the names
of tile engaged duo printed in
wine revealed the engagement.
The bride-elect's mother and her
sister, Mrs. William Frost of Port
land, were in Corvallis for the an
nouncement party. .
Miss Rai
Will Wed on
June 25
Miss Marlene Raschko has an
nounced the date for her coming
marriage to Ronald ; Krebs. The
ceremony will take place on Sat
urday. June 25, at - St. Joseph's
Catholic Church at 11 o'clock with
Father Joseph E. Vanderbeck of
A reception will follow the nup
tial mass at the American Legion
Miss Raschko is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Raschko
and her fiance isthe son of Mr
and Mrs. William A. Krebs, all of
Salem. ,
Chapter Installs
New Officers
New officers of Beta Sigma
chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha
were installed at the meeting held,
at the home of Mrs. Howard El
wood. A no-bost dinner at China
City preceded the installation.
The new officers are Miss Nor
ma Peterson, president; Miss Glo
ria Houghman, vice - president;
Mrs. John Howser, treasurer; Mrs.
Wallace Turnidge, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Richard O'Connor, cor
responding secretary: .Mrs. How
ard El wood, .educational director;
Mrs. William Howser. parliamen
tarian; and Mrs. W. Hillerich, his
Piano Students to
Give Recital
Mrs. Paul A. Hale will present
her piano students in a recital to
night at her studio, 737 Center St.,
at t o'clock.
Students participating will be
Judy Ann Lmd, Nancy Lea Jenny,
Barbara Day Morns, Nancy E.
Donaldson, Dick Nopp. Ricky Hit
ter, Dick Bushnell and Paul Allen
Hale Jr.
The program will open with
group singing, each student play
ing solo selections, duets and two
piano arrangements. Miss Velma
Streicher. cellist and teacher of
musical theory at 'Willamette Uni
versity, will' be the guest soloist.
: ? .
JiV ; NV 4
. f - 1
Desserts That Have That Little r
Extra Touch of Novelty Welcomed
Statesman Woman's Editor j
One of the biggest adventures in cooking can be In the realm
of desserts, for one can put the imagination to work to the limit
in flavor and looks of the dishes. Women like to improvise, . find
the dessert course a -most satisfactory place for their intriguing
activities.. ' . . ? ,"
Now take these desserts, all of which we found' In a delightful
book on dairy products. Each is basically a familiar recipe, but
there's always something unusual to set the dessert apart from
the' ordinary. - ' . - ' ;
Here a custard has gingersnaps for its flavor surprise:
1 cup milk t . 1 cups cottage cheese
V4 cup Sugar ' 1 cup crushed gingersnaps
- teaspoon salt , teaspoon grated, lemon
1 package cream cheese rind '
2 eggs, beaten 1 i
Scald milk, add sugar, salt and cream cheese. ! Stir until blend
ed 'and pour slowly over eggs. Stir in cottage cheese, gingersnaps
and lemon rind. Pour into buttered baking dish. Place dish in
a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven (323) 43 to 50
minutes until custard is. set" This serves 4. . J f.
Fresh or canned pear halves have a sour cream : sauce for
topping: ' j
8 pear halves Vt cup sugar. !
cup cnopped nuts : teaspoon-cinnamon
Vt square unsweetened 1 cup sour cream
chocolate, grated . ' ifi 1
Fill hollows of pears with nuts, combine chocolate, sugar and
cinnamon. Blend with sour cream and heap on pears and chilL
Serves 8. , I
And there's a cake that really isn't a cake, but with a super
surprise: it f
Y cup butter, melted IVi pounds seedless grapes
3 eggs " y 1 cup sour cream
Vi cups flour cup sugar : ! .
1 teaspoon baking powder t .
Mix butter and 2 of the eggs.' Sift flour, baking uowder and
Vt cup of the sugar and Work into butter and egg mixture until
dough looks like a cookie mix., Roll out thin to fit a large cookie
sheet. Stem grapes. Beat remaining V cup sugar with rest of
eggs and sour cream. Spread grapes over dough, add sour cream-
egg mixture evenly over grapes. Bake in a moderate- oven (375
degrees) for 25 minutes or until sides are brown Serve warm
or chilled. Serves 6 to 8. '
. . . Her embossed white or
gandie commencement dress
has the new long-torso line,'
while sheer seamless hose
and open sandals play up the
light-footed look.
A Birthday
Mr.' and Mrs. Howard W. Coe
were hosts fora dinner party
Tuesday night at their home on
Scenic View Drive in compliment
to their daughter, Betty, on her
17th birthday.
Covers were placed for Miss Coe
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Coe, her sister and brother,
Miss Wanda Coe and Charles Coe
Miss Donna Zeh, Don Zeh, Miss
Vivalea Greider, Don Coe and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coe.
Mrs. R. E. Coe made and deco
rated her granddaughter's birthday
Miss Huwe Weds
Sgt. Ehenger
WILLAMTNA Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Huwe, former residents here
have announced the marriage of
their daughter, Evonne Opal, to
Set. Jim Ehenger of the U.S. Air
Force. The couple were married
at the home of the bride's parents
in Irrigon on May 14.
Miss Dorla Huwe was maid of
honor and -Wayne Huwe was best
man, for their sister. : The Rev.
Reitz of Trinity Lutheran Church
in Irrigon performed the ceremony.
The Lansing Neighbors Garden
Club will meet for a covered dish
luncheon at noon on Thursday at
the home of Mrs. H. W. Cole on
Jelden Avenue.
dob Calendar
Jason Lm WSC9 meet ta Kirby
fifWMi n m
Guilds of Women's Association of
First Presbyterian Church, regular
South Salem Lions Auxiliary with
Mrs. KODeri Morrow, Boxwood Lane,
S p.m.
Ains worth Chapter. OES. Scottish
Rite Temple, 8 p.m, no-host dinner.
a p.m. ,
Merry Minelers with Mrs. John
Heppner. 1U N. 23rd St.. 1:30 p.m.
Lansing Neifhbort Garden Club
with Mrs. H. W. Cole. 2035 Jelden
Ave., covered dish dinner at noon
American Gold Star Mothers. VTW
Hail, s pjn.
Trinity Chapter. OES, Wast Salem
cny nan. p.m.
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary, USWV,
lapman a Tea Koora. J. aessen.
Willamette Shrine. Order of White
Shrine' of Jerusalem. f:30 no-bost
dinner. Masonic Temple. .
Chemeketa Chapter, DAK regents
party, with Mrs. C. C. Geer andaMrs.
Leonard Kephart, 308 West Main Stt,
auverion. l p.m.
Tea. that's the treatment
rear clothes receive at the
Launderette. They are haa
dled Individually frsm
start ta finish. They sever
toach aayaae else's. Cesa
ta this Fast Service Laaa
dry for safety ta eeeaemy,
hurry kids!
a Apr. ji
' Br CLAY ft. PftliAN
a.AU& 23
Ky 46-49-50
AUG. 24
SEPT. 22
1 9-22-3M2
JK Your Ooily AchVriy GwioV 1 M
C Acedrding fo llie, Stan.
To develop message .for Wednesday,
reod words corresponding to numbers
of your Zodtoc birth sign, J
1 Rtfuw
2 Don't
3 F
4 8
5 To
4 You
7 Sign
6 Let
9 Your
tO Papers
41 8
12 Fun
13 You
14 Skeptical
15 That
. 14 Prebobly
17 Will
18 Think '
19 Twice
20 Of
3 You
.32 Don't
33 Spend
34 Conditions
35 Will..
34 Decern
37 Complain
38 You
39 And
40 There's
41 Personal
42 Personal
43 Vigor
' 44 Affairs '
45 Claims
46 Some
47 Your
48 Relations
49 Unfriendly
. 50 Tension
21 Digouroging51 With
22 Work
23 Receive
24 Before
25 Of
26 Remarks
28 For
29 Vim
52 Or
53 Impede
54 Business
55 Associates
56 Time
57 Or
58 Tryini
59 Bert .
30 Extravagant 60 To
(5b Good (fi) Adverse
41 Moka
62 Promises
43 For
64 ryrs4J.
5 W,
.64 Gty -67
48 Todoy
49 Progress
70 Hoppy
'71 Doctors
72 Times.
73 Or .
' 74 Difficult
75 Tasks .
76 And
' 77 Dentists
78 Are
i 79 Cntioz
' 80 And
81 Enterprise
. : 82 Ploce
: 83 Partnership
84 Much .
' 85 Blame
- 86 Someone
' 87 Obligate
' 88 Affoirs .
I 89 Favored
i 90Vou
gr 6155
Qj Neutral
OCT 24 t Z
NOV. 22
S-T 23
VA.1. AJ Ul w
I- 5- 7-lOf?
0EC22 fgjl
F -i
161-70-72 ' KSA
MA, 21
2- Ml Mifi
567-69 HA
SHERIDAN Mrs. I. B. Harris
was feted at a shower at the home
of Mrs. Otto Trice, with Mrs. M.
R. Jole assisting. Guests were Mrs
Clayton Atwood, Mrs. E. Klebsch
Mrs. Amos rlentoo Mrs. Kenneth
Knutsofi Mrs. Dive Robertson
Mrs. George DalcfMrs. L.
Shively. Mrs. W. A. Williams, Mrs
A. - C. Thompson, Mrs. John Rog
ers, Mrs. Ira Rogers Mrs. Robert
Bainter and Mrs. Glenn Dickey.
WILLAMTNA Mt. aad Mrs. Bar
ley Mishler of WOlamina have an
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Nancy Ruth, to George
Curtis of Dallas. Miss Mishler is a
student at Northwest Christian Col
lege in Eugene. Mr. Curtis is in
the U.S. Marines and will be dis
charged in 18 months, when they
will be married. ,
The Thimble Club, ' Neighbors ef
Woodcraft will meet with Mrs. Cora
Smith at her home, 943 Center St.,
Thursday for a 12 o'clock lunch
Treasurer Ivy Priest Says
Money Can't Buy U.S. Riches-
' i By JANE EADS j
WASHINGTON Ivy Baker Priest, Treasurer of the United
States, says all the money in the Treasury could sot buy the
treasures that most enrich this country.
In an article written for the weekly religious magazine. Signs
of the Times, she says all of the country's dollars; even if taken
together, could not buy the dedication and devotion of our people
to the principles of freedom. i
'The irresistible, relentless prog
ress that has given tne united
States the highest standard of liv
ing in the, world, was not purchas
ed with money," she says. "Money
cannot buy patriotism, progress or
security. These are. primarily spi
ritual things that live in the hearts
of a people and cannot accrue to
a government because of money.
or any material objects it gathers
around it."
Indeed, she emphasizes, our Am
erican way is more than a treas
ure, it is a "treasure chest of
treasures,- composed of not one
but s multitude of related rights
and freedoms, the right to worship
God according to the dictates of
one's conscience, the freedom to
experiment, to change, to seek
knowledge wherever research
leads.,!1 - - .
'Happy homes, education, char
acter, confidence, self - respect,
kindness, generosity, -and peace
these different forms' of worthwhile
treasures, money cannot buy," she
Writtea Many Articles ,
Mrs. Priest, who was named First
woman treasurer of the United
States by President Eisenhower,
has written numerous articles and
is in constant demand as a speak
er. These demands take her all
over the country to address wom
en's clubs, -civic groups, banking
organizations and the like.
In Washington, the - attractive,
witty and vivacious wife of wealthy,
retired businessman Roy Baker
Priest of Bountiful, Utah, is also
much in demand' at social func
tions. She is in fact, one of offi
cialdom's busiest persons.
The mother of three, she is cur
rently involved in preparations for
her eldest daughter Patricia Ann's
forthcoming marriage. Pretty Pat,
18. a popular member of the capi
tal's youngest set; who made her
debut last year, will be married in
August to White House aide Lt
Comdr. Pierce Jensen,, of Oska
loosa, Ta., a graduate of the U. S.
Naval Academy at Annapolis.
Mrs. Hall is New
Noble Grand of
Rebekah Lodge
Mrs. Clarence; TownsendJ Mrs.
Dora Hill and Mrs. Clyde Moore
were named en ? the resolutions
committee of the Salem Rebekah
Lodge at the Monday night meet
ing held at the IOOF Temple.
The ! elective officers for the en
suing term are: Mrs. Matt Hall,
noble grand; Miss Joy Doyal, vice
grand: Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, record
ing secretary; Mrs. Lora Groves,
secretary, ami Clarence Kimble,
team captain.' :f ;;' .
Appointed oai the refreshment
committee for social night in June
are Mr. and Mrs. Al Beckman. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McEHroy, Mr.
and Mrs. Barker Cornforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Beard, Mrs. Edwin
Baldwin, Mrs. W. E. Gardner, Mrs
Daisy Mclntyrej Mrs.; Fred Groom
wrs. Omar Kelsay. k' Mrs. Clem
Ohlsen, Mrs. Ted Roake. Mrs. Ger
trude Alfredsoh, Mrs. Lillian Black
Mrs. Roy Bremmer, ; Mrs. Myrtle
Heard, Miss Dorothy. Butts, Mr.
and Mrs. Pearl Harland, Mrs
Mayme Hill, i Mrs". Lola Holloway,
Mrs. May Houghton; Mrs. Freda
Johnson, Mrs. Luke Johnson, Mrs.
Dorothy Jones and Mrs. Matilda
Jones. C
Beta Iota, Theta Girls Club will
meet Thursday night at 7:30 p.m
LEA will observe Friendship night
Friday at I pjn,.
Ray Terhaae, sob af the Jons
Terhunes, was recently installed as
social education : chairman of the
Memorial Union Council on 1 the
Oregon State College campus,
where he is a sophomore.
Cascade Artists
Exhibit Pitcures
The Bush Museum is currently
featuring a show by the Cascade
Group, an association of artists lo
cated on the Oregon beaches.
Works shown are in a variety of
media and will be on display from
June 1 through July 6.
The Bush House, Salem art mu
seum, is open to the public daily.
except Monday, from 10 a.m. until
noon, and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
SHERIDAN Mrs. Orvaa Miner
was guest of honor at a pink and
blue shower given by, Mrs. Cecil
Harrison and Mrs, Fern Eberhart.
Guests wefe Mrs. John Hall. Mrs.
Bruce Graves, Mrs. John Agee,
Mrs. Richard Lauber, Miss Edna
Schatz, Mrs. Norbert Vandehey,
Mrs., Ray Pointer, Mrs. Gordon
Pratt, Mrs. Melvin Beachy, Mrs.
William McCoy and Mrs. S. Beebe.
FOUR CORNERS A special pro
gram will be presented at the last
meeting of the; year of the Four
Corners Woman's club on June 2
at S p.m. at the community hall.:
St Mary's Guild af St. Pant's
Episcopal Church, will meet for
luncheon at the country home of
Mrs. James G. Watts on Thursday.
Bride-Elect Honored
BRIDE-ELECT Valerina Houck
was nonorea wun a onaai snower
at the borne of Mrs. DeWall Houck.
Guests were Mrs. Frances Porter. -
Mrs. Dolly Baker, Mrs. Edward
Parren, Mrs. Elsie Mix, Mrs. Vir
gil Grout, Mrs. John HoffenbredL .
Mrs. Steve Reinicsek, Mrs. Marion'
Mercier, Mrsi Jack Griffin, Mrs.
Adam Reznicsek, Mrs. Robert Par
ren, Mrs, Rosalie Grout, Mrs. Gus
Leno, Mrs. Dave Leno, Mrs. A. J.
Hudson, Mrs. Fiorina La Chance,
Mrs. Gloria Risteen, Mrs. Maxine.
Leno. Mrs. Marie Reynolds. . Mrs. -
lone Moore. Mrs. Sylvia Davies,
MrsLena Vivette. Mrs. Margaret .
Provst, Mrs. Eleanor Kimsey, Mrs.
Myrna Brandon,. Mrs. Velma Mer
rier, Mrs. Arnold Houck and Mrs.- -
Ruth Mercier. . .'
..WILLAMTNA Z. J. Ham kas
announced the engagement of his
daughter. Ellen, to Clyde A. Bice
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde '
Bice of Grand Ronde. The wedding
will be June 3 at the home of the
briderdect's sister, Mrs. 0. JL
Brock Sr. Miss Ham Is a 1955 grad
uate of the Willamina high school.
Mrs. Jobs Beppaer win be host r
ess to the Merry Minglers at her
home,- 185 N. 23rd St., Thursday
at 1:30 p.m.
I ;
-have more time
Sot leisure
, becaa te
Vane) Liquid Starch
. if mil KoiuiNs VANO .'uric workimc tooiuii
Willamette Shrine Ne. 1. Order
of White Shrine of Jerusalem will
meet Saturday night for no-host
dinner and social evening at 6:30
p.m.-at the Masonic Temple. The
committee includes Mr. and Mrs.
George Thomason, chairmen, Mrs.
Effie Roland and Mrs. Mildred
Denture Cleaner
No Brushing "TQ
Necessary M jr C
Removes stalss frem plates
and removable bridges, sse
with any type plates.
Fred Meyer Drugs
148 N. Liberty
Remodeling Special
I A ' I
in' today,
try on a pair of
( :-) Vi
and get s fret stick of Bubble Gum and
Jets plane tradint card ,
lello Maple FlavorU , (rpUtVVUv
Real Breakfast -3 V df)
. Pleasure! f'Z- .Sj
" ' j . ' . - . ' i
nnPACCTir Standard Rot. model wlth : '
UUlllCd I II. Luggage Type Case :
Zag Automatic
SIGMA-, wits ease ...-.
ADMIRAL-Rot with case
WINDSOR" One used Table top Port. ..
DOMESTIC'streunliner WaL Cab. ....
DOMESTIC Delui RoUrjj Blond Cab. ..
D0fiESTIC Kot. Walnat Cab (treadle)
SIGMA-Rotary Mas. Cabinet
Reg. Price
1 69.95
Reg. Price
Son or
Long Bobbin. WaL Cabinet ... 07.7J
Reg. Price
Low Down Payments-24 Months To Pay
We Kave Parts and Repairs for All Types ef Sewing
Machines. ,
TtmporarHy leattd at
430 Stat Strett. O Phont 3-4959
m -aaassw