MSoc 2-Stattsmn, SsUmvOr., We4nes!y, Juno 1,' 1955 DAILY CROSSWORD C ACROSS l.Heod . covering's Israel t.Mine -entrance , 10. Cripple '- 11. Shining ' 12. Flatfish (Eur.) 14. A green citrus fruit 15. Like pearls , IS. Jewish month ' ' i 17. Distress J ; signal 18. Diocesan . center J9. Vestment .EccL) S3. Gaze fixedly "" 14. Girl's name SB. Young lamb . or kid SO. Goddess of harvests , (It.) 53. Abyss 54. Und- -measure 85. Remember 7 17. A trench (Mil.). S9. Barrel part 40. Custom 41. God of war (Gr.) 42. Leave out 43. Mi&ua 44. Not difficult DOWN 1. Allah 9. First maa ' (Bib.) : 3. Weary 4. Pig pen 8. Whitish . Biblical name . . 7. Moham medan ' princes J. Reigning beauty 11. Trans - parent ', substance 13. Lixiviurrt 15. Hawaiian food 17. Without sleep 20. Sun . sod 21. Lever WJmMXUM i 25 727" is 20 TT " . If L 1 I I 1 mr 1 .1 i ADMINISTRATRIX FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tRMA BURKED as administratrix of the estate of George Bennett De ceased, has, filed her final account as such, and by order of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon tor the County of Marion, the 7th day of June. 1955, in the forenoon at the hour of 9:15 of said day has been fixed as the time, and the court room of said court has beeu fixed as the place for the hearing of ob jections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. Dated and first published: May 1L ' 1155. IRMA BURKE. , .Administratrix of the Estate -of George Bennett Deceased. RHOTTN. RHOTEN Sc SPEEBSTRA. - 310 Pioneer Trust Bldg., Salem, Oregon. " Attorneys for Administratrix. Mayll.18i5.June! J KOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE NORTH TWENTY -FIFTH STREET FROM ELLIS AVENUE TO ENGLEWOOD AVENUE. NOTICE - HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon deems- it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve NORTH TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, from the south line of Ellis Avenue to the north line of Englewood Ave nue, in the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said ' street to the established grade, pro riding drainage, constructing cement concrete curb and paving said por hen of said street with a 2' inch . asphaltic concrete pavement 34 feet wide, at the expense of the abutting nd adjacent property. - except the street and. alley intersections, which expense will be assumed by the City ef Salem, all in accordance with the plans . and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council May 23. 1955. which are now en file ia the office of the city recorder and which by this refer ence thereto are made a 'part hereof. These plans and specifications may be examined by any interested party.-Any interested property owner nay ascertain their . approximate share of the cost of making the im provement at the office of the city engineer. The Common Council here by, declares its purpose and intention to make the above described im- Erovement by and throurh the street norovement department Owners of property liable for the cost of making such improvement may file written remonstrance against the same with the city re corder at any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice. - - ' , By Order of the Common Council May 23 1955. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder May. 25. June 1. S Formal training' for registered nurses in the United States was first started in 1873. In accordance with the provision of the "Local Budget Law- (ORS 294 305 to 294.415). notice Is hereby given thai the budget committee e Salem Heights Water Dirtrict Marion County. Oregon, in compliance with said law. prepared and adopted on May 9. 1955, the' budget estimates for Salem Heichts Water District Marion County. Oregon, for the ensuing fiscal year July 1. 1955. to June 30. 1956. as set forth in the accompany In schedules AU persona are hereon notified that on Monday the 13th day of June. 1955. at 8 (V) p.m.. at the office of the District at 3725 South Commercial St. Salem. Oregon, said budget estimates may be discussed with the Board of Commissioners, the levying board for Salem Heiahts Wa teHMrtrtct. Owgon. snd liny person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax levies wyi be heard In favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. I The outstanding Indebtedness . Nature of Obligation Serial Revenue Obligation Bonds. 3 due $1,000.00 annually on January L 1955 to 1959 Actual for Actual for Actual for .... . Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 7-1-54 te 8-38-55 ' 7-1-51 7-1-52 7-1-53 Actual for , Budget to to to First for - 8-30J2 S-30-53 8-30-54 Nine Months Year 3.700 59 S 4.300.00 S 4.800.00 $ 3.600.00' 1 I 4 800 .00 12.98411 $12,294.80 $11,595.55 27.549.23 19.833.77 . 24.048.12 28.779.18 102.202 4 S "... 27.74.54 . 27.000.00 $36,318.18 $40,640.73 $43,174.73 $161.096.18 $153.325.00 t l.Koo.oo $ 1.000.00 $ $ 1. S ' . 500.00 2.00 00 J0000 488.56 210.00 1.035.80 2.448.24 4 .410.00 I 1,998.5 $ L210.00 $ 2,035.60 $ $.448.34 v $ 9.410.00 S38.31S.74 $41,850.73 $45.210.33 $186.544 43 $162.735.00 " S20.1S4JS $2X017.17 $24,859.31 $ 22.707.91 I, -JM-J5 - 120 000.00 120.000.00 3 637.31 3 935.09 12 281.56 17.789.29 10.000.00 4.800 00 ; 1.000.00 ; 1.041.72 1.010.82 725.00 $29,621.61 $26,952.26" $38,182.59 $16.508.02 , $155.725.00 $1,582 83 ' $ 1.528.43 $ 1,580.48 $ 5.435.87 $ 7.010.00 . : f $31.184 44 $28,480.69 $39,763.07 1S55JS Tax Levy Calculation Total Estimated Expenditures Total Estimated Expenditures. Reserves and Transfers Deduct Estimated Receipts Other Than 1955-56 Taxes Amount Necessary to Balance the Budget Add Estimated Amount of 1955-56 taxes thlt . will not be receivede-30-54 Total Levy Needed for 1955-56 Tax Levies: Inside $1 Limitation Outside 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation ! - Fiscal Tear 154-51 Fiscal Year 1953-54 fiscal Tsar 1952-S2 Details may be examined at the office of toe District. 3715 S- Commercial Street, gjr T Oregon. . f 6 A 7 0 A 57 v ftsiP p"nf cH!ElAQ'??IAb I :1a .a l kUfyls u n5Te TSrcy Tf 7t5it sieinioisloUIsieIs 22. Old meas- '- ure "'"' of . length 35. Chinese river 2. Silli. ness 27. Wad. in bird 29. Trouble 30. Gold, in heraldry (poss.) 31. Part of a flower 32. Frighten Yetterisy's Aarwe 36. Birds as a class . - 37. Tibetan priest 38. Long- leggtd wading1 bird 40. Garden tool - Estate of CARL WILLIAM HOGG. Attorneys LATOURETTE & LAT OURETTE. Address ' $17 Corbett Building. Portland 4. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 16-365 In the Circuit Court of the SUte of Oregon for the County of Marion, Probate Department Notice is hereby given tnat tne un dersigned Otto T. Hogg and Oscar E. Hogg have been appointed Execu tors of the estate of Carl William Hogg deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, snd have qualified. AU per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at SIT Corbett Bldg.. Portland 4- Oregon, within six months from the date hereof Dated and first published May SS. 1955. Last publication June 22. 1955. Otto T. Hogg Oscar E. Hogg ' Executors. Latourette Sc Latourette ' Attorney May 25. Ju. 1. S. IS. 32. NOTICE TO IMPROVE JACK STREET FROM STARK STREET TO DELMAR DRIVE. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem. Oregon deems it necessary and expedient and hereby . declares its purpose and intention to Improve JACK STREET, from the south line of Stark Street to the north line of Delmar Drive, in the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, providing drainage, constructing ce ment concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a 2. Inch asphaltic concrete pavement 30 feet wide, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property; except' 4he street and alley intersections, wmcn expense will be assumed by the City of Salem, all in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council May 23. 1955, which are now on file in the office of the city re corder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be examined by any interested party. Any interested property owner may ascertain their approximate share of the cost of makinr the improvement at the office of the city engineer. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement deDartment Owners of property liable for the cost of making such improvement mav ffle -written I remonstrance against the same with the city re corder at any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice. - By order' of the Common Council ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder May 23. June 1. S i " SALEM HEIGHTS ' Notice of 1955-58 of Salem Heights Water District. Salem, Oregon, at May S. 1955, was as Amount $4,000.00 $166,943.89 $161735.00 Summarv of Estimated Expenditures. Receipt and Tax Levies Fiscal Year 1955-5S Tax Levies 'i XOTICB OF FTJfAI HXASPCO A 'executor of estate ef LINORX 7. WXLLER. deceased. I have fil- tn Circuit Court of Oregon, for Marion county, my final account to said estate, and : so June 1955. at S;15 o'clock, a. m., and the courtroom of aid court have been appointed by aid court for - the hearing of ob jection! to said final account and the settlement thereof. GEO. C. WELLER - Executor Allan G. Carson Wallace P. Carson Peter M. Gunnar Attorneys for Executor . June 1. S, IS. S3 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED .Too Late to Classify 39 BUICK, Good condition. Best offer takes. 3-755S after S. FOR SALE 1947 Ford Conv. or trade ior pic up. j-n. -n3. 1951 FORD- Country Squire. Exeep- tional Clean. Consider some trade. . 8995. See at 3440 Silverton Rd. Also 1942 Chev. Club Coupe. $9S or -Trade for Trailer or equal Value. HAVE party with $500 who wish a a KUl .Uu. . . . .suv or ao.uuu .nomc. zvear dus. With payments not over $25 Mo. D. A. Williams Rltr. Ph. 4-4544. OWNER must sell immediate. Good home near school, 3 bdrm. on main floor. Suitable for home Sc business. Fruit, berries Sc garden. Reduced to $8,650 full price or best offer. Some terms. Ph. 4-8579. NEW 3 bdrm. house,- Birch Cup boards. Radiant Heat Ph. 2-8069. FOR RENT 2 bdrm. Modern Home. Near State Hospital. Phone 4-8253. EXPERIENCED Serv. Station Sales man wanted Immediately. Hrs. 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Ph. -3-9533 for In terview on Thursday. June 2nd. 10 a.m. to Noon. POSITION open in Public relations Dept. of National Organization, working with Local Memorial Park. This is dignified, interesting, per manent work, prefer mature men. Direct sales experience helpful but not necessary. See Mr. Dudley. Room 5. 229 N. Liberty St. Sat only. June 4th a.m. to 1 p.m. WANTED Used Furniture Sc Rum mage items. Let me clean out your attic or basement Ph. 4-8380. 1 SWING rocker. Gibson Refrig. Good as new. Dinette set solid oak; 4 Chairs, other articles too numerous to mention. 1010 N. 5th. LARGE circ. wood heater, very good $15 Large well built Dog house. $4.50. Ph. 4-9156. BLUE Davene bed. Good condition. $60. 1837 N. cnurcn. SHOP made kidney shaped walnut coffee table. Reasonable, can 4-essa or see at 523 N. 20th after 4. FOR SALE $ HP. Air Compressor 3 pnase xzzs. .rn.--sjou. Reg. Pomerian puppies. $40. Call Leoanon uzia. - " TRUCK REPAIRMAN AND TWO MECHANICS. ONLY EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL SHOULD APPLY. SEE DON BURNS, VALLEY MOTOR CO. IRONING in my home. Ph. 3-7693. REMODELED apartment 3 bedrms. S33. Mill at., 2 Dixs. irom upiwi. TRY CLASSIFIED ADS Business For tfie best professional serrlcea, ADDING MACHINES All makes adding machines, cal culators. & typewriters, sold, rent ed. repaired. Roan. 456 Court 36773. APPLIANCES WEST IN GHOTJSX Woodry Furniture Cm. 74 So. ComX Ph. 4-3111 BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding. Mattress reno vators New maltussts. S-4Q8S. BULLDOZING Bulldozing, elesiing roads, ponds D-4. D-6 carryall. V. Huskey. Ph. 3-3146. CEMENT WORK Sidewalk repairing. Phone 3-3861. CEMENT work Free estimates Henry T Moon Ph 3-8840 or 2-5133 FLOOR COVERINGS Norris Walker Paint Co.. floor-cor-ering Division. Quality Installa tions Linoleum. Asphalt Tile, Rub ber Tile. Wall Me. etc. FREE ES TIMATES. Ph. 4-2279 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS PROMPT tree delivery of WAT KINS oroducts. please call distrib utor. 1135 So Coral St Salem. Ph .1-5395 Dealer applications Invited WATER DISTRICT Budget Meeting Nature ef Obligation Serial General Obligation Bonds, 3 Coupon 3''4 coupon ?, EXPENDITURES . General Fend Maintenance and Operations Capital Outlay Budget Deficit Total General Fund Debt Fund Bond Principal Retirement Note Retirement Interest Total Debt Fund Total Expenditures RECEIPTS General Fand ' Water Sales Sale of Bonds ' New Service, New Lines tc Hydrant Assessments Other . 1 Total General Fund Debt Fund ToUl Total Receipts Prior Tears $ 7,612 84 $ 1.668.0S I 1.541 M NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE JEFFERSON STREET FROM CHURCH STREET TO COT TAGE STREET " NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon deems it -necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improve JEFFERSON STREET, from the east line .of Church Street to the West line of Cottage Street in the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, providing drainage, constructing cement concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a 2'i inch - asphaltic concrete pavement 30 feet wide, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street and alley In tersections, which expense will be assumed by the City of Salem, - all in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council May 23. 1955. which are now on file in the office ef the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be examined by any Interested party. Any interested property owner may ascertain their approximate share of the cost of making the Improvement at the of fice of the city engineer. The Com mon Council hereby declares its pur pose and Intention to make tne above described improvement by and through the street improvement de partment owners or property iiaoie jor tne cost of making such improvement may I file written remonstrance against the same with the city re corder a any time within ten days after! the final publication, of this notice. By Order of the common council May i 23. 1955. 1 AunCU MUIND I, LUT necoraer I May 25, June 1, S 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice SALEM LODGE No. 4.1 A F It AM. Wed. June 1. Stated Com munication, 8:00 P. M. 312 Lost and Found LOSt: Black tc white Dalmatlon H black face, female, spayed. Reward. Ph. 3-5319. 3-9658. 1310 Broadway. LOST: Sable Pomerasjian between SUttie Lane ac sisters, oaiuruay morning. Call 2-8169 after- p.ife. Liberal Reward. ; LOST: At Big Springs Camp Mon day, green Tool Box Sc 3 Ton Jack. Finder Phone 4-8241 for re ward. LOST: Parakeets, chart ruse color, vicinity Bush park. Jteward. 2-8750. 2-8750. FOUND Gold and White cocker spaniel in downtown Salem. Miss Crocker, Ph. 4-4962. 314 Transportation LADY in wheel chair will pay gas Sc oil expenses for lady or couple driving to St Joseph or Kansas City. Missouri 1st of July. Reref ences. 23196 Goldia Killin. 316 Personal AL'S BAKERY 1040 MARKET Ph. 3-7372 Chip beef. Ham, beef. 8c chicken pies. $2.25 a doz. Beef Sc cream pies $1.25 a doz. Creaf & fruit $1.15 a doz. Garlic French break Sc whole wheat bred. Coffee 8c doughnuts. I WILL not be responsible for any debt except those made by myself personally. Edward t. r rencn. Directory call one of these popular experts. PAPERING AND PAINTING PAINTING and paper-hanging. Free estimates. Fit. 3-5i3. neo snipping. PAVING Salem Black-Top Paving Co. Drive ways. Parking Lots and Streets. FHEfi E5T1MATES Ph. 4-4904 Ph. 4-8378 Eves. ROOFING MA THIS BROS- new legation. 2061 State St. Ph. 4-6831. Business as usual. SAND AND GRAVEL l WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CO. 1625 MeGUchrlst Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All sizes for roads, drivewsys. and parking lots. READY .MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doilng. shovel ana dragging work. Phone 3-9Z4S SEPTIC SERVICB MIKE'S Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. DTOOter cleans ; sewers drains. Phone 3-9468. Hamel's sepUe tanks cleaned. Una service. Guaranteed work, i Phone 3-7404. 8-6774. ! HOWARD'S Roto Rooter, drains. sewer septic tsnfj cleaned. 3-5327 SHARPENING 4a REPAIR Lawn mowers, gsrden tools, etc 2-4616. 2-4062. 2372 State.: . follows: Amount i $ 10.000.00 $110.00000 Estimated 7-1-55 to 6-30-56 Officer or Department ' $ 4.800.00 40.926.00 14.984.00 860.710.00 3.OO0.O0 j 3.920.00 S 6420.00 $67,630.00 $33,000.00 I 27.000.00 i 710.00 S60.710.00 S60.710Ar Total of i General Debt : AU Funds Fund Fund $7.S30.00 j $60,710.00 $8,920.00 $87,630.00 860.710.00 S6.920.00 60.710.00 60.710.00 - f $.920.00 1 $6,920.00 892.00 692.00 $ 7.612.00 $ $7,612.00 none none none none none , -none S 7.612.00 $ none $7,612.00 Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 9th Day of Mav. 1SSS. Donald R. Gardner. Chairman. Budget Committee XX. K ZHiffield, Secretary, Budget Committee Majr si. June 3. 300 Personal 316 Personal PSYCHIC READER Mrs. Mays without asking a question nam. mcb, can neip solve all problems. 364S Portland ltd. Look for ALMIRA MOTEL SIGN ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group Me. x. a n. urnii 9-4537. ; ALCOHOLICS Anonymous 31M N. commercial s-sios or 4-8600 GILMOUR Nursing Home, 345S State t rn. e-wza. state licensed, in spection Invited at all times. 400 AgriciiltTire 402 . Livestock For Sole LARGE Holstein, Hereford. Due now. Also, registered milking short horn bull. Coin's Farm, Jefferson Phone FA 72450. 3 miles , North on old Highway. TWO good black saddle horses for sale. Also two new saddles, bridles and blankets. Box SO, Neskowin, Ore. Carl Smith. LOCKER BLEF. Eastern Oregon t or wnoie, see custom jailing. Trailer loaned free. -Salem Meat Co. 1323 S 25th. Ph.. 3-4858 PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOES. PHONE 4-9063 403 Livestock Wanted , LIVESTOCK BUYER Emery Alderman, 4-6430, 4-7218 CATTLE, horses, at your farm. . C. McCandlish. Rt 2. Bx. 297. 4.1081. LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Edwards, j Bom earkj-i-e nt A ma 'tv. o, AJ4JJS, QggXW riXs VJ-lllO. CATTLE BUYERS E. L and H. Sne men, wi state s-1345 or 2-4380. LIVESTOCK buyer. A. F. Sommer. tzeo Harmony Dr. pn. 4-9087. 404 Poultry end Robbits COCHIN bantams, all 4 colon. Coin's Farmi Jefferson. S mi. No. on old Hiway. . BABY chicks 15c Straight run. New nampsrure at wmte Rocks puuets, 17c. I VSlley rarm. Store. EVERY Tuesday. New - Hampshire ciucks. btnnnf i Jiatcnery, SUver ton. Ph. 3-4769. 407 Fur Beoring Animols NUTRIA RETIRE ON ACRE . Fur Farming for Profits Raise PUREBRED REGISTERED LAS TRES LACUNAS NUTRIA Guaranteed Litter Easy to raise ' Active association Visit our ranch. Purefred Registered .Nutria of America. 1160 Wallace Hoad. Salem 408 Pets COCKER Spaniel puppies for Sale, xn. z-.w. LABRADOR Retriever for Sale. $25. Ph. 4-4284. KITTENS to give- away. Ph. 3-955L DACHSHUND longhaired pups. Prlc- ea xo sen 3 moni. 4-7304. COLOR bred Canary singers $6.95 1340 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4385. HOLLYWOOD Aauartum 1958 Me Coy. Tropical, goldfish, equipment BIRD PARADISE for birds, cages. supplies. 3180 Livingston. Ph. S-184S. PARAKEETS, cages, supplies. 4 Cor ners Aviary, 4110 Hudson. S-5S97. 410 Seeds ond Plants Seed Cleaning e This harvest have your grass seeds cleaned at MolaUa Feed & Seed Co., Molalla, Ore. Ph. 2962. THE DAYSON GREENHOUSES Flowers and plants, geraniums, dole. and fancy petunias, bedding stock and vege. plants. 3975 N. RIVER RD. PH. 2-1147 CAMELLIAS - AZALEAS Closing out ALL large camelliast Many 3"t ft. None more than 82. Alio 1 lot Azaleas at 'i price, SOc .nd up. WARING S NURSERY, 1023 Oak Hill Ave. (Turn. W. from S. 12th. ! mi. S. of Morning-side School.) DELPHINIUMS. Geraniums. Astilbe. all types Mums. Salem's most com plete perennial line. 2270 Chemawa Hd. BLACK'S 4-7S22 TUBEROUS BEGONIAS From small plants to blooming bas kets. A wonderful selection of fuchsias Sc geraniums. We stand - on our reputation ol being Ore gon's finest begonia growers. CLAGGETTS GREENHOUSE 4'i mi. No. of Salem on WaUace Kd. Salem-Dayton Hiway. Ph. 2-3502. SEE PLANT FOR PLANTS Bedding plants. Annual tc Perenlal, named fuchsias. GARDEN SUP PLIES. EASY PARKING. Open Eves. Sc Sunday. A. Plant Greenhouses Sc Florists 1298 So. 13th Ph. 3-4670 EGAN GARDENS GERANIUMS PETUNIAS ATI other summer garden plants Ph. 2-5728. 5 mi. N. of Keizer school on road to St. PauL LOWERY'S GREENHOUSE Tomatoes 25c doz.. Geraniums 40c ea. Bedding plants Flowering bas kets $2.75 up. 2595 Chemawa Rd. 2 ML East of Keizer School. GERANIUMS, Ivy. Pelargoniums, and Fancy Leaf, Fuchsias Including most of the new introductions. Be gonias, all colors in upright and basket variety. KUber's. 715 Salem Heights Ave. 98c U PICK SHRUBS 88c Lana Mkt, Corner Silverton Rd. Si Lana Ave. CLOSING out all Perennials. V price. Delph's. Shasta's, Lupine. Colum bine, ueum. ueramums 25 Sc 35c. Martha Washington!. 35c & up. Pansies, 50c doz. Butler's, 4450 Sil verton Rd. NETTED gem seed potatoes. 8330 Portland Jtd. 4-4078. 413 Fertilizer i E BY Ore. Portland Cement Co. , Calcium Carbonate 92 Magnesium Carbonate 4 Neutralizing Power 94 Score 94.79 Cottrell Lime Calcium Carbonate 90 Magnesium Carbonate 5i Neutralizing Power 97 Score 94.09 Delivered by, Oswego Lime Delivery Co. Phone BL 1-3033 or EL 1-3668 Organic Fertiliser Odorless Sack or bulk Phone 3-3153 ROTTED MANURE, loose. Easy to work with. Loosen your soil with manure. Helps hold moisture. By sack or cubic vard. Special on large loads. Immediste del Rich black dirt by sack. Ph. 4J081. Rt 5. Box 493. Phillips Bros... 2 miles E. of 4 -Corners. ' ROTTED manure. Del. anywhere, top ' soil Sg fill dirt 2-4331. 4-1854. 414 Form Equipment S ROW strawberry or tree duster. I's H. P. motor. Ph. 4-6451. 1 ACETYLENE- generator, with sight feed Sc oxygen tank. Ph. 3-8666. 1946 JOHN Deere D Tractor with starter, lights, good rubber, top cond. Also 3 bottom John Deere plow. Both priced to selL Ph. Ger- . vais 8541. J , 450 McixtandLie 4S5 Hte hold Goods Fop Sale 610 N. LAST . . i FINAL SALE WAREHOUSE aOSEOUT ' I - PRICES NEW NEW NEW New, used furniture, appliances : Rugs every thing goes regardless of loss Huge discounts. Easy terms. Reg. $80.00 davenos, new '. : $49.50 Simmons $109.00 Studio Couch (makes twin beds)$69.95 4' Door Mirrors, reg. $5.00 Special ,.$2.95' New lovely Biltwell daveno, 2-pc. sets, reg. $189.50 ; value $129.95 5 pc. chrome dinette SeBonly $44.44 1 lovely 8-pc. bleach oak dining suite, reg. $289.50.$178.00 Regular $159 bedroom suites, bleach Mahogany, a few only , $79.95 9x12 linoleum rugs, each . . -$5.40 $21.95 Deluxe play ; pens $13.88 $24.95 Hardwood 6 yr. cribs , $18.88 Deluxe Innerspring mattresses . i$9.88 7 drawer kneehole desks - $26.88 Reg. $80 deluxe. Walnut or bleach Oak desks, 2 only.$59.95 Complete new bunk bed set incl. mattresses $78.88 New table lamps only . '. $4.88 New matching box ipringi t innerspring mattresses, : . for the set , ..437.75 New Hassocks, many colors ; $6.25 Step end tables, Reg. $17.50 ..$8.88 Several hundred items too numerous to list as beds- rockers mirrors. t USED USED 190 Oak arm chairs for office, den, cards, dining, each. 500 plate mirrors 18x24 choice ... ' ! Lot breakfast & dining chairs from ..... . Lot apartment size gas stoves from . Large; lot used mattresses ... 20 used Chest 0 'Drawers Twin beds, including springs only : Guaranteed used washers .. Guaranteed used refrigerators from . Hoosier kitchen cabinets, 1 only , Massive 8 pc. Walnut dining set , Lot Radios, all good ones from - Mohair davenport set Club chairs fc davenos, closeout x Many more 610 N. JUNE WEDDING SPECIALS 25 to 40 off Natl. Adv Brands LOOK I Reg. Spec. Sil. Chirf Pwr Mxr 54.95 36.65 Pwr Chirf Mixer 45.75 30.50 Dormey Portable mxr 19.50 12.99 Deep Tat Fryer 19 95 13.30 Elec Skillet wlid 19.95 12.99 Auto Coffee Maker 24.50 16.33 Waffle St Grill 15.95 10.63 Pop Up Auto Toaster 16.95 9.99 Session Clocks 30 off Priscilla Alum Ware Deep cut prices. Stainless Steel ware Red. for June. Give Them "Top Brand Names" from - BOLLINGER'S 343 N. ComX St Salem LEAVING state must sell furniture Immediately. Veryreas. 3-4594. SPECIAL Studio couch, $29.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. New daveno and chair act Reg. 180.60 . Special $139.50. . Used Mdse Mart S70 S. Liberty DAVENPORT and chair. Good con dition. S6a Phone 3-3824. DRAW drapes. 2 pair. Large lined Sc floral. $50. Ph. 2-8889. DELUXE automatic dryer, $99.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Store. 175 N High. 1 only console radio Red hot .spec ial. $14.95. Used Mdse Mart .270 S. Liberty Q YOU need a single, item or a complete household of new or used furniture or appliances. Buy now on our easy terms. Woodrv's Thrifty Used Furniture ' SIS So. Com'L St ' Ph. 4-3319 1 block So. of Paper Mill YOUR choice chest-o-drawers. $6.95. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 10 PC. dining set. Nice. Only $74.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. Admiral T. V. set 1955 console giant 21" screen, Reg. $329.95. Special $229.93. Used Mdse Mart 270 Sr Liberty LEAVING for the East and are sell ing all . the furniture. 3375 Center St. Ph; 4-7044.- Cocktail, step, end, and corner tables. $5.00. Used Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty BE THRIFTY Buy used furniture St appliances. THE THRBTTY WAY on Easy Terms st WOODRY'S THRIFTY. USED TORN. 515 S Com! Ph. 4-3319 5 PC. dinettes only $18.50. Glen Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer.. - - Rose Daveno' good condition $29.50. Used Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty BEAUTIFUL new daveno's only 859.50.. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Sum mer. FOR SALE: 5 rooms of Modern fur niture. Ph. 2-8626. Used Youth Bed. $24 50 Complete Used Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty 451 Machinery ond Tools SALE 900 Surplus Rigid Pipe Wrenches Vs of New Price A-l Condition i I 18 lit $ S each .24 in. $ 5 each ' 36 In. $10 each 48 in. 815 each t RITTER k CO. Rt. 2. Box 367 Ph. 4-8311 4 miles No. of Salem. ,i mile No. of Totem Pole on 99E. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 454 Sewing Mochines SPECIALS Cab. Electric, fair. 839.50. Cab. Electric, food. $49.50. Cab. Electric, maple cab. $94.50. Late model, real buy. Cab. Electric Man. cab. $99.50. Just like new. Portables from $29.50. ' Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Com'L St. Phone 3-3512 455 Hsehold Goods For SsU Reconditioned Sc guaranteed apt .size electric range worth $59. my 'price.- $39.50. Trader Louis 1870 Lana " Ave. Large Assortment of chairs all sale priced. Used Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty USED pianos. Your choice $75. H, L, ; Stiff Furniture. 17S N. High. Dial 4-6811 to Place Ad "450 Merchandise 455 Hsehold Goods For Sole CAPITOL 10 DAYS ' . . SMASHED! .$3.59 .$1.98 .$ .50 .$3.95 .$2.50 ' .$3.00 .$3.95 ' $15.00 $39.50 ; $11.00 ? $55.00 . .$9.50 $14.00 -$4-50 good items. CAPITOL 1 ONLY New Maple Bunk set Comp. winner spring, mattress. 899.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Olds trombone Excellent condition. $79.95. Used Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty CARLOAD SALE Gibson Ranges Deluxe fujl size automatic . electric range. 7 speed push button cook ing. Now onlv $199.95. Pay only 2.25 per -week. GOOD HOUSE KEEPING INC:. 467 Court St - New Baby Bed. Reg. $34.50. Special $22.95. Used Mdse Mart -270 S. Liberty HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, we -are moving from Salem Sc have a house-full of furniture tc appli ances 11 Cu. Ft G. E. ref..'-Ben-dix washing machine dryer Sc Mangel. Baby furniture ' Swing Set Oak table Sc 6 matching chairs. Bathinette, deep fryer Mix Mas ter, Coffee master tc many more items too numerous to mention. This furniture can- be nought at 360 Fawk Ave. between the hours of 7 p.m. & S p.m. today. SAVE Modern Westinghouse Refrig erator and range. The pair for only 8199.50. Terms. Trade. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer For one item or a complete house ful select from our huge stock of New and Used Furniture Appli ances and Misc. Then use the easiest terms in town. ' Used Mdse Mart 270 S. Liberty REAL- bargains. Ph 2-1292. Used washers, refrigu elec. ranges. Also used motors, elements tc parts Ap pliance wreckers. 4550 Monroe Ave NEW Biltwell Daveno sets. $129.50 $139.50 Terms Trades .Free Delivery Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer LAWSON davenort chair, rug, maple chest, end tables, misc. household furn. Ph. 2-4914. 456 Wonted, Hsehold Goods WE NEED USED FURNITURE CALL 2-7472 ftJ i 'Til' TOP CASH price for used merchan dise. - Check with us first ELFSTROM'S USED MDSE MART Ph. 4-637L 370 S. Liberty 458 Building Moteriols ? Nails, many sizes, keg -39 25 . $6:50 16 unpamteo shakes. Steel garage doors, complete ;Cneap 500 gai. steel sep. tanks 300 gaL steel sep. tanks . $44.50 4 soil pipe, cast iron . oc ft. 4" block sewer pipe SOc St 34c ft 42 gaL elec. water heaters .-659 50 S ft steel tubs, complete $63:50 20 x 18 wash basins with trim $19 50 Quality toilets with seats $29.50 21 x 32 dble. sink w. rim, etc. $43.95 Va lv. pipe 12',,c, 14" galv 16'ic Plastic pipe less than galvanized. We specialize in low prices on comp. roofing, cedar shingles, ana galvan ized iron roofing. i" birch plywood, grade A 46c t" sen. 44c. mahog.- 40c Long plywood for boats Cheap Draft aaper. 500 so. ft t $2.50 water proof waiiooara. x a .z.uu New 4x8 plasterboard $1.40 Galv'nized gutter & all fittings. Cheap Weather strip windows $14 20 up Crystal slide windows $16. 50 up Electric wire iz - 2 rou c Fencing Sc steel fence posts . Cheap Barb wire 12 'V G.. 80 rods : $7.45 Exterior white paint gaL $2.50 New white asbestos siding $10 50 Plastic a rain board covering, 30c sq. it. C G. LONG & SONS 1 Mile N. of Keizer. 4-5051 NEW lumber as low as S23 per M. delivered. 260 Hansard Ave.. Leb- - anon. Ore. Ph. 3-132. Eve. 3-775. 13 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 GENERAL ELECfTRIC FAN STARTING PRICE JUNE. 1ST, $36 'T LUMBER YARD Front k Court St ! Ph- 34111 WX CIVX StH GREEN OTAMPS q&WSfffl !1U BUiLDNG REDUCED KEITH BROWN 4S0 Merehanclise 458 luildinej Moteriols SHINGLE Stains. Red. Green. Blaclu $2.85 gat in 5 s. Barn Sc fence paint White. Green. Red-Brown 81.75 a . Gal. Norris-Walker Paint Co. 1710' N. Front Phone 4-2279. Loomex 14-2 in 250 rolls . je 11x33 double sink with rim S43 95 Bath tub S ft A-grade mom 42-gal. elee. water heater S59 50 1.000 Watt Radiant heater $40 00 Bdrm. fix., reg. $2.25. now $1 5$ MX Elec. & Plumbing '3405 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1858 PL 32.000 W used plywood, verv good condition '$2 sht 20.000 new reject 4x8xa naraooara rSl 78 Used li" insul. wall plank 3c ft. 16x16 ceiling ti1 10c ea. Used i" conduit , 5c lin. ft J - No. 3 &, btr used lbr. cleaned $45 M. 100 used toilets $15.00 comp. 100 used wash basins $5.50 Sc up " Septic tanks 500 gaL 857.50 T 300 eaL 844.50 4" black drainage pine 30c Sc 34c ft RITTER & CO. R4. 2. Box 367 Ph. 4-8311 4 miles No. of Salem. Vt mile No. of Totem Pole on 99E. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 500,000 FEET New, fresh-milled, old - and second 1 growth lumber. 2x4 so 2x12. In I to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices $30 per thousand. Ted Muller. Ph. Salem 2-1196 evenings. 1 WOW!!: 300 New Doors 4-lt . 2-6x6-8, in Sc li. Only S5.SS! Beautiful figured birch doors, cheaper than paint grade I LOTSA plywood (squash one man a day). Thousands of "littler" sizes at "littler" prices. Some donut shaped holes free!) Get your plywood cut to size no ' charge. Hardboard 4x8. , $2.00. Wallboard 1.44. sheet Oak Fig. (in heated rooms whew!) O.S. white paint $2.50 gaL' Gosh, tell us what you need, well find itl House plans, free estimating Sc de livery. Remodeling ' NOTHING DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY (S years long "time huh?) REAL Service, with a REAL smile at PORTLAND ROAD LUMBERYARD 3543 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 Open all day Saturday 459 Do It Yourself U-FLX-IT-GARAGE Repair your own car. Phons 4-326L 2095 N. Com! . 460 Musicol Instruments PIANO' for sale. excellent cond. Phone 3-7374. CROWN PIANO, upright fine for home, church or school. Priced right for quick sale. 2-0669. SPINET Piano by Cable. Like new. $500. Ph. 4.6149. i USED 00D CONVERT YOUR PIANO into an i organ. Let us show you bow. . ' ' WUtsey Music House.: 1860 State St 462 Sports Equipment FACTORY ir boat and trailer for car top boat 3-8861. ' . FACTORY BUILT boat trailer, $45. Phone 3-5900. TRY! . "Before You Buy" . WE DEMONSTRATE SALEM" fcOAt HOUSE PHONE 3-4303 14' Rowboat ?s" plywood. $123. ISIS Barnes Ave. Salem. CASH paid for used guns, modern and antique. Cascade Mere. 1230 Broadway EVINRDDE MOTORS REINELL. ENFAB. BELL SHIP. SIGLER BOATS EASIEST TERMS. CASCADE MERC 1230 Broadway 464 Bicycles RAWLEIGH Sport. 3-speed bike, good cond., $45. 765 Court after 6 pjn. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous RENT A SANDER RENEW YOUR FLOORS Renew your floors now. Save up to s tne cost oy loing it -yourself snd renting a sander at Wards. Easy to operate, finest results. Ask "Ward! paint salesman about rates. by dav or hour. MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 FOR RENT or lease. Ige. warehouse apace, cement floor, brick bldg . down town. Inquire H. I- Stiff. Furn. 3-9185. . 470 For Sole Miscellaneous FOR SALE or trade. Toto-tiller. Just overnauieo. n. aasso s. summers. HAND grease gun, ' 2 differential grease packers, air grease gun, oil stove. Inquire Archer's. Lee and Mission. NEW S YR. cribs 819.95-829.95. Glen Woodsy, 1605 N. Summer. USED clothing, shoes. Clothe family ior i3 tne cost. Many deaneo. fumigated. We buy. 341 N.- Com'L TOP SOIL Orchard loam - River loans Dial 2-1749 Prompt delivery. KEIZER SAND Sc GRAVEL CO RETREADS 670-15. $4.95 exch. guar anteed. Lytic s Tire Mart 2305 ti. Com'L . PRECISION SCINTILLATORS GEIGER COUNTERS 125 N. Liberty. Rm. 203. Ph. 2-6023 FILL DIRT $1.00 pick-up load. 2185 center or Ph. 3-7803. NEW MONTAG trash burner. $69.50. t Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW tires 670-15. $8.95 Exchange. sound Casing: on order: National Guarantee. Ly tie's Tire Mart 2305 N. ComT. BATTERIES Grp 1 86.95 Exch. vjuaranicca, L.y ue Aire nin. ma. N. Commercial. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines. cash registers, duplicators desks, chairs. files Sc supplies Roen's. 456 Court St Ph. 3-6773 TENN Red Cedar Chest, cherry tw. tea., tw. matt- All new: 1Z plan er. 8" Ward saw w V motor. 18 Am. Mach. band saw. 505 Hickorv. NEW crib mattresses. $9.95-$14.95.r Gle. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. PIT RUN GRAVEL, ANYWHERE IN. TOWN. $1.15 YD. TILL DIRT-F0R SALE. 4-7422. 7 FT. CEDAR fence posts 30c Bean posts and poles. Phillips Bros. Ph. 4-3081 USED refrigerators. $19 25 Sc up. Al Laue. App.. 2350 State St. NEV PLAY PENS $13.8S-$18r88."Gle Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. TOP SOIL Phone 3-4310 BLACK Beaver Dam soil. $3 yd. Riv er loam Sc silt Ph. 3-6075 RIVER bottom top soiL Gravel Co.. Ph. 3-3417. Oregosi LGE.. CHOICE. 9x13 linoleum. SS.4. Glea Woodry. 1S05 N. Summer. -