SfonsWdintto Commie China Desire For Negotiations with, United : TOKYO UH Is Red China step ping op moves behind the Bamboo Curtain for, talks with the United States? And do such mores include the early release of U. S. fliers long held as "spies"? There's nothing concrete. But signs are multiplying. Red China spoke out m favor of such talks to "ease tension" in the Far East through Premier Chou En-Lai during the Asian-African conference at Bandung. In donesia. Recently V. K. Krishna Menon, 1U1U(U SV11VJ BUTIOCi VI A1JU1CB 0 Prime Minister Nehru, wound up Chou and Mao Tze-Tung, the No. 1 man in Red China. Nehru said he sent Menon to deal with un finished business of the Bandung conference. Bed Carpet Rolled Oat This week, at the invitation of Bed China, Prime Minister Ali Sas troamidjojo of Indonesia, host na tion for the Bandung conference. Is in Peiping. He's getting the red carpet treatment usually accorded heads of state. Saturday from Jakarta, the In donesian news agency Antara re ported in a Peiping dispatch that Sastroamidjojo had offered his good offices in talks with the Unit ed States over Formosa. The agen cy said Red China "welcomed" the offer. Peiping radio is flooding the air ways with-accounts of Sastroamid jojo's visit Through all these ac counts is woven the theme that Red China can listen to criticism and can get along well with forms of government opposed to commu nism. I Acclaim Visitor Saturday night, for example, Edith May Davey Late resident of 201 S Elway avenue. In this city May 27. Survived by son. Hugh Davey of Salem. Brother, John Priday of Willowdale. Sister, Mrs. Ida Holmes of Redmond. Ore., 2 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star. Services will be held Tuesday. May 31. at 1:30 p.m. in the W. T. Rigdon Chapel. Concluding services at Belcrest Me morial Park. Mildred Frear In this dty May 24. She is e mother of C. J. Frear of San Fran Cisco. Calif., and Mrs. Helen Hamlin of Seattle, Wash; sister of Frank Waitt of Portland. Mrs. Julia Wise and Mrs. H. Hugg of Centralia.. Wash, Also survived bv 4 grandchildren. Requiem Mass will be held Wednes day. June 1. at t a.m. st St Joseph's Catholic Church with interment at St. Barbara's Cemetery. Under di rection of W. T. Rigdon Co. Jacob E. Ichessberg Late resident of 3460 Abrams Ave. Survived by wife. Mary Schomberf of Salem: S daughters, Mrs. Lucille -McMackin of Corvallis. Mrs. Maxine Wilson of Philadelphia. Pa.. Mrs. Doris Wesley. So. Oregon: Mrs. W. G. Andrews of Calif., Miss Hszel Schom berg of San Francisco, Calif: 1 son, Edward Schomberg of Corvallis. Fu neral announcements later by Virgil T. Golden Chapet Oeorge Lee SkersBaa At a local hospital May 27. late resident of Molalla Rt 1. Survived bv inters Mrs. May Nelson of Salem. Mrs Pearl Part of Portland, brother Burt Sherman of Grand Junction. Colo. Several nieces including Mrs. Beatrice Burns of Salem. Mrs. Alts Evenden of Salem. Mrs. Edna Scott of Milton Freewater. Mrs. Lorene Early of Molalla, Mrs. Ora Johnston of Salem. Mrs. Doris Lynberg of Sa lem. Services will be held Tuesday. Mav 31 at 10 JO ajn. in the Virgil T. Golden Chape L Interment at Bel crest Memorial Park. Rev. Jt G. Scbsffner offtciating. Most Grains Drift Lower CHICAGO OB A gentle down ward drift left most grains lower on the Board of Trade this week, only nre being; able to post small gains. It was the fourth straight week in which rye has forged .ahead. , Most vulnerable cereal was corn. It suffered its sharpest losses in several months, as producers just about completed putting tne new crop into the ground. Rains in the midwest got the crop off to a promising start , Wheat closed the week 1 H I lower, corn 2 -4 i lower, oats 1 to Hi lower, rye unchanged to 1 Va higher, soybeans 1 -3 V low er and lard 18 cents lower to 30 cents a hundred pounds higher. Stock Market Heads Higher NEW YORK (J! The stock market headed upward this week with a determination that raised the question in Wall Street is the traditional summer rally under way? With only a slight extra push, the market could answer that question itself with a move to a new record peak. On the other hand, it would take quite a depressing shove to send the market off again into its old reaction pattern of recent weeks. The whole question has been clouded for, this week at least by the three-day recess over Memori al Day Monday when all security and commodity markets will be closed. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks this week gained $1.40, the second 'straight weekly rise. Parking Proposal Made at Portland PORTLAND (XI Francis E. Young, president of a San Diego construction firm, Friday proposed to Mayor Fred Peterson construc tion of a 300-unrt. underground parking garrte in the south Park Blocks of downtown Portland. He asked that the property be leased to him for 40 or SO years at a rental of $1 a year. At the end of the lease period, the prop er would revert to the city. Salern j Obituaries I 'if Peiping told of a crowd of more, than 16,000 residents acclaiming the Indonesian visitor in Chung than Park. . It quoted Sastroamidjojo as tell ing the crowds: "We believe in our own system as you believe in yours. What is important, however, in this con text is that we are resolved to go each our own -way in good neigh borship and without any interfer ence in each others affairs. Journey of Death Down San Francisco Hill HELPER ! If iMDrrn .-V w i i r ju pi H4T ( PARKED- n 1 CAR '( Ml L, if . ' EE v r -mm i n.u. ' ,L i Eves. & Sunday. JIUS VITIHS:. ' r? tPr' A. Plant Greenhouses at Florists ifl iltf! HvV MjD W EGAN GARDENS r-1- Nf " I Av ;MVt - ( ' GERANIUMS 11 ;AV, f A ' 'H ll PETUNIAS ! Ir, -V I' 7 1 . t v. J, AD other summer garden plants Ph. , , lZi KiLl-""; ,-r . It 1 2-5728. 9 mi. N. of Keizer school 'J-.,.-t.!Y . V t' - , -"-."T t I J V" - , i ,M on road to St Paul f ?L. Jltm tt V SW&- Miaway Dr. M, lWvf i.' gr r ' AZALEAS : v . J'lr s' . T JK. ' , - r" 1 - Mollis & late Evergreens now In 4 "rf J .J ... V.. I bloom. Sales yard 2630 N. 5th. , Itt s!'? i . . . .J- 't ; . ; l STRAYER AZALEA fiARDENS " " 3 i-t "'el SAN FRANCISCO This h the top of one of Saa Francisco's steepest hills and came to a death dealing halt amidst flame and wrecked automobiles in Chinatown (end of broken arrow). Seven persons were killed between the start of the broken arrow and its end. More than eight autos were wrecked. The van burst into flames and burned. (AP Wirephoto) ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify SMALL Teletone TV." Excel, eond. $39.50 or trade for power mower. Ph. 3-4711. 110 Cmi. SHOE repairman,! competent to take over tc operate going repair shop. Ph. 3-7955. 22 FT. Angelus trailer, very nice. 486 Rose St Ph. 3-9674. 2-BDRM.. Just redecorated basement, bus to door, 3 min. from town. Ref. Ph. 3-527 or 2-4151. MUST sacrifice camp SUverton Rd. trailer. 3560 2-BDRM. house. 845. Newly decorat ed. 1810 N. Liberty. NEW 3-bdrm. home. reference re- quired. Ph. 2-0989. FOR SALE: 3-bdrm. new home, 1200 sq. feet liv. space. Firepla., kitchen fan Sc landscaped lot. Terms ar ranged. CaU 3-098 all day Sat. Ac Sun., after p.m. week days. TRADX-Sell Equity in 19S1 Plym outh suDuroan. pn. 4-sios. 3-RM. Court Apt. Range. Refrlg. Clean. $55. Ph. 4-8631. Eve. 2-7812. 1-RM. studio spt Pullman kit., pri. bath. ent. Close in. Imp. girL 840 N. Cottage. 3-6969 WILL party who picked up billfold 6c papers st rayiess urug on May 23rd please return to 398 S. 19th. Papers are urgent. TRY CLASSIFIED ADS Dial 4-6811 to Place Ad Answers to Crossword Puzzle PEAR I jC AME II ak ti p aiuiL u r rai iu f n r liti mciMir-i j , a iri.ii i i I t - i i - . - i - . i i C P I N t TIT C I ILJUIHIfc IS MEILIT & KI L IE E R IE fen D 6 nLtJ I JS Trs. Wo E R I ' Li id lit It ri cItI PEC ANT E R f LIEIP IJT E RIRIIIP I C a a r i riE uTTt etIi inu r eiieIl ft E ROAD C A M A ft e jtiffn t Peiping radio quoted the city's mayor, Peng Chen, as telling Sastroamidjojo "We sincerely hope that you will give us your criticism and advice." Only the day before at a banquet, Red China's Premier Chou was quoted as saying "We sincerely hope that your excellency" the Prime Minister will give us your criticisms and advices during yourJ visit without standing on cere mony. frock: ?." I - ri - -t i hit iwV sr r" - -1 1 V route taken by a big moving van 300 Personal 312 Lost ond Found LOST Collie, gold & white. 15 mo., named Bruce. Reward. Ph. 4-8039. LOST: 4 TV Tables on Chemeketa it Coma 4-5033. STOLEN Bed Norman English bike. Triple gear shift Reward. 4-5716. FOUND Bi-focal glasses st Mission & So. Commercial. CaU 1994 N. Commercial. LOST: Bandanna Sc brown plastic purse. Amber colored transparent lid. Purse contents irreplaceable. Ph. 2-2734. Reward. 314 Transportation LEAVING for L. A. about 1st Want riders, share expenses. 2-5223. 316 Personal Z Will not be responsible for any other debts but my own. James R. Staney. PSYCHIC READER x Mrs. Mays, without asking a question rives dates, facts, can help solve all problems. 364S Portland Rd Look for ALMIRA MOTEL SIGN ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2088 N. ComT 3-4537. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, SlftV Commercial 2-2108 or 4-8600 WANTED man or woman to drive car to Wenatchee. Wash. June 3rd. Ex penses paid. Ph. 3-5285. BROADWAY NURSING HOME Low rates. Ph. 2-4801. 3110 Broadway. GELMOUR Nursing Home, 2455 State St. Ph. 4-8626. State licensed. In spection Invited at all times. iR OWfcNl I SOU vpl i i il.ii i u ia ii ia n ii i I 1 .Mrf t t -h i ii ii mm i iki It n c It In m I 1 iNIRVE S.JE EL re;rrTE t r 1 1 U . r ' ' - ; i f mi I 3373 a States There's nothing concrete about the imprisoned U.S. fliers either. But rumors have kept flying that the talks going on in Peiping in volve them, too. Over in Swea City, Iowa, the parents of one of the fliers, CapL Harold Fischer, Jr., said that he had written them about being moved with three 'companions from Mukden. Manchuria, to Pei ping. The letters told of improved treatment for the prisoners. V4 AMI L it - 'A 1 i PORTSMOUTH '? SOOARfc" --,1, as It ran out of control from the 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Solt REG. American Saddle mare, gentle. nue or worK. Beautiful Pinto pony, 6-yr.-old. Weighs 600 lbs. Really nice 4-yr.-old black, small mare. Green broke but gentle. Good blood. 3376 SUverton Rd. Ph. 4-9063. FOR SALE Young short horn cow. Fresn about the 28th. 2966 Holly wood Dr. Ph. 4-2082. PASTURE irrigated. Best mix. Can take 10 head. Billy Deep. 5410 Au burn Rd. Ph. 4-1996 or 4-3712. FOR SALE: My 3 good Jersey cows as i m going to quit milking. George T. Block, Rt 1. Box 17, Gervais, Ore. TWO good black saddle horses for sale. Also two new saddles, bridles and blankets. Box 80, Neskowin. Ore. Carl Smith. LOCKER BUf, Eastern Oregon ft or whole. 26c Custom killing. Trailer loaned tree. Salem Meat Co. 1325 S 25th. Ph. S-485 " PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOES. PHONE 4-9063 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C Mccanailsh, Rt. Z. Bx. 297. 4-1081. LIVESTOCK buyer, Claude Edwards. Ht 3. BOX 899E. Ph. 4-1113. CATTLE BUYERS . L and H. Sne- then 4297 State 2-1343 or t-43M . LIVESTOCK buyer. A., F. Sommer. Ph. 4-9067. m Harmony UT. LIVESTOCK BUYER Emery Alderman. 4-4430. 4-72U 404 Poultry nnd RobbiH ' COCHIN bantams, all 4 colors. Gobi's Farm. Jefferson. 3 mt No. oa oM Hiway. TURKEY fryers, dressed or alive. Ph. 3-5287. 3", LB. fryers, tt each. 2 mi. No, Keizer. Box 340. Ph. 4-2564. BABY chicks 15c. Straight run. New Hampshire 8c White Rocks pullets. 17e Vallev Farm Store FOR SALE Fryer rsbbitstl.OO ea. 5789 McLeod Lane. Ph. 3-5960. S NICE young geese or trade for hens or fryers. 4245 Hayesville Dr. 4-4298. EVERY Tuesday. New Hampshire chicks. Gehrings Hatchery, Silver- ion, rn. a-47e. FOR SALE Red fryers. 29c lb. Her. man Halm. Ph. 4-3037. 407 Fur Bearing Animols NUTRIA S RETIRE ON Vi ACRE ' Fur Fsrminr for Profits l Raise PUREBRED REGISTERED LAS TRES LACUNAS NUTRIA Guaranteed Litter Easy to raise Active association Visit our ranch. Pur erred Registered flutni of America. 1160 Wallace Road, Sales "II ; ? f f I., 7''M, V I 400 Agriculture 4C3 Pets SIAMESE KITTENS, ph. 3-8XJ. FREE puppies: Call 2-4388. PARAKEETS $2.00 St up. T30 Mill. KITTENS to give away. S71 Union. DACHSHUND longhaired pups. Pric ed to Sell 3 mona. 4-7304. COLOR bred Canary slnirera 1340 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4385. $4.93. CHOICE canary (infers. Mrs. Geo. Atkins. Ph. 1-1825. DOGS boarded. Corkhaven Kennels. LucUe Lund. Rt 3. SUverton. 3-4787. FEMALE Pekinese. 1 yr. old. Child's pet. $25. Ph. 3-5338. HOLLYWOOD Aquarium 1958 Me" Coy. Tropical, goldfish. equipment BIRD PARADISE for birds, cages, supplies 3180 Livingston. Ph. 3-142. PARAKEETS, cages, supplies. 4 Cor ners Aviary, 4110 Hudson. S-M87. 410 Seeds and Plant TWICE transplanted blooming early and late disease resistant Tomato plants, bred for early fruiting in Willamette Valley. 1190 Dearborn. TeL 4-1124. MILORGANITE AVAILABLE NOW In Salem at Pembertons Flower Shop & Greenhouses. 1980 S. 12th St THE DAYSON GREENHOUSES Memorial flowers and plants. Gera niums, dble. and fancy Petunias. bedding stork and vegetable plants. RIVER RD. - PH. 21147 CAMELLIAS AZALEAS Closing out ALL large camellias! Many 3 ft. Nont more than 12. Also I lot Azaleas at i price. 50c Sc up. WARING S NURSERY. 1025 Oak Hill Ave. (Turn W. from S. 12th. IV mi. & of Mornincside School). TUBEROUS BEGONIAS small plants to blooming bas A wonderful selection of fuchsias & geraniums. We stand on our reputation of being Ore gon's finest begonia growers. CLAGGETTS GREENHOUSE 4',i ml No. of Salem on Wallace Rd. Salem-Dayton Hiway. Ph. 2-3502. DAHLIA bulbs $1 dor., geraniums, fuchsias 5t tuber, begonias 3S1. Marrills Greenhouse. Brooks. DAHLIAS. Fuchsias. Geraniums. Ward's. 4380 Cherry Ave. SEE PLANT FOR PLANTS Bedding plants. Annual & PerenlaL named fuchsias. GARDEN SUP PLIES. EASY PARKING. . Open STRAYER AZALEA GARDENS CLOSE OUT Bedding plants, 20c a dozen. 8 1.75 a flat on petunias, snapdragons, marigolds, aseratum. lobelia, be gonias & fuschiss 25c. Substantial discount on all other plants, shrubs, trees, carden supplies. Haneine baskets. 50c fe up. Many blooming flowers and plants for Memorial Day. Open Saturday, Sunday 4c Monday. Lana Mkt, Corner SUverton Road Sc Lana Avenue ' STEINERS Nursery. Dahlia bulbs, gladiolas. bedding plants, peren- nals. Golden chain, Weigella. other shrubs and trees. Seed potatoes. 3160 Mkt, Salem. MARIGOLDS 23c doi.: Asters. Snai Dragons. Petunias, other bedding 4 garden plants, plus 20c Fuschias. Lowery's Greenhouse. 2599 Che- mawa Rd. BEGONIAS Dahlias. C also aeedlinsrs. Fuchsias. Copley Gardens, zoos the maws. LOWERY'S GREENHOUSE Tomatoes 25c doz Geraniums 40c ea. Bedding plants Flowering bas kets $2.75 up. 2593 Chemawa Rd. 2 ML East of Keizer scbool. GERANIUMS, Ivy, Pelargoniums, and Fancy Leaf, Fuchsias including most of the new Introductions, Be gonias, all colors in upright and basket variety. KUber's. 715 Salem Heights Ave. 98c U PICK SHRUBS 98c Lana Mkt.. Corner SUverton Rd. Jc Lana Ave. BEDDING PLANTS OUR SPECIALTY Let us help you plan m beiutiful farden; Garden Supplies. PEMBER ONS FLOWER SHOP St GREEN HOUSES. 1980 S. 12th. Open Eve nings. Closed Sundays. LOVELY super Azalea to pick from, 60c. Selling out lower than cost as is. Arborvitae St ellwoods. 10c, box at 5c. Dwarf spruce, 40c. Bar gains in other hearings. Rare large Dwarf shrubs 4 ft Alberta Spruce. 3-ft. Hinockl at $2. Pur ple Splendor Rhodies at 82.50. Pur ft. Azaleas. 50c. Free shrub with purchase and to preschool child who recites pledge to the flag. Named rhodies SOc. Huston's Nurs ery. Rt 5. Box 89, Slem. 6 miles South of Four Corners on Hiway 22, left oa gravel a mile. Open from dawn to dark. GERANIUMS, Martha W. Zonala, fancy leaved. 1240 Oakhill Ave. CLOSING out all Perennials. 'i price. Delph's. Shasta's. Lupine. Colum bine. Geum. Geraniums 29 & 35c Martha Washingtons. 35c & up. Pansies, SOc doz. Butler s. 4450 SU verton Rd. NETTED gem seed potatoes. 8320 Portland Rd. 4-4078. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce ASPARAGUS for canning or freez ing. George Asher, Grand Island. Ph. Dayton 61x20. 413 Fertilizer ROTTED MANURE, loose. Easy to work with. Loosen your sou with manure. Helps hold moisture. By sack or cubic yard. Special on large loads. Immediate del Rich black dirt by sack. Ph. 4J081. Rt 5. Box 493. Phillips Bros 2 miles E. of 4-Corners. j CHICKEN manure by sack. 75c. Cheaper by trailer load. 3-7371. ROTTED manure. Del. anywhere, top sou 9c fill dirt 2-0331. 4-1854. Business For tne best protesslongj serrlces, ADDING MACHTNKS All makes adding machines, cal culators, St typewriters, sold, rent ed, repaired. Roen, 458 Oonrt. 86773. APPLIANCES WESTTNGHOUSE j Woodry rurniture Co. 474 So. Com! Ph. 4-J111 BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding. Mattress reoe vstors New mattresses, 3-406. BULLDOZING Bulldozing, clearing roads. D-4 carry alL V. Euskey. iD-4. ih. 2-3148. CEMENT WORK Sidewalk repairing. Phono S-366L CEMENT work Free estimate. Henry T Moon Ph. 3-S840 or 2-ol33 rUH)l CUVKX.1NG8 Norria Walka Paint Co, IToor-cov ertng DivisiOB. Quality Installa tions. Linoleum. Asphalt Tile. Rub ber Tile Wall lUe. etc FREE ES TIMATES Ph. 4-2271 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT PROMPT tree delivery of WAT KINS products, pleas call distrib utor. 1135 So Coml St. Salem. Ph. 3-5393 Dealer applications brvtted PAPERING AND PAINTING PAINTING and peper-hanglng. Free estimates. Ph. s-KU, use Bhjraac. 400 Agriculture 414 'Farm Equipment l ACETYLENE generator, with sight reed 4k oxygen tanx. rn. s-ssos. WILL trade Gibson tractor for tiller. 3875 Midway Dr. 2-3014 after 4 JO P.M. v 1948 JOHN Deer D Tractor with starter, lights, good rubber, top co no. Also 3 bottom John Deere plow. Both priced to sell. Ph. Ger vaia 3541. 4.SO Merchandise 451 Machinery end Tools ALUS CHALMER tractor B model 14-in. plow, disc mower, rake, har row. hauling trailer, tires almost new. saw. call seaverxon mi e-aeea. USED Roto-tUler, , 1( in. $123. 1598 Alder. Ph. 3-591 J. 8 IN. DELTA tilt Arbor aaw com plete, extras. UK new. law nor- way, FOR SALE.. 4 H. P. garden tractor. Wlin plow, aisq ana cuiuvawr. 4145 SUverton Ri Ph 4-4105. MODEL L. John Deere plow, culti vator. Sc fertilizer. Heouut motor new tires. Ph. 4-2879. SALE 900 Surplus Rigid Pipe Wrenches Vt of New Price A-l Condition IS in. 3 each 24 in. $ S each -38 in. $10 each 48 in. $15 each RITTER L CO. 2. Box 367 Ph. 4-8311 Rt. 4 miles No. of Salem. V mile No. of Totem Pole on 99E. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 4551 Hsehold Goods For Sale UNFINISHED furniture. Furniture Store. 175 N H. L. Stiff High. NEW Deluxe Wading Pool Reg. 29.95 Spec. 19.95 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty HIGH Quality Shingle Stain, and Barn and Fence Paint 100 Per Gallon Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty GRAYBAR Electric Sewing Machine A-l conaixion oi.w Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty IS rtT FT. . Tood Freezer 199.93 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. liberty BOY'S Bicycle Good Condition 15.00 Uset Mdse. Mart no s. udwu HOUSEHOLD furniture; range auto. washer, taoies, yara swing, peas, chairs, daveoo, AU in excellent cond. Very reas. Can be seen at 1020 Hickory. 3-7535. Davenport and Chair .. ... 14.95 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty USED pianos Your choice 875 H Stiff Furniture 173 n Hign USED 18-ft. 4-door rest type refrlg. Floor Lamp - 3.95 270 S. Liberty Used Mase. man MATTRESSES and Springs aU ifzes 4.00 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty EASY spin-dry washer, 2-0689 after 5 JO. 825. Ph. LOST OUR LEASE Furniture Warehouse CLOSE-OUT 810 N. Capitol. Everything goes. New Sc used furniture. Appliances Jc rugs. ELECTRIC range, 3-burnef with deep iwell cooker, good eond. 878. Ph. 47183. FOR SALE Hot Point elee. range. -i cellent cond. 850. 3-8067. CARLOAD SALE I Gibson Ranges Deluxe full size automatic electric ! range. 7 speed push button cook ! lng. Now only 3199 95. Pay only 2.25 per week. GOOD HOUSE KEEPING INC.. 467 Court St WINDUP Victoria (Console Model .. . H.S0 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty TRADER LOUIE SELLS NEW FURNITURE FOR LESS REAL bargains. Ph 2-1292. Used washers, refrigs, lee; ranges. Also used motors, elements ft parts. Ap pliance Wreckers. 4550 Monroe Ave USED FURNITURE irrDue vr i Valley Furniture Co.. 219 W. ComT t iwchn iiimuirt. phair. rue. nanle chest, end tables, misc. household furn. Ph. z-4914. FOR SALE Good Hot Point refriger ator. Call 4-6586. BUTANE gas stove. Bed spring St mattress. Frigidaire refrigerator. 1 year old. 1075 Hoyt NEW I pc. Chrome Sets r u so S Dedal 89.93 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty 456 Wonted, Hiehold Goodi CASH FOR FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. Ph. 2-74T2 TOP CASH price for used mercfaan dise. Check with us first ELFSTROM'S USED MDSE. MART Ph. 4-637L 270 S. Uberty 45S Building MoterlaU BATHROOM SETS with Cttings..$130 Insulation per sack $1.20 Blower for rent or free with SO sacks A grade mahogany doors $8.73 up 38 MONTHS TO PAY EPPING LUMBER CO. 3740 SUverton Rd. Ph. 44123 NEW lumber as low as $23 .per M. delivered. 260 Hansard Ave.. Leb anon. Ore. Ph. 3-132. Eve. 3-775. Directory call one oi these popolar expertx PAVTNO Salem Black-Top Paving Co. Drive ways. Parking Lota and Streets. FREE ESTIMATES Ph. 4-4904 Ph. 4-837S Eves. BOOFINO MA THIS BROS, new location. 2081 State St, Ph. 4-6331. Business ss usual. SAND AMD OatAVU, WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CO. 1S2S McGlkfartst Crushed quarry rocks and graves. AH sizes for roads, driveways, and parking lots. RXADY-MIZXD CONCRETE Garden sand. bulMosing, shovel ana cragting wotk. raoae ease, SEPTIC SEEY1CB MIKE'S Septts Bar ike, cleaned. D "rooter cleans drains. Phone $-9468. Tanks BajneJ's septic tanks cleaned, Une service. Gusrsnteed work Pboas 3-7404. 3-4T74. HOWARD'S Roto . Rooter, drains sewer septic tanks cleaned 3-5331 SHARPENING REPAm Lawn garden tools, 2372 State etc 2-4818. 2-4082. TOOLS RETAIL- SNAP ON TOOLS, Sales Ph. 4-S0S4 tie MoGilrtirist. Statesman, Seiem, Ore., Sunday, May 29. 1955 (Sec. 2-$ 450 Merchandise - 459 Do It Yourself 00 IT YOURSELF 2 incomplete fine homes ci ii r :l a. ooutn commercial ou nign percen,uige r. n. A. commitments. ' Your opportunity to complete yourself a beautiful home. Highly improved neighborhood. If you are a builder you can make money by completing these homes. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. 459 Do It Yourself DO TT YOURSELP FOUR Incomplete 3 B R houses, fin ish them yourself with FHA TITLE No. 1 loan, best of terms, years to pay. Your opportunity to own your own home. Bargains while they last. See us immedistely for In formation. State Finance Co., 167 S. High St. U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair your own car. 2095 N. Cotnl Phone 4-5261 458 Building Moteriols Nails, many sizes, keg .19 25 SS'50 16 unpainted shakes Steel garage doors, complete Cheap 500 gal. steel sep. tanks 357.50 300 gal stel sep. tanks $44.50 4" soil pipe, csst Iron 70c ft 4" block sewer pipe 30e 8c 34c ft 43 gaL elec. water heaters 859 50 5 ft steel tubs, complete 863.50 20 x 18 wash basins with trim $19.50 Quality toilets with seats $29.50 21 x 33 dble. sink w. rim, etc. $43.95 galv. pipe 12 lie. li" galv 16ae Plastic pipe less than galvanized. We specialize in low prices on com p. roofing, cedar shingles, and galvan ized iron roofing. i" birch plywood, grade A i" sen. 44c, mahog.. Long plywood for boats Draft oaoer. 500 so. ft water proof wauooara. x s .sz.uu New 4x8 plasterboard . $1.40 Galv'nized gutter & all fittings. Cheap Weather strip windows $14 20 up Crystal slide windows $16.50 up Electric wire 12 - 2 roll c 4c Fencing Sc steel fence posts Cheap Barb wire 12 ',i G-. 80 rods $7.45 Exterior white paint gaL $2.50 New white asbestos' siding .$10.50 Plastic drainboard covering, 30c sq. ft C. G. LONG & SONS 1 Mile N. of Keizer, 4-5051 PL' 32.000 V used plywood, very ood condition sa sni. 30.000' new reject 4x8xa hsrdbosrd . i-7s Used insul. wsll plank Jc ft 16x14 ceiling tile 10e ea. Used li" conduit Sc 11 n. ft No. 2 Sc btr. used Ibr. cleaned $43 M. 100 used toilets $17.50 comp. 100 used wash basins $5.50 Sc up Septic tanks ; 500 gat $57.50 300 gaL $44.50 4" black drainage pipe-30c St 34c ft RITTER tt CO. Rt. X. Box 367 Ph. 4-8311 miles No. of Salem. 14 mile No. of Totem Pole on 99E. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 500,000 FEET u n nil n iriiri Aid m growth lumoer. axe so to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices $30 per thousand. Ted Muller Ph Safem 2-1196 enlnts USED, cleaned oak floorina:. from '80x30. Ph. 2-0208 or 4-8453. Bldg. WOW ! ! 200 New Doors 4-lt 2-8x8-8. l'i Sc l',i. Only 13.95I ueauurui uiureu birch doors, cheaper than paint grade I LOTS A plywood (squash one man a day). Thousands of "littler" sizes at "littler" prices. Soms donut shaped holes free!) Get your plywood cut to size no charge. Hardboard 4x8., 82.00. Wallboard 1.44. sheet Oak Fig. (in heated rooms whew I) O.S. white paint $2.50 gaL Gosh, tell us what you need, well find itl House plans, free estimating & de i4.n NrvrorrNrt DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY (3 j veu a Ma tuwe uu REAL Service, with a REAL smile at wetves Sa llms HiinTI PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 Open all day Saturday 460 Musical Instruments FOR SALE, upright piano. Good con dition. 865. If taken this. week. Ph. 2-4805. USED Electronic Organ. Player piano, fine condition. Lota of rolls. Special. $175. Terms. Solovox at tachment, good -condition, $100. ZOBEL'S 519 COURT ST. PHONE 4-8252 SPINET Piano by Cable. Like new. 8500. Ph. 4.6149. CONVERT YOUR PIANO Into an organ. Let us show you how. Wlltsey Musis House. 1860 State St 462 Sports Equipment Try 'Em Before You Buy 'Em DO NT BE FOOLED WE DEMONSTRATE ON THE RIVER SALEM BOAT HOUSE BANK TERMS I Ph. 3-9303 TWO well built plywood V-Bottom Boats Wide Beam, One 9 ft 4c one 12 Ft $83 ea. Call 3-5026. FOR SALE: Evinrudc Lighfour 18 HP. out-board motor. Used about 36 hrs. 2335 E. Nob Hill. Phone 3-3395 Evenings only. . LIFEBOAT, galv. steel. 20x4 ft. 82SO. Ph. 3-5948. CASH said tor used suns, snodern ana antique, casoaoe asere. izas Broadway. EVTNRUDE MOTORS - RET NELL. ENTAB, BELL SRTP, SIGLER BOATS. EASIEST TERMS. CASCADE MERC. 1230 Broadway AU Bicycle, WANTED Boy's blka la good eond. Ph. 2-7558. WANTED girl's 20 or 24' 4-7828 bicycle. Ph. BOY'S bicycle. $15. Phone 4-5381, 247 Kearney. . 466 Trede Misceiloneout SO IN. ROTO tiller for sale or trade for S in. tntlng Arbor table aaw. Ph. 3-3649. 4oB For Rent, MiscoUanoout G.M.C panel truck. Excellent con dition to rent sen or trad. Ph. 3-9698. Eves. 2-2508. roB RENl V lease. Ice. warehouse space, cement floor, brick bldg., down town. Inquire B. U SUff Furn. 3-8183 470 For Sale Miscellaneous SLEEPING bag, cot, camp stove. KM el. plata, nr. new, $7. Sewing mach. S3; anise 43S ttrialoa. Saw ft. BUILDING 46c 40c $2.50 USED 00D 450 Merchandise 459 Do It Yourself West Judsori St, West of tt: v i. : -n tt 470 For Sale Miscellaneous HAND grease gun. 2 differential grease packers, air grease gun. oil stove. Inquire Archer's. Lee end Mission. USED clothing, shoes. Clothe fsmilv for 13 the cost Msny cleaned, fumigated. We buy. 341 N. ComX TOP SOIL Orchard loam - River loam. Dial -174Q Pnmnt risliwarv KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO jj anteed. Lytle's Tire Mart 2305 N. Pmm 1 Will 1. "PRECISION SCINTILIaTORT GEIGER COUNTERS 125 N. Uberty. Rm. 203. Ph. 2-6022 21 IN. WEEKENDER luggage. Good cond. 3-4467. FILL DIRT $1.00 pick-up load. 2189 Center or Ph. 3-7803. BATTERIES Grp. 1 86.95 Exch. Guaranteed. Lytle's Tire Mart 230S N. Commercial. LOST OUR LEASE Furniture Warehouse CLOSE-OUT S10 N. Capitol. Everything goes. New St used furniture. Appliances. Sc rufs. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash registers, duplicators, desks, chairs, files & supplies. Boon's. 456 Court St Ph. 3-6773. TENN. Red Cedar Chest cherry tw. ted . tw. matt All new: 12" plan er. S" Ward saw w. V motor, II" Am. Mach. band saw. 505 Hickory. PIT RUN GRAVEL, ANYWHERE IN TOWN. $1.15' YD. FILL DIRT FOR SALE. 4-7422. BEANS, pole 2"x2"x8'. 3c ea. Ph, Salem 21528 or Chitwood TR. 52320. W.O.W. Lumber Co.. Eddyville, Ore. PLYWOOD piano boxes. $1. Tallman Piano Stores, 395 S. 12th. Salem. NEW G-E 36-inch electric ranges, fully automatic, special at only $189.93. Pay Just $2.15 per week. Green Stamps. Master Service Sta tions, Inc., 363 N. Commercial. BIG 'ASSORTMENT of good lawn mowers. Garden tools, plat form scales, power tools, come in look around and save. SQUARE DEAL SECOND HAND STORE. 263 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-3924. , MATERNITY clothes, size 12, also baby bathlnette. Ph. 2-S62S. 7 FT. CEDAR fence posts 30c. Beaa f PosUsnd poles. Phillips Bros.. Ph. USED refrigerators. $19.25' Sc up. Laue. App.. 2350 State St Al WINCHESTER 22 MODEL- C2A VIEW CAMERA 5x7. Cherry wood case. Good lense. syncro. for - flash. 2 film holders-film hangers. 3x7 Daylight developing tank. SocT contact printing box. Mobo Me . chanical horse imported from Eng and. Fits child up to 3 years. Ph. Wolfe 3-4888. FREE Fill dirt, U-haul. tage St. S. Cot- TOP SOIL Phone 2-4310 BLACK Beaver Dam soil. S3 yd. Riv er loam St silt Ph. 2-6078. BEAUTIFUL Oriental rug Sc pad, 10x16. Lovely Cond. Reas. Ph. 3-4634. GOOD used Vacuum Cleaners, $3.95 Jt up. Ph. 3-8838. - RIVER bottom top soiL Gravel Co. Ph. 3-3417. Oregon USE? adding machines, cash regis. Clary. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. 2-5375. Top Soil TTione 2-1573 or 2-8301 CASH for your used tubs, windows, doors, toilet Cell 4-8311. G. E. RANGE with clock Is timer. Good cond. $73. Ph. 34840. NEW tires 870-15. $8.95 Exchange. Sound Casing: on order; National Guarantee. Lytle's Tire Mart, 2305 N. Com'L . 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous LOGS WANTED Top prices paid. 8- m. to 50-in. diameters in s-n. or anulUoles of 8-ft Wa slso buy. tvmpsge. Burkland Lumber Com pany, Turner. Ore. Ph. Turner 1121, EvennRs phone Turner 2502 or Saw lem 2-7826. ' Dairy Co-Op. Ass'n. PAYS Highest Market Farm Separated Cream Deliver to Mayflower Salem plant .2135 Fairgrounds Roaa between 7:30 A.M. and 6:09 P.M. Daily ex cept Sat and Sun. WANTED FOR CASH Used furni ture, appliances, tools, and misc. items. Ph. 4-1736. WANTED Small gang-sized logs. 8" top. 2-24" dia. Also rtujL cants Sc small patches of timber. Call collect. Amity, 2113 or Portland UN. 0361. 474 Miscellaneous COMMERCIAL refrigeration equip ment: a lo-rt. vegetaDie cases; 1 7 ft frozen food case, "Self-Service' used 10 months. Will sacrifice. Terms if desired Call 3-9011 days. 4-5613 eves. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR EARRY BEMLER. DENTIST Adolpn Bldg. State St Com! Sta. SALEM PH 2-33U . 476 Fuel Highway Fuel Co. Die US F ANDERSON'S green slab. 2 cd. $14. Ph. 2-7731 or 4-2654. SPRING SPECIAL . MULCH SAWDUST Block wood, planer ends. slab. WEST SALEM FUEL 1525 Edgewater Ph. 2-4031 CAPITOL FUEL CO. SAWDUST FOR MULCH Choice slab and block mixed or der now for winter use. PLANER ENDS DRY OAK WOOD 1428 Broadway Fa. 3-7721 PRICES