2-(Sc. Ir-Statesman, Salem, Imicials Await Evidence Probes of (Story also on page L) WASHINGTON tfu Government health authorities maintained an attitude of caution Sunday as they awaited fresh advice which could determine how soon the nation's antipolio vaccination . campaign 2ets started again. Specialists in the field confer Monday on the findings of a team of experts who have Inspected the Diem Readies Attack Against Religious Sect SAIGON. South Viet Nam tfl -Premier Ngo Dinh Diem, seeking to unite South Viet Nam against Jhe Communist Viet Minh before it is too late, is preparing a mas sive offense against hostile ele ments of the Hoa Hao religious sect Diem's new blow against feudal armies which divide and weaken this nation may fall within a mat ter of days. Chief of Staff Gen. Le Van Ty has massed a formidable staking force, including regiments of ex Emperor Bao Dai's former imperi al guard, in West Viet Nam, which the Hoa Hao control. French mili tary and naval forces in the area have been withdrawn hastily and the Hoa Hao armies are throw ing up new defenses. The planned offensive against the Hoa Hao would follow hard on the heels of the national army's dfeat of the Binh Xuyen Society, a powerful and wealthy band of former pirates who also refused to give up their private interests and chose instead to meet the gov ernment in all out combat. - , The government's antagonists in this new phase of the South's pa cification program total some J, 000 well armed men, divided into two groups, under Gen. Tran Van Soai and Gen. Le Quang Vinh, who Is better known as Bacut. Demos to Seek Added Social Security Fund WASHINGTON (fl House Demo cratic leaders have decided on a surprise push to provide many mil' lions of dollars in additional social security benefits. for women and disabled persons. - The most important point in the program, to be launched soon in the House Ways and Means Com mittee, would lower the age at which women become eligible for benefits, from 63 to either 60 or 62. This not only would enable mil lions of working women to retire earlier, but it also would increase initial benefits 50 per cent for couples where the husband retires at 65 with a dependent wife several years younger. The second feature of the new move to further liberalize social security would provide immediate monthly payments when a worker becomes disabled. He jias to wait until he reaches retirement age at . 65 to benefit from the program now. Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee are working out details of these and other possible changes, and hope to bring them to the House floor in June. See This Full Glides easily Calf 3-9191 For v nr?nrnnn rllliSll 3 00 Down, 5.00 Mo. en Soars lllRvCV 'Easy Payment Plan carrying chars) w Ore., Monday, May 23, 1955 Cautious in Vaccine manufacturing and testing proces ses of vaccine producers. Their conclusions possibly could result in still tighter safety stand ards for the vaccine already given to nearly six million youngsters. Any move in this direction would have a delaying effect on the drive to inoculate children of the most susceptible ages this year. Oa-aad-Ott The on-and-off vaccination cam paign slowed down again last week when the Public Health Service temporarily stopped clearing vac cine already produced. Rep. Scott (R-Pa)'told a TV- radio audience (NBC-The Ameri can Forum) the vaccine was re-, leased about two months earlier than might have been justified be cause of "a publicity stunt." Without identifying the person. Scott said "an advertising man" decided "the birthday of the late President Roosevelt was a fine day to announce the Salk vaccine" be cause of Roosevelt's work in the polio campaign. 'Pure Coincidence' Dr. Thomas Francis Jr., who headed the staff which compiled the Salk vaccine report, said in reply to similar criticism recently that "it was "pure coincidence" the report was made on the anniver sary of Roosevelt's death. Dr. Francis, of the University of Michigan, said the report original ly was scheduled for release April 1. The report was postponed, he said, when it became apparent it could not be completed by that time. Scott said Secretary of Welfare Hobby is "doing a terribly diffi cult job" well and much of the confusion was caused, by "some times foolish conflicting state ments" by others than Mrs. Hob by. . French, Rebel Troops Clash; f Several Die' PARIS Wi The French Press Agency said Sunday several per sons were killed Saturday in what it called a "very big fight" be tween French troops and national ist rebels near the Zarzedas dam in the Philippeville region of North eastern Algeria. The dispatch gave no details. Bands of up to 100 nationalists have clashed frequently with rein forced French troops and gen darmes in that area of Algeria, a French department in North Afri ca. ; Another rebel was reported killed in a clash with the French Friday south of Philippeville in the Aures Mountains region, center of the seven-month-old rebellion. Continued violence during the past three days was reported else where in French North Africa. In cidents including bombings and po litical murders in Morocco, espe cially in the Casablanca area, and some isolated outbreaks in Tuni sia. One report said there were 17 incidents in Casablanca Friday and Saturday, leaving 4 dead and 21 wounded. These brought the death toll for a week of violence to 21, including 3 Europeans. Tunisian government representa tives are carrying on home-rule negotiations with French officials iff Paris. Recent outbreaks in Tun isia have been between moderates and extreme nationalists among the Tunisians themselves. Specially Priced This Week! New Tank Type Set of Attachments on metal skids Creates strong suction that will dap clean your fleer cover ings. Convenient disposable paper dust bag. Free Home Trial Youngster Got His Pretzel LOS ANGELES, Califs Jimmie Massie, 4, is a happy young hm thanks to the Philadelphia Chamber ef Commerce. The young ster, a poll convalescent of Lot Angeles, recently asked the Chamber through his father, Thomas Massie, for a good fresh pretzel from Philadelphia. It arrived May 20, weighing 15 pounds. (AP Wirephota.) Red Chinese Add Base to Straits 'Ring9 TAIPEI, Formosa tf The Chi nese Reds were reported Sunday to be working 30,000 laborers around the clock to add another air base to their growing ring of jet fields within striking distance of Formo sa. Tatao News Agency said the base was at Changting. 280 miles west of Formosa. Russian experts were reported directing the work on the huge base, which will be capable of handling every type of plane. Tatao said the Communists also have finished a smaller jet air field at Kienow, 220 miles north west of Formosa. Tatao, which claims mainland underground con tacts, said no jets had yet been reported based at Kienow. By Tatao's account, the base at Changting would be similar to the one recently finished at Lukiao, 220 miles north of Formosa. Luki ao is reputed to be the largest air base in all Red China. To protect it from air attack, the Changting base will have under ground hangars, fuel storage and repair shops, the agency reported. Changting also is within range of the second major Nationalist offshore island holding the Mat sus, 120 miles northwest of Formo sa. Kienow is 120 miles west of the Matsus. The Communists also have been reported finishing work on air strips at Foochow, only 40 miles from the Matsus. GUN TAKEN " A .25 calibre pistol was apparent ly stolen Sunday from the G. I Surplus firm, 1405 N. Church St., city police reported. A firm em ploye said the gun was removed from a showcase during business hours. at' MORRELL ORGAN SALES & PRESENTS One of the Northwest's Leading Organists . . . MARY BARTON at the Console of the Northwest's Finest WURLITZER ORGAN V Direct From the ELMORE THEATER Every Monday Night . 6:30. to 7:00 p.m. -Broadcast Over KOCO-1490 on Your Dial THEATER DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M. MONDAYS . 4 Jail Damaged After Arrest The city jail looked like a hurricane hit it early Sunday morning after a 23-year-old Salem man was committed on a dis orderly conduct charge, said city police. It reportedly all started because of a ticket received for a traffic violation. Officers said James Franklin Shattuck, 2790 Brooks Ave., broke a light fixture in the jail, ripped out wiring,' smashed a toilet bowl, damaged a fanover turned beds and threw mattresses on the' floor, banged and rattled a cell door and flooded his cell with water. The devastation oc curred about 2 a.m. According to officers, Shattuck was arrested at headquarters on the disorderly charge after he objected to a traffic ticket The man's bail on the two counts was set at $200. Examination Sigh Much Too Deep GREENBUSH, Minn. (A A Gatzke, Minn., boy was recovering in a hospital here Sunday after sighing too deeply while writing a school examination. Duane Nelson. 12, was bent over his test papers last week, a short pencil held in his cupped hand. He took a deep breath and the pencil disappeared. A doctor examined Duane, and found that the pencil was lodged in the student's stomach. The pen cil was removed by surgery and Duane is expected to leave the hospital within the next few days. Voodburn Drive-In Mon., Tues.r Wed. "KARAHOJA" , "HAIFVAY TO HELL" (Not Recommended for Children) th e ELS I NO RE It ' T -r 'X 'M f - " t A Race Hatred Charged in o's BELZONI, Miss. CT An NAACP official charged Sunday an atmosphere of racial hatred cre ated by the citizens councils brought about the death of a Ne gro civil rights leader. j Roy wukins, executive secretary of the National Association for Ad vancement of Colored People, told a meeting of some 400 Negroes he didn't believe the councils ordered the Rev. George Lee shot! "But the atmosphere of racial hate they generate brought about his slaying," he said. ! "Whenever you have an organi zation made up of so-called re spectable people. . . dedicated to suppressing - Negro rights then somebody gets the idea that vio lence is okay." The citizens councils, organized in several sections of the; south, were formed to retain segregation in all walks of life. Dr. A. H. McCoy of Jackson, president of the state branch of the NAACP, called the meeting to protest the handling of the mini ster's unsolved death. The Rev. Lee was found, dying in his wrecked car which crashed into a house in Belzoni's Negro section. Officers first assumed the collision caused the fatal injuries. Later, the FBI laboratory report ed that bits of metal around Lee's face were "similar in weight and composition to No. 3 buckshot. Dr. McCoy said, "We believe his (Lee's) death to have come at the hands of those who would keep us in slavery. Negro leaders contend he was murdered for urging Negroes to register to vote in Humphreys County, where Negroes outnumber whites. ! Sheriff Ike Shelton called the killing "one of the most puzzling" cases he has ever handled. 1 The NAACP had asked the 1U. S. Department of Justice to protect it at Sunday's meeting. Local law enforcement has brok en down in many places and feder al, aid is needed, the NAACP claimed in a telegram to Atty. Gen. Herbert Brown ell. I OFFICE ITEMS DISCARDED City police were attempting to find the origin of several items of office equipment found dis carded early Sunday morning on a porch at Leslie Junior High School. The items included a numbering machine, stapler, box of staples and a Latin text book. The book was labelled as prop erty of South Salem High School Negr Now Appearing... Nick's Inn . 3725 Portland Rood the Jack Parker Quartet FEATURING Jock Parker ...Drums Brent Deirrick . Eddit Weid Piano Carl Butte Doncing 9 P.M. 'til 2 A.M. V WUMITZE "A SYMPHONY IN PIPES" I T" I I At The Theaters Today KLSINOKK DADDY LONG LEGS." with Frd Artaire and Leslie Caroa. TUNA CLIPPER &HTP" CAPITOL ESCAPE TO BURMA." with Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Ryan. "AIR STRIKE." with Richard Dennlag and Gloria Jean. I GRAND -MA & PA KETTLE AT WAT KIKI." with Marjori Mala and Percy Kilbride. " BRIDGES TO CROSS." With Tony Curtis and Julie Adams. NORTH SALEM DRIVE-IN TUP ITER S DARLING." with Either WUliama and Howard Keel, and Marge and Gower Champion. "MEET THE KEYSTONE KOPS." with Abbott and Coa tello. HOLLYWOOD -SIGN OP THE PAGAN." with Jeff Chandler and Rita Gam. "SARATOGA TRUNK" with Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman. Oregon Gties. League Meet Here Friday A regional meeting of the League of Oregon Cities will be held Fri day evening. 6:30 p.m. at the Sen ator HoteL It is one of a series of meetings being held in various cities of the state through May and early June. Mayor Robert White is in charge of arrangements for the Friday meeting here. City Manager J. L. Franzen is handling reservations. The program will include reports on new legislation affecting cities df the state and informal discus sion of current city problems. Man Dies in Fall From Car VANCOUVER, Wash. UJ A car ran off a road near Orchards, Wash.,' eary Sunday and skidded in a service station driveway, throwing a passenger to his death. Jesse J. Wishon, 26, Orchards, toppled out of the car when a door flew open, hitting his head against a post. The driver, Donald R. Parker, 28, Camas, escaped injury when the car continued on to sideswipe a pole and plunge into a ditch. Parker's wife, Jean, 26, suffered minor injuries. . . . . Sax . . .Bass SERVICE In A I I i - ' 1 1 5 ,K TCZZ lM IS RANAD'E Italy 'May' Ask U.S. Troops Be Based on Austrian Border By WEBB MCKIXLE T ROME Uh Italian newspapers from left to right said Sunday U. S. occupation troops to be pulled out of Austria . may be asked to set up bases in Northeastern Italy if a Russian-proposed neutral zone is established. There has been bo official con firmation of these reports. Informed sources said the Aus trian independence treaty which will leave that country in a neu tral position and reports that the Russians would like to have a neu tral Yugoslavia emerge from forth coming talks in Belgrade between President Tito and Soviet leaders may force Western defense plan ners to revise their blueprints. These informants said any new U.S. bases in Italy would have to be decided on in Washington and at NATO headquarters in Paris after Italian approval. Several Italian newspapers which support Mario Scelba's govern ment said Austrian neutrality and the Belgrade talks will mean a new role for Italy in defense of the West The pro-government Giornale Two Canadian Towns in Paths Of Forest Fires HALIFAX, N. S. on Forest fires raged through two Canadian provinces Sunday night, sweeping 10,000 acres of North Ontario wood land and threatening two towns in Nova Scotia. More than 1.000 volunteers were mustered to battle a blaze men acing the Nova Scotian port of Bndgewater. LIVC IT IN Mow! Open 6:45 It' perfectly 4 And del.'SritiulIr r .i j i oerteet t vw 1 !4 r long legs . OnemaScoP ? Csstar ff Of Lvxi wMra-IHELMEIIB 1 rtl CUMK IW MTHWTT tmt U Tr Added : Cinemascope Thrills! "TUNA CLIPPER SHIP" Also NEWS CARTOON r.-y..li izA ul i u i ;i Cent. From 1 p.m.' n PPM W 1 n nr IT m leslie J J JO & rgjffTrWJS ;. .-. - f t. : d'ltalia headlined ,"480 kilometers (300 miles) of frontier laid, bare to the East" The same paper said in an editorial Italy's northeastern defenses would have to be reor ganized. The conservative paper II Temp said Italy will be assigned a new, major role in the Atlantic alliance. These views appeared based' on the assumption that a neutral Aus tria and a neutral Yugoslavia would be to the advantage of the Soviet bloc and the disadvantage of Western defense. The Communists are already fir ing protests against further estab lishment of U.S. bases in Italy and stepping up demands for making this country neutral in 'the cold war. Red-dominated Chambers of La bor in Rome and a half dozen other cities cabled demands to Par Lament to reject any demands for new bases "advanced by the Amer ican or Western (European) Union command. Seven senators belonging to the Communist Party and pro-Communist Socialist Party formally de manded that the government ex plain its stand "is the face of the new events." 50c Phone 4-4713 20c -Now Showing Open C:4S "Sign of ths Pagan" Cinemascope Technicolor Jeff Chandler, Rita Gam - CO-FEATURE - "Saratoga Trunk" Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergmaa Share the loves, the livta. . the thrill et the men who guard our aky frontier I JAMES JUKI STElVAflT-AHYSOfJ StraMc Air Command Color ty TECHNICOLOR RAKK ALEX BARKS" TOCT umM-wSimm-wsm AXIHONT MAN 5mi iflij W VUCOINC AVTt mi K1K.M LAY. Jr. Swj Vj 9mm Uj. tt. Starts WEDNESDAY! Gates Opea 6:45 Shew it Dusk NOW PUYING! ESTHER WILLIAMS HOWARD KEEL Marge end Cower -Champion "JUPITER'S DARLING" la Cinemascope and Technicolor 2ND COMEDY HIT BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO la I! "MEET THE KEYSTONE KOPS" -NOW PUYING-'. 1' TjECHNItUUUK .DAVID FARRAR 1 rco-nrr SEE THE U. S. AIR FORCE IN ACTION! Richard O Gloria Dann'mg Jean "AIR STRIKE" GO OUT TO A MOVIE TONIGHT! 550 N. 3-9191