The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 15, 1955, Page 6, Image 6

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    -(SK..l)-$tiliftiin;Silnv Ore., Sundey, Miy IS, 1955
- 1 r . . sr.: i.
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Bush Pasture in
Long-Range Plan
1 i : f
I Staff Writer, The Statesman
Plans for an amphitheater in Buslr Pasture, are in the wind.
Walter Wirth. sunerintendent of Salem narks, said the matter
has been discussed with the City Parks Advisory Commission and
"definitely" is in the long-range plan for Salem park development
The amphitheater would be located at the south end of the park
below the sloping bank which separates upper and lower park
r levels. The bank is curvea, pro-
Bauxite 'Deposits Located in Salem Hills
Washington i
To Continue
Polio Program
SEATTLE (J) Eighteen local
health officers from throughout the
state voted Saturday, to continue
with the Salk poliomyelitis immu
nization; program as soon as pos
sible. ! '
The decision was reached after
carefully reviewing all available
information about the vaccination
program and receiving assurance
from State Health Department of
ficials that the vaccine aHoted this
'state is safe and effective.
Dr. Ji A. Kahl, director of the
health department, Said vaccine to
be used here is all from the Parke
Davis & Co. of Detroit and "has
shown itself to be safe in more
than a million doses given to date."
ttey are ready to proceed with
Some of the health officers said
their vaccination program Monday
May 16. Others indicated they will
wait until May 23.
"Some polio cases should be ex
pected in the children who are vac
cinated as well as in those who do
not receive the vaccine," Dr. Kahl
laid. "The reason being that the
child already is infected with the
polio virus and is coming down
with the disease when the vaccine
Is riven.
Dr. Kahl said it takes from six to
even weeks to build up immunity.
' The second inoculation will be
given in two weeks or as soon
thereafter as the vaccine is avail
able, s
School districts In which the
term is ended before the time for
the second shots will make their
own arrangements. Dr. Kahl said.
Ward Battle
Qoses With
Barr on Top
CHICAGO Wl The long, bitter
struggle for Montgomery Ward &
Co. wound op Saturday with John
Barr, 47, as top man.
Barr a relatively obscure Ward
executive when the fight began
last August was named chairman
and president at the first meeting
ef the new directors of the huge
mail order firm.
Directors met immediately after
election inspectors brought in the
final tally , on votes cast at the
April 22 annual meeting. This
showed, as expected, that Ward's
management placed six members
and Louis Wolfson three members
on the nine man board.
Wolfson, 43, had hoped to gain
control by electing at least five
directors, but he appeared to be
satisfied to go along with the new
setup at the big mail order and
retail firm. He felt; however, that
Ward's should have a different
man as president while Barr
Serves as chairman.
Ia an interview Wolfson said he
wouldn't stage a proxy contest for
control next year, unless Ward's
management tried to. throw him
off the board. In that case, he said,
he'd fight ;
JAKARTA. Indonesia W Pre
mier Ali Sastroamidjojo, who was
host to the ; Asian-African confer
ence in April, intends to accept
Chou En-Lai's invitation to visit
Peiping late this month, a usually
reliable' source reported. .
this It Trot Cist Hillary
Ml 6" ;
I mad over a SO down payment
a late-model car. I was told it
would cost me $257.60 to insure the
) ear and finance the balance of
$700.00. Lucky for me I'd talked to
o State Farm agent first, because I
teed the Bank Plan instead and
paid an insurance and financing
charge ef only $140.74. I saved
lilS-M." (One of many actual cases.)
; Memy Pooplo As sum j
l"ktoio Rates Aro Standard
viding nature-made seating space.
The parks board will discuss
plans for the amphitheater at its
Thursday meeting.
Elsewhere in Bush Pasture, two
shelters have been prepared this
winter which will each have 12
electric burners. The burners will
be ready for operation by May 30,
said Wirth.
Wading Pool Planned
Picnic tables now total 175 and
a wading pool is due at the south
end of the park's upper level in
the future. Future plans alsi call
for taking out the old tennis court
and planting a rose bed there
Six new tennis courts will be con
structed in the 10-acrc park next
vear. '
Efforts of the Salem Jjnor wo
man's Club have provided for play
equipment in the southeast section
of the park which will go in this
year, and several rose Deds near
the High Street side of the park
have been planted.
In addition, the Pnngle CreeK
area has been cleaned up lor
On North River Road
Other Salem parks have under
gone extensive developmsnt dur
ing the winter and a new play
ground of four, acres on N. River
Road is being readied. It is located
next to the city's sewage and
disposal plant. The site won't be
ready until the 1956 summer. Plans
call for a softball diamond.
At the west Salem playground,
Third and Rosemont streets,
new comfort station has been in
stalled, and the South Salem Lions
Club has built a new comfort sta
tion at South Village Park.
Meanwhile, various civic organ
izations are aiding the city in
clearing Wallace Park of debris.
Additional parking space is being
prepared and room for picnickers.
A problem at the 12-acre park.
said Wirth, are persons who are
taking loam from beneath trees.
This -is undermining the timber,
but so far the culprits have not
been caught Wirth warns that
much of the park's beauty will be
lost if such activities are not halt
ed. ,
Staked out is right-of-way, re-
centy donated by Walter Musgrave
to the city, for a road which will
provide easier access to the north
end of the park.
At Highland Park, future plans
call for a softball diamond and
two tennis courts, and at Enele-
wood Park a wading pool will be
installed after July 1 of this year.
other improvements at Enele-
wood include a new comfort sta
tion and four-burner electric unit.
Play Equipment
Mill Street playground at South
15th and Mill will have a complete
set 01 play equipment installed this
year, including swings for tots and
older youths, horizontal ladder.
slides, merry-go-round and monkey
Picnic tables have been put in
at Pnngle Park and the Willson
Park fountain has been scraped
uuwn preparatory to being re
painted this year.
Marion Square will have a olav
area in the future, said Wirth, and
iuiure pians aiso can tor re
placement of the old wooden swing
seats at the Lee playground. South
zzna and Lee streets with rub
ber tones.
Most for Maintenance
Wirth said that $76,000 is ex
pected for parks and supervised
recreation from the new city
Duaget ui wis, 556,00 would go
iui yus maintenance ana im
During 1954-55. $10,000 was avail-
able for park improvement onlv
Englewood received $3,500 of this
figure; Mill playground, $1,000
taii-mount Hill playground. SI.
500; and the remainder went for
Bush Pasture work.
If money can be raised by
woman s group, a playground be
tween candalana Bouievard and
Boice Street will be readied
consists of Vt acre. Mrs. Robert
F. White is serving on the ladies
Wirth said the city ha its eve
on two future areas for park de
velopment. One is in West Salem
consists of 75 acres. The other
is in the northeastern section of
the city and is approximately 100
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Armed Forces
Clothes Buying
Probe Planned
McCleDan (D-Ark) said Saturday
the Senate investigations subcom
mittee is about to unfold a story of
corruption" in millions of dollars
worth of clothing contracts for the
armed forces. -
He said that while a gift of at
least one home freezer is involved.
"it goes beyond that to actual cash
McClellan said the subcommittee
will start public hearings Wednes
day in an inquiry into a fresh
case of money changing hands in
connection with contracts for white
sailor hats, raincoats, garrison
caps and other clothing items.
"It involves corruption, not mere
inefficiency or incompetence," he
McClellan withheld most details,
but said in an interview that about
10 different contracts totaling sev
eral million dollars are involved.
He. said the subcommittee's in
quiry related to the way in which
contracts were carried out as well
as to the way they were awarded.
Some of them date back to 1952.
Witnesses will include manufactur
ers who received contracts and
government employes.
Some of the contracts were
placed by the Armed Forces Tex
tile Procurement Agency, with
headquarters in New York, when
it was acting as a joint purchasing
agent for the Army, Navy and An
Force. Others were made by the
individual services.
Mrs; Stapleton
Rites on Tuesday
Graveside services for Mrs.
Mciry Gertrude Stapleton, aunt of
Miss Josephine Baumgartner and
Mrs. John Caughell of Salem, will
be 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in Pioneer
Mrs. - Stapleton. who lived in
Roseburg, was killed near Port-
and Thursday in an auto acci
dent She was the widow of Har
ry Stapleton, former Salem bank
employe who moved to Roseburg
at the turn of the century. Born
Jan. 22. 1882, in Eugene, she was
The W. T. Rigdon funeral home
is in charge of arrangements.
Bauxite deposits in the Salem Hills area south of the city are shown, an this map. Report of the de
posits by the state department of geology and mineral industries is based on several test borings
throughout the area. Shaded areas, principally in tne Koteaaie-aunnysiae district, show where
test borings indicated deposits some 14 feet thick.
fts Tssak PUs sffM ytm tw mva
M tetw. OM yaw mwm trans ea th east
S tat i ess ytm nt sad COMPARE tbmm
mm mu naa cost nRSTI Call r aa
fer Fsns BEPORX yes (nr.
$28 N. High St
Th Stat Farm Mutual
Automobile Insurance Co.
f leewipftoii, Ulinois
Tirie' to Go for
Reward Of fers
SEATTLE m Harold E. Cot-
torn, 23, whose car killed 6-year
old Freddie Bandoun last Nov. 15
then sped on, can buy his freedom
from an alternative jail sentence
for 11,000.
The money is not to be used as
a fine but as a reward for the
apprehension of other hit-run driv
The choice was given Cottom
Thursday by Superior Court Judge
Henry Clay Agnew when Cottom
appeared for sentencing on
charge of failing to stop and give
aid after the youngster was struck.
Judge Agnew also told Cottom
that the price of staying out of jail
includes refraining from owning or
driving a car during the next year,
The money must be paid m install
ments to Police Chief H. J. Law
rence during the next two years,
Cottom said hell provide the re
ward money.
State Bulletin
Gives Report
On Ore Probe
The April issue of ; the Ore.-Bin,
bulletin of the state department
of geology and mineral industries.
contains a second progress report
investigations of bauxite de
posits in the Salem hills south of
the city. j ; ,
An accompanying map shows the
geologic detail of the area from
Prospect hill to Battle Creek east
of the Sunnyside district.
Numerous borings of the earth
were made to get an idea of the
extent of the bauxite deposits.
While no estimate is given as to
the volume of the ore reserves
the authors, R. E. Corcoran and
W. Libbey conclude an area
1,500 acres is underlain with
bauxite laterite with an average
thickness of 144 feet. The over
burden averages three and one-
half feet.
Bauxite is the ore from which
aluminum is reduced, i
Button and Badge Man Ready for 1956
burgh button and badge-maker,
who claims he coined the "I Like
Ike" slogan for the 1932 presi
dential election, says he is all set
to go again if President Eisen
hower decides to run in 1956.
Arthur Garfield Trimble has
pilot models for next year that
read, "I still Like Bee."
Trimble was one of those, who
were boosting Mr .Eisenhower be
fore he had indicated willingness
to enter the 1952 race, and he was
ready with his buttons and badges
when the time came. He also had
"I Told Yon So" buttons ready
for the victory celebration.
Britain Refuses
Work Permit for
U. S. Ice Skater
LONDON (UP)-Claude Lane-
don, impresario of the forthcom
ing ice show "Wildfire," began
casting about for another femin
ine star Saturday after the British
government refused American
skater Patricia Firth a work per
mit, .
A spokesman for Langdon said
the Ministry of Labor's decision
had been "regretfully" sent to
Miss Firth at her home in Seattle,
The decision apparently was in
keeping with the policy that work
perfnits can be granted to for
eigners only when proper or com
parable British talent is not avail
able. .-
Carpenters to )
Vote on Strike
PORTLAND (fl Some .000
AFL carpenters in Portland will
vote in a series of local union
meetings May 31 on whether to
strike three employer associations
June 1.
Clell Harris, union secretary,
announced that decision Saturday,
saying be hoped negotiations could
resume and a new employer offer
be in hand for the vote.
If there is no new offer, the
carpenters will vote on the last
offer, already rejected twke, he
said. .
(Baiter's aote: Tks Statesman
Hih tn rood faith the prof rami and
timet as srorided by ridie and TV
stations, set secant, eramei tht
ererrsms are ehanctd witheet -fleatloa
this acwipaper cuMt he
responsible for th sccerscr harela).
Premier Sunday Cross-Word Puzzle
Dust Storms
Buffet West
Snow and dust storms buffeted
parts of the Far West Saturday
while sunshine warmed the Upper
Great Lakes area and .the Missis
sippi Valley. '
South Central Idaho was in the
throes of an unseasonable cold
snap which was expected to last
through Sunday. Snow was report
ed in many Idaho communities.
but continued winds prevented
frosts. The temperature dipped to
30 at Twin Falls Friday night,
while Gooding, Idaho, reported .44
inches of rain.
In Utah, wind-whipped dust from
the Great Salt Lake Basin churned
as high as 20,000 feet in the air,
according to commercial plane
pilots. Salt Lake City was shroud
ed m a dust fog. Visibility at the
Salt Lake Airport was down to one
mile Saturday.
At Elko, Nev., there were two
inches of snow on the ground at
noon, snow was still falling and the
temperature was 32. Just ahead of
the cool air across Central Utah
and Western Colorado strong south
erly winds blew. At Milford, Utah,
gusts exceeded 70 m.p.h.
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Mrs. Park
Rites Monday
Funeral services for Mrs." Addie
A. Park, 91, who died Friday in
Salem, will be 2 p. m. Monday at
the Virgil T. Golden chapel. Mrs.
Park, who entered a nursing home
a week ago, formerly had a borne
on Norm Church street.
Born March 8, 1864 in Kansas,
Mrs. Park came here about 15
years ago from Brownsville where
she and her husband Harry, who
died after moving here, had a
large sheep ranch. The couple
moved to Oregon from Kansas.
Survivors include a niece, Mrs.
Qeo Rowley, Colorado Springs.
The Rev. E. P. GouWer will of
ficiate at the services. Burial
win be in Bekrest Memorial Park.
TORONTO (JI James Cardi
nal McGuigan completes Sunday a
quarter century of service as an
archbishop of the Roman Catholic
Church. He was consecrated arch
bishop of Regina May 15, 1930,
He was moved to Toronto four
years later and became Canada's
first English-speaking cardinal in
1940. . . !
1 The
5 Preclude
10 Arctic
15 Plan '
of town
1 Avouch
20 Russian
21 Muse of .
22 Russian
river -
23 Thin
24 Chaff
x like
25 Season
26 River in
27 Tropical
29 Monkey
31 Easing
33 Isinglass
34 Compel
36 Period
37 Gift
40 Peace
of mind
42 A rout
ing . finishing
46 Sur
rounded ' by
47 Persian
48 Extol
50 Rock
81 Bearing
63 Uouse
54 Very
56 Celtic
57 Hebrew
58 Buddhist
59 Thankful
62 Diving
63 Elastic
66 Assam
' 67 Electric
69 Brook
73 Casting
74 or
78 Mountain-
79 Dynamo
84 English
85 Of
68 Series of
. changes
in plant
89 Twilight
0 Bird's
2 Source
: 93 Removes
95 Cartridge
96 Notions
98 Stream
100 Was
101 Lumber
102 Trapped
104 Maker of
flatware ,
106 Distrib
ute by
' ' parts
107 Be
109 Without
110 Imparted
111 Plate in ;
115 Roar
116 Guard
120 Secular .
121 Plea of .
; 123 Large :j
125 Gusset
126 Voided
. escutcheon
127 Stately
128 Mud
129 Monks
hood 130 A yellow
131 Fretful
132 Guide
133 Cory
1 Stop
2 Layer
of iris .
3 Juncture
4 Embellish
5 Portray
6 Hero
7 Plain
8 Simian
9 The
drawing '
of in
ferences 10 Flower
' flower
11 Hematite
12 Fluid
13 In spirited
14 Heavy
. wave
15 Play
fellow . '
16 Son of
: Jacob
17 In trice
18 A pungent
28 Peal
30 Science
32 Greek
god of war
34 Front
35 Decreeing
"37 Narrow
" gradually
38 Herb of
39 Lemur
40 Giving
up 1
41 Bulrush
43 Maxim
44 Follow
45 Vaporous
47 Point
of a 1
49 Foolish
52 A peak
of f
the I
53 Support
for !
vines i
55 Slays 1
58 Well !
60 Macaw
61 River j
in j
64 Man's
name 1
65 Silent I
8 Marshy,
71 Fortune
72- Canopy
over j
74 Hut i
75 Cut !
76 Re- j
lease !
77 Harvest,
80 Urgency
81 Purpo-;
82 Sheep
83 Cause
86 Circlet
87 Intimacy
91 Having-
94 Filled
95 Jacket
97 Ooze
99 Quickly
101 Steeped
103 Leave
105 Snow
106 Delib
erate 108 Skirmish
10 Rigid
111 Leisurely
112 Vetch
'113 Stream
114 Equips
116 Vendi
tion 117 Observe
118 Sister
119 For
122 Club
124 -Buddhist
column ,
KPTV Sunday! HithUfhU
(Channel 21):
11:M a.m. Richard Cassidy plays
the role of the tragic Michele in the
Pulitzer prize-winninf opera. "The
Saint of Bleecker Street." with Vir
ginia Copeland and Rosemary Kuhl
tnan. S:0f m. "We, the Mentally 111."
enacted by mental paUents of St.
Elizabeth's Hospital, in Washington,
V. C. On March of Medicine.
lt:3e pjn. Bob Cumminis In the
role of a commercial photographer
and bachelor. His secretary creates
an Imaginary romance with her boss
which boomerangs.
KOIN-TV Sunday's Highlights
(Channel ():
ll:e a.m. "Blood Oath." dealing
with the bitter antagonism between
Msu Msu sect and the white settlers
In East Africa. Lamp unto My Feet
1:M pjn. The Hindu religion will
be the subject of the second of
three discussions of Oriental relig
ious creeds. Specisl guest will be a
classical dancer from India who will
perform a Hindu ritual dance. On
Art vntur.
3:0 p.m. "Jungle Goddess." with
George Reeves and Wanda McKay.
sundav Armchair Theater.
5:0 p.m. "Lou Gehrig's Greatest
Day." the picture or tne special triD-
EUGENE: KVAL-TV. Channel 13
(Sunday): 3:3 p.m. Faith for To
day: 4 Star-maker Talent Show:
4:3s Boy Scouts' Show: Je Meet
the Press: S:3 This Is the Life: :M
People Are Funny; i:3 Now You
Know, in a atscussion oi usa-ussr
relations: 7:S Surprise Theater:
7'JS All-Star Theater: S:N Break
the Bank: S:3S Life with Elizabeth:
: Frankie Laine; . t:3S Sunday
ute paid Lou 'Gehrig on July 4, 1933.
You Are There. ,
t:M p.m. "Escape from Vienna."
a story of romance and Intrigue in
postwar Europe, with Elaine 5 trite h,
James Daly and George Voshovee,
on Appointment With Adventure.
1:3 p.m. "The Loveable Cheat.
with Charles Ruggles. Peggy Ann
Garner. Richard Nev, on first Run.
KLOR-TV Sunday's Highlights
(Channel 12):
3:3 p.m. "Gardening for run.
with Dean Collins a new show
bringing practical and entertaining
garden information.
4:3 p.m. Father Mae offers re
flections reminding us of a pattern
for hsppiness in every day living.
Father Mac's Album. .
4:45 p.m. "Milady and the Mus
keteers." with Rossano Brarzi and
Ivette Lebon. Imperial Theater.
:30 p.m Till Death Do Us Part."
starring Richard Denning and Bar
bara Britton. on Mr and Mrs. North.
7:34 p.m. "Leave to Die," a young
woman visiting Malaya to marry her
fiance starring Yvonne Mitchell and
Ron GopaL Dou
oug Fairbanks Pre-
HOUR 00:00 00:15 ' 00:3 0:4S
KOIN I Sun. TV Thea.Sun. TV Tfaes. Sun. TV Thea.Sun. TV Thea.
11 KPTV I I (Saint of . . . Saint of . . .
KOiy I Lamp Unto Ft. Lamp Pnto It. Let's Take TriplLet's Take Trip
IX KPTV I Saint of . . . I Saint of . . . I Saint of . . . I Saint of . . .
KQIW Now and Thenl Wow and ThenlLone Ranger ILone Ranger
1 KPTV Drew Pearson What's TroublelFaith for TodaylFaith for Todiy
KOIN Amer Week Amer. Week lAdventure lAdventure
KLOR Pub. Service I Public. Service
"t" KPTV I Men To. Lightllndua. Parade IWedding BeU'slWedding Belles
KOIN County OutL I County Outl. IDaredevils IDaredevils
KLOR 1 Super Circus ISuper Circus ITomor. Stars ITomor. Stars
S KPTV I Mr. Wizsrd I Mr. Wizard IRoy Rogers IRoy Rogers
KOIN I Armch. ThesfrlArmch. Theat'r'Armch. Theat'r Armch. Thes.
KLOR I Amer. Relig. Amer., Rcllg. IQught Be Law 1 Ought Be Law
4 KPTV Hall of Fame IHall of Fame leapt Gallant leapt Gallant !
KOIN Lucy Show Lucy Show lAnnie Oakley Annie Oakley
KLOR ICrua. Europe ICnis. Europe Fath. Mae's Al-IImperial Thea.
5 KPTV Meet the Press I Meet the Press! Tex. RassUn (Tex. RsssUn
KOIN U Are There U Are There (Lassie 'f81, ,
KLOR Imperial Thea. Imperial Thea. JImperial Thea. Ilmpertal Thea.
e KPTV I Rimir Junale IRamar Jungle Mr. Peepers IMr. Peepers
KOIN &W.te Secy Sriv.te Sey Wh'f, My Line I What". My Line
KLOR (Oral Roberts (Oral Roberts IMr. Mrs. NorthlMr. Mrs. North
7 KPTV I Comedy Hr. I Comedy Hr. I Comedy Hr. I Comedy Hr. .
KOIN ITosst of TownlToast of Town (Toast of Town Toast of Town
KLOR U Asked for ItU Asked for ItlPg. Fairblcs JrlPg. FairbTts Jr.
S KPTV I TV Playhouse 1TV Playhouse I TV Playhouse ITV Playhouse
KOIN 1GE Theater IGE Thester JStage Seven Stage Seven .
KLOR j Soldier Parsde!Soldier Psrsde!Stork Club IStork Club
KPTV I March of Med.l March of Med.l Whistler IWhisUer
KOIN JAppt. Adven. (Appt Adven. lYour Music Your Musle
KLOR I Break Bsnk IBresk Bank (Coronet Thest.lCoronet Theat
IS KPTV 'People Funny (People Funny IB. Cumra. SholB. Cumin. Sho.
KOTN jNews Special Ikier. Kaleido. list Run Theaterl
KSLM 13M, KOCO 14N. KGAB 143. KOCf n. KOW (20. KEZ UN
FM: Megacycles KOIN ULi: KEX tzJ: SOW 1MJ
6:00-7:00 KOTN Church of the Air
Tkoin b
elod. JournevlMelod. JourneylMin, with God IMin. with God
alt Lake Tab. ISalt uixe Tao. unv. earning
inbow Sun. Rainbow Sun. IRainbow Sun
O Forum UO Forum IGuest Star
llnv. Learning
IRainbow Sun
Here's to Vets
KSLM (News !
I KOCO World Newt
1 KGAB News
2 KOIN News-Music
KGW Weekend
KEX Christ. Action
Answers to Crossword Puxzio on Pago 10, Soc 1.
KSLM First Baptist Tirst Baptist IBsck to God Back to God
KOCO Geo. Wright News IPop Concert fPop Concert
KGAB rwaffle Club IWaffle Club IWaffle Club Waffle Club
KOIN (Univ. Ex (Farm Features iPaul Carson St. Francis
KGW IRainbow Sun. (Rainbow Sun. IRainbow Sun. IRainbow Sun.
KEX (Dr. Barnhouse (Dr. Barnhouse (Light St Life ILlght St Life
(Bible Class
iibie Class fProphcy Voice fProphcy Voice
can Loft rOrgan Loft Ave Maria (Ave Maria
Roberts Organ (Roberts Organ Waffle Club Waffle Club
IGuest Stars Uewish raith rwashtn. week iMews
IRainbow Sun. (Rainbow Sun. IRainbow Sun. IRainbow Sun.
Quaker Hour (Quaker Hour (Mes of Isreal Mes of Isreal
KSLM Hardy News JChristlsn Sd. JFr'k Sc Ern'st Devotion songs
1 KOCO I Presbyterian IPresbyterian (Christophers Songs Remem.
1 KGAE (Hit Revue iHit Revue Hit Revue ( Songs Rememb.
cnni iimhirdn ILombardo iPhilharmonie I Philharmonic
D KGW mainbow Sun. IRainbow Sun. lEternal Light eternal Ught
w KEX (News-Music Chosen People I Pilgrimage
(Join the Navy
First sanust
ILand of Free (First Methodist Tirat Methodist
First BaDtist IFirst Baotist First Baptist ,
H-aivan Rant rraivarv BaDt. ICalvary Bant, tcalvary Bant.
I NY Phil'monie NY Phil'monic 1NY Phil'monic NY Phll'monle
Church Service (Church Service Thy Kingdom Thy Kingdom
(Par of Hits IPsr. of Hits Par, of Hits Psr. of Hits
Record Pets
Major League
Sun Serenade
For. Affairs
(Major League
Sun Serenade
Cap. Cloakr'm
Major League
Seren., News
tCsp. Closkr'm .
I Home Dm. Aft.
KSLM (Broadway Cop (Broadway Cop
KOCO IMajor League (Major League
KGAE Serenade Sun Serenade
KOIN Mews (Pleasure Look
KGW ftfanhatt. MeL IManhatt. MeL
KEX (Revival Hour IRevival Hour
(Nick Carter
Major league
Sun Serenade
A New Asia
Revival Hour
iek Carter
Major League
Seren News
A New Asia
IRevival Hor
iRin Tin Tin IRin Tin Tin ITBA TBA
Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee (Sun. Matinee 'Sun. Matinee
ISun. Serenade ISun. Serenade ISun. Serenade (Sun. Serenade
rr.. Nation Face Nation .Studio News PM1 Norman
lint. Melody Int. Melody (Music Only Music Only
lGreatest Story iGreatett Story
ProsecutiBob Considine IBsseball
Sun. Matinee ISun. Matinee ISun. Matinee
iPub. ProsecutlPub.
ISun Matinee -ISun.
tsun Serenade Bun. Serenade Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade
iJack Benny Jack Benny Amos n Andy Amos n' Andy
fc. Br'd Shaw G. Br'd Shaw (G. Br'd Shaw JG. Br"d Shaw
(Billy Graham Billy Graham Herld of Truth (Herald of Truth
KSLM Baseball IBasebaU IMennonite Hr. Mennonite Hr.
KOCO Sun. Matinee ISun. Matinee ISun. Matinee ISun. Matinee
KGAE Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade ISalem Singers (Sun. Serenade
KOIN Miss Brooks iMiss Brooks ICBS Newsrm CBS Newsrm
KGW (fouth i Youth IShirley Thomas ( Shirley Thomas
KEX U N. Story IGuest Star IHealtng Wings Healing Wings-
KSLM News . IU Never Know I Lutheran HouriLutheraa Hour
KOCO Saxon Spin. (Saxon Spin IStudio "BS - IStudio T9
KGAE Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade 'Sun. Serenade (Wayne Morse
KOIN Rudy Vallee IRudv VaUee IRudy Vallee IRudy VaUee
KGW Oil News Rep'r David Rose Or .Conversation (Conversation
KEX Town Meeting Town Meeting Town Meeting IT own Meeting
Global Fronfr IBasebaU
fU Never Know'Sun. Serenade
W. WincheU
(Gene Autry
Fibber McGee IGildersleeye
Jimmy Fidler
ISun. Serenade
(The Whistler
(Youth Views
News-Music '
Bun. Serenade
IThe Whistler
(Youth Views
(Drew Pearson
KSLM (Memory Room IMemory Room (News IMusio '
' KOCO Bun. Serenade Bun. Serenade Bun. Serenade ISun. Serenade
KOIN ISun. Plavh'aa. Sun. Plavh'se. (Little Margie ILittle Margie
'KGW (Abbotts i (Abbotts IStandaxd Hour (Standard Hour
su News-Mosle ISun.
SotrvenlreyTrsvel Time ' Geo. Sokolsky
KSLM Drew Pearson Musle Music Medicine See.
KOCO Sun. Serenade Bun. Serenade Bun. Serenade Bun. Serenade
KOIN Holly. Mus. H1I Holly. Mus. Hit Jack Benny Jack Beny
KGW Standard Hour (Standard Hour IMus. Fest. IMua Fest.
KEX Mon. H'dlines Paul Harvey lEug. Stevens (Faith tn Times
Hr. of DecisionlHr. ef Decision lUttle Symph. Tittle Symph.
Serenade 'Sun. Serenade sun. serenaae
Sun. Nite Fin Metneries (Lead Question Lead euesuon
(Rich. Reporter Kaltenborn Cath Hour Cath How
I KOCO . Sun. Serenade Sun
KEX (Final Edition (Finest Music fRevival Time
Silent (Silent
(Music Mid. IMusic Mid.
(Newa NighteapjCity Covncfl
BID? Graham (BUty Grahaan
iMusie Mid.
JCity Council
Paul Carsea
.Music Mid.
IClty Counefl
KSLM (News lEditorially IPeace to Valley I Peace In Valley
KOCO Sun. Serenade Bun. Serenade ISun. Serenade 5un. serenaae
KOIN PhiLOrch. IPhiLOrch. JPhiLOrch. iPhlLOrcn.
m ir.w Mm m . Ivm tm Meet the PreasiMeet tne
KEX Kath KuhlmaniKath KuhlmanlEyes WrightXug. Stevens