Seen and Heard By JEXYME ENGLISH FASHION SHOWS ... continue to hold the social spotlight with capacity crowds attending . . . twn lar ' benefit shows were held the past week . . . first, the St Vincent dePaul Parents' club Fashions for ...Fortnight' show at the Knights of Columbus Hall Monday night ... Nearly 350 at tending ... the decor featuring me vacation tneme ... Travel folders centering the individual card tables . . . dessert preceding the show , v . Junior Catholic Daughters busy serving . . . place mats with a travel motif . . . and the tally cards were miniature traveling hat bags The decor ... about the ball further carrying the vacation theme j . . with maps, large pos ters and souvenirs from the var ious countries ... A large bou quet of yellow and white stock, snapdragons and daisies at the stage entrance, where the models first appeared . . . T A fast-moving ... style show . . . Mrs. James. T. Brand doing a grand job of commentating . . . not once was there a lull .-V. a ramp extending the entire length of the hall enabling everyone to see the show . . . Bernie Phillips playing soft organ music through out . . .-The models all so good looking, in fact the prettiest group we have seen this year . . . teen-age, young marrieds and attractive matrons . . . brunettes predominating . . . The' show clev erly accessorized- with flowers, parasols and handsome purses. Here they come . . . the show opening with bathing suits and play clothes,, definitely a must for. vacation time ... one group of coolie prints - combined with peacock blue' featuring i a sun dress, skirt' and blouse, shorts and pants . . . showing the same, print in different - combinations . . . smart travel suits, coats and summer --cottons and afternoon prints . . . and on into "evening with party clothes arid formats .... the clothese all iron John son's and the shoes from Ar buckle's , ; Our favorites ... . a black and white checkerboard dress . . . a grey sheath ensemble -with red lining . . . a smart spectator out fit in matador red linen . . . a dotted shrimp colored torso party frock . ... a white organdy .."baby doll" dress over yellow for a high school graduation or prom , . . a stunning panama white sateen short formal . ..a stand-out the bouffant floor length gown of octal Dink' with tiered skirt . . . and modeled by lovely Jane Wiles (Mrs. S. D.) , . The climax . . .'.the bridal party . . . pretty; brunette Sally Joseph the bride in white tulle and lace . . . her attendants, Mary Jane Wait, Dorothy Shepard, Ann Len niger and Kathryn Corrigan, all attractive teen-age girls; in azalea red frocks ... the honor maid In -turquoise blue . .-.Bouquets to the other models ... Mrs. James R, Phillips, Mrs. Jack Schimberg; Mrs. Ted Morris, Mrs. Thomas Patterson. Mrs. Oscar Christensen, Mrs. Glenn Woodry, Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld, Mrs. John M. Graham Mrs. Francis Waser and Mrs. Theodores Jenny -. . and' orchids to Mrs. Wesley Goodrich tnd her 'hard-working committee members for presenting .the suc cessful event ... , i r Mutsr, . . . ior ,ine Beta Sigma Phi benefit fashion Wednes day night . , . over ,'400 women (even a few men spotted) filling the Cherry Room at Lipman s . . "Two Weeks with Pay" the theme of the show . . the guest com mentator was Miss Marjorie Lenz, west coast editor of Charm Maga line .... i The f a s hi s ... featuring domes for a vacation . . . espeaal i . ... . . ly i or me Dusiness ana career women . play attire, swim suits mart ensembles of linen with matching coats . . . linings often matching the dress or trim . . cottons and colorful prints , , wiui or wiinoui jackets i . . many aunback styles . . . a few short evening gowns and after live clothes ... many of the outfits accessorized with handsqme lug gage to take on a vacation ... A feature ... of the styles were the lovely fabrics, which are so easy to pack ... a smart honey beige sheath dress with its own matching coat so popular for sum mer travel . . . another was a blue cotton dress with matching coat . . a white sharkskin with yellow shortie sweater, jacket ... two becoming summer cottons for din ner . . . one of avocado green with long torso . . . and the other a princess style fuschia red cotton . .' for dancing a pink lace short formal accented with a Dink taf feta cummerbund ... the latter worn by Mrs. - WiHiam St. Clair, chairman of the successful show . and all proceeds to be turned over to the YWCA, the Bete Sig ma Phi service protect ... Models ... from the Beta Sigma Phi ranks were Mrs. Ted Morrison, Mrs. Sam Campbell, Mrs. Rudolph Ernest "and Mrs. Elwood Myers . . . also modeling . . . pretty brunet tes. Mrs. Theodore Flook and Mrs. Ted Morris . . . Mrs. Maynard Eismann, Mrs. Emery Hobbs and Mrs. Paul Everett ... A highlight ... of the show was the timely and enthusiastic talk by Mary Gordon of Trans World Air lines ... she is one of TWA's four national women's travel ad visors . . . she related a few of the 64 dollar questions most often asked by women travelers ... and gave a few tips on packing . . She told 'of her recent six weeks plane trip to Europe, the Middle East, India and Ceylon . . . she took just one 24 inch pullman suitcase for the entire trip . . . but was able to pack four dresses and three pairs of shoes ... how ever, her wardrobe coordinated around one basic color, which in her .case was black . . . and no extra accessories were needed . . . Interesting facts . . . as told by Miss Gordon . . . trips are now available' to anyone, anywhere in the world as compared to 20 years ago . . . in fact, there is no point in the world farther away than. 36 hours by plane ... by saving a few dollars a week a luxury vaca tion to the European continent or the Orient is possible for any working woman today ... In pri vate life Mary Gordon is Helen Stevenson . '. . while in Salem she filled four speaking engagements. besides radio and newspaper in terviews . . . ' The. West Salem Lions Auxil iary will meet Monday night at the West Salem Methodist Church for the annual mother daughter banquet at 6:30 p.m. . v ;i Qub Calendar . , Monday West Salem Lions Auxiliary meet at West Salem Methodist Church, mother-daughter banquet. :30 p.m. Bethel 35. Job's Daughters. -Scottish Rite Temple, 7:30 p.m. Altrusa Club dinner, Marion Ho tel. 6:30 p.m. Capital .Unit I, American Legion Auxiliary. Salem Woman's Club. .1 Tuesday Marion-Polk County Medical Aux iliary picnic dinner, with Mrs. May nard Shiffer, 275 Boice St., 6:30 p.m. Cherry Assembly Rainbow Moth ers with Mrs. Virril Sexton, 535 Wal do Ave.. 7:30 p.m. Garfield Mothers and Dads, elec tion, at scnpol. 7:45 p.m. Chadwick Chapter, OES, Masonic xempie, s p.m. Wednesday First Presbyterian Church Wom an s Association, 12:15 p.m. lunch eon, social hall. General meeting of West SaVm WSCS with Mrs. Herman Kortemey- cr, iz:ou p.m. Soroptimist social meeting with Mrs. Abner Kline. 1065 N. 5th St, S pjn. . Thursday Refrigeration - Service Engineeers society Auxiliary with Mrs Wil liam Wolfe. 3060 Earhart St. '8 n.m Bethel 35. Mother's Club, Masonic icmpie, i pjn. luncheon. Friday Willamette University Faculty women s uuD annual dinner, uiu- sanne aii, p.m. Satarday Salem Branch. AAUW tea meet ing, Lipman's. 2 p.m. Conversation for the school gang Buster Brown Washable Shoes 395 to 495 What fun for little girls! No. 1, there's the darlingest of black and pink washable pumps with illustrations and conversations to delight all who wear sizes. 12 to 3 (A to VC) . . . and there's a fascinating strap in red and blue, jdzes all the .way from infants 5 to misses 3 (A to C). Shoe JSdbn Main Floor- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ice (Connie Rae - Taylor) who were married April 25 at the Nazarene-Church In Steven--son, Wash. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Taylor of Salem and the bridegroom's parents are the Cecil Ices of Yakima. The couple will live in Globe, Arizona, where Mr. Ice is a pitcher for the Globe-Miami Arizona League. 'Don't Cook Now. . . but . . . it was really a nice summer, wasn't it? - Chiaasa cakt ... A statistic says that 14 percent of food shopping is now done by men, whereas a few years ago it was almost exclusively a woman's chore. As men become increasingly domesticated, food packaging will probably be designed to catch their : eyes. Soon we'll be seeing a picture of Marilyn Mon roe on the, breakfast, cereal box, one of Lana Turner on the package of washing powder and they'll be giving a cigar with every pound of sausage. Dig that man . . . According to the Men'sa Garden Club bulletin, an old gardener never dies, he just spades away. - Funny World ... Man carrying -two com pletely limp kids away front, the miniature merry-go-round near the supermarket. Problem is, how to open the car door with a recal citrant offspring in each hand ... Large green 'field with one lone prodigal cow right square in the middle, gulping down the clover before she gets run out ... Cars with white side walls dashing along the gravel road, braking suddenly when gooey road oil looms ahead, then driving at snailspeed to save their pretty tires. - ; Familiar pattern . . . With 60 years supply of hamburgers on hand irv army warehouses, we should soon be seeing Army Surplus Ham burger joints opening up all over the land . . . Maxine Buren Shower for a Bride-Elect Miss Luella Carlisle,' popular bride-elect of James W. Knapp, will be the honor guest at a pre nuptial party Tuesday eight when Mrs. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. Hugh Morrow and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen entertain. The affair will be held at the Bowers' home on North 15th Street Thirty guests have been bid den to an 8 o'clock dessert sup per and a kitchen shower will fete the future Mrs. Knapp. The wedding of Miss Carlisle and Mr. Knapp will be an event of Saturday, June 25. Mr. Knapp will arrive home in early June from Pittsburgh, Pa., where he is completing his freshman year at Carnegie Institute. Chadwick Chapter, OES, will hold its regular meeting at the Masonic Temple Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The Sigma Kappa Mothers will meet for a 10 o'clock coffee on Tuesday at the South Church Street of Mrs. George Rhoten. Mrs. A. F. Marcus will be the as sisting hostess. The mothers will elect officers for the ensuing year during the meeting. - Statesman, Salam, Ore.; Sunday, May 1 1 5," 1 955 (Sac. 2-3 Formal Dinner For Faculty On Friday The animal formal ' dinner given by the Willamette Univer sity Faculty Women's Club will be an event of Friday night, May 20 at Lausanne Hall at 6:15 p.m. Mrs. John Lewis, who has served as president of the club the past year, will be the toastmistress. The affair will honor the retir ing faculty members. Dr. Helen Pearce and Prof. Earl T. Brown. Mrs. Clorinda Topping and Mrs. Donald Gleckler are arrang ing a musical program to follow the dinner. Mrs. W. Connell Dyer and Mrs. Norman Todd are co-chairmen of the affair, assisted by Mrs. Stan ley Butler, Mrs. Verna Boyles, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert, Mrs. Samuel E. Keeton, Miss Lorena Jack, Miss Lois Lati mer, Mrs. Richard Montgomery. Mrs. Reginald Parker, Mrs. Mor ton Peck, Mrs. Josef SchnelkerJ Mrs. .Lestle J. Sparks, Miss Velma Streicher and Mrs. Ella C. Watson. Members af Cherry Caart, Or der of the Amaranth win meet for Red Cross sewing Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Russell Bright, 1295 Evergreen Ave, at 10 a.m. Member are asked to bring a sack lunch. - j Salem Movie Club will hold a covered dish dinner meeting v.....) l ... ... , .lucsuajr uijjui, iu me auciuoriuni back of the Salem Memorial Hospital at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Mabel Schultz and Clarence Conrad are in charge of the entertainment I til: :: m? Stfafl i4bs9 A 7 4swass W. F. Dodge Or90ftaM (abefcstpadwisa a having aid. Coast ia at phoas) for a kaariag ssst m arirta.Nac Noobtifstioa. SONOTONI Of Salem' Z00A Livesley Bldg. Ph. 3-9485 SALEM M Elizabeth Fairchild Infant and Ghild. Care C JllMC 9 lllBiili I Elizabeth Fairchild Infant and Child Care Consultant and originator of the famous Fair child Baby Care Clinic . . . exactly as presented over TV and in leading magazines and newspapers and on the stage of major cities coast to coast . Tuesday, May 17th, at 2 P. M ! -A most pleasant "must 'show for par ents and parents-to-be J. . and even grandparents. Mrs. Fairchild will dis cuss the major problems which con front parents of small children and i infants. She will demonstrate to you a baby's day brought to! life by. the . most famous names in babyland Evenflo and Osterizer. ! The Infant and Child Care Clinic will cover many vital subjects including: O nursery planning and decoration O adjustment of household to new "heir" . ' ' i ... O adjustment of older children to baby ' ' . s v . '-! . ... i , ;.. . - . ' ' O baby's growth and, development ' . ... . O feeding, dressing and bathing procedures O how to be a respected, yet loving parent In. Auditorium, Third Floor . i ii i , i i i . . . .Jmjf"m-mamjmmmm taaw n"mm '''? tt KSI!2'SSf2SiSa mil ntf n ir fl ft 1 m mm ' lissi ' " " mi Lilian m m .if:;. checks that everyone will endorse anywhere Rhoda Lee Gingham 3.50 C7 blouse skirt 4 .98 Sleeveless blouse and full-pleated skirt of wonderous Wrinkle-Shed cotton by Dan River. Wherever you go this summer these two separates will be at home ... at the beach, at the office or on the patio. Easy to wash in avocado, pink, black,, blue, gold or grey sizes 10 to 16. Lipman's Calicnte, Main Floor So prettily I exclusive. A cluster of iridescent-pearl flowers, with rhinestones and multicolor-jewel cen ters .. . and, that's practi cally all you see from top view of this so-different cutaway cling! The rest White or Pink lustre calf. The special charm of that daintjness . it 1 giver your footl ! "Twinkle Bouquet" 14.95 a m m Ves- Lipman t Iho talonMakn Floor - ajkj..i i