2z. D-Stattsman, Salem, Oregon, Wd., May 11, 1955 Russia Asks Big4 TJrodps Leave Reich MOSCOW Uf! The Soviet Un ion made public Wednesday a pro posal calling for immediate with drawal of the bulk of foreign forces from both East and West Ger many. ' " The proposal called on the U. N. General Assembly to declare "a weakening of international tension can be achieved by immediate evacuation of troops of the four big powers from German territory, leaving limited contingents and police forces." The proposal was coupled with a repetition of previous Soviet de mands for prohibition of atomic weapons as part of an overall peace plan. . The Soviet news agency Tass, which Circulated the plan, said it had been submitted in .the form of two declarations to the U. N. sub committee on disarmament now holding closed sessions in London. The Soviet declarations said each of the four big powers should be permitted to keep "strictly limited contingents' of troops in Germany temporarily, "pending conclusion of agreement on their full with drawal." The declarations said "strictly limited contingents" of local po lice forces should be established in both Eastern and Western Ger many under joint 'control of the four, big powers. Park Plan Urged By City Planners i ; By THOMAS G. WRIGHT Jr. ' " Staff Writer, The Statesman -A policy for establishing parks in tub-division plats offered for approval was urged Tuesday by the Salem Planning Commission aft er receiving a qualified offer of land for park purpose outside the city,; ' An offer of 10 to 12 wooded lots for public parks on the condi tion the city or county would take responsibility for them was made ; after final approval of a 75-lot Liberty Gardens Addition on Boone Koad a ball mile east of Liberty Road was granted. The commission directed City Engineer J. Harold Davis, to ar range a meeting of representa tives of the Commission. City Council and City Parks Advisory committee to make a p o 1 i c y study for accepting parks prop erty. Final Approval Three other additions were giv en final approval by the commis sion. They were for a 30-lot North Riverr" Addition on North River Road at the intersection: of N. Commercial Street, 24 lots of Parkdale Addition on Hayesville Drive of a mile east of Lan caster ' Drive, and for Woodland Hills Addition on Eola Drive Y mile south of Cascade Drive. A petition for construction of curb line sidewalks on the east side of 22nd Street between Mill Street and the Southern Pacific tracks was approved on recom mendation of the street commit tee which reported construction of sidewalks in normal position would force removal of porches on several residences. " Application of James Ivan Stew art and Merle D. Stewart to build a house on the lot at 398 Jerris Street with a front yard setback of 25 V feet was approved after no one appeared at a public hear ing on the variance. Under the code the setback would be reauir- ed to be the average of the houses on either side. Request Referred A request from F. I. Bressler of Commonwealth Inc.. for return ot duplex construction classifica tions for several lots in the Ma pleton Addition- was referred to the zone change committee. Bress ler s request said the four lots had formerly been in a two-family dwelling zone. Public hearings were set for the May 17 meeting on zone chance requests for property on Cheme keta between 21st and 23rd streets, and the corner of 12th and Court streets. The . first change was requested by DeArm- ond and Sherman, Salem attor neys, for a change from R-l resi dential to R-3 residential to rer- mii me construction oi tour four plex housing units on the proper ty. The second reauest was filed by D. Wolcott Buren for the First JTesbytenan Church of Salem which seeks reclassification of property at the northwest corner of the I2th and Court streets in tersection from R-3 residential zone to C-2 business. Public hearing was also set for May 17 on an application bv Glen Hamilton to change the lot line on property on Judson Street west of Winter street which would diminish the lot size below the minimum 6,000 square feet re quired lor residential construc tion. .- f l 'Copters Save Slipeleather L M S Thomson Gets Eight Years lit State Pen NEWPORT, Ore. UFl Richard Thomson, convicted April 29 of assault with a dangerous weapon. Tuesday was , sentenced to eight -years in prison. It: was the second time that Thomson has been sentenced after being convicted of striking his former business partner over the bead with an iron pipe, and then of sending him over an oceanside cliff an an automobile. The partner. Jam.es Meuler, 31, was seriously lnjufed m the Sept 510, 1953, asssmtt. Nixt Fall's First Graders Registered SiUj children expected to start first grade at Richmond SchqoJ nexCfall were registered Tuesday at a meeting for pre-school par ents, it was reported by Principal Mathilda Gilles who estimated total registration win be 96. For the current year, Richmond has been averaging 75 first-graders. Construction ot four additional rooms is now in 'progress at this school, located at ' Richmond Ave nue and Mill Street Th 75 parents - attending the meeting heard Geronre Brush, in stalled as Parent-Teachers Associ ative president Monday, speak of the value of PTA activities. Principal Gilles said she hopes parents who haven't yet resis- teredTtheir children for first grade would come in before school closes June 7 so physical examinations can be completed this summer. Physical examination forms were distributed to pre-school parents by Nurse Ruth Ingram at Tues day's meeting. School opens next fall on Sept 12.- Death Gaims Statesman New Servirt SCl6 4 John D. Densmore, 81, Scio, died Tuesday in a Portland hospital he entered six weeks ago. Densmore, who owned the Scio Mill k Elevator Co., was born March 25, 1874, in Augusta, Wis. His relatives include a son, J. D. Densmore Jr., Scio. Funeral arrangements are in charge! of the Virgil T. Golden Funeral Home, Salem.', WUERZBURG, Germany Troops leave an H19D helicopter in a mock attack staged in Germany. ! Helicopters Now Used as Foxhole Taxis WUERZBURG, Germany &h- Helicopters can now airlift Amer ica s infantrymen to their! fox holes. Tnsteai of slogging up to the front lines, troops can : hop inti comfortable 10-passenger H19D helicopters and fly there. "We never had it so good, said Sfc. John Herren as he flew over the foothills of Bavaria in one of the airtaxis in a test un der simulated combat conditions. Speed is Vital ( The test held by the U.S. first infantry division, showed it is practicable to airlift fighting troops to a front t "There is no question that heli copters are the best means now of getting soldiers up -to i the front in a hurry," an Army! of ficer said, "Getting there fast can spell the difference between holding or losing a key position. Twelve helicopters they're nicknamed "choppers" airlifted 172 combat-equipped soldiers 25 miles over rough terrain in 1 hours. By truck the 'operation would have taken several times longer. " i First Tactical Mission , ' i " . Officers here said it was the first time that " the ' Army had used Helicopters to move that many men on a "tactical", mis sion. ! The helicopters were from the 328th helicopter company, the only one in Europe. It is sta tioned in Heidelberg. More com panies are expected to be as signed to Germany. Diem Names New Cabinet SAIGON, South Viet Nam UT Premier Ngo Dinh Diem grabbed the political initiative Tuesday in troubled South Viet Nam, naming a new government to set up the first general elections. Plans for land reform will get special atten tion. - : ! The new 44-mari cabinet is the third government 54-year-old Diem has headed in 10 months.- It I is made up of men who have fought French colonialism- for years. At the same time, it contains fewer pro-American elements than the previous cabinet, although the United States has steadily backed Diem in his fight with dissident factions. Jet Crash Kills Flier BEAR RIVER CITY, Utah tfl a T33 Air Force jet with two offi cers aboard crashed and exploded in a hay field near here Tuesday. The body of one man has been found. The other still is missing. The plane missed the farm home of Lorin 'Christensen by , only 150 yards. It exploded on impact. Officials at Hill Air Force Base said the two aboard were Lt Col. Arthur H. Peterson, of Ogden, Utah, and Toledo, .Ohio, and Lt" Col. Lewellyn C. Daigle, of .Ogden and Fort Kent Me.- Peterson was the father of three children and Daigle of six. Parachutes were discovered 300 yards from the crash indicating the occupants had tried to bail out MuslHerber Installed as 4-H President Mrs. Jiseph Herber of Salem Tuesday was installed as presi dent of Salem 4-H Club at the Marion I County Courthouse. She succeeds Mrs. Dale Mallicoat. Other! officers installed by Ex tension Agent James Bishop are F. P. Larson, vice-president; Mrs John Carr, secretary; Francis Wonderfy.j treasurer. It was announced at, the meet ing that! there will be a city-wide 4-H picnic June 7 at Bush Pas ture and that Mrs. A. C Fabry will 'cbiperone the expected 27 delegates to 4-H summer school at CorvallisL j Con's Manuscript Battled for in '- California Court SAN RAFAEL. Calif. (UP)-At- torney Melvin Belli has filed a complaint in Marin County Super ior Court in behalf of Rosalie W. Asher in her attempt to gain pos session of convict-author Caryl Chessman's latest manuscript." The manuscript, "Trial By Or deal." was impounded by Warden Harley. O. Teets of San Quentin Prison when - Chessman tried to convey publishing rights ' to Miss Asher, his attorney, last March. Belli asked the court to define the state's and Chessman's rights in regard to a condemned man's property and! to order the manu script into the custody of a court clerk while deciding the issue. Chessman is the author of the best selling autobiography. "Cell 2455, Death Row." He has been condemned to death for a series of kidnapings and rapes in Los An geles in 1948. i Records of leprosy have been found as early as 1,500 B.C. At The Theaters " : Todav . ELimORK I ""THREE FOR THE SHOW- with Betty Grabl. Mutt and Gower Champion and Jack Lemmon. MURDER IS MY BEAT" with Paul Lang-ton and Barbara Fiyton. ! CAPITOL -CELL 1455 DEATH ROW" with William CambpeU and Robert Campbell, i "WYOMING RENEGADE- with Phil Carey. , ! GRANP . ' "SIGN OP THE PAGAN" With Jeff Chandler and Jark Palanee. "DESTRY" with Audie Murphy and Mart Blanchard. NORTH SALEM DRIVE -IN Y -BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK" with .. Spencer Tracy and Robert Ryan. i - "FIRE OVER AFRICA with Maureea O'Hara and Mac Dona Id Carey. i HOLLYWOOD "THE SILVER CHALICE" with Virginia Mayo and Jack Palanee. "THE BLACK DAKOTAS" with Gary Merrill and Wanda Hendrix. Polio Strikes Umatilla Boy -By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS One new case of polio was reported in Oregon Tuesday, lifting the total for the year to 33. compared with 29 at this time last year. The new case was that of a 6-year-old boy i in Umatilla County. Dr. E. E. Berg, county health officer. . said it was the earliest case of polio there in his three years, in office; He described it as a case of mild paralytic polio. The boy, who lived in Hermiston, had not received any incoulation. Some children did receive inocu lations through! private physicians, and of these ! three Portlanders contracted the; disease. Each re ceived vaccine from the Cutter Laboratory, whose output was halted. j Inoculations with vaccine from other laboratories is. planned now for Oregon first and second grade rii)niifa am1 tknpA (?Wi "vylr tAr JBiuuciiLS emu iuvoc wiiv iuva ot v in last year's Salk vaccine tests. Salem Man Rises In Interior Unit WASHINGTON (J) - Edmund T. Fritz, Missoula, Mont., was sworn in Tuesday as deputy solicitor of the Interior Department. Frit had been associate solici tor for reclamation and power; Edward W. Fisher. Salem. Ore., who has been with the department since 1939 except for Army serv ice, was designated to succeed Fritz, on an acting basis. Fishsr recently has been acting assistant solicitor for reclamation, ; Secretary of the Interior McKay praised Fritj as having been of great service to-ihe department since he came here, in May, 1954. Gen. J lac Arthur Promotion Vetoed WASHINGTON ( A Pentagon turndown apparently has ended any immediate chance- that Con gress will consider promoting Gen. Douglas MacArthur to the rank of general of the armies. Five bills and resolutions have been- introduced to give MacAr thur "that title, heretofore con ferred only tpon the late Gen. John J. 'Pershing. Rep. Vinson D-Ga) said Tues day -the -, Department of Defense had .written him that singling out MacArthur for the honor would be "misleading" and cause both "-nis-nnderstanding and controversies." Carl Greider To Leave City Carl Greider, a member of the salem YMCA staff, will i leave aalem In August to begin a post graduate course at Springfield College in Massachusetts. Greider obtained a year's leave oi aDsence to take work in coun selling and guidance. He is pnysicai education graduate of tne college. He will take his familv wifh him to the eastern city returning ai me ena oi tne year. Man Returned to Salem on Charce La Vera Floyd Griffith, 39, was returned to Salem Tuesday by Sheriff Denver Young to face an auto theft charge. Griffith allegedly took a car be longing to Raymond Diem. Rt. 2 alem, on April 29. He was ar rested injwillamina and lodged in the Yamhill County jail for Mar ion County officials. Bail on the larceny charge was set at $2,000. The sheriffs office indicated he is also wanted in Long Beach, Calif., oh another charge. Oregon Beauticians Elect Salem Woman Mrs. Mabel , Schmidt 825 Thompson Ave. was elected fourth vice-president of the Ore gon Beauticians Association last weekend in Eugene it was an nounced Tuesday by Mrs. Eva lyne Czarnetzki publicity chair man. Others from S; lem who attend ed the meeting were Alice, Pat and Ronney Magee, Erich Laetsch and Vera Eggers. YWCA Recreation Director Quits Salem YWCA's health recre ation director, Mrs. Porter Woods, has resigned her post, effective July 1. Mrs. Woods ha: been with the YW the past year. She and her husband plan to leave" the city. I Her resgination came at the YWCA board meeting Tuesday. The board also accepted the resignation from membership of Mrs. Carlton Greider, vho will be leaving Salem for the next year. Friday Is Th ONLY FRIDAY I THE 13TH This Year! Accordingly We're Presenting A FRIDAY THE 13TH MIDNIGHT SHOW! Doors Open 11:30 Regular Prices! FREE PASSES To The Following: Anyn leading 1 3 Black Cats ; on Red, Red Ribbon! Every Two-Headed Stu dent: Over 13 Years In the City!! Anyone Bringing 13 Remember The Date! Pounds of 4-Leaf Clovers! i . Friday At Midnitel ADLAl TO END TOUR ACCRA, Gold Coast Ufi Adlai Stevenson plans to wind up his African tour and leave for the United States i Wednesday. liters 50 1 Phone, 44713 20 1 Now Showing Open 6:45 "The Silver Chalice" Cinemascope - Technicolor Virginia Mayo - Jack Palanee Color Co-Hit "The Black Dakotas'; Gary Merrill, Wandri Hendrix TOMORROW! Cont. From 1 P. M. ENDS TONIGHT! "CELL 2455 DEATH ROW" And "WYOMING RENEGADE" IT EXPOSED THE LIVES and SECRETS OF AH ENTIRE TOWN! i w r Am j CltiEMASecPi: ft? x'- '' , ) 1 SHE WAS BAD AS SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL! Mrs. May Smith, Principal Of 2 Salem Sclwols, Resigns - - Resienation Of Mrs. Mav R. Smith, nrinrinal nt Harf!M n1 flrari Elementary schools, was accepted Tuesday night by the Sales scnool Board. Mrs. Smith has been in the Salem school system fo many years. . As a result of her resignation, Al Hoerauf, principal of PringU School, was named sunervisin? nrinrinal ' O . v.mMM VMM MUWB k t J vitc-principai ai oanieia, was named teaching principal there. auperyitendent Walter L. Sny der recommended., the "change, commenting the resDonsibilitv for the two schools was far too heavy for one person and should be divided. Two other shifts . 'wiTJT make Wallace Turnidge teaching Drin- cipal at Prinele and Kenneth Mohney teaching principal at Hayesville. . ..-.' The board also, acceded the resignation of Mrs. Alice f Kin- naird, fourth grade teacher at Four Corners School, and of Mrs. Afton McFarland and Ghnda Ward, who previously had been elected to teaching jobs for next fall but had to withdraw: One year leaves of absence were granted to Miss Muriel Bent son, special education: W. V. McKinney, North Salem High Police Make Quick Arrest Holdup EUGENE IB A half-hour aftei a grocery store holdup, polici arrested three men Monday night! They were accused of breaking into the store iust before the owner! Victor Cone, his wife Ruby, and s) cierK, verla Foster, left for homei Cone" was forced to open the safe! and the thre- "-ere tied up before the bandits fled. Cone said he lost- $1,700, half of it in checks. A neighbor supplied a description of a car. seen there, and within a half-hour police arrested three men at Junction City. A sawed-off shot School agriculture teacher; and gun and a cap pistol were found Marion R. Davis.- who teaches wood-working at North Salem. Elected to teaching posts for. 1955-56 by the board were: Ar thur A.' BradIsy, Forest Grove; Donald W. Enapey,' Springfield; Dorothy " L. Hart, Milton Fxte water; Wallace A. Johnson, Union; Dorothy Niel, Salem and Harry W: Woodward, Woodbttrn. Multnomah GOP Unit Elects Smitli PORTLAND tl Francis 1. Smith. Portland attnrnv Tiiar was elected chairman of the Mult nomah County Republican Central Committee. He succeeds Philip Englehart, resigned. Smith, who was unopposed for the chairman post, is a, member of the State Board of Education. in the car. along with $400 in cash and several money bags. .Arraigned in district court Tuesday on charges of armed robbery were Moses Moody, 38, Portland; Benjamin Collins. 29, Tacoma, and Richard Murray, 49, Seattle. . : . i Good Music Big Crowds WED. NITE Crystal Gardens i - i NOW! Cont From 1 PJtf. ; . 2ND GIGANTIC HIT! AMERICA'S BEST-LOVED STORY OF THE OLD WEST! ) AUDIE MUBPHY. MARI D LAN CHARD 7X - in THEYTURNED A SCHOOL INTO A JUNGLE! This drama tells about; the problem-kids in a big-city school . . . and the teacher who had to face them . . . and fight them! From the best-seller and famed magazine story that created a storm across the country! A fine film that every one will want to see and should see! GLEIIII FORD ' ANNE FRANCIS LOUIS CALHERH MARGARET HAYES . sarur RICHARD BROOKS .immmw cvMiamm.iiiMW RICHARD BR00KS.rPANDR0 S.BERMAN . s AM M-G-M PICTURE STARTS SUNDAY! STARTS TODAY! 1 NOTE Tomorrow Night On Our Stage! BALLET PREVIEW Danced by the Studentsof Ulla Flemming Ballet School. With Two Numbers by Miss Fleming, Former Prima Ballerina of Liepzig Opera Co. .. 43 1 c MARGE & GOWER CHAMPION paA MCK lEMMON 1 --"a coiu rtmn . ; m- o o oo THRILLING CO-FEATURE irx- r ft li. I AM AllltD AITISTS fICTUIE Paul LAHGTON Barbara PAYTOH XIates Open 6:45 Show At Dusk START$ TONIGHT! ALL TECHNICOLOR PROGRAM! SPENCER TRACY ROBERT RYAN "BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK" On Our Giant Screen In Cinamascep 2ND TECHNICOLOR HIT- MAUREEN O'HARA MacDONALD CAREY 'FIRE OVER AFRICA" ; Fenced la Play Land for the Kiddies