The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1955, Page 6, Image 6

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    MS. IMtatoman, Salem,
Women ... Music ...
-OV TONIGHT'S ... . agenda an
informal reception at-, the Bosh
House, Salem Art Museum
the occasion to view the newly re
decorated Gold Room in the up
stairs gallery and to honor John
i Medcatf of t Silverton, whose col
lection of paintings are now ex-
i hibited in the gallery . . . The Sa
lem Art Association and the in
terested public is invited to attend
between 7:30 and 9 o'clock . . .
Invited as special guests to the
reception are members of the Sa
lem Weavers Guild, whose weav
ing is currently exhibited in the
Gold Room, and Miss Victoria
Avakian of the University of Ore
gon faculty, whose pottery is also
on display in the Gold. Room . . .
Miss Elizabeth Lord will preside
at the coffee urn and assisting win
be Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs.
Robert W. Gormsen and Mrs. Ken
neth. Sherman, the latter two co-
chairmen of the social commit
tee ...
Dinner hosts ... Monday Bight
will be Rep. and Mrs. H. H.
Chindgrea af Molalla, wha hare
Invited f nests to Chuck's Steak
house . . . the affair to being ar
ranged ia compliment to Repre
sentative Chindgrea's .agricultural
committee and their wives .
State Director of Agriculture
James Short and Mrs. Short,, . ,
Speaker of the House and Mrs,
. Edward A. Geary . . . and a few
f of their legislative friends .
agricultural' products will be
featured ia the decorations aad
table appointments ...
A luncheon ... hostess today
will be Mrs. E. A. Littrell of Med
ford, wife of Representative Litt
relL who ha invited a few of her
Salem and legislative friends to
Lipman's Cherry Room . . .
Entertaining . . . with a luncheon
Monday in compliment to a group
f friends will be Mrs. Melvia H.
Geist, who has biddea guests to
her Falrmount Hill home .
covers will be placed for twelve
and aa out-of-town guest will be
Mrs. George Ulett of Coquille,
wife of Senator Llett . . .
Two birthday . . . celebrations
in the S.D. Wiles family in
week . . . Nancy Wiles was feted
at a party Thursday on her 7th
birthday at the Wiles home on
Fawk Avenue . . . Nancy invited
twenty ' of her school friends to
toe party . . . Her brother,. Mark,
will celebrate his third birthday
at a party on April 28, with
group of his neighborhood friends
and their mothers invited to the
afternoon party
Honoring . . . members of her
club at luncheon and bridge
Thursday afternoon was Mrs. E.
E. Bragg ...
In Portland . . . Sunday will be
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of
Oregon's governor, to attend the
tea to be given by the Faculty
Women's Club of Portland State
College in compliment to Mrs.
John F. Cramer, wife af the new
president-elect of Portland State
. . . Dr. Cramer Is dean of the
general extension division and will
be the college's "st president
... The tea win be held at the
Portland Garden Club building
from 3 to S o'clock ... Among
then invited to the tea to wel
come Mrs. Cramer are Mrs. E. B.
MacNaughton, only woman- mem-
- ber of the state board of higher
education, and wives of other
state board members Including
Mrs. Gr F. Chambers of Salem
and Mrs. R. E. Kleinsorge of Sil
Frori Oklahoma . . . comes news
of Virginia Patterson, daughter of
Governor and Mrs. Paul Lt Patter
ton ... she is now in Stillwater,
where she has accepted a position
in the library of Oklahoma A. and
M. College and counselling in re
search for term papers . . . Miss
Patterson graduated from Stan-
- ford University in March . . .
" Kappa Delta alumnae . . . at
tending the fifth, annual state day
la Portland Saturday were Mrs,
Leo G. Johnson. Mrs. James War-
nok. Mrs. Clark Starrett and Mrs.
H. Burette -Collins . . . announce
ment was made of the installation
of Kappa Delta's 88th chapter at
.; Texas Christian University : . . a
review was made on Kappa
Delta's national project, support
ing six hospital beds at the
Crippled Children's Hospital in
- Richmond, Va. ... Following the
luncheon the speaker was Miss
Grace Spacht, formerly with the
United Nations in Beirut, Lebanon,
who Illustrated her talk with
slides ...
Arriving . . . in the capital
Saturday night will be Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Knapp of Berkeley,
Calif., who will spend the spring
Club Calendar
' Friday
Salem Woman's Club at clubhouse,
Ipm, board meetinx, 12:30 p.m.
Willamette Valley PanheUenie. cof
fee mee tint, with Mrs. Harold O.
Schneider. 2830 S. 12th St. 10 a.m.
Salem Chapter, OXS regular meet
ing. Maaooie Temple. pjn.
Salem Branch. AAUW meeting at
Baxter Hall. Willamette University,
a DJn.
. Diamonds, Watches
Fint Jewelry Costume Jewelry
John GOLDEN Jewelers
1 Bate Street " ; galea, Or
Ort.r Friday, April 22, 1955
Statesman's HOME
Fashions . . Features
Town. .
vacation from their studies at the
University of California with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hart-
well and Mr. and Mrs. Gardner
Knapp . . . they are driving north
and will be here a week ...
Entraining . . . Wednesday for
California was Mrs. William H.
Fischer . . . she will attend the
board of directors meeting for the
Good Shepherd Lutheran Home
of the West in Terra Bella . .
ground breaking ceremonies for
the home were held last year and
plans are to open this. fall . . .
Miss Nicolai
Is Now Mrs.
Miss Marcia Coralyn Nicolai and
Orval Wayne Halvorson exchanged
their marriage vows at a 7:30
o'clock ceremony at the First
Presbyterian Church on April 15.
Tbe bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Nicolai Sr. of
Independence and the bridegroom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted 0.
Halvorson of Salem. '
The Rev. B. J. Holland per
formed the rites. Mrs. Ruth New
ton 'was the vocalist and Grant
Nicolai played the accompaiiknent.
Ted Halvorson - Jr. lighted the
For her wedding the bride chose
a navy blue faille suit with light
blue accessories and white hat
with blue trim. She carried a bou
quet of baby blue iris and pink
Miss Ruth Ann Bennett was the
honor maid and she wore a yellow
princess style coat dress and car
ried a white crochet fan with pink
snapdragons. Miss Ida Jean Nico
lai was the bridesmaid and she
wore a pink and white taffeta dress
and carried a fan of snapdragons,
Wanda Halvorson was the flower
girL .
Attend the Groom
Joe Irwin stood with "the groom
as best man and Everett Nicolai
was the usher.
Mrs. Nicolai chose a navy bine
box -style suit for her daughter's
wedding and the bridegroom s
mother wore a black gown with
red bolero. Their corsages were
white carnations.
A reception followed in the fire
place room. Mrs. Joe DeFilippi
poured and Miss Shirley Harp and
Mrs. Chester LaFave cut the cake,
Assisting were Miss Judy Pies
singer, Mrs.' Rum Newton, Miss
Dorothy Willis. Miss Sharon Brady
and Mrs. William Graham.
. When the newlyweds left on their
honeymoon the bride donned
white stole, Vhich had been made
by her grandmother, with her wed
ding suit. The couple will live ia
Salem at 1420 Park Avenue.
Indoor Sports
Gob Tea
The Salem Chapter of the In
door Sports Club will entertain
with a silver tea in the social
rooms of the First Methodist
Church on Saturday, April 23
from 3 to 6 o'clock. The occa
sion will commemorate the silver
anniversary of the founding of
the Indoor Sports Club in Los
Angeles in 1930. The interested
public is invited to attend the
This organization for the physi
cally handicapped has grown un
til today 75 chapters over the
country are giving pleasures to
their members, who. otherwise
would be unable to get out and
promote legislation for their wel
Serving as hostesses for .the
tea are members of the Indoor
Sports Club and the auxiliary,
the Good Sports.
lips was feted at a surprise party
Saturday observing his birthday
anniversary: Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Halfman, Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Messman, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Ahrendt, John Messman of
Lebanon aad DarreB Nicholson,
Mrs. Hardie PtdHipt and. Miss
Janice Phillips.
Of an kinds. Trusses,
Abdominal Supports.
Elastic Hosiery Expert
Fitters Private fitting
"Ask Yomr Dector" ,
Capital Drug Stcre
4IS State SI
Corner i Liberty
8 and B Green Stamps
At Oregon
Duck Preview
Highlight of
Statesman Correspondent
EUGENE The fourth week of
spring term opened . with plans
centering around Duck Preview
which begins Friday.. Over 1,400
high school seniors are expected
to be on the campus this week
end, which is to acquaint future
"Ducks" with the educational
opportunities the University, of
fers, - as well as with general
campus life,"
Pat Deeney, Marw Gerlinger,
Sally Jo Greig and Rill Mainwar
ing, as members of sophomore
service honoraries, will transport
both visitors and 'luggage from
the registration lines in the Stu
dent Union Friday evening to
their assigned housing in the 40
campus living organizations. A
"What to Take" session will in
terest the high school students
before the All-Campus Vodvil in
McArthur Court -
Saturday morning the visitors
are invited to the orientation
assembly and to take a tour of
the campus. An Amphibian water
show, the World University Ser
vice auction Xall proceeds from
the auction of such novelties as
the winners of the Vodvil Show
will go into the World University
Service fund), athletic events and
exchange dinners will keep every
one well entertained before the
semi-formal dance Saturday eve
Dance to Conclude Events
.The college freshman men will
accompany the high school wo
men to the last University-planned
. event on the weekend's
agenda, and freshman women
will entertain the high, school
men. Social chairmen busy, ar
ranging the pairings include
Sally Jo Greig, Ann Ritchey and
Mary Jane Rudd. Brunch or
Sunday dinner will be served to
the high school students,
Plans are also underway for
Junior Weekend, May 6, 7 and 8.
Ann Ritchey is co-chairman of
the queen selection and Sally Jo
Greig is co-chairman of the Canoe
Fete. Working on the luncheon
is Judy Carlson.
Two Salem people were on the
ballot in the A.S.U.O. primary
elections which were held Wed
nesday: Sally Jo Greig is running
for Junior Class representative
and Ann Ritchey is a candidate
for Senate membership-at-large.
Ann was recently elected secre
tary of Theta Sigma Phi, national
professional women's journalism
Sandra Schori has been pledged
by a national professional music
sorority, Mu Phi Epsilon.
Scott Page, with the Oregon
team, will compete for the Na
tional Intercollegiate Bowling
title, as both the Ducks and the
Beavers r use the .alleys in the
Student Union' to" vie with 40
other schools for the champion
ship. Oregon won the title in
Thomas Larson
In Recital Today
Thomas Larson, baritone, wiH
be presented in his junior recital
by the Willamette College of
Music this afternoon at 3 p.m. The
recital will be held in the music
school auditorium and is open to
the public. Ronald Hersbberger
will be the accompanist.
He is a student of Clorinda Top
ping, associate professor of music.
In October Mr. Larson was
audited.. by the Arthur Godfrey
Talent Scouts in New York. He
was an entertainer at Sun Valley
last summer and was soloist with
the Portland Symphonic Choir in
the Holladay Bowl series in 1953.
The program is as follows:
Alma Dl Core .. Antonio Caldara
Tin Certo Non So
Che Antonio Vivaldi
HectiUtivo od Aria from Tol-
omeo" George Frederick Handel
Ea Barque
La Cloche .
Charles M. Widor
Gabriel Pierne
, G. Saint-Saens
To the Farmer, Elinor Remick Warren
The Puffin .Barbara Stein
Come Thou at Night.
My Love Richard Kountz
Darnel in the , Lion's
: Den , Robert MacGimsey
Our New Home Is Slill
Our l.sw Iccclicn is ri;M r.2xt door fo our
old slore. Ve have mere room f o serve you
belter than ever wilh your children's shoe
problems. ' ' .
the Junior Boofery
236 N. High St.
Opra FrfeTil 9 P.M. .In Hi Senator Hotel Bide;.
Stitch and Chatter
Club at Millers
Mrs. A. E. Miller was hostess
to the Stitch and Chatter Club
on Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Jeannette Dickinson, , president,
conducted the , business meeting.
Plans were completed for the cov
ered dish dinner which will be
held April 27 at tbe borne of Mrs.
Katie Edmundson.
Mrs. Garland Byerly. Mrs. 0. W.
Gorton and Mrs. Leora Matlock
were appointed as a nominating
committee. After the business
meeting an April party was held.
Past Patrons, .
Matrons Are
Chadwick Chapter, O.E.S. held
its regular meeting Tuesday ever
ning in the Masonic Temple with
the worthy matron, Mrs. W. E.
Knower, and worthy patron E. W.
Peterson presiding.
Past matrons and past patrons
were honored, Mrs. Gerald Recher
past president of the Past Matron's
Club, was honored along with Her
man Johnston,' worthy grand pa
tron of the Grand Chapter of Ore
gon. There were thirty-five worthy
matrons and sixteen worthy pa
trons present.
A program was presented with
the worthy matron, the past ma
trons and patrons taking part. Mrs.
A. L. Brewster led tbe singing,
accompanied by Mrs. L. M. Case.
The past matrons and patrons also
preseniea a sku a do speaung tor
the two groups were Mrs. Reher
and Gordon Baker.
E. W. Peterson has been invited
to assist the Grand Sentinel and
to be the honor guard to the flag
at toe Grand Chapter this summer.
A reception followed and head
ing the refreshment committee
were Mrs. A. E. Utley, assisted by
Mrs. Nellie Madsen, Mrs. Hetty
Krekenbaum, Mrs. Guy Newgent,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Oehler, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Pederson, Mrs. E.
A. Rboten,Mrs. George Hanley,
Mr. and Mrs: Lige Kurtz and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Murray. Serving
were Del DeSart and Earl Cook
Junior Bethel
Night Held
Junior Bethel night was enjoy
ed by Bethel 35, Job's Daughters
Monday night Morris Stewart and
Clair Holcomb, Bethel grandfa
ther" and honorary member, were
Sharon Bourne, senior princess,
was elected grand representative
to the state of West Virginia for
1955-56, and Alice Brewer is
grand bethel librarian for state
of Oregon 1955-56. Alice Brewer
reported on grand session pro
ceedings and -announced g r a'n d
session will be held in Eugene an
1956. . . .
April 21 is friendship night at
Oregon City and plans have been
made to charter a bus and attend
the meeting. An invitation to at
tend a fun night at Bethel 43
was read. Girls are to wear pa
jamas and bring a pillow to the
party on Monday, April 25.
Sunday, April 24 will be honor
ed Queen Jan Roberts "Go to
Church Sunday." Girls are to meet
in front of the Jason Lee Metho
dist Church at 10:45 a.m.
Mr. Stewart spoke to the girls
on the qualifications of those be
longing to Job's Daughters. The
Bethel voted to give the white
Bibles formerly used by Bethel
officers to each girl bringing in
five new members.
Back Ache?
. Shoulders Hurt? .
. Don't Sleep?-
Open Daily, 7:30 a.m., to S p.m.
Sundays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Torn Up Bui Ve Are
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Factory representative here
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ly roasted cashew nuts!
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cious, rich in food value, CASHEW NUTS put up in
airtight plastic bags on 'sale at Miller's Friday and
Saturday at only 79c lb. -
. . . everyone's favorite, cashews are liked by all ages
young to elderly. F or every eating . . . for snacks . . .
picnics etc. Buy a supply now while the savings on
freshly roasted direct from factory cashews are avail-
able at this price! Main floor. ,- J
Reg. $4.65. Smartest nek designs on rayon faille heavy
dutv lunch cloths. Washable. Some slightlv. imperfect
53x72 Inch . 4.43 Downstairs
Reg. $7.98. Cotton and rayon in very attractive pat
terns and color schemes. Size 56x76 with 8 napkins.
Reg. $1.19. New designs in guaranteed fast color quali
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and gold, red. Downstairs.
Aeg. $9.95 to $14.95! Attractive patterns in truponto
stitched comforts made with satin covers. Chartreuse,
gold, wine, grey, green, red etc. Downstairs.
CREPES per yard 98
Reg. $1.98 yard! Lovely shades of navy, new greys,
Copenhagen blues, red and black. A special purchase
for our 35th. Birthday Sale; . - J ,
$1.00 Pair
Men's Section
. ,