2 Sec IKStatesman, Salem, Self-Government For Tunisia Wins French Approval PARIS tf French and Tu nisian leaders agreed Friday on the principles -of local self gov ernment for the strife-ridden Korth African protectorate. .The agreement was reached in a meeting between French Premier Edgar Faure and Tunisian Pre mier Tahar Ben Amar in Faure's office in Matignon Palace in the presence of officials from.- both sides. A joint announcement issued at LegisL iature s Tax Program In Discord " The Oregon Legislature's e& tire revenue program, involving sales. Income anc cigarette taxes. wis fouled up Thursday In a maze of discord and alternate nlans. ; The many-phasod conflict, be tween the Senate and House and within the Senate and-House tax committees, threatened to throw a wrench into hopes that the ses sion might end nex week. These developments confused the already muddled picture: 1. The house taxation commit tee, considering the the 3 per cent sales tax bill, postponed ac- 'lion until the Senate acts on the House-passed Income tax Increase measure. A sales tax hearing was scheduled for Monday at p.m. - 2. This same committee, plan- nine to reier the sale? tax to . special-election in June or July, decided to consiter a sew plan, under which do salei tax would b passed ut alL The idea is that if the people referred and de feated the income .tax boost, the legislature could come back in special ssion rext fall to con sider a sale tax. 3. BothSenate and " House committees agreed the proposed AAA t tA 1 !1J! . 2ia,uw,iju Duuamg program mi erVi f tn tw marl rnntinnt ift the people's i acceptance of the Legislature's revenue program. But that decision will be up to the! Legislature and so far the tax committees' advice hasn't been asked. , I Earthquakes Damage99000 Greek Homes VOLOS, Greece () Five new earth shocks one of great in tensityhit this port city Thurs day, damaging 9,000 of the 10,000 homes. Mayor T gorge Kortalis put the death toll at six in the day's quake. Thursday's major tremor was reported far more severe than quake that rocked Volos Tuesday. One person was killed in Tues day's quakes. Kortalis said between 110 and 120 persons were injured in the two quakes The mayor said 90 per cent o tne nomes in tne city were un inahbitable but that a relatively small number of buildings have col lapsed. He estimated damage at more than 11 million dollars. Kortalis said between 45,000 and 50,000 of the' 75,000 residents of the area "will not dare sleep in their houses tonight," because of the fear of new shocks. He said another shock like the earlier tremors "and there would be no more Volos." The U.S. destroyer Wood, anclv ored in the harbor when Tucs day's quake struck, was pulling out when the new shocks began at 9:18 a.m. Cmdr. John McLaughlin ordered the destroyer to return and sent a landing party of 50 sailors ashore with firefighting and res cue equipment. About 93 per cent of Sweden's population has access to elec tricity. " At Use TONIGHT DOORS OPIN 7 P.M. FREE ADMISSIOHl - FREE ENTERTAINMENT! - FREE PRIZES! See scores of interesting exhibits! . . . Hundreds of new ideas for home owners, gar deners, do-it-yourselfers! Have fun in the Treasure Hunt! Come . . Bring the whole family! . A , Or., Friday, April 22, 1955 the end of a four-hour session said the agreement was subject to the approval of the French Parliament and the nominal ruler of Tunisia, the Bey of Tunis. The agreement came midway in the Asian-African ' conference at Bandung, Indonesia, where repre sentatives of 29 nations are pre paring a resolution calling on France to grant independence to Tunisia, , Morocco and Algeria. Ben Ammri-'s approval of local self-rule or internal autonomy, as the French call it, appeared to be an answer to the Bandung reso lution. Could Set Patters An agreement on Tunisia, fix ing the reiationsnip Between France and the protectorate, could set the pattern for a similar agree ment on Morocco. Algeria, how ever, presents -a diffrent problem since the French regard that area as part of metropolitan France. The French and Tunisian dele gations will meet here again be fore May 30 tocomplete some de tails in the lengthy agreement, to approve, a definite text and to in itial all these. " Faure had talked for almost two hours Thursday with Habib Bout giba. exiled leader of the national ist Neodestour Party which has led a citation for Tunisia's inde- nendence. It was the first time a French Premier had received Bourgiba of ficially. He has been held under lenient house arrest in France for some time. According to Tunisian sources, Bourgiba also gave his approval to the projected accords to give ru nisia internal self-government. The accords will gradually turn most of administrative functions over to the Tunisians themselves, while maintaining Special rights and privileges for some 250,000 Frenchmen or other Europeans, mostly Italians, still living in the protectorate. Six Provisions The agreement, it was learned, contains six chief provisions: 1. France will continue to control Tunisia's foreign policy and nation al defense. The French high com missioner will serve as Tunisian foreign minister and act as France's representative in Tunis. A French general will be defense minister. 2. In towns with large French populations, three-sevenths of the municipal council must be r rencn. S. Tunisia will remain in the French monetary bloc and will maintain a customs union with France. . 4. The police force gradually will be turneToveT to Tunisians, be ginning with jobs at the lower lev el. 5.- Th court system gradually will be turned over to Tunisians over a 20-year period. 6. French will have a privileged status in the protectorate. It will continue as the standard language for instruction in schools for Eu ropean students and it must be aught in Arabic schools. . Gty Welfare Unit Elects New Officers Mrs. J. A. Rademaker was Thursday elected president of the Salem Community Council, a' co-ordinating agency for public and private health and welfare organizations. Mrs. Rademaker, whose hus band once headed the organiza tion, succeeds Mrs. Marjone Wikoff. Other new officers are Irving Bryant, vice-president, and Mar garet Defreitas, secretary. 1 Speakers at the meeting, held at the university's music hall, were Sen. John Merrifield (R), Portland, who talked on public welfare bills now being consid ered by the legislature, and Exec utive Secretary John M., White law of Portland's community council, who spoke on what a community council could do in the community. A report on the subsidiary youth and recreation council was given by Frank (Scotty) Wash burn and John C. McLean. Be Sure Salem Lions Club 2nd Annual Big Free mm State Fairgrounds Grandstand 18th Street Entrance to Fairgrounds - Free Parking FRIDAY DOORS OFN At The Theaters Todav .. xsrxoftl "EAST O FEDEN." with James Dean and Julie Harris "WORLD Or BEAUTY" "FABULOUS LAS VEGAS" ; CAPITOL "GANGBUSTERS" -rrvx guns west." with Dor othy Malone and John Lund i GRAND "BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK." with Spencer Tracy and Robert Ryan , "TRACK OP THE CAT." with Robert Mitchum and Teresa Wrifht NORTH DBiyE-C "SABRINA." with Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn and William Holden -BOUNTY HUNTER." with Randolph Scott HOLLYWOOD "3 RING CIRCUS." with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis "ROOGIE'S BUMP," with the Brooklyn Dodgers . Seed Grower Faces 200 Indictments Statesman News Serrtc ALBANY A Linn County cir cuit court grand jury late Wed nesday returned 200 indictments charging violation' of the state seed sale act against Frank T. KJlaser of Tangent. Judge Victor Olliver of Linn County circuit court set bond on each indictment at $250 or a total of $50,000. Glaser who is not known to have been served with these 200 new indictments is at liberty on $2,000 bond resulting from a February charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. This February charge is expect ed to be dismissed upon service of the new charges. Glaser is accused of selling Northrup, King & Co. at Albany 1,866 sacks of allegedly false- labeled seed last Oct 20. It is upon this sale that the 200 in dictments are based. Testimony showed the seed had been tested by Oregon State Col lege which disclosed that the sacki contained adulterated Eng lish perennial rye grass seed, whereas the tags said each sack contained seed pure within state Uw- limitations. Previous to this Glaser, a prom inent J seed, grower, t had been barred by the State Agriculture Department from procuring cer tification for any seed he cro- duces. WomanKilled, 2 Wounded by St. Louis Man ST. LOUIS" IB A 29-year-old negro - man "said ' he : shot three women In a little more than an hour early Thursday after he ac costed them and was rebuffed in separate incidents, police an nounced. ' . . The man, Identified by police as Guy Nolan, a machine shoo em ploye with no previous criminal record, was quoted by Joseph Casey, assistant police chief, as saying "I Just blew my top." Mrs. June A. Lytz. 51-year-old operator of a massage and bath parlor, was found sprawled face down in a parkway area, dead from a gunshot wound in the back, about 6 a.m. Miss Helen Forrester, 34, a wait ress, and Mrs Luvida Hodge, 22-year-old Negro,, were wounded. Police said Nolan was traced through a tip on the license numb er of the car used during the early morning shooting spree. More American men than wo men have died from cancer each year since 1949. 50c Phone 4-4713 20c Now Showing Open 6:45 "3 RING CIRCUS" Vista Vision Technicolor Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Jeanne Dru, Zsa Zsa Gaber CO-FEATURE "ROOGIE'S BUMF' With the Brooklyn Dodgers To Attend! fn LSUU 7 P M. mmm DOORS OPEN 5 Lost As Yacht Crushed LONG BEACH. Calif. OB A sleek racing yacht with five men aboard was crushed by a freight er during" a storm off Point Ar guello early Thursday and sank so quickly that no one saw her go down. Only one body, unclad, was found in the debris, which a Coast guardman described as "scat tered like meal over the water." The right leg was severed, pos sibly by a propeller. The other yachtsmen apparent ly went down with the wreckage of the $25,000 Suomi, a yawl with auxiliary power. "I have no hope that any of tbem survived," declared Chief Warrant Officer W. S. Yeargain of the Coast Guard. "It was windy. cold and rough even for an old sailor." Yeargain's launch was sum moned to the scene by the 4,956 ton Swedish motor ship Parramat- ta. which struck the 49-foot Suomi two miles offshore during a rain squall at 4 a.m. The crash oc curred 4.2 miles south of Point ArgueUo. about 135 miles north west of here. Missing with the yacht was her skipper. Henry Meiggs, president of the State Mortage Corp. of San Francisco, who purchased the Su omi two weeks ago to sail her in the trans-Pacific Honolulu race this year. Also aboard were his brother, William . Lawrence Meiggs. Bev erly Hills, Calif., architect; Col. W. S. Conrow. Menlo Park, Calif.; Ralph Cooper. Burlingame, Calif., the .navigator; and Sandy Wilson, New Zealand. ATI (Sat Coastguardmen found besides the body was part of a skiff bearing the name of Suomi and the bits of wreckage. The name on the section of the skiff was the first indication of the yacht's identity. The Suomi, built in San Fran cisco in 1946, won top honors in her class in the Honolulu yacht race of 1947. Jurv Convicts Ex-Police Officer EUGENE m ' A circuit court jury convicted Marrill Parke. 34. former Springfield police sergeant. Thursday night of converting pub lic funds to his own use. A special audit of Springfield police funds showed a $22,000 shortage in recent years. Parke was accused of taking $80. The jury, deciding the case on a few receipts introduced as evidence, convicted him of taking $33. The jury took three hours to reach its decision. Parke is to be sentenced Mon day. , Now! 50c Till 5 Two Cinemascope Hits! SSSfEXSE JTMt tf TIE YEAI! COLOR lEIWW(-K511Cai3C. Also i wgTHRlLL$! MMRKUIUiUni ft arrr Tirtsa WRIGHT HEY KIDS! Saturday at 1 p.m. "Riding With Buffalo Bill" SPECIAL CARTOON SHOW SATURDAY 1:30 P.M. rC5 fill mm Das of White Man 'Over in Far EasV Dinner Club Told By VTXITA HOWARD Staff Writer. The j Statesman "The day of the white man is over in Asia." the Salem Knife and Fork Club was told Thursday night by. the widely-traveled for mer secretary of Rotary Interna tional, Philip Lovejoy. Love joy, whose speech was 'Dracula; Star Admittance LOS ANGELES ( Former film star Bela LUgosi voluntarily signed himself into Los Angeles County General Hospital Thursday, stating that he has been using a drug for medication purposes over a period of years. Hospital authorities said the 71-year-old Hungarian actor who won fame in America as portrayer on the stage and screen of Count Dracula of Bram Stoker's mystery novel "Dracula," told them a pri vate sanitarium where he had been a patient advised him to seek the county institution for further help. Doctors at the county hospital said Lugosi is not a narcotic ad dict. They pointed out that under the law residents may gain hos pitalization at county expense if they are without funds and sign in as alcoholics, as chronic users of narcotics for sedation, or If they sign a warrant admitting they are narcotic addicts. If Lugosi's papers are approved he can be committed to a state mental hospital. His hearing was set for Friday morning. Lugosi's condition was described by a psychiatrist-counselor at the hospital as "fairly good, and he is able to get around." He has been inactive in movies for many years. When Lugosi's fourth wife di vorced him two years ago she list ed their joint assets as an automo bile, some property at Lake Elsin- ore and a $15,000 insurance policy on nis me. MINOR WRECK John H. Korkow, Turner Route 1, and Charles G. Scott, Mehama, about 5:45 p.m. Thursday were involved in a minor accident on the road to the penitentiary an nex from which both drove away, State Policeman James Hamer reported. H AH Happened In Oregon THE TCSSSnC KSPA6T Of ITS jUTMTAMttJTCCT OrlCSt! ARCS TNI nCTUSE SCSQI TMFBT FUTKI-lfMCTI M0S0CTKN If - m. IS f BTBII TMf KMf nffvt M 1 1.' M MM MM BHSC YM Cm murs aim , (J v aw t A M . m 'iVr I ' Also 1 Carrying Fear In His Holster! ' John Lund ' '.Dorothy Malone "Five Guns West" V Plus Cinemascope Thrills! "JET CARRIER"' Hospital 4 if vol ----- 10 BAGS OF GROCERIES FOR DOOR PRIZES! BESIDES 10 WIHEiS OF FREE GROCERIES 1 ClklAI HD AXAlklkC .III FRIDAY CUMTlliS titled. "If Only Freckles Would Get Together." spoke 'pf the cur rent Asia-Africa conference now in session in' Bandung as one ex ample of the way ideas which he compared with freckles, should get together. The speaker blamed : western nation's interest in exploiting nat ural resources rather than helping people for the Asians' growing dis trust of the West Lovejoy whose speech - was dotted frequently with humorous incidents, made a plea for under standing of the cultures pf other nations, reminding his : audience that "each culture thinks it is the best" Urges Caution He cautioned that too many Americans now only know "what they're against while our founding fathers knew what they were for." The church, school and home, he said, are the bulwark of democ racy. This country, he said, is one of the very few. in the world where young people can be asked, "What would you be if you could be ex actly what you wanted to be?" and, then, find a way to do it Final speaker this spring in the Knife and Fork series will be Orlo M. Brees who will be here May 9 with a speech titled, "Grist for the Grin Mill." May Queen Selected at WfflametteU. Marie DeHarpport of Portland has been elected queen of Wil lamette University's May Week end festivities, May 6-7. The other two candidates, who both are married, become the May Queen's princesses. They are Sally Jo Grimm Schaefer and Kay Kremer Cooper of Salem. All are seniors. Marie DeHarpport, a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, is a political science major and sen ior scholar. She is a member of Cap and Gown, senior women's honorary, and past president of the campus Panhellemc. Now! Open 6:45! All the FIRE... PASSION 2nd EXCITEMENT of the GREAT NOVEL! JULIE HARRIS JAMB DEAN RAYMOND MASSEY IICHARO DAVALOS Added Cinemascope Trip to "Fabulous Las Vegas" , Also Miss Universe Contest "World of Beauty" IV TY 7:30 P.M. ; ClNEMASCOPEj I wwb airauw wvtM vmii i Yy, save peer WffifJ. All PBKES . - ABE LOW GRADE "JUT FRESH LARGE EGGS POWDERED CR BROWN SUGAR 10 ue U & I SUGAR CANNED SALMON MUBORA 5 lbs. FRISKIES CRACKERS BOHITA BRAND FLAKED TUNA 12 -Ounce Can Corned Beef FRESH ww A 12-ai. PEAS FROZEN Pxgs. GREEN BEANS TOMATO JUICE HOME mi i nirifi style LULL riUULJ DRY PRUNES "800" Brand COFFEE S OYSTERS DOC SEES CLAM CHOWDER TRULY AAlflPf - YOURS ROCK-WOOD CHOC. BITS HOLIDAY MARGARINE SHORTENING BRANDS CANNED MILK CREAM STYLE CORN 303 Sizt SET Ham Hocks t Slab Bacon Boston Butts Sliced Bacon First Qualify hS, Lettuce Fancy No. 1 BANANAS Asparagus RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS SAVING Vi Mile North of the Underpass SALEM Prices Good Dour 2 25c 95c Mb. cio 39c 78c 25c 15c l ib. box 2 33c 2 cm 29c 300 SUe 49C Quirt 43C 2V59c cc Per wn 29c 19c llb Pkg. 39C 2 49c 6-oz. Pkg. C85' 70 J'Hb. cm 8"s1.00 2. -25c 39c ib. 49c ib. 45 c ib. Cascade Val-Pok . A. Heads 29c .2 Bin. 29c 3 b. 14c CENTER At the Foot of the Bridge WEST SALEM Fri.-Sah-Sun. ,b.W