The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    City News UBiriieffs
A complaint of a hit-and-run ac
cident was made to city police by
W. W. Jenks, 235 Alice St ,who
reported that his 1954 Buick was
struck on the rear end Saturday
night while parked in the 100 block
of N. Commercial St. The car was
reported moderately damaged.
With Duratfle. Metal Wall Tile
1249 S. Commercial. Phone 4-5292
Wono Lee, a Willamette Univer
sity exchange student from Ko
rea, will be the speakerat a Tues
day noon meeting of the Salem
Junior Chamber of Commerce at
the Marion Hotel
Chicago roller skates for boys k
girls, complete with toe stop fc
carrying case, $18.95 pr. Wicklund
Sporting Goods, 372 State.
JOHNS-Mansville asphalt shingles
applied right over your old roof.
No down payment, 36 mo. to pay.
Call Mathis Bros., 4-6831. (adv.)
Salem Boaters
Rescued From
Lapsized Lratt
A Salem brother and sister
were rescued from possible
drowning Sunday afternoon after
their motor boat overturned and
trapped them in the cold waters
of the Willamette River.
Pulled to safety by occupants
of two neighboring boats were
Danna Shepherd, 13, and Lyle
Shepherd, 19, both of 3420 Dun
can Ave. The girl was knocked
unconscious when her head struck
the boat windshield and was kept
afloat by her brother during the
ordeal, first aidmen reported. She
as taken to Salem General Hos
pital for treatment of a head
laceration and later released.
Reportedly taking part in the
rescue of the two were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Elfstrom Jr., and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Brown, occupants
of another boat, and Stan Ness,
In a third craft All are from
The accident occurred several
hundred yards south of the Cen
ter Street bridge about 2:15 p.m
when the Shepherd craft was
overturned by waves in the wake
of another boat Witnesses said
the capsizing boat, after plung
ing its occupants into the water,
lei' on top of them. Neither the
brother nor sister wore life
jackets and the girl reportedly
was unable to swim.
The Elfstrom and Brown party
reached the scene shortly after
the accident and pulled the two
from the water. They were placed
in the Ness craft, which arrived
soon after.
The brother told rescuers he
''couldn't have swum another
stroke" after having supported
his sister for several minutes in
the chill waters, i
A lost purse containing approxi
mately $90 was returned Sunday
morning to its owner, Mrs. Mabel
Cunliff, 205 Mission St., city po
lice were notified. Mrs. Cunliff
said she found the purse, money
intact, at the rear doorstep of
her home. She lost the purse Sat
urday while on a shopping trip.
Get your free general admission
ticket (good anytime) at East
Moreland Texaco Grand Opening,
Mar. 25th & 26th. (adv.)
"Is Teaching My Life?" will be
the topic at a Tuesday night meet
ing of Nu chapter of Delta Kappa
Gamma, national honorary for
women teachers, to be held at the
State Blind School at 7:30 p.m.
Invitations have been extended to
high school seniors interested in
the teaching profession.
Modernize your bam with Dura-
tile Metal wall tile. 1249 S.
Commercial Ph. 4-5292. (adv)
For economy and speed use Want
Ads in the Statesman-Journal!
Dial 4-6811 for an ad-writer, (adv.)
Benjamin M. Matocha, Salem,
informed . city police that a car
owned by him accidently damaged
a parking meter Saturday on a
downtown street, police said.
Visit Charm House. Oregon's only
model Home completely furnished
in Early American maple. Good
Housekeeping Inc., 467 Court.
, (adv.)
$65. per mo. buys new 2 bedroom
home. Ph. 2-4518 tve. F.H.A.
MORSE To Mr. and Mrs, Peter
Morse, 467 N. 19th St., a son, Sun
day, March 20, at Salem General
BROOKS To Mr. and Mrs. Rkh
ard Brooks, Monmouth, a daugh
ter,' Sunday, March 20, at Salem
General Hospital.
MINTON To Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Minton, Salem Route 4, Box 99, a
daughter, Saturday, March 19, at
Salem General Hospital
CARLETON To Mr. and Mrs
Robert Carleton, Bonneville, Ore.,
a daughter, Sunday, March 20, at
Salem Memorial Hospital.
WEITMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Weitman, 4810 Idaho St., a
son, Sunday, March 20, at Salem
Memorial HospitaL
ZEEB To Mr. and Mrs. Clay
ton Zeeb, 1654 S. High St., a con.
Sunday, March 20, at Salem Me
morial Hospital.
WICKHAM To Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Wickham, Salem Route 4, Box
514, a daughter, Sunday, March 20,
at Salem Memorial HospitaL
Mid-Valley Marines Set for Atomic Tests
CAMP DESERT ROCK, Nev. Four Marines from the mid-Willam
ette Valley are here for the latest series of atomic tests. All are
members of the 3rd Marine Corps Provisional Atomic Exercise
Brigade, flown to the Atomic Energy Commission Proving
Grounds. (Left to right) are CpL Morris D. Perdue, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Perdue of Hubbard Route 1, .box 170; CpL
Marvin G. Duley, Philomath Route 1; Pfc James R. Comer, son
of Ernest E.' Comer, 2276 Hyde St, Salem; and Pfc. Ivan E. Han
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hanson, Salem Route 3, box 755.
The Marines are at the test site to participate in air-ground exer
cise daring which an atomic explosion will be employed against a
hypothetical enemy.
Military Roundup
Turner Man
Stationed in
Puerto Rico
Camp Losey, Puerto Rico Pvt
Leroy M. Bogue, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie L. Bogue, Turner, is
now stationed here with the 23rd
Infantry Division. Bogue entered
the Army last September and
completed basic training at Fort
Ord, Calif.
Camp Yokohama, Japan CpL
CpL William L. Nelson, a Salem
high school graduate, recently
completed the Armed Forces Far
East baseball coaches clinic here.
Nelson, son of William L. Nelson,
2120 River Bend Rd., is a member
of Headquarters Co. of the 2nd En
gineer Construction Group. He
has been stationed in the Far
East since December, 1953.
Salzburg, Austria One Salem
man and two Willamette valley
men were among participants in
a recent Army training maneuv
er. "Exercise Roundup," in Aus
tria. The men were Pvt Donald
F. Jandera, son of Frank Jande
ra, 1385 Plaza St.; Pvt Ronald
W. Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James K. Nelson, Canby; and Pfc
Loren L. Stout, son of Raymond R.
Stout, Sheridan. Nelson and Jan
dera are with the 350th Infantry
Regiment and Stout is with the
510th Field Artillery Battalion's
77th Field Artillery Battery.
Far East CpL Robert K. Berg-
auist son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Bergquist, RickreaU, arrived
in Korea Feb. 23 for duty with
Marine Air Group 33 of the 1st
Marine Aircraft Wing. .
Salzburg, Austria CpL Ray
mond J. Kuenzi, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Kuenzi, Silverton, recent
ly participated in Exercise Round
up, an Army training maneuver
in Austria. Kuenzi entered the
Army in May 1953 and completed
basic training at Camp Pickett,
Far East Pfc. Richard L. Al
len, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
B. Allen, Salem, is now serving
with the 3rd Marine Division in
Japan. Allen formerly was sta
tioned in Korea with the first Ma
rine Division, and is now a mem
ber of the 4.5 Rocket Battery,
12th Marines, in Japan.
DECATUR. I1L (AP) Patrol
man Virgil Carr was on traffic
duty when a thief stole his car
parked a block from the police
Dance Workshop
Slated at North
High Gymnasium
A free dance workshop, spon
sored by the Salem city and school
playgrounds program, will be held
at North Salem High School gym
today and Tuesday.
The workshop, conducted by Ed
Durlacher, Freeport, N. Y., a na
tionally known dance authority,
will cover square dancing, couple
dances, mixers and rhythms.
First workshop session is sched
uled at 4 p.m. today. Another is
slated at 8 o'clock tonight and the
others will be held Tuesday after-,
noon and evening.
Empty Fuel
Tank Costly
Herbert Berry, Salem Route 2,
box 283, ran out of gas he reported
to State Police Sunday, and the
misfortune apparently also cost
him a car radio and a set of sock
et wrenches.
Berry told police the items were
stolen from his 1947 Studebaker
between Friday night and Satur
day afternoon while the car was
parked along Clear Lake Road
north of Salem. He said the car
had been left alongside the road
after it had run out of gas Friday
Statesman, Salem, Or., Monday, March 21, 1955 (See, 1) 5
New City Civil Service
Code Due for Release
New interpretations of. Salem's
Civil Service code easing restric
tions on political activity by city
employes will receive official pub
lication within a few days.
The changes in the rules and
regulations of the Civil . Service
Salem Home
Damaged by
Blaze Sunday-
Damage estimated at close to
$2,000 resulted Sunday when fire
broke out in the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Harry Brown, 1715 S. Win
ter St, firemen reported.
The 3:15 p.m. fire, confined to
a bedroom and a hallway of the
home, was an unwelcome event
on the 41st wedding anniversary
of Dr. and Mrs. Brown.
Firemen said the blaze appar
ently started from a heating pad
in the bedroom. Total damage re
portedly was done to the bed
room, furnishings and clothing
being consumed. The fire also
damaged walls and a rug in the
adjacent hallway, firemen said,
and other parts of the house re
ceived smoke damage.
Firemen were delayed some
what in reaching the scene after
being given an erroneous address
in the first alarm. The erroneous
site was 17th and Wilbur Streets.
Five minutes later, at 3:20 p.m.,
the correct address was received.
Damage to the Brown home
was reported covered by insurance.
Commission were adopted by the
commission at its regular meeting
last Wednesday.
Under the new rules, civil serv
ice workers will te permitted to
campaign or "lobby" for bills
benefitting their status such as
pay raises and hours measures.
However, workers will not be au
thorized to campaign for candi
dates. Previously the regulations
had been interpreted to exclude
any political activity by city em
ployes. "I don't think it was ever the
intent of the rules to limit ac
tivity so sharply," stated William,
J. Entress, chairman of the com-'
The regulations were revised
also to reflect some of the changes
in the city's constitution voted
when Salem adopted the city man
ager form of government in 1946.
In the old rules both the fire and
police chiefs were included under
civil service.
The Commission declined to
take any action on rules prohibit
ing employes from holding down
a second job while working for the
city.1 There has been considera-'.
ble pressure particularly from fire
men to revise the code to permit
outside employment
Revised code books are being
prepared now for publication by
the city recorder's office.
Guaranteed Pest
Control Service
1910 Lee Ph. 2-0781
JU liU liU Lm L9J liL
Swirls, florals, dots, and other designs
printed on wonderful, washabl
Little ironing, if any, needed.
Reg. 98c Yard
e nylon. I
Finest of fabrics for your sportswear
sewing. Harlequin and other novelty
prints. Brilliant solid colors! 45"
width will mean qnother saving.
Values to 98c Yd.
Print and Plain
Once more at this bargain
price! Dimities, organdy, ba
tistes, in beautiful prints and
soft pastel shades. Fine for
blouses, kiddies' dresses, and
many other garments!
Values fo 59c
Fine unbleached muslin
that is so popular this
.Reg. 29c Yd.
Solid Color
' and Printed
Fine fabric for lighter
wear during the warmer
months ahead. Novelty
prints and soft pastels.
Reg. 35c Yd.
r ijmiwt mv. in VI il . .wmjipjmiii,iW'I)""iii1'I -J I t , 1.
U :::: .
Reg. 10.95 . . . Sq. Yd.
All-Wool Twisted
Textured Carpet
3-Ply All-Wool Frieze
9 or 12-ft. widths, Harmony House quality
Both types made with finest all-wool carpet yarns
Breath-taking beauty and exciting 3-dimensional
O Wide selection of room-flattering colors. Sable,
Champagne, Beige, Dawn Gray, Sage Green, Gray,
Green, Gold Textured, Self-Tone Beige, Gray, Gold
and Nutria Textured
PHONE 3-9191
For Free Carpet Consultant Servicel
See the Carpert in Your Own
Homel Complete Estimates Color
Guidance Call Now!
Cover the average 12-ft. x 16-fr. living room
and 9-ft. x 10-ft. dining room completely in
stalled over our BEST quality 40-oz. padding
by our expert craftsmen ...
Reg. 429.60
You Save Over $150 Pay Only $28 Dn.r $15 Month
. i
Check These Examples of Room-Size Savings!
Only 10.00 Down, 8.00 Month on 9x15-11. Room-size Rug
9 ft. 1 13 ft. 147.45 91 .68 55.77 12 ft. 1 13 ft 6 In. 203.90 1 26.68 77.22
9 ft. x15 ft 16935 105.00 64J5 12 ft. 1 15 ft. 225.80 140.00 15.80
9 ft. x 16 ft. 180.30 111.66 68.64 12 ft. x 16 ft. 6 ta. 247.70 1 53.32 943S
9 ft. x 17 ft. 19U5 118.32 72.93 12 ft. 1 17 fl. 3 In. 258.65 159.98 91.67
9 ft. x 18 ft. 202.20 1 24.98 77.22 12 ft. 1 18 ft 269.60 166.64 102.96
J J Yd-
r 1 yd.
J.J. NEWBERRY CO., 241 N. liberty
550 N. Capitol 3-9191