The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1955, Page 11, Image 11

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Garden Gabbing
f 'Garden Editor, The Statesman
MAKING DATE Please note the Garden Calendar these days.
We are setting into the show season, and a lot of interesting shows
are being offered. And just because a show or a group putting on
the show is small, is no sign it isn't of the best ; . : Take for instance
the annual fall chrysanthemum show of the Little Garden Club, of
Salem Heights. You find as many fine varieties of 'mums there as
yoo'll find in many a larger show. Just not as many in numbers of
each variety. But one doesn't need that . . .' ;
at the Salem Garden club. If you are not a member and think you .
might like to join a garden club, why not look it over. !
If you can get away for them, there are a. few shows you ought
to attend. The Daffodil ahow at Tacoma; the Gresham show, where
the annual Orchid show will be held too. Of course, if you are in !
Southern California at the time, you shouldn't miss the show at .
Santa Barbara. , j
The week-end of April 23 and 24 is a heavy one with three worth-1
while events which should all be "musts." First, of course, is the
Salem Garden Council'show. Second choice should be the Mt. Angel'
Primrose show with the fourth choice the national Primrose show in
Tacoma. Quite a few Willamette Valley folk have told me they plan to
o up to Tacoma for Saturday and return for the two Valley events,
for Sunday. I
If vmi hmvf never seen it and have an onoortunity to do so,
get down to the Oakland, Calif., Spring Garden show. You'll never
regret it ... It is something very different . . . And there's well,
most of the garden shows are worth attending.
THOSE MEN AGAIN They had a nice meeting the other night,
we are told ... the Men's Garden Club of Salem. Here are some of
the gossip of the evening:
The importance of selecting shrubs with growing characteristics
to fit the spot they are to fill, was emphasized by Robert Nelson,
Salem nurseryman. Bob declared that deciduous shrubs are the most
popular for use in landscaping around the average home. Two factors
account for this, he said: They are cheap. Proper selection of var
ieties will provide blooms from early spring until late f alL
Pruning of evergreens was discussed by Rex Pfeffer. who also
urged care in selecting plants with growing characteristics to fit the
apot they are expected ot fill. Rhododendrons and azaleas, he said
require very little pruning if proper plants are selected in the first
place. In other words, when you are on a buying spree, keep a mental
eye on the place you intendto plant. Dn't come home with a Red
wood for a heather-space.
Don Rasmussen talked about pruning fruit trees, warning against
over-pruning which he declared to be more harmful than beneficial.
Don described pruning as "the science of removing wood in order to
improve the quality of the plant" Pruning still remains cutting
away unwanted growth. . ,
EDITOR ASKS A QUESTION People write asking me about a
magnolia garden in the Bandon area. I have tried to find out about
it Even when I was there in November, no one seemed to be able
to tell me. By chance do any of you one or two readers who may see
this know? If so, I'd appreciate knowing where it is and who owns
It Thanks. .
MAGNIFICENT MAGNOLIAS And while we are on the sub
ject of magnolias, let me say I think more of these should be Planted
here in the Willamette Valley-and March s the best time for getting
out most varieties. The little Star magnolia, with its white blooms,
faintly fragrant, has gained greatly in popularity in recent years.
And when Tou want the Saucer Magnolia, don't ask the nurseryman
for a "tulip tree." You are apt to come home with a tulip tree and not
the magnolia you thought you were talking about The tulip tree is
iSJely in itself but is not the Saucer Magnolia, which grows . around
25 feet at the most and has interesting, angular branches and beau
tiful large blooms. ,
HUNGRY LAWNS Every lawn should be fed once or twice
in nnuf i 9 Pond time 10 siarx. use a iciui"";
Answers to Ga rden Questions
Named varieties of Pacific Hybrid
Delphinium, one of the conn
try's fine strains of this peren
nial, come true from seed. Pic
tared is one of the blue Pacific
t A 1
Teaine lot m
the moss first and rake over the soil. Might be good to add just a
little t "f building soil over the lawn. Mix a little good, grass seed
with the humus if the grass is thin. If the mice are stUl working
Song and thev seem to be in most of the lawns at the edge of
vSStl someVson grain and drop carefully into the holes. You
1.1 i!L'ii f r. r. tiu fpidin2. bv the very gnawed look on the
.rimTthrholes in the lawn7 When the grass begins to grow
ud over the holes, the mice have been poisoned or have moved to
S?een" pastures; 'You can fill the hole with some leaf mold or a
combination of good garden soil and leaf mold.
Pilgrims See
Pope Pius XII
Pius XII. continuing his recovery
from a recent illness, made anoth
r aDDearance at his study window
overlooking St. Peter's Square and
imparted a special blessing to pil
grims below Saturday.
The 79-year-old Pope appeared
and smiled down at the applauding
crowd as the, bronze bells, of St.
Peter's rang "out in the ancient
Before appearing at the window
of his study, the Pontiff received
29 American editors of the James
Wick tour presently visiting Rome.
The audience was held in the Hall
of the Little Throne.
Blonde Beggar
In Trouble Again
beggar Tina Dutton. who in the
past two weeks has virtually!
worn a path i nt o Municipal j
Court, trudges back again Monday
on new. charges of battery, ma
licious mischief and disturbing the
The latest charges against Mar
ket Street's most famous pan
handler were filed after she
whanged a restaurant waitress
with a sugar bowl last Tuesday.
A panel of six psychiatrists ap
pointed by Municipal judge Clay
toiKHorn examined Tina Friday.
They decided the 21-year-old
beggar was sane, despite her
sometimes erratic behaviour.
Dr. Thomas Albers, one of the
court's panel, said only that "she
"was a most interesting personality."
Uranium Rush
Still Booming
The 1955 California uranium rush
boomed Saturday with -hordes of
weekend prospectors renting air
planes and helicopters in their
search for radioactivity in the hills
near here.
The California Highway Patrol,
worried over the possibility of vio
lence among the claim seekers,
ordered additional cats on to the
roads. Patrols of sheriffs deputies
policed the hills.
Deputies reported they halted a
bitter argument Friday between
Robert Mann, of El Monte, Calif.,
and four men' from Burbank on a
20-acre claim In the Caliente area.
The rush started Tuesday when
the AEC posted an aerial map of
Kern County radioactivity.
Other' uranium hunters have
come from as far as New Hamp
shire, Alaska, Washington, Utah,
and Oregon.
Assist Given
To Dan Cupid
HOUSTON, Tex. (UP)-First Lt
Orla M. Patterson, Hoaquiam,
Wash., was married last night but
they had to. call out the Air Na
tional Guard to bring off the event.
Cupid got a jet-propelled assist
on the deal but it still wasn't good
enough to meet an 8 p.m. dead
line and the bride, 20 - year old
Jere Diana Remschel, was Isft
waiting at the altar for two hours,
That was while Lt. Patterson,
sweating out the clock, was high
in the air in a Texas Air National
Guard jet, streaking from Char-
. mm a
leston, s.u, wnere ne louna nun
self stranded cn his wedding day
Patterson and his best man, 2nd
Lt. Fred Jennings, were on
routine 'flight to Charleston and
would have returned to Ellington
Air Force Base here in plenty of
time, but the plane developed
engine trouble and was grounded
in Charleston.
Patterson called his bride-to-be
to explain the plight Then Air
Force officials here got busy and
Capt. John M. Hewitt operations
officer for the National Guard
unit offered to pick up Patterson
at Charleston.
Appeal Filed by
Convicted Slayer
was received by Dist. Atty. Frank
Alderson Saturday that James
Quinton Anderson, 32, will appeal
his first-degree murder conviction
to the Mate supreme court.
Anderson was found guilty at
Burns last month of the fata
shooting of Richard David Miller
after a farmhouse quarrel.
Anderson's attorney, Herbert
Welch, Lakeview, said he will
contend in the appeal that Circuit
Judge M. A. Biggs, Ontario, who
presided at the trial, failed to
instruct . the jury on proper
consideration of self defense.
Because of the appeal Judge
Biggs, postponed a hearing set fo:
Burns next Wednesday on a motion
for a new trial.
Qnefltton Can you tell me what
is wrong with rhododendron plants?
Am enclosing spotted leaves. It is
planted on the east side of the
house and had plenty of water.
did have some barnyard fertil
izer around it last year and i n
wondering if that is responsible.
Answer As a whole these leaf
spots are not serious. If only a
few leaves are affected remove
these by hand and burn. Also rake
up and. burn dead leaves which
have fallen to the group. If leaf-
spotting is severe two sprayings of
Bordeaux (3-5-50). the first right
after blooming, the second two
weekr later, should keep the spot
in check.. A good mulching, pre
vention of strong winds on the
plants together with insect control
usually keeps leaf spot away. The
barnyard fertilized, unless shoved
immediately against a young
shrub, should not be injurious but
ratner beneficial. "
Question Can you tell me what
is .wrong with enclosed camellia
eaf? R.L.
Aaswer Black Mildew. Fre
quently caused by improper air
circulation. Can be helped by
f . n .
praying wiin a ugni summer oil.
Too heavy a soil may also help
bring about the condition.
Question Can you tell me if
grapevines can be grafted. It can
be doen, when? W.C.F.
Answer iirapevines start so
readily from cuttings that neither
budding nor grafting is done very
much. However, if you want to
graft, use a whip or tongue graft
this month. Budding of granej is
much better than grafting and this
should be done in late summer, Au
gust to early September. You
would probably enjoy the extension
bulletin on Grafting and Budding
obtainable from the Marion County
extension office in the courthouse
at Salem.
Question What variety of graces
could we plant here that would
ripen in August or September?
Answer Perle de Casaba is the
earliest grape, I'm told in this
area. It is a small, sweet, white
skinned grape. The Seneca, the
Fredonia, Ruby, Yates and Hector
are among the early varieties.
Later in September we have the
Niagara, Caca, Campbells Early,
Worden Lucile, McPike, and Con
cord. There are probably a num
ber of newer varieties which ripen
early, too. These mentioned here
are among toe older ones.
Question Is it too late to plant
roses in March? We did not have
our new rose bed ready before
and would like to start some roses
for this summer's bloom. Was told
that you said Thanksgiving day
was the proper time to plant roses
Answer Everything being equal.
I do like to start my roses in late
fall and get them all settled for
next spring's growth. But that
does not mean that this is the bnly
time, borne very avid rose grow
ers wouldn't think of planting
ineirs uniu late February or
March. I rather favor the idea of
planting them when you are ready
to do so. Nowadays you can get
them "canned" and set them out
at anytime with little disturbance.
F.ven in summer they'll go right on
blooming, if planting is done care
fully. Question Can you tell me how
we can tell if we are classified as
farmers under income tax? It
seems to me there was some set
amount you had to take in from
the farm before you file as farm
ers. G.A.
Answer A farmer is defined as
an individual who receives at least
two-thirds of his total estimated
gross income from agricultural
Question Brought a redwood
burl home a year ago and it has
grown all the time since. Could
you tell me if this would grow
if planted out doors? Seems to
have roots, on the burl. E.O.
Answer Occasionally a burl will
so grow. I know of a rather tail
redwood tree now that was origi
nally started as a burl. But not
always will they grow. Wait until
the nights are a bit warmer than
now. Cover- the burl with loose,
woodsey soil. You will have to
keep the place moist throughout
the summer.
Question What is wrong with
Prayer plant? Leaves are like one
enclosed? C.L.D.
y Answer Looks like it has either
fHula Skirtf
Plant Used
As Medicine
Statesman, Salom, Or., Sunday, March 20, 1955 (Soc 1 1 1
plant has had a place in war and
dancing. One day it may - win a
place in the medicine cabinet and
the pantry.
Ti (no relation to tea) is a green,
large-leafed weed that grows at
the drop of a bucket. All you have
to do, Hawaiians say, is plant it,
pour on the water and get out of
the way, quick.
The best known use for ti is in
hula skirts, those swishing fronds
that sway from the hips of native
One of its least known uses is
as a flag of truce, used by New
Guinea natives in tribal warfare.
Ti is also baked for eating,
woven into baskets, made into
sleds and turned into "oke" (oko
lehao), ' Hawaii's own brand of
Several years ago Dr. Harold L.
Lyon, then director of the Ha
waiian Sugar Planters Assn.
(HSPA) experiment station, dis
covered ti was one of the world's
best potential sources of levulose.
a type of fruit sugar.
The sweetest and most soluble
of all sugars, levulose has been
used in medicine and in the food
industry. It has filled an important ;
need in intravenous feeding and '
for the treatment of diabetes. Its
unique, delicate flavor has added i
to the quality of jams, preserves)
and baked goods.
Following HSPA's preliminary '
laDoratory work a pilot extraction
plant was set up at grove farm'
on Kauai Island.
The early experimenters called!
levulose "the sugar of the future"
but W.M. Moragne, manager of!
grove farm, says many problems!
remain unsolved and it will be
some time before levulose from ti
becomes a practical, commercial
reality. I
Trouble is the ti plant, though ;
high in levulose content, is tough, j
It's hard to harvest, hard to clean '
and so far the cost of extracting
levulose from it is too high to be
an economical suc6ess. j
"When and if we get the cost ',
down low enough we may have j
a new industry," Moragne said. i
Till then, the cost of the ti leaf
itself doesn't come too high for
hula skirts.
too much or too little water. Either
will effect It the same way, or
the air may be too dry. Don't set
it (or any other plant) in direct
current from radiators. The Pray
er plants need lots of water but
the drainage must be good. Might
give it a little plant food, particu
larly fish emulsion.
Question Left Salem two and a
half years ago. We are now back
to stay. Have some catcbing-up to
do. Hope you can help. If I find
these answers and no rebukes, in
Sunday garden page, will come
again: Some talk of a rose garden
for Salem just as I was leaving.
Anything come of this? Can't re
call when Salem Garden Club
meets? Are visitors permitted? Is
there an Orchid Society? Will there
tie an orchid show in Portland this
year? I have been in Southern
California, since I left and did quite
a bit with orchids. Am told a lot
is being done with them here now.
Answer We are glad to have
you back, MOJ. . (Wish you liad
signed your full name. It wouldn't
have been published). Certainly
there is no objection to the amount
of questions you ask and will try
to answer as many as possible, :
each in its own turn. Plans for the '
development of a municipal rose i
garden has moved ahead. This .
will be in Bush's Pasture, and
some 1,100 bushes will be among I
the first platning. The Salem Gar- j
den Club meets the first Monday!
at 2 p.m. ot eacn month, at the
Salem Woman's Club, 460 N. Cot
tage. The rules say "Guests, 25
cents each meeting, except Special
Guest Day." So far as I have been
able to learn there is no Salem
Orchid Society, but Salem Orchid
fanciers go to the monthly meet
ings of the Oregon Orchid Society,
the second Thursday of each
month, 8 p.m. in the Journal Build
ing, Portland. Dues are $2.50 a
year, which includes a subscription
to the monthly bulletin. Watch Gar
den Calendar for announcement of
Orchid Show.
Flies to U.S.
fred M. Gruenther, supreme com
mander of North Atlantic Treaty
forces, flew here Saturday from
Paris amid speculation that the
President plans major changes in
the military high command.
The Defense Department said in
its official announcement that
Gruenther will "attend to routine
business" on his trip. But here
was speculation that he may be
named Chief of Staff of toe Army,
succeeding Gen. Matthew B. Ridg
way who may be retired next Au
gust, or chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, a post now held by
Adm. Arthur W. Radford.
Gruenther is a close personal
friend of the President
U.S. Chamber Elects yi
Missbsippian President
Chamber of Commerce Friday
elected A. Boyd Campbell of
Jackson, Miss., as IU president
The Chamber's board also elec
ted Henry Kearns, San Gabriel,
Calif., a vice president.
ENID, Okla., (UP) Two Air
Force officers were killed late
Friday when a B28 bomber
crashed on a farm and exploded.
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Costa Rica was the first Cen
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LANSING, -.Mich. W James Slo
cum, 16, found $600 in cash on
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to locate the owner when they
were contacted by the woman who
bad lost the money. Slocum's re
ward: one dollar.
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