The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1955, Page 11, Image 11

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    By Ike as Envoy
To Philippines
Ferguson, former Republican sen
ator from Michigan, was nomin
ated Friday by President Eisen
hower to be the new ambassador
to the Philippines. :
Ferguson, former chairman of
the GOP Policy Committee of the
Senate, was defeated for reelection
last fall by Sen. Patrick McNam-
ara, Democrat j
Ferguson was named to succeed
Raymond Ames Spruance, retired
Navy admiral. Spruance resigned
as ambassador last month.
Spruance told Mr. Eisenhower in
a letter last month that he and his
wife wanted to return to their
home in California.
Spruance served for 45 years in
the Navy and had been retired
three years when he was named
ejivoy to the Philippines in Janu-
nfrjet Tighter and 'Mother Ship
PORTLAND JI Eight snarling
dogs guarded the body of an
elderly welfare recipient when a
sheriffs deputy, called to investi
gate the report of his death Thurs
day, arrived at the man's two
room shack southeast of here. I .
Deputy Robert Dillon had to
spray checmical from a fire ex
tinguisher to drive the dogs away
from their master, Fred H. Koen
necke. 79, and suffered several
bites from the dogs. He apparent
ly had collapsed and died after a
heart attack.
Neighbors said Koennecke spent
all his time with pet dogs, at one
time having as many as 30. The
shack had no running water -and
a small electric lamp was the only
means of heat i
The recluse had left a note with
neighbors asking that his dogs be
killed should anything happen to
him. i i
(Editor's note: The Statesman pn-1 programs arc chanted without Botl
Usoes in food JaiUi the programs and neaUo this newspaper cannot b
times a prarided sty radio and. TV I ... , T .
stations. t kecaui ftimes the I P"slble for th. accuracy heroin).
KPTV Sanday's HigkUrhts: '
12:0 noon "Elder Wise Men." an
Irish production from Dublin- with
Eamon DeValera. first president and
many times prime minister of the
Republic of Ireland. i-
12 :M "God's Share." is about
the money problem. This Is the Life.
S:M p.m. "The Catalyst." with Ray
Danton in the role of Jean Laffitte
the Pirate. Hall of Fame.
S:S psa. Award-winning; actress.
Eileen Heckart. starring in "My Lost
saints, on Television Playhouse.
lt:M p.m. The story of the bitter
struggle for rehabilitation by the
war-torn Korean people dramatized
on Loretta Young Show.
KLOB Sunday's Highlights Note:
We will try to present KLOR high
lights for your benefit as soon as
we can secure them. ;
r. -
KOIlff-TV Sunday's Highlights: "
11:H a.m. "Just Pennies," starring
Hildy Parks as toe widow of a U. S.
Navy pilot who died in the Far East.!
Lamp Unto My Feet. t ; !
EUGENE: KVAL-TV. Channel 11
(Sunday): 3:3 p.m. American For
um: 4:00 This Is the Life; 4:3
Frontiers of Faith brings a new relig
ious program of lion-denominational
nature, produced by the Seventh
Day Adventists: 5:M TBA: 5:15
What's Your Trouble; 5:3t Veterans'
Administration, in co-operation with
the Veterans' Hospital at Roseburg,
tells of the part volunteer workers
can and do plav in the work at the
hospital: :M Meet the Press; :3v
Eugene Public Safety Council: 7:M
People Are Funny; 7:3t All-Star
Theater; S:0 Break the Bank; 8:30
Surprise Theater; 9:t Sunday
Showtime: 10:90 The Movies.
but beautiful lyrics and some of his
better-known humorous epigrams.
Now and Then.
some ot Ben. Johnson's little known
1:M p.m. John Denny will discuss
"Pruning Camellias" and "Planting
Firiv Vegetables" on Green Thumb
9:00 p.m. "War and Peace on the
11:30 Face of the Nation will ! anpte." starring Ronald Reagan as a
present Senator Warren G. Magnusen
tu-wasn). cnairman of the Senate
Committee on Interstate and. Foreign
12 :M noon Dr. Baxter will read
motion picture producer of westerns
G. . Theater.
10:3 p.m. "Texas. Brooklyn and
Heaven." starring Diana Lynn and
Guy Madison. First Run Theater.
SPOKANE, Wash. The United States Air Force announcement of its plans for the first operational
"mother ship" unit, teaming F84 jet reconnaissance fighters from toe Great Falls, Mont, Air Force
Base with giant B36 bombers from the Fairchild Air Force Base. Speedy fighters are carried inside
bombers, can be launched and recovered in flight Jet makes connection from apparatus on belly of
bomber. B36, world s largest bomber has a range or some 10,000 miles, af Wirephoto)
Over 2 Million
Marked for State
Timber Roadways
Appropriations subcommittee was
told Friday that the Bureau of
Land Management wants to spend
$2,460,000 in the next year on ac
cess roads to salvage fallen and
bug-infested timber in Western
Edward Woozley, bureau direc
tor, said the timber, most of it
blown down in a December. 1951,
storm, is a breeding place for in
sects which will spread to green
timber if not removed.
T. M. Tyrrel, Portland area
range and forestry officer, said the
appropriation would make it pos
sible to salvage next year 400 mil
lion of the nearly two billion board
feet of salvage timber in the Ore-eon-California
Land Grant area.
Although he said the timber will
retain some market value for
many i years, he estimates that
losses the first five years will be
25 per cent of the volume and 25
per cent of the value.
Queen Mother
Shopping for
Castle as Gift
Sun. TV Thea. Sun. TV Thea. Sun TV Thea.
Sun TV. Thea.
KOIN ILamp Unto Ft.jLamp Unto Ft.lFace the Nat'n Face the Nation
Now & Then
I DeValera
Now 8c Then
IThis Is Life
I Adventure
his Is Ufa
1 17 IFaith Today lFaith Today IMen to Light i Indust. P'rade
KOIN IGreen Thumb Green Thumb lLone Ranger Lone Hanger
I KPTV Life Beg. at 80!Ufe Ber. at SOIWedd'nc BelleslWeddinr Belles
KOIN (Omnibus
(Omnibus jOmnibus
a KPTV rvictory at Sea Victory at Sea IRoy Rogers IRot Roeers
KOIN jOmnibus jOmnibus (First Theater (First Theater
517 !TeoP1 Funny (People Funny (It's Great Life llt'i
KOIN tYour Music (Your Music (Annie Oakley An
s Great Life
nnie Oakley
KPTV IHall of Fame IHall of Fame ICaot
IRobsn Crusoe IRob'sn Crusoe Uaycee Rep'ts
Gallant ICapt. Gallant
'Jaycee Reports
KPTV IRamar of J"gle (Ramar of J'gle Where Were U (Where Were U
KOTN (You Are TherelYou Are There Lassie (Lassie
Life of Riley OLife of Riley
-nv. ;ec y 1 f rlv. Sec y
(Mr. Peepers IMr. Peepers
I What's My Line What's My Line
7 I0011 Cmedy'Colgate C'medylColgate C'medy'Colgate Comedy
KOIN (Toast of Town ffoast of Town (Toast of Town I Toast of Town
Plyhous TV Playhouse TV Playhouse TV Playhouse
KOIN G. E. Theater IG. E. Theater 'Stage 7 IStage 1
11 JJJV ILoretta Young Loretta Young Bob CummingsiBob Cummings
KOIN pad Knows B'stPad Knows B'stl First Run The.lFirst Run Thea.
leet the Press Meet the Press (Sign Off
KBLM 13S. KOCO 14S KGAB ! KOIN rs. KGW 2. KEX lit
Portland to4Iear
Commerce Talk
PORTLAND tf) Chamber of
Commerce members Monday will
hear Undersecretary of Commerce
Walter Williams at a luncheon.
Another speaker will be Primi
tivo E. Domingo, president of a
24-member trade and goodwill mis
sion from the Philippines.
r Williams, a former president of
the Seattle chamber, headed the
Citizens for Eisenhower in the 1952
campaign. ,
'56 Wood Payments
Ruled Collateral
culture Department announced
Friday that wool growers will be
permitted to pledge federal wool
production payments due them in
1956 as collateral for loans od-
ained this year. ,
Under a new law passed last
year, the department will guaran
tee producer prices of wool. It will
make direct payments to make up
the difference between the expect
ed lower market prices and vth
guaranteed return.
The first of the payments will be
made in mid-1956 for production in
1955. i
FM: Megacycles KOIN liU: KEX 2.3: KGW 100.3
7KSLM Music (Music Music Muic
52 n.urch Alr Ch" Air Church of Air Church of Air .
5. w Pinw Sun Rainbow Sun Rainbow Sun Rainbow Sun
KEX UO Forum UO Forum Guest Star Here's to Vets
85"S! ST1 5"P"S E1 Ptit Back to God Pack to God
5? - WlHhl Ke?? PP Concert (Pop Concert .
25," Jl. Koe Klub Grapevine terapevine
522f ialt 1LkTb- Salt Lake Tab. Inv. Learning ttnv. Learning;
EuSow .Sun- Rainbow Sun. Rainbow Sun. Rainbow Sun.
KEX (Dr. Barnhouse (Dr. Barnhouse Light & Life Light & Life
95V. Kibl Si15 9,ss Prophcy Voice (Prophcy Voice
OCO Prgan Loft Organ Loft Ave Maria Ave Maria
5S,r VobTta Roberts lOrgan Koffee Klub Koffee Klub
522? fcad Qliest-i Lead'g Quest. St Francis Hr. News
gainbow Sun. Rainbow Sun. Rainbow Sun. Rainbow Sun.
KEX Quaker Hour IQuaker Hour Mes of Isreal Mes of Isreal
Ilror SfiSiifJ!? ChristiansScl. ISongs Devot. Songs Devot.
52.2 ,brtenn Prsbvteriaa Christophers Songs Rem.- '
ISw ?eW , Top 20 Top 20 Top 20
05? r- A"5,! Jewish Faith Univ. Explorer News 10:55
KGW Rainbow Sua Rainbow Sun Eternal Light Eternal Light :
KEX Wews-Muae IChofen People Pilgrimage Pilgrimage
If":? ? 'Y It? nd f Fre IE1" Methodist'First Methodist
wFim Sl J?1? B""ti5t F'"t Baotist (First Baptist
5S SJvr Ba?U C1 Bapt. Calvary Bapt Calvary Bapf
1522f Srmphonette Symnhonette NY Phil'monle NY Phll'monle
5- Church Service Church Service Church Service IChurch Service
KEX (P,r. of at, plr- of Hits Par, of Hits Rhythm Party
1LM jNews Record Pets Music Music
52. Wor,I New Sunday Music Sunday Music Sunday Music
2inrF IJh..,. . s"? Sen Sun Serenade Sun Serenade
522f i? fhfl'monlo NY PhU'monic NY Phil'monle NY Phil'monle
iw? Kf2kfnl. W.ken! Weekend 1 Weekend
KEX Christ Action Christ Action Q. L. Jaggers O. L. Jaggery
1fV- froidwiy Cop Broadway Cop iNick Carter Nick Carter
KOCO Sunday Music Sunday Music Sunday Music Sunday Music
Sir SeI Sun Serenade sun Serenade Sun Serenade
KGW wl?2.rt ""'"f -Vook Great Decision Great Decision
5 WeTke"d rweekend Weekend Weekend
KEX IRevival Hour Revival Hour (Revival Hour Revival Hour
. 5LM (Rin Tin Tin (Rin Tin Tin
I KOCO Bun. Music ISun. Music
. Jf Eew Serenade (Sun. Serenade
I KOIN (News-Sun. Aft.lSun. Aft'noon
KGW (Inheritance (Inheritance
KEX IProphecy Prophecy
4f iSt1! lS:ud ',B U'Cud This B U.Nick Carter
sf 52?2 Bun Music I5un- Music Sun. Music
KGAE (Sun. Serenade Bun. Serenade Bun. Serenad
True Detective (True Detective
ISun. Music JSuii. Music
Sun. Serenade (Sun. Serenade
bun. Aft noon (Sun. Aft'noon
Baptist Hour Baptist Hour
Greatest Story IGreatest Story
KOIN iFace Nation
KGW Amer. Forum
KEX IBiUy Graham
Vick Carter
I9iin Mnci.
Serenade Bun. Serenade Sun. Serenade
(Face Nation (Treasury ShowiPhU Norman
???er-Forum 'Noth. but Mus. !Noth. but Mus.
Billy Graham Herald ' Truth Herald ' Truth
fk9L,M am C runch m Keen Healthv iMnnnnit ttr u. nn It. ti.
52 London Cone Mndoo Cone, london Cone" Kingwood Bible
fXilr V v. era smniM run Mrenaae Sign Off 4:49
KOIN Jack Benny Jack Bennv Anw aw a i j
ww7 K C. Phiiharm. IK.C. Philharm. 'K.C. PhilharmT 'K.C. Philharm,
, .--. vauilH
Saxon Spin
Miss Brooks
Dennis Day
flown Meeting
U Never Know (Lutheran HourlLutheran Hour
Saxon Spin (Studio '55 (studio "55 i
Miss Brooks ICRS Newvrn ir-Rs NawOT'w.
(Dennis Day IShirley Thorn's! Shirley Thomas
iiown Meenng Town Meeting ITown Meeting
KrJf ,ob"L rront'r JFrank & Ern'stlFamily Theat. iFamilv Theat.
GcorKrtown Georgetown (World News (St Franc. Hr,
Rudy Vallee
ppin L'nltd.
w. wincheU
Rudv Vallee
lOoin. Unltd.
Jimmy Fidler
Rudy Vallee
(Youth Views
(St Franc. Hr.
IRudy Vallee
I Youth Views
(Drew Pearson
I Music I
U W're There INatl Guard
IMaglc of MusiclMagic of Music News
Ave Maria lAve Maria
syene Autry Gene Autry The Whistler iThe Whistler
McGee i MouylGildersleeve ISun. Mus. Fei. ISun. Mus. Fes.
News-Music IChapel by Rd. IValentino Ifieo Snknlckv
O 551 IDrew Pearson .Music-
fl 1KOIN
Proudly Hail (Proudly Hail Don'ld StewartiDonald Stewart
iau oi i ame uiau or Fame UJttle Margie
r." ' r- oun. mus. res. stand. Hour
Mon Headlines Paul Harvey (Go to Town
(Little Margie
(Stand'd Hour
Faith in Times
Aa-nT-n hsfT! . !dltorinT IPeace in Valley i Peace in Valley
CT"'"" wf" iaj naio swwart u Never Know! Const Invader
VKOIN HollT. Mui. BTlHolLv Mus. HT.Jark Rennv J.rk bnni
5W E.1"' Hour 'Stand'd Hour Meet the Press Meet the Press
. ivuniman Katn Kuhlman Portl Hi Time Portl. Hi Time
j KSLM Hr. of Derision Hr of nririi n.i. iu..ic.
I 52J 'Sunday Rev'rieSunday Rev'rie Sunday Rev'rielSunday ReVrle
0?X SunlJ"T ruL Memone I Cap. ClTcroom Capitol Room
5f W JS'!'1', IKaltenbom Cath. Hour Cath Hour
KEX ITlnal Edition (Finest Music IRevival Time (Revival Time
I Silent
LM Silent
1 KOIN rMusie Midnt "Music Midn.
1 "asrwai iiiinicKp'VHy vouncu
KEX (Billy Graham IBUiy Graham
(Music Midn.
JCity CouncO
(Paul Carson
(Music Midn.
(City Council
(Paul Carson
Negligent Homicide
Court Brings Term
SHELTON. Wash Ml Ray
mond Nelson, 19, Seaside, Ore.
was sentenced to serve one year
in the Mason County Jail Friday
after pleading guilty to a charge
of negligent homicide.
The charge arose from an auto
mobile accident in Shelton Jan. 9
in which Mrs. Iva Stoner, Shelton,
was killed. Nelson, a logger, also
was fined $1,000, which Judge
Charles Wright said would be sus
pended upon his release from jail.
LONDON (UP) The London
Daily Herald .said Friday Queen
Mother Elizabeth was shopping
around in Scotland for a castle as
a possible wedding gift for Prin
cess Margaret and group Capt.
Peter Townsend.
"The Queen Mother, who recent
ly bought Castle Mey overlooking
Pentland Firth, has been looking
over Keiss Castle 12 miles away,"
Herald Reporter Alan Dick report
ed. "What would one want with
two Scottish castles?
"Could one be a wedding present
for her daughter?"
The story recalled speculation
that a marriage of the Princess
and the 40-year-old divorced flier
would have fo take place in Scot
land since the Church of England
does not recognize such a mar
The Daily Herald, unofficial
Church of England newspaper,
said reports of high level discus
sions on the propriety of such a
wedding were vague and misty
innuendo." It said the. reports
stemmed from photographs of
Margaret and the Archbishop of
Canterbury chatting at lunch on
The office of the attorney gen
eral, Britain's top legal authority.
said if Princess Margaret is mar
ried to Townsend the earliest it
could take place would be Aug., 21,
i The office said it -knew of no
loophole in the royal marriage act
that would permit the Princess to
marry Townsend this fall.
. 1.
Airline Seeks to
Abandon Service
To Four Towns
Lines, asked the Civil Aeronautics
Board Friday to delete Walla Wal
la, Wash., and Klamath Falls and
Bend-Redmond, Ore., from its sys
tem. In a separate petition United
asked permission to eliminate com
pulsory stops at Pendleton, Ore.,
which it said now receives and will
continue to receive adequate serv
ice. United said that West Coast Air
lines now serves Walla Walla and
Klamath Falls and can meet their
needs. The airline added that as
for Bend-Redmond, now served
only by United, the traffic poten
tial there is limited.
Man Held in
Murder Case
Stock Market
NEW YORK m The stock
market raa into its third severe
selling break of the week Friday
and took a hard pounding.
Losses extended to between 1
and 4 points in numerous in
stances. Some losses at times went
out to S points, but such extremes
were unusual. i
Brokers were inclined to look
upon the , selloff as a secondary
wave of liquidation that many
times comes on the heels of a pri
mary reaction. ,
The Associated Press average cf
60 stocks lost 2.60 at 1135.40. It
was up 80 cents Thursday and fell
$5.40 in the first three days of the
The Industrial component of the
average was down $3.50, rails lost
$3.10, end utilities were off 70
There were 1,244 individual is
sues traded of which only 140 ad
vanced while 940 declined with 13
new highs and 9 new lows for
1954-55 touched. .
Volume amounted to 3.040,000
shares, well above Thursday's
PORTLAND 4UP) A 67-year
old ex-convict was in jail here Fri
day, on two counts of murder all
because of a Portland woman's
vivid recollection of an Oklahoma
dance hall shooting . 27 year ago.
Booked on two murder warrants
as a fugitive from Stillwater,
Okla., was Sherman Johnson,
alias Uncle Ben Purvis. He denied
implication in the shootings but
admitted being from Oklahoma.
But Mrs. lone Harper told police
she saw a man enter a tavern on
the night of Feb. 7 who resembled
the slayer of her sister and a man
in a Cushing, Okla., dance hall
on Jan. 1, 1928. She said the man's
right index finger was missing, as
was the murderers.
Mrs. Harper said , the man
"seemed" to recognize her and
said "hello." She avoided conver
sation with him, however, and the
next day told, her story to Port
land detectives. She said that a
man known as Charlie Goss, alias
Dew Drop Inn Red, had shot up
the dance hall, killing her sister
Essimie Pless, and wounding an
other woman and two men. One
of the men died later. Mrs. Harper
said Goss disappeared and to her
knowledge never was apprehended
Detectives wrote Payne county.
Okla., authorities but were told
records for the date of the alleged
murders were not available. Later
the district attorney wrote back
that witnesses had been located
and could identify the murderer.
Sheriff E. G. Schroeder of Payne
county sent copies of two murder
warrants for arrest of Goss.
Mrs. Harper picked Johnson out
of a police lineup as the man she
saw in the tavern and as 'the man
known as Goss. Police said John
son has a long police record dating
back to 1921.
Stocks and Bonds
(Compile sy Ui Associate Press)
March 11
30 II IS M
Indust Kails VtiL Stks
Net change D3.5 - D3.1 ' D.7 D2
Friday 210.4 122.9 70.1 155.4
Prev. day 213 9 126.0 70.8 158.0
Week ago . 220.7 129.6 72.2 162.6
Month ago .219.5 122.7 . 71.3 159.7
Year ago 154.9 85.1 58.3 116.1
20 10 10 1
Rails Indust. Util. For
Net change ... D.3 Unch A.l D.l
Friday 98.7 98.6 88.3 84.5
Prev. day 98.9 98 6 98.2 84.6
Week ago 98.9 98.7 98.1 84.5
Month ago 99 3 99 0 98.6 84.4
Year ago 97.9 99.9 100.5 82.2
Investment Trusts
(Zilka. Smither & Co.. Inc.)
Affiliated Fund 5.85
Canadian Fund . . 15.14
Century Shares Trust 24.60
Chemical Fund . 27.08
Delaware Fund 20.93
Diver. Invest. Fund 8.85
Dividend Shares 2.39
Eaton & H. BaJ. Fund 19.78
Gas Ind. ..... .23.60
Group Tobacco
Incorp. Investors
Key. Cust. Funds:
B-3 ,
B-4 - '
1 1 .
Ethel W. Haines
Former resident of West Linn Rt. 1,
in an Oregon City hospital. March 8.
at the age of 71j years. Survived by
Ray Haines of West Linn; 3 sons:
Steward Haines, Camas, wasn., Ray
mond Haines of Tacoma. Wash., Ver
non Haines of Stevenson. Washing
ton; one daughter, Mrs. Mae Moore,
West Linn; sister, Mrs. Mae Warren,
Condon. Oregon; father, Charles Em
ery. Portland. Oregon. Services Mon
day, Mrfrch 14 at 11 a.m. at Howell
Edwards Chapel. Interment at Provi
dence Cemetery.
Harvey Thomai Eastridge
At the residence at 4450 South Pa
cific Highway, Salem. Survived by
wife. Mrs. Ethel Eastridge of Salem;
two daughters. Mrs. Vivian Clark of
Salem; and Mrs. Liauae look oi
Bend.) Ore.: son, J. O. Eastridge of
Salem: adopted son, Norman East
ridge of Springfield. Ore.; brothers,
Jake (Eastridge. Hamilton. Mont,
Walter Eastridge. Spokane. Wash..
Jonn Eastridge, Portland. Ore.. El
mer Eastridge. 'Albany; sister. Mrs.
William Sweet. Butte, mom.; io
nieces: 2 nephews; 8 grandchildren.
Services at the i Virgil T. Golden
Chapel Sat.. March 12 at 2 p.m. Rev.
R. G. Schaffner officiating. Interment
in Belcrest Memorial Park.
Higher Freight
Gar Need Seen
in five Western states expect the
business recovery to extend at
least through the second quarter
of this year and backed this up
Friday by forecasting an 8.2 per
cent increase in railroad freight
car requirements as compared
with the second quarter of 1954.
Car requirements were placed
at 433,123 in the second quarter,
compared with 420.742 actually
used in the area in the 1954 quar
ter. The estimate, made at the meet
ing of the Pacific Coast Shippers
Advisory Board, predicted the
largest percentage gain would be
in automobiles and trucks.
The states in the area are Ari
zona, California. Nevada, New
Mexico and Oregon.
Myrtle M. Robfc
In Canby, Ore.. March 10. Late
resident of 934 Saginaw St, Salem.
Survived1 by husband. Verne E. Robb
of Salem; daughter. Myrtle Robb of
Salem; son, William Robb of Salem:
two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Brikemfeld
of Hood River, Ore., and Mrs. Vio
let Hargrave of Portland. Ore.;
brother, Jess Thompson of Portland.
Ore. Services at the Virgil T. Golden
Chapel Sat.. Mar. 12. at 11 a.m. with
Dr. P. N. Poling officiating.
Miss Lyase Gray
.Late resident of 2494. Walker St.. at
a local hospital March 10. Survived
by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Gray. Salem: brothers. Terry and
Johnnie Gray. Salem: grandparents,
Mrs. J. E. Gray. Salem: Mrs. Dale
Babcock. Milton-Free water. Oreg.;
aunts. Mrs. J. L. Bat dorf. Salem;
Mrs. Ted Girod. Salem: uncles. Clif
ford Orey. Salem: Millard Orey. Se
attle, Wash.; Donald Orey, Bend,
Ore. ; Services . will be held Monday
Mar.' 14 at 2 p.m.. in the Cloush-Bar-
rick ChapeL Rev. Ernest P. Goulder
Wheat Posts
Brisk Advance
CHICAGO Mt Wheat paced a
brisk advance in all cereals except
new crop soybeans on the Board
of Trada Friday. It was the second
day of climbing wheat quotations
and prices at the finish were at or
just a shade under the week's high.
Wheat finished 2 to 2 i higher,
corn 1 to 1 higher, oats i-1 Vi
higher, rye V to 1 cent higher,
soybeans 4 cents lower to Vt higher
and lard unchanged to 8 cents a
hundred pounds lower. '
Man. Bond Fund 8.45
Mass. Invest. Trust ...28.35
Natl. Sec. Series:
. Income Series 6.12
. Stock Series 7.57
Pref. Stock Series 9.37
Speculative Series 4.67
Tel.-Elec. Fund 10.92
Value Line Inc. Fund 5.88
Wellington -Fund " .24.64
i 25.79
Portland Produce
Statesman, Saltm, 6rt., Saturday, March 12, 1955 (Sac 2)-3
Girl's name
11. Worship
12. Silly .
13. Sailing
vessel 14. Birthplace
of Moham
med 15. Place for
17. Bitter vetch
18. Pry
21. Word
primeval" ,
22. Chart '
25. Varnish
like produet
26. Indefinite
27. A shade of
29. Out of date
32. Inside
34. A color
35. Tellurium
36. Make
amends for
3$. Half ems
40. He sent ;
Jason for
the Golden
Fleece ,
44. lift
47. The lady
Zeus turned
to stone
48. A moth
49. A carved
pole (Am.
50. CSty (Chin.) 22. Former
51 Not fresh
1. Job
2. Not working-
3. Celestials
body -
4. Manacles
5. Contingent
6. Obscure
7. Single unit
8. Contest of
. speed
9. Augment
10. Salted
IS. A rame at
19. Adversaries
Of :
23. ' Status
' of an
24. Greek
28. By way
SO. Senior
33. Peak
37. English
39. Mark
PERIL! ;H 0 U Sfc.
3allIad 'feiajc
Q5 lbN! ftlA gjO K
NlPlsLrS i Mar
20. A size of coal 4L Particle
Teitritrs Aatwat i
42. A Son of
; Adam
43. Sown (Her.)
45. Body of
i water
46. Sea eagle
. t (Eur.) .
7 7 3" IT" 77 i T"T"T3"
iii mini
ja a s
wr ZZZ
"ill w I 1 I
New York Stock Markets
O'Connor Plans
Year's Recess
From Television
O'Connor, Hollywood's exhuber
Oc'Connor, Hollywood's exhuber-
ant song and dance star, said to
day the grind of - putting out a
television show every other week
is too much. So he's going to
stick to movies for a' year.
O'Connor follows comics Bob
Hope and Joan Davis, who also
gave up television because they
found it too exhausting. O'Con
nor's decision came to light when
his sponsor, Texaco, disclosed it
was looking for a replacement for
his show.
Oregon City Man
Pinned in reck
Kills Ilimselt
PORTLAND (UP)- An Oregon
City man Thursday shot and
killed himself as he lay in the
wreckage of his auto on the Bertha
Beaverton Highway, police re
ported. ' . 1
He was Frank Stalick, 45, Route
3, Oregon City.
Police said Stalick- was pinned
in the twisted remains of his auto
after it collided with a car driven
by Austin Love Wright of Port
land. ,
Witnesses to the collision said
Stalick. after struggling to free
himself, suddenly shouted that he
was going to shoot himself. He
took a gun from the auto's glove
compartment, and shot himself in
the head. ..
Neither Wright, nor his passen
gers, were injured.
Onion Futures
CHICAGO (fl - Onions:
Open High Low Close
Mar. 1.08 1.10 1.00 1.00
Nov. 1.64 , 1.64 1.55 1.59
Jan. 1.89 1.89 1.76 1.81
Sales: Mar. 438; Nov. 86; Jan
Portland Grain
Ex-Inmate Returned ,
To State Penitentiary
SEATTLE tf) Walter O. Nor
lander, 29, was taken into custody
Thursday for return to the Oregon
State Prison after . burglary
charges against him here had been
Oregon parole officers returned
him to Salem. Frank Harrington
of the prosecutor's office said Nor-
lander had five years left on his
Oregon prison sentence when pa
i roled.
PORTLAND to No : coarse
grains. . ,
Wheat (bid) to arrive market,
basis NO. 1 bulk, delivered coast:
Soft White 2.38: Soft White (ex
eluding Rex) 2.38; White Club 2.38.'
Car receipts: wheat 50; barley
3; flour 5; corn 3; mill feed 2.
the Final Account of the Adminis
tratrix of the estate of Minnie Elva
Keener, deceased, has been filed in
the Circuit Court lor Marion County,
Oregon, and that Monday, the 11th
day of April. 1955 at 9:15 A.M.. in
the Circuit Court of Marion County,
Oregon. Probate Department has
been set for the heannjr of objec
tions, if any. to such Final Account
Administratrix. Estate of
' Minnie Elva Keeney, deceased.
Attorney for Admx
541 Court Street.
Salem. Oregon. M.12,13.2S.A2.
PORTLAND Iff! Butterfat
Tentative, subject to immediate
change Premium quality delivered
in Portland. 58-61 lb; first quality,
56-58; second quality, 54-57."
Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk
cubes, to wholesalers Grade AA,
93 score. 58; 92 score. 57; B
grade, 90 score, 56; 89 score, 54.
Cheese To wholesalers Oregon
singles, 38 -41 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf
Eggs To wholesalers Candled
f.o.b. Portland, A large, 47
48 H; A medium. 46-47.
Eggs To retailers Grade AA
large 51; A large, 49-50; AA me
dium. 50; A medium, 48-49; A
small, 44-45. Cartons 1-3 cents ad
Poultry and Nuts
Live chickens No. 1 quality,
r.o.b. Portland Fryers, 2 Vi-A Vt
bs, 29; at farm, 28; roasters, 4 Vi
lbs and up, 29; at arm, 28; light
hens, 17; heavy hens, 19-20; old
roosters, 10-11.
Rabbits Average to growers-
Live -white, 3 i-4 W lbs. 19-21; 5-6
lbs, 15-171; old does, 9-11; few
higher. Fresh dressed fryers to
retailers, 55-58; cut up, 61-64.
Filberts Wholesale selling price
f.o.b. Oregon plants, No. 1 jumbo,
26-28 lb; large; 24-26; medium,
22 Vi-24; to growers, on field run
basis, f.o.b. plant, 14-15; best
Barcelonas to 16.
Walnuts Wholesale selling price,
f.o.b. Oregon plants First quality
jumbos, 32-33; large, 29-30; medi
ums, 26-27; second quality, 3 per
pound less; to growers, f.o.b. plant,
tree run basis, 15-16 lb 90 per tent
crack .test
Wholesale Dressed Meats
Beef carcasses Steers, choice,
500-700' lbs, 37.00-40.00; good, 34.00
37.00; commercial, 32.00-35.00; util
ity, 29.00-32.00; commercial cows.
26.00 - 32.0; utility, 25.0 - 29.00;
canners-cutters, 23.00-25.00.
Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind
quarters, 45.00-51.00; rounds, 43.00
46.00; full loins, trimmed, 65.00-
72.00; forequarters, 31.00 - 34.00;
chucks, 32.00-35.00; ribs, 45.00-51.00.
Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb,
45.00-46.00; shoulders. 15 lb, 30.00-
32.00; spareribs, 40.00-45.00; fresh
hams. 10-14 lb. 46.00-49.00.
Veal and calves Good-choice, all
weights, 35.00-50.00; commercial,
Lambs Choice-prime under 50 lb
42.00-44.00; good, all weights, 38.00-
Wool All prices nominal.
Country -dressed Meats, f.a.b.
Beef Cows, utility, 23-25 lb;
canners-cutters, 20-22. -
Veal Top quality, lightweight.
35-37; rough heavies, 24-30.
Hogs Lean blockers, 26-27; light
sows. 22-24.
Lambs Best, 39-42.
Mutton Best, 15-17; cull-utility,
Fresh Produce
Onions 50 lb Ore-Wash, yellows,
med No. Is. 2.00-25; fair, 1.50; 3-in
mn, 2.25-50; Ore. Spanish, lge 2.25
50: Calif, whte wax. 3.75-4.00.
Potatoes Ore. Russets, 100 lbs,
No. 1A, 4.25-50: No.-1 bakers, 5.00
50; . bales. 5-10 lb, 2.50-75; 10 lb
rr.esh. 35-49; No. 2, 50 lb. 1.35-40;
Idaho bales, 5-10 lb,: 4.75; Calif,
long whites. No. 1. 5.50-6.00.
Hay .U S. No. 2 green alfalfa,
baled, f.o.b. Portland. 35.00 a ton
trucked: 37.00 rail. Tmothy mixed
hay, 36X0 ton, f.o.b. rail, Seattle.
Admiral ' Corporation
Allied Chemical
Allis Chalmers
Aluminum Co. America
American Airlines
American Motors"
American Tel. and Tel.
American Tobacco
Anaconda Copper "J
Atchison Railroad
Bethlehem Steel
Boeing Airplane Co.
Borg Warner
Burroughs Adding Mach.
California Packing
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor
Celanese Corporation
Chrysler Corporation
Cities Service
Consolidated Edison
Crown Zellerbach
Curtiss Wright
Douglas Aircraft -du
Pont de Nemours
Eastman Kodak
Emerson Radio
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors
Georgia Pac. Plywood
Goodyear Tire ,
Homestake Mining Co.
I International Harvester
International Paper
Johns -Manville
Kaiser Aluminum
Kennecott Copper
Libby. McNeill
Lockheed Aircraft
Loew's Incorporated
Long Bell A
Montgomery Ward
New York Central
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Fish
Pacific Gas & Electric
Pacific Tel. fc TeL
Penney (J.C. ) Co.
Pennsylvania R.R.
Pepsi Cola Co.
Philco Radio
97 Vt ;
. 75 s
101 V
24 U
-11 s
179 a
40 '4
29 V,
43 Vz
47 3i
65 H
165 V
' 49
k 42
16 4
Radio Corporation ' 40
Rayonier Incorp. : 67
Pavnnisi Tnrnm PM ' 9Q Si"
Republic Steel , ) 82
Reynolds Metals j 141 H -
Richfield Oil. 1 69 i !
Safeway Stores Inc.1 44 V.
Scott Paper Co. s 59
Socony-Vacuum Oil 53 H '
Qmitrmrn TQsifi iX 1L
Standard Ool Calif. 76
Studebaker Packard 12 T
Sunshine Mining ? 11
Swift & Co. 47
Transamerica Corp 1 37 W
Twentieth Century Fox 27
Union Oil Company 56
Union Pacific 152
United Airlines 39
T t i I ! m - -
unneu Aircrau
United Corporation 6.
United States Plywood 38 7sJ
United Staets Steel 76
Warner Pictures : 18
Western Union Tel. : 89 ,
Westinghouse Air Brake 27
Westinghouse. Electric 76
Woolworth Company 49
Salem Market
(As of late yesterday)
No 1
EGGS (BnylBf) .
(Wholesale prices rings irom
to 1 cents over bujrtnf price)
Large AA : , :
Large A
Medium AA
Medium A -
Colored Hens
Leghorn Hens
Colored Fryers
Colored Roasters
. .44
, .41
. .32
. .28
. .28
Portland Livestock
for week, salable 2,525; market un
even on curtailed supply with most
reduction in fed cattle, general
trade steady to strong with in
stances 25-50 higher on fed cattle
and beef cows, canner and cutter
cows closed 25-50 lower; around
30 head average choice 1,021 and
1.117 lb steers 23.25, good and low
choice steers 20.50-23.00, commer
cial 18.00-20.00, Utility 13.00-17.00;
loai choice 834 lb fed heifers 21.00,
other good and low choice 19.00
20.50, utility and commercial 12.00
18.00; canner and cutterL,pows late
9.00-11.00. early to 11.50. utility
cows 11.50-13.50, commercial 14.00-
15.00; utility and commercial bulls
50 . .00 higher late at '14.00-16.00,
few to 16.50 and 17.00.
Calves for week, salable 275;
market active, mostly steady; good
and choice vealers 23.0030.00, one
prime 32.00, utility and commercial
14.00-21.00, culls downio 9.00 and
Hogs for week, salable 2,050;
market 25-50 lower: choice No. 1-2
butchers 180-235 lb 18.50-19.00, lat
ter lowest top since December 1952
and equal to low since April 1950,
choice No. 3 lots down to 18.00,
heavier and lighter weights mostly
17.00-170; choice 350-550 lb sows
14.50-16.00. . '
Sheep for week, salable 950
market strong considering quality
few lots choice high yielding lambs
including 114 lb load 22.00, other
choice lots 21.50, good and choice
19.50-21.00; good and choice feed
ers 17.50-18.50; good and choice up
to 190 lb slaughter ewes 8.00-8.50
cull and utility 5.00-7X0.- .
2St No. Church St
PHONE 4-6811
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Classified ads win start In th
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MALE Boston Bull. Ph. 4-5942.
300 Personal
312 Lost and hound
LOST 2-wheel green hand true
East of town. S3 reward, ra.
316 Personal
TrtSTTTn 1 rT1Tl
PSY H K. r. A I I r j rL .
Solves all problems. Truthful advisi
on all affairs of lire, isow y a m
to i:30 p.m. Soutii Salem Mo.el
Apartment 1 on 99E South. 3SS
South Commercial St, Salem, Ore
LET us help .you control - you
weight Wey-.nte. meaicauy pruv
en. inexpens ve Satisfaction guar
an teed. Ph. 3,5782.
LCOHULJCS Anonymous croup No
i. zues in. torn i 3-aoi.
SAFE, permanent removal of u
sightly 'aciai nairs. incnoi r x
Commercial -210 or 4-8R00 -
TAXES I Are you over paying yours,
Eve & svkends; Reas. 2-6.43.
PSYcklC READER . , ',
Mrs. Mays without asking a quert o
gives dates, i facta, can help stlv
aU problems. 3643 Portland
Look for ; "'
ALM1RA motel sign
CILMOUR Nursing Home. 21o5 Stsi
St Ph. 4-8628. State licensed. It
spec tion invited at all times.