-Sac. 'l)-SlitMiinii;' Sa!m, Oregon, Wad., March 9, 1955 f) Statesman's HOME panorama Women . . 1 Husic . . . Fashions . . . Features Mrs. Johnston Electee! Head Of Court . Hanna Rosa Court, Amaranth met Monday Order of night. Coed to Play on Music Hour PORTLAND The Lewis and Clark College music hour will feature pianist Mary Jean Schrunk onThunda y, March 10. Miss Schrunk, a sophomore music ma jor from Salem, will present the Mrs. Gordon Herng. royal ma- program at 12:80 inthe college tron, and Foster Wintermute, chapel. She is a student of Mrs. roval Datron. nresided. Carroll Townsend. Lewis and n f ffr. hl A Clark piano instructor. for the coming year and include Schrank.. a faduate of royal matron, Mrs. Joseph John- Salem High School, studied with ton; royal patron; Frank Bishop; Elizabeth Jepsen in Salem. She associate matron, Mrs. Paul Gil- has appeared on several previous ,.i9t natrnn Rainh Har- music hours on the campus and .'Mr.cc Mr. T vi. on television in Portland. associate conductress, Mrs. Dil- ... i i I I lard Burroughs; secretary, Mrs. I Jnif HolHc Jui Pavna- treasurer XTr Trvinff Willi I IwIWJ DeFrance; ' and tustee 3 years, Foster Wintermute. , , Mr. and Mrs. T. Gilbert Als bury were initiated into the order. A mock wedding was presented by the Court to honor Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wintermute on their rr:-;: Edgar Linden Jr.. was the main "".r-Tr"r , :; feature of the regular meeting 8 S It toTl! .,!s Owen. Initiation Monday The initiation of two new mem bers, Mrs. Harry Aden and Mrs, The social committee for the month includes Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Faught, Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Booster, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Al Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and Mrs. Emma Brown. ; BPW Members at Spring Conference " mmm imnmmmw. " 4 . ... , . , . ' r " - t ( . -A : ' ; A 5 4 r h Ira c Lifetime Easter cardigan and camera ... A platinum colored cardigan in the new short length waist-hugging style, features open work petal trim at the collar in contrasting tobacco hand-stitching. Her smart Easter accessory is a new Brownie camera, which she will use to catch spring style news for Easter, 1 955. I gion Auxiliary at me baiem Woman's Clubhouse Monday eve ning. Installing officer, Mrs. Leon M. Brown , was assisted by Mrs, Walter. Spaulding, Mrs. 0. E. Palmateer, Mrs. E. W. Richey, Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. Aus tin H. Wilson, Sr- and Mrs. Ar thur Johnson and candlelighters, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron and Mrs, Don Apperson, all members of the Past Presidents parley. Mrs. Glenn Holman conducted Fourteen members of the Salem the business meeting due to the Business and Professional Wo-1 absence of Mrs. Lue A. Lucas, man s Club motored to rewport president, who is vacationing in Sunday to attend the Central Wu- Honolulu." District Spring Around Town . , . lamette Valley Conference. x ; Mrs. Harriet Krause of the de partment of fair employment prac tice was the guest speaker. She stressed cnairmanJ Rummage Sale a Success The unit voted to give $75 to ward rehabilitation scholarships . oi iair employment prac- nr. . the moooetnn f of the State Labor Bureau t,m..r.,HM ...hiHimaH-An the value of human resources and the necessity for each mem ber of society to contribute to the fullest extent of her capacity for the welfare of the group. Federation officers who brought j greetings to the conference were Mrs. Bruce Bums, state president; Mrs. Cora Pirtle, first vice-presi dent; Dr. Eleanor Gutman, sec ond vice-president; Mrs. Hilda Hiebe, state education and voca tion chairman; Mrs. Lenora Py-j burn, legislative chairman; and Mrs. Axel Donnelly reported that the rummage sale conducted last week had been a financial success, and proceeds would be used to defray unit expenses. Mrs. Rose Habernacht, sewing chairman,1 announced the sewing committee will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. Walter Osborne, 1695 Norway. A no-host lunch eon will be served at noon. Lap- robes and pillows for wheel chairs will be made. Miss Mildred Yetter, Salem, state Poppies To Be Counted membership chairman, who spoke briefly giving progress reports. Other Salem members attend ing were Misses Luella Schwering, Lou Ohmart, .May Cleveland, Louise Cattuzzo, Betty Elofson, Edna Haaland, Alberta Shoemake, Reminding the group that the annual poppy season is approach ing was Mrs. Claude Jorgensen, who announced that 10,000 vet eran made crepe paper poppies have arrived and will be counted by the board at its meeting Tues- Berncit Franstrom, Eleonor day evening. Proceeds from the Roberts, Mrs. Helen Staley, Mrs. I poppy sale, which are ear-marked Marios Wooden and, Miss Vada for the exclusive benefit of vet- Hill. erans and their children, have been depleted from last year and the unit has had to draw on re serve funds. Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, commu nity service chairman, announced the annual birthday party for the Bell Circle 43 wffl hold their reg- d JJ fl dish to the no-host dinner the Neighbors Attend District Meeting Neighbors f Woodcraft, Silver uiar meeting Friday evening. March 11 at the Women's Club at 8 p. m. Refreshments will be serv ed at the close of the -meeting. Twenty-three Neighbors of Wood crafts went to Newberg to the district meeting last week and after the close of the meeting the evening of March 21, Entertainment features of the meeting introduced by Mrs. Ear Andersen, program chairman, were Dick Engdahl, pantomime artist and Mrs. Paul Gemme Grand Guardian Minerva Codding whc gV humrous t- colored trip to from Portland showed slides of her vacation Hawaii last summer. District 21 will entertain Dis trict 11 at Dundee on Thursday eve ning. Manzanita and Mary's Peak cir cles will hold joint installation in! By JERYME ENGLISH Ccaso Being Startled; New. Gadgets Come From Out of This World ' j.-.-'"-, ' 3y MAXINE BUREN - . V - Statesman Woman's Editor ; We used to be surprised by all the new developments for the housewife, marvelling as such new developments as freezers for the home kitchen, automatic washers, stainless steel sinks, clothes dryers and garbage disposal units. All these surprised us. By the time infra-red cooking came along, we were begin ning to be blase about such trivialities, but a little impressed at that . Now come new invocations, which we take in our stride, only wishing they might be soon added to other convenient gad gets for making our cooking more effortless. They tell us that electronic ovens will soon be showing up in homes maybe with in a very short while. In the electronic oven fish fillets will cook in 30 seconds, , potatoes will bake in two minutes and a roast will be done be- ' fore you -can set the table' for dinner in 20 minutes. The oven will cook by microwaves, a tube that looks like a radio tube doing the work. There will be no fumes or soot and if she wants, the housewife can cook dinner right on the plates and take them from the oven with her bare hand, for only the food ill cook not the cook. , . Actually "cooking" the hand, will be impossible the unit automatically cuts off when the oven door is opened. ; Then there is another new device. This one uses sound waves to wash clothes. A British firm has the patent on this device with which it expects to revolutionize the laundry indus try. The soundwaves press the soapy water through the clothes instead of agitating it through. The electrically operated machine produces 6,000 vibrations a minute and dissolves the dirt with out moving the clothes, lace, wool and other difficult-to-launder fabrics will emerge unharmed. ; The vibrator is a small inexpensive affair that looks like a spinning top which may be used in sink, basin tub or other ves sel. Our Canadian cousins may see these new gadgets before we, for there are some 30,000 on order with one Canadian firm now. i Another new development for us girls though less sensation al is a line of matching stainless steel kitchen units that make an entire kitchen. We're familiar with the oven and surface units that go together, but this includes refrigerator, cabinets and base units that open and close by a mere flip of a button. Dish washer, dryer and everything you need in the kitchen matches. ; Not until they invent a gadget that will cook your food and serve it by merely thinking about it, will we ever be surprised again. . Albany on Monday, April 18 and past presidents. Serving on the refreshment committee were Mrs. Claude Jor gensen, chairman, Mrs. Neil P, Witting and Mrs. Melvin Torres- dal; table decorations, Miss Vada Hill; and Mrs. Dean Duvall, serv ing. Pouring- were Mrs. Mem Pearce and Mrs. James. Garson, have extended an invitation to Silver Bell Circle to attend. Thimble Club 4 will meet March 17 with Mrs. C. B. Shaw at her home. 650 .Marion St. for a no- host luncheon at noon. Mrs. Max Pemberton was guest speaker for the meeting of Lansing There will be no second meet ing of the unit in March as the birthday party will take its place. The Labish Meadow Gardeners will be entertained Thursday at the Brooks home of Mrs. Jack Bartlett for a 1:30 dessert lunch eon. Marvin Blr.ck will speak to Neighbors- Garden duo Thursday fP - GI " the at the home of Mrs. Ralph Hein. She spoke of "Annuals for Color in the Summer." Mrs. Ernest Walker, the president, presided. Guests were Mrs. S. L. Hein and Mrs. Carl Heutzenroeder. The Friendship Club will meet with Mrs. Cora Scott, 1325 N. 17th St, Friday afternoon at a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon. Mem-1 bers will piece quilt blocks dur ing the afternoon. The Merry Time Club will be entertained at a 1 o'clock lunch-1 eon Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Claude Talmage, 3290 Duncan Avenue. SPRING SOCIAL . . . calendar is already marked with numerous events slated for the ensuing two months. . . Invitations will be in the mail the end of the week to a tea for which the wives of the Mar ion County Bar Association will be hostesses on Friday, March 18 . . . the affair will be held at the Canda- aria Heights home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rawlinson between 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock. . . j Invitations , . . were in! the mail this week U a luncheon for which the wives of the Lane County Leg islative delegation will be host esses on Wednesday, April I at Lipman's Tea Room ... Hostesses include Mrs. Truman A. Chase ana Mrs. Donald R. Husband of Eu trene. wives of state senators . . , Mrs. Earl Hill of Cnshman, Mrs. Loran Stewart of Cottage Grove, Mrs. Ernest E. Schrenk of Cres- weU. Mrs. V. Edwin Johnson and Mrs. Edwin Cone of Engene, whose husbands are state representatives . the affair is being arranged for all wives of the state legislat ors and state officials' wives . A luncheon . . . hostess today will he Mrs. James T. Brand, who is entertaining at her Kingwood Heights residence for (the pleasure of Mrs. R. Lee Wood,! wno is leav ing March 17 for Europe . . . A -t it 1ITstw' infimata friends have been invited to the farewell luncheon . . I. Mrs. Wood i flvins directly to Paris to visit her son-in-law and daugnter, km one! and Mrs. William; Bodner. and their sons. Stephen and David. The Bodners have been in France inee last summer .! . . Colonel Bodner is with the U. S. European Command . . . Mrs. Wood plans to remain on the continent for several months. Second birthday . . . party for Johnny Johnson on Monday at the Fainnount Hill home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. John son .. . Wishing Johnny a happy birthday were his cousins, Jill and Jamie Phillips, and his aunt, Mrs, James R. Phillips . . . Mrs. Rich ard Gahlsdorf and Jimmy, Mrs. William M. Smith and Diane, Mrs, Robert Elgin and Jeff, Mrs. Rog er M. Scbnell and Michael, Mrs. Charles Barclay and Jimmy, Mrs, Robert Sulivan and Pat, Mrs, Thomas A. Roberts Jr. and David and Jennifer Johnson, sister of the honor gnest ... Club hostess . . . Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst has invited members of her club to her Candalaria home tonight fcr bridge and a late sup per .. . Mrs. Leonard Hicks will preside at a dessert bridge this afternoon for her club .;. . guests will be Mrs. Philip Hawley- and Mrs. Charles A. Barclay . . . Mrs Samuel R. Hawley will be a club hostess tonight at her ' Fairmount Hill home ... Mrs. Ralph E, Purvine is being welcomed a new member of the group ... Entertaining ... her club at bridge and a late sapper tonight will be Miss Esther Baird . . -Mrs. Lauren Gale will be a gnest . Mrs. Arthur Jones presided at a dessert bridge at her Belmont Street home Tuesday afternoon for members of her club . . . Mrs. Edwin Keech was a club hostess at her Momlngside home Tues day night ... Additional guests were Mrs. Charles McCelland and Miss Helen Lane ... Mrs. Wil liam M. Smith presided at a bridge luncheon Tnesday afternoon for her club'. .'. It's welcome home ... for Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills, who re turned this weekend from a three month's trip south . . . they spent most of their time in California, vacationing . at Palm Springs, Santa Monica. LaJolla, Santa Bar bara and Carmel . . . They spent the holiday season in Santa Mon ica with Mr. Mills son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills ... Returning ... to the capital this week end from a sojourn in Palm Springs and points south were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Foster . Honor gnest ... at a family dinner party Thursday night will be Keith PoweU, when Mrs. Powell entertains in honor of her hus band's birthday at their Mission Street residence ... In Portland . . . Saturday will be Mrs. William L. Phillips, Mrs. Don E. Phillips, Mrs. James H, Nicholson and Mrs. James H. Nicholson Jr.. who will be guests at a luncheon for which Mrs. Robert Fisher will be hostess at her home In compliment to her future daughter-in-law, Miss Bev erly Stanley, who will be married ia May to William Fisher . The bridegroom-elect is a brother of Mrs. Don Phillips. . . Prospective . . . college students and their mothers will be in Port land this afternoon to attend i tea to be given by the Scripps Col lege Alumnae Association of Port land at the Dunthorpe home of Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Cake . the affair will honor prospective students and colored slides of Scripps will be shown ... At tending from Salem will be Mrs John Heltzel and Anne, Mrs. T, H:jold Tomlinson and Kaye, Mrs, Norman W. Merrill and Sally, Mrs. Herman C. Jockimsen and Sondra, Mrs. Theron C Hoover and Jo Ann, and Mrs. James Payne and Nancy . . . Hawaii Thefme Of Sorority '. Dance Tri Delts Entertained Many members and their guests attended the informal dance held by Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi at the Knight of Columbus hall on Saturday. Grass skirts, sarongs and gay Hawaiian shirts were fea tured among the many costumes carrying out the "Hawaiian Holi day" theme'. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gartz won the prize for the clever est costumes. Palm trees, fish nets and island hats were used for decorations about the room. A late buffet was served. The buffet table was deco rated with a miniature volcanic scene, tropical plants, Japanese floats and a typical Hawaiian vil lage scene. Leis were presented to all the guests on their arrival., Mrs. Alvm Russell, chairman, Mrs. Donna Sawyer, Mrs. Bill Kel so, Mrs. Keith Crane and Mrs. Gordon Davidson were among those on the social committee in charge of the dance. I. '; I SPRING VALLEY Featured bn the afternoon program at the all day i meeting of Spring Valley Home Missionary Society on Friday March 11 at the home of Mrs. V. u. Gibson will be a talk on gardening stressing starting a wide variety of shrubs and flowers from cuttings, by Mrs. Lloyd Hoxie of Lincoln. Assisting Mrs. Gibson at the covered dish luncheon will be Mrs. R. H. Scott of Zena. LINCOLN The Lincoln Good wiu club will be hostess for a shower at the Community Center, honoring a former member, Mrs, Russel Hicks, Thursday afternoon. March 10. Members of Spring Val ley Home Missionary Society and Spring Valley Sunshine club and many other friends of Mrs. Hicks will be guests. j - ! i LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Cllf ford Stephens and Michael of Coos Bay were guests recently at the home of Mrs. Stephens' ; mother. Mrs.i Eva Purvine of Lincoln Michael is Mrs. Purvine's only grandchild. Mrs. Fulton McGill of Indepen dence was welcomed as a new member of the Delta Delta Delta alumnae at the Monday night meeting held at the home of Mrs. Robert Sprague. Assisting hostes ses were Mrs. Donald Kelly, Mrs. Alan Siewert and Mrs. Oscar Paulson Jr. Twenty-five attended the dessert supper and Mrs. Rob ert D. Gregg showed slides of her European and Scandinavian trip. Mrs, A Scotch auction will be a feature Custer of the April meeting. Fashion Show i Models Named SILVERTON "Spring In Paris- is going to be portrayed .by mem bers of the Silverton Junior wom en s Club in their fashion show set for March 16, 8 p.m. at the Eugene Field auditorium. A huge sketch of Paris will be the backdrop. Addyse Lane, Sa lem, will be the commentator, re ports Mrs. Charles Leonard Jr., and Mrs.. Charles Piroutek, co- chairman of the event, j John Middlemess at -the organ will furnish music throughout the show. Special music at lintermis sion will be Mrs. William Iron on the violin, accompanied) by Mrs. Harlan Moe and a Girls' Trio from high school, Ellen Shepherd, Jane Paquin and Katherine Reinhart. Modeling the gowns, coats and suits Will be Miss Hannah Olson, Mrs. Perry Morell, Mrs Norman Eastman, Airs. Lowell Brown. ana Mrs. PA. Loar of the 'Silverton Woman's Club. f Junior Women's Club -models will be Mrs. Leland Morgan, Mrs. Walte- Flager, Mrs. Milton Baum, Mrs. Byron Hindman, Mrs. Nick Weiss, Mrs. Dale Krcg, Mrs. Don Reed and Mrs. James Etman. The high school age wall be re presented by Diane Watson, Ruth and Asgie Wolfe, Linda Hoblitt and Gail Larsen. f Modeling the wee tots' clothes are to be Mary Lou Baum, Kim Ekman, Rkkie Bergersan, Chris tian and Mark CrenneL . Luncheon for I in ism inilrl w W 111 W I W 1 1 4 Guests attending the salad luncheon and meeting, of the Junior Guild of St Paul's Episco pal Church Tuesday at the parish hall were Mrs. Williami"Van Me ter, Mrs. Irving Larson, Mrs. John Brugh and Mrs. Albert Brunquist of Parkdale. A program of Irish music was presented by Jklrs. Earl Andresen. j " Plans were made for. the rum mage sale to be held March 10 and 11, the summer bride tea and fall bazaar. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Otis Berry, Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs. William H. Lytle, Lawrence Osterman, Mrs. Ross and Miss Virginia Duo-Recital " Event! Of Tonight j Sonata recital by Wfflis Gate.1 violinist, and Josef Sehnelker, pianist tonight on the ,Willametta campus will include three import ant works. The concert will ba held in the College of Music Reci tal Hall at 8:15 tonight The public is invited to attend. The Duo Concertant, only Stra vinsky violin-piano work was com pleted a year after his concerto for violir. The Due Concertant ia in five movements, which in no way parallel the classic concept of the violin-piano sonata. The Mozart Sonata in A Major, K. 526, in three movements, is an example of Mozart's mature writ ing for violin and piano. The Faure Sonata, Opus 13, Is an example of French romantic style in traditional four-movement sonata pattern. The third move ment allegro vivace has long been a favorite often played as an encore. . . , , 1 Knowlen. Open U cum Burch Draperies Announce Open Houtt ot Our New Location 1915 II. Commercial St. Friday, March 11 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Refreshments Served I Salem's Niwesf, Most Complete Draper? Service j . Latest Fabrics and Designs : Phone 4-1609 ! HyfaJ CL"1"--' "V&inenvfliolfee feu fel STARCgJ 7 lOOM . U v 17 H H9 Si 'mm with vigorous Canterbury 7BA For, bright refreshment take Canterbury tea ! Tasta the difference in that invig orating, full flavor. Notioa the way it brings you new vigor.newlife. Canterburya a great teaand it always costs you less. So go re freshed with Canterbury in its bright new package.. LiQuid Starch love the way their husbands look in Vano-starched shirts. Vano does perfect 6tarching... saves time... saves work. Cup of - ot snFErjmr DDe DjOSffir Club Calendar Wednesday Cherry Court. Order of Amaranth, Scottish Rite Temple. 8 D m. Jmson Lee Methodist Church WSCS, Kirby Room, 11 a. in. I Catholic Daughter of America I meet at Catholic Center. S D. m. Soroptimist luncheon. Golden Phea-1 ant. noon. Tkaradar Merry-Mlnclen wtth Mrs. Harold Jenkins, 336 View Ave- 10 dessert luncheon.. Sojourners birthday luncheon, 1 atalem Woman's Club. 1 p. m. I West Salem Woman's Club meet j at West Salem City Hall, 8 p. m. friday Merry Time Club with ln. Claude Talmage. sw uuncan Ave., l p.m. luncheon. Nebraska Club with Mrs. Bessie Dries. 2425 N. . Church St, 12:30 no- host luncheon. Friendship Club with Mrs. Cora tr-otiL 1325 N. 17th SU 1 P-m. dessert. South Salem and Marion County I WCTU Joint institute, Leslie Meta- edist Churcn. iouw a.m. w vm. Salem Woman s Club meet at club house. S p. extcuUve board, 12 JO 5 Minute Shrimp Supper f ' - -y mi liu Plai'l I Tastes just right with DB.C5G PILATG Canned Shrimp HereVeasy, tempting rariety for folks who love fine seafood. ! Add plump, rosy Blue Flat Canned Shrimp to cheese sawce. Heat in double boiler, serve oa toast. Or try Blue Plate Shrimp iwomelett for extra goodness. . Or add chopped Blue Plate Shrimp to seasoned mashed potatoes. Shape in patties and deep fry. ! Blue Plate Shrimp come from the sunny Gulf of Mexico home waters for nature's beat-tatting shrimp. Enjoy their -creah flavor often. Ready to eat. No peeling. Ho waste. A Sa. mm el Mm Slats Sssfca Is sassi Is 1 Bs. Ma P K'. Sa 'TTH D ca ca i Kim ki 1 V cfCadtre (a ... U 3v 0 0 o ... the new aristocrat of glowing distinction, the leather of the news for (lie clothes you're choosing now to take you smartly from spring to fall. 16 and $1795 a. CD ft P-m. ; ; i- '-' I-.- "!! I ; - ; 1 .