Look To Wani-Ads To Solve Your Wants and Needs fcL 1: IT ASS 1' RENT BUY 6 SELL SWAP - EMPLOY iv To Place Your Ad Ph. 4-6811 for a Courteous, Helpful Ad Taker! Stocks Keep Driving Ahead NEW YORK W Stocks resumed their bull market drive ahead last week after a brief sellolf and pushed up to new peak levels. There were no fireworks in trad in? at anv time, but the average gain was the greatest in four months. . ; The Associated Press average of 0 stocks advanced $3.70 on the week. Hie widest gain since the second week of . last November. The averaee closed at $162.60, highest level In its history. Last week the average lost $1.00. Leadership of the rise was ex Aiii.ni and stronriv Disced In major divisions like steels, rail roads, motors and ous. 1. lbyl grain pc403pps x Good Week For Bears in Grain Market rmriAOO m It was another good week for the bears on the Board of Trade last week with only old crop wheat futures being able to resist the downward trend. Wheat closed the week 1 low er, corn Y lower, oats 4 to 1 cent lower, rye 3 lower: soybeans 2-54 lower and lard 23 to 60 cents a hundred pounds lower. x f Liquidation was present every where It was oarticularly heavy on Wednesday in rye, which broke several cents that day and upset the rest of the market. In corn and soybeans it was less concen trated but more persistent ExDorts were very slender throughout the week and commer cial demand limited tor au cercau. Cash grain receipts were not on duly heavy. CANADA CENSUS RISING OTTAWA tfl Canada's popula tion totaled 15.439,000 Jan. 1, the Bureau of Statistics estimates. This is a rise of 2.7 per cent from 15,035,000 on the corresponding date last year. Idaho Solons End Session, Win Praise 300 Personal X12 Lott and Found tlST White Gold Lady Bulova watch somewhere between Public! Service Bid. nd Ford St.. pos sibly on State. Beward. Ph. 3-8863. LOST Old fashioned Gold bracelet. "Widow keensake." Feb. 19. Wood- rofie San Shop. Reward. Ph. 3-8221 6 DAYS FORgfeCt Z7rY 99c per Line 1 J Lint Minimum 4lSr 450 Merchandise 4-50 .Merchandise 1 462 Sports Equipment 1 476 Fuel .1 Snlein Obituaries Lrla May Beach Late resident of 848 Judson, at 4w. . of it vears. at local hos pital. Survived by ton. Karl Adams if Salem, daughters. Mrs. E. 3. Seay ef Salem. Mrs. Pearl Rmgwald f Salem. Mrs. Ruby Cole of Vacaytue Calif,. Mrs. Delia Badger of Salem, Mrs. Elsie Johnson of Ilwaco. serv ices will be held Tun., March 8 at 1 30 p jn. st Howell-Edwards Funeral Home. Interment at City View Cem-1 tery. : ; : j Xate resWent Uot 1825 N 18th. in this city. March 8. t the age of 53 Survivors, one daughter. Janet Campbell of Salem, one sister. Enid Harrison of Boise. Idaho. Services will be Monday, Marc 7. 1:30 p.m. at W. T. Rigdon Chapel. Concluding services Belcrest Memorial Park. James O. Cooter ' , Late residence 43o uienwooa nr.. at local hospital. March 4. Survived bv Jessie Cooter of Salem; a son, Clinton J. Cooter. Eugene; sisters, Mn. Nora SawTer. Little Biver, Kan sas; Mrs. Dott CorrelL Mn. Ethel Bush. Mrs. Attie CrandaU. Mrs Esther Hohnstedt of Salem; brother Carlisle Cooter of Salem; 1 grand aon. Goffery Cooter of Eugene. Serv ices will be held at Clough-Barrick Chapel. Monday. March 7. at 10 JO a.m. Interment at Bestlawn Memory Gardens, Rev. Joe Harding officiat ing. s Martin Hensel " Late resident of 342 Elma Ave., in thia Htv March 4 at the ace of 73 Survived bv wife. Pauline, of Sa lem; children Mrs. S. B. McClintic of Salem. Marie Brandt of Salem Adolph Hensel of San Jose. Calif., Edwin Hensel of Salem: brothers Daniel Hensel of Victor. Calif.. Gott lieb Hensel of Salem. Gottfried Hen el of Lodi, Calif.; sisters. Matilda Buineski of Alberta. Canada: Lidia Bohnet of Lodi. Calif.. Marie Slagg of S. Dakota. Mrs. Albert Bower Stockton. Calif. Announcement of services later by the W. T. Rigdon CO. . . :;; .... Walter Hitch At a local hosoitaL March 8. at the age of 73 years. Survived by brother. Ed Hitch of Eugene. An nouncements of services later by the Howell-Edwards Chapel. BOISE. Idaho W . The Idaho Legislature ended its 1955 session Saturday, two days late. It was lauded by Gov. Robert E. Smylie for having held the line on ex penditures and for balancing the budget with a 9-million dollar general fund tax increase. - Adjournment came at 2:10 p.m. The final day 6was marked by House passage of the 15-million-dollar public school appropriation, and Senate . defeat" of a protest move by timber counties on the minimum education program. Adjournment was delayed an hour and a half past the scheduled time. Speaker of the House R. .H. Younz Jr. adjourned the House at 2:06 p. m. Lt. Gov. J. Berkeley Larsen banged down the Senate eavel four minutes later. Smylie, who received virtually everything he asked 62 days ago. went before a joint session shortly before noon to praise the legisla tors for their bipartisan approach with one exception to rais ing taxes. That referred to the Democratic opposition Friday night when the final 7Vt per cent tax increase was approved, 25 per cent over all. The governor departed from his prepared text in his reference to the possibility of a special ses sion. "The appropriations provided for some agencies, institutions may have been cut too deep. "If that should be the case, we can face the problems which may arise from being either over or under in our revenue estimates. We can do this in a special ses sion, or when we meet two years from now." Smylie threw out a hint that he might veto some appropria tion bills when he noted that the bills totaled $63,000 more than those passed in 1953. ' - "The upward trend in govern ment cost has been halted lor a little while -at least," the gover nor said. "In this respect you have been one of the most economical legis latures that has met here in many years." SCHUMAKER RITES SET ' PORTLAND (UP) Funeral services will be held here Monday for George W. Schumaker, promi nent local banker and business man who died Thursday in Eugene after a brief illness. 314 Transportation Minimum TO BUY TO SELL TO TRACK ITEMS $25 or LESS SORRY. PRIVATE PARTUS ONLY TENNIS rackets, $2.00. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 7 -MAN rubber boat, motor mount. etc. Also 12-ft factory made cedar boat 8c trailer. Ph. 3-eesi. Working hours, 8 ot 5 p.m. Phone 2-5783. 316 Personol March 7. Would like paying pass engers. Ph. 3-6546. LET US top dress your lawn now BROWN makes brown lawns green. with Mushroom fertilizer. Free es- Organic fertiliser. 3-0627. tim.tes. Ph. 4-8329 or 2-8411. 100 CHICKEN Manure, 11.75 sack. MAHOGANY chest of drawers and 4 MCB: fre delivery. Ph. 4-3914. dresser. Ph. 4-9081. - 1 ; . DINING table, end table, bed com- SALE-A Blue Uwra Cyprus. plete, chest-o'-drawers, lamp. 31305. Can be seen at 1138 3rd St. NOW! NOT LATER OREGON FUEL CO. SAWDUST it WOOD MULCHING SAWDUST S&H GREEN STAMPS Ph. 3-5533 3087 Broadway ANUKKSON'S green slab.) 3 CO 814 Ph. 3-7751 or 4-2654. " Hiphwav Fuel Co. Is the time to talk trades, r buy amn sawdust wood, grwrn or Uy your Doat, motor, or wauer. i stove-Die nils Ph TAXESl Are you over paying yours? Eves & wKenos. neas. z --. WANT AD WHOPPERS PSYCHIC READER Mrs. Mays without asking a question gives dates, facts, can neip soive all problems. 3645 Portland Bd. Look for ALMIRA MOTEL SIGN LET us help you control your weight Wey-nte, meaicauy prov en, inexpensive. Satisfaction guar anteed. Ph. 3-3782. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. L 2088 N. Com'!. 3-4537. -ww. 'sjkFF. DHmiDtnt removal of un- sightry aciai nairs. sncn oi ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 315,i N Commercial, g-2108 or -bwju. 400 Agricultnre 402 Livestock For Sole TWELVE large 2. 3 & 4 year old ewes with 15, Jan. 1st. iamDj. oooo ruim trwir tn lamb. Al for $320.00. Sid Hendricks, S.W. city limits of Donald. Ore. Phone Aurora uo. WEAKER pigs. C. L. Pierce. 1 mile West Brush CoUege. Ph. 2-5994. LOCKER BEEF, Eastern Oregon ',i nr whole. 22 e. Custom lulling. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, 1323 S. 25th. Ph. 3-4858. 403 Livestock Wonted" LIVESTOCK buyer A T Sommer 1265 Harmony 'Dr. rn. -&ni 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted Malt HERK'S CHANCE make 'money fast. eu name piates zor nouses I write Box 21, Watertown, Mass. CHEVROLET trained mechanic Steady work, good earnings, only men with Chevrolet training need apply. Burton Chevrolet Co, Har risburg. Ore. P.. Harrisburg 1112. DEPENDABLE msn for local fuller Brush route. $33 weekly comm. to ,trt-Mr- Elory. 3-8337. i VVLCANIZER with mnld experience. Steady work. Good pay. Apply , Oregon State Emp. Service, 710 Ferry St., Salem. By request. 606 Help Wonted,' female OFFICE girl wanted with experience answering teiep.ione.- nesting pub lic & typing. Box 104 Statesman Journal. j A DRESS-LINGERIE shop in your home. Sell Fiftli Ave. New cric, fashions from gorgeous style cards. No investment. Oood commission. Write Modern Manners, Dept. 7214. Hanover. Pa. ; A . DRESS SHOP in your home. No investment. Liocral sales com missions. Write Bellecraft, 111RB Eighth Ave.. New York. TEACHERS WANTED JOHNSON REPAIRS by Bill (THE PAYING CASH for contracts and j INTERESTING vacation positions TAYLAR-S AWAY! San Francisco) SAWDUST FOR MLLCHlNli and before he left he promisen i Orders taken for delivery now or us a Donus u wt soia a cerrain i amount of stuff. (He forgot to I later. Capitol Fuel jCo, Broadway. Ph. 3-7721. 1420 say we. had to make a profit.. HA!) Mnx firepiac. & Ittrnac wood Basement delivery, en. a-saao. SPRING SPECIAL MULCH SAWDUST Green Slab 21, Cdsj S14.50 PLANFR ENDS AND DRY SLAB WEST SALEM (FUEL 1525 Edgewater - J Ph. 2-4031 So see BILL or ART at the good old Salem Nut & Bolt Club. The foot of Chemeketa St. at the River. BUBCHCRATT BOATS MOLDED BOATS DILLABAUGH BOAT KITS BEEBE CRUISER GRUMMAN ALUM. CANOES 500 Bus. & Finance Johnson motors (new. used) 510 Money to Loom: EXPERT) mortgages. Ph. 4-5644. OA SALEM J PRIVATE MONEY 2-0794. to loan. Phone HOUS E Bank Terms Ph. 3-S303 AUTO UJANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie No m;50 S-154 CASH for real estate mtgav and con tracts. B. M. Mason or w. a. Min- ler. Rlt 164 S. Coml. i CASH paid for used guns, modern COLONIAL Investment Co, Real and antique, cascaatt were usgi x-ropeny uimi Broadway. , I cnawo. vol v-ourw vusd. 468 For Rent, Miicelloneoui 515 Investments ALL-IN-ONE cattle, nones, at your' tarm. e. c 1 1 was advised to leave them alone and they'll come home, but Td McCandUsh. Rt. z, nx. m. ttt Iaf er a Lost and round Ad. CATTLE BUYERS B. L and H. Sna th en. 4297 SUte 2-1343 or -Jw. LIVESTOCK WANTED Emery Alderman. 4-8430. 4-7218 404 Poultry ond Robbitt FOR SALE, oven ready hens. Phone 4-2470. FOR SALE 300 Leghorn hens. 2-6288. Ph.. 450 Merchandise i 450 Merchandise 455 Hiehold Goods For Solo 458 Building Moteriofs wy-" Mnw WRFPKINR CHROME dinette, 5-pc. $24.50.. Glen llUll lllxLUlMllU oodry, 1605 N. Summer. CUSTOM DRESSING of poultry We buy rabbits. Wlng"s Ph. 4-39183985 Stats SL 40a Pets 5-dp DINETTE set with Z leaves. I Only siz.su. uses won. man, 270 S. Liberty. UNFINISHED furniture. H, L. Still Furniture Store, 175 N. High. COCKER & Chihuahua puppies. AJeo AKC stud service. Cocker, Chi huahua Ac collie. Ph. a-wa. m SAT.EM'S IXJWfcSl i UiUNli UKl - . I Jt. ill. . A k.. ml prices mr and ysiu. uieo toileti wooury. iow n oujiMim . Vancouver: Wash.) ,' All material for sale at our Salem Yard. soo ooo ft. 2 and btr. used lumber. 2x10, 2x12. 3X12. exlO, BX1Z M 4-3 FOR RENT or lease, lge. warehouse space, cement floor, ones: Diag. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furn. 3-9185. 470 For Sale Miscellaneous 1 FOR SALE 1 Reo Royals Jl-in. lawn mower. 1 Gardenaid tractor, in cluding plow, disc, harrow tc cul tivator. 1-10-ft. Deepfreeze, Ph 4-4714. MARBLB top tables, solid mahogany S28.90. no tmer quality anywnere. uien wooory. ibto h. Bummer. 7-ft. COLDSPOT refrig. 22 Winches ter special, a pump fun. L. C. Smith typewriter. Ph. 3-7331. 16 nun. MOVIE camera with iL 9 B&I animar lens. Arcus C-3 with filters, tripod & flash. Will sell or trad for good single lens re- flex camera. Ph. 4-9139: WESTINGHOUSE apt. size refrig. Guaranteed. $49.50. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. LOAN f Up TO $2000 OR MORE 1 LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 1. GROUP INSTALLMENT , PAYMENTS. S. CUT PRESENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 1 I. CLEAN UP CURRENT BILLS. . PROVIDE EXTRA CASH. Just ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT paying teachers selected $1,000 to $1,500. Permanent supervisory po sitions also open to those who qual ify. Write in confidence to Box 69. Statesman-Journal. ; - NATIONAL CONCERN If you are Interested In a career with ait good future and have in itiative with own transportation, we need you. 40-hour week. $300 per month. See D. A. Jones, Hotel Multnomah, Tuesday & Wednesday, from 10 ajn. through A p.m. No phone calls, please. ATTRACTIVE woman, for sales desk. No outside selling, but prefer some one experienced in selling cosmetics or photo albums door-to-door. Box 101, Statesman-Journal. - WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper. prefer widow. Box 93, statesman Journal. MIDDLE-AGED lady. Night duty. 40 hours a week for board, room & small wages. Write Box 82. States- man-Journai. GIRLS The best jobs require self confidence, poise, personality: We can help you I Patricia Lee School of Charm. 43S State. Ph. 4-7272. PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S LIBERTY PH 4-2203 WILL sell reasonable. '51 Chcv. sedan delivery, 21-ln. Westingnouae T.v Georce Hoffman At residence. 386 Bellevue St, March 5. Survived by two daughters Mrs. Paul Yeater of Salem., Miss Fre da Hoffman of Salem: son. Earl Hoff man of SL Paul. Minnesota; sister, Mrs. Sadie Cooling of Manchaster Conn.; two brothers, Frank Hoffman of St Paul. Minn.; Chsrlir Hoffman of Hudson Bay, Canada; two grand children, Sharon Hoffman of Grand Forks, N. D.. and Jerry Hoffmsn of Chicaso, 111. Services will be held in the V... T. Golden Chapel Tun. March I. at 3 p.m., Dr. P. M. Poling officiating. Jesse E. Prince f At the residence. 1980 N. TJbertv March 4. Survived by wife. Mrs. Ida F. Prince of Salem: three sons, Charles. Robert and Harold Prince, all of Salem: Mrs. Georse Winslow of Tillamook: Mrs.- Hazel Smith of Inspiration. Ore.; brother, Kenneth Prince ot Salem: 2 erandsons, Jav and Gregg Prince of Salem. Services will be held Monday. March 7. at 4 p.m.. In the V. T. Golden Chapel Rev. H. W. Gross officiatint. Inter ment at City View Cemetery. Rose I. Vegels , Former residence Rt 5. Box 457 Salem, at a local hospital at the age of 70. Survived by son. William E Vogels. Salem; daughter, Mrs. Eu gene Coombes, Killdeer, N. Dak.. 4 grandchildren. Services will be held In the Howell-Edwards Chanel on March T at 10:30 ajn. Interment City View Cemetery. Kitfesa Seldom Weot In this city. March 4. at the rest dence, J010 S. Church. Survived by wue. airs, cua wooa or Salem; daughter, Mrs, Ravmond A. Hoff. man: 3 brothers Earl and Clinton Wood of Salem and Preston Wood of Indiana: . also several nieces and nepnews. services will be Moniv March 7, at 2 pjn. at the Virgil T Golden ChapeL Interment at the City View Cemetery, Rev. Wayne urcen ouiciaung. Classified , Advertising S talesman -J oarnal Newspapers XSS Ne, Chnrca St. PHONE 4-6811 (Mia. 2 Baes) Weekdays Sundays per line 1 Urn J5 J3 . per line. I times JSQ JtQ per line. times S130 $U0 per line. 1 month ..$3 00 Unci Sun.) Classified ads win be run in both papers to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 33,600 combined circulations. When u il U ordered three or six times and a Sunday issus is in cluded (for example: Friday, Satur day. Sunday i the lower Sunday rates apply because only the statesman publishes Suvdays. Classified ada win start In the morning Oregon tnatesmsn, conclude In the evening Capital journal out ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only The deadline for classified ads Is 1:00 p.m. the day before publica Hon Emergency ad$ and small line ads received after 1HM p.m. may be placed in the "Too Late To Classify" column for the following morning. Ads for Monday papers must be in oy s pja saturaay. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserve the right to reject ques tionable advertising It further re serves the right to plact all adver tising under the proper cliumct tioa. The Stat roan-Journal Newspapers assume no financial responsibility for errors which onsy appear in ad vertisements published in its columns and in cases where this paper ts at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in wmcn we typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address is for the protection ot the advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter The Statesman-Journal News papers are not at liberty to divulge information as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Bund ad Used wash basins, complete, $3.50 up SIMMONS studio court! sale, new. I Bath tubs . " Only $79 SB. Terrna. xzaoes. un 1 4 buck dramas pip 'ti - ... . . 1 w.MMi,if imH n fMRWMr 12 mm. i u oniv. iu wmwr aui.. -rwj APABinWMwpwt7.fy , . .- ; . condition $20 UP Persian, ni. a-n. 1 usjuu n . iu b! X;, I onlv. 40' hows trusses, bolted CHINCHILLAS, the . exotic fur.b?"- Ration. Juaranwea. sua. - construction .$100 . lnc animal irom xne w mwub-i j " S -Y tjM.v.i- izz root Trussea tains. Choice stock for breeding or Pump. Good condition. Reasonable. Ufea x x t Ut Cooring $35 M pets. Priced to $elL 1035 Edgewa- JUDhON b usea ,iding $45 to $73 M ter. ra. 3-oaz. 1 rnont ' i viarr nuyuwa -, fww 2 oniy su xbb . , , aa.ju 2 only' SO-xja' $27.50 also 1.000 misc. used sashes. Low Priced All kinds of used doors, complete with frames at hardware, $3.50 to $$.50. RITTER & CO. Rt. t. Box 367 Ph. 4-8311 4 miles North of Salem. i mile North of Totem Pole on v9E. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY OVEBHEAD garage door 4c roofinc rlt 4-S793. BUNK beds, complete toci. inner-1 print; mattresses, one set oniy. sm. Glen wooory. iao n. summer. USED Piano Sc Bench, small size. S69.00. Hogg Bros. 24S State St. No I USED davenport & chair. $29. Hogg Homer Gainon. ta. 1, 1 Bros.. 248 state ot A.G.C. registered Dachshund puppy, black & tan. Ph. 2-2957 Chinchilla for sale. 4 GY. F Sun. calls. Box 100, Willamina 3 PART Pekinese puppies, S3 to s. 343 Delmare Dr. . REMINGTON hand operated adding machine will add multiply, sub tract little used. Will sell or trade for new clothing, electrical aoDliancea or groceries.' C. E. Burns, 458 North 18th St Salem. Ore. MALE BOXER PUPS, fawn beauties, A.K.C., $50. Fnono lepanon win. HOLLYWOOD Aquarium 1958 Mc- Coy. Tropical, goiansn, equipment FINGER TAME Parakeet and cage. 255 S. 14th St. REGISTERED Labrador puppies. Rt. 3. Box 807 A. soutn juver no. Jt-n. 2-6190. REGISTERED Siamese kittens, also stud service. PH. 4-4388. TRY CLASSIFIED ADS USED Philco refrigerator. 3243 Bea- con. Ph. 2-6685 after e p.m. USED Daveno bed only $19.50. Hogg Broe., 248 State St nmsoK refris- very clean, $69.90. Hot Point range, unbelievably clean. $99. CUerry city juecmc, 339 ChemekeU. GOOD, used 4-pc, bdrm. set $39.50. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. TRADER LOUIE SELLS NEW FURNITURE FOR LESS v . r.tr 1 J....nn4 . IMt 0"7AAei bABAifir.irTS. inoliea. 4-Cor- "" - ners Aviary, 4110 Huason. 2-aos 1 . Ria kiu., b', cu. il, peneci cuu. can ue seen at i- FOR SALE2 rabbit hutches, 3167 Lancaster. . . t t t-rtt 1 him - I"l1f !llll't BUILDING? FOR SALE Remlncton Noisele tvnwriter S20. tvoewrlter oesx ). Sleeping- trailer $123. Farrandl piano $100. 3-707$. 1760 No. 20th. AUTOMATIC washer, 88.50. A-l. YOU'D BE AMAZED AT THE LOW 600 EmplOTmellt COS! JI INt.Y (.ADiflilO, VfUU- I ITY WORK. TERMS CAN 1. A Ul A-a. ARRANGED. PH. 4-7477. ttOZ Help Wonted parakeets, cases, supplies. Bird Paradise. 3180 Livingston, i-imz. 2-6436. 410 Seeds and Plants MIRRORS 30x40-in. Bros.. 248 State St. $12.93. Hogg USED pianos. Your choice $75. H. L. Stiff Furniture. ivs w. rugn. A7.AI.EAS. evergreens. Waring's Nursery. 102s oik him Ave. i urn 9x12 LINO rugs. S3.40. uiea wooory, W. on S 12th. U mi. S, lngside School. of Morn 1605 N. Summer. FOR SALE. Blueberry plants. Ph. 2-1573 or 386 W. Chemawa. 412 Fruit and Farm Product ONIONS 50-lb. Danver onions. 98c. GREEN APPLE MARKET 5005 Portland Road CLOVER HAY, no rain, Andresen Farm. 4990 N. Lancaster. 4-Z943. 413 Fertilizer ROTTED MANURE, loose. Easy to work with. Loosen your sou wun manure. Helps hold moisture. By sack or cubic yard. Special on large loads. Immediate del. Ph. 4-3081. Rt 5, Box 493. Phillip Bros.. 2 miles E. of 4-Corners. ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS Sack or bulk. Phone 3-3156 6-YR. maple crib & training chair. A-l COnd. Ph. 4-3448. EASY Spin-dryer-washer, late model. like new. $75. Ph. z-aaas. BLACKSTONE auto, washer & dryer set, S200. Cherry , City Electric, 339 Chemeketa. : USED floor lamps as low as $4.95. Hogg Bros.. 248 State St. A B apt size clec range, $40. Phone 2-0076 4-DRAWER chest, mahoc or Wal. finish. $34.75. Hogg Bros.. 248 State. ; I WHIRLPOOL dryer, top cond. $109.95. Cherry City Elect, 339 Chemeketa. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. 27472 ROTTED ( WEED-FREE 1 MANURE . .Yds. DeL 2-0331 or 4-1854 41 4 Farm Equipment USED 3 H P. Garden tractor, attach ments. Phone 3-6686. 100 Crvstal slide windows. Plywood, large supply , Low priced Loose insulation, per sack si.zo Tiber glass roll iniuL CHEAP 16x32, 12x24. ceil tile, sq. ft. 10c V steel tub. complete $63.50 5' cast tub. complete $69.50 Steel shower cabinets . $39.50 Elec. water heaters ..J59.50 uo 21x32 dble. sink wrlm $43.95 500 gal. steel septic tanks .$57.50 4" cast tron soil pipe 70c ft 4" Orangeberg pipe 38c ft W galv pipe- 124e. s,4 i6i,4e Mahog, Birch, sen, doors. Fir door Jambs, , good ones $2.50 Waterproof wall board. 4x8 2 00 New 4x8 plaster board $1.40 Craft, black building paper -$2.50 12-2 elec. wire, roll at 44e Steel garage doors, complete.' $44 3 tab. compos, roof, per sq. $7.75 Cedar Shingles, 4 grades Iron roof 8 $' 10'. 12' . CHEAP Weather strip, wind $14.20 up Hundreds picture wind. $8 up Window sashes in stock. Birch plywood, grade A 45e Mahog. V'-40c. Sen M 44c Exter. white paint pet gaL $2-50 Cedar posts, vour choice 35c Steel fence posts, fencing . CHEAP Nails, 100 lbs. per keg -. J9.Z5 Painted Canadian shakes .$10.93 Cedar sidinc. sanded and rougn . CHEAP Plastic floor tile 9x9 14c Overhead garage hdwre. $13.83 C. G. Long & Sons 1 mi. N. of Keizer Ph. 4-5051 500,000 FEET New. fresh-milled ' old and second srowth lumber. 2x4 to axis, in I to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices $30 per thousand. Ted wuiier. rn Salem 2-1198 evenings SEE OUR AD on the building page. Oregon Pulp & Paper Retail Lum ber Division. Ph. 2-2421 Ext 3. wnpiete wun A . - ,i -ui equipment Used very litUe. F. W. 457 KOdlO and I V Hens. Ph. 4-9081. Shiplap 2500 ft. lot 1 2x4 Be wider. Smaller lots .$33 M ..$30 M ftlLnoSSrf eVwcS: NO NE likes to be reminded that $-30 binoculars, ell In food eondi- Uxes about due, Du!t w, must tlon. Ph. S-9730. I rihuMm m-nA i w null Come la and. let our experienced loan men help you In the same con fidential manner. Our 28 years of experience Is our greatest asset Loans to $300.00 on signature, furni ture and equipment an to Jouu.w on cars, trucks and trailers. Park Free at Marlon Car Park 137 So. Commercial! Sti Lie. S-138, M-338 SUB MM mm it USED hearing-aid complete NATK)NAL concern has opening lor W1U1 46 VUIU9 C veii. iivsut Kuivh price 8180. Sell $50. Ph. 4-3-.S. EASY Washer, Clemson lawn mower. davenport. Ph. 4-3890. 610 Sales Persons Wanted WASHINGTON, D. C. CORPORATION We are going to expand our pres ent branch offices throughout the state of Oregon and Southern Washington as our .business tripled In 1954. Thereby making it neces sary to Increase our sales staff In he following offices: Portland, Van couver. Longview, Kelso and Salem. Leads furnished. No door-to-door canvassing. The men wo are look ing for must be of neat appear ance, ambitious and have their own transportation. Starting salary $300 per month plus liberal commission. Should b earning from $150-$300 per week within two months. We have hospitalization and life In surance benefits, monthly incentive bonus, Christmas bonus and our men also participate in the profits of the corporation. Interivews: Hotel Multnomah. Tues day & Wednesday, from 10 A.M. to P.M. Ask for Mr. H. T. Menke. No phone calls, please. BE FIRST to sell famous Automatic Fire Extinguishers with amazing new CM-7. Replaces Carbon Tetra chloride. Top commissions. Thou sands of new prospects. Free use of samples. Write Red Comet, Inc., Dept 272-P. Littleton. Oolo. EXTRA Cash. Full-Spare Time. Own Time. Own permanent business. No Investment or experience. Sell Excl. Magic Cushion Shoes. Free outfit. Paragon, 79C Sudbury, Boston.- t LARGE wardrobe closet, $10. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. : Glen a pratdcal man with knowledge of machinery At farm equipment to sell petroleum products. Marnea man. age 35 or older preferred. I WANTED Industrious man with car Must have late model ear and be to suoolv Rawleirh products to 1500 REFRIGERATOR & washer. 19th. Call after 5. --18Z4. 540 S. GROCERY store fixtures 8c stock for sale. Ph. 2-0698. 2'4x3i SPEED Graphic Lots 01 ex tras. Ph. 2-7043. ORDER your family"s clothes from a Minnesota woolen to. represen tative Ph. 4-7129. ANTIQUE marble fireplace. $75. Com plete (very rare), oien wooury. 1605 N. Summer. PIT RUN GRAVEL Ph. 2-4310 Any time. DRY BALED SHAVINGS t Ph. 4-5055. . 860 S. 21st ADVERTISING Proofreader We are Interested in some one experienced In making corrections on newspaper E roofs, releasing advertising tami ar with newspaper and retail ad vertising procedures, etc. j-iease ji- 4.1 ti. . TTTTT write full particulars, saiem inter- o 1 x TV orK ty anrea, mom views arranged, ah replies coiui- dentiaL Box 67, Statesman-Jour-1 EXPERIENCED gardener. Also gen nai. 1 ,r naintinc 8e carnenter. 4-6687. ADVERTISING Copyritep. If . you 1 0rr lobs, oaintin - or what have iui na v(cmiu.c - ...-. 1 you? 1373 Mission. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines. cash registers, duplicators, ocsks. chairs, files 8c supplies. . Roen . 456 Court St Ph. 3-6773. J ROUND oak dininf table, $5. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. Glen CHARIS corsetlere, dresses, yardage. Mary E. Bales. Ph. 3-5918. 9x12 UNO. rugs. $5S a strom Co. 160 S Liberty L. Elf- BAKER, 1 meal per day. Personal Interviews imperative. : upman a. Mrs. Fern, 3 to 5 p.m. dally. $18.88 BUYS new lnnerspring. mat tress or box soring at Glen Wood.- TV's. Why pay $30? Shop Monday 1605 N. Summer. 664 Help Wonted1, Male T100 A WEEK TO START Plus bontu. Guaranteed1 by a con- USED cash regis., adding machines. Clarv, 1979 Fairgrounas a. i-aava TOP SOIL River "silt fill dirt, prompt delivery Ph. 21749. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous i 26-in. ROTOTILLER...yery good 1 T.V RADIO appliance wpalr. Work Cfjjged condition. $233. Ph. 4-3880. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify COLLIE pup for sale. $5. Ph. 2-5933 Sunday and Monday only. i HANDS TIED Because you lack a high school ed ucation? write for a free descrip tive bulletin. American School, 797 Harnw Rd., Eugene, Ore BEAUTIFUL unfur. court 2-bdrm apt Stove, refrig. Ac auto, washer turn. TV plug in. 907 S. 13th. BLUE 194$ Chev. Shady Iane. 4-dr. See at 1570 THE FOLLOWING professional men are needed in tnii growing com' munity: Licensed plumber, attor ney. refrigeration man. real estate agent. Please contact Umatilla Chamber of Commerce, Umatilla. Oregon, for full information. THE NEW Retina 33. See it at Klasic Photo. It's a marvel, 548 Stat. 1148 enier. REAL bargains. Ph. 2-1292. Used washers, refrlss.. elec ranees. Also used motors, elements 8c parts. Ap pliance wreckers, esao Monroe Ave 4-50 Merchandise guaranteed. 24-hr. service. 4-547$. 458 Building MaterioU $5 M., more -13c. ft. Cabinets to order, free estimates. 36 months to pay. EPPING LUMBER CO.. 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-6123 ' WANTED Good used upright piano. 52-in. or less in height. Ph. 3-9928. 4S1 Machinery and Tools HD $ DOZER and drum. Good cond 1895 Lee. Ph. 2-8797. : ire LUMBER S2S per M. 2x4. 2 2x12 r1. boards 8c snipiap. ZtiO Hansard Ave. Ph. 3-132 eves. Ph.; 3-775. Lebanon, Ore. LOGS WANTED Top prices .paid. S- n. to CO-ln. diameters in 8-1 1 er mulUples of $-lt We also bus ttvmpage. 'Burkland Lumber Com pany. Turner. Ore. Ph. Turner 1125. Even'nps phone Turner zaua or a lem 2-7826. 454 Sewing MochineT More 1459 Do It Yourself - SEWING machines. $10. Glen Wood ry. 1605 N. Summer. More U-FIX-IT-GARAGE ELECTRIC sewing machine with at tachments. Call after p.m. or on Sat and Sun. PB. 4-1547. Mahog. Doors - Cheap. Also I Repair yea own car. Phone 4-3261 Birch. Shins, and sen doors at at-1 z"a wm i No. 1 455 HteKold" Goods tor Sale YOUTH bed. complete. Special $19.95. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Liberty. tractive prices. Two carloads doors ordered be in soon stop in and see them. Oak Fig. In heated room. Plywood what you need is here somewhere come in and help us find it , 4x8 Ribbon Mahog. 19c ft. 3x6 Mahog. 1.89 ea. Also Birch & Sen Ply, LATE model Maytag wringer wash- E2S ' a2 ,S "ft er. 9G9.93. .Benaix ironer. wny slsvet $29.95. Cherry City Electric. 339 Chemeketa. 39-in. ROLL-A-WAY bed. Complete. Only s-4.50. uaea hom. Mart, 270 S. Liberty. Hemlock, Alder. You have to see to appreciate. Also, Just arrived Ce dar boards and batts, Inverted Boards, Red wood Rusticwood These are hot ones I) Hardboard 2.00. Wallboards, Hemlock Door jambs. Shakes & Shingles aTJ very reasonable. 215 J-tao roonnf 7.73 TTitnvr. fnr trvr salt all tnv new furniture cheap. $83 Edina New Do-it-yourseU Plans Just ar- Lan. plan we've , USED FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO.. 219 N. COML. e BEST MATTRESS BUY IN SA LEM I GLEN WOO DRY'S, 1803 N SUMMER. USE CLASSIFIED ADS rived you pick the eot the material. NOTHING DOWN - 36 MONTHS TO PAY - SERVICE WITH A SMILE AT - Portland Road Lumber Yard Ph. 4-4433 3349 Portland Rd "Open all day Saturday" 460 Musical ln$trument$ Piano Bargains STEINWAY UPRIGHT $95.00 OTHER UPRIGHTS FROM $125 NEW 73-N0TE SPINET. FLOOR SAMPLE. REG. $550. SPECIAL $385. : i . ! j CONVERT YOUR PIANO into an organ. Let us anew you how. Wiltsey Musie Bouse, I860 SUU St WISH to tear down old home for lumber. 1005 S. Liberty. WANTED Small rubber tired log ging arch suitable for use With HD5B. Prefer used. Write Al Cooper. Box 275. Shady Cove. Ore or phone 2275. Shady Cove. WANTED Gold coins or coin collec tion. Ph. 2-988L 474 Miscellaneous ASK about our ALUMINUM FOIL INSULATED RE-ROOF. State Roof ing Service. Ph. 2-7629. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST 4.dolph Bldg, State 8c ComT Sts. SALEM ro. S-Wll 47 fuel CAPITOL FUEL CO. Slab it Block Wood Mixed Planer Ends Sawdust " Dry Oak Wood 1428 Broadway Ph 2-7721 D? YOU need cord wood cut see or write John Armstrong. Rt 1. Box 70 Monmouth. Dial 4-6811 to Place Ad willing to travel. References re quired. Full schooling & neio training given. Sales experience advantageous but not: essential. Commissions. drawing: account when Qualified. Write Mr. Thorn ton Hodge, Dept. 35-K.s Box 1341, Delias. Texas, stating qualifications, address & phone number. fsmilies nearby. Real opportunity. If you like outside work and your own profitable business see C. Martsfield. 1397 S. 13th. Salem, or write Rawlegih'a Dept 153, Oak land 20, Cal. SALESMAN Are you tired of traveling, knocking - doors, making, call backs, going weeks on promises? If yosi sre 21 to 30, neat appearing and willing to work.see Mr. Reynolds Sat., 9 to 12, Marion HoteL No phone calls. copy for department stores or chsin retail stores, write us complete de tails of your experience 8c other Information. Do not send samples at this time. Sslem interviews ar ranged. All replies confidential. Box 86. v Statesman-Journal. LANDSCAPING PLOWING. TILLING Ph. Valley Farm Store 4-4824 INCOME TAXES REASONABLE Ph. 2-20S1 CUSTOM plowing 8c discing. W. A. La Flemme, 1565 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-3123. ; ' CARPENTER, new. remodel or rt- pair time or contract, v n. a-ouao. TRASH HAULED. Stores, jrsras. bsmts. cleared. Pn. 4-7434. trsct at the end of each month. HOME BUILDING, remodeling, roof If you have a car and are Interest- I ing & aiding. Ph. 2-1344. ea in juv uui wki 1 .TTg vancement come to 1438 Broadway CUSTOM plowing, discing, rotovat- inE. x ora cquiuicu i s Beach. Ph. 3-1731. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday & Tues day only. WANTED Experienced A & H salesman who is capable of managing a sales oixice. Must be 23 years old ot over, have Custom Plowing Disking 4053 SILVERTON RD. PH. 4-74.T9 L W. CAUDLE spraying es pruning. Free esumstes. 4-1461. a car, and be able to go out ot i RprNTrH WOTk N. r-Dair. day. town. Position pays a salary, plus cJEHIf7!S J.Tsstl nth., -tti-.z-tiva rnTtinenxations. I COntTSCt Z-1BU OT This is a real opportunity for the CEMENT work. W. W (Bill) Ship right man. Ph. 4-5223 for appoint- man, 4060 Durbln Av., 3-8318. 4-7314 ment before noon any day this TREE (ervica spraying, top. weglt- : : i nniniiw. eabllne. Ph. 4-8501. MAN TO SHOW simple items to fill- unlte,m nrar. KnMl,lk, ... !V- BETEL ' fxindTfcnufwork, Ph. guarantee and commissions up to INCOME tax service. 390 E. Wash- $200 to $400 weekly for the right I ington St Ph. 3-6841. 7or PAINTING Dirt cheap prices. Clean. INCOME Tax. $2.50 each. Call any time. 4-8592. - man. Write ti. Mtg, Co., Soiux City,; Iowa., deUUs. FOR ABETTER SALES JOB 1614 Work Wonted, FewoTa HOUSEWORK by day or hour. 3-4507. Ph. CHILD csre. $1 day. Capitola dlst Transp. if desired, pn. We elve exclusive territory. X Advertising schedule setup for you individually. - ' . 3. The finest hospital, raedical. ac cident coverage in tne neia. 4. Earnings well over $140 M per wrlx eo Daby tting eves. . ZJTl- 'L- I lh. 4-STie after eau. a. i ravet matt j GENERAL CLEANING BY HR. PHONE 2-8259 Ref. Those interested, write Field Man-1 ailMEOGRAPHINO. typlnt reason- ager. box 333, Salem, tor personal I sow mts -o to n inW . interview. I ranviNO Ac housework by the hour. FRY cook, experienced only. Call in Ph. 3-8628. 1025 N. Church. person i Mtween 2 Jc P J- The tjabY sittlnf your home or mint. San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. pj, 4.5140. EXPERIENCED mechanic, also must moNING housework, dressmaking In know front end work. Call -lH yourhome r mine Ph. 9-7534. between 8 & 1 p.m. x- a- nammcr Garage. MAN with car, age not important to learn sales end of. furnace service work. Future, is exceptionally bright with branch manager's job 'as ultimate objective.; Apply in person. Holland Furnaca Co, 320 ' Kearney St i your home or mine. 1615 Sifttotions Wonted CARPENTER, eapable, fast, wages reasonable, pn. a-uts. M1CKEN HAM'S DAY NURSES T State tteeaaed and Inspected. Pn. S-7SB4.