'i v 1 ' I - - ; uJ I- ;!!;..! ?i -i - i 1 2 Soe. 2 SttHaimcmi Seism Ore.. We)dL Nor. 17. 134 Decorations j I A Feature of I Smorgasbord J By LORRAINE HARMS Decorations will be a feature at the YMCA-YWCA Srhorgasbord to be held at the new YWCA builcHn Thursday night ' Dinner will be served continuously from 5:30 to t o'clock. The public ii invited to attend this annual event, which benefits the world fellow ship fund .for the two organiza tions. T . lj . . j. I Posters from around the world will be displayed. One of the eye catching posters is of 1 Africa: dis playing war dance . materials,- a large woven drum, a shrunken head, a boomerang, gourds, swords end animal teeth. m ( I . Another clever poster by Pres cott of Paris, shows sidewalk cafes, an art studio, and the Eiffel tower; the French flag is shown hanging from one of the buildings'. Its humorous exaggeration is in contrast with another Paris poster by Rod Reider of cobblestone streets, shuttered windows and Sidewalk cafes. . ; . j , j i j Yucatan is represented by i ah Indian woman in colorful garb and a distant pyramid, j ! Bermuda is pictured by Loweras in rocks, blue water! and sandy beach. : . -if ' ! 1 . Oriental life Is drawn by Chark isasKesquiue on a poster 01 oxen plowing flooded rice paddies. ; if The Christian Service Guild of the First Evangelical United Brethren Church will meet Thurs day night at the home of Mrs. Earl Weathers. This will be the Thanks giving service with-Mrs. Don Sen-ter-as program chairman. Assist ing will be Mrs. Royal Hayes and ; Mrs. E. L. Krause. i There will be a round table discussion On "The Christian Home' Assisting hostesses will be Mrs.1 Milton Mil ler, Mrs. Robert Wood andj Miss Marie Mahood. H ' j , -I Dr. Bennett is Guest Speaker I The Altrusa Club dinner meeting Was held Monday night at 'the; Marion HoteL Dr. Thomas Ben- j nett of Willamette University was the guest speaker and gave a talk on the United Nations. - ; ' la dosing DrL Bennett stated that the United! Nations may be spoken of as toe greatest contri bution ito the age, a place where men and nations can debate their problems so thai man may never walk alone. - - Mrs. Helen Cosper, of the public affairs committee, chairman, in troduced the speaker. t - Guests "attending were Mrs. Hat tie Lockwood, Mrs. Nickolas March and Mrs. William Bohlender. Credit Women Hear Talk The Salem 1 Credit Women's Breakfast Club met Tuesday morn ing at Nohlgren's. ' Guests were Miss Vivian Green and Miss Alice Maxwell. The speaker was Robert S. Bennett, field representative for the social security administration. The Nov. 30 board meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Velma Davis. The December 7 meeting will feature an; educational pro gram. The club's rummage sale is set for Nov. 16 and 27. j - LYONS Mrs; ohm Neal and Mrs. Raymond JBranch were hos tesses for i the I meeting of the Lyons Garden Club Wednesday af ternoon at the Catholic community hall. Mrs. Otto Weidman pre sided and the next meeting . will be held at the borne of Mrs. Otto Weidman with tihe Christmas par ty at that time! A gift exchange will be held andj secret pal names will, be revealjfd. Mrs. . Orville Downing, progrim chairman, in troduced Mrs.' C, G. Halvorson of Silverton. who gave a talk on the care and culture . of chrysanthe mums. -'J : - J (jcuf JJo iiclaij abie Setttn y v.; ; c; t : i i . 5' ';. .,' ji t ;. i Hon Sh V. . i ';U V .::.! I " " .,s:i,, a t MERRY CHRISTMAS MORNING . . . The 'right star for the gayest day of the year. White milk glass and ruby glass contrast -with green-felt skirted Christmas tree. Mrs. Denton to Head Club WILLAMINA Mrs. Bill Denton was elected president of the Wil lamina FL club1 at the November meeting. Also elected were Mrs. Jim Monaco, vice president, and Mrs. Don Tatom, secretary. Mrs. Newlin Neely'is treasurer of the club. Hostesses were Mrs. Monaco and Mrs. Jack Sisk. The next meeting will be lec J7 at the borne of Mrs. Bob Boundy hear McMinnville. This will the annual Christmas party guest- at the meeting was Royce Coan. I 1 be A Mrs. rme Past worthy high priestesses and past watchmen of the shepherds were honored at the stated meet ing of Willamette Shrin. White Shrine of Jerusalem! Monday night at the Masonic Temple. . ! i 'A trio, composed of, Mrs. Sarah Tennis, Mrs. George Thomason and Mrs. Lillian Black, accom panied by Mrs. Edna WUhelm, sang a medley of old songs. The worthy high priestess,' Mrs. Dorr Shreve, and Jesse Li Hatch, watch man of the shepherds, presented with gifts. . I . -I . Past worthy hih priestesses i honored were Mrs. Pearl j. Speer, Mrs. Byron Herrick, Miss Grace Babcock, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. Emriia Brown, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. Albert Rasmussen and Mrs. . Stanley Brown. - Past watchmen of the shepherds honor ed were William Neameyer, M. F. Grub, Stanley Brown, Albert Ras mussen and Dorr M. Shreve.' ; Plans were made for the annual holiday party to be! held in De cember. Committee in .charge of refreshments Monday : included Mrs. Jesse L.- Hatch, Mrs. Al Lightner, Mrs. Myra Ward, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris, : Mrs. Louise Brown and Mr. and Mrs. William Neimeyer. Maccabees Unit 4D will meet Thursday eight at the Be3ver Hall for their annual Thanksgiving din ner at 6:30 p.m. The unit will furnish the turkeys for the dinner. the. members to furnish the bal ance of the dinner. All members and their families are invited to attend. The Weman's Relief meet at the Golden day noon for luncheon meeting and inspection partment president, Wick of Portland, will be held following 1 at the VFW Hall. Hufands : Feted At Dinner i The West Salem Lions1 Auxiliary entertained their husbands at a dinner Monday night at the Spa. Forty-two members sod guests were present for the annual affair, Mrs. Richard Smith, president, presided and gave the address of welccme. i ' - ; Mrs. Junior Eckley. program chairman, presented-Henry Stev enson, a Willamette student, who had taken a summer tour through England and the ceatinent. He talked informally of his trip and showed colored slides. The auxiliary's December meet in?, will be held at the home of Mrs. Richard Smith, 1038 7th St. Co-Rec Club will have a "Sadie Hawkins Day", narty Friday eve- j nmg at the YWCA. Dinner wig be served starting at 6:45 p.m. Single young people are invited to attend and for dinner reserva tions one may call the YWCA on Thursday. j j Modern Etiquette; By ROBERTA LEE Corps will Pheasapt Fri- A business by! the de- Mrs. Florence,! ber officers! the luncheon I and Q. Is it really necessary to ex plain the reason for refusing an invitation? - - A. Yes, unless you really want nothing further to do with the person extending .the invitation. "I'm sorry, but I have another engagement" is usually good form, t Q. If tea is served and. a guest does not care for it; would it be all right for this guest to ask far a. cup ot couee? i, i A. Not unless the hostess asks if he or she would prefer coffee. , Otherwise, drink the tea, or part of it, and express no preference.) - Q. How long should one stay when making, a call of condol ence at a friend's home? ! j A. This call should be especial ly brief not longer than about ten or fifteen minutes unless, of course, the bereaved friend asks you to stay longer. . ' ' i Ml I 1 - . , ; , ' f I VLSI-' - y TM " ,: I Mr and Mrs. Donald U Phillips (Carol J. Graves), who were married Nov. 6 atthe Christ Lutheran Church. The bride is the daughter of jMr. and Mrs. Ben F. Graves and thai groom is the son of Mr. 'and Mrs. L. H. Phillips. The couple will live in Alcadeda, Calif., where he is sta tioned with the U. S. Navy. StMcEwan Studio). DESSERT ITEM Next time you make French toast, try. adding a little vanilla EARLY MEAL 'v,i r Good' eating for Sunday brunch: corn fritters, made from to the egg-milk mixture into la can of drained whole-kernel which they are dipped. Serve Icorn, served with crisp bacon with powdered sugar. land maple syrup. . 1 DISCOUNTS FROM jijo 8 srmo .73;0ilU C2 In all our 1 7 years in Salem we Have never o fered such huge Savings in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear w o "C AFSS ' -U i . I I- i n . 1 L;' f : - - ' v l ? V7J (f) ! -lit..' ' : I.-'- , i : - -' ill U 100 ALL WOOL Fur Trimmed Values to 79.95 Apparel. Take advantage of these terrific values now - - - come early and bring a friend! New Charge Accounts Welcomed! Open Fridays Until 9 P. M. Sorry! ALL SMS EM 100 ALL WOOL Milium linings, Tweeds, Fleeces, Sueded Novelty Fabrics. Reg. 49.95 ; . 100 ALL WOOL ' - ' ' M! ' " Famous Labels!; Tweeds, Fleeces, Milium Linings, i Values to 69.95 :- M : '!!' 100 Alt WOOL Imported Fabrics, Imported Coats Made in Holland. Values to 99.50 mvm - O DRESSES O FORMALS O BLOUSES j 1 1 O AMAZING VAL O VALUES TO 29.95 E0US RACK JES -1 MISCELLANEOUS O DRESSY DRESSES O COCKTAIL DRESSES O TAILORED DRESSES 4 O CASUAL DRESSES K f Values to 39.95 EiACIl FORMALS Missus These Dresses have been so drastically reduced you AJ 1 1 1 un n Am knu tawaMil I I 1 Group . : Values to 34.95 i . 1 Special Group Francis Dexter Values to 22.95 . . . y' nyyiy-yyo 1 Group ! j .'.j ' f ,' ; : r;. Values to 34.95 . . i 1 Group ; ! Values to 39.95 V Group Values to 49.95 X " : 1300 If00 1 Grojp Values to 29.95 . . . , 1 Group Values Jo. 39.95 1 (roup ' Valoes fo 49.95 Ioo I MISSES' SIZES 9-17 ! REG SIZES 8-20 HALF SIZES 12V2-24V2 s 100 ALL WOOL Nationally 'Advertised Labels Casual and Tailored Styles. Values to 59.95 100 ALL WOOL . Nationally Advertised Labels Values to 55.00 I . I 100 ALL WOOL Rothmoor,! Printiess, Gaynes, etc. ' '; ; . .' Values to 69.95 LODGE DRESSES 1 (roup Values to 29.95 1 Group Values to 39.95 1 Group Values to 49.95 Moo 100 ALL WOOL - : - l . - , Rothmoor, j Printzess, Gaynes, David Crystal Values ta 79.50 ... Jv " i ' i . ' f I - t '. '5) W A 1 Closing out entire department. 14 Fur Coats. ; Muskrats, Kidskins etc. - All to go at ridiculous mm J Waftr-rtpsllsnt, bnftorlsd km Harf. nniRirAATP lUIL -IUU I Kid, to son tor 49.95 SHIRTS ' ." ' ". I" : "-' "V - I'""." BLOUSES Yahios to 14.9S Certbray, ducks, wools ifprTr VCjI J Values to 7.9S JACKETS CASHMERES SWEATERS SIHRTS Orloi and wool Washable sport Jackets Yabws to 14.95. ...... 2900 1.99 3.99 1.99 10' Shod sieefe jJIpoa, or cirdlja swoaters. ( A f O.V7 peefset quality 1C3S afi-wod level Yi!ms to 7.9t. les 1C5H wooC orloi aad wool. Jkeeds -UI6-Values to I2.9S 2.99 4.9? 409 COURT STREET