The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 19, 1954, Page 13, Image 13

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    League of Women Voters Will
Launch Annual Finance Drive
Salem's League of Women Vot
ers is joining other Oregon cities
this month in a finance drive
which "will aid the League's work
in the Salem area. j. Volunteer!
league members will 'call on Sa
lem businessmen and townspeo
ple during the morning hours on
Wednesday, September 22, to so
licit funds. Chairman of the ' ft
nance drive is Mrs. Donald W.
Richardson. - :- . ': ' a
Financial support for the work
-of the League comes from mem
bership dues and from both mem
ber and non-member contribu
tions. Dues are kept low in or
der that no one will be excluded
for economic reasons. In addi
tion to membership support, each
year increasing numbers of public-spirited
men and women out
side the League contribute to its
work in response to local League
appeals. .. .i ! j
The League of Women Voters
.is non-partisan. As ah organiz
ation it neither supports nor op
poses political parties or candi
dates. At the same time, it en.
! courages all citizens, including
its own members, to share the,' re
sponsibilities of self government
by being active in the Dirty of
their choice. The purpose of the
League is to promote informed;
and active participation of citizens
of government f i i ij
The accomplishments ; of the
League are many and varied; the
: result of cooperative effort among
citizens in each League commun
ity. Locally," the League's activ
ities have been directed to Vot
ers Service, which is partially
supported by the funds from the
finance drive. This is a year?
round activity which I provides
non-partisan factual information
on the political processes,; on can?
didates and on issues in the in
terest of responsible and respons
ive government. Other extensive
projects have been the Railroad
Survey and a Legislative 'study.
Projects for Year' Listed ; j
; Projects for this coming year
include a study of State Item 1,
"Districting of Counties for Leg
islative Representation," and
State Item II. "Development of
a Program of Study and Action to
Revise the Constitution of the
State of Oregon.'- League mem
bers will do a Know Your County
Survey, and will "be actively in
terested in . the Oregon Legisla
ture's proceedings this spring.
National and international prob
lems are included in the year's
agenda. - ; .
League! members aiding Mrs.
Donald Richardson with the i fi
nance drive are Mesdames Thom
as Churchill L, E. DeWeese, Rob
ber May, Margaret Jean Hooper,
Wayne E. Struble, ' Edward M.
Corrigan, John E. Horner, Max
Bauer, Arthur Bone, Donald Gris
wold, Gerhard Pagenstecber,
Richard Embick, E B. Daugh
erty, and Misses Eloise Ebert and
Mary Louise Lee.
District WSCS to
Hold Seminars
Methodist women from the Sa
lem churches, will participate in
the two missionary education se
minars to be held by the Salem
District of the Women's Society
of Christian ; Service at Sweet
Home on Sept. 21 and at Dallas
on Sept. 23. T
Mrs) R.: C. ; Wingard, secretary
of supply work for the Salem dis
trict, ; will conduct the opening
and closing periods. Mrs. Roy
Grettie, conference secretary of
student work, will illustrate the
steps used in preparing for a stu
dy class, taking the inter-denominational
foreign study for this
year, "Under Three Flags," a
study of India, Pakistan and Cey
lon- i" I '-.v. . 11
Mrs. Roy M. Lockenour, presi
dent of the Woman's Society of
the First Methodist Church, will
emphasize steps In assigning ma
terial for a study class, using the
text, "Christianity and Wealth.?
Mrs. S. Ankney, secretary o(
,; i 1
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DIOR SILHOUETTE. U. S. VERSION J . . Here loxa the
first American adaptations oi the controversial ilat-chesied
silhouette introduced by Christian Dior in Paris,! At ileft
is a black taffeta afternoon dress with long-torso lines.
the j skirt flaring below the hipline. Note that the
is jrottnded, not flattened, and the waistline, is indented, '
i but not as sharply nipped as previously At right is the
sack jacket suit in pale gray worsted, With side darts
J achieving the new modified bustline. j1 j ' : I ' j
literature for the Salem district,
will take a' period in the actual
teaching of a study class, with the
Bible study text, "The Master
Calleth.7 .
Mrs. C. W. Stacey, conference
publicity chairman, will take part
in a skit, featuring action follow
ing study, based on the inter-de-
noimnational home missions stu
dy, "The City." j
Delegations from the lour Worn
an's Society of Christian Service
of the Salem Methodist churches
will attend the meeting at Dallas
Thursday. ; N :
Silver Tea at
Brown Home
Mrs.i Howard Jenks, chairman
and Mrs. Joseph Hugh! Ritchey,
co-chairman, are announcing plans
for the silver tea being given by
the Ainsworth Social Club oa Sat
urday, Sept. 25 from two to five
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank
R. Brown,' 2110 Byram Ave The
interested public is cordially in
vited to call. . J
Greeting guests at the door will
be. Mrs. John R. Wood. Mrs. Roy
Hunt and Mrs. G. B. Wynkoop.
Introducing to the line will be
Mrs. Elma Sherman, Mrs. Fred
Koken.and Mrs. Paul Riffey. In
Hine will be Mrs. Robert Stutz-
man, Mrs.- J. Edgar Reay and
Mrs. Harold E, Smedley. j j
Pouring will be Mrs. Paul
Hauser, Mrs. Eldon Armstrong,
Miss Helen Fletcher, Mrs. R. L.
Forster, Mrs. H. M. Lucas and
Miss Lelia Johnson. 1
Mrs. W. C. Rambo and Mrs.
Alvin A. Luhr are in charge of
the decorating. Assisting about
the i rooms will be Mrs. 0. E.
McCrary, Mrs. Omer Huff, Mrs.
J. N. Francis, Mrs. Richard
Davis, Mrs. K. D. Lee, Mrs.
Morse Stewart, Mfs. Cyril Parker,
Mrs. Eugene Walters, Mrs. Ira
Goddard, Mrs. j Warren Pahl,
Mrs. J. R. Calvert, and Mrs. E.
Fi Whelan. I- 1
Cenlral WCTU Meeting
Salem Central WCTU will jneet
at the YWCA Tuesday afternoon
at 1 p.m. This is an important
meeting and the last one of the
current year with annual, reports
to be given. The South Salem
Union members have been invit
ed to join the group for tea at
2:30 o'clock, the former having
won the membership contest
George Sananka from the Union
Gospel Mission ndll tell of the
mission work. A shower is plan
ned and members are. asked to
bring items such as clothing, food
and household articles'. !
Statesman, Satan, Ort Sun. SepL 10, 135 4 (Sec. 2) 3
Don't Cook flow. :.
but , . . can anyone - possibly hnd fault
with Saturday's weather. A perfect fall day,
as youH recognize if you forget that moment
we had summer last month. Mind you, we
aren't vouching for Sunday, just calling at
tention to Saturday. j j
Cas of th Hysterical Hummingbird I
we've been! awakened several mornings at
dawn by an odd bird noise and upon in
vestigation found it to be a hummingbird
sitting on the. light wire in what appeared to
be a hysterical condition. We can't figure it
out,i but every time it, happened a squirrel
has been poised on the eave just above the
bird. -. r
Tune in .f. . next week, youll never find
out if the squirrel is the villian of a drama,
or just an innocent bystander whose life has
been linked io players in an Avian tragedy.
Mora bird lore ... this jioon while enjoy
ing one of the rare meals we've had cut oi
doors this season, we -heard a loud tap, tap
tapping. It, was a blue jay, one of the less
desirable immigrants from California, putting
his winter supply, of food away in our gar
den, He would pick a filbert from the tree,
put it down1 and with his bill literally drive it
into the ground. . This- ve consider going a
bit too far wth cur nut crop, for we've never
gotten more than a few as our share. What
with squirrels, bluebirds and other sweet in
nocents, we have to buy cir nuts every year.
- Throw back . . . Those Zenaites who are
stuck in Polk county's mud we hope,. have
gotten satisfaction , Come a nice rain and we
always get it out our; way, too, only our's
isn't 60 feet wide like their! road But mud
or no mud, gravel or no gravel, we'll still
take rural life . . . ' Maxine Buren.
Portland Rites
Of Interest 1
WILLAMINA - Miss Virginia
Lee Ames, daughter of Mrl and
Mrs. Arthur . G. Ames of Tigard,
and Dale Victor Johnson, son of
Mr. and Mrs.? V. E. Johnson of
Carlton, formerly of Willamina,
were married Saturday evening,
Sept 11 at the First Baptist
Church in Portland, by Dr. Wel
don Wilson. I
The bride wdre a gown of blush
pink nylon tulle, topped with white
cbantilly lace,5 with a border of
lace on the full skirt. Her pink
fingertip illusion veil was held in
place by ; a cirdet of pink tulle
and lace. She carried a cascade
bouquet of roses and stephanotis
centered with; a white orchid.
Miss Marilyn Fehr was maid
of honor and: wore a pale pink
nylon, ballerina gown. Brides
maids were Miss Betty Humph
rey, Miss Margaret Spence, Miss
Marilyn Anderson, and Mrs. Ir
win Boehr,! sister of the bride
groom. They wore dresses like
the maid of ; honor and carried
cascade bouquets of pink carna
tions; Nancy O'Brien and Joan
Jason Lee WSCS
Circles Meet
Circles of the Woman's' Society
of Christian Service of Jason Lee
Methodist church will meet Wed
nesday, Sept. 22 at 1:30 as follows:
Helen Kim circle with Mrs.
Robert Forkner, 1855 N. Capitol,
for a salad luncheon. - y
jAnna Lee circle with Mrs. C.
M. Roberts, 815 Shipping, for des
sert luncheon. j
Isabelle Thoborn circle with Mrs.
H. J. Smith, 2225 Englewood Ave.,
for dessert luncheon, co-hostesses
Mrs. Roy Lively and Mrs. W. J.
Bates. '
SteinfeW, cousins of the bride,
were flover girls.
Robert G. Balk was lest man.
Ushers were Craig Singletary.
Richard McChee, Vernon DeLap,
Paul Jeans, Irwin Boehr, and
Robert Ames, brother of the
bride. r ' - ;
For their wedding trip to New
York and Chicago, the bride wore
a beige and brown ensemble. They
will be at home in Tigard after
Sept. 20. The brffiegroom is a
graduate of the Willamina High
School and Linfield College.
Past Presidents Feted
V Mrs, Arwin Strayer was hostess
to the Marion Auxiliary, VFW .
Past Presidents Club at her home
on Locust Street Thursday nights
Tentative plans were ; made for
a family covered dish dinner to
be held at the VFW, Hall in Oc
tober, i Mrs. LeRoy Simpson,
hospital chairman, gave her re
port.. Serving with Mrs. Gen
evieve Olson as co-hostess for Jtbe
October, meeting and costume
party will be Mrs. Ivell Haley .
and . Mrs. Sue Laurence. MrSi
Haley " is president of the club
this year.'
The American War Mothers will
meet for a no-host luncheon Tues- "
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
George L, Pro, 1915 Maple Avenue,
at 12 r30 o'clock. Mrs. Edward ;R.
Cook will be the assisting hostess.
' Children's Shoes
' Expertly Fitted at the
234 N. High Sen. Hotel Bldg.
There is no substitute for
m m r i w m w t w . s.- -v- as . a mm -;l a
illnlf '
Rothmoor Suits ond
Coots are the finest
in Americon fash
ions with that just
right styling that
gives you the perfect
wardrobe. Be sure to
make your next suit
ond coat as,
i - ...
l Rothmoor from .
I f r - i "-:'''!
A : .:
Fall's most
As advertised in
X,Vi I j ;; '-
WTMX''A .. . Hi
.it u i .u
III A Rohmoor . f r 'i
lfr I 10.20 tt 1 I: j
1 fx-
i .. :
K?j R&K works it of purest 100
j wool, makes it the marvel : of
walkins. A wonderful dress, its
whole pegged sheath of skirt
ned with rayon toff eta .'.!.. the
L f jl i Friday
j'. ":;(. Nights
Yi i 9 p-M-
1 V
neckline 'a showcase for
scarf. Sizes ,9-17, 10-18.