The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    8 tSc 1) Statesman. Salem. Ore. Friday, Sept. 17, 1954
Miss Colleen
Rowers Now
Mrs. Mahon
The First Christian Church in
Salem was the scene of the mar
riage of Miss . Colleen ) Powers,
dj tighter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Bryon Powers of Molalla,1 and
Harold Patterson Mahon Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Mahon
of McMinnville, on Sept 11 The
Rev. Wayne E. Green performed
the 8 o'clock rites.1 i f
Mrs. Clorinda Topping was the
soloist and Mrs. -J. M. Cracroft
was the organist The altar was
banked with bouquets of white
chrysanthemums and gladioluses.
Of white Chantilly lace over
satin was the bridal gown, fash
ioned with two tulle overskirts
and a fitted bodice ! with : long
sleeves. Her veil was of Swiss
imported tulle over blue and was
caught to a seed pearl tiara. She
carried a bouquet of, white ru
brum lilies and stephanotis.
Miss Patricia Orcutt of Molalla
was the maid of honor andfthe
bridesmaids were Misse Nancy
Buren of Portland, formerly of
Salem, Miss Nancy Gassman of
Portland, all Pi Beta Phi sorority
sisters, and Miss Joyce Mahon of
McMinnville, sister of the groom.
The honor attendant wore a bal
lerina gown of red wine tissue
silk over taffeta and carried or
chid spider ; chrysanthemums.
The bridesmaids wore grape bal
lerina frocks of tissue silk over
taffeta and carried red wine
spider chrysanthemums.
Attend the Groom ? -
Ray Pruiett of Independence
was best man and ushers were
Dick Moore, Irvin Hanville, Mc
Minnville, Bill Johnson, McMinn
ville, Glen Munkers, Corvallis,
and Lloyd Staats, Ocean Lake.
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Powers chose a Dior gown
of blue lace with silver accessor
ies and a pink orchid corsage.
"Mrs. Mahon wore a dusty rose
lace gown with gold accessories
and a green orchid corsage.'
A reception followed in (the
church parlors. Mrs. Glenn F.
Powers of Salem, ; the bride's
aunt, cut the cake, Mrs. Paul
Delicious New England
sfylt chowdtr with nont
f tha work) Just odd, a
pint of milk, q pitct cf
butttr, htot . . ! end
ftv with pridel Enjoy
som today. ' 1, i ;
, . , -I 1- V- i 'fl 1
w nam mimm
mt zS'ZifnfX 1 money-eaving opportunity to discover the one i
: KU SuwgJgS-S A coffee that comes to. you fresher than any other- i jV Tg
" " ' TftCtft leading brand! You see, even a tint difference I vCZrnE DAflfED -T
VvJPftESSIJiTE P I in freshness makes a big difference in flavor! I WWftti
I J "l 1 And'Tres j Wt:hi I
l yFTK mm'i: s (5 1 you that extra freshness that makes such a big- j I
1 fM yChV I I oerenceyo.P - v ; : " J
il Sf &iXf I I Don't miss out! Save & a pound on America' j i 1 iw i
I S Wrr Vfml I lU I est coffee! GtChasa& Sanborn in these spe- If 1 U. ' I
- i i . k ... . - . . 4 - r v x vr .
. i 1 . i ;
, f r ! - i . '
' i I ' :
OES Friendship
Night, Observed
Friendship night was observed
by members of Ainsworth Chap
ter OES at the Wednesday meeting
at the Scottish Rite Temple. Pre
siding were Mrs. Robert Stutzman
George Bixler, worthy matron and
patron. , ' ; . -
Honor guests were Williard
Craig, member of the grand bud
gets committee, Mrs. J. Edgar
Reay. grand representative of
South Dakota; Mrs. Helen Beck,
grand representative, of Tennes
see $ Mrs. Eria Crowe, grand rep
resentative of Indiana; Mrs. Ethel
da Craig, worthy matron of St
Mary's Chapter, Corvallis; Mrs.
Jennie Fisher, worthy matron of
Brazallia Chapter, Albany. ; and
Mrs. Margaret Carlson, worthy
matron of . Marguerite Chapter,
Mrs.! Alvin Juhr announced a
luncheon to be given by Ainsworth
Social Club on September 23 at
the Masonic Temple.
A program was presented includ
ing vocal numbers by Sharon An
derson, accompanied by Barbara
Cone and piano solos by Patricia
Whelan. The courtesy ladies pre
sented a degree for Mrs. Stutz
man on her birthday.
The October S meeting will ob
serve charter night and all charter
members will be honored.
Refreshments were served 1 with
Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Osterman
as chairmen.. Assisting were Mrs.
J. N. Francis, Mrs, Lillian Kinzer,
Mri Lester Alton. Mrs.! J.! H.
Ritchie, Mrs. W. H. Freele and
Mrs. John E. Wood. j
Milke,' Portland, served the
groom's cake, Mrs. Jason V. Rob
ertson, Molalla, the bride's aunt,
and Mrs. Carl A. Rickson, Port
land, cousin of the bride, poured.
Linda and Donna Jolley passed
the rice bags. 'IV '
I After a wedding trip to Vic
toria, B rC the newlyweds will
be fat home in Seattle at 4537
Stanford Ave. while Mr. Mahon
completes work on his doctorate
degree at the University ' of
Washington. Both are graduates
of Oregon State College, where
they received their, toaster's de
grees. Mr. Mahon is a member
of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity.
mm am
Yma Sumac, Inca singer, who "will appear in Salem
October 14 at Salem High School auditorium, sponsored
by The Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce. The concert
Is to be presented by Harley Hoppe and tickets -will be
on sale at Stevens and Son, beginning October 1. !
Beverly Trent
A Bride of
DALLAS Before a setting of
a large flower covered arch, bas
kets of Picardy and white gladiol
uses and candelabrums, Beverly
Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C E Trent, was married to
George Frederick Christensen,
son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Chris
tensen of Goldhill, at the. First
Christian Church, Saturday, Sept,
11 at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. Or
ville Mick read the double ring
service. ' .. .j . ..,-.; t ' '':
Preceding the ceremony, Mrs.
Robert Dorenhecker sang. Mrs.
Carl Wright flayed the wedding
march. , I . ' . -
i The bride wore a white nylon
tulle over satin waltz length
gown with lace bodice and lace
inserts in the skirt Her finger
tip veil was held by a band with
pearl trim. She carried a Rain
bow Bible with an arrangement
of white orchid 'and stephanotis.
The maid of honor. Miss Wan
da Holmes of Lebanon, wore a
waltz length dress of Picardy
over taffeta and the bridesmaids,
Miss Jan Lundy and Mrs. Charles
Zeigler, wore dresses of powder
blue net over taffeta. They car
ried Identical nosegays of Picardy
and white gladioluses.
Carol Lee Washburn of Med-
f ord, niece of the groom, was the
flower girl and Billy Jones,
nephew of the groom was the
ring bearer. Lee Johnson of Med
ford was the best man. Bill
Trent, brother of the bride, and
Bud Hodges lighted the candles
and also were ushers with John
Mayfield of Grants Pass.
Mrs. , Trent chose an , embroid
ered slate blue taffeta dress with
pink accessories for her daugh
ters marriage. Mrs.: Christensen
wore a blue crepe dress trimmed
with rhinestones and , beige ac
cessories. Both wore corsages of
pink rosebuds. .
Reception Follows Bites
Immediately foil owing the
service, a reception was held at
the home of the bride's parents.
Mrs. Lee Johnson and Mrs. Del-
mar Chapman of Goldhill, sis-
ten of the groom, served the
cake. Mrs. Floyd Wolf enbarger,
of McMinnville, cousin of the
bride, presided at the punch
" .
Miss Finnicum, ;
Mr. Durbin Wed
UNIONVALE 4- Miss Donna Lee
Finnicum, j daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Finnicum, and Paul
Durbin son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Durbin of Dayton, were. united in
marriage at a ceremony Thursday
Sept 9 at 8:30 pin. The Rev. Clyde
Dollar officiated' at the double ring
ceremony.!- j .
Mrs. Robert Monroe, cousin of
the bride, was the organist and ac
companied the soloist Mrs. Robert
Coburn of Dayton. Charles Lond-
berg of Salem land Robert Shel
burne of McMinnville, brothers-in-law
of the bride, lighted the tap
ers, i : f -. ' '! - '1 "
The bride chose a blue afternoon
dress for; her wedding and wore
white accessories. She carried a
white Bible topped with white or
chids. ! .! . I
Honor attendant was the bride's
sister, Mrs. Charles Londberg of
Salem, who wore beige ensemble
with beige accessories. Her Cow
ers were pink pon pon dahlias:.
Freeman Finnicum brother of
the bride, was uie groom s attend'
ant Ushers were Charles Long-
berg and Robert Sneiburne.
Mrs. Finnicum chose for her
daughter's wedding a black dress
with 'red accessories and a red
rosebud corsage. The groom's mo
ther, wore blue! with black acces
sories and a pink rosebud corsage.
A reception followed in tne gym
nasium. Mrs. Robert Shelburne of
McMinnville, sister of the bride.
cut the cake assisted by Mrs. Don
Gubser. At the coffee urn was Mrs
Clifford Brott sister of the groom.
and Miss Vonda Makinster was at
the punch bowl. Assisting were
Mrs. Louise Sullivan of McMinn
ville, Mrs. Ruth, Langlitz and Mrs.
Marvin Lorenzen of Dayton, Mrs,
Lyle Smith, Mrs. Larry Slempand,
Miss Luella Mcintosh Mrs. James
Ediger, of Dayton, and Mrs. Rod
ney Perry of McMinnville. ;
': 1 I - 1' '
bowL Assisting were Mrs. C. M.
Warrefi of Salem, aunt of - the
bride, and Mrs. W. J., Edgar of
Portland. I 1 .
For her wedding trip the bride
wore a navy knit suit with pink
and gunmetal accessories. After
a honeymoon trip through Cali
fornia and Nevada j the newly-
weds will live in Corvallis, where
the groom is completing bis
course in agriculture engineer
ing at Oregon State College. The
bride is employed In the animal
husbandry offices at the college.
INVITATIONS . . . were in Thurs
day's mail to a coffee parties for
which Jlrs. Maynard C Sniffer,
Mrs. Lewis D. Clark and Mrs. Sid- i
ney D. Hoffman will be hostesses
on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep
tember 21 and 22 ... the affairs
will be held at the Candalaria
Heights home of the Shiff ers with
guests bidden to call between 10
and 1 o'clock each day . v .
Fete a bride-elect . . . Mrs. John
S. Lochead and her daughter, Gall,
were hostesses for a prennptial
party Thursday night in honor of
Miss Shirley Taggart who will be
married to Roy Christiansen en
September 25 ... A bathroom
shower honored the bride-to-be
and a late dessert supper was
served by the hostesses ; . . Fif
ty friends were bidden! to the
party, at the Kingwood Heights
home el the Lochead! on Pali
Drive . J . The supper table and
rooms were festive with bouquets
of autumn flowers featuring chry
santhemums in shades of laven
der, gold and white with match
ing tapers . . . I
Announcements ... were re
ceived by Salem friends this week
of the marriage of Miss Ann Hae
Stackhouse, daughter, of Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Stackhouse : of Slip
pery Rock, Pennsylvania,1 former
ly of Salem, and William Rule,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Kuie
of Des Moines, Wash. .!. . The
ceremony took place on Wednes
day, September I at the first
Congregational Church in Stan
ton, Michigan at 8 o'clock . .. .
The bride resided in Salem while
her father was coach at Willam
ette University . . . she; also at
tended Willamette and i Oregon
State ... She is a graduate of
the University of .Washington
and has been employed; by the
Seattle Police force . . .1
Event of Sunday . . i will be
the wedding of Miss Janice Tay
lor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas A. Taylor, and Robert
Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hob
art Dixon . . . the couple will
exchange their vows at the First
Congregational Church with vr,
Julian Keiser officiating at the
6:30 o'clock rites ... A reception
will follow in the fireplace room
. . . the couple will live in San
Diego, where Mr. Dixon is station
ed with the UJS. Navy . . .
Welcome newcomers . . in the
capital are Dr. and Mrs. Philip
Porter and two children,1 who re
cently moved here from Newport
. . . they have taken a house at
1725 Grant Street . . . Dr. Porter
will be associated with Dr. Merle
F. Brown . . . - I
1 Expected ... to arrive In the
capital this weekend is Mrs. Don
ald A. Young, who has been In
Los Angeles for several months
. . . She is coming north to join
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Young, who
will ibe visiting In Portland . .
The Youngs are currently tin
Anchorage, Alaska while he; is
stationed there with the U.fS.
Air Force . . . Molly and Don win
be here for the wedding of her
sister, Miss Mary Ann McWaters,
and. Jack Healy, which will be an
event of September 25 at St
Thomas More Church In Green
Hills, Portland, with a reception
following at the new Portland
For the finest la
j H DIAL 3-8853
VauVs Print Shop
SMasonie Bidg.
495 State:
. - i i '
Town v
Garden Club building . . . Holly
has already arrived in Portland
and is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R.i McWaters, and
her husband is expected Satur
day . . . The many Salem friends
of Mrs. Donald Young are pleased
to bear that she plans to return
to Salem to make her home . . .
It's welcome home ... for Mr.
and Mrs. Ellis F. Von Eschen
and their son, Ellis Jr. . . . The
senior Von Eschens flew East the
end of August and attended the
national American Legion con
vention in Washington, D. C. . . .
from there they went on to New
York to visit Mr. Von Eschen's
brother and sister-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. 'Elton Von Eschen, who
reside at Manhassett . . . they
also visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Vincens (Glenn Barnes),
who live in Rosleyn Heights . . .
Mrs. Vincens is a former Salem
resident . . . Last week the Von
Eschens met their son, who re
turned by ship from a summer in
Europe and-England ... he was
accompanied byj a 1 Willamette
University friend, Bob Straum
fjord of Astoria . . ..the two
toured the Continent by car . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Von Eschen flew
West; and their son and Bob
drove cross-country . . . Ellis Jr.
will leave later! in the month
for Palo Alto, where he has a
scholarship and will take gradu
ate work at Stanford Univer
sity . j . ' j
Flying ... to Mexico City Sun
day will be Arden Parker, daugh
ter of the Cyril Parkers . . . she
will enroll for her sophomore
year : at Mexico City where
where she will major in Spanish
... Arden took her freshman
year at ; the University of Ore
gon . . . she is traveling by car
to San Diego and will fly to
Mexico from Tijuana.
Visiting .' . . in the capital the
past week have been Lt (jg) and
Mrs. Gerald Robison and chil
dren, Kathleen Clare and Rich
ard, of San Diego, who have been
guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Parker . . . today
the Robisons are going over to
Neskowin to I visit his parents,
Mr. and : Mrs. Manley Robison,
formerly of Salem . . . The end
of September the visitorsfwill re
turn to San Diego, where, Mrs.
Robison and the children win
remain while Lt Robison is in
Japan . . . i '
Return home . . . Mrs. Lewis
Griffith is back from a fort
night's stay In Redmond with her
daughter, Mrs. John Copenhaver
. . . Mr. Copenhaver is currently
in Washington, !D. C. . . Dr.
and Mrs. George S. Hoffman are
home from a summer in Pendle
ton ,v.v i.v
Weekend jottings . . . Attend
ing the Pendleton Round-Up are
David W. Eyre, his son, David W.
Eyre Jr., and grandson, Larry
l. ?nr;wrf
For the Ladles
V Surprise for the Kiddles
Accompanied by Parent
Yew oCtneS
Finest Flowers - Dewdrop Fresh
From Our Own. V ; j
Ifcjfrte-ft'jOfll'jud'j !i
620 llzricn
Richard West
Married in I
California !
From California comes news of
the marriage of a Salem man Air
man First Class Richard W. West,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. West of
Salem, 'to Miss Nancy Catherine
Craw of Fresno, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Adrian B. Craw of Fres
no. The ceremony took place Sept
4 at the First Methodist Church in
Coiton, Saa Benlardino County.
The bride wore a ballerina pm
of .mist pink fashioned princess
style and a strapless bodio em
broidered in 1 rhinestones. Her ac
cessories were pink and she pinned
a corsage of white flowers to her
waist s
A reception followed the miotials
in the California Hotel in i San
Bernardino. , ' I
The newlvweds snent their
honeymoon along the California
coast For traveling the new Mrs.
west donned a light blue linen en
semble. The couple will be at home
in San Bernardino near March Air
Force Base, where Mn West is
stationed. j
The bride is a graduate of Fres
no High School and attended Fres
no State College. Mr. West I is a
graduate of Multnomah College in
Portland. j ,
,: '., ' . "'I
Mrs. Bud Craig win be hostess
for a shower tonight at her home
on Edina Lane for the pleasure
of Mrs. Joseph Hoffstadt Fifteen
relatives and friends have been
invited to the party. i
Eyre, i of Portland . . . they wffl
also enjoy some fishing in the
WaUowas before returning .
Guests of Miss Dorathea Steus
loff at her beach home at Pacific
City- this , weekend will be her
great niece and nephew, Ann
Chambers and David Chambers
. . Mrs. Charles Woodring of
Washington, D. C and her niece,
vorouy iiooartb or Baltimore
. . . Mrs. Woodring, who is Con
ressman Walter Norblad's mr.
tary, wOI be here until Decent-
oer .... -
Botany, JuiUiard, Hoffman and imported fabrics. Chin-,
chillas, poodles, fleeces, tweeds and flannels. All sizes.1
Milium lined.
Beautiful New Fair ond Winter Styles
Open All Day Saturday
260 South 12th St
re iih aupts Florists
Friday & Saturday, 8 a.m. fo 9
Sunday 10 sm. lo 6 p.m
We ore sorry we wore the old building out 20
years in the same location- We now are settled
in a nice new building with Beautiful Windows
More Room and EASY PARKING. '
I ' - ' ?
Sltop .Our . i
Breithaiipts Florists
Busisess Honrs
Except Sunday
Notice to Cub
Publicity Chairmen
r'mbHelty to ' appear aa tka
W omui's Paca of ta Orc(a
Statesmaa must fee wUle4 at
broncht lato ttaa africa my aoo
preccdiac aay t pabUeatlaa. Saa
y stories ainit ae ta hy Weaes4
ar naea. Material baal4
type waeaerer ponlble.
Any follow ap stories aa club
Bieetiact should be tent ta as
toon as possible followlnc the
aeeUars. Plctares at dab prej
ecta worthy of pabUeatlaa sbaaia
be arraaged for with the society
editor a week tm asvutee. , .
Highlights! Given!
Of Camp Retreat
Jason Lee Wesley an Service
Guild met Monday night in the
Kirby Room of the church for
the first meeting of the fall sea
son. There were over thirty mem
bers and guests present Miss
Mary Keefer was in charge of the
worship service and Mrs. Paul
Silke the program which includ
ed highlights of the Wesley an
Service Retreat at Camp McG ru
der this past summer. The re
ports were given by Mrs. Wayne
Kohl and Miss Bernice Singree.
Plans are being made for the
program theme for the United
Nations dinner which will be held
October 22.
: Guests present were Mrs. John
Hasche and Mrs. Roy Beardsley. .
Mrs. Eugene Kitzmiller and
Mrs. Marie Putnam poured dur
ing the refreshment hour.
Hostesses were Mrs. Dayle Jory,
Mrs. J. N. Brinkley, Mrs. B. A.
Shellhart and Mrs.' Dona AndaL
Of an kinds. Trusses.
Abdominal Supports,
Elastic Hosiery Expert ,
Fitters PrlvaU Fittins
"Ask Tour Doctor"
. Capital Drug Store
405 SUto St '
Corner of Liberty
8 and H Green Stampo
"The Street the Trains Ron On"
. Flown Especially for us
From Hawaii
To Lucky Ladies
for the Lucky
Clock !.
Seasonable Flowers Af
Economy Prices
FI;v;:rf:r.3 3-9179