f t . v! f : i ; f s l if 4 tSmc 4V Statesman, Saltm, Or.. Friday. SapL 171954 Chiffon Dessert Taffy Flavored YouH like Taffy Macaroon Chiffon right now. It'- cool and luscious, in honor of the sum mer still with1 us. Just a' short time at the range and a nice long rest in the refrigerator makes this ring mold picture and party perfect , - , i - f ; 1 ' TAFFY MACAROON" CHIFFON ! I envelope unflavored gelatine cup cold water i i s n teaspoon cream of tartar i V cup molasses ; , s ? Vi cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla . teaspoon salt z cup water 3 eggs, separated i1 I 3 tablespoons sugar " . 1 cup 'heavy cream t 1 cup dried macaroonerumbs Soften gelatine in li cup cold water. Stir cream of tartai into molasses. Add sugar, -vanilla, salt and water. Beat egg yolks in top of double boiler,: anil add mo lasses mixture. Cook j over hot water, stirring constantly u until slightly thickened. Add gelatine; stir until dissolved. I Chill until syrupy.1 Beat egg whites stiff; fold in sugar; foid into gelatine mixture. Whip cream until stiff, fold into gelatine mixture with macaroon crumbs. Pour into 8" ring mold which has; been rinsed with cold water. Chill until firm. Unmold. Makes S servings. -1 . 3 reasons i why VAPOCAN is your best buy in home freezing containers; ; easiest to fuse; Vapocan' wide, square ! opening makes for quick; easy filling and emptying, i Lid vressea on in a iiflV. S . , r 4 ill 'i , ; ill holds all foods Vapocan it ideal for berries, fruits, meats, vegetables, i ! liquids everything! !; 3. most economical 'A t Vapocan is rigid paperboard carton with a permanent plastic lid reusable again" and again, year after year. i Get Vapocan today at supermarkets, grocery stores, locker plants, appliance anil department stores SUIT YOURSELF! . , , You don't have to stick to "per iods' when you are furnishing a room. fcver .-- notice how well a modern painting looks' over a Victorian love seat or marble topped table? i Or how attractive an ornate Victorian lamp looks when it has a simple modern shade?, .a- f I t i - VARIETY GOOD i Keep your sandwiches interesting by using a variety of breads and rolls. Sections of fantan rolls can be split apart slightly and filled with a grated American cheese and chopped il ripe olive filliing. Heat the filled rolls until the cheese begins to melt. Perfect to serve with fruit or vegetable salad. PRETTY DISH A molded cottage cheese salad makes a pretty buffet table addi tion when put in a ring mold and center filled with cubes of Iresh Mruit Surround the cheese-and- fruit ring with water cress' or curly chicory. , j YUMMY Teen-age fare: pour chocolate sauce or syrup over ice cream and top with crushed peanut brittle. Onkssf oacktB-Schc-o Days C.) O) ) -ail- ; ajllil O I to .; S;: CO -j i V) I ' lte, best wzy -fo cfiQngbihiS'j i? if) 7T i ot (0 o i. Si11; .i. J 'I Off . . , f .:; , i) , 1 ' 3 o CO I "V CO o s I o . C5 CO? c - . 8; or r?.i o r CO: 1 I Bright, plomp SonSdst Oranges add new Interest to kmch boxe& " and a lot obeciHv too. ypo pat fresh, sweet SofAwt Oranges loMfael duUrens aod gJYMraups hmcfa bases yes do two iweJ things far them: . Firrt, yW taks fha liyJiw Mt f IwKfctSa Laoch loob better sad tastes bettttA jmcySookist Orange with its fnfl, tatngy &mx ksves a re freshing taste m die month, poo a teach of mansbiee in the heart J" '? I'i . I Sm4 rt mli mosw l hao2A. Vk C lor energy and resistance to colas sod fia. The prbtopectios for better tHgesrion aadngnlaziry. Vitamin A for dear risaoo, sotxod teeth, sturdy growth. The baofiaoooids that help suengthen the tioy blood ressels of the body. And wcsldi of other values that come ftom both the juaoe atadieficiow "meat' of the Sonkist Orange. PUT A SUtraST OSATS 4 tVKT y un:ai cox n ! - r3 ri 7nn 2 I , CALIFORNIA-ARIZONA ORANGES to CO O 0 O j ). e 3 o 7T o W c aJ to o 61 o 3-' 8 S3 Q .-si 'CO O 8 c to' o 8 si mm ; mmw - 1 w s k . , m t .jr w Aunt Jemima will be serving Free Pancakes all day! Saturday, Sept. 18 SAVEWY SHOP NAMELESS AUNT JEMIMA N Al LOVELY HOMEENTER AUNT JEMIMA'S $75,000.00 CONTEST. GET YOUR ENTRY BLANK AT NAMELESS. YES 1 AUNT! JEMIMA WILL BE HERE ALL DAY SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. AS BIG AS LIFE TWICE AS NATURAL AND V2 LB. BAG 10-LB. BAG SUNNY JIM SYRUP ."--'24 'ox. Jar il ) GRADE T SMALL Per Doz. SIX FLAVORS to t Pkg. )(gc KIT inrrt ME VALLEY fo)nn lb. i ; ' ' t - ' ! fl . r 12-oz. Con , . " 1 ! &: S ! ' i - ; REG. 323 SIZE PALMOL1VE TOILET SOAP Bar SUNSHINE, HYDROX COOKIES 35c pkg. 12 oi. 3.100 BEST WEST 2V2Si2e PEAR CE1USH 1 u w 0 r ,. ?vCan CENTENNIAL RED-0R-WHITE DRY lb. bag S3 VEGETABLES Cello Bag 5ALAD-VEG Pkg. Corn ion Cob Per Doz. .1 T f Ui7 0)G CAULIFLOWER Fin Freezing ( (2) Large Crete "JIFFY" Pie Crust or Corn Ere ur nil Pk. UT-Ul CI Multon QUALITY NEAT! f I 1 - '-;"' ' Mullon MuHori For Almost "Nottin" Again at Nameless Meat Market MUTTON Shoulder Mutton Roast Ib. LEG '0' MUTTON ib: MUTTON CHOPS i lb. Plenty of Mutton for Procticolly "Nuttin' Pure Ground Arm Cut Shoulder Rump Rib Steak Ib. Round Steak1 lb. Front Quarter 1L7 Half or Whole 20V 21'' Hind Quarter 25' '-. Pocltot Combs 1940 MISSION ST. IB. LB. lick