The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1954, Page 20, Image 20

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    2 (Sec 5) Statesmen, SaleaOre Friday Sept. 17, 1954
. By DON HAXGEB. . ;
Salem anglen had a field day on the coast last week end when
they found the silvers along with a few chinook in almost every salt
chuck on the list The Siletr Vas hotter than a three dollar pistol
... m m m m a . 1 Mm - VPham
, mcn . . , Up on
y v -tVt I tne same. Most
po fcV I mon when the
J off on the 'tucca there was a sizeable run of jack
fc (C-V salmon doinz business between Cloverdale and
Bairn .nd was certainly
Deer hunters who will take to the brush .on October 2 are
rather pleased over the wet weather. At least it would appear
that no danger of forest closures is on the calendar. It could
dry out to the extent that fire danger would exist, but with pro
per caution with camp fires there should be no galloping infer
sos to mar the season.' ' ! i ,
Be Sure to Carry Map 'and Compass j h
' This year, play it sensible. If you are going into hew territory
where you have not hunted before, be certain to acquaint yourself
with that area by map at least Carry a map and a compass and be
sure you know how to use both! It is not: difficult for a non-woodsman
to lose himself in parts of Oregon. With a little thought given
to the hunt and country before going out a lot of trouble may be
avoided both on the part of the hunter and a possible search party.
Should you become lost and darkness overtakes you, stay
put in one spot for the night It is the wandering around in the
dark over strange territory that leads to trouble. A slip and a
fall down a rocky gulch resulting in a broken leg can leave a
hunter in a tough spot Build a camp fire to keep warm and stay
put until daylight Do your wondering around in the light and
year chances of finding someone are a lot better .'. .
I Reports from out of the north are now' more than satisfying as
regards the waterfowl for the coming season. Water has been abund
ant with no danger of any draughts or shortages. Late hatches have
been coming along fine in most provinces with plenty of birds now
banding up on open water. I i
Surveys in most areas indicate a waterfowl population slightly
in excess of last year. There is even a good increase amongst the
divers such as canvasback, redhead and bluebilL If the weather con
tinues favorable through September and early October in the north
the very late hatches will add considerably to the overall population
and we should have a good season. . r M
A Lot Depends Upon the Weather !
The one big fly In the ointment, of course, is the weather
along about the time we should expect the southward migration.
Should the big northern freeze or bad storms materializes the
birds will move south. Should the weather pull a repeat of last
year, the birds will hold tight as lomg as the balmy days con
tinue. Neither Ducks Unlimited nor the VS. Fish and Wildlife
Service can control the elements . . .
Park Thede of Salem handled his black Labrador, Beaver Creek
Tory to a win in the qualifying sticks at Klamath Falls last weekend.
This makes a first second and a third for him in three licensed
trials. The joker now is that Thede's Labrador is separated from the
boys. A win in a qualifying stakes makes the dog ineligible for
anything but open-all-age stakes from here ion. From here on the
going gets tougher, and we wish the big dog welL " - i i
Marion County B
&id Jamboree
STAYTON (Special) Five straight quartersjof football will be
played on the Stayton high field Friday night when the 'Marion
county "B" League jamboree is held here starting itSnm v.iht
schools comprising both six-man
Cascade Skeds
Silverton Hi
( Special) The Cascade Cougars
-and Silverton Foxes open their
football season here Friday night
in an eight o'clock clash under the
lights, s !
Included in Coach Bob Stewart's
starting lineup will be Don Papke,
Ken Phillips, Irwin Dalke, Carl
Lacey. Elton Beach, Bob Vose;
Wayne Feller- Curtis Stinnett Don
Mickey and Jim Towery; all Jetter
mea.' i ' ; '
Silverton will field a young squad,
listing only six lettermen. They
are Dave Gentry, Bob Bobbins,
Don Davis, Jack Riches, Jim Bees
ley and Ron Jorgenson. i I
The game will bring about the
debut of the new lighting system
for the Cascade field and will be
the first night game in the school's
history. t
Indian Ticket!
Deadline Set !
NEW YORK Friday is the
deadline for mailing World Series
ticket requests to the Cleveland In
dians but the New York Giants
haven't named a"stop" date yet
The Indians, a cinch to clinch
the American flag, and the Giants,
pace-setting club. In the National
League, are the only two contend
ing dubs accepting World Series
orders. The other leading teams
have ordered the tickets printed
but are not accepting orders at the
moment " r
In Cleveland where World Series
hysteria started early with the
Tribe's big lead, file Indians said
they would not accept mail orders
postmarked after Friday, Sept, 17.
Providing there are no playoffs
in the National League, the four'
out-of-seven series will start in the
National League city. Wednesday
Sent 29. ; f
the second game Sept 30, and
the sixth and seventh games, if
necessary. Oct 4 and 5. also win
be held in the National League
city. Games 3, 4 and 5, will be held
in Cleveland's Municipal Stadium
on Oct 1. 2r.3. - M
In case of any weather postpone
ments, the .teams will remain at
the site of the postponed game un
til it is played. Thus games 1 and
S must be played in the National
League city before tne duos move
witn nearly an ooaxs coming in wiui wo. xcu
the line-up along the shore at the jaws near Taft
showed anglers hooking salmon. Peak period
seemed to be at the flood! tide. Herring proved
to be the productive offering with boat fisher
the Nestucca the story was about
oi we ooa naq at ieai one
day's fishing was over. To top 1t
Hebo with cluster egg anglers turning in scores
on the precocious youngsters . . Yaquina Bay
was still holding tip well early, in the week al
though the weather imade for rough fishing in
the bay. Outside fishing was next to impossible
not for the small boats . . .
1 i'
Lists 8-Team
and 11-man teams, will divide into
I an &ast ana west side. ' -
i Schools entered are St Paul,
Sublimity, Mill City and Cehmawa
on the East side and Detroit Ore
gon Deaf School. Jefferson and Scio
on the West side.1 r ; ! ...
j Each of the teams will play one
quarter, with St Paul and Jeffer
son to play two.' Outcome of the
games will be determined on the
basis of an East and West score,
to come from the total number of
points scored by the teams on each
side. ' - ... - -!
St Paul, being the only six-man
team on the East squad, will play
a quarter against both Detroit and
Oregon Deaf School, the West's two
six-man teams. These two quarters
are tne first in the game.
Tne third quarter will be between
Jefferson's Lions and Sublimity,
the fourth between Mill City and
Scio, and the fifth between Jeffer
son and Chemawa.
Each quarter is for 10 minutes
and there will be no .halftime
une meuoa ot counting tne
points is new this year. Last year
a kicKou came at the start of each
quarter. This year the ball wQl
be put into play ' at the beginning
of each quarter from the point of
where it was at the end of the pre
ceding quarter. ; r .
( Jefferson will play two quarters
rather than one because only two
li-man teams are on the west
side, compared to the three on the
East Jefferson was chosen after
volunteering for the extra duty.
Lebanon Plays
i. .... Ml j. J
Dallas Dragon
LEBANON - (Special) The
Lebanon High Warriors and Dallas
Dragons meet here Friday night
at eight o'clock in a football game
in which the Warriors will be fav
ored to win over the Willamette
Valley League school.
i Lebanon opened with a (-0 win
at Astoria last week. Dallas last
week posted a 19-0 victory over the
Central Hi Partners, :
National Learae: Philadelphia at
Kew York (ruxht) Roberta (30-14)
vs. AatoneSi (21-S): Brooklyn i at
Pittsburgh n!fht) Loe (13-4) I vs.
Surkont (8-17); MUwauke at St.
Louis (nifht) Nichols (-10) vs.
Haddix (17-11): only fames ached-
ojeo. j. . . i . i -i ' -
American Lea roe: Baltimore at
Chicago (night) Turley (13-15) vs.
Harshman (14-6): Cleveland at De
troit (night) Wynn (11-11) vs. Car
ver i (14-9); Boston at Washington
fniht Sullivan (13-11) or Kiely (5-
i n. Bxoaa u-a;; nnrinx ai rmi
Today's, Pitcher
aaeipua (night) syrna (1-1 ) vs.
f rojans, Cougars Jet ggs&
another hectic football scramble
starting Friday night in the Pacific
Coast Conference, with widely di
vergent ideas on what will Happen
between now and December. .
The 1953 race .went to the wire
before UCLA finally came out with
top honors and a trip to the Rose
Bowl where the Bruins didn't have
enough to stop Michigan State.
UCLA can win the title again.
and many think Red Sanders' crew
will do it but rules prohibit a re
turn trip , to the Pasadena ovaL
Getting prominent pre-season
mention , as possible PCC power
Tee-Up and Tee-Oft .
Nearly 100 golfers will tee off Saturday In the fifth annual
KOCO shortstop golf tournament at Salem Golf Club.
Pairings in the tourney pit the area's top golfers in the cham
pionship flight with defending crown holder Jack Brande, the Leb
Hits No. 49
For Gncinnati
(Continued from page 1.) !
Marv. Grissom. one of Leo Du-
rocher's regular bull pen brigade,
made bis first start since May 1
in the second game and allowed the
only two runs before giving way
to Hoyt Wilhelm with two on and
one out in the sixth.
Wilhelm closed out the sixth
when Johnny Loean lined into a
double play, then .retired the last
nine men in order.
Willie Mays hit bis 40th home
run and two singles, raising him
into a tie for the batting lead with
Duke Snider of the Dodgers at
.343. j
Joe NuxhalL the only left bander
to whip Brooklyn in Ebbets Field
this season, did it for tne secona
time although he gave up 10 hits.
It was . his 11th victory against
four defeats. '
Wally Post, Bobby Adams and
Ted- Kluszewski homered for the
Redlegs. Big Klu's blast was his
49th, tops in both leagues. Post
drove in four runs.
! Carl Erskine lasted only into the
third inning against the heavy hit
ting by the Reds.
Yogi Berra's three run homer in
the first, inning carried the Yan
kees to victory at Detroit Rookie
Bob Grim won his j 19th game,
scattering six bits. I No Yankee
rookie has won 30 since 1910.
Fish Outlook
For Weekend
Silverside salmon, now running
strong in the coastal rivers, pro
mise to provide the best weekend
fishing in Oregon.. . . t
The Nestucca, Nehalemr' Siletx,
Siualaw lower Umpaua,- Coquilie
and ' lower Rogue "rivers all have
been yielding excellent catcnes. Ac
tion ha been slow m tne coiumoia.
fairiia the Wilson and Trask riv-
ersJ' ''V . :
Inland trout fishing improved on
some streams, including the Clack
amas, where bait fishing above Es
tacada nroduced the best results.
Fair reports came from the Mc
Kenzie. and trout angling in De
troit Reservoir was reported var
iously from' fair to good. Spinner
and worm trouers cia weii in sret-
mm 1 Vft
tenbush arm.
In Central Oregon the Deschutes
above Bend has been reported good
with a number of catches of rain
bow: trout up to 19 inches long.
Thunderstorms muddied the water
in the Maupin area, but the stream
was reoortett clearing rnaay.
Ljishmg was fair to good before
the water was muadiea.
Many limit catches were report
ed from East and Paulina lakes.
Wickiup Reservoir also reported
good fishing, but fisning was slow
in Suttle Lake.
Major League
R HPct.
A vila. Cleve.
Minoao. Chicago
Noren N. Y.
Pox. Chicago
134 SM 104 178 J38
14S 539 113 17S .325
120 405 65 131 .324
147 600 108 193 .320
Berra. I. Y.
143 B4S 16 171 J13
Goodman. Boston 117 443 63 136 .307
Kuenn. Dertoit 14S 1 76 188 JOS
Rosen. Cleve. 130 453 73 137 JOS
Vernon. Wash. 143 558 88 168 J01
Boon. Detroit 139 513 70 154 JOl
Williams. Boston 107 3S1 87 118 J36
Williams, fewer than 375 at bats.
Ham Sans: Doby. Cleveland. 30:
Williams, Boston. 27: Mantle. New
York. 37; Jensen. Boston. 24; Slev
en. Washington. 24.
Rilns Batted In: Bern. New York.
118: ( Doby. Cleveland. 114: lunoso,
Chleaco. 10B: Jensen. Boston. ; 108:
Rosen. Cleveland. 100; Mantle. New
York. W&i
G AB R HPct.
Snider. Brookha 143 55 111 193 .343
Mavs-'N. Y. 143 533 114 183 J43
Mueller. K. T. 144 538 85 194 J33
MusiaL St Louis 143 555 116 185 J33
Kluszewski. On. 141 548 103 183 J32
Reese. Brooklyn 134 528 S3 165 .313
Ashburn. Phil. 144 534 107 164 .313
Schoendst, St L. 138 574 93 179 J1J
Moon. St. Louis 141 593 101 185 .311
Temple, da. 138 474 60 147 J10
Home Runs: Kluszewski, Cincinna
ti. 49: Hodges. Brooklyn. 40: Mays.
New York. 40: Snider. Brooklyn. 38;
Sauer, Chicago, 37; Mathtwi, Mil
waukee, 37.
Runs Batted In KhiszewsU. Cin
cinnati. 134: Snider. Brooklyn. 123;
Muaial. St Louis. 133: Hodges. Brook
houses are both California and Ore
gon, with ; Southern California the
darkhorseJ But on this subject do
not forget that nobody, except pos
sibly coach Chuck Taylor, expect
ed Stanford to be a 1953 pace setter
up to the final game tie with Cali
fornia. ' .- ' i j -v- -:
Southern Calif ornia. and Wash
ington State open the conference
race Friday night in the Coliseum
here, but the titanic job of the
week faces the California Bears
Saturday at Berkeley. : .
Coach Pappy Waldorf a men host
the Oklahoma Sooners. the team
ranked No. 2 nationally in The
Associated Press poll, in a televised
anon power nmer, going againsi
Jim Hunt Jim Sheldon who won
the first tourney in 1950 faces
perennial threat Bob Sedersrom.
Other championship pairings
are Bob Powell and J. R. Wood,
Ron Hoxie, medalist at 71 for the
action, and Wally Hug, Bob Bur
rell and Bert Victor, young Bob
Prall and Dave Moon, Ralph Ma
pes and Leo Estey, and Harv
Quistad and Lawrence; Alley. '
Flights are scheduled for open
ing action, beginning at 10:10
a.m. Saturday. Concluding action
is slated for Sunday followed by
a banquet at I Joe Randall's state
airgrounds restaurant Tourney
Chairman Red Smith Said Thurs
day night there were j still holes
in the tenth flight and, entry lists
were still open. j
Ten more spots are available
in the special Tenth Flight where
golfers will be paired en a handi
cap, basis. All flights are double
Championship flight
123 p-m.. Jack Brande
vs. Jim
Hunt and Bob Powell vs. I. R. Wood.
139 PJn, Ron Hoxl vi. ! Wally Huf
and Bob BurraU vi. Brt Victor. VM
P-m.. Bob PraU vs. D. Moon and Jim
Sheldon vs. Bob Sederstrom. 1:43
?-m-. Ralph Mapes vs. Leo Estey and
Harv Quistad vs. Lawrence Alley.
yirst flight: i t
12:54 pjn, M. Infram va. Pet And
rson and Dick Hendrie vs. Tom
Kay. 1:01 njn William Schafer va.
Floyd Baxter and FranM Ward vs.
E. Reynolds. la P-m- Pat Mikha va.
Vera McMuHen and Cliff Ellis vs.,
Ed McClary. 1:13 p.m., K. Priedlund
vs. Bob Price and H. Moon vs. Bob
Fourth flight;
13:36 SJiu. Rav Lawrl va. Amos
King and Earl Bourland vs. L Lip-
pen, us pjn., ward align vs. Don
woodry and H. Landis vs. C. Major.
13:40 pa, Hugh Luby vs. J. Lar
son and W. DooUtUe vs. Howard
Wickiuna. 13:47 pjij- Mi Pekar vs.-
senmitt ana Anunsen vsi Den Hen-
one, t
Sixth flight: I
lias a.m, R. Heiterline n. IIS
CaHister and T. Snelgrove vs. Ing
Johnson. 13:05 p.m. Harry Gustat
ion vs. Ralph Kletzlngl and Bine
Powell vs. BUI Barlow. 13:13 ba
Red Smith vs. Steve Tabacchl and
Ruts Bonesteele vs. Buuell. 13:19
"n. Joe Gray vs. 1L Reynolds and
Cecil Lantc vs. R. Nohlgran. ;
Eighth flight: I -! ' - 1
110 aon- Harold Hank iva. r TTn.
fins and Marsh vs. CokerJ 11 37 ajn.,
J. Schimberg vs. J. Van Xeulen and
Art xnckson vs. p. Benaison. 11:44
ajn L.: Ahsenmacker vaj John Pel
ker and Chet Loe vs. Owen Miller.
u:si a.m.. e. seckman vt. H. Love-
all and William Wessner vs. 3. Jack-
son. i . ,
Tenth 'flight:
ut.ia ajn- a. b. cro man v. iiS7
P-m- Joe Randall bye. 3 4 p-m.. L.
namnael and Vara Turner bye. 3:11
p-m o. Bcnecniman oye-i
LOS ANGELES (A tDefendine
champion Ken: JtosewaH of . Aus
tralia Tnursday won his way into
the men's singles semi U finals of
the Pacific Southwest Tennis Tour
nament by defeating I Hamilton
Richardson of New Orleans 6-3,
2-6, 6-1. 6-2. s - . f
Ben Deft
2060 Pringle Ed.
Vi-ton. Speed. On owner.
and out. Priced $215 Under
Douglas McKay Nov; Truck lot
1635 N. Commercial .
Conference SricI Berby Un
battle. California fans - bank; on
quarterback Paul Larson,' the na
tion's leading ground gainer last
season, to lead the Bears to an
upset . ' . . i .. I
Southern California, paced by all
conference halfback Aramis Dan
doy, is favored to trip Washington
State despite the loss of end Leon
Clarke and guard Orlando Ferr an
te because of injuries. ?
Washington State's attack' is
headed by fullback Chuck Beckel
and quarterback Frank Sarno, who
sparked the Cougars to a final
game upset over Washington last
season. , ' j I
Eight of the nine PCC teams will
Theyll Do It Every
"Ti. i nine cue AltrpHS
j . j
"Aw fTtinCTW iewj vewn -
Macera Waits
LuM Macera, fiery and popular
Italian matador, is standins by
for his main event mix with Frank
Stojack at the Armory next Tues-
daj night. Luigi won the right to
meet Stojack by taking this week's
battle royal here.
If Macera, normally a 195-pound-
er, can make the weight limit by
Fuesday, the mix with Stojack
will be for Frank's world light-
heavy title, belt, a gem he has
owned for well over a year. The
lightheavy weight limit is 190
Stojack is now running for sheriff
in Pierce County in Washington
and will appear here only Tuesday
night. He is much in demand all
over the West and Matchmaker
Elton Owen baa been trying to get
the popular athlete here for some
tone. , l
In his collegiate days at Wash
ington State College, Stojack was
in All-American guard on the grid
team. :'- .
The balance of the Tuesday card
will be announced later by Owen.
1 . !
Stars Bumped
By SF Seals
Francisco Seals eliminated the
Hollywood Stars in the Pacific
Coast League Governor's Cup play
off Thursday night by defeating the
Stars 4-3. The Seals will play Oak
land in a double header at Emery
ville Friday night. j
San Francisco 100 000 030-4 4 S
Hollywood 000 000 120-3 72
Holcombe. Zabala (8), Muncrief
(S) and Tornay; Bowman, Donoso
(9) and Siangan, ; ;
Vern Boon
Ph. 24633
t :
Top shape In . $
be in action this weekend with Ore
gon State the only one idle.
; Stanford opens Friday night at
Stockton against College of the Pacific,-
and Taylor has " read his
squad a little history about ' the
25-50 defeat COP banded the In
dians in the first game of the past
year, y
The big question is how Taylor
can come near replacing the aerial
circus led by passing quarterbek
Bob Garrett lost by graduation.
Bob played 502 of a possible 600
minutes, so his understudies saw
little service.
0 Defending champion UCLA, mi
nus All America Paul Cameron,
GavUan-Saxton Bout Slated Oct. 20
postponed welterweight title bout
between champion Kid Gavilan and
sixth-ranked challenger Johnny
Saxton of Philadelphia was re
scheduled Thursday for Oct 20 at
convention nan. , t - 1
Promoter Herman Tavlnr an.
nounced the new date and said the
Ihe realGs! Irlome Sales Event
JnJiellstory olliSileffl . ;
Bring the
.Come to
Sat & Sun.
September 18 and 19
Com to the Party ....
- Set fhe '
2 Blocks East of Morningside
School - (On Strong Bead off
12th Street J to Lawrence)
then 1 Block South,
i - - -t 1
GJ.'. Tout luckiest day will
be when yon buy one of these
attractive - well-built homes
at a wonderonsly low price
... with so mnch extra for
' the money. Tour , proudest
day will be when yon and
year family move in. Tom-
happiest day will be ALLl
your days from that moment
... as yon enjoy the pleas
ures of modern living at its
best!- v:-,U. . V
We have a boa
die of gifts and
surprises for
young and old . .
including Balloons, Automobile Bat-
5- "
tery, Boxes of Groceries, Jan 4c Pre
serves Gift Packages, 50 j Gals. Fuel
Oil, Free Toy Moving Tans, Garden
Supplies, Household Oil and Events!
1955 Fairgrounds Road, Salem - Phone 4-4454
launches its campaign Saturday
night in the Coliseum against San
Diego Navy. Red Sanders has sev
eral candidates, for the - tailback
spot that Cameron vacated. The
nod probably will go to senior Pri
mo Villanueva but he's had lots of
competition from Sam Brown and
sophomores Doug Bradley and Ger
ry McDougalL
1 Oregon has its, jack-of-aH-trades
George Shaw back at quarterback.
The Ducks go to Idaho i Saturday,
for one of the three conference
games the Vandals play this sea
son. . - - -1
Coach Len Casanova figures that
in addition to directing the Oregon
offense, Shaw also will run, pass,
' Jimmy Hatlo
Inty rYILu DO IT '
bout would be nationaly televised
A1 a S a.a .
wiia Diauoui imposea over a 100
mile radius of Philadelphia.
The bout was orlsinallv arhM.
oled for July but Gavilan had to
postpone tne. maun because of a
broken bone in his risrht hand
which be suffered while .training
for a loss to middleweight cham-
the Hilarious
.... - - ... ," n .. . ..v ,,..V,,,.V,,, , lu J f ,
;- ' " . ' - r
$10,850 to 11,92500 in Price
Welcome Folks to ear BIG GX
we're tossing this party to introduce ear new LANGOE AND
SON homes te the Bonaldo Heights Area . . . eome one . . .
come all .. . youll all have the time of yonr lives!
r No Down Payment
100 G.I. Loans fo Biglbli Yefertss
o Street lighting
Storm Sewers in and paid for
Side Walks in and paid for
Curbs in and paid for
Paved streets in and
City Water
Fire Protection
Restricted Area
4 Blocks from New Morningside Grade School
Treef in Parking Strip -
Choice of four floor plans It 17 exteriors
Choice of interior and exterior colors
Choice of Linoleum & Tile Colors
Lot size (0 feet by 110 feet
j Choice of doable or single garage first come plan
o 3 Bedrooms ,
Perimeter heat . f
Birch cabinets in Kitchen . :
Fireplace .
Built in the New Ronalda Heights Area hy
' LAKGOr and SOU
Bonder of Accredited Home for Accredited Bayers
Member of National Home Builders
-. Association
1 Tear Warranty Given with Each
Home Sold
des Way Toniglift
receive, punt convert, kick off and
play on defense. Last season he
even filled in occasionally at offen
sive end. 1
' Washington entertains Utah in a
non-league game at Seattle. With
its entire 1953 line gone, the Hus
kies hope the passing of Sandy
Lederman and the running of Mike
Monroe can keep them in conten
tion. .
There is one CAachJn ttu
conference this year Skip Stanley
at laano. He says this is a building
year for the school's grid forces
but not a character buildintr vmi
A player can, the new coach says.
build character just
winning as by losing.
as twelLby.
Fans Eligible
To Claim Cars
At Holly-bowl
Auto radns fans attending the
debut of the Maniacs Racing Asso
ciation .Saturday night at Holly
wood Bowl are reminded that they
can claim anv car ented in tha
program for the total sum of $25.
aamraay a jaiopy aeroy, leatur
ing 23 drivers and cars in a full
scale destruction bee. will start
with time trials at 7:45 pjn. Tro
phy dash, four heat races, a 35
lap main event and a six-car de
molition derby will follow the
time-ins. .
The "claimins" feature, pro win?
in PODularitv around the country.
L-f brought into effect so that car
w ww t rww saw a-aa kaaij ww evvuaf
then mounts. They cant afford
to not with a claiming nrice of
$25. -( .
This will be the very first ap
pearance of the new racing asso
ciation, made up of men from the
Willamette Valley area. Many
will - h . armeflrintf in tKpir first
professional racing program.
The association was formed re
cently and will be properly equip
ped for racing. r
Opponents in the races may also
claim any other car for the $25
fee if they desire.
pion Carl (Bobo) Olson.
The ; bout was set for Sept. 1,
but the night before the fight Gavi
lan came down with; an attack of
virus and the mumps.
Open Sal. & Sun.
1P.M. Till 8 P.M.
paid for
eo t Cleveland. ;
crax (j-10). j , .
lyn, 122; linnls. Philadelphia 11X ,
5 i
' ! i
' t