The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1954, Page 15, Image 15

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Dodgers Gain
On NL Pacers
s Bums Narrow Giant
Margin to 3 Games :
(Continued from page 1)
Don Newcombe won his ninth
game and allowed eight hiU until
he save' way to Jim Hughes in the
ei"hth. : ' i . i
In addition to Hodges' homer the
Brooklyn runs in the sixth included
a three-ruo double by Pee Wee
R"e whn alo scored when the
ort field relay went into the stands.
The .sixth place St.' Louis Car
dials moved to within 1 games
' first divis'on bv ; whipping the
Philadelphia Phillies S I. Tom
Pr'-olky allowed seven hits.' The
Phils' run came on a triple by
Mr! Cla-k and a sacrifice fly by
Smoky Eurjcss in the sixth. I
"rV. ?'t:more Oroles climbed
ovi of the American Lea;ue cellar
with a 2-1 victory over the Boston
Red Sox on Jim Fridley's single
in the ninth;- Fridley,; smashed one
off the left field wall with the bases
loaded and two out Ted Williams
went hitless. ! 4 ;
V and ah Crd
For Duck Tilt
MOSCOW, Idaho uri The Idaho
Vandals picked up some experi
ence on handling a wet football
during a light practice session
Wednesday. i ! r
Coach Skip Stanley - spent a
large portion of the time with kick
ing and passing drills in the
steady rain that fell all afternoon.
George Eidam was. featured as
both kicker nnd passer.
Stahley said there win 'be no
more scrimmage work for bis men
before the Vandals entertain Ore
gon on Saturday. The team can't
take the chance of any injuries, he
said. - ,
All but two men are expected
to be able to play Saturday. Full
back Larry Gorrell is still out
with a bad knee and halfback Ted
Frostensen, with a shoulder sepa
ration. ' M . 1 f ;
Another UW
Player Hurt
SEATTLE W The injury jinx,
which plagued the Washington Hus
kies last week, bit again Wednes
day. ; ft - f
Don Hart wig, Walla Walla soph
omore and No. 1 right end, was
helved for 4-6 weeks with a bone
fracture in his right; foot Medicos
reported the break after studying
X-rays. Hartwig hurt the foot in
Tuesday's scrimmage, i
Others of the squad's recent half
dozen cripples were on the mend,
with one exception, and ready for
Saturday's football i opener here
against the Utah Redskins. ; ' -
The question mark was veteran
-halfback Jack Kyllingstad, who
nursed a charleyhorse , and might
see only limited ction this week
end. Oklahoma City
Hoop Hopefuls
Study Ballet
be surprised it Oklahoma City Uni
versity's basketball players show
plenty of fancy footwork and un
usual grace on the court this win
terthe boys have taken up ballet.
Basketball coach Doyle Parrack
confirmed the rumor Wednesday
and offered this quick explanation:
"It's an experiment I think there
may be a correlation between the
movements of the datce and bas
ketball maneuvers, ? especially in
jumps, post play and defense."
Parrack added he felt the twice-a-week
dance lessons would help
his athletes perfect their foot work
and timing. i 1
He declared, however, that the
33 basketball players attending the
free classes offered by a private
dancing school "were doing so on
their own." i n
- "There is no compulsion about
the lessons and no college credit is
involved," he said, j "It is not a
basketball practice either and I
wish you would stress that," be
told newsmen. - ,
Regular basketball I practice
starts Nov. 1. si? i
Waldorf Likes ,.
Cal's Progress !
BERKELEY, Calif, W Coad
Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf, not usual
ly lavish with praise where his
own team is concerned, said the
California Bears were "moving
better" ia Wednesday's three-hpur
All in all. he said, it was "a
little better practice"
Cal. ranked 12th in the Associated
Pres pre - season football poll,
meets second ranking I Oklahoma
here Saturday in the first Nationally-televised
game of the college
football season. 1. la
Cards Face COP
PALO ALTO. Califj UB i- Stan
ford Wednesday completed its pre
parations for Friday night's foot
ball game with College of . the Pa
cific in Stockton. !
Coach Chuck Taylor told his 0
squad members., they could have
Thursday oft. It will be their first
day - off since workouts started
Sept. 1.
Joe Long, second string center,
quit the team because of the re
currence of an old shoulder injury
The Duke University football re&
rd lists a 9641 victory over Fur
man in 1891. That season a touch
down was worth four points instead
Official Says Changes Drc.. .
face lifting is in store for the
Washington Senators over the win
ter,' but whether Manager Bucky
Harris will vanish in the shuffle
rests squarely with an old friend,
club-owner, Clark Griffith.' .
The wolves have been bowling
in the capital as a result of the
club's 'disappointing r second dSvi-
son finish. Its attendance figures
have tumbled, i 1 i
And when neighboring Baltimore
shelled out a sizeable bundle of
cash Tuesday to lure Paul Rich
ards as general manager of the
Orioles, the bowling grew even
louder. .
i Calvin Griffith, the Nats' execu
tive vice president,' acknowledged
the situation Wednesday. "Some
thing is going to be done," he said.
'We can't afford to get kicked
Warriors Wait
Dallas Clash
LEBANON (Special) Equip.
ped with : 14 lettcrmen and a
pleasing 6-0 victory over Astoria
last week, the Lebanon Warriors
Friday night play the Dallas
Dragons in a football game here
at eight o'clock, t
Coach George i Van Pelt's T
formationed Warriors have only
six regulars back from last year's
squad, which posted a 7-2 record,
but expect to have another suc
cessful campaign. j
' Lettermen are Centers Fort
Parreil and Larry Hoover, Guards
Lee Evans and Rodger Wold,
Tackles ' Monte Siegner and Ty
Gone, End Ed Neustal, Quarter
back ; Darryl Bishop, Halfbacks
Malcolm McBride, , Dick White,
Benny Monroe and Jim Smith and
Fullback Charles. Pless. A let
tered transfer is Fullback Ron
Bessonette. - 1
Bulldogs Open
With Central
WILLAMINA (Special) 4 The
Willamina Bulldogs, coached by
Tom Cowan, open their football
season here Friday night with
Central High's Panthers at eight
o'clock. , :
The Bulldogs, who; won seven
and lost one last year, have but
seven lettermen. ' They are Half
backs Doug Littlejohn and Bob
Fowler, Guards Gordon' Fowler
and Mickey Scott, Tackles Merle
Schaeffer and Gordy Macpherson
and Center. Ted Cook.
The balance of the squad Is
made up of inexperienced ' and
light, underclassmen who have
shown much spirit-, and desire in
practice sessions. h ' :
Saints Start
In Jamboree
SUBLIMITY (Special) With
12 lettermen on hand, along with
five outstanding prospects in his
turnout ' of 24 aspirants. Coach
Father R. P, OUaraY Sublimity
Saints open their football season
Friday night at i Stayton in the
eight. 0 clock jamboree.
Lettermen on the team are &nd
Larry Reisterer, Tackles Pat Mur
phy, 1? Harold Toepfer and Tom
Christiansen, Guards Ted Schott-
hoef er, Don Gescher and Bill
Welter,. Center Don Murphy,
Quarterback Alan Bell, Half
backs Bob Doerfler and Dennis
Sullivan, and Fullback Jim Lewis.
Other top prospects are Guards
Richard Sayre and Tommy Wolf,
Tackle Dale RubeL End Jim
Hershberger and Halfback Doug
Bradley. .
Look and Learn?
I 1. What is America's oldest
military decoration?
2, Who was the youngest man
ever nominated ; for the U. 1 S.
3; What fraction of the world's
total population is Christian?
. 4. What is the approximate
length of the average make of
writing Derail? s
3. What does "avuncular"
1. The Bids for Military Mer
it,; established by Gen. George
Washinston; in 1782. ...
2. William Jennings Bryan, at
the age of 36.
3. Aboui one-fourth.
4. It is 7 -inches, t
5. Pertaining to an uncle.'
Tide TaMe
trtdei for Vaft. Oretu
' tCompaea bf D. S. Coait and 1
Ceodetie Survey. Portland. Ore.)
Hi eh Watn
Low Water
Time Height
i A9 Jt. H
l:iT. pJB .! 11
3:SI .m. SJ
3:11 pjn 1.1
5:01 am. 4.7
(M p.m. 1
S:34 m. 4 .S
,S:1 pjn.
7r .m. 4.
:? p.m. 1 .X
f m 4jtu ; 4J
l.U pjn. i .
Time Helxht
S.19 ajm. 1.7
9:2T p.m. -4,5
Jn. . 2JZ
pjn. 0.4
ajn. J.T
ajn. 3.1
12:49 ajn. 0 1
12:37 pjft. 3J
MTU e.o
around. You can be sure there will
be plenty of changes." !
Clark, Griffith, the 84-year-old
owner of the ball club, said firmly
that any decision to shift managers
would be his and his alone. He
promised an announcement - after
the season ends Sept. 26.
Harris, himself, was saying noth
ing. He was at the same old stand,
directing the field fortunes of the
club which he piloted to its first
championship 30 years ago. This is
LHarris' third hitch as manager of
the Senators. f
Final Trials Sunday
In Conser Lake Area
ALBANY (Special The Wil
lamette Valley Retriever Club
will sponsor the final meet of the
season here Sunday, starting at 9
a.m. it win be a Picnic Trial on
the Conser "Lake area.
Events will include derhv. mia-
lifying and open-all-age. Pigeons,
oucks and geese will be use in
the events.
n. )
. .. - ' Z1-
L ' J.
' 'myj- 1 irr m iii r inm in mio n 1 inaf w atumi m - iir.iiiaisiiilt"i'MKJBiuiUiiLiiJiiiJ4jjja'aJUJiut
6x15 r
Coated Lens .a f-T
Pins Tax " '
Coafcd Lons Coafcd Lens
19.95 $29.95 "
Angle Lens Coafcd Lens
$34.50 S 29.95 Z
62"x82"Siie l$H95
1CD All Vcel . Only '
High Carbon German I u j $49 t
Steel. Cast Included '. from up )
Sleeping Bogs
RtIm lad
AU Types
V', r from.
We havt Deer Rifles-Ammunition - Trap
per Nelson Pack Boards - Coleman Stoves
and Lanterns Coleman Parts - Hunting
Clothes Boots Caps Packs Tents -SleepinQ
Dags Mess Gear - Camp Cots .
-Camp Stools.
1405 North Church Across from Carly's; Dairy f
Open Sunday, II la ft Daily, 9 to 9 . Thene 4-5C3?
Hoxie Lepding
Ron Hoxie. wfth a one nnder
par 71, leads the championship
flight qualifiers thus far as the
fifth annual KOCO Shortstoo coif
tournament draws hear.
All those intending to play in
the championship flight, of the
weekend meet must qualify not
later than today.! The low 18 will
he in the title flight
All others in the tourney need
sot qualify. They will be placed
in flights according to established
handicap. Play will start at 1 p.nv
Saturday, and will continue Sun
day following the a.m., long
ball driving contest
Tourney Chairman Red Smith
has lined up what he terms "the
greatest prize list ever" for the
tourney, which is annually one of
the biggest of the golfing vent
ures at Salem Golf Club.
The entry fee posted by players
will entitle then to take part in
Hayes Auto Repair
Now at 24$ themektta
Come in and let give yo
an estimate on, yen. next aU
repair. - t
Mr. Hi
yes formerly with
Doox McKay
Jeep Cans
Galvanised Steel
Garbage! Cans
2 -0I1S
I n fi k J J' 1 I 1,- hi
the post-tourney banquet Sunday
night at Joe Randall's Golden
Pheasant Restaurant on the State
Fairgrounds. .1
Defending champion Jack Bran
de, who, need not post a qualify
ing score, has entered the week-
12 Reasons Why You
Should Buy the Silent
..- Guardsman!
4 AUsUte Triple Gaarajitee
Service guarantee card against
all road h surds for SO months.
Tire life-time guarantee against
all defects in materials and
workmanship. .
Policy ' guarantee, "SaUsfacttM
.... er your, money back."
2 Rubber battens fight vibration,.
hold tread ribs apart to give maxi
mam traction quietly, j '
3 Interlocking slpei divide ribs InUi
independent traction areas.
4 Safety-Sealed ' rayon cord, super
atronc fichts Impacts.
strong, fights Impacts.
C Tough X-41' f Cold'
Teugh X41' :C
greater stamina.
L ATlstata tires aMte4
7 Free wheel reUUon
5000 miles for tire-life.
Liberal tradl
year old tires.
n Scuff resistant side wall
Scuff resistai
new looking.
Liberal trade-in allowances
4ft . Sears low price thanks to straight-
I Vt line, factory U Sears U yon dlitri-
. bation. .
4 1 Triple-Tested quality aid perfwrss-
I I ance: in factory, test fleet an
laboratory. ,-
4 n Only 11 down Sears Easy ray-
ment Plan.
. . I
Suarda Yevr
, S-ftry ; '
ef Carefree
K Save 25l Extra Deep Tread for
Allstate Premium
".fir ,'i
Plus Tax
ir 1 o Tiro life-time guerentee against all j
def t cts in materials tnd workmtnihia
Load-Rated for :- both start-ond-stop f and
high speed deliveries! Tough bonded rayon
' cord end steel bead construction! Now et,
Sears you can save 25 on Ejttra Deep .
Treadsrsrearer' load capacity and Rug- ,
gsd Luss -65 deeper treod then original -"1
equipment fori longer on and off the rood
' 'Service! Equip your .trucks with Allstate
.tires. t V . ' , '
T'- r - i . , .
Cheek Year Tlrt Size and Srtcisl Salt Meis!
- Premium
Each riss
,-iTax .
end meet So has Jim Sheldon,
who won the first title in 1950.
The Cleveland Browns o( the
NFL have 19 players on their ros
ter who have been released from
the Army, Navy or Marines since
last season. -1
than other vcll-knovn tiros!
- .
lubber grre
service every
finish stays.
riot Tax
flu Tax
Extra Dees
Flus Tax
Statefinem. Sclera. Ore.. Thurtk.
SPOKANE tfl - King Carmen
beat Count Recess and Zan K to the
wire to win the Lewiston purse in
the feature race at Playfair Wed
r : ;GDD SC1DE) ';
Set of 4 .
Blaekwalls :
U!i.L a
"""7 Wat Ta
OldTtres DOWN
. 1.00 Month en Start Easy Payment Plan
I Total Trade-in Price, 4 tlaekwallt 03.60 ;
fire engineering triumph of the century! Allstate
Silent Guardsman gives 20 greater protec
tion against skids. In all directions . I . proved by
actual tests with other well known tires! Rubber
burtons separate tread ribs to give maximum
traction, quietly! No screech! No scream!
Available in Both Black
- . .. . - . i
Lookl hera Are Sears Low Trade-in Prices. Hus Te
tlackwatl . WhjtewoU
ZE . Each Set I 11 Down Eichj Set 10 Down
2 or Mere Set of 4 or More : Set of 4
,,J0x1S ,200 8.0 .90 IQ.gQ
7.101S 23.40 9.85 28.90 MA
7.ft0x15 'r 2S.90 10.90 31.90 1348
t.COxIS J 23.90 - I t 12.1S 34.90 I 14.55
Extra Service Greater
V, ;V,f
1 . .
Sept, IS. 19 (Sec 51 3
nesday and pay its betters $15.20.
7.53 and 5.80. f
Jockey Gilbert Simonis rode the
winner over- the muddy six fur
long course in the .time of 23 2-5
w .70xlS
and Whit Sidewallsl
' . 'km
o Meet highest retread specifl
cations .
o 12-mentk service card guar
tee against all read haxards
Safti-Cap tires are carefullyre
treaded with tough X41 Cold
Rubber for extra mileage. Side
walls are tested for stamina.
You get long-time service - st
. Sears low prices! k
Similar Low Prkes on Other
Sizes. r
. . Pay Only 10 Down On
" Sears Easy Payment Plan
Ecorfomy I
, aowvc co.
it e
1 ISO N.Cepitel 3-9191
1. """Rctrcodo 1
A LJ V70x?5 I
3KecgPp.lT.ftt J
ec tlx.
IM pjn. 11