State smem. Salem. Or Friday. July 23. 1854 (Soc O 11 Touted New Zany Inside TV 1 TV-Radio Log ''If THEVETCRINARIAN I I i . "Hi' MV HUSBAND IS 'Jiiil I , ''iil.HE'S NOTSICK ) I I 1 tf llfol 10lm& Jfefp Hrlt ( BLONDE , , ' -, - ' ' - V A BT CHIC YOt -mini n jiim.. ii m I'H p"""-" """"""""""-"--SW ' awaa . I. JNG THIS IS A CITXJD-BUST. GERTIE. THE KIDS' POOL IS GlTTJN' FILLED VYTTW NICE. F5Tlf ltitrti:':r..'lPl -. ' isr aOCTWlS ISTVE J PSHAW UARDfc5TRAM IEVBJ SAWf I WONT MAVD THE WOSYUOTTM. KXZTA COME 7 if DICX TRACY WCHTASWOLY WHAT REE-LAX AND T A mTCM - DOWNPOje SO THIS S TW6 TfJVEAH J LVTV VOL) CMOSS fj TO START OUR Br CHESTER GOULD V"iV- I WE up wrm 6ANDY IN THIS TUNNBi. help Me up, pop, rvs ot to tn E SK& OKAV.7 ITtakb rf 4 OU.UAPPV OAVif K'ft WORRIED ABOUT MS IS r r cji-wa ovi urn v h 1 1, B t- I www 1 TH hi WONDERFUL" THERE'S NCfT A r ABOUT KER : a t 1 0ik-fX'neeJ ?U3 LINE By BUD SAGENDORF in1-- 2-! w.juKf - fcrf mc just as soom a i4 ir, GOOOyE-XVWVE SESM F--H VOUSCTTO SISTIR flv'iyj 6000-BYE. V SWElt- rSX JUWS IN PORT WfRS (tEAlXY ON OUR WAY AiMT IT FUNN TUATU KAVE $0M6WSINES$TO TEN0T0 IN PORT HERON An WFRE 1 VRY CaN'TOPORTHSWM y-T FUNNY AfVaaMALL r I BUSINESS' THERK IS NO HySTTRV ABOUT IT CMIlB A MAN OP Hi VAST MTERESTS MUST HAVE BUSISESS ANY AND EVERY WHERE AMD WE ARC PEII6HTED tt KAVE YOUR V0UN5 AND CO TOGETHER?!, HOf -CSIL 6EFRCSHINS COMfeMOSUtfl LITTLE ANNIE E002SY Br DARSELLTIcCLUEE u Txaocl PwnaicSyjv, tzzH t'sl 5 f mi nest err i iocked ail that U5T KirLF. 7AOX f ATf C3 J " " )--7 TTXEASI -I 1 aiawTYomcin BUZ SAWYER Br ROY CRANE HERE'S TWS PLACED 7 Ec5aiJ I HArKi ON A-4 OCf ..-THl 19 LKS Tk3KT.AA0(rry.M OANltL JOONS TUX TRACKS CO fi&&Mfr$?, MICKEY MOUSE Br WALT DISNEY ; WY APOtOS C5 FOB X II' P TAKSK6 THE FBEJ6MT ELEVATOC.Birr WWAT CAN V TSjJ TV t pot as tk r?ys ryi-iTy x , AT 1S8DSANT5 . ' I i-.JT- " ' 620TTO KCUL9 J7 I AK1 M'tvwAK , rr I ANfXTKEMaf .1 . rVc MOT' T ; RIP KLSSY . . . m,HOV WAS THf JDl Z ACQUIRE? PR)C DSSMONOf ijTrTi SQMETWINd A LOT, wd eo Aoawes J I mors tartun A fT Ji THANTHAT. lrrr mrr ccaAOioi "k ( ru tuat twcv owl v M By ALEX RAYMOND l( Here's mv VfYou know f water.' There are fK SSSfit ) I nflhf?" 1 i-'y .v I (Weil in The top punaw or caper A 0 V M I GASOLUiE ALLEY Betcwthatte 1 4 panca marked V. things" It's under the hot water beffte'and $ TTl A 1 1 Br ENG HOSEVtOSAN SAM SUT RUNNltf DOVJN TH STREET BUT SHE DIDN'T CHASE HIM" ya wiovnvay? SHE HAD AM APPCiWWENT AT TH' BEftUTf : SHOP r v Kb 1 J- AtNTTWAT PtRZACTW UK&I A FEMALE I ) A WOMAN?! 1 I ' I lrtri Z HIM TOO Q CRIAT SCOTTfi i wuz sernN" in .) octtt teul k TH' SANDSPUR TfkVERtJ, lyQU OIDNT CHASE l J X v.UX TIED one-two AM1 FOOT. GOOGLE- A ( three.kxjr CC PETE JEST THAT SECONT I V i FIVE SET EM UP OM TH' HOUSE BARNEY GOOGLE By FEED LASSWELL For Fame on TV t jy eve STAKS " ' . HOLLYWOOD NUTS AND BOLTS DEPARTMENT: We believe there's room for one, if only cine, completely -whacky TV show on a, national scale. We mean the kind of stuff that first famous on radio, the lm- antics of one Hawthorne .v k -- f possible humor and here in Hollywood. t Morgan began to spew forth the laniest kind of chatter, music and sound effects shortly after the war, and went or to zoom like a skyrocket through the entertainment field. Unfortunately, 1 the pea oi nis career was aoout as Dnei, squeicn ' ed, we suspect, by bis murderous imitation one .v.f night of a potent Hollywood personality. The personality proved more than his match in in- fluence and Morgan was left flat on the canvas in a remarkably brief found. Since then he's trickled; back via TV panels and a few motion pictures, but his original alleged humor remains in tiemory as good as it ever , was. Vlfe'vc long hoped for some other chap with a warped sense of humor to take up where Morgan left off shying very clear of Hollywood personalities, of course. ' : J ' V. , I - I'" ' ' Hawthorne tntoht tcell be the man. We think he's a human male, although there's never been, onrradio or TV, any certain evidence ojfereL He's shortt founded, crew cut and horn rimmed, and, also about as clever in his most peculiar field as Morgan himself. Possibly bet ter. l: :-- :j-:v.- ',-,' Hatothome ran a' short radio spot a long while be fore TV let him in, via a briei 15 -minute go at the - . weather. Obriotwly the weather reports must come to, . him by a plain, garden-variety telephone, but he pre sents them with the aid of a Rube Goldberg contraption , which squirts snow, ticker tape and ghastly moans and shudders. Constantly permeated bjy a running gag, Haw . thorne's weather report has at tbnes been some of the v craziest humor this side 6f a nut) house. Inmates of the latter art the only ones who could possibly fully under stanct Hawthrne, but we all appreciate htm no end. And - now he's been owen a longer, later spot 'on TV locally . in" which to cavort and. confuse aid ladle up gags which ; i could only breed beneath his jhoit-cropped thatch. Did you know that automobile manufacturers are the biggest sponsors of network shows this fall They're spending $41,850,000 In time and talent so far. . . . Britain has 300,838 television sets as of May 1. . . . Ruthie Gilbert expects an heir around the first of the year but this will not prevent her, from continuing as "Maxie" on the Milton Berle Show (NBC) next season. And the Ford telefilms switch to color talent scouts tell me they do most o talent in front of their TV sets. . . hefty doll in slacks, remarked. "She seams.? Shis falL ; , Motion picture theier sleuthing for new Lnd Red Skelton, noting,. s living way oeyona ner science showi received his young fans: "Dear you have any experi- and bugs and spiders, Don Herbert of "Mr. Wizard' the following letter from one of Mr. Wizard Do you have any Experiments about ani mals? Our moms think it is too aangerous to work with metals and chemistry sets, so if ments with animals like snakes we would like to have them" NO ON TV YET Smellotfsion, jokef Hardly. Jfs a new device the Swiss, will introduce to theater, owners. here, called "Scentovision," whereby perfumes coffee smells, or such like can pe' wafted through the theater to coincide with the appropriate scenes. (Copyright, ISM, General fMturaa Corp. :- VI1Y JUST SEE Wis 7 ' AaKOW-UUUS TV SERVICE ALL MAKES MODELS Factory-Authorized Service r Expert Trained Technicians 1 Guaranteed Parts Repairs . CSEEXSTAKM 165 N. Commercial Ph. 3-4163 m Luscious desserts , for dieters ; litre, you've sees ituitts tat " people oa diets, but whet aukes these so special is : this; - they taste as good as the ones you shouldn't eat. Thy are recipes for light really delicious, mouth ' watering desserts in the August issue of Better Homes Gar den. 'And they count as low as 10 calories per serving. Try " the . . . and give yourself a treat. Get August Better Homes Gardens today . . . wherever Baagaxioes are soldi ' - - For Prompt, Reliable Radio and T. V. Service Call 3-7681 WARREN'S SALE and SERVICE INC. 1S93 Fairgreimds Road . Dealer's for RCA Packard-Bel Admiral HAV DO YOU A Clear - Sharp Television : Picture? IF, NOT Try Our Friendly Courteous Service. DIAL 2-1913. Oar service technicians have serviced all makes el TV sets for over 7 years In other areas you! eta pnt your confidence In these men feel free to call and talk ever your T. V. prob lems. Alse note: 'guaranteed service at standard prices. We now service over zuua customers m tMs area. VALLEY TV tENTER -TELEVISION SPECIALISTS'' ; Salem, 2303 Fairfrounds Rd. Woodhnrn, 171 Grant St Ph. M9U ? I . Ph. 2(11 ; Dealers fort Motorola . Hoffman Domont- Paekard-Bell-Trsvler j : . A iiT.I 1 n CALL THE MEN FROM MARR'S FOR SPEEDY IFFICIENT TV ' AND MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR Phone 3-9201 ; , Television 2140 1 COfttMCltclAl A SERVICE COMPANY" M sT f . Fhone 3-9201 Appliance KPTV Frieay Blshllclitot i ' 12:tl Boon "Arson Squad." starring rraok Albertson and Robert Arm atronc. on Matinee Theater. . - ll:M "Stand In." with Humphrey Bogart. John Bloadcn and Lea lie Howard, on Nito Owl Theater. , XOIN-TV rridays BlchUckti! ' ' ' S:M j.m. "Tlyin- with Muiic." Marjori. Woodworth. Zasu Pitta and William Marshall, on Armchair Theater. , S:3S p.aas-"Th General's Boots,' with Basil lUthbone, on Playhouse of Stars. 11: pA. "Winn ed Dn.r." starrinc Zaenary Scott S ho wtlra oa Six- FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time (Hi tort a eta i TTae StaUcman pustls hes rn goed faith the prerraau aad tints as prevlatt by rsSio aad TV stasions, but because ofdnies the preerataa are changed with. at netlfleatlen. this newspaper emnnet h nspeaathle. fee th. aecnracr h.rtiaj TELEVISION Km, unr w kowtv, vhf i;,yht ij HOUK 0:0 0:15 0:30 0:i5 KPTVI KOIN iTelenews 10 KPTV KOIN )Hom.0 I Search Tmrw I ) Time to Live a St's to Heaves ' iSeeldniHeart Welcome Trav. fWelcome Trav. IHome fCuldtof tight" (Bom - iHom J KOIN Kitchen 'KOIN Kitchen 11 KPT V ' KOIN Summer Thtr. Ibu' Fay Off I Slimmer Thtr. (Family Friend (Family Friend) Bi -Pay Off -Bob Croaby gh.fBob Crcby IK' 12 KPTV KOIN IMatlneo The. IBrishtef Day Matinee The. tMatineo Thee, IMatlnee Thee, i Love of life ; Your Account tYonr Account I KPTV KOIN (Matinee Thee. IMatlnee The. I What's Cook'f IWhat'a CooklnS Garry Moore Garry Moore Garry Moore f Garry Moore t KPTV KOIN KPTV KOIN Man's Family I Houe Party Hawkina Falls ! Valiant Lady Golden Wind w First Love (Miss Marlowe; House Party , Strike It Rich Strike It Rich IBride&Groow Secret Storm Betty White Betty White . Armchr Thtre Armchr Thtr KPTV KOIN Uewdy Ooody I Armehr Thtre (Howdy Doody Armehr Thtre Toymaker . Mr. Moon ,1 Toy Maker Cartoon Show I KPTV KOIN Bar 27 Corral Bar 27 Corral (Bar 27 Corral (World oa View (Saddle Pals (Saddle Pals S SCdwardi News PhotoquU KPTV KOIN (Sports Cvlcde. I Time fr Beany (Sport Cvlcde. -1 Mr. Sweeney News Caravan Time fr Beany Weather-News tTV Top Tunes KPTV KOIN The Duke The Duke Liie With Eliz. (Life With TXix. ' McCune Show McCune Show - Ozzie&Hrriett : Ozzi Sc Hrriett KPTV KOIN I Beit Mystery (Best Mystery (Campbell 'stagelCampbell ataxe I Mr. Topper ' Mr. Topper Stars Playhae ,Stara Playhotiae 9 KPTVI KOIN Inner Sanctum Inner Sanctum Bif Playback ISeib. Playhae. Star Theater 1 Star Theater (Miss Brooks ' iMiss Brooks 19 KPTV KOIN ( Wrestling I Week In Sprta Wrestlinc IWrestunc Chuck Wfn. B. Break Bank Wrestling -IBreak Bank UKPTV KOIN Owl Theater i Owl Theatre lOwl Theatre (Owl Theatre Showtime oa SlShowtime en CI I, EUGENZ: KVAL-TT, Channel U (Friday): J:3e The Betty White Show. 44e Cookins Capers with Estellc Carlyle; 4:Je Bij Roundup with Red Reynolds: Prcfram Previews; SHS The News: S:5eS porta Headlines: SUS Weather Report; flt SporUreeU S.3S Let's Go Fiatunc; S:4S Indus, try on Parade: : Wart'a Workshop: Ids The Big Picture; Srse Special Feature.! S:3e The Movies; S:3S Lombard TV TheaUr ("Stronghold.! starring Veronica Lake and Zachary Scott). RADIO KSLM 1JM, JtOCO UM. KGAJC ICS. COIN 91 KGW 128. KXZ UM ra: Maaaeyclee KOUC MU; KEX S2J; KGW leej C0XJS 3:6) C0:U . SILM if KOCO J B.OIN BOW KEX ValL Fanacast JValL Faxmcaat IVail. Farmeaat I News Sign On I tarty worm - I tariy worm Bra. Nook IBrk. Nook IBrk. Noek World News (KOIN Klock (KOIN Klock Melody Man Melody Man Melody Man Ore Farm Mr. I Or. Farm Br. (Or. Farm Hr. IXartV W inrk. neon iKOIH Klock (Melody Man I Or. Farm Br. 7 KSLM KOCO KOAI KOIN now v KEX Hemlarway Early worm News Nook KOIN KVoek . johnny Will 'First Edition Break. Gang JIarly Worm (Brk7 Nook 1 Headline New Melody Mas -s Keep Time Break Gane Early Worm Brk. Nook ' IGoss News INewa -(Keep Time 8 KSLM KOCO KOAS a one KGW KEX Cecil Brown Koco Klock News fc Nook Ceaa. Newa Moon MuUins Break. Club Family Altar (KOCO Klock I Brk. Nook . (Vail New (Moon Mulllns IBreak. Club . Blot Inet. (KOCO Klock tBrk. Nook I Shelley Ser. I Moon MuUins IBreak. Club tNewsAcWthr. . .. (Early Worm . IBrk. Nook -'.'f1-' ' Babbitt Sheer Knox "'"'' Bob Baaae (Bible Intl , (World News Brk. Nook -Wendy Warrea I Moon Mulllns IBreak. Club 9 KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KOW KEX Dr. Sword , Morse Mane Oregon Trail RoadofLife Moon MuUins a.m. EdlOeei Cap. Comment (Pastors Call jMorse Manor J Morse Manor (Spider (Rncho Grande ' IMaPerklns Dr.Malon (Moon MulQna (Moon Mulllns ISta re of 'Today I My True Story Bargain Counter Morse Manor Ranch Grande Guiding Light (Moon Muluns IMyTrue Story KSLM KOCO KOAE , KOIN I KGW KEX Glen Hardy Morse Mane News Sc Spider Mrs. Burton Moon Muffin. Whisperng St TelloTest (Morse Manor ILiberace IPerry Mason Moon Mulllns I Girt Marries - Muaio (Morse Manor (Spider INorah Drake Coffee Time Morse Manor (Spider Brighter oay (Strike It Rich IStrike It Rich (Chet Huntley Since Eve 1 KSLM News (Bonus Bonanza I Queen far Day (World News Koco News 1 iFor'd March (Piano Patterns World News KOAE Dinner Winner (Dinner Winnr .Viata Visit Vista Visit 7 KOIN Helen Trent Gal Sunday IHouse Party House Party KGW Phrase Pays (Second Chance I Moon MuUins - (Moon Mullins KEX Second Spring (Mod Romances! Datelne: Tody (Dateline: Today KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX I no Trades Major League Noon News Macleod News Newsroom Paul Harvey I Mews f I :v ta. (Major League Major League (LnchlnMnchn iLnchin Mncha jCorr.e St Get Et A. Godfrey Midday Melod. "Pepper Young (Noon Edition (Sam Have . IValTy rarmcast Major League Lurchin Machn- 'A. Godfrey BHapplneea Ted Malon 1 KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KGW KEX Better Choppers! Willamet Mat Major League I Major League New A. Godfrey -Backst Wife Kay West iLnchin Mncha LA. Godfrey IStella Dallas , Hav West (Fab. Friday 1 Major League ILnchin Mncha' I A. Godfrey IWidder Brewa (Kay West I Fab. Fridv 1 Major League ILnchin Mncha A. Godfrey (Woman tn He. IKsy West 2 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX Fab. Friday Marie Melody News . MaUbag Just Plain B01 Mystery Hour IFab. Friday: (New Magic Melody (Magic Melody KozyKorner iitozyKorner Ashton-Normn IMassey Show Front P. Ftrrell'Lorenio Jones Mystery Hour IMystery Hour Willamrte Mat. Marie Melody Kozy Korner -Aunt Jenny Pays to Marry I Mystery Hour 3 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KOW KEX Willamtt Mat Willamtte Mat "Behind Story Magic . Melody IMagio Melody IMagle Melody New ' I Kosy Korner - Kozy Korner Make Up Mind Rosemary (Hilltop House Welcome Trav. rwelcome Tree. IDr. Paul News-Music (Music Room i Music Room tTello Test Marie Melody Kozy Korner fTunefully Music Box Muele Room 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis .Hemingway iHere'S Answer Sam Have unco Music U Want IMusie U Want (Muaio U Want I Music U Want KGAE Kozy Korner t (Kozy Korner Kozy Korner Kory Korner KOIN Art Klrkh. ISoarklin Musle ArtKlrkham ' Art Kirkham . KGW Service Show ; 'Music Box Musie Box IMusie Box ' KEX News-Muaie Cage Squirrel car 'Take It Easy ' 5 KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX B Bar B Slow Drive News&Komer Collingwood Snorts Dairv News-Take EZ IB Bar B (Slow Drive I Kory Korner (News 'Newt Hour . TTake It Ex ! Bobby Benson Tune Time Kozy Korner Spts R'dup Jess Mason -iKuntlev New Bobby Benson Dream Musie IKozy Korner IE. I Bob Gsrre 6 KSLM KOCO KGAK KOIN KGW KEX Gab Heater In the Mood (Virgil Pinkley r'- Candleliifht (CandleHsht i World News iSSKeye ' News & Korner) Kozy Korner. IKoiy Korner (Sign Off 70 Mr. Keen Srumr Eve MuS ( Gdfrey Digest lGdfrey Digest Alex preier Heart of News Stardust I Stardust Herae Edition Bill Stern Red Skelton (Red Skeltow- 7 KSLM KOCO KOIV KGW KEX Counterspy Rosary Gdfrey Digest MeOe A- Molly Sports Page (Counterapv - Bandstand I Gdfrey Digest Stardust . (Sports Pag (CiseeKld . Baseball . (Lowll Thomas , Stardust "(News risco few (Dugout Dope l'.'enn Ernie iStardust IVandercook : 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Jimmy Fidler Theme Time 'Whstlin Tunes Baseball (BssebaD - IBaeeball . PJJIayes Sh. (PJHayes Sh. 1 Thia 7 Believe : World News II Man's Family Crme&Chbers News-Music ' (Fsvorite Music IFsvorite Musie 9 KSLM ".rnt News Newsreel r I Fla. Calling joro Baebin (BasebalU - , B!h-i KOIN Lost Persons Lost Persons uacxcarsoa KGW S. Pimpernel S. Pimpernel (Bandwagon KEX Holwd Theater' Holwd Theater(Powrlana iWhistlin' Tunes I Baseball ISoorts SootUte Crime Sc Chbrs IFavorite Musie (Fla. Calling (Nih' News Jack Carson Bandwaon IPowerland 1 kslm Fulton Lewis iFrTt Edwards . (News KOCO Night. Song Nisht Song INieht Song KOIN S Star Final (Cooke's G. Bk. how KGW . WehflrJ Rotr. JoortPafe S-S0Club KEX final Edition 'Dance Time - 'Danre Time IPlatter Parade (Nisht Song H-SOOub Dance Time 7 KSLM Tak Number KOCO Night Song ' KOIN dtyOub ' 1KGW New KEX Cane Time (Take Number - IMusie " .' . IMusie Night Song ; Night Song (Night Song Cit nub -1 M" M'dnght "' Mdnght r-20Club 6-20 Qub 6J0Chib Dance Tim ' rnre, - tc-' rim KOAC SM kePadfle Standard Time. 10:00 ajn The Newa and Weather: 10:1 J Especially for Women: 10:4S Summer Story Time; lljDO Concert Hall; U:00 The News and Weather. pjri. Noon - Farm Hour: 1:00 U. N. Story; 1.15 Spirit of the VL kings; 1 JO London Forum; 1:00 Best Short Stories; 1:30 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 Broadway Hits; 3:00 Oro- jcon Reporter: J Musie of th Mas ters; 4:00 Look to th Skies: 4: IS Oa the UobeaU 4:45 News Commentary: S.-00 Children's Theater; S 30 Asia Re ports: :00 The News and westherj S:1S Ballet Music; 7:00 Alfred Her Sach, Zitherist: 7.15 tMrrn our; t :00 Man's Right to KnowW edge; S:30 Artistry in Classics; 9 00 Music That Endures; 100 Sign Off.