10 (Sec i) Statesman, Salem. Ore Friday, July 23. 1SS4 mm S TAR:GASEK' IMC -. i yf TAUSUS I MAY 21 TSlO-18-31-42 -AV51-64-70 GUW4 : MAY 22 JUNE 22 fa 1-21-32-43 CANOt JUNE 23 JULY 23 SL35-72-841 uo .AUG. 23 52-57-67 vutso SEPT 22 m 7-i924.3n fri-' 43-50.71 -By CLAY H FOLLAN- JK Your Doiy Activity Guide . JW According to iJ Sfort. nT To develop messoge for Friday,, rood words corresponding to numbers of your Zod roc birth sign. SETT 23 oa 23 2-12-23-35 U7-5349 1 Protect ' 2 Your 3 Bette 4 Yeu'H , 5 You'v 6 Toss 7 Handle ' 8 Batonct 9 Bod 10 Keep 11 Excellent 12 Cied 13 Your 14 The 15 Awcy 16 Reolut 17 Time 18 Busy 19 Loved 20 Not 21 For 22 Budget 23 And 24 One 31 And 32 Mamooe 33 Don't 34 Poper 35 Populority 36 And 37 Friends 38 Profits 39 Light 40 Collections 41 A .42 You'll 43 Portne 44 And 45 And 46 Traveling 47 Reocti 48 With . 49 Repair v50 tmportont 51 Forget 61 Poperi 2 Love : 63 Fmd 64 Pett 65 Quowets i 66 Or 67 Ideos 68 Fmoncn 69 Peok 70 Problems 71 Words - - 72 Or 73 KeyW-up 74 Meons 75 Tolks 76 Of 77 Soving 78 Today ' 79 Household 80 Desired . 81 And scotwo NOV M 4443 m &4-7A-77 M 52 Investments 82 From 53 For 54 Invite , 25 Unnecessary 55 Letter 26 Wollet . 56 Gom 27 New 28 For 29 Green 30 Forget 57 New 58 New 59JCind 60 Clothes 83 Business 84 Personoi 85 Possessions 86 Items 87 T revel . 88 Intruders 89 Vrt 90 Bonking : - 723 (Good ()Aivcr (JNcaml j 24 & SAG4TTAttUS NOV 23 0C 22 1-13-26-36 rV 60-61-82-88 CAFMCOtN jan! 20 vj 33-545-6651 173-75-78 V& AQUAUUS JAN 21 FIS 19 k5-5o-8tW5V& , ptsas FEB 20 V1 MAR 21 "23 6-15-25-34 Tl 49-6r79-86l Estacada - Molalla Firm Would Quit4 Two Bus Routes PORTLAND (UP) Permission to abandon two bus routes and to iase another was asked by Estacada-Molalla Stages, Inc., Wed nesday at a bearing before Ex aminer Ralph Taylor of the Ore gon Public Utilities Coemmission. E. G. Larson of Gresham, co- manager of the firm, testified that it proposes to abandon routes along Spring Water Road from Estacada to Carver, and on State Highway 211 from Molalla to Col-ton. Etiquette Expert Notes Some Hollywood Manners Horrible9 By ALINE MOSBY United Press Hollywood Writer" urn t wnnn fTTtIrtiiotta expert Amy Vanderbilt, the Emily Post of television, walked correct ly into movietown Wednesday to observe some Hollywoodites have "horrible manners. Miss Vanderbilt, of that famous Jdan,.is going on TV in September to contribute to your education by giving five-minute filmed lessons on how to kiss in public and what to do with your pinky : while eat ing chicken. - -- As a starter she visited Holly wood from her Westport, Conn., home and decided her famed book on etiquette should be read among the palm trees. Kept Her Divorce Quiet "Many stars are thrust into great wealth, utterly unprepared :l 9 -.1 1 . r -1.1 iut il, , uic iiiouierijr, wjrear-viu social expert said. "Why, often engagements are announced here before ; getting a divorce! And divorces are publi cized in horrible taste. . "I got a divorce last March, she added; "and you never heard anything about it." Miss Vanderbilt was interviewed at lunch, and I can testify that pa tin? with an etiauette exserL let alone a Vanderbilt, is an or- ileal aru tuu avrua. 1J. VU1 Ulb OCUBU dressing server or use a spoon? Decides on Spoon j "Most 'successful people have a smatterinz of good i manners,' Miss Vanderbilt continued. "But what I'm concerned with,-is how deep, the manners go, and I de cided to, Jisa the fiDoon. . . Miss Vanderbilt refused to name i the "worst-mannered filmsters be ' cause I want to be constructive so why go into the George Rafts and Zsa Zsa Gabors? Her list of best-mannered male stars includes Boris, Karloff I ("quiet and a perfect gentleman). Gregory Peck, Bill -Holden, Gary Cooper. Ray Milland, Danny Kaye ( I like the way. he behaved with the queen and princess in Eng land"), Fred Astairey Raymond Massey and Hoay Camuchael (Hoagy is quite a flower arrang er.") - . . Finds 18 Ladies r The 10 ladies she found in Holly wood were Irene Dunne, Esther Williams, Barbara Stanwyck, Deb orah Kerr, Rosalind Russell, Ann Blyth, Greer G arson, Grace Kelly. Lena Home ("delightful, great poise") and Audrey Hepburn. Miss vanderbilt enjoys being a TV etiquette star, "except for that awful make-up "But at dinner parties people are always uneasy until they find I am the same at all times," she smiled graciously,' and I put my elbows back on the table. Annexation at Portland, to Be Election Issue PORTLAND (UPWPortland vo ters in the November elections will decide whether a large part of the Ardenwald district should be add ed to the city. : r, The city council Thursday or dered the ' issue placed on the ballot after it beard both aides of the question from delegations from the district. 5 , . 'The area proposed for. annexa tion is bounded on the north by the Clackamas-Multnomah county line, on the west by the Southern Pa cific tracks, on the south by the Mflwanlde city limits and on the 1 SE 37th and 39th avenues. . Climbers Get Musician Off Famed Peak ASPEN, Colo. (UP)-Four ex pert climbers braved rain storms and high altitude cold last night to rescue a- musician who' fell ill near the top of 14,300-foot North Maroon BelL " Sheriff Lorain Berwick said the rescuers found Arthur Grossman, 19, Oklahoma City, on the steep slopes of the famed-peak about 1000 feet from the summit. They brought him down 2000 feet to a road, where a car took him back to Aspen. Young Grossman Is second ba- soonist with the 'Aspen Festival Orchestra. Bob Craig, Aspen, a member , of the recent K-2 expe dition in. the Himalayas, led Sandy Sabbatinl, Tony Woerndle ; and Sepp Kessler, all instructors at the Aspen Sta School, to the rescue. Industries on Water ways of U.S.' Increase WALLA WALLA (UP) Indus trial development along the inland waterways of the United States continued to expand during the second quarter of the current year, Herbert G. West, executive vice president of the Inland Empire waterways Association,; said today. ;. : :, -y : . West said S3 water! sites were chosen for: industrial expansion during the quarter. ' -i "Surveys show," said West, "that investments of industry along in land waterways are running into hundreds of millions of dollars each month. Of this investment, two in dustrial expansion projects were listed for the Columbia; river." , One of these projects was the 12-million dollar chemical and fer tilizer plant of the Columbia River Chemicals Co. at Attalia. The other was a mulU-million-dollar urolect of Puget Sound Power and light ijo., location ot wnicn nas not been announced. , ,; a Ethel Merman In Ice Packs HOLLYWOOD (UP) Singing star Ethel Merman was bedded in her hotel room today with a severe attack of appendicitis.; Dr. Sam Herzikoff Said he was administering ice packs, penicillin shots and baby food to the actress in the hope of postponing an oper ation until after she finishes work in a picture, "There s fto Business Like Show Business."! mnounces cicnDiscoonTio ; CLAir.l-FDEE DRIVERS Loading Auto Irisuranc Company Rewords Careful Motorists with Additional 10X Reduction in Premium Art you ta sccideot-frce drirtf ... paying for the care V lessness of poof drivtxs? If you are, you're invited to jots the Fanners Insurance Group and enjoy their lower nto. You get this new additional discount immediately oa your enure auto insurance premium, u you caa sty: l have not reported s .claim on my ear for tbejxutuoomu. ill jLi- mn I Vjunc (r- YOU PAY LESS 1 .J ,. One Million, Eight Hundred Thousand automobile owners can t d wrong ! Join them - and get America s broadest coverage policies plus finest service and much lower rates for your Automobile, Truck, Fire and all insurance coverage. ., - j. mf-mm ! fWVV OSKO INS. AGENCY 1445 No. Cpinl ShMt ' r1! rr lUllllllllLJIIII (ho nO fl ! - ! um iWr"1 : nni w nn rl n n ui (in 1 1 Hid id nn il mi n r iu u ui 1 law Mini. MlEMMwb -, ' 1 - . . . . - - - - j i i . i Work to Start OnFishway SEATTLE (UP) The Stat Fish eries Department today announced it received a low bid of $143,585 for construction of a 280-foot baffle fishway on the Kalama river near Locgview. The bid was entered by Lee Hoffman of Beaverton, Or, . The Kalama fishway is part of the department's program to open up new spawning and rearing areas for natural propagation of salmon. '. . i . British railways have 500 dif ferent types of steam locomotives, but plan to reduce the number to 12.. TIT newspapers 'Best Means' Of Advertising PORT? LAN D (UP)- Oregon newspapers have been selected by the Kemper group of insurance companies as the basic medium for a statewide advertising cam paign forj this fall and next spring, it was announced here today. - V. J. Ebaugh, Seattle,' resident secretary of Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company and affiliated Kemper (companies, said a study of various advertising media by the Kemper companies has con vinced officials that "newspaper advertising is . the best means to get our sitory to the public." Coon Requests That U.S. Stop Taxing Rodeos WASHINGTON (UP)-Rep. Sam Coon (R-Ore.) has-asked the gov ernment to stop taxing rodoes. Coon, who was a cattleman in eastern Oregon for 22 years before coming to Washington, urged an amendment to ,the general tax re vision bill repealing the federal ad missions tax on non.-profit com munity rodoes and historial pag eants. --T-'-; " , : : ' Coon introduced bill in Con gress in March asking for relief of a roded tax. The Senate ap proved a similar measure this month for an amendment to the general revenue bill. Stretch your closet space Does your closet resemble Fib ber McGee's? Read "To the rescue of cluttered closets' ia August Belter Homes and Gar dens for tips on how rods and shelves enable you to use all the available space efficiently. Ypu'U see the right way and the wrong .way to arrange your closet, easily and with little or . no expense. Get your copy of August Better Homes and Gar dens today . . . m'herever maga tines are soldi ro)'nMf?nr?fi'R ma 1 i3Vi7 s I iTfirmi tTTEVr vpS tS m This b fbe bon I shell that smashes rtew car prices to smithereens I This aiganiic Studeboker i summer clearance sate b the greatest cxjsh-sarwg oppcr taoity In ciatotrtobSe hbtoryl t Slvddbdsu's new pro&ca of progress calb for sotwotion seinncj In every crotomobile narlcet this surrimer regardless . of profit - and the deals we're making are absolutely un heard off You get an unbeat able bargain a sensational1 1954 $rwdebofcer-c" yoer own terms! . ! Come m and cash In right away I Get the world ec&noray diaapionl Get cM-aheod styl ing that folds 30 ttfhtonding . ' iriemaiiceMl i crwxiwk! Get Ihe inner of fee 1954 AAotSgas Run! Get ew T954 wde- v baker at "a terT saving! ;" l" We're out to do business f a st 1 Show us te best offer you've been made! WeTIbeat'itl We , won't let anyone, orrywhere, nderprice or out-trade: usl Boncstcclc Sales & Service, Inc V i -l I 1 GUARANTEED- I - ; Dost Performance in YOUR (Car or DOUBLE Your Money Back For a new driving experience, test two deliveries of New Richfield Ethyl in your car. You will agree it's best, or we'll pay double your money back on atankful. - ; -: .:: )':: With New Richfield Ethyl, notice how easily your car starts . . . how smoothly it idles ... its thrilling pullaway power. And, best of all, its superior anti .knock quality. .. 4i ; Here's the secret of the guaranty no other petro leum company has dared to match: New Richfield Ethyl . . . ( 1) is the first gasoline tailored to meet the demands of today's advance-design cars, yet gives top performance in every car... (2) is produced by exclusive processes in the West's most modern re finery... (3) is unexcelled in the vitally important matter of octane rating... (4) increases spark-plug life. . . gives increased power and mileage . . . mini mizes high-compression knock . . . assures instant starting... lubricates valves... gives complete rust proof protection. - f Our Guaranty extends to the full capacity of your tank. Since it is not practical to empty the tank completely before refilling, it will be necessary to take two deliveries of not less than one-half tankful each. After using your second delivery you'll say "It's Best" or we'll pay double your money back on a full tank of gasoline. - : Soooffi WE M i ...... . i, , ...... ......... 70 North Church St. Salem, Oregon