Shift in Farm Output Urged toCu t Surplus NAIROBI, Kenyi -(INS)- Im portant shifts in food production roust be made tnrougnout we world to help solve the present surplus problem, it was agreed at the recent Seventh -General Meeting of the International Fed eration of Agricultural Producers. . The most - iritmediate problem confronting agricultural producers at the present time concerns the disposal ot present neavy surplus es of certain commodities of great important in world trade. In this neard IFAP recommended that governments of countries possess in v unwieldlv sumluses consider and put . into effect programs de signed to bring about a shift in production away from production of crops and livestock products now in surplus- in these countries and toward production of products in greater demand in their home markets. Allan B. Kline, hog raiser from Vinton, Iowa, was re-elected presi dent otIFAP, Kline also is presi- ftf H Imarltnn Form uvu w WV Bureau Federation. Other officials Soutfr Africa, first vice-president;, Andreas Hermes of Germany, sec ond vice-president; and John An drew of New Zealand, third vice president It was decided that the nerL IFAP Conference would be held in September, 1955 in Rome, Italy, unless the organization's ex ecutive committee decided to change the location. Reconuneadatiras IFAP recommended that produc tion of such1 crops as cotton, grain, and potatoes be reduced and pro duction be increased for such com modities as animal protein foods not in surplus. The organization, representing 25,000,000 farm fami- i lies in 27 countries, said the out standing aspect of the present world farm situation is very heavy surpluses piling up in the world but a more important problem consists in the fact that the world's capacity to produce agri cultural products has for the mo ment at least outstripped effective demand for them. IFAP said the long-term solution tween productive capacity and ef fective demand must be found in expanded markets. The organiza tion warned, however, that at the present time, prospects are not 'If your furniture has " scratches and holes . . . ' CALL LEE BROS. Ph. 2-7001 ' 4020 State St. bright for much expansion of mar kets in either developed importing countries or in underdeveloped countries. The organization said farm and trade policies of the in dividual governments' often con flict and cause hardship to farm -Al J. cri oi vuer countries. Need Coordination The report aid IFAP is -con vinced that uncoordinated nation al measures have contributed and are likely to continue to contribute to the accumulation of excessive stocks and : to the instability in world market prices. It feels, therefore, that the effective inter governmental cooperation during this transitional period is urgently required. IFAP, said that the basic solution to the present unbalanced situation in world farm economy must be found in a progressive re duction in trade barriers including full convertibility of national cur rencies, i The world farm . organization urged governments to consult with each other through, established in ternational machinery in connec tion with the disposal of surpluses to avoid causing economic damage to the world." IFAP reaffirmed its faith in . intergovernmental com modity agreements and said also that the question of a world food reserve should be kept under ac tive consideration. Missing Meter .v Brings Ticket ALBANY, "N. Y. (AP) John J. Bylancik, dropped a nickel in to a parking meter. When he returned about 50 minutes later, he told the judge, the meter was. gone ' and "he had an overtime parking ticket ' j . The judge learned that the meter had been defective. A pa trolman noted that it registered red and ticketed the car. Then meter repair men took it away for an overhaul. The judge revoked the ticket Art Courses New Device to Treat Alcohol Victims WASHINGTON (INS) Alcohol ics, armed with a paint brush, are literally thrashing out their prob lems on canvas In possibly the first and only such art school in the nation. Gasses In drawing are part of the therapeutic program at the District Alcoholic Rehabilitation Clinic In Washington. An exhibit of the works of the troubled patients disclosed the in itial turmoil, then the gradual Im provement accomplished by months and . sometimes years of psycho therapy. . Psychiatrists i interpreted the aimless spirals of the new patient as an expression of frustration. The splashings of yellow and pink were said to denote fear, and 'a heavy line jutting down was the sign of guilt Loneliness took the shape of a listless doodle at the edge of the canvas. Conversely, the medical experts looked for more form and balance as evidence the "artist" was re turning to mental health. Typical is the case of a middle aged woman who for 20 years "used , to drink myself into obliv ion." Her first drawing was a crayon smudge of swirls . and crossing lines.. - Later the woman painted a jum ble of forsythia sprigs. Gradually, as she responded to psychotherapy, her dabb tinge emerged into a balanced, neat for sythia branch. ; Although not completely Vcured" the woman admitted she still goes on "some horrible binges"--she is no .longer tortured by feel ings of guilt and she enjoys hu man companionship. The art classes are taught by Miss Elinor TJlman, who also di rects the Rehabilitation Division's occupational therapy department She believes the .nine-year-old clinic is the first and possibly only out-patient alcoholic treatment cen ter featuring art classes in its therapeutic program. LOCKER BEEF Packing House Wholesale Prices Fancy Grain-Fed Beef . . . . . 22c Lb. Lambs, Cul and Wrapped ... . 25c lb. SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 S. 25th Sh Former Onion Houses Now 1 Egg Factories ? ROCKY FORD, Colo. (INS) Old abandoned onion houses are being reconverted into egg fac tories. .'.-.' , ' Farmers have found the onion houses can be reconverted at a very low initial investment into egg factories which allow scien tific control of the-egg-laying efforts of their hens; First step in the I changeover from onion house to egg factory is replacing the onion crates with long rows of metal cages, each housing a hen. j i Researchers have ; found that each chick has 3,600 egg yolks in its body when it is hatched. By being able to control the eating habits of the hen, the cage-laying method insures a maximum of the 3,600 eggs are laid. A caged hen off the ground is cleaner, eats only the egg-producing feed that has been de veloped through 'careful research and converts the feed imme diately into egg production. Egg production records' for each hen are obtained through a device which rolls the freshly laid egg into a wire basket in front of the cage. i ! There is no place for shirkers. A hen which falls below 50 per cent production ends up on the dinner table. j Hours are long in the egg fac tory. The hens work! 14 hours a daj, with lights being turned on early in the morning and again in the evening to keep the workers awake and the eggs rolling. However, it's not all work. The hens are entertained daily by a variety ox radio programs. Boys Receive Soviet Stamps SEOTJIM. Wash. fAPV Two boys wanted Russian stamps for meir collection ana wrote di rect to Premier G.t M. Malenkov. Back came the stamps 120 of them. - Bill Keller, 114, and Eldon Spady, 14, also got1 a letter from a man in the Russian export department, polite but formal saying the stamps were being sent gratis. 'Since you are interested in collecting Soviet postage, stamps," he s added, "we wish to recom mend that in future you, obtain our stamps through the medium of philatelic firms in your coun try. "The literature of the Soviet Union (1 copy) win be sent you under separate cover." The lit erature hasn't arrived. The boys say they, think postal authorities may have stopped the second let. ter as propaganda. - STAMP S UNSETTLED FAIRBURY. Neb. i API An unsettled world keeps stamp col- leciors as weu as statesmen busy. Dr. C. H. Pitzer, a dentist who once boasted stamps from every country of the world, reports he no longer can keep pace with the change of governments and for mations of new countries. Swimmer Uses I. SOUTH HAVEN. Mich. (AP) Most anyone can float, says Iver Johnson, but when you can float standing up you've accomplished something. Johnson has been clocked float ing in ft vertical position for 20 minutes without twitching a mua- cie. "It's 99 per cent control of th ipine," j said the 47-year-old re? urea accountant. "When the spine is straightened : from its usual curved position to a nr. feet plumb line, you float ver tically.) ui course, tne mind must be absolutely serene otherwise youasmx, Mind. JnhnSnn nrimt ituuit mil.. out into Lake Michigan to prac tice, it toox mm iz years to mas ter it Thhik son. "Try it some time.' Stof smcm, Salem. Or Friday, July 23, 1834 (Sec 4 9 Connecticut officials estimate that the state will need new pub lic schools costing 243 million dol lars by I960. it's easy?" says John- : For the Finest fa J i , WEDDING INVITATIONS i I DIAL 3-8853 j ! Welly's Print Shop j jliiionie Bldg. 495 State! Treat the to a family porch picnic Here's ta ides that will make I you a popular heroine with your . family. Surprise them some ere- ainf (why sot tomorrow) with a festive porch picnicToo much work and bother? Not' when ' yon let August Better Homes A Gardcas do the planning. There are i complete, illustrated porch ; picnic iiett la the August usue, i plaaaed so yon hardly hare to set foot is that hot kitchen. ' Get August Better Hoots ft Gardens today . . . wherever caaeaziAcs axe so 14 1 i : t m S 4 V My To Fine Photo Developing and Photo Finishing King f Size Prints All Sizes Up lo IIS 1 ! PerPrinl Free Developing Save 15c FDFxH Fll Iff Te along plenty of film for week-ends HUH and your vacation. Xetnra all unused film for refund. r POISOII OAK! Why experiment? Other remedies may possibly cure you, but the additional gul ferina Is not only unneces sary, but also rery p"""! For quick relief, try HOOD'S Poison Oak Lotion SCIIAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily, 7:39 AJL4 PJL Sunday, AJkL- 4 PM. 135 N. Commercial The National Geocranhle Sedmhr says there are about 23 million dogs in the United States and about 27 million cats. Frosty-fresh salads for August Wait 'til tou see the colorful trrif of froitT-frcih ulsos is .August Better- Hone St Gf . dens. Cream cheese balls peek , ing through sparkling gelatin, a ' shimmery molded chickea salad cruochy with toasted almonds, ' juicy ripe watermelon chunks and golden peach slices blendei . artfully together. Yoa aevet " dreamed there was so much you could do with, summertime uU sds. Get August Betur Hornet Gardens today , , . whetertr , : magazibes are sold sad aeei THE BEST POWER MOWERS IN THE WORLD 100 TO CHOOSE FROM Toro - Jacobseh - Reo Cooper DEMO'ISTRATIOII O:iY0USlA7ll Call 3-3106 or 4-5661 po "ar Big Trade-in AUowtnce For Tour Old Power or Posh Mowers SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES On 1954 Demonstrators With New Mower Guarantee BUY WITH CONFIDENCE .WHERE YOU GET -k Best Service Longest Guarantee ; Widest Choice ! -A: Easiest Tersas ' i? Best Trad Valne . ic Immediate Deliyery Prices from $395 . OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 23611. Commerc'l SI. 141Aliceive. ; 155 N. Liberty fcZS Phont 3-3191 ; ; FABULOUS BARGAINS ,:!,.. ...... . i - f - . ! - 1 : i ' : ........... , .... i 1 ' r" .. ..... .......... : ' FABULOUS! VALUES TO 6.59 BO V S JU aCKEIS . Gabacdine - Rayon Lined Only 19 Maroon, Green, Navyj Grey Sizes .10-W. ,(o)(o) BOY'S DEPT. - MAIN FLOOR -' . FABULOUS! REG. 1.00 YARD - Handsome Prints and Plains. 36" and 48". Another Wards Savings. Ui DRAPERIES - SECOND FLOOR FABULOUS! VALUES TO 4.98 TABLE UNB1 Enhance Your Table With Quality Linens ii From Wardi Yet Save Money. Shop Today and Save, j Y--: j 5) L Zl LINENS SECOND FLOOR FABULOUS!, REG. 1.49 CMIEi Folds compactly for easy storing. i : Sturdily Constructed.. j (0(0b SPORTING GOODS - BASEMENT FABULOUS! VALUES TO 7 MEN'S 95 DBESS we Made from the Finest Quailty Leather, Plus Expert Craftsmanship. Sizes 6-1 J (o)(o) (0(0). SHOE DEPT. MAIN FLOOR FABULOUS! 5 .QUART HEAVY DUTY OIL (Mm Save 75c on an oil change. An economical and safemotor oiL FABULOUS! REG. 3.59 i COMBINATIOIsi 'SOCKET '' - " ' ! . ' 14 and Inch size, good quality steel HARDWARE - BASEMENT TIRE STORE TRADE and HIGH FABULOUS! WERE 1.79- , wm CUBIA Easily laundered-no Ironing needed. Bright, colorful trim. '(Q)(0)r ; DRAPERIES -SECOND FLOOR . IV MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GO FARTHER - SHOP AT WARDS-OPEN EVERY FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9