The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1954, Page 32, Image 32

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    itZecu 4) Statesman, SoIaxo, Draw Friday July 23. IS 3 4
One of Tliese May Win hyaWliiske
Reunion Held
At Silverton
' M
. -
' - r '
; t : - v..
BILVERTON Two former mayors of Silverton are among the competitor for the whiskers contest at
, Silvertoa being held in conjunction with the Silvterton Centennial. They are Keber Allen (left)and
' C H. Dkkerson (right). Center is George Anderson, Silverton barber who has been in costume for
several months. - " - - .
Valley News
Statesman New Service
Hearing Set -For
:' lUtciau Hewi Serrlee
DALLAS,, Ore. .Preliminary
hearing for Kathryn Mercer, II,
Dallas; who waWound criminally
negligent by a Polk County coron
er's jury, wfli be held at 10 a.m.
Monday before Justice of the Peace
Kenneth Sietterly.-
Miss Mercer was listed as driver
of a car which crashed on June 4
following graduation exercises at
Dallas High School. Claude Joseph
Navaris, 15, was silled in the ac
cident - . . ' -
Purpose of the hearing is to de
termine whether the state has suf
ficient evidence . to warrant an
Indictment District Attorney . Wal
ter Foster will represent the state.
Bruce Spaulding. Portland attor
ney, will represent Miss Mercer.
Slonmoiitli Group
Suggests Change
In Street Name
'';'. lutenia Newe lenriee '
5 MONMOUTH The Monmouth
" Chamber of Commerce, meeting
Tuesday evening, at
recommendations be sent to the
City Council to change the name
of East Street to Campbell Ave
nue, honoring prominent pioneer
residents of Monmouth.
' The change was suggested be-
cause, when it is completed, East
Street will be Highway WW and
it is thought the suggested name
would be more appropriate for a
main thoroughfare.
.. There were also discussions of
changing the names of West
Street and South Street The
Chamber plans to ask the Junior
Women's Club and the Civic Club
to suggest names to the City
Council. "' ' -
i The August meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce has been
cancelled because' of so many
businessmen taking vacations,
but the September meeting is
scheduled to be held at its reg
ular time. - : ... "'
Pope Sends -Rosaries
Statesman Newt Service ,
BIT. ANGEL Even the bless
ing of the Holy Father has
' been won for the coming Ma
' rian Year Pilgrimage at Crook-'
ed Finger en Aug. 15. Father
Hildebrand has received word
- from Rome that 3,600 rosaries,
- blessed , by the pope, rare on
their way and should reach
here la time to be given to the
adnlts making the pilgrimage.
The Dominican Fathers of
Holy Rosary Church, Portland,'
art also prepared: to make a
contribution to the solemn pre
cession. The Rev.' Thomas A.
Feucht, pastor, has promised
to personally bring 15 banners,
representing, the -15 mysteries
f the rosary.
Father Hildebrand asks that
all organizations and parishes
; bring their own banner to add
to the solemnity and picture
squeness of the celebration.
4 Corners Host
To Senicemen
Statesman. News Service '
FOUR CORNERS Boys in the
service who have been home here
recently include Kenneth France
A3c who left by train recently
for Newark, N. J. From there he
will go to North Africa with the
Air Force as a radar operator,,
Pfev Jay Dee Rickman, came
here from Ft Ord, Calif., for a
three-day visit with his parents.
From here he went to Fort Lew
is. Wash., where he shipped for
Japan. - -
Pf c Larry Keppinger, also
came from Ft Ord and left for
Fort Lewis, Wash. for assign
ment overseas.
- John L. (Jack) Brant A3c is
borne from . George Air Force
Base, Victorville, Calif. He wjll
return to the base this week.
lesion, who was injured in a fall
some time ago, is reported much
Improved and is at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Ray Gould in
Prosser, Wash, for two weeks,
after which she expects to" be
home and able to care for herself.
David Getzendaner
Family Among 4
Corners Visitors
Staff inun Mewi Serric
of-state visitors were in Four Cor
ners the last few days. In the
Miles Edwards homer were their
daughter's family, the Rev. and
Mrs. David Getzendaner. Martin
and Annette, Spokane, Wash.
Mrs. Kathenne Scott of Coron-
ado, Calif, is a house guest of her
son's family, the Memn Scotts.
Curtis Cory, on leave from the
USS Boyd, stationed at Sao Diego,
Caul., visited his aunt and uncle
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Green. -
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Houser
and twin daughters. Linda and
Brenda. Turlock, Calif, visited her
brother's family, the Clyde Scbells.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boyington.
St Petersburg, Fla.i were greeting
old friends in Four Corners this
week. The Boyingtons formerly
lived here for several years.
Bean Picking Due
On Grand Island
lUttnuB Kiwt Service ' "
UNIONVALE Bean picking
was to start Thursday in the
Schindler Bros, yard on. Grand
Island with several other yards
on the island and at Unionvale
commencing to pick the first of
next week.
Present cool, cloudy weather
conditions is retarding the devel
opment of the yards, however.
Alderman Farms plan to start
the harvest of 165 acres of bush
beans within the nsxt week. '
Director for
Junior High
Course Told
Statesman News Service
MONMOUTH Dr. Max Apple
by, principal of Luther- Burbank
Junior High School, Burbank,
Calif., will direct . the two-week
Junior High School Auxiliary
scheduled for .the post-session term
from August 16-27, announced by
Dr. Francis E. Clark, Director of
the Summer Session at OCE.
Appleby wrote the script for the
recently released color sound film
"The Junior High School Story.'
The Auxilium for junior high
school principals and teachers will
emphasize the workshop type pro
gram and focus attention on the
purposes, plans tor organization,
teaching cethods, school activ
Ities. staff organization and pro
graming for individual differences.
, It is open to both graduate stu
dents and undergraduate end car
ries. three hours credit Reserva
tiens may be made by writing to
the OCE Registrar.
SUUim&a Newt Service
versary of the Moser clan's arriv-
al in. Oregon was observed with
the annual family picnic at Silver-
on- Sunday.
iLiaesi memoers ; present were
Mrs. Iceheha Scott. S3, and Mrs.
erry. Moser, 3, both of Silver
ton, and Smith C. Stanton, 90, Dal
las. . i "
New officers elected were: ores
ident Averitt Dunagan; vice-president,
, Russell Graen: ; secretary,
Jeannette Graen; treasurer, Edith
Hartman. .
Attending were Minnie . Mose.
Wilda Charles orth, j Josephine
Hartman, Isebelia Scott Lloyd
Moser, Mrs. James Banner, Helena
Whitlock. Una Hamilton, . Nellie
Moser. Mr. and Mrs.. Orrin Cough-
ennouer, Mrs. W. P. Hicks. Mrs.
Perry Moser, all of Silverton.
From Salem. Dallas i -
Also, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mo
ser, Mr. and Mrs. u. K. uraen.
all of Salem: Eessie and Glen Ah-
shine, Mr. and Mrs. George Can
Devendern, all of Springfield;- S
C. Stanton and Mr. and Mrs. David
Moser, Dallas. j
Also. Hone Davennort Eutrene:
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Moser, Astoria:
Effie Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. H
E. Hartman, Janet Hickman, all
of Caoby; Mr: and Mrs. Henry
Aldrich. Florence; Mr. and Mrs.
Sander Johnson, Scio: Mr. and
Mrs. Averitt Dunagan, Dennis
Dunagan, Dick Marcusen, Mr. fid
Mrs. Harvey Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs;
LeRoy Lamoureaux, Earl Mosier
Mary Mosier and Olga Mosier, all
of Portland: Paul Gwynne, Clyde,
Calif.: and Mrs. Larry Lincoln,
Concord, Calif. , .-1
Housing Shortage
At Independence
To Get Attention
fUttimu Ntwi Service
posed ne , wplywood plant here
presents .a problem of housing
lor workers. This was discussed
and a housing committee is look
ing further into financing and
building problems, v
Many inquiries have been com
ing in from individuals about
housing availability here. Faml
lies' are m o v i n g in that have
bought shares'Jn the cooperative
prywooa plant. .
UNION HILL A weiner roast
and picnic supper were held at
the huge fireplace at the home o!
Mr. and Mrs. GOham Saturday
evening. Mrs. Elva Bowick. Los
Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Muljer, Portland, were visit
ors. This will be the last Home
Economic Club meeting until Sep
tember when members will meet
with Mrs, Verny Scott
? f Schatftr's
. For tho Relief Of .
and GOUT.
Relieving stiffness and swell'
ing in the joints or muscles
when of rheumatic or gouty
Drug Stere
135 N. Commercial
Opea Daily 7:30 A.M. to 8 PJIL
Sundays t A.RL to 4 PJSL
Why Suffer
v Any Longer
Then ethers taO, use our Chinese
remedies. Amazing success (or
lOOO rears in Chin No natter
with what ailment you cr f.
acted- diMrdera. tmudtia. heart
lunri. threr Iddneya. lis. eonsti
pation ulcere diabetes, rheuma
tism fall and bladder fever ;
tkin fntr complaint '
fue &
i Rn I to I 1 ' r
& Sat only t f
N ComT ) ( '
m a-1830 2
No Appointment
Necessary for
Zrr-i-r U3ERAL ;
Ask About the New .
, Palate Dental
Plates Today
Wear Your
New Plates
After Teeth
Are Extracted
Plates Repaired While You Wait
j iuic rvcfwii ewe i iiiic ww nun
125 N. Liberty St.
Salem, Oregon
at the J. S. Kaufman home Tues
day were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kallendar, Fullerton,! Calit, for
their first visit here1 with their
niece, Mrs. Kaufman.
Lyons Guests Entertained
- StaUtman Newt Senrlce ' i
LYONS Mrs. Russell Wilson.
Lyons route 1, entertained recent-
y at her home honoring her mo
ther, Mrs. Floyd-Boyington, of St
Petersberg Fla.,; and her sister,
Mrs. Wilferd Fisher, Van Cleave,
Ky who are guests at the Wilson
home." . - '
Honoring Mrs. Boyington and
Mrs. Fisher were Nellie Kirsch,
Fern Sletto. Elizabeth Taylor, Es
telle Spiva, Margaret' Phillips,
Sylvia Goodell, Anna Stout, Ines
Crook, Violet Wallen, Carmen Mc
Donald; Jean Ryland, May Patton,
Jennie Bohannon, Alta Bodeker,
Dortheen Wilson, Lily Wolfkeil,
Celene Taylor, Blanche Wagner,
Alma Kirsch, Mattie Stout, Winnie
Branch, Elizabeth Hughes, Pearl
Griffiths,! Ardys Kimsey, Lorene
Phuippi. Arlene Moe, Ruth Brant,
Alice Bouche, Estelle Philippi, Iva
Kimsey, Dorothy Draper, Eula
Monroe, Maxine Wotley, Mrs. Moe
and the hostess, Mrs. Wilson.
SHERIDAN 1354 graduates of
Sheridan HIgh School who will at
tend colleges include Dorothy Ta
tom, Lorraine Chamberlain and
Norman McKibben, who will enter
Oregon State College; Lois Gould,
who will enter Seattle Pacific Col
lege; Tom Nash, who will enroll
at John
Brown University; Jerry
Papen who will enroll at Notre
Dame; and Sharon Brandt who
plans to attend either Lewis and
Clark or I Concordia.
Picnic Fetes "
Mrs. CoEerly
SUUimaa Newt Service
HOPEWELL - Mrs. Kenneth
Coberly was honored with a picnic
at Bauer's Lake Sunday on her
' Attending r were Mr, and Mrs.
Greg Schemmel and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Schemmel. Miss
Beverly Steinberger and Thomas
Uselmatt, all of Silverton; Miss
Viola Jacobson and Mr. and Mrs.
WUliam Pearse and family, Sa
lem; Mr. and Mrs. Harolafi Noble
and family, Mr.- and Mrs. Marion
Dixon and family, Mr. and Mrs.
N. 0. Pearse, Robert Pearse, Mrs.
Elmer Frey and Nancy of Santa
I Rosa, Calif. .
Not migic thrifts three
words thit intia cookiag ea a
(kewtf. Ever cook aa outdoor
meI on s ikewer? It'i eiiy. Ani
family and friends get a big kick
out of 'it. All you need is a
freshly cut pointed stick or
metal slcewtr, grill type food
and a bed of glowing coals.
,Your whole supper is cooked
on a stick. August Better Homes
Gardens shows you whtf snd
how to cook this different way.
Get it today . . . wherever tnig
siines are sold!
n i
m ii n
u A
: ' u . : -. ...... . .
in i 1 rs I rt l r I
-S'i Day I " "c9 J ' J
no n
This is HI The bargain specie! of the year! A big, fully automatic
electric range with everything you need for carefree cooking ct
a price thai can't be matched . . . anywhere Come in now! See
this brand new Frigidaire Electric Range. Ask us about our liberal
trade-in allowance on your
old rangel
Model St-74
Choice of white, pasteT '
' yelloW or green exterior
finish .
Pastel-color interior
with golden trim
Full-width Freezer Chest
Door Shelves iTop to
Bottom ;' j
Full-width Chill Drawer
Meter-Miser Mechanism
, warranted fo 5 Years
Choice of right or leffe v
opening door , :
Look! All Thdso Features, Too!
Big, Even-Heat Oven
e High-speed Broiler '
Double-duty Thermlzer
Radiantube 'Surface Units
Big Storage Drawer
e Cook-Master Oven CI ode
All-porcelain finish Inside
'and Out
ISo Down Payment
on Approved Credit
Duilt and DaclceH
by General Motors
Available in white, pastel yellow or green finish!
! Tredo Ins BcccDted
i: - .
Sfale & Commercial
Old Post Office Bldj.