The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1954, Page 25, Image 25

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    Stottixncm Sdexn, Oregon, Friday," July 23, 1S54
(Stc 3)-5
Scarcity of Women Chief Gripe
Of Men at Greenland Air Base
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Betty Scheibl, of the Saa Antonio (Texas)
. Light, recently flew to Thole', Greenland, America's northern air
base, to tee what life was like for the GTt there. The article that
follows Is colled from her reports to her newspaper.)
THULE, Greenland (INS) life has its little disappointments
and Thulle'Ajr Base, America's northernmost defense outpost, un
deniably is one of them.. '. . .
For one thing, the sun does not rise -here at midnight No in-
deedy, it doesn't, and I'll donate the loan of my best parka plus a
month's rations of Eskimo Pie to anybody-desirious of disproving
tnat statement
From my viewpoint anyway,
I which until a short time ago was
from an altitude of 9,500 feet, the
sun makes its first appearance
bout 8 p.m. reddening the dis
tant horizon that separates ke
from atmosphere on frozen Baf
fin Bay. . : "
We Arctic explorers, 24 of us.
saw this phenomenon about? five.
nours souttt of Thuie, and after
our MATS C-54 Skymaster had
been cruising along at about 200
mph . for some three, hours over
the vast white prairie of the bay.
'0ur" sun began lo come up be
fore we had quite used up the
daylight we started out With that
morning at Westover AFB, Mass.
Alnmiaom , City - ,
The trip from Westpver north
M a numbing adventure that lasts
almost 14 hours, with a two-hour
layover for crew change hi Goose
Bay, Labrador.
When nine construction workers,
14 military passengers, the sto
mas crew and I stumbled wearily
off the plane, at the end of the
trip, we saw a gleaming aluminum
city nestled between low hills of
enow, a frozen harbor on one side
end the high plateau of the icecap
In the distance. .-
. Thule literally means the end of
the earth, the farthest limit pos
sible, and it's pronounced to rhyme
with "Truly". Thule Air. Base,
truly, is even farther away than
the name implies.
But for modernity, -warmth and
olid comfort the insulated alumi
num buildings up here all one
story inverted "iceboxes" oa stilts
are unbeatable. No hospital is
more up-to-date than Thule's spot
less. 50-bedder: few gyms offer as
many facilities; three basketball
courts, eight bowling janes, iwo
boxing rings, handball courts, sun
lamps, weight-lifting facilities and
even a golf driving range.
T,i trt-mvmnc " new officers'.
dub. opened in March after S3S.000
worth of decorating, and the NCO
dub are the pride of their respec
tive members who, incidentally,
' bear the entire cost of supporting
them. - '
The hobby shop attracts hun
dreds who whittle, saw and paint
in the interest of something called
Barracks Beautffication. Courses
offered by the University of Mary
land and chapel services are weJJ
attended, the movies for enlisted
men and officers change every!
night - Kf - '?- T: '"
Need Wemea
In fact, there's hardly an activ
ity a reasonable man could desire,
from chess to football to hiking
in the snow, that can't be found at
Thule. ' . .
The main trouble, as I see it, is
that these men are not at all rea
sonable. . ,"
Tbey think they need, more
women! ' ' .-
The only women on the Thule
Ah Base are four comely nurses.
Four frail females against 4,000
men besieged on every band
with invitations, showered with
' chivalry, positively overcome with
consideration. . Goodness, what
ourance vue. .
And what valor it takes to en
dure it However, with the excep
tion of Lt Helena Marie Costa, of
. Roslindale, Mass., the girls fare
meeting the exacting demands of
this last frontier with fortitude.
u-n has eone and gotten en
gaged to Lt BB1 Madden of B
Battery, 549th Anti-Aircraft Artu
w Rattalion. dug in atop of
. ThnlA neighboring hills and
herehv. established another
"northernmost" record; the first
betrothal ever to be amwunced at
Thule. " . : . ,
The wedding bells will not take
place till October, after Helen and
BiH, native f Clinton, S. C, have
rotated back to the states. The
- .of dutv for Helen and two
other nursei, ' Captain Marie
! Schadt and Lt Chris Steven, ends
Kalamazoo Ladies
Bring New life
To Mentally 111
s KALAMAZOO, Mich. P The
Veterans Ad-ninisirauon Hospi
tal at Fort Custer has 2,025 men
tally ilL But 50 Kalamazoo uray
Ladies are bringing a new Ufe
with -toy trumpets and noise
makers. Twice a week, the wom
en bring a group together and
place's musical toy in each man's
lap. '-- '
They form a rhythm, band.
v They walk among the patients,
rattle tambourines and smile en
couragement to any, of the men
who show4 the least bit of inter-
est '. , . .
. The results? One example is a
veteran who was a musician be
fore becoming a regressive. He
was totally unaware of the world
around him.
Today he gives piano recitals.
JACKSONVILLE, m. UrV-Appen-dectomies
are getting to be a habit
in the .Clarence Rawlings family.
' Two sons, Charles, 18, an Frank
lin, '7, had their appendixes out a
week apart Their sister, Mary
Kay, had bass out last February.
. Jet engines make so much
noise 'i that special electronic
equipment mast be used because
the loud sounds often cause fail
, tjres of ordinary types ' of such
juiprnnt 'Tz'- , y.
about that time. Capt Jeannette
Elliott has only been here since
March, arriving four mouths after
the. others. They were all here for
the announced purpose , of raising
morale. ;- '- -.? ;
And no doubt about it,' they have
succeeded in jacking up spirits to
a considerable extent, as' is admit
ted in every quarter, although it
would probably take closer to, 400
nurses to establish a mood of real
exhilaration ,
With the situation as 'at is now,
the average airman or GI has to
be , pretty . darned.' sick before . he
can even see one of these minis
tering angels, let alone chomp on
a thermometer in her presence.
Realizing this, the girls are' gen
erous with their time and talents
when the need arises, fully aware
that the feminine touch they can
bestow has to go a long way in
Thule., (One barracks 1 saw was
enameled in fed, green and laven
der stripes wosd of honor.) ' ; V
. But the hardships of being sepa
rated Jrom borne and family, and
the , consequent military atmos
phere which persists around the1
clock undoubtedly serve their pur
pose. As one officer explained:
"The men complain we all do
but there's unity on this base
that you won't find elsewhere. Ev
erybody concentrates ; on doing a
good job because that Jul there
is to do. There's nothing to . dis
tract you from your work.
Why do Americans here com
plain) , . . '
Not because of 40-below winters,
the four months of darkness, or
the equally tiresome daylight
months. Not because of the ab
stract unreal nature of the land
scape, which boasts not one square
inch of "ground" per se but only
a dusty substance called perma
frost - ' ;
But simply because, as one air
man puts it: --
"It gets awful lonesome."
And not even a new airman's
service dub, slated to be built this
summer t to replace one ' that
burned, can assuage mat feeling.
Loneliness in $300,000,000
plus Thule is the personal price
of defense. " . "
Soybeans in
Sharp Break
CHICAGO W Soybeans broke
sharply en the; board of trade
again Thursday but the rest 01
the market righted itself after the
previous session's drop.
Wheat closed to 1 higher,
corn l-2tt higher, oats un-
fchanged to lower, rye IK-2V
higher, . soybeans VA to 1 10 cents
lower" and lard 10 to 55 cents a
hundred pounds lower. .
Salem Market
(As of late yesterday)
Preirium ..' "' ' ..
No. 1 ..... .,.,.,
Wholes le ' ; , ,. ... V
RetaU . .i 1 . .
EGGS Bnyinr)
(Wholesale price range from
to 1 cents ever buying price). .
Large AA . JO
large A m. .48
Medium AA
Medium A ; .41
SmaU , .32
Colored Hens
Leghorn Hens
Colored 'ryers .
Colored Roasters
Old Roosters
Stocks and Bonds
(CoBapftei fcy the Associated Press)
. . 3 -- IS IS ' 60
Indust Rails VUls Stocks
Jaly 22
Net change Unct ' D.l tTnch Unch
Thursday 99.6 99.6 Ml S3. 3
Prev. oay 99.0 99.7 99.6 83.3
Week s-o 98.8 99.4 99 1 83.1
Month ago 88. 6 99.6 99.7 ' 82.9
Year ago 81.1 85 6 93.8 78.7
"! , 30 10 10 10
Net change A1.6 A t A3 A1.0
Thursday 177j4 , 97.8' 63.3 131.1
Prev. day 175.4 97.1 63.0 130.3
Week ae 176.8 98.3 . 62.7 131.0
Month ago 172J 93.1 60.3 127.2
Year, ago 138.2- 87.0 S2.4 107.S
Portland Livestock
salable. "150; supply mostly odds
and ends; , demand narrow; sales
mostly weak-50 lower; . good and
choice fed steers and heifers
scarce, quotable steady; cutter and
utility steers 11.00-17.00; cutter and
utility heifers 10.00-15.00; canner
and .cutter cows mostly 8.50-9.50;
cutter bulls 11.00-13.50.
Calves salable 50: market about
steady; few . good vealers, 17.00
18.00; choice quotable to 20.00;
utility and commercial grades
Hogs salable 150; marxet slow;
fully 50 and more lower; heavy
butchers -off roost, v choice 180-235
lb 24.50-25.50; few 265 tt 22.00;
above 300 B dawn to . 19.00; few
choice around 325-550 lb sows 15.00
18.00. H
Sheep- salable 300; market slow;
spring lambs 50 lower, some bids
off, more; choice grades mostly
17.50-18.00; good and choice feed
ers steady at mostly 15.00; good
and choice ewes iTO-5.00; culls
down to 2.00. . ,
New York Stock Markets
Admiral Corporation - .24
Allied Chemical 90 V
AUis Chalmers 61
American Airlines 14
American Tel. & Tel. 1744
American Tobacco , . 58
Anaconda Copper . 39
Atchison Railroad 119
Bethlehem Steel 73
Boeing Airplane Co. '49
Borg, Warner ' 85 .
Burroughs Adding Machine 20
California Packing , 29 V
Canadian Pacifier ' 26
Caterpillar Tractor 61
Celanese Corporation 21
Chrysler Corporation 63
Cities Service 96
Consolidated Edison 45
Consolidated Vultee
Crown Zellerbach . 48 '
Curtiss Wright 11
Stock Market
Hits Another
New Pinnacle
NEW YORK lf The stock mar
ket banged out another new high
Thursday in a strong advance
topped by soaring prices for steels.
Gains went to between 1 and 4
points in many cases, and tbey
were fairly well distributed
throughout the list '
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks gained $1.00 at $131.20.
highest point for the average since
Oct. 22, 1929. The Associated Press
average is 20 cents above the high
of a week ago.
, The industrial component of the
average was up $1.60, railroads
gained 70 cents, .and the utilities
were up 30 cents at a new high of
The market was broad with 1,200
shares traded altogether of which
690 advanced and 267 declined
with 163 sew highs and 2 new lows
for the year registered during the
day. ..
-Volume . expanded to 2,890,000
shares, second highest day of. the
year topped only by the 3,000,000
shares traded -Jury 15. '
Portland Grain
PORTLAND U) "No bids on
coarse grains.
Wheat (bid) to arrive market,
basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast:
Sott White 2.21; Soft White (ex.
eluding Rex) 2.21; White Qui 1 .21.
Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 1.2.
Car1 receipts:: wheat 128; barley
8'. lour 6; corn t; oats 1; mill
feed 5.
Portland Produce
PORTLAND Butterfat -Tentative,
subject to immediate
changePremium . quality, . maxi
mum to .33 to one per cent acidity,
delivered In : Portland. . S3-6J ; lb
first quality, 56-58; second quality,
53 -55. VaHeyV routes and
country points 2 cents less.
Butter Wholesale, f o.b. bulk
cubes to wholesalers Grade AA,
93 score, 57 lb; 92 score, 55;
B grade, 90 score, 55; 89 score,
52. :.
' Cheese To wholesalers Oregon
singles, 38 -41 ; Oregon hTb
loaf, 4144.
: Eggs To wholesalers Candled
eggs, containing no loss, cases in
cluded, f.o.b. Portland AA large,
52-53; A grade, large, 46; A
medium, 49 -50; A grade, small,
30 -31 .
r Eggs To retailers Grade AA,
large, 62; A large, 54-55; AA
medium, 52-53; A medium, 51-52;
A small, 32-33. Cartons 1-3 cents
additional. -
' Live chickens No. 1 . quality,
f.o.b. plants Fryers and roasters,
25; at the farm 24; light hens,
12-13; heavy hens, 14; old roosters,
12-13. .
Turkey s To producers, for
breeder types, heavy bens, 30 f.o.b.
farm. New York dressed basis.
Rabbits Average 1 to growers
Live white, 3 -4 lbs, 18-22. 54
lbs. 14-18; old 'does, 10-12, few
higher. Fresh dressed fryers to
retailers, 56-59; cut up, 6245.
Wholesale Dressed Meats
Beef Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs,
39.0043.00; good, 38.0041.00; com
mercial, 33.00-33.00; utility, 23.00
34.00; commercial cows 25.00-30.00;
utility, 24.00-27.00; canners-cutters
- Beef .cuts (choice steers) Bind
quarters, 52.00-55.00; rounds, 48.00
52.00; full loins, trimmed, 72.00
77.00; forequarters, 31.00 35.00;
chucks, 33.00-36.00; ribs, 49.00-53.00.
Pork cuts Loins, cnolce. 8-12 lb,
61.00-65.00; shoulders, 15 B, 40.00
43.00; spareribs, 55.00-53.00; fresh
hams. 10-14 B. 57.0041.00. '
Veal and calves Good-choice, all
weights, 33.0040.00; commercial.
Lamb Choice-prone spring lamb
under 50 lb, 41.0043.00.
Wool Grease basis; Willamette
Valley, 55-57 fc; Eastern Oregon
mixed cross bred range wool, 53
55 ; fine and half blood, 5542. '
Country-dressed meats, flo.b.
Prtle4: '
Beef-Cows, utility, 23-25 ' I);
canners-cutters 21-22.
Veal Top quality, lightweight,
28-30; rough heavies. 20-28.
Hogs Lean blockers 36-37; sows
light, 25-28.
' Lambs Best light springers, 36
38; yearlings, 22-26.
Mutton Best, 10-12; cull-utility,
t-10. ; v
- Fresh Produce
Onions 50 lb .sacks, Calif, yel
lows, 2.00-25; Wash, Walla Walla
yellows, med, 2.00-25; large, 2.50
75. . .
Potatoes New crop Calif. Long
Whites, No. 1-A, 5.504.00: special
marks, 6.00-75: bakers, "5.504.00;
No. 2. 100 lb, 3.50-75; round reds.
2.00-25. ' .
Hay C. S. No. 2. green alfalfa,
baled, f.o.b. - Portland, nominally
27.00-28.00 ton; U. S.,No. 1 timothy
mixed hay, Portland and Seattle,
29.00-30.00 ton. baled, Lo.b. cars.
Douglas Aircraft . 88 .
duPont de Nemours 137
Eastman Kodak ' 60
Emerson Radio '12
General Electric 45
General Foods .t '78
General Motors 80
Georgia Pac Plywood ! 12
Goodyear Tire 73
Homestake Mining Co. 42
International Harvester ' ' 32
International Paper ' . . 77 '
Johns Manville ' 72
Kaiser Aluminum 37
Kennecott Copper . . 85
Ubby, McNeill' 9
Lockheed Aircraft 36
Loew's Incorporated 16
Xong Bell A . . 24
Montgomery Ward 67
Nash Kelvinator, '
New York Central 22
Northern Pacific . 54
Pacific American . Fish , 9
Pacific Gas k Electric 45
Pacific Te. k Tel. 131
Packard Motor; Car 3
Penney (J. C.V Co. 86
Pennsylvania R.R. 16
Pepsi Cola Co. . 14
Philco Radio r 37
Radio Corporation '. ;, 34
Raynonier Incorp 39
Rayonier Incorp Pfd.
Repubhc Steel 61
Reynolds Metals '76
Richfield Ott 53
Safeway Stores Inc. 45
Scott Paper Co. . 96
Sears Roebuck k Co. 65
Socony-Vacuum Oil 42
Southern Pacific : 44
Standard Oil Calif." 62
Standard Oil N. J. ' : 86
Studebaker Corp. ; 18
Sunshine Mining.'" 9
Swift k Company T , , 47
Transamerica Corp. 34
Twentieth Century Fox 21
Union Oil Company 45
Union Pacific. A . 137
United Airliaes ' 24
United Aircraft ' 60
United Corporation "5
United States Plywood C . 26
United States Steel ; , 54
Warner Pictures 17
Western Union Tel. 44
Westinghouse Air Brake 24
Westingfaouse Electric t. 70
Woolworth Company . ; 43
Notice is hereby given that the n
dersifned have been appointed as the
Executors of the estate oi Helena
Rlee'rc. cieceased. by the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for the
County of Marion, fitting- In probate,
and have duly qualified at auch Ex
ecutors: All persons having claims
against the estate of said decedent
art hereby notified and required to
present the same., duly verified as
by law required, to the undersigned
at 309 Oregon Building. Salem. Ore
fon. within six months from the
date ef the first publication of this
Dated and first published this 23rd
day of July, 1954. i -
Psul Rieck and Arnold TUeck,
Executors of the Estate of
Helena Kieck. deceased
Ronald C. Glover,
Attorney for Executors, . ? . -SOS
Oregon Building,
Salem, Oregon. f
ily S3. SO. Aug. $. 13. 30.
Oral bids wiU he received by the
State Forester or his authorized rep
resentetre, acting in behalf of the
State el Oregon, by and through its
Board of Forestry, at the office of
the SUte rorester, 2S0Q SUte Street.
Salem. Oregon, at il p.m.. P.S.T..
August 23.1854, for ail merchantable
timbe; designated for sale within the
posted timber tale boundaries of
Sale Areas No: l and 2, said sale
areas consisting of all or portions of
the f oUowins described : lands. In.
cated in Marion and Linn Counties,
Sale Area No. l Badbanks Sale
LocaUon: . . . (
SWi of KW and NW!i of
SW4 Section SO. Township S
South. Range 4 East. WJ&.
Marion County. Oregon. -
Volumes and minimum prices:
Old growtn Douglas Fir 463
MBF at $17.00 per M $7,905.00
. Hemlock 126 MBF at $4.00
per M $504.00
Second growth Douglas fir .
122 MBF at $8.00 per M $732.00
, Total estimated volume 713
; MBF $9,141.00 "-i
Minimum Price Acceptable: SS.
141.00 , 1
Payment: Cash Installments to be
made in advance of timber removal.
Sale Area No 2 Tom Bock Sale
"Si of Section IS; S of See
5 Hot. 17; N,i of N of Section
20: N4 of Section 21. Town
ship 10 South. Range 3 East,
W.M linn County, Oregon.
Volume: An undetermined volume
of Old growth Douglas fir. Hemlock,
and Noble fir, covering : an area of
approximately 400 acres.
Minimum Price Acceptable: $500.00
Payment: Cash payment In full
within thirty days following notifi
cation of bid award. ; v. ,
The above volumes -and values are
estimates only and State makes no
guarantee as to quantity or quality
of the timber to be told. )
Bid award will be made on the
basis of the largest total lump sum
bid for each area.
Prospective bidders should secure
a copy of the written prospectus cov
ering the terms of the sale from the
office of the SUte Forester, 2600
State Street. Salem. Oregon.
The State Forester reserves the
right tc waive minor technicalities
or to reject any or aU bids.
Jly. 23. 30. An. . 13
NO. 15630
In the Matter of the Estate of )
Deceased.) .
the undersigned, as administrator of
the estate of AUGUST FRANKLIN
RALSTON, deceased, by virtue of
an order duly Issued out o the Cir
cuit Court of Marion County, Oregon.
Probate Department, on the 14th day
of July. 1954. wiU proceed to sell,
t public ,or private sale, for cash
or on terms., at 412 Pioneer Trust
Building, Salem. Oregon, from and
after the 16th day of August. 1954.
at the hour of 100 o'clock A.M..
of said day, to the highest bidder,
all of the right, title and Interest
of the estate of said decedent In
and to the following described real
property, to-wit : . t
Lot 3, Block S. Bishop's Addi
tion to Salem, Marion County,
Oregon. s
Lot S. Block 2. Bkhop's Addi
tion to. Salem. Marion County,
Oregon. "
Said sale than be made subject to
the confirmation of the Circuit Court
of the State ef Oregon for Marion
County. Probate Department, in the
matter of the estate of said deced
ent . -"'.-!.'' -
Dated, posted and first published
this 16th day of July. 1954.
Administrator of the Estate of
TON, deceased
Attorneys for Administrator
412 Pioneer Trust BuUdin'g .
Salem, Oregon
i Jly If. 23. SO. Au. t.
John Raw Caughett ,
In this city. July '21. Late resident
of 240 N. Cottage. HusbandwOf Lenta
Caughell, Salem; father or John S.
CaughelL Salem, Mrs. John Laugh
ary, Med ford; aunt. Mrs.- Harry
Waite, Salem; one grandchild. Serv
ices will be held in the St. Paul
Episcopal Church Friday, July 23. at
3 pro. Rev. George H. Swift wiU
official Entombment ML Crest Ab
bey Mausoleum under the direction
of the W. T. Rigdon Co.
Charley Vogler -
At a local hospital July 20. Ship
ment haa been to Portland for serv
ices and Interment by the Virgil T.
Golden Co. 1
Clara Manning ' v ; '
: In this city, July 21. Late resident
of 424 S. 16. Aunt of Mrs. Richard
Nelson. Salem; siater of Mrs. Allard
Conger, Portland, Mrs. Ira Towne,
Grants Pass Mrs. Carl Hultenberg.
Clover Dale. Ore. Services will be
held Saturday, July 24, at 19 a.m.
in the W. T. Rigdon Chapel. Rev.
George H. Swift wiU officiate) En
tombment ML Crest Abbey Mauso
leum. .
Rev. Edwin Winfleld Hughes
in this city July 22. Late resident
of 2740 (th Ave . San Diego. Calif.
Husband of I .nr. Hucrh. f.,h-
Mrs. Glen (Ann) Koonce. San Di
ego, jar, j. n.. (uaine) Hams. San
Diego. Mrs. Richard Louise) Ber
how, Et-gene, Ore.. Lt. Donald E.
Hughes, Long Beach. Calif.; 9 grand
children. Announcement of services
later by the W. T. Rigdon Co.
Jedy IsabeUe Slzexaere
In this city July 22 at the age of
68. late resident of 3690 Sunoyview.
Wife of Irving Sizemore, Salem:
mother-of Norman C. Smith. Salem.
John Sizemore, Arizona. Mrs. De
lores Xammerer, Seattle, Mrs. Oma
Sch'ielder, Salem. Mrs. Elma WalUng ,
Salem. MrsSylvla Shilling. Portland.
William & Sizemore, Great Falls,
MonL, Mrs. Irene Swoboda, Snoho
mish, Wash.. Mrs. Pauline Kuhn, Sa
lem; sister of Mrs. Rebecca McPher
son. Missouri, Mrs. Celia Caudill,
Spokane Wash.: 32 grandchildren; S
great grandchildren also survive.
Services wiU be held Saturday. July
24 at 2 AO p.m. in the W. T Rigdon
Chapel. JConcluding" services St City
View Cemetery. Dr. Lloyd T. Ander
son, will- officiate..
Classified Index
Tor Your Convenience"'
310 Meeting Notices -
312 Lost and Found
314 Transportation
31$ Personal
40S Uvestock for Sale.
403 Livestock Wanted
404 Poultry and Rabbits
408 Pets i
409 Sea Foods'
410 Seeds and Plants
412 Fruit and Farm Produce
414 Farm Equipment
423 Auction Sales
451 Machinery and Tools
432 Wanted Machinery, Tools '
454 Sewing Machines
455 Household Goods for Sale
45S Wanted Household Goods
457 Radio and Television
5S Building Materials
460 Mtsical Instruments
462 Sports Equipment - t
464 Bicycles
466 Trade, Miscellaneous
.468 For Rent. Miscellaneous
470 For Sale. Miscellaneous
473 Wanted. Miscellaneous
474 Miscellaneous
475 Fuel
S10 Money to Loan
SU Loans Wanted . ,
SIS linvestments ; " '
602 Help Wanted , t
6?4 Help Wanted, Male ' . -
SOS Help Wanted. Female
608 Pickers Wanted
610 Sates Persons
12 Work Wanted. Male
814 Work Wanted. Female
613 Situations Wanted
16 Employment Agencies
617 Job Information
618 Education
620 Day or Contract
708 RENTALS V' ' '
703 Sleeping Rooms, Board -703
Wanted Rooms, Board '
705 Apartments for Rent
707 House for Rent '
708 Farms, Tracts
309 Wanted to Rent
710 Wanted to Rent Houses
713 Wanted to Rent Apts. ,
714 Business Rentals
718 Resort Rentals , .
801 Business Opportunities
802 Business Property
804 Suburban
808 Houses for Sale f
807 Apts., Courts for Sale
808 Lota for Sale - . ,
810 Farms, Acreage for Sale
812 Exchange Real Estate
818 Resort Property
SIS Wanted Real Estate .
851 Auto Parts St Repair '
852 Used Cars for Sale '
854 Trucks; Trailers for Sale '
858 Wanted. Cars, Trucks - . f
858 Motorcycles r
860 Auto Miscellaneous '
862 House Trailers ' ' :
864 Heavy Equipment '
880 Aircraft
300 Personal
312 Lost and Found
L06T1 Girl's bicycle at; 01infers
pooL Ph. 2-80. ; ,
PERSON finding purse In West Sa
lem keep money, -please return
contents, pn. 4-4392.
LOST: Blue & white parakeet named
"Butch." Banded on left leg.
4-4525 after 8 pjn. !
LOST; Man's Waltham watch with
light band. Reward. Ph. 4-41SS day
- and eve. v
MISSING , in vicinity of Salem
Heights Ave., old Boston Terrier
F. Anyone seeing her or knowing
of anything happening to her.
please Ph. 3-4678.
314 transportcrtfon
STATEHOUSK ' Emp. can accom. 2
riders.. ML Angel, SUverton or join
car pool. E. H Turner, Scotts
Mills. Ph. 4-1171 txU 248,
316 Personal
AtCHOLICS Anonymous. N
CommercUL 4-7813 or 2-1108.
LOSE ud te 20 lbs In 2 wks Safe.
Eaiv Send S2Box 16l Sa fcwn
A HOME "for an "elderly lady. Ph.
Alt .itHJCS Anonymous group No
1 f N Coml 3-4531 4-3544.
Psychic Reader
Madam Eddy. Gives names, dates,
facts without asking . questions.
Readings daily, " 10 a.m. til 8 p.m.
Tip Top Motel, 3580 S. ComT.
SAFE, permanent removal of tm
is;htly facial hairs Erich of N.Y.
Palmistry Reading
Portland Road nA to No. Salon
Drive-in Theater.
If the number of cricket chir J ;
per minute is divided by four
and added to 40, the. resulting
number will usually be , the ap
proximate temperature of the air
in degrees, Fahrenheit
Invostmont Trusts
. (Zllka.l Smither & Co Ine.)
; 5.94
Canadian Fund
Century Shares Trust
Chemical Fund ,-, ,, , ,
Delaware fund
Diver. Invest. Fund -
-23 63--18.70
. 7:88
Dividend Shares
Eaton U Hj BaL Fund .
fund invest.
Gas Indus) Fund
Incorp. Investors .
Key. Custi Funds:
b-3 , ,(.. ., ;
. B-4 ,
" K-i zzn
S-2 - ,.-
Man. Bond Fund .
Mass. Invest. Trust .
Natl. Sect Series:
Income Series
Stock Series :
Pref. Stock &
- 7.21
. 8.12
. 5 .23
. 6 09
. 8.13
- 9.06
Spec. Series
TeL-Eiee. Fund
Value Line Inc. Fund .
Wellingtonj Fund
Too liate To Classify
FOR SALE or rent, good home-built
trailer house with propane gas Ac
refrig. 3410 Bell Hd, Ph. 4-5577.
J-SPEED i48 Cushman scooter, 90.
Ph. 2-3015.
1953 ,-TON Ford pickup. 9,000 mi,
had good care, $1,350. G. Brandie,
224 Church St., Dallas, Ore. Ph.
5 C
FOR SALE or trade for pickup. '47
Chev. track. S-speed actual. Al Fed,
3230 Portland Rd. 4-4078. '
'49 CHEV. convertible. New top.
Good cond. Ph. Monmouth 2296.
1930 OLDS. M club sedan, RAH.
Good cond. Seen at 134S Norway,
anytime I afternoons.
DUPLEX. 1 exc. cond. 1474 Court. Ph.
3-6254 eve. '
BY OWNER S-bdrm. In Manbrin,
Garden corner lot fenced, beau
tiful yard, fireplace, oil heat, patio,
newly decorated, 4-6692.
VNFURN.jl or 2-bdrm. house or apt.
for around 840 in north. Have 1
child. Ph. 44378.
FOR RENT 1 8c 2 rm. cabinette. Ph.
RESPONSIBLE. relUble. desirable,
desperate, need 3 bdrms. So. by
August 15. references. Ph. 4-1829.
EXCELLENT child care, day, week,
hr. my home. 3-8293.
S CHILDREN to care for in my
home. Clean, respectable. 3-8723.
S USED furnaces for burning wood
. or sawdust, both very good condi
tion. One for medium size home
complete with pipes; $50. One prac
tically new forced air. Model for
large house, $150. Ph. 3-8555 or
2-O20S. I
S-INCH table saw. 4 HP motor. 3
saws, roller, etc. For information,
call 4-4012.
NEARLY iew Gibson elct. range, ext.
din. table Sc 6 chrs., 5-pc. dinette,
occ. chrt.. coffee Ac' end tables,
port, washer, old davenport.' crib
mattressi refrig. defroster unit. 882
North 2tth. Ph. 3-9588. .
VACUUM! cleaner. Hoover. Late
model. CaU 4-5864 eve. or Sunday.
WOOD enamel range, food cond.
coils, steel top. 2242 N. 4th.
NICE N. W. strawberries. New patch
8e lb. O. F. Christofferson. Rt. 1.
Box 150B. Brooks. Ore. Ph. 3-294
Gervais.1 2 mi. N. of Brooks, turn
right oh narrow pavement then
right en 2nd gravel Rd. then left
te etn house.
V-PICK raspberries. 10c. Go to Rose-
amis, iub oaies iUMO, xuijow signs
i ml. S. W. Salem, " r
SALE 300 Parm enter pullets. - S
, months lold. Lloyd Stouffer. Rt 1,
Box 344 Dallas, Ore.
400 Astricnllure
102 Uvestock For Sal-
GOOD Guernsey family 1 cow. 2325
pr'ngio pa. pn. 4-3810.
GUERNSEY cow with 3rd calf, ex--,
ceptionally good mQk Sc family
purpose.! Price $173. E. Church,
RL 2, Box 112C. Turner. ' Ph. 535.
BURROWS. Sheland ponies, saddle
horse. I Sell or trade for what?
Ray Scott. 3 mi. north of Albany
v.. I
5 MO. Guernsey heifer, very gentle,
nk-ely marked. Make good cow.
$45.00. Ph. Green 44. Mt AngeL
. KEH HEF" Kartern OTeeun
or whdle. 23c Custom . killing.
Trailer loaned free v Salem Meat
Co- 1324 S 25th Ph 3-4858.
403 Livestock eWanlod
WANT niire gentle Shetland. 4-1994.
CATTLE, horses, at Tour farm E C
McCandlish 1127 9 35th Ph 3-8147
WANTEDj springer dairy cows. Ph.
42617 evenings. ;
CALF for sale. 3413 Williams Ave.
Call tfter S p.m. - j
-X uuyet Duy cattle.
bones, bon. cheep, veal Emery
Alderman. Ph. 4-6430 or 4-7218.
th en. 4297 State 1-1345 or 3-4380.
LIVESTOCK buyer. A. F. Sommer
1265 Harmony Dr. Ph, 4-2617.
404 Poultry end Rabbits"
loo new Hampshire puiieu. si s.
-11-12 Weeks old. Any amount
3640 Liberty Rd. ,
DAY OLD and started New Hamp
chire White Rocks and Golden
Broad every Tuesday and Friday
3830 State St ph 3-4969
OALJ July New Hampshire
ucjcs. iioe.
Valley Firm Store.
CUSTOM 1 killing, fowl of any kind.
Kill day week. NeweU'a Poul
try Plrnt RL S Box 108. Ph. 4-3426.
408 Pets
PUPPIES to give away. Ph. 2-7535,
638 N. 17th. .
FOR SALE Nice registered pups.
.Mrs. D i C. Brock. 4345 Center.. Ph.
FREE Good 8-week-old Persian kit
ten. 1810 N. 23rd. Ph. 4-4847.
SHETLAND sheep dog (miniature
Collin inale pup, blind school res-
laence. i vw a cnurcn
WETMARANER - registered puppies
for sU. Wesley . Brooks, Canby.
Or-. Rt 2. Box 90. Ph. Canby 4263
POMERANIAN puppies, light sable.
S week old. Robert Thorpe. South
West Dbugal. Mill City. Ph. 2-106.
SIAMESE kittens. $15 with papers.
$10 without. Also baby parakeets.
Ph. 2-0638. - 1
FOR SALE 1 fox, 2 Beagle dogs. Ph..
YEAR eld registered Boxer. Won
derful disposition, lass Fir. 4-5855
Salem I -
PARAKEETS and supplies. A. K.
Powers. 735 Behrue. Ph. 4-1597.
PARAKEETS Cage supplies Bird
Paradise 3180 Livingston 3-1842 '
To , Place Ad
Call 2-2441
400 Afjjriculture
408 Pats
WILLAMETTE Valley Aviaries. Para
keets, cages, complete supplies. 2
miles East of Gates on No. Santiara
Hwy. . - . -
SIAMESE kittens, 1 wks. old.Phl
2-3767 eve; ' .
WANTED, good country home for 2
male large breed puppies, togeth
er if possible.. Ph. 2-0827.
410 Seeds end Plants
EVzXGREENS. trees, roses. We de
sign and plant at no extra cost.
Middle Grove Nursery. 4920 Silver
ton Rd.. Ph. 4-4632.
GIFT plants 4c named rjchiias. 25c
S4.00. Copley, 2665 Chemawa Rd.
LG. fuchsia baskets, your choice,
12.25; Begonia baskets J 1.50, Lg.
blooming begonia. 6-inch pot, 75c.
Lowery's Greenhouse, 2593 Che
mawa Rd.
412 Trail and Farm' Produco
Red Yakima U. S. No. 10 lbs. 39c,
S3.50 a hundred. Green Apple Mar
ket, 5005 Portland Rd.
RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Brantner. 2855
Chemawa Rd., Ph. 2-1386. noon or
FOR SALE, dry ear corn. Ph. 3-1262.
LOTs of nice N.W. strawberries left.
u-pick. Sc. MarshaU Christoffer
son, Rt 1, Brooks. Ph. Salem
2-2!69. 1U miles East of Brooks,
turn right, 1st house.
BOYSENBERR1ES $2.20 flat Ordee
your canning and freezing berries
now. Ph. 4-5842 after 4 p.m. Free
oeuvery saiem ana vicinity.
TREE ilpen Tilton apricots from The
Allies, ure. wui oe at .757 Edge
water. West Salem about Aug. 2.
were formerly sold at Puritan
U-PICK rnohtmorency pie cherries.
Phone 4-1432. call eveninn after
6:-0. John Versteeg. 2790 Ward Dr.
ENGLISH walnuts for sale. 25c lb.
Ph. 4-4334. -
BOYSENBERRIES. ExceUent quahty.
Available Friday 19 a.m.- 14 mi.
North of Keizer school ion Clear
o. - l. a. ereavsier
GRASS HAY, salted, $15 ton. Ph.
MONTMC RENCY pie cherries, 17c
lb., delivered. 3. M. Hanna. 4-8243.
40 TONS alfalfa hay, reasonable. In
field. Werline"Hop Ranch. Ph.
38F4. Independence.
APRICOTS from the Dalles, $1.89 for
a 20-pound lug. Green Apple Mar
ket. 5005 Portland Rd.
Tlltons Sc Blenheims. Canning cots
from The Dalles. Green Apple Mar
ket, 5005 Portland Rd. .
CLEAN, bright clover hay, no rain.
Ph. 4-1364.
BLUEBERRIES James L. Bright,
101C So. Pac. Hwy, Wood burn. . Ph.
Wood burn 2-0822. Bring containers.
425 Auction Sales . .-
260 Ferry St, Friday, 7:30 P.M.
Furniture, tools Ac misc. Open aU day
Friday for consignments.
4840 Center St, Salem
SAT., JULY 24, 10 A-M. & TVM.
5-pc. new chrome set SCO JO. Green
Stamps Free Sat. at Auction. Al-
, ways a big platform piled high with
high grade furniture, at your bid
, price. Owners leaving, bringing
nice household furniture to auc
tion SaL night. Norge elec. range,
1952 ML Harvester sml. Mfrigera
tOr, Hollywood bed, roll-away bed,
swing rocker, 5-pc. dinette set, 2
wool rugs, 1 lot good used tools,
2 bikes. ? new recovered daveno,
Philco TV set. floor lamps, table
lamps, dishes, mirrors, fruits.
" vegets., flowers, hardwood desk
and stool.'
Livestock Sell 2 P.M.
Milk cows. beef, veals, baby calves,
weaner pigs, sheep, . goats. Chick
ens, rabbits, ducks, geese. 1954 hew
Garden Aid . tractor, wood lathe,
adding machine. Come spend the
day. Buys for alL
Col. Ernest E. Scott
' PH. 4-6433.
4450 .Merchandise
451 Mackinery and Tools
S-H.P. MOTOR. 110-220V. Single
phase motor. $80. Ph. 2-1401.
454 Sewing Machines
Elec. portable from $14.95. Treadle
combination elec. from $39.50. Elec.
console from $69 JO. Machines in
A-i cond. and guaranteed. Limited
supply. Ph. 3-3512. Singer Sewing
Center, 130 N. ConVL
455 Hsehold Goods For Sole-
EX TERMS on New or Used rum.
Woodry, Turn on .North Summer. -NEW
furniture " Used furniture.
Woodry Furn. on North Summer.
Must Sell Furniture
Refrig.. 9 cu. , ' nfi
Stove. Frfgldfiire faatm
Chrome Dinette Set.
Tape Recorder
Secretary Desk and Chair-
Maple Coffee Table..
Fireplace Screen and Andirons. $10. 00
uaraen Hose C 5c per ft.
Sprinkler Heads
.10c each
Phone 4-1784
SAVE on bed springs. Mattresses.
- Woodry Furn.. 1605 N. Summer,
BOX Springs w Hollywood legs;
$9.50. eienn Woodry. 1605 N. Sum
mer. - '. '
SELLING household effects including
piano 8c some antiques. Ph. 4-6588
or 943 S. Liberty. Sat. or Sun.
EX TERMS on New or Used Furn.
Woodry. Turn ion North Summer.
TWIN beds & - springs, only 11S0.
Woodry Furn.- on North Summer.
NICE light green hide-e-bed. $78,507
Woodry Furn. on North Summer.
USED Ironer like new 6 mo. .Guaran
tee. Spec 90. Used Wringer type
washers $15 up. Used Automatic
Wasners, $50 up. Judsons, 279 N.
Com'l -
SAVE $109 on . 11 cuWo foot home
freezer.- Hamilton Furn. Co. .
EX TERMS on New or Used Furn.
Woodry, Turn on North Summer.
UNFINISHED furniture- H I. Stiff
Film Store 175 N Hlgn -. .
WILL sac Easy wringer, washer. Ph.
OLD fashioned orpan. Exc. cond. $35.
818 S 25th. 2-2987.. -
HOUSEHOLD items, paintings; dish
es vacuum cleaner. 1795 Market. 1
ONE 6 cu 1 f t. refrig. .Good cond.
Cheap, rn. 36122.
USED pianos. Your choice $75. H. L
Stiff Furniture, 175 N. High,
450 Merchandise
456 Wanted. Rsehold Goods
Valley Furn. Co. 27472;
roUA tAjoa usea rurmture
or will b-jII oa consignment Ph
3-6098 SuateU's Auction.
457 Radio and TV
RAYTHEON portable & electric ra
dio, $27.50. Glenn Woodry. 160J N.
Summer. -
R.C.A. Victor T.V. complete 4th
aue k anienna.' fiso. rn. a-7770.
855 McGUchrisL -
4S8 Building Maleriais $
$ Save Save-$
BUY nsm Binrnrvr. uiTrninc
Now 2Btr used Lumber -Dimension
Sc Shfg Cleaned. 845 00 M
air eworing ueanee.S53.oo M
Elect Wiring Fixtures, Supplies
vt mgm conami j un.
K" Tiunwall
..6c ltn.
8c lia.
-i Tiunwall
20 Loads ef Pipe, all sizes.
m soil, low priced
1 only 2-6x6-8 steel safe door
(Includes outer & inner doors mount-
Underwriters Lab. approved, $150.04
4x3 3-Bte, with frame tllO ea.
72x4? 24-hte Ulh nnlw a
68x50 6-Ute sash only . njo
6-Ute sash only fi so
68x40 S-lite sash enly $4 go
4-70 ft. bow string trusses. Will
make a bldg. 70x150 ft, $200 each.
Ritter & Company
Rt. 2. Box 367 - Ph -
4 miles N. of Salem. V mile North of
Auicm troim on SVK.
Open aU day Saturday
COLUMBIA -MA TIC aluminum win-
now, screens, nationally adver. av
erage cort $4-. Ken. Holmes.
Good old growth low priced com
mon aumoer. All graaes.
"Ph. Salem 2-119S for delivered prices.
14-2 Loomex elec win 24e
12-2 lAGm,T ela vin am
8-3 Ranr eabla o
42-gaL elec. hot water heater $87 JO
-in. is. gaivaruzea gutter lSe
Wallbrkt box nrlimn, : -n
Complete stock elec, plmbg. tt hdwe.
S43 N. Commercial Street
Ph. 2-8858 . Salem. Ore.-
r o- x r tr x i,
S X Bars $ $.2$
r 0" x 6' s- X n
2 Panel - , , 9.00
r 0- x 6" 8" x lit
3 Panel : lo.
1st quality roofing
3 Tab Pabco 215 8 90
35 Asphalt Sheath 3.00
Hardwood Plywood
4 x S x ii RC Mahog.
4 x S x 'A Rib Mahog.
4 x 8 x Senwood
A x 8 x 4 Senwood '
S.7S ea.
S.7I ea.
2.50 roll
.15 ft.
. J8fL
M ft.
Style K GaL Gutter
SO ft. roll 44"? Cat ' ?
VaUey Tin ,
J3 ft
r o- to r s- x $- x i.
1 Panel '
2' 0" to, 2' 4- x r i" x 1
2 Panel
V 0" to r 8" x 6' 8" x Hi
Mahogany SOlS
2 6- to 21 8" x 8' 8"
Mahoeanv 2nd
3 0' x 6 8" x 1 Col.
S 0" x V Q Garaee Done
Complete with Stanley '
Track Type Hardware ' 41JS
Phone 3-9111 235 North Front SL
"We Give S&H Green Stamps"
Roofing Sale No. 1. 3-tab 215 lb. $7
Galvanized gutter per ft. , J3
Kraft building paper, 500 ft. : 50
Nail per keg 8.95
Mahogany plywood y at 15Vjc;
Senwood - at - M
Outside white paint gal 2.59
Long Plywood for boataCHZAP
Galvanized Iron roofing fie aq
Roll roofing per roll 1 45
No. 1 cedar hingw o
Cnpainted cedar shakes 5 73
White asbestos siding .10.50
Cedar shakes with U. c. ' in 30
Cedar siding . . low prices
New screen dnora a ex
New house doors, all sizes , "
New fir door lama
Overhead garage hardware
8x7 steel doors, complete
New 4x8 plaster board' -Water
proof wall board
10 xxi" ceiung tile
Vinyl plastic floor tile 'm
Plastic drain board covering JO ft.
Insulation loose' and battsCEEAP
Shake mold per ft. it
1000 used windows Your choice
Hundreds new weather-stripped win
dows in stock i- up
New picture windows 1 00 up
-- eitvi. wire, roil ac .
New elect water heaters
500 gal. steel septic tanks
4 In. cast iron soil pipe
in. Orangeburg pipe
Plastic pine, less than e-lvanized
4 in. galvanized pipe J2,
New toilets with seats mm
New hsth fiiK Mmn14
Doubl sink complete wrim 43i95
Cedar posts, your choice .35
Barbed wire. 12V gauge SH5
Wovenwtre and chick fence-CHEAP
Ph. 4-5051
1 ml. N. of Keixer
Shower Cabinets
wash Basins
4-ln. cast iron soil pipe, per ft. 9e
Water beaters, bath tubs, fittlnge tt
colored sets at tremendous savingo.
FO SALE Lumbrr, 2x4, 2x6. 2xt.
S. 4 S
No. 3 Ccrru, $58 per M.
No. 4 Com.. $27 per M.
1x6. 1x8 board S.4S. and shiplap. ,
No. 3 Com.. $55 per M. . 1
' No. 4 Com.. $27 per M.
,'iendale Rd.. N. 'Dallas.
' Ph. 2519. Dallas Oregon
Ad kinds of new lumber, 1 and' 2-in.
at $17.50 per M end up. Delivered.
Ph. 2-2042. - : :
Redwood Fence St Picnic Tables .
99E.1 ml. So. of 12th SL Junction
480 Musical IrtStnimento
1 ------- 1
SAC. Victor upright piano. Ph.
2-7903. ' ; -
UPRIGHT piano. Good cond. Phone
2 WU r
CHASE piano, excellent condition,
medium size 1695 S, Winter.