2 Sec 1) Statesmen, Sclom, Oro Friday, July 23. 1SS4 1 Beauty Disqualified in on. Wire Noted hind Duller Indicted on 10 Perjury Counts WASHINGTON Henry W. (The Dutchman) Granewald, noted Washington wirepuller, was indict ed Thursday bn'10 charges of per jury. , . ' The indictment' charges that he lied four times to the grand jury and six times before & House Ways and Means subcommittee about his alleged connection with tax-fixing activities. .853 that he hr y t a -- fisaa U.'a. Allowed Commercial FHA Scandal Links Proje Near Cap ct ital WASHINGTON UB - The Senate Banking Committee's continent ranging probe of apartment bouse builders turned suddenly Thursday to a project now rising within sight of. the Capitol Building .and it was disclosed that criminal action is being sought . ' - , . Norman P.-.Mason, acting com missioner of the Federal Housing Administration, said the . Justice Department had been asked to act in tne case of the Arlington Towers apartment cevelopmenL a' 22 ma lioi dollar structure described 'as ; -one of the nation's largest." Testimony before the committee developed that it is being erected on tne Virginia side of the Potomac River by a former restaurant oper ator and two partners with a cash outlay of 133.000. There was also testimony that the local FHA office was not aware of all the intricate financial and contractual arrangements when it approved a 16V4 million dollar loan for building the project last Dec- ; cember. . . , Mason's dramatic announcement of possible fraud came after com mittee investigator Clarence Dink ins testified that a local FHA offi cial told him only a few days ago . that the application for FHA insur 1 ance of the loan never would have be$n approved had it not been for -pressure" from Clyde L. PowelL This-was denied by the FHA offi cial. Tnomas C Berringer. LONG .BEACH, Calif. (JB Of ficials in tee Miss Universe con test Thursday 1 night disqualified i Miss Virginia, first runner-up in the Miss USA, finals, because she is 2 years .under the minimum age. evuw w w ,.. . ; TOvif-fc.oa rWfcam ""- . I 17. : Ml K. ..-til tV i 4 IT Wi UUt VC 1 UUUt WIW WOIUIHO. ITh minimum 9m U 1. 1 T ' .l...-.,! V. Px. I - wald falsely testified to the House subcommittee in April 1953 mat ne had never discussed tax Daniel A. Bolich. once the No. 2 tax collector. Bolich him self1 is now under indictment on charges of evading bis own income taxes. v v w-- Bolich was one of several offi cials of the Internal Revenue Bu reau during the Truman adminis tration with whom Grunewald was on friendly terms. : : When first brought before con gressional investigators of tax scandals, Grunewald refused to tv 1 scored, an upset victory Thursday swer any Questions and was cited at a marathon session of the Sen- forconterhptof.Cohgress.Heeven- ate as it voted 4541 to. allow the tually changed his. mind and an-lieaerai government to go into tne swered questions, but not to th J commercial proaucuon t atomic full satisfactioa of his interroza-1 flower. l; tors. --..K--- I 'The vote on atomic power came ot.r. n.nv ' . I after critics toad nammered away to the end, he pleaded guilty to - .!! STSSL one cnarge of contempt and re-r :L"v . "7i rorins. it was tusmmded with Wi P fieW amounted to a "gigan promise to lead a "dean, honest teevewv and temperate hie." A-Power Field (Story also on' page 1) WASHINGTON laV Foes of the Eisenhower atomic energy bill At the Theaters Today ELIINOKI "MAGNITlCrMT ' OBSESSION witb Jan Wymn and Rock Hud son - i . Also "Who'i Who at th Zoo" . cap not. "SOUTHWEST PASSAGE" with Rod Cameron and Joanne Dru "BAIT' with Uco Moore - . GRAND I :' - "I WAS A MALI WAR BRIM" Carv Grant and Ann Sheridan - THE CARNIVAL STORY" with Ann Baxter and Stev Cochran . ROIXTWOOD . "CREATURE PROM TWT BLACK LAGOON" BORDER RIVER" Joel Mae. Cra - - NORTH SALEM DRIVE IK TRANCIS" with Donald O'Con nor ' - TAZA. SON OP i COCHMf Rock Hudson , . i , Indochina War Says Premier Camp Meetin Draws Over 100 Persons PARIS wi Premier Pierre Mendes France reported to the National Assembly Thursday that tne Indochina peace be negotiated at Geneva was cruel but that it was the best bargain to be had and it ended a nightmare for France. He was immediately attacked' bv Frederick duPont, a member of the government of Joseph Laniel whicn Mendes - France displaced. DuPont accused the Premier of throwing away advantages in -the Geneva negotiations and implied mat tne Laniel government, if al lowed to stay in office, could have had peace and perhaps on better farm . . B Reporting to the National As sembly on the Geneva negotiations after nis : return this morning. Mender France was received with a warm welcome by the dep- uues ; including the Communists. The Assembly applauded- as he mounted the rostrum, and again alter his 45 minute address He had promised the Assembly ne would resign unless he sue cease fire ROBBER NOT GREEDY I JACKSONVILLE,' Fla. Uft-Ben- jamin Hawkins reported to police prowler entered his bedroom and took just $100 out of a billfold containing $584. ; . , ; j Sen.. Gore (D Tenn) said the T.. 1 1 r- i 41.- 1 I vvu.v uoi nuiiu.. wu lc,u,7 k" .r , I vast national resources. cer reporiea urunewaia naa regis-1 t- vain, administration backers terea unaer an assumea name ai i .t.. . i. f a Newark. N. J., hoteTand had ha5 ao desire t0t m the naUon. are fa attendance at been thrown out of a Washington commercial power field. The Ith8 ntag. It will continue to uui.e vuu- senate voted to authorize the AEC. ditlOn. land nm fSr fwlaral inncfti Grunewald served 89 days, set to build atomic plants can able of ting 10 days off for good behavior (producing commercial quantities ana was released rrom jau last i of power. More than 100 were on hand Thursday at the. opening of the he would resign unle annual ramn mAotincr nt thm W1. 1 Ceeded in negotiating a : 1 1 - j-.Ti.-i. . . grim Holiness Church, Pacific 7" eaaune ne missea Northwest District, at Salem. w!;a j . . by only a few hours. Dec 4. Part of the testimony he gave to the grand Jury which indicted him Thursday was given while he was serving out his term.; Lying Claimed The .Jury said he lied when he swore he knew aothing of any tax Portland road. WASHINGTON (A P ajClIlcJ Yenth Camp , Ministers and laymen from west ern Washington and western Ore gon, representing the conference. and visitors from other sections of Aug. 1. More campers are expect-1 ed in today and over the weekend. Site of the conference is the lo cal Pilgrim Holiness Church in Carlton Way in north Salem east of Northwest senators voted 4-1 with the majority Thursday in passing an amendment to the atomic bill which would authorize federal con struction of atomic plants to pro vide commercial power. The amendment, sponsored by fraud investigation involving Patul-ls Edwin C. Johnson (D-Colo). lo Modes, Inc. a New York cloth ing firm. It said be eventually had consulted the Internal Revenue Bureau about it It also said he lied about his investigation of CoraeH E. Cuth bertson, a union leader at Pine Bluff, Ark.' The jury said Grune wald obtained confidential income tax returns of Cuthbertson "in an improper and unauthorized man ner s - - - - was opposed ty tne aomimstra- tion. , : voung for tne proposal were Washington's Democratic . Sens. Magnuson and Jackson, Oregon s Independent Morse and Idaho s Republican Dworshak. Opposed to it was Oregon's Re publican Sen. Cordon. Senator Welker (R-Idaho) did not vote. -ALOHA- I A DAY IN HAWAII AT f THE BLUE NOTE if SUNDAY, JULY 25th Authentic llawallaa feast (Inan) and a cast of Hawaiian musi cians and entertainers, Fna all day long. Tickets at the Bine iNote and Stevens ft Son Jewelry. 13.00 per person. ' i iTHE BLUE NOTE 1625 Dallas Road" . Phone 4444 The San Man Sez ; Grandma, grandpa, gals and boys, ,: : - : v -,. All niey our Fisfi and Fries. (he San Shop Portland Road at tho North City Limits MPs Scatter Shots Around Young Marine b& ."'c GRANTS PASS Two mfll tary policemen chased down an 18-year-old Marine who tried to escape-fro mthem here Thursday. The MPs fired eight bullets after the Marine, Jimmy David s Koch. broke away from them and ran. They shot when he refused, to halt las they chased him down the street . Koch was unhurt but one of the bullets creased the top of an am bulance across the street Koch, I of Wolf Creek In northern Jose phine County, was being trans ferred from the .county jail here to Mare Island, Calif. Koch .left: with the MPs later by bus. v Today and Saturday win be de voted to the Youth camp with the Rev. Roy Dworschak of Eugene, executive secretary of district youth work, in charge. special youth classes will be con. ducted this morning and Saturday morning from 8:30 to 10:30, fol lowed by worship. This afternoon at 1:39 o clock a youth class in per sonal evangelism will be held, fol lowed by a recreation period for the rest of the afternoon. The annual district young people s business meeting will take place Saturday afternoon. Reports will be heard and officers elected. Regular Services ! Regular services at camp for an attending are daily at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. A special youth service is held nightly' at 6:30 O'clock. ! The encampment was officially opened Thursday night with a which the speaker was Otho Jennings, vice-pres ident and dean of Owosso Bible College, Owosso. Mich. He received his master's degree at Lehigh Un-' iversity and a bachelor of sacred theology degree from Temple Un iversity. He will be the .nightly featured speaker throughout the encampment I In charge of the musical program are the Rev. and Mrs. E. w. Bur ton of First Pilgrim - Holiness Church. Portland, t . - The Rev. William S. Deal of Sa lem, district superintendent. ' is in general charge of the camp throughout tne meeting. NOW PLAYING! SI- J -s JANPWYTuTa. a7W RtJ? LLOTD C DOlaUkS' TECHNICOLjOR dftMNCS MOOMMCAB CTTO KNU6CM ALSO Comedy Feature tie . "Who's Who at The Zoo" Firq Damages Ball EUGENE Uli i A $15,000 fire damaged the ball park at the com munity ! of Bethel near .here Wednesday night. Fire i Chief Marvin Hendricksdn said he thought the blaze started from a cigarette dropped in a rest room. The fire destroyed the cen- er of the grandstand, the box of fice and concessionaries stand. r Now Playing 50C Adm. Open 8:45 'Border Iliver" v j Joel McCrea "Crealnre from ike Black Lsgcan";, I Richard Carlson - - NOW PLAYING! - K3esOf ' X roaring . ! 3 - J In 1953 people in Connecticut made an average of 3,871,tX)0 telephone calls, a day. . ; . SPECIAL FRIED CI II CKEII-SOUTHERN STYLE 5:30 P. M. 90c 3:30 A. M. NEW VILLAGE INN 3057 Portland Rd. . Phone 29460 ; NO COVER CHARGE HOW FIAYIJIGI -c; Doers Opon Saturday At 12:30 ' HEY KIDS! Always A Grand Time At The Grand O PRIZES! I ON STAGE FUN! CARTOONS! SERIAL! TWO BIG FEATURES! o o o o -FRIED SEA FOODS it By tho Plato or by tho Pound Plate . Pound SHRIMP , 80c - $1.55 SCALLOPS 70c -$1.15 FISH STICKS 65c .90 Take Home er Eat fa Tour Car Open Until 11:00 P. M. .LEHMAN'S SEA FOODS 995 S. Commercial St. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR US . HAPPY EATING FOR YOU ! JULY IS THS 5th EI2THOAY OF . NOHIGREN'S FAMOUS BUFFET ALL YOU CAfl EAT -99c Free Prixea . ; Froo Photographs . . Intortalnmorrt TODAY'S ENTREES ; ' S? All YOU CAU EATl STATE. STUET P own town Salem DANCE r ! Old Time and ' ' SfyftA J Modern, 74e r-sII A . GARDENS ygJ Air conditioning, spring Ksas Ti c7T )) floor. Bert mnsle la the ALS0 IV valley. One of the nicest snrMWa i " 1 1 1 ..... (( III 1 1l ' - I till - rymWmm.w II y 1 :WiaS( I Plici 4-4213 ; j) J 1 Two Wondtrful T.din!I: Hirt I )1 I ; For A F.rf.et Ev.nlng's EnoymntI j (( . I . . ' JAMB WtNDIli J (( STEWART COREY .1 Y) . "CARDIHE VJILLIAf.lS" 1 . Sinjlngi and Dancing Co-Hit . ! 1 I Donald O'Connor -Cone Kelly ; ' j (I l 1 Debbio Reynolds '. I )) SltlGlH1 III THE RAltl ' U K I rExtra! For Kids 6 to 60! i j )) j CARTOON CARNIVAL i I (( I I Cemt Out Earlvl iad's Plaveraund! i i I I I I .' Opn 6.45 -Show At Dusk . 11)) SMILEY BURNETT In "JUNCTION CITY" Replacing "CARNIVAlj STORY - 20 Prizes This Week 20 Phono 2-6443 Tcnite! DniViyjOUEATU Tonite! a UIISJI tAIOlMi HiCMWAY tt Gates Open 6:45 Show At Dusk A FUR-LINED BATHTUB Can Bt YoursI SALEM'S IGA STORES VISTA MARKET . , EMERY'S IGA FOODLINEX ORCUTTS MARKET STATE STREET MARKET Recognising tho Need for! Every Homo To Hive a "Fur-Lined Bathtub Is Offering Ono FREE! -And In a Typical IGA Value- They've Filled tho Bathtub with SI A ft Worth 'of FREE GROCERIES! Bo Hero Tonho at 8:30 to VIII THIS FUR-LIKED BATHTU3 And - $100. II IGA GROCERIES . 'ial$o : .Francis, Tho Talking Mule, Returns With Tho Original Horso Laugh of tho Age! DONALD O'CONNOR, FRANCIS';1 ; Also . In Technicolor4 Sock Hadson Barbara Rash "TAZA, SOTTOF COCHISE" 1 CARTOON CARNIVAL -I ' - AT THE FOOT OF . , Vt MHE NORTH THE BRIDGE X OF THE UNDERPASS WEST SALEII SALEEI Open Every Day . . 8 a.n. la 10 pjn. PFJCEJ GOOD THxll SOAY TOP DUALITY n Arsnc mm Pkg. Rcg'ulor Price 69 C JUIUHIKE . . : GRAHAM' CRACKERS. i:ew-sveet G PER EAR en EACH u ..vr. CELLO PACKAGES 100 PURE mm O G OLD FASHIONED FRAIIXFURTER .;10.:VAB Pound P'if -IIS , ff - - -a Pound Jje Pk9, SCJ i H Packages !) Lbs. J T S V BIB